Finding Each Other Again: Written & Illustrated By: Jelena Mihajlovic

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Finding Each Other Again

Written & Illustrated By: Jelena Mihajlovic

~ Prologue ~
I am on a plane. As I walk up to my seat I see that there is a man sitting in my section. Oh great I think, now I have to sit next to some complete stranger now. I sat down minding my own business, hoping the plane ride would soon be over. Hello! the man said. I turn around so I could tell him to leave me alone. I saw the man's face. Something seemed oddly familiar about him but I know I never met him before. "Hi!" I said nervously. You um dropped this before you got on the plane. Oh . . . thanks. He seems nice. At least I don't need to sit next to a grouch. My name is Kane, what's your name. he said. MynameisSuki. I mumbled. Kane laughed, and then smiled. He looked into my golden eyes. So why are you going to France? I feel as if I am being interrogated. Why is he asking me all these questions? Why does he 'act' so nice around me? I have all these questions buzzing inside my head, trying to stay inside. But I answered his question, trying to distract myself from what was going on in my mind. Just because I wanted to, I guess. He went back to minding his business and so did I. I decide to take a nap since I was tired. I dose off. I am having a

dream. Kane is in it, except he is younger he looks about ten or eleven years old. It was raining. Then I see myself, I look as if I am about eight or nine years old. I am running from something or someone, Kane leading the way. I am tossing and turning while I am having the dream, but it is more like a nightmare. It feels as If I was asleep for a few minuets. Kane shook me awake. Suki you were having a bad dream. You kind of scared me for a second there. Uh thanks for waking me up. Why was he in my dream. I just met the guy. What were we running from? I had so many questions, but some things are better unanswered. I just need to relax the plane ride is almost over. A flight attendant comes over to us and asked us Would you like anything to eat or drink. Kane and I say no thank you simultaneously. She left us alone after that. Kane takes out a stick of gum. But it was no ordinary gum. It was crimson in color. Kane popped it into his mouth. His fangs show. How could a person have fangs? I stare at him in disbelief. My jaw was slightly drops. The expression on my face said what the, how the, oh geese now I'm confused. He knew what I was thinking soon as he saw the expression on my face. All I was thinking was what is he? Why does this always, and I do mean always happen?

Why? Suki please don't run away, you must think I'm some kind of monster. No offense but, Kane what are you? I'll tell you what I am but, you won't believe a word of it. I'm all ears. I am something most people would call a creature of the night. Most people would say I'm a monster. I am meant to be a thing of fairy tales, but I am reality. I am a vampire. You're a what!? I don't want to believe this - I told you. I knew this would happen. Wait, but I do believe you. I believe him, and strangely I accepted it. Even though I felt like running away while I scream my head off. He is a kind person, even though I just met him I know he is. I wouldn't describe him as a monster. You believe me. Yes. It must sound strange to you, that I believe you. Thank you, for not running away after or before what I told you most people would run away by now. Well actually anyone that could hear what we were talking about did. I looked around the plane most of the people were gone. I giggle, I don't know what came over me but I just giggled. And it wasn't the funny ha-ha kind of giggle either. So since you're a vampire how do live around humans? First of all most of the propaganda about vampires isn't true. Most vampires do not go crazy over the blood of humans. We have other

ways to get what we need. We do not turn into bats, but we still can fly. Each vampire has a special gift. Lastly vampires hate and I do mean hate being taunted. Is that everything you need to know? Um, yeah I get the picture. By the time we were done with our conversation the flight was over. I couldn't believe how fast we got here. But then again, with all that happened today I guess the flight would have gone by fast. This sure was one heck of a crazy day. I got outside of the plane following Kane. As I followed Kane my dream had popped up into my mind all over again. Why would Kane be in my dream? Maybe it was just a coincidence? Suki which one of these suitcases is yours? Oh that one. I pointed to it. Thanks. Kane grabbed his suitcase and we hightailed out of there. We walked out of the airport together. We were laughing and having a great time. Well I gotta go to the hotel I'm staying at. said Kane. Oh yeah me too, which one are you staying at? The Burgundy Hotel. What a coincidence, me too! Well then we'll get another chance to see each other again. We walked to the hotel. It was beautiful. But that should be obvious since we were in Paris. The architecture of the hotel was simple, but in a way elegant. We walked in and an even more breath taking scene was on the in side. It was absolutely gorgeous. The arched ceiling made

the one hotel come into one master piece. The glass windows on the other side of it made the light shine into it just the right way. The inside was white but the entrance to the lobby was in no way dull. We walked into the lobby. The lobby was similar, except it had crimson colored carpeting. Kane stated his name and all the info that they needed and he got his room key. I did the same after him. I walk to my room and open the door. Kane said I'll see you soon. and then walks away. I walk into my room and it was as breathtaking as the rest of this hotel. I quickly unpacked my bags. Throwing stuff everywhere. Only a few things made it to the closet. The rest was scattered everywhere. I quickly pick the clothing up and shove it into the closet. I put the toiletries in the bathroom. I decide to take a nap. It is a peaceful nap. I had no dreams or nightmares. The bed was comfy so it was easy to be at peace when you rested. I put some music on, and made sure it would be as soft as it could be, before I went to sleep. The phrase 'she slept like a baby' applied to this moment in time. A knock on the door wakes me up. I sluggishly got up . If it was room service I am going to kill someone. I open the door, surprised to see Kane there. He seemed tired yet happy. I smiled Hi Kane. Hi Suki I wanted to tell you something. Okay, what.

It was nice meeting you on the plane. Thanks. I had a lot of fun talking to you. Is that it?

Kane seemed to be hesitating, he wants to say something. But all he said was Yeah. He then left. He seemed shy, at least a little bit. What did he want to say?

~ A Bloody Scene ~

The next day I hear screaming in the hallway. As I walk closer I

notice that It is coming from Kane's room. As I get closer to his room the screaming got louder. The door is slightly open. So I stepped inside, wondering what the screaming was all about. I stand there frozen. The bloody scene comes into view. Kane is covered in blood. And so is the man that was taking blows at him. Suki get out of here! I just stand there frozen. I cannot take my eyes off of them. Even if I don't know Kane very well I do know this. Kane is a nice guy, and he would never get into fights like this. Suki, you need to get out of here! It's to dangerous for you to be here right now! As Kane said that to me he was distracted enough for the other man to punch. His fist came into contact with his face. Kane fell to the ground. Kane you monster. Your kind should not be on this Earth. You make me sick. Tears roll down my eyes. I slowly edge toward the curtains. It was late. Moonlight illuminates the room. It was like a scene from a horror movie. Absolutely terrifying. But yet the setting could not have been more elegant. Kane gets up. This time he takes the first swing. They were at it again. It looks as if they are fighting to the death. Stop, please stop fighting you're only going to kill one or the other! This isn't going to help anything! Fighting only brings pain

and nothing more! Suki is that your name? Well, Suki killing him is what I intend on doing. If you side with him I will kill you too! Tekashi leave her out of this! This is between you and me! Any follower of your's will be killed! Tekashi threw a blow at Kane right in the stomach. Kane once again fell to the ground. He chokes up blood onto the carpet as I shriek. Kane! My heart got heavy it is full of sorrow. I should have looked away from this. All of this was to much for me. Probably to much for anyone. But I couldn't looked away. My eyes are glued to them. The Persian rug stained with blood. Sweat dripping down their foreheads. Kane gets up. Rage filled his eyes. His golden eyes were full of joy the day before. But now they were full of hatred and resent. Kane threw punches at Tekashi harder than before. You are the monster Tekashi. Kane stop, please! I said. Suki I told you to get out of here. No Kane you need to stop the nonsense! Tekashi punched Kane while he was distracted. But it only made matters worse. Kane got even more angered. He picks Tekashi up by the shirt and throws him across the room. I shriek. He was thrown at me, but not deliberately. I want to evade but, my body stands there frozen as if I were a statue.

Tekashi hits me. Hard. The pain goes through my whole body. It is unbelievable. I fall to the ground. At first I curl up into a ball. Kane screamed, Suki! I get onto my hands and knees, as I coughed up blood. Tekashi on the other hand is pretty much unharmed from the one attack. Kane races over to me. He starts rubbing my back, trying to soothe the pain. Suki I'm so sorry. Things got so out of hand. Kane! Was all I managed to say. Suki don't talk. It's all my fault this happened. It sure is Kane! Tekashi said. Shut up Tekashi! Now that I think about it is mostly your fault! Kane just stop fighting. I'll stop for you, Suki! Thanks. Hush, don't strain yourself. Another jolt of pain shoots through my body as I cough up blood. I start to feel dizzy. The next thing I know is that Kane picks me up. He carries me bridal style somewhere. Kane our fight isn't over. Tekashi we're done here for now. Stop fighting for some girl, how beneath you Kane. Get out of here, or I'll call hotel security. I'm so scared. You better run Tekashi. This isn't over. I know it isn't. With that said Tekashi left. Kane sets me down on the couch. I'm so sorry Suki. I can never say that enough. He gently strokes my brown hair, as he looks into my eyes. Sorrow is in his eyes. I can

tell that he regrets what had happened today. Everything starts getting fuzzy. I feel sick for a brief moment, and then everything goes black, as Kane screams my name. I close my eyes and I go into a different world. I am running again, Kane leading the way. We are screaming. Terrified out of our wits we run. We run from some monster . . .


~ I Love Her ~
She has been out for days, and it is my fault. I don't want to loose her again. The last time I saw her was 9 years ago. I was eleven. She was nine. We were running from him. I look at her as she lay there, her face pale. I'm not ready to loose her this time, and I never will be. Why is life so cruel? Why did she have
to be the one to get hurt?

There is no meaning to life without her. If she dies I will find a way to kill myself so I can be with her. She makes me feel human. She makes my heart pound faster every time I see her. Her smile brings me joy. Her happiness makes me happy. Her pain brings me pain. I would kill for her. I would give her my life if I had to. Suki what wouldn't I do for you? Until I saw her a few days ago, I stopped believing. I stopped believing in love. I forgot the meaning of joy. The world seemed dull to me. My life was and is black-and-white without her. She makes this blank canvas of a world a beautiful masterpiece. She gives my life color. She is the reason why I am still on this earth. I caressed her face as she lay. She looks peaceful, but in a way conflicted. Looking at her like this makes my heart ache. But hearing her heart-beat makes me happy. I will stay by her side until the end of

time if I have to, so I could see her open her eyes once more. Suki doesn't remember me from that day. Her memories are gone from that part of her life. Yet mine aren't. And I do not wish for them to go away ever. I want to know her for the rest of my life. No matter what happens. I love her. I love her smile. I love her laugh. Her eyes make me melt. She accepts me for what I am. There is no other person on this Earth, no in this universe that I would want to love. I wish I could tell her this. But I don't know if she loves me back, at least not yet. I care for her in a way no other person could. Yet I hurt her. I bring her pain, and that makes me hate myself. When I make her laugh the hatred goes away like on the plane a few days ago. Love is like a never-ending roller coaster. Pain is a part of it. And I really screwed things up this time. I would understand it if she hates me. Tears rolled down my eyes. The thought of her hating me would crush me. But if that's what she would want then I wouldn't fight. As long as she's happy I will be too. As long as she's in pain I will be. As long as her heart beats I will be by her side. If it should stop I will go to my grave as well. I got up from the couch, and I looked at her for a little while hoping she would finally open her eyes. When she doesn't I turn around and

walk away. I go to the closet and I got my 'gum' I put it there to keep the maids away from it. I go back to Suki, I want to stay by her side as much as possible. I sat back down right next to her. I haven't gotten any sleep since the incident. I slowly drift to sleep, and I lay down next to her. Suki appears in my dreams. Her smiling face was what I needed to see. I couldn't help but smile as I sleep. Suki and I were together, we were laughing and having a great time in my dream. Then I feel something wake me up. I opened my eyes and get up. Suki slightly moved, and then opened her eyes. She got up and looked around and saw me. A smile was on her face. Hi Kane. I hugged her. As I stroked her hair I asked, Suki are you okay, please tell me you are. I held her close to me, never wanting to let go. I'm fine Kane. You had me worried. You were out for days. I'm so sorry about what happened. It's fine Kane I'm still alive. I know. Was all I could say. She lost so much blood that night. There were no words that could describe how I felt. I finally let go of Suki. Kane where am I? You're still in the hotel. And this is my room. Oh wow you must be rich or something you're staying in one of the

suites! I laugh. That was the second time I laughed in my life. Both times were with Suki. Yeah, I guess you could call me that. Suki are you sure you are okay. Do you need anything? Maybe, an ice-pack my head really hurts. I come back with it a few seconds later and handed it to Suki. Thanks. Kane I noticed that you were by my side when I woke up. Were you by my side the entire time I was out? Yes, yes I was. I want to tell her everything. I want to tell her I love her. To tell her
what had happened nine years ago. But she had been through so much. I won't tell her now, but I'll tell her soon.

Thank you Kane. You've done so much for me. No, problem. I'll do any thing for a friend. And especially you Suki, I thought to myself. I moved a piece of her hair that was covering her face. Suki, are you hungry cause I could call room service and get you anything you like. Yeah, I'm starving. Thank you.


~ And I Love Him ~

I sit there next to Kane. As I eat my food I start to think. The first thing that comes to mind was Kane- . I like Kane. A lot. I look at Kane. He has dark brown hair it is almost black. I look into his hazel eyes and he looks at me. His eyes are full of embrace. He looked into my eyes and I blushed. I turn away, embarrassed. Kane is so nice to me. On the plane when I was in a bad mood, he made me feel better. He makes me laugh and smile. He seems to be 'the missing piece' to my life. He just completes the 'puzzle' in a way no one ever has or ever will. I just met him, and I feel as if I have known him since the dawn of time. Without him my life seemed to be missing

something, and now it seems complete. The way he looks at me makes my heart pound. When he strokes my hair it simply lifts me to some other dimension. I would never describe Kane as a monster . He is kind. I know he has a heart, I just know he does. No monster could have a heart. No monster could be capable of making me feel this way. And if he is one then I am one too. For I could never let go of him, not since I met him that day. I think Kane has good looks. He's strong too. Being with him would make other girls jealous. I would be too if I was one of them. I don't just like him, I love him. No other man made me feel this way. I don't think any man ever will, besides Kane. But love is a dangerous thing. The thought of me being with Kane seemed near impossible. He could never love a girl like me. It is all ways easy for a girl like me to love a guy like him. A vampire and a human could never be together. I could never tell Kane my feelings for him. No matter how much I want to. Out of fear for his reaction I can't. I'm a simple human and he is a vampire. But one thing remains the same. I love him. And that's all that's matters. If something were to happen to him, I would not be able to live. I would end my life if his came to an end.

I care for you Kane. You will all ways have a place in my heart. Suki is everything okay? He took me out of my daze. Yes everything's fine. Good. It's getting late I better get going. I'll walk you to your room. To make sure you make it there in one piece. I mean if it's okay with you. Yeah it's okay, thanks again. No problem. We got up and got out of his room. As we walk down the hallway I look at him. When he stole a glance at me I turn around and blush. I find myself holding his hand. Or was he holding mine? It didn't matter. It felt wrong to be holding hands but at the same time it felt so right. I didn't break free from his hand. But it ends all to soon we were at my room. Good night, Kane. Good night Suki. I open the door get in and then start to close it. But then Kane stops me. He holds the door open slightly and says, Um, Suki would you let me take you some place for dinner tomorrow? Yes, that would be nice. Good night, Kane. A smile lit up his face. Good night see you tomorrow, Suki. He turned around and left. Did he ask me out on a date or is it just a friendly gesture? I'ld be happy either way but I love him and I wish, I just wish that he loves me back. My one desire is just that.

~ Just An Unordinary Date ~


It is 7:00 and I am getting ready. I put on a red dress and a black belt to wear around my waist. The last thing that I had to decide on was which pair of shoes to wear. I am deciding between black flats, red high heels, or black high heals. I am 5 foot 5 I could go either way the heals wouldn't make that much of difference. But they compliment my outfit more. The thing is I hate wearing them but I do anyways most of the time. The flats are much more comfortable, and they are somewhat elegant. After somewhere around ten minuets, but it felt like hours I finish contemplating. I am going with the black flats and that's that. I put on my gold necklace and black earrings and I'm ready. Or at least I think I am I double check and triple check everything. But I still feel as if I

am forgetting something. There is a knock on the door. It's 7:40. Shoot, I thought I had more time. I said to myself as I ran to get the door. Kane stands there with a red rose. He stands there speechless for a while. And then he says something. Suki, I brought this rose for you. Thank you. I didn't know where we are going so I hope I didn't overdress. No, you look perfect. There's no need to worry. I blush, Thanks. I set the rose on the table and dart back towards Kane. He held his hand out for me. I gladly took it. We start to walk. As we get out of the hotel I begin to wonder about if this will be a date or not. We get out of the hotel and my thoughts are broken of by Kane's words. Suki, you look beautiful. Thanks. I blush. Kane are we going on a date or is this a friendly gesture of some sort? I'll tell you when we get there, okay? Okay. I said. That's all I chose to say for the moment. The rest of our walk is silent. But we still hold hands. We walk for something that seems like forever. But then, Kane starts to say something. Suki we're here. But we're on a hill. Please, come on you'll like it I promise. Fine. Thank you. Kane gets behind a maple tree and then

appears with a basket in his hands. He sets a blanket on the ground. He sits down and motions for me to sit next to him. And I do. We have a perfect view of Paris here. It is very romantic. It's hard to comprehend that I'm here with Kane. Suki you look beautiful. I blush, my face turning a bright red. Thank you. Kane stares into my eyes for a moment and then turns around. So I've got some food here if you're hungry. I'm not that hungry right now but we could talk if you'ld like. Yeah, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now. Okay, I'm all ears. He looks into my eyes as I look into his. My heart pounds . For a moment I worry about what he is going to say. Suki, since the day I saw you on the plane I felt something that words cannot express. When I see you my heart pounds. You make me feel human. Suki I love you. I am speechless. It is like a dream come true. For I love him too. I don't what to say to him. But in times like these the truth is always the best. Kane, I love you too. I'm not lying. I don't exactly know when I started to feel this way about you, but I truly do. Suki nothing in this world would make me happier than hearing you say those words. Really. Kane this is like a dream come true. You have no idea how

happy I am. I might have some kind of idea. Kane I'm to happy to eat! Well then would you like me to show you something? I'm ready for anything. Kane gets up. He holds his hand out for me, and I gladly accept it. Kane grabs a hold of me. Suki I want you to close you eyes. I giggle, Okay. Keep them closed until I say to open them. I felt the air around me. Wind started to blow. And I started to loose my balance. Suki you can open them, now. We were up in the air, flying! Kane we're flying! I thought you would like it. We are right above the maple tree. The view from up here is even better. As I looked around I started slipping away from Kane. Suki hold on to me. I want you to step on my feet. I don't want you to fall. I did as he said. Kane wrapped his strong arms around me and whispered into my ear. Suki, I won't let you go. Even when we're on the ground. I could never bare losing you. Yo are the reason why there is a new found joy in my life. Oh Kane. I could never bare losing you either. You are the missing piece to my life. You complete it in a way no one ever has or ever will. Kane kissed me on the cheek as we flew down. We got down on the ground. Kane hugged me closer to him for a second and

then let go. We sit back down on the blanket. Now you have your answer, Suki. My answer to what. If this was going to be a date or a friendly gesture. Oh. I'm glad that this ended up as a date, Kane. I'm glad because you love me. Love is a dangerous thing. It's spell is cast on you and it's not that easy to break. But love is also a wonderful thing. It brings you happiness. It gives you this inexplicable feeling. Without love life has no meaning. At least that's the way I say it. I can only hope that my love for Kane lasts forever. And that his love for me lasts just as long. It's dark outside now. The stars are visible. Paris seems like the most romantic place in the world at night. Suki, are you getting tired? Just a little. Then we better get going. But what about the food you brought? Well, then are you hungry? No, not really. Then don't worry about it okay, love. Okay. Kane and I get up. We start walking again. But Kane chooses for us to walk on a different path this time. We get back to the hotel in no time. Kane and I get to my room and then we stop. Suki when do you back to Japan? In a few days. Oh, that's a shame. Suki will you go somewhere with me tomorrow night? Of coarse I will Kane. Goodnight Suki.

Goodnight Kane, I love you. I love you too.

~ Worst Nightmare ~
I'm so tired. Yet I am full of energy because of my date with Kane. I really don't know if I could possibly fall asleep. All my thoughts of Kane are spinning around in my head as my life finally seems to be coming together. I put on my nightgown and tuck myself under the covers. I shift

side to side trying to find a comfortable place to rest. But I feel like it is near impossible to find that one spot. But to my surprise I find myself slowly drifting to sleep. I go to this other world. No, I travel to this other dimension in my dreams. Peace of mind unveils for a moment as a vision comes into view. The vision is blurry. I can't make out anything at the moment. This inevitably vivid picture unfolds. I begin to smile as I see what it is. At first I see Kane and me in the present. We are standing in-front of a mirror. I see our reflection. Kane hugging me tightly by my waist. We seem happy. I know it is a dream, but I want it to last forever. It feels so real at the moment. Nothing can take this image away from my mind. Not now. The mirror shatters. Pieces of glass flying everywhere. It's gone, that happy moment between Kane and I, in my dreams. Everything is replaced by shrieks. I hear evil laughter as I am brought to this world of nothing but pain and sorrow. This is madness. This feeling I have is one that I have never felt before. I know that this feeling is not a good one. A wall of darkness appears. Then as quickly as it came that wall of darkness is replaces by another image. It is like the dreams I've been having before. Kane and I are young. Running from some monster. Everything is very vivid now.

I trip and fall tumbling a few feet behind Kane. Kane stops as he hears me scream. I start seeing his face, the monster's that is. Kane picks me up before I see it clearly. We keep on running our pace increasing. Yet no matter how fast we run he catches up to us. We reach a forest and it begins to rain. I hear thunder. My heart-beat begins to increase. We run into the forest. Kane leading me, we wind our way around trees hoping to avoid him. The rain begins to pour. The speed of the wind picks up. Then we see him standing in front of us. We try to run. The man appears in front of us again. We can't escape him now. But we try to anyway. It's no use. I see the man's eyes. They are bloodshot. His eyes were filled with anger, rage, and lust, a lust for blood. I couldn't imagine anything more terrifying than his eyes. The image of the man comes into sight. He has pale skin, black hair as dark as the night sky, and a terrifying expression that would send most humans into shock. I hear him say, Suki, you shall be mine at last. He knocked me to the ground. Tears filled my eyes. Leave me alone, you monster. There is a cut on my right arm, blood slowly oozing out. He liked it up and said Your blood tastes more wonderful than I imagined. Get off! I don't want anything to do with you! Leave me alone!

