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Moral framework context conversation in our everyday discourse, yet when

you dissect it, the picture becomes rather distinct.

Role of Satan in Judaism is vastly different than how
Satan is seen within the context of Catholicism. For To summarise within eugenics perspective,
Catholics, Satan denounced God and for it, it was individuals who challenge and oppose these
banned from heavens and his action although prevailing norms are seen as the carriers of what
focusing on damaging humans are aimed to hurt eugenics would classify as the "strong genome".
God as Satan understands humans as the greatest They are in the minds of eugenics the critical
God's creation (moral, free will agents). thinkers, the ones who dare to differentiate
themselves from the herd and express their unique
In Judaism Satan is seen as a God's affiliate who acts
thoughts. These individuals embody a level of
as a prosecutor and tempter to create contexts
strength and resilience that is often absent in those
where the temptation can be resisted and in doing
who merely align with the mainstream narrative.
so the moral capacity strengthen.
In contrast, those who unthinkingly embrace these
So, in short, Catholics see Satan as evil, while Jews
norms, who conform with the majority
see Satan as a necessary condition to execute moral
unquestioningly, could perhaps be labelled as
possessing a "weak genome". Their decisions may
Contemporary Eugenics lead to a decrease in their chances of producing
offspring, effectively reducing their presence in the
Eugenics is a form of genome pool manipulation via
gene pool.
various means in hope to discourage procreation
within undesirable genomic expressions while Eugenics thinks this process is morally acceptable
promoting procreation within genomes classed as because these individuals are making these
desirable and socially beneficial. decisions out of their own volition. This is a far cry
from the monstrous eugenics policies of the Nazis,
LGBT, transgenderism and abortion trends
which aimed for a similar result through brutal and
promoted via mainstream culture are in my opinion
inhumane means.
an extension to eugenics.
Their theory operates on the assumption of equal
Assumption of the modern eugenics is - All is
responsibility among all individuals, which is a
determined by the gene pool we have. Those who
concept deeply rooted in the Jewish moral
can resist harmful LGBTQ, transgender and
framework. However, I firmly reject this
abortion propaganda are capable of critical and
framework. In my view, it's not right to encourage
independent thinking therefore their genomes are
people to make poor choices in the hope that they
desirable, and they will have offspring.
will resist. People evolve over time, and what might
Those who cannot resist the cultural harmful seem acceptable at a young age may be rejected as
propaganda on the other hand have weak genome one matures.
and by accepting the LGBTQ, transgender and
abortion message they will simply not have
offspring and by doing so they will die off and I invite others to scrutinize the logical coherence of
disappear from the general genome pool. my proposition. It's crucial to foster open and
truthful dialogues about controversial topics like
Justification for such approach comes from
assumption that this is done on own volition and
without impaling external, physical force thus this is
“morally acceptable” (as seen by modern eugenics)
when compared to i.e. Nazi Germany policies which
exerted similar outcome in brutal force.
I am of the conviction that the current push for
LGBT rights, transgenderism, and abortion rights in
our society might be seen as a factual but indirect
form of eugenics. This is not a common
Sources: "The Nazi Eugenics Project" article from the United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Satan's Demonic Rebellion in Catholicism:
"Eugenics: Between Science and Ethics" from The
New Testament: Luke 10:18, Revelation 12:7-9 Hastings Center
Church Fathers: Tertullian's "Adversus Marcionem",
Augustine's "De Civitate Dei"
Primary Sources:
Papal documents: Pope Leo XIII's encyclical
"The Platt Report" (1912) by the Eugenics Record
"Humani generis redemptionis"
"Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler (includes his views on
Satan's Prosecutorial and Temptational Roles in eugenics)
Margaret Sanger's writings on birth control and
Hebrew Bible: Job 1-2, Zechariah 3:1-2, 1 Chronicles population control
Scientific and Medical Sources:
Talmud: Bava Batra 16a, Sanhedrin 29a
Jewish commentaries: Rashi's commentary on the
Book of Job, Maimonides' "Guide for the Perplexed"
"American Journal of Human Genetics"
General references for further reading:
"Nature Genetics"
"The Journal of Medical Ethics"
"The Devil in Judaism and Christianity" by Jeffrey
Burton Russell National Institutes of Health (NIH) Human Genome
"Satan: A Biography" by Piers Taylor
National Human Genome Research Institute
"The Jewish Book of Why" by Alