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To b r f illttl o ur b .

^, T ettnt\i iluu' en

全 11屋 II [lliさ lll撥 」

v鷲 鬱
Work no.:
Name: CPrSttθ LattuagC■
r,tiunir n L-t H lv EL t .77ウ 」′5
′ 物 ″〃
Adress: . Postal codc.: Languagc 2:
衛RO刈 ‖οl Sだ IVι U qi 竹6 7470 C″ θ左/ノ〃
Mobilc Phonc.: N/1tail: Contact inlb nexr of kin:
彎λι/々 668 θミ鑢しく.'/"-{
C7〃 .〃 //燭 ノ

Cれ izcnshi,2c》

Uncmploylllcnt fund Ycs x No□ Pcnsiol■ :Ycs「 INo■ Enritled to unernploy,rnent be ne-
DoFt knowメ {its: Yes ,r No i, I)on't know r
Don'tknow J lfycs,whichiた 2,「 4
Sccking eIIIPloyllllcnt aS:

11 ハガノ
″ /却 衛 2:

Prぃ 7.job expericncc:

■ ケ vFぇ s 2:

Education/tr;rinins: Apprenticeship: vcar

Last clllploylllcnti Mdr/Ar

JOb taSkSi
″ご゛多21ρご2△ εみ/げ 潔 θ7//7 i 慶:ι /〃 ′Alc メ ろ ′∂ρ″だ め″ら /笏 ごム ノ

Danish ccrtificates: Truck,f; Telescopic Loadcr,. \\,'archousc (6 u,ecks coursce) i-, H.vgiene certificate r As-
bestos r inachine opcrator : Epoxy ': Yejcn som arbejclsplads (Road as r,r,or1<pi:rcc) r: (Jther.:

Driving Liccnsc:B(car)メ BE(trailCr)EC(Lorry) Means of Transport: ( car h Public transport , , Bicy-
cle/Scoorer r Occasionally use clf car,
□CE(Trailer良 〕
r Lorry)□ Drivcr quali■ cation
card(EU)= ADR liccnsc=CFanC「

50,q llhavcmyowlliSafetyShocs□ work trouscrsメ


1ド 1lil∫ :灘 『
】lilFII卜 i(1員 125-lcn■

L札 は 義 鈍嗅 江Ⅸ 面
電 警 織

IMSttt軍 7響
Daytil・ こ藤Attcrn。 On/evening ЩEvさ 五 /
i五 重 1寧 SttWilll、 ろJ12′

ltilTll[選 lyl□ [罵 │:Tし '輌 │

Have yotl、 vOfkCd as a telllp bcforci Yes kNo .

Agcncy CIicnt Task
‖多め4R3句 bこ R
Agcncy CIicrt


V 09-18
Attachment Agreement


TeamVikarenodk Aarhus ApS,Silkeborg Afd. ヽa■ e:A″ 〃 丼 みC・ HiVじ Cr

Cranh¢ ivei 8′ 8600S‖ keborg. Addrcss:CRO刈'ァげ0, SklUttUι J
Cvr.30899695‐ Tif。 70277670 & Zip oodc&To、 η:7々 )O L/1ttU P

Cpr.■ o.:66o79々 々3
have todav entered into the fo‖ olA7ing agreerllellti

agreement′ it willappearfFom the10b COntr―

Attliation as a temp lllatton,and the temporaryjob can be teFnll
nated by each ofthe parttes、 、
〆ith the notlce
l Yoじ are aFflilated as a temp with the purpose stipじ lated in the col:ecttve agreemerit. lf the
Of terYlpOrary employment so that yoLlr Ser…
temporary iOb iS ttot covered by a collecttve
vices are available to ou「 clients
agreement′ the temporaryjob can be terttina―
ted by both partles uノ ithout any ηo懸 ce.
2 Yoじ 、
√il1 0nly be cclnsidered to be empioyed by forthe duration ofthe indivi― You are advised to seek addittonalinforrnatton
dualtemporarylobS The rules ofthe present about the unemployment benelit rulesin case
agreement will apply to each temporarylob ofじ nemployttent.
taken by you.
Pavment of wages