Get off of her! Kane yelled. You don't even deserve to

be one of the undead. He got up and threw Kane at a tree. He went back to me within a second. I shall suck your blood until you run dry. My dear, why are you shaking like that? You are like a leaf in the wind. There is nothing to worry about it will only hurt for the longest time. The man sneered. Leave me alone you, you monster! Stay still, dear you don't want this to hurt as much. I don't want you to even be near me! Fine, have it your way. You're just making this more fun for me. I saw Kane quiver, in the corner of my eye. The monster placed his mouth over my neck. Kane started to take something out from his pocket. The monster's teeth edged closer and closer to my neck. He was doing it to torture me up until the last few seconds of my life. Even in the real world I am screaming. But unlike in the real world the dreams are mere interpretations of something that happened to me a long time ago. I call them dreams yet in reality they are nightmares of the worst kind. He is about to bite me. Yet just as his fangs barely graze my neck something came into view. There was a dagger being thrown at the monster. And the one who threw it was no doubt about it Kane. I screamed. The dagger came close. Before anything else could happen

the image vanishes into thin air. I wake up screaming. I hear a knock on the door. Tears streaming down my eyes. I get up. Then hear a voice. Suki, are you okay? I open the door. Kane is standing there. Kane hugs me. We walk to the couch. Kane talking. Suki I heard your screams down the hall. We sit down. I bury my face into his chest. He is began stroking my hair trying to calm me down. Once he decides that he should ask me what is wrong he did. Suki, what's the matter? I've been having these nightmares. You and I are younger and we we're being chased by this other vampire. How long have you been having these nightmares? Since I got to Paris. You should tell me when you have them. Okay, but why. You will feel better if you do. I don't want them playing over and over in my head, Kane. They will soon stop. I promise. It's hard to imagine that they will. But they will. Whatever you say Kane. I want you to relax and I'll come and pick you up for our date later. Okay. I love you Kane. I love you too, Suki.


~ The Sands of Time ~

After Suki calmed down I went back to my apartment. All I could do was contemplate. Contemplate about Suki and her dreams. Time was running out. If she hadn't met me she would be at piece of mind. If she hadn't met me she wouldn't have fallen in love. If she hadn't met me I would have never have found her, I wouldn't love anyone, I would still have been a stone cold monster. The one fact that still remains is that there wasn't much time left. Her memories would once again go through her mind. She may kill herself because of the insanity. Or her life would no longer be happy, she would no longer smile, she would no longer laugh. The sands of time are slowly taking away the time she has. The cursed hourglass that comes with her memories only hurts her and the people that love her. The hourglass grabbing at her life like a flesh crazed zombie sickens me. I can't bare to think of it like

this. But it is reality. Reality is what most humans think is fantasy. They don't want to admit the truth, for their fear is to great. If only I was that nave. Having knowledge to information of this level of importance comes with a price. But that doesn't matter. What matters is Suki. I have only two options. Both which may endanger her life. Option one was to leave her. Forget about her. Let her live in sorrow. Let the insanity of it all eat away at her. At her soul. But I can't do that. I love her to much. Abandoning her is just as bad is me killing her. No it is me killing her. Letting her fall like that. Giving up on her. The pain that she would go through would be caused by me. I can't do this. I won't do this, not to her. Option two gives her the reality of her life. She does not know what she really is. The memories would head back to her. But at least this way she will be strong enough to handle it. Yet in choosing this option she may not enjoy life. She could hate herself. She could think of herself as a monster. Then in turn she would hate me. Neither option is the best. They are both to risky. I don't want to choose for her. I want her to be able to make her own decision. But I can't. She is to sensitive now. I need to make the decision and quick.

I love her. I love her too much. But she is the main part of my life. My life revolves around her own. I turn she thinks of her life the same way. But my life isn't a true life. It is a life of the undead. I live forever. The ones I love don't. I have no chains strapped to my life. No sands of time. And it is torture. It is torture until you find love. Then the world is different. My world has changed and I am now happy. I feel human. Because of Suki. I will change your world Suki. I'll give you the happiness and piece of mind that you truly deserve. One way or another. No matter how much pain I have to endure I will be there for you. I will give you that smile on your face once again. I love you Suki. And my love for you is like a curse. Yet I want that curse to stay with me for eternity. I want to be with you for eternity. You are suffering now. In turn I suffer as much as you do. I feel your pain. I don't want you to feel that pain for much longer.


~ Rose Garden ~
Kane and I are walking. He picked me up for our date a few minuets ago and that was at 9:30 p.m. As Kane and I walk we hold hands. I feel safe when I'm with him. I don't know why, but when I'm with him I finally feel like my mind is at peace. I feel as I don't have to worry about anything anymore. We walk for what seems like forever. I drown myself in my own thoughts. My thoughts are of how beautiful the scenery is in Paris, how long I think this walk has been, and then of course of Kane. Suki we're here! Kane took me out of my daze. I look around and I saw that we are in
a garden. A garden of red roses. It's so beautiful here Kane! I thought you would like it here. Thank you. The smell of the roses is intoxicating. It is

having it's effect on me. I could just stay here all night with Kane. The intoxicating smell of the roses seem to have this effect on Kane too.

Kane starts walking toward a marble bench and motions for me to follow him. We sit down. I put my head on his shoulder. Kane wrapped his arm around me. Suki about those nightmares of your's- Please don't mention them, not now. I cut him off. Yes, I know but this is important. You have no idea of what those nightmares will do to you. Fine Kane, but I'll only listen because I love you. Thank you. I'm only telling you this because I love you. The nightmares you have been having will make you loose your sanity. I love you to much to let that happen to you. Kane you don't need to worry about me. I can handle this myself. I know you can. But I want you to know that. Thank you Kane. I didn't mean to sound so harsh. Sorry. It's okay Suki. Don't worry I still love you more than my own life. Oh Kane. Kane has a way of saying the best possible things at the right moments. I can't express my love for him like he can for me. But he can tell that I love him with my whole heart. He knows that I would give up my life for him. Kane why did you bring me here? It's romantic here. And the roses remind me of how beautiful you are. I kissed Kane on the cheek. He is so sweet most of the time. I love him so much. Kane you always know what to say. Only because I'm around you.

Then some terrible image entered my mind. I was younger all covered in blood. A tear rolled down my eye as I realized it was a memory. Suki what's wrong? It's nothing. If it's nothing then why are you crying. Some memory came to my mind of me when I was younger. I was covered in blood. Kane didn't say anything. He just sat there, thinking. He was deep in his thoughts. And then he finally said something. Suki don't worry. Everything will be okay soon. Okay, Kane. We return to our date. Everything seems normal. But something still seems to be bugging Kane. Kane seems even more worried then ever. It makes me think. What is wrong with me? Am I going to die? I'm scared, but I don't show it. I don't want Kane to worry. Kane starts to hug me tightly. Suki I love you with all my heart.
Never forget that. Why would I Kane?

Kane doesn't answer. Instead he picks me up and places me on his lap. I am facing him. We look into each other's eyes. Kane hugs me Kane bites his lips. A few drops of blood appears on his lips. Kane what are you going to do? I love you Suki. Please try and forgive me after this. I get worried. What is he going to do to me? Will I hate him after this? I couldn't hate him after this. I won't, I love him Far
closer to him and says I'm sorry for what I'm about to do.

to much. He didn't seem hungry for blood. But his eyes were full of something that is to hard to explain. I love you Suki. With all my heart. Nothing matters to me more then your health and well being. I need to save you know. It will be far to late if I do this any other time. I'm sorry I ruined our date. I'll make it up to you some other day. Kane what do you mean? Be quite Suki. I don't want to hurt you. Okay. I have never been so scared in my life. Not around Kane. But I know everything will be fine after this. I trust him.


~ Passion ~
Kane leans forward. He smashes his lips against mine. Kane kisses me. He kisses me with passion. Why did he apologize for this? I love him after all. And he loves me. I put my hands in his hair. We kiss for a while. The taste of his blood enters my mouth. I don't mind it. His blood tastes sweet. I can read all his emotions from it. They are mostly of love. There is some worry mixed in there too. We pull away from each other for some air. We are panting. Then I smash my lips against Kane's. Kissing him is pure bliss. I never want our lips to part. The wind started blowing. Rose petals flying around us. It is the best moment to be kissing Kane. I am trying to kiss Kane as passionately as I can. I love this man. Nothing can separate us. Not even the strongest force in the universe could. When Kane's and my lips meet I know we are meant for each

other. I feel the sparks between us. Kane pulls away from me. And I am appalled. That moment between us seemed so right. Why would he, why did he pull away? What's wrong, did I do something wrong Kane? No, you are a great kisser Suki. Then why did you pull away. Why did you apologize for this. I had to stop before it takes it's affect on you. You will see why I did later. What do you mean by that Kane, I feel fine. In fact I feel better than ever! Kane doesn't answer. I get off of his lap and sit next to him. I feel fine for a moment. But then. But then everything seems different. The world seems to feel different. My senses seem to be on end at the moment. The world starts spinning. Kane grabs hold of me just before I fall off of the bench. He gets off of the bench and gets me to lay down on my back. Everything is getting blurry. Kane sits down beside me on the ground. He strokes my hair as I begin to loose consciousness. Suki, I love and I will for the rest of eternity. I'm sorry for what you're about to go through. It's okay Kane. I love you too. Goodnight Kane. I pass out. Kane sat there next to me clasping my hand in his hands. I know he will stay by my side until I wake up. I know he will stay by my side for eternity. I know that he will love me for eternity. As will I. I will be committed to him until the moment

we are on our death beds. He will be the death of me. And I will be the death of him. As Suki passed out I got worried. Will she live through the change? I know she will. Will I be there by her side when she wakes up? Always. Will I die when I found out that she has? Yes. I will all ways be there with you Suki. Your last breaths shall be mine too. I will find a way to die if you don't make it through this alive. I can't loose you again. I won't.


~ My Second Life ~

I wake up on the ground. Under me is red rose petals. I turn around to see Kane next to me. He's still holding my hand. He didn't leave me. I feel different. But I feel fine at the same time. I'm not in pain or anything. I don't feel the way I used to. My head begins to hurt. Then memories start coming back to me. Little clips of each one show up. They're all from when I was younger. Some painful to look at, but some make me smile. A tear rolls down my cheek. I wipe it away with my hand, the one that Kane isn't holding. I don't want to look sad when Kane wakes up. I can let it all out later. I just want Kane to stop worrying. Kane wake up. Kane wakes up at the sound of my voice. He turns around and looks into my eyes. Suki your okay. Why wouldn't I be? Didn't all your memories flash before your eyes when you woke up? Yes, but I don't want you to worry about that. Tears begin to stream down my cheeks. Please don't worry, Kane. He lets go of my hand, and wipes my tears away. He strokes my hair a little ,and then stops.

I don't want you to cry Suki.

I don't say anything. I don't know what to say. I feel so different. Yet in a way the way I feel seems familiar to me. Suki, how do you feel? I feel different, but not in a bad way. I don't understand why I feel like this. Here let me show you He looked through his pocket for something. He took out a mirror and handed it to me. Suki please don't hate me for what I have done. It was the only way I could save you. I looked into the mirror. I have fangs now. There are only a few other minor differences. But the big one is the fangs. And then it hit me. The memories. In everyone I had fangs. I was always a vampire. But then how was I a human for such a long time? I have so many questions that need to be answered. Kane why did you turn me back into a vampire? Kane stood up and then I did. I did it to save you. I did it cause I love you. I did it because if those memories hurt you so much that you had to kill yourself, I wouldn't be able to live another second of my life without you. I did it because- I kiss Kane, cutting him off from whatever he was going to say. I'm not mad at you. I don't hate you. You did this because you love

me. I would have done the same thing for you. Thank you. Kane smashes his lips against mine. But this time it is a real kiss. It's more passionate than our first kiss. Every feeling I have is more intense. We pull away and gasp for air. I love you Suki. I love you too Kane. We should get back to the Hotel. Yeah. We walk back to the Hotel. Kane is holding me by my waist. Everyone I staring at us. But, why? Kane why are they staring at us? I whispered in his ear. They're jealous. They're jealous because they can tell our love goes deeper than anyone of their's. You always know what to say. I blushed. We got back to the hotel. As we got closer to my room Kane began to say something. Suki we need to talk. Whatever you say, Kane. I opened the door to my room. He followed me inside. We sat down on the couch. Suki, you're a vampire again. But those night mares will still bother you for a while. How long? As long as I takes for you to get over them. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Kane I need to know something. That man, that monster he doesn't appear in my memories except for that one time. You got turned into a human that's why. When you were turned into a human I thought I lost you. I thought you were gone. I

got mad. That monster that you see in your dreams is the reason why you were turned into a human. I was so mad that I vowed to kill him. I waited four years, until I was fifteen. And then, and then I killed him. I wanted him to suffer a painful death. I thought he was the reason why your life was taken away. He's now gone. He can't hurt you anymore. You killed him because of me?! I would kill anyone for you. I would kill anyone that hurt you. It's good to know that I have someone watching out for me. But I don't want you to go on a killing spree for me. I won't. Good. Suki you need to know one last thing. What is it. Weren't born a vampire. What do you mean? I'm confused. I'm a vampire again. But I wasn't always one. I know that much. How messed up is my past? Will it affect my future? You were born a human. When you were little you loved me then. I loved you too. You came begging me one day to turn you into a vampire. You wouldn't live another day if I didn't. I turned you into one. It was your choice. And you didn't regret it. You're memories have been erased from that time in your life. But I think you need to know this. I still don't regret it. I get to be with you for eternity. But if I got

turned into a vampire at a young age then why don't I look younger? Vampires stop aging at the age of 20. That makes sense then. Did I confuse you Suki? Not anymore then I already am. We started to laugh. But just a little. So how do you feel since your a vampire again? I guess my senses have increased ten-fold. You guess? It does make a huge difference. But it doesn't bother me. Good. But the one thing that hasn't changed is the way I feel about you, Kane. Kane started kissing me. When we gasped for air after a while Kane said, I don't want your sweet lips to part from mine ever again. We kiss for a long time. But it all seems to short. He pulls away from me.
Suki, tomorrow is my last day in Paris I need to pack. Sorry. It's my last day in Paris tomorrow too. We'll have to

spend it together then. Kane lightly kissed me and said See you later. He left after that. This trip has been to short. I don't know how our relationship will work in Japan. But I know we'll make it work. Some how.

~ Twilight Shore ~

It is 4:30 p.m. I am busy packing. Tomorrow is my last day. The morning after that I have to go back to Japan. I can only think about Kane. How much will change when we're back in Japan? A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. I know it is Kane. It always is. I open the door. Kane standing there. Hi, Kane. Hi. Are you busy. I'm just packing, but I can put it off for later.