3 :f vou are covered by the Danish Emp10yment 7 VVages shall be paid every tu/o vveeksin ar―
FearS′ eg paymerlt for、 へ
〆ork done in、 veek 8
AgreelTlent Act′ the present a刊¬liatton agree―
ment together with a lob COnirmattott will and 9い ノ
ill be pald in・ Aleek ll, We rnust recei―

cOnsutute your employrYlent agreemettt 」ob ve the tillne sheets no later than nv/10rldav 8t ll

conirmattons can be found at w、 v、 v team一 am by post′ e一 mall′ etc You are en覇 tied to the

′ agreed vvages regardless vvhether theFe iS any
vikaren dk by choosing″ vikarlogi禽 1換 the top―
rne n u disagreemerlt between us and the client regar…
ding the quality of yoLlr Ⅵ/Ork,

4 You will be entttied to relect a 10b OFlerfor a Yoじ r sa13「 yvノ ill be transferred toi
tempora町 During a possible ncづ ce peri―
Bank:ら Aだ らにご B漁 ん に
′hollvever′ be obligated to take on
od′ you vJi‖

another appFopriate temporaryjob to limit the

inanclalloss as rnuch as 35も 5
Konlo nr.: もヴゝX′ ヴ4夕 ′6

ヽ □ Plcasc tick if voじ wantto usc vour sc…
'ork place,etc.
condarv tax card
5 ork place vvill be at otJr clientt pre町 ■ses,
Start ttlile′ duratton′ wages/saiary and working
hoり「s wili be agreed separately in a lob coAttr― PcIIslo鵜

rr a● on in connectton with each temporarylob 8 vc

1f you al・ c cntitlccl to pcnsion contriblltions, 、
shttll pay pcnslon contilibution to thc pcnsion
End ofthe temporary position schcmc according to thc rtlles in force in this
cgctrdヽ Ve ll〕 tlv nced to bc inlornlcd

6 :fthe temporaryjob:s covered by a collec覇 ve

V 12‐ 20

whether you were covered by a previous em-

ployment pension. You are obliged to inform us れolidays fa‖ ing OA a vreekday′ special holidays′
accordingly. overjme vvork and specialsavings lA/:│ldepend
on the specittc temporary job.
Tick one of the following:
Non disciosure agreement
Yes il
You are covered by a previous enrployment
12 VolJ are giving your consent to a non disclo―
pension according to the collective agree-
sure agreement Fegarding otlr affairs as vvell
ment at the start of the association as a
as those ofthe client.The agreement vvill
temp" .
applv both dur:ng your attachment/the terit一
Nofl porary lob aS Well as forthree years atter the
ternη inatton thereof′ cf.sectton 19 ofthe D8-
You are not covered by a previous employ-
nish Ar/1arkettng Act
ment pension according to collective agree-
ment. personal Data

13 You hereby accept that person31ilnformatton

provided by you may be Fegistered by us′ as
reg:stration is necessary for the assessment of
9 lnformation about illness must be given to us as
an applicatton to become a tempぃ ノ
ith Otl「
soon as possible and no later than one hour pri-
猟rm.Yotl are avヴ are that yotlr consent can be
or to work start, using the telephone number
revoked at any time′ obligattng us to delete
7427 7670.
the inform8づ on about yold.