Good. I wanted to make it up to you since I ruined our

last date. You didn't ruin it. I just want to make it up to you though. Okay, Kane let's get going. Kane usually picks me up later in the day. What is he up to now? I don't want to question him. But why did he choose now? We walk out of the hotel. Kane leads me to a bus stop. A few minuets later a bus pulls up. It was no ordinary bus though. There was something different about it. I can't put my finger on it though. We got onto the bus. Kane whispers something to the bus driver in French. And then we go to our seat somewhere in the middle of the bus. Suki, I must apologize for this bus ride will be long. It's okay, as long as you're here right next to me the entire time. Suki, now you too know what to say at the best times. I love you Kane. Kane said the bus ride would be long. But as I sit next to him the time seems to fly by. I rest my head on his shoulder. I slowly drift to sleep. But this time there were no nightmares. I only had dreams. But they were more like fantasies of Kane and I. I am finally at peace of mind. I have nothing to worry about in my sleep. I can be as care-free and as nave as I want to be. I can finally rest. It wouldn't be like this without Kane. Without his help I would still be going through that torture.

Kane wakes me up. Suki, the bus ride is over. I wake up to see that it is starting to get dark outside. I get up and let Kane get in front of me. He leads me out of the bus. Kane grabs hold of my hand as he leads me somewhere. It starts to get colder as we walk. In the distance I begin to see something. I see water. We're at the ocean. We walk to the edge of a cliff. Kane sits down. Why did you bring me here with you? Why wouldn't I. I sat down next to him. He hugged me close to him. The sun began to set on the horizon. The water looked an orange color, then it slowly fades to a dark blue as dark as the night sky. In the distance there is a tree. Around the tree the sky is orange. The rest of the sky is a deep purple. I lay my head on his shoulder like I always do. Kane you always pick the most romantic places to be with me. Only because I love you Suki. I want to express my love for you in every way I can. Oh Kane. We looked into each other's eyes. Just as the was about to set, the few moments of twilight that were left Kane leaned forward and kissed me. He hugged me close to him. I wind my hands through his hair. Kane passionately kisses me. Then I try and take over and kiss him even more passionately. We break our kiss and gasp for air.

The bus driver won't wait forever Suki. Then he can pick us up in the morning. We're vampires

we can stay up all night if we want to. Kane stood up and walked toward the bus. He came back in a flash. He'll be back for us early in the morning. Thank, no one has ever done something like that for me.
No one loves you the way I do.


the middle of the night. The moonlight shines down on
I am still at the ocean with Kane. I lay there, on his chest. It's

us. It illuminates the waves crashing on the rocks below us. Kane is pointing to different stars and different constellations as he tells me the names of them. He begins to stroke my hair. He begins to see that I stopped paying attention a long time ago. Suki what's wrong? Oh nothing.

You sure? Yes. Kane tell me you love me. I love you, Suki. he said plainly. No, I don't want you to say it like that.

I took my head off of his chest, and lied down on my stomach. Kane began to whisper into my ear. Suki I love you. Never forget that. I won't. I whispered. I wasn't finished yet. Suki I love you for you. I love your laugh, your smile. I love everything about you. When nights are cold and lonely I think of you. You give me the strength to move forward. Never think that I don't love you. If you do I shall remind you over and over. I started to move my lips towards his. There is the slightest bit of space between them. I say You are the reason why I live Kane. You are what makes my world spin. My lips brushed against him. Kane begins to kiss hungrily. We sit up. Kane holds me against him. That wonderful feeling of pure bliss runs through my veins. In my heart is this fiery passion. Kane is the only person that makes me feel this way. When I am with him I feel this feeling. When are lips meet that feeling is increased by a number that does not exist. I can't hate this man. Not ever. Do I make him feel the same way? Most likely. Will are lips part? No, not soon. If they do are lips will

meet again. Soon. We have been kissing for a while now, but it doesn't feel like it. Time seems to stop when we kiss. Nothing can stop us from being together. But all to soon are lips part. We look into each other's eyes. We sit next to each other. The moon is beginning to fade away. The sun's light begins to replace it. The bus will be here soon. I know. Kane why is it that when we kiss our lips part to soon. Suki if I could only tell you. What does he mean by that? He begins to look at me. There was this strange look in his eyes. But it made me want to blush. Suki you don't need to worry about when they part. Just know that they will soon meet again. How soon? Kane smiled. He leaned over and kissed me. But this time Kane seemed to be holding back. I pulled away this time. Was that soon enough for you? Yes, Kane. Why did you pull away? Well now we're even. Kane smirked. We lay back down. My head on his chest. We watch the moon turn into the sun. I can't believe this night has gone by so quickly. But spending it with Kane is worth it. Being with Kane is worth all the pain. It's worth every drop of blood I loose. It's worth every time I feel like it's not meant to be. It's worth it all, because no matter how much I may doubt it

in the future I will know he loves me. He loves me with all his heart. He would die for me. My love for him is the same. I will love Kane until eternity ceases. I know he love me until then too. I will love Kane until I breath my final breaths. I will love him until I close my eyes and I am never to open them again. The bus came, and it interrupts my thoughts. We got on the bus and were ready for the long ride home.

~Never In My Life~
like you


Never in my life have I met someone someone so caring someone so passionate someone that could steal my heart Never in my life have I forgotten you have I stopped thinking about you and I never will. ~Kane Mitsumi

I read that on a little love letter that was placed in the

bouquet of red and white roses that Kane had sent me. I found them at my door when I was about to crush them. Today is our last day in Paris. For Kane to leave something like this for me was the kind of thing I'ld expect him to do. But at the same time this is so unexpected. My throat starts to hurt. Then it is filled with this burning sensation. I need blood. I need it now. I feel as if I will die without it. I run towards Kane's room. I knock on the door frantically. He opens the door. I push him inside, and I run inside as fast as I can. I slam the door . Suki, what's wrong. I need blood, NOW! Okay, just relax. Kane unbuttons the first few buttons on his shirt. He holds the collar down. Here drink my blood. I don't hesitate. I begin to sink my teeth into his neck. Don't drink to much Suki. After I got a good mouthful of his blood I stopped. The pain went away. gI'm sorry Kane, did I hurt you? gNo not at all. gThat's good. Thank you. gYour welcome, Suki. gKane began to stare at my neck. Kane do you want some of my blood? gYes, if you don't mind. Kane didn't hesitate either. He begins to sink his teeth into my neck. It doesn't hurt. It kind of feels good, actually. After a

couple of gulps Kane stops and takes his fangs out of my neck. gYour blood tastes delicious Suki. gSo does yours Kane. I hang my arms around Kane's neck. I begin to kiss him. We kiss for a few minuet. We then stop. gThank you for the bouquet of roses you sent me. gYour welcome. Did you read the letter? gYes. It was the best part. Kane kissed me on the forehead. I need to get going. I have to finish packing. gMe too. See you later then. gSee you later. Once I am in my room I take out a sheet of paper and a pen. After I went trough somewhere around twenty sheets of paper it is finally perfect. Kane sent a love letter, so why don't I?
I would give my soul to you For without you I am nothing I love you You are the Missing part of my life The only man I've ever loved And you always will be.