The payment you may be entitled to during

Furthermore′ you accept that tA/e may obtain
your illness depends on the rules covering the
references abotlt prevlous ettployment ac―
individual temporary job.
cording to the informatton provided by voll′ as
tllis is necessary for the assessrllent of att ap―
Reporting illness on time may be a condition for
plication to become a temp vvith TeamVika―
payment of illness benefitlpay during illness, if,Atthe s3me ttme′ yotl accept that vげ e
a ny,
may register such informaち on.Yotlr signature
also gives us peFnliSSion to pass on the infor―
Dclcumentation of illness in the form of a so- matton registered about yoLl fOr the assess―
lemn declarafion or a medical certificate must ment of a speciic temporarylob.
only be forwarded at our request.
Under ceFtain Circじ mstances′ vve、 、
/111 be im―
Holidays posed to store your personalinforma覇 on de―
spite yourぃバthdraぃ ノ
a10f Consent― due to legal
1"0 You are entitled to holidays with holiday pay obligattons tthis vvill for instance be the case
according to the Danish Holiday Act. in relaづ on to fulilling docじ mentatton reqじ :re―
ments in that case′ wev五 │l only store the nec―
Payment for holidays falling on a weekday, special essary personalinfoFmattOn tllat llvili enable
holidays, overtime work, etc. usto fじ 1禽 │lthe documentatton reqじ irement
AIl otherillformatlon vvill vve erased in accord―
11 The rules regarding possible payment for ance with the withdrawal of consent Vゞ e Fefer
to our privacy policy for further doctlrYlenta―
●op about oじ F prOCeduFe fOr Storing personal
information`it is avallabie on otlr、 ヘ
V 12-20

Job offers and contact information social eontribufions to your country of resi-
dence. lf you take on other work in the coun-
14 By adding your signature,vou accept thatiob try of residence without perrnission, it wili be
offers and otllerinformation fronl Js rttay be considered gross violation of the employment
forvvarded by e― matl and text rllessages or agreement, and may lead to imidiate job ter-

uploaded at your′ vikarlogin〃 at ⅥJぃ ノ
v√ team― mination. We reserve the right to withhold
vikarerl dk You are obligated to check theses wageslsaiary if the social authorities abroad
on an ongoing basls. make financial claims against us as a conse-
quence of your work, in your country of resi-
15 Yotl will at any time be obliged to infornl us dence.
about your address′ yourtelephone number′ Other terms and conditions
and your e… ma:l address′ if atty cha nges oc―
co urs, 19 You may not dlscuss or agree to empioyment
lnstructions, etc terms directly with the client, including agree-
ments regarding working hours and overtime
16 You will be obliged to follow the client's work
work. No agreements about employment
rules and working hours and work according to
terms concluded without our involvement can
the client's instrucfions and under the client's
be asserted against us.
control. lf problems occur in the duration of
the temporary job, please contact us so that
20 You are not covered by the Danish Salaried
we may find a solution.
Employees Act.

lndustrial injury insurance

21 An agreement rnay have been made with the
1"7 The client shall arrange for the statutory indus- client that the client can only employ you per-
trial injury insurance. lf you are injured in con- manently against payment of a job placement
nection with carrying out work with the clienl, service fee.
you must inform both the client and us.
22 Please also refer to the agency's staff circular
Place of residence abroad (Vika rrna p pe).

tg lf you are living abroad, you must not take 23 Your pay check can be found at www"team-
on other paid or unpaid work in your coun- under the topmenu "vikarlogin".
try of residence without our permission.
The reason is that we will otherwise risk
having to pay

You hereby accept that we may obtain information abr:ut you from various authorities, including the Danish lm-
migration Authority. By signing this document you accept the content of the Attachment Agreement, and confirm
receiving a copy of the Agreement,

Dato ノ

TeamVikaren"dk Signature of
12‐ 20
lnforrration to temps

ln Tvilurn, are very {ccused an lhe safeiy o{ the tndivittuai enplayee Every day, we make great efforts ta efisure that na
one gets hurt as a result af his/her tnrark for us. tllhen yau efiiei one af cur facinrtes, we asK ihat yau abse rve the following
instructions. When you arrive, please contact your cantaci person riiforneC bv the age ncy"

。 ln a‖ our productlon and warehouse areas:it ls requlred We have many mach nes that Tlay be dangerous l「
io use approved salety iootwea「 Therelore,at your i rsi used incorreclly l you are unsure whether you have
meeting here,you must wear approved salety loolwear t understood or obtained the adequate instructloni do nol
ls usua‖ y suppied bythe emp oymentagency,bui may start work Yoo mustthen ask youF Supervisor or contact
excepllona ly be issued by Tvi ulT person to instruct you ln the sale operatlon

O Do not under any circumstances wa k around the in Tvilum,there is a total ban on smoklng throuchout
production on yoo「 own belore you have been tralned ine enterprise― inc uding e― clgarettes Smoking is

in salety regulalions in the area This app les to boin perm itea n designated smoking areas and on y ln
pedestrians and vehic es We have many dlllerent mea6s estab ished breaks itis a so not a owed io consume
oi transport,for examp e lork its and transier caris― a coれ oo「 cther drugs in Tv um or belng underthe
these are runnlng around 24/7 ni uence ol alooho or drugs at work

0 To prevent accidents,we have tagged ye ow wa kways Everyone may need a shori privale ca l on his prlvate
lor pedestrians YoJ ttust or ent yourse i― vla the mobl e phone to/1「 Om hls/her spOuse/pariner and/or
hanging ml「 ror domes i「 om the ce ng― belore you chi dren in the coむ 「se ol a worklng day itls expected
continue your walk Add tlonal y,there are palnted shark thatihe ca ls are imlted to the necessary ca s
teeth ln some p aces and:STOPt in both cases you Conversations and operation oi mobl e phone must
musi slop and ook aroむ nd ifthere ls iree beiore yoし neVeF be Car「 led oじ i during wa kin9 or drlvlng Other

can contlnue Look thorough y around in your work ng mobile phone usage(Facebook,twitter,9ames,eic)
area n relation to marklngs and trail c hubs and ask lη し
st,ior salety「 easons and lor qua lty reasons olnly

il you have any doubis Although there ex st ru es take place during breaks
and markings,then your attentlon s a ways the mosi
lmoortant Certain siail groし ps mむ st wear salety vests Ask your
contact oerson
e Forsometasks,add t ona persona protect ve
equ pmentis prescrlbed i may be nearlng protectioni
salety g asses or slml a「 These shou d always be used
as prescribed or directed and they wl be de ivered by
Tvl um



Copy for
Date 19.o3.よOλ l

Signature tvilum
tlツ T`σ ttViた α

Iifl〔 i材

Name: CP〕
L憮J饉蠅 憲 ■
* /#Coa
NnA,A ll*hnL/N 澤
LR94 6C/26 ぉ ″′〃添ガ
Adress: Postal code.: Languagc 2:
1ReNFroi 5Kt r/EUE.\ \6 ′〃Gと √
Ⅳlobllc Phonc.: Ⅳlaili Contact info next of kin: `〃
42313030 lac03月 67o● ″

Citizenship, N
BaN nu tA
Unemprlovment fundYes g No r Pension: Yes i. No r Entitled to unemploymcnt bcne-
I)on't knorv fi lits :Ycs f; No : Don't knolv L.
Dorr't know' llyes, r.r'lrich: ,Jt
sccking elllploylllcnt as:
l ハ 剰 ′詳 ′ /々 と 2:

Prev.job experience:
r, i .5 Yeef-; 2:

Eclucatlo n/lrairrin g: Apprcnriccship: ycar

Last elllploymcnt: (d r/
、 JOb taSkSi _

Tハ 2ば Wο えたした わ 9 ,ノ
フ たι C滑 えケ Oキ ρ′
95 /約 7カ 尺〃

Danish ccftificatcs:Truck tt Tclcscopic Loadcf Iヽ ヽFarCllousc(6 uFCCkS Courscc)E Hygicnc ccrtificatc tt As´
bcstos E machinc oPcratOf tt EPoxy tt VttCn SOIIl arbttdsplを ヽdS(Roacl as workplacc)E OthCri