I love you

It took me hours to wright. But I want it to show how much I love him. I want it to be from the heart. To me what I wrote is just that. I walked to his room. I gently slid the note under his door. I run away as fast as I could. With my vampire powers back I run faster than human eyes could ever see. How will Kane react to my love letter? Will he even see it? Oh I hope

~Suki Hitake

he sees it. I don't want him to kick it aside like an unimportant piece of scrap paper. It shows my love for him. Oh please see it Kane. Don't throw it away. Maybe I should have put my perfume on it, that way he would know it's from me without looking at it. My thoughts are jumping at me. My stay in Paris is growing shorter every second. What will happen when we leave? Will our love for each other be the same? Without a doubt. Will I eventually hate Kane? Why would I? But I know I never will. Our love will be never-ending. Our love will last until eternity ceases to exist. Until I cease to exist. Until he ceases to exist. Even in the afterlife we will love each other. I know we will. Please read my note Kane. You need to know my deepest thoughts, my every feeling for you.


~Why Me~

Kane had read my letter! Thank God! He loved it. He loved is so much he started to kiss me. We kissed for a good half an hour. Pure bliss. Kissing him is pure bliss! He is some kind of god when it comes to kissing. Kane and I are out on the streets in Paris, in the middle of the night. It's cold out. I begin to shiver. Kane begins to take of his jacket. He puts it on my shoulders. I have this weird feeling. I feel like something will happen, but I don't know if it's bad or good. I hear a voice. You sicken me. Tekashi. Kane sneers. He is stone cold now. He turns to me and the expression on his face softens. Suki get out of here. Oh, Suki get out of here. Tekashi said mockingly.

That's it Tekashi you die right here right now. Oh really, what I coincidence. I was just going to say

the same thing about you. You turned another human into a vampire. And on a whim. She was always one. I looked at Kane. He is terrifying when he's angry. I make a run for it behind a sign. I am ready for anything. Right. I'll believe you any day. It's not like I don't trust vampires or anything. Tekashi said. gThats it! Kane took a swing at Tekashi. They are having another blood curdling battle in Paris. This isn't going to end well. At least for on of them this isn't. Don't let it be Kane. He doesn't deserve to suffer. Your kind sickens me. You are all monsters! You don't deserve to be on the face of this earth! Whoever or should I say what ever created you is even worse than all of you put together. Tekashi, you are standing on your grave right there. Kane takes more swings at Tekashi. Tekashi returned them with equal strength. One of them will be gone from the face of this earth by the time the fight is over. Tears are streaming down my eyes. What if it's Kane? How in the world do they hate each other? Why do they hate each other? It doesn't make sense to me. Nothing does. Why am I in the middle of this? Why me? It's always

me. Ever since I was little. Is my relationship with Kane worth all of this? Is being a vampire again worth it? Why do I doubt my relationship, and myself? This is what I wanted isn't it? But this fight. It's to much. I don't know if I can handle this for eternity. Will being by Kane's side change how I feel? What have I gotten myself into this time? Suki don't cry. Please don't everything will be okay. Tekashi punched Kane. You should focus on me and not the girl. Or would you rather die right now? Tekashi pulled out a gun. That gun can't kill me! I made this gone with my own hands. It only kills vampires. Prepare to die. No! I scream. Don't shoot. Don't shoot him! So would you rather die first. It won't make a difference to me. He pointed the gun towards me. I froze. Am I going to die? Was being with Kane worth it?

~Life is to Precious~


Was loving Kane worth this? Loving him is just bringing me to my death. But I still love him. I will love him up until my death. Which is just around the corner. Suki! Kane screamed. Tekashi begins to pull the trigger. Kane picked Tekashi up. Since you hate vampires, why don't I make you hate yourself as well. With that said Kane begins to sink his teeth into Tekashi neck. Tekashi lets out a wail. He pulls the trigger. The bullet is coming at me. Through my new eyes the bullet seems slow. But it hits me sooner than I expected. Kane screams. No! Suki! he goes to me dropping Tekashi on the ground. He kneels beside me. But everything is already begging to fade. My life was to short. But spending the last week and a half of it with Kane was great. It was the best time of my life. Suki don't go. Stay with me. Please don't go, it's

too soon. I love you. He grabbed my hand. Your life is to precious to me. Don't go. If you die I will soon follow. My life is nothing without you. Kane. I say weakly. Kiss me. Kiss me one last time. Before I go. He smashes his lips against mine. It is pure bliss it made the pain almost go away. But all to soon my lips went numb. Everything is almost gone. I can only see Kane. His lips part from mine. My last kiss with Kane was the best one. Even though it was the shortest. I love you Kane. I said smiling. Please don't leave me. Kane being with you was the best thing that happened to me. Please don't kill yourself after I die. You are too great of a guy. You will find another girl. No I won't. You are the only girl that has ever been in my life. That's the way I'll keep it. I'm not letting you leave me. I love you Suki. I love you so much that if I could I would switch places with you and let you live. You are the only person that could bring the color back into my life. I love you Suki. I love you too Kane. I whispered. My eyes began to close. I can't see, hear, or feel anything anymore. I'm almost gone. Almost. I know Kane is crying his heart out now. Probably hugging me close

to him. Why is life so short. You come into this world and as fast as you came into it you are gone. I finally found someone I love and he loves me back. Memories of Kane and I together are streaming through my head as I breath my last breaths. I want to hold onto this world but it doesn't want me to. I close my eyes. A few words escape my mouth. I love you Kane, never forget me. I say that with a smile.


~I Won't Let Go~

I'm not letting go of her. Not now not ever. I just met her. She won't die now. She can't. I want her to be with me for eternity. Her heart is still beating, but slowly. She has a chance. A small chance, but I'll take it. I'm not letting go. I start yelling in French. Hoping someone will hear me. Please someone hear me. But no one comes. I need to help her now. I go back towards her, ignoring Tekashi. I see the bullet didn't pierce her heart. It went through her left shoulder. She's losing blood. She has already lost to much. I need to take that bullet out first. But how? I have something that could help back at the hotel. But there's no time. I decide to do the craziest thing. I put my fingers where the bullet is in her body. It didn't go too deep. I pull it out gently. Blood staining the bullet and my fingers. I take off my shirt. I wrap it around Suki's shoulder quickly. That will have to do for now. I need to get her back to the hotel where I have the supplies I need. I run as fast as I can, using my vampire powers. I get to my room. I unwrap her wound. The bleeding has finally

ceased. I put a fast healing anti-biotic cream on the wound. It is specially made for wounds like these. I wrap her shoulder in gauze. There. I hope she will be all right. That's all I can do. For now. If some how I could get her to drink my blood she would be fine. But how shall I accomplish that? I put her head on a pillow. She is on the couch. I pull a chair up, next to her. All I am doing is contemplating. Tomorrow we have to go back top Japan. What shall happen if she doesn't pull through? No, I can't think that. She will pull through, but when will she wake up? Last time it took days. But what about this time. What do I do? What matters now is that she is still alive. I need her to drink my blood. The sooner she does the sooner she will heal. But how can I get her to in the state she's in? As I looked at her it came to me. I grabbed a glass and cut my self. I let my blood drain into it. I had to make many cuts so the glass could be at least half full. I wrap my arm in gauze. I find a funnel in the first aid kit I have. I check Suki's heartbeat before I do anything. It's still beating. But slowly. She's just hanging on to life. I put the funnel in her mouth. I pour my blood into her mouth. The blood goes down her throat. I hope she gets better. My

blood should help. But we have to go back to Japan tomorrow. There isn't much time for her to get better. How am I going to get her on the plane like this? Will everything end up okay? It should. No it will. Suki has to end up living. I won't let her die, not now not ever.