Driving l-icense:B (car) - BE (trailer) :: C (I-orry) Means of Trans;rortr Orvn car , r Public transport 6 Ricy-
cie/Scooter 5 Occasionaily use o[ car 2r
ir C[r (Trailer ibr Lorry) r Driver quali{icarion
card (nU) : ADR license: Crane :
25 -lo■ 50興 ヽVOrk trouscrs逝
野 :灘 ;Fi∫ ;」lIIll胤
剛 I IhaVCInyOWIll: SafctyShlcsEl │
L価 坤 ° S席 曲 Ⅸ 【
輩 胃 鷺 ¬ T鋼 与考 ツ …

江e)11:││:fi: │

I[IIItitttlylEIDaytiIInettAftcrnoon/cvcning tt Evcning/ IAblctli,Ij:111'li」 チ

Have you worked as a temp before: YesXNor

ゝuЮ 2kE2
.{genry Cllent

le frN v lkft IZL r.t Tv"l LLu H

.\gcncy Client Task

│ │

V 09-18
Attachment Agreement


NhLl/- HnDfrLtNA
lhcoB Aarhus ApS, Silkeborg Afd. Name: qL
Granh6jvej 8, 8500 Silkeborg.
Cvr. 30899695 - Tlf. 7A27 767A

P.nn. 1019613506
Zipcode&Town: 7\+o FnPUP ISeS? q 3126
have today entered into the following agreement:

agreement, it will appear from the job confir-

Affiliation as a temp mation, and the temporary job can be termi-
nated by each of the parties with the notice
l" You are affiliated as a temp with the purpose
stipulated in the collective agreement. lf the
of temporary employment so that your ser- temporary job is not covered by a collective
vices are available to 0ur clients. agreement, the temporary job can be termina-
ted by both parties without any notice.
2 You will only be considered to be employed by for the duration of the indivi- You are advised to seek additional information
dual ternporary jobs. The rules of the present about the unemployment benefit rules in case
agreement will apply to each temporary job of unemS:loyment"
taken by you.
Payment of wages

3 if you are covered by the Danish Employment 7 Wages shail be paid every two weeks in ar-
Agreement Act, the present affiliation agree- rears, eg payment for work done in week 8
ment together with a job confirmation will and 9 will be paid in week 11. We must recei-
constitute your employment agreement. Job ve the time sheets no later than Monday at 11
confirmations can be found at am by post, e-mail, etc. You are entitled to the by choosing "vikarlogin" in the top- agreed wages regardless whether there is any
menu. disagreement between us and the client regar-
ding the quality of your work.

4 You will be entitled to reject a job offer for a Your salary will be transferred to:
temporary job. During a possible nofice peri-
od, you will, however, be obligated to take on Bank: )Y>"r 8f^t'E
another appropriate temporary job to limit the
financial loss of as much as\ii
Konronr.: iLr iS;C
Work place, etc. I Please tick if 1'ou want to use vour se-
condarv tax card
5 The work place will be at our client's premises.
Start time, duration, wages/salary and working
hr:urs will be agreed separately in a job confir- Peusion
mafion in connecfion with each temporary job. 8 If vou are enlitlecl to pension contrihutions,
shall pa1' pension contribution tei the pension
End of the temporary position scheme according lo the rules in fbree . ln this
regarcl \ve nrav need to he inlbrmed
6 if the temporary job is covered by a collectrve
V 12‐ 20

tvhether you、 ヘ
ノere COvered by a previoLIS em―
ployment pension You are obliged to infornl us holidays falling on a weekday, special hoiidays,
accordingly overtime work and special savings will depend
on the specific temporary job"
Tick one of the folloぃ ノ

Non disclosure agreement

ves IIl
You are covered by a previous employment
12 You are giving your consent to a non disclo-
pension according to the collecttve agree―
sure agreement regarding our affairs as well
rTRent at the start of the associa預 on asa
as those of the client. The agreement will
temp .
apply both during your attachment/the tem-
No蝕 porary job as well as for three years after the
YoLl are not covered by a previous employ―
termination lhereof, cf. section 19 of the Da-
ve agree―
nish Marketing Act.
ment penslon according to coilec●
Personal Data

13 You hereby acceptthat personalinformatton

provided by you may be registered by us′ as
registratton is necessary for the assessment of
9 1nforttajon aboutillRess must be given to us as
an applicatton to become a temp vvith otl「
soon as possible and no laterthan one hour pri―
祠rm Yotlare av′ are that your consent can be
or to vvork start′ tlsillg the telephone ntlttber
revoked at any tlme′ obliga衝 ng Lls to delete
the informa衝 on about you.

Tlle payment you may be entitled to dtl「 ing

FurthermoFe′ you accept that vve rnay obtalFl
yourillness depends oη the rules covering the
references about prevloじ s employment ac―
cording to the infoFma百 On provided by you′ as
this is necessary for the assessment of an ap―
Reporttng:│lness on tme may be a conditton for
plica領 on to become a terThp lA/ith TeamVika―
payment ofillness beη ettt/pay duttng illness,if
ren dk Atthe same覇 me′ yoLl aCCept that vJe
may registeF SuCh informatton Your sigrlature
a:so gives us peFnη iSSion to pass ott the infor―
Doctlmentalion of:IIness in the fornl of a so― maむ on registered about yotl for the assess―
lemn declaFajOn Or a medical certficate must ment of a speciic temporaryjob.
onlv be forNA/arded at our reqljest
∪nder certain circumstances′ we will be illl―
Holidavs posed to stoFe yOur personalinforrYlatton de―
spite yotlr vvithdra、 val of consellt― due to legal
10 Yoじ are enjtled to holidays with holiday pay obl:gations This vvill forinstallce be the case
according to the Danish Holidav Act in relaづ oo to ful籠 │ling docuttentatton reqlltre―
ments ln that case′ we vvitl only store the nec―
Pavrnent for holidays falling on a weekdav,special essary personalinformatton that、 vilt enabie
holidavs,overtime work,etc. os to ful曇 │l the doctlmeotatton reqLlirement
AIl otherinformauon tA/:ll lA/e erased i∩ accord―
1l The FuleS Fegarding possibie paymentfor ance vノ ith trle lA/ithdrawal of consent VVe refer
to otlr privacy policy for further doculllenta一
面on about ouF proceduFe fOr Storing persollal is available oll oLlrヽ ヘ
V 12-20

ob offers and contactinformation

』 social contributions to your country of resi-
dence. lf you take on other work in the coun-
14 By adding your signature′ yotl accept thatlob try cf residence without permission, it will be
ofers and otherinfornnatton fronl lJs lllav be considered gross violafion of the employmenl
fOrMノ arded by e― mali and text lYlessages or agreement, and may lead tr: imidiate.1ob ter-
′ ヘ mination. We reserve the right to withhold
uploaded at your″ vikariogin′ at、vⅥ ノ Ъノ.team―
VikaFen dk Yotl are obligated to check theses wagesfsalary if the social aulhorities abroad
orl an ongoing basis. make financial claims against us as a conse-
quence of your work, in your country of resi-
15 Yoじ い面│lat any jme be obiiged to infornl us dence.
about your address,yourtelephone nLlmber′ Other terms and conditions
and vour e― mall address′ if any changes oc―
co tlrs 19 You may not discuss or agree to employment
instructions,etc terms directly with the client, including agree-
ments regarding working hours and overtime
16 YouMノ ill be obliged to fo1lo、v the cilentis vvork
work. No agreements about employment
rじ les and、 vorking hours and、 vork according to
terms concluded without our involvement can
the clientis ittstructio∩ s andじ nder the clierltts
be asserted against us.
control if problems occtlriFlthe duration of
the temporaryjob′ please contact us so that
20 You are not covered by the Danish Salaried
tA/e may ind a solutton,
Employees Act.