I wake up. I thought I was gone from this world, never to see the light of day again. But I'm here. Well somewhere. I'm in someone's house. But then I hear a familiar voice. Oh Suki, finally woke. I almost began to think that I was losing you. Kane? Yes, what do you need? Nothing. I thought I was dead. I know. But I didn't let you die. I will never let you die. I tried to get up but a shot of pain went through my shoulder. I winced at the pain. You shouldn't try to move your shoulder for a while. I listened to Kane and returned to my original position. Kane, why did you save me? I didn't want you to die and I never will. I love you Suki. I can't let you die. Oh, Kane. What would I do without you? Oh, I don' know. But Suki I know you need rest. Okay, but first where am I? You're in my house. In Japan?! Yes, I somehow got you and I onto the plane. Okay. But it's a miracle that I survived it all. Yes. But it's the best miracle ever. I love you. I love you too. Now get some rest. I drift to sleep. It was easier than I thought it would be. I'm with Kane and I know everything will be okay. He saved

me. I can never thank him enough. He always does he nicest things for me. Why me? He loves me. Kane woke me up later. Suki it just occurred to me that you may have friends or family that may want to know you're back and okay. No not really. I grew up as an orphan. My friends are all busy with relationships and stuff. Oh. But you're here for me now and that's all that matters. Kane kissed me on the forehead. Suki does your shoulder hurt less? It feels a lot better, actually. That's good. Are you thirsty Suki? Yeah. Kane unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt. Then he walked towards, me and kneels beside me. He pulls his collar down. I sink my teeth into his neck. His sweet blood enters my mouth. After a few a few gulps I pull away. Blood is staining my teeth. I sit up. Kane seems to notice something. He begins to kiss me. Passionately. He deepens the kiss the longer we kiss. We finally pull away from each other. Why did you kiss me? You don't count the reason that I love you? I love you too. Kane couldn't help but smile. He has the sweetest smile.



Suki will you go somewhere with me? Kane asked when

were done kissing. I mean if your shoulder won't bother you. Yeah, I've been inside for a while anyway. Kane smiled. What is he planning this time? Kane picks me up and sets my feet on the ground. Well you're in a good mood. Why wouldn't I be? You're alive. Kane grabbed my right hand so he wouldn't hurt me. I pulls me into a hug. After stroking my hair while hugging me he let go. Come on let's go Suki.

He carries me out the door. I do mean carries. He is carrying me bridal style. You know I can walk. Kane laughs. I smile. So you don't like it when I carry you like this? No I didn't mean it like that. So can I carry you. Yes, if you want to. Kane kisses my forehead. Thank you. Kane carries me to a tree in his back yard. There is a bench on the other side. He has a garden of red and white roses in his back yard. Kane plops me down onto the bench. It brings memories of that day in Paris. The day that Kane turned me into a vampire. It also reminds me of our first date. The day I found out that Kane loves me. And I know he always will. Kane sits next to me. He puts his arm around my waist. I begin to blush. Kane when did you start to like roses. Ever since I was little I did. To me the white roses represents purity and hope. The red represents the souls tainted by evil. And then the red also represents love. That is almost poetic Kane. I never thought of it that way. But that is an amazing way to think about it. I never new you had this side to you. Well I'm sort of a contradiction. I giggle. Aren't we all? Yeah I guess we are. It's almost dark out. Lights begin to turn on outside. It

is truly a breath-taking scene in Kane's back yard. Suki. My name escaped his mouth as if it was by accident. Yes, Kane what is it? Never mind. Okay. He has his arm around me. But something is on his mind, or at least something seems to be. I wish he could just tell me what is wrong. He always seems to be hiding something from me. And I hate it. Is our relationship worth all this? Is it worth all the secrets he keeps from me? Odes he trust me? I know he loves me. But I am beginning to doubt our relationship. But I love him. More than anything or anyone. So why should I doubt? I love him, and I know he will tell me everything one day or another. He always has a secret though. I need to know this one. But I don't know why I need to know.

~The Question~


Kane are you sure everything is okay? Yes. Okay. Suki I love you. I love you more then anything or

anyone. I love you more than my own life. I would give anything to be with you. I want to be with you for the rest of eternity. I want to hold you and to kiss you for the rest of eternity. I never want to loose you. I never want you to get hurt like the way you did. And that's why I need to say what I'm going to say next. Okay, Kane. Kane got down on one knee. He takes a little black box out of his pocket. Suki I love you with all of my heart. I want to be with you for all of eternity. He opens the box. Will you marry me, Suki? Oh, Kane. Yes. Yes I will marry you. Kane picks me up and swings me around. He sets me on the ground and kisses me. When our lips meet I know we are meant for each other. All my

doubts disappear. I know that our love is true. When I kiss him, there is no better feeling in this world. I never want our lips to part. He pulls away from me. Suki, are you really sure? I don't want you to get into something you don't really want. I will understand. I want to marry yo Kane. I love you. Suki are you sure? I've hurt you so much. No matter how much I try not to. I hurt you. Kane slides down. My hands are in his. He is on his knees, tears streaming down his cheeks. I go down to my knees. I look into his eyes. Kane I love you. I want to be with you. But I hurt you. I hurt you more than you hurt me. But you still love me. You love me for me. And I love you. I kiss Kane this time. My hands are in his hair. We stand up still kissing. Kane wraps his hands around me. As we pull away and gasp for air Kane says something. Suki. Thank you. I don't want to hurt you anymore. But I'll work on that after we get married. he slips the ring onto my index finger. I can truly admire its beauty now. The ring is gold. It has white diamonds and red rubies. It reminds of the roses on Kane's back yard. The are equal in beauty. This must have cost Kane a fortune. We get back to kissing. It is completely dark out now. This would have never happened if we didn't meet each other on the

plane. I would have never been turned into a vampire again. I would never have gone through so much pain. But I would never have experienced love. I would have never known how much bliss can come from Kane's kisses. I've been trough so much pain. But I've had the best time of my life. Love is a contradiction. But for us it ended the best way. No, the only way that I could have ever imagined it. We pull away from each other and look into each other's eyes. I love you Kane. I love you Suki.

~Time Passes~
I feel something brush up against my body. Then I hear Kane's voice. Suki, it's time to wake up. Oh, what time is it? 11:00 p.m. You let me sleep that late, Kane?! You were really tired you needed some sleep. Thank you. Our wedding is in a few months, you know. Yes. I'm really excited. I can finally call you Mrs. Mitsumi. That sounds right. Kane held me in his arms. I love you. I love you too. I said as I turned toward Kane to kiss him. I kiss him lightly on the lips. Kane time passes quicker than anything. It's a good thing we have eternity then. An eternity for what? Kane smiled and kissed me. We kissed and I thought about our future. What is in store for us? But no matter what happens everything will be okay. Everything will end up just right as long as Kane and I are together. I know we will be until eternity ceases. I deepen our kiss as the thoughts go through my head. Being with the one you love for eternity doesn't seem bad at all. We pulled


away from each other and the words Kane will you ever leave me? escaped my mouth. Where did they even come from? No. Why would you ever think that? I was just checking. Suki I will never leave you. Never. I couldn't let myself do that to you. I wouldn't. I love you far to much. But Suki would you ever leave me? Only if you stop loving me. Then you never will. Yes. Kane I love you. I've told you that a thousand times. And I will tell you it everyday. I will be with you forever. I can't let myself leave you. I love you far to much. I love you far to much too. You make me do the craziest things. So do you. Kiss me Kane. His lips met mine. Pure bliss enters my body. The way Kane kisses me lets me know that he loves me. That he loves me without question or without doubt. I love you Kane. I say after we finish kissing. And I you. Mon Amour. I love it when you speak French Kane. Say it again. Mon Amour.

To be continued in the next story . . .


Coming next year: 2012!

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