industrialin;ury insurance 21 An agreement rnay have been made with the

17 The cl:ent shall arrange for the statutorv indus― client that the client can only employ you per-
trialiniury insurarlce if you are iniured in cOn― rnanently against payment of a job placement
nec扇 on vvith carrying out ork、 ヘ
Ⅵノ バth the client′ service fee.
you nnust inforlll both the clie,tand us,

Please also refer to the agency's staff circular

Piace of residence abroad (Vikarmappe).

18 lf you are living abroad, you must not take 23 Your pay check can be found at
on other paid or unpaid work in your coun- under the topmenu "vikarlogin".
try of residence without our permission.
The reason is that we will otherwise risk
having to pay

You hereby accept that we may obtain inforrratton about you from various authorities, including the Danish lm-
migration Authority. By signing this documeni you accept the content of the Attachment Agreement, and confirm
receiving a copy 0f the Agreement.

Dato Dato l ノ Signature of tenrporary worker

lnformatron to temps

ln Tvilun, are very facused on the safety af ihe rndivrciual empiayee Every day, we rnake greai effarts ta ensurc that na
one gets hurt as a result af his/her wark far us. When yaLi efite { one of aur faclorles, we ask ihat yau abse rve the following
instructians. When you arrive, please contact your contaci person rnlormed by tfie agency.

・ ln a‖ oじ r productlon and warehouse areas,ii ls requlred We have many mach nes that rray be dangerousil
io use approved salety lootweaF Thereiore,al you「 l rst used incorrecily ll yoo are unsure whether you have
meeting here,you must wear approved saiety ioolwea「 lt understood or obtained the adequate lnstructlon,do nol
ls usua y suppled bythe emp oyη entagency,bui may start wo「 k You mustiれ en ask your supervisor or contact
excepl ona ly be issued by Tvi um person to instruct you in the saie operation

・ Do not under any circumstances wa k around the in lvilし mithere ls a lotal ban on smoking throughoui
production on you「 own belore yoじ have been trained the enterprise― lncじ d nge― cigarettes Smoking is

in salety regulations iln the area This app les lo both perm tted in designated smoklng areas and on y ln
pedestrlans and vehic es We have many dillereni means esiab ished breaks ltls a so not a owed io consume
ol transport,lor example lork lits and iransier carts― a cOn0 0r Other drugs in Tvi um or be ng underthe
these are running around 24/7 iniluence oi alcohol or drugs at work

0 To prevent accldents`we havetagged ye ow wa kways Everyone may need a sho「 t private ca l on his private
lor pedestrians You must or ent yoし rse i― vla the mobl e phone lo/i「 Om hs/her spoし se/pariner and/or

hanglng m rror domes irom the celing― belo「 e yoし ch dren in the cou「 se oi a working day ltis expected
continue your wa k,Addtona y,there are painted shark thatthe ca ls alo mited io the necessary ca s
teeth ln some p aces and iSTOP― n both cases you Conversat ons and operation oi mobi e phone must
musi slop and ook around ithere ls iree belore you neVeF be Car「 led oul during wa king or drivlng Other

can contlnue Look thorough y around ln yotir work ng moble pい one tsage(Faceb00kサ tw iter,9ames,etc)
area in re ation to mark ngs and trali c hubs and ask must,lo,salety reasons and ior qua ity reasons on y
ll you have any doubts A thoし gh there exlst ru es take place du「 ing breaks

and markings,then your attert on s a ways the most

lmportant Certain staii g「 oups must wear salety vests Ask your
contact person
◆ Fo「 some tasks,add1l ona persona prolect ve
equipmentls prescribed li may be hearing protection,
salety g asses or s mi ar These shou d always be used
as presc「 lbed or directed and they wl be de ivered by
Tvi um



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Signature tvilum

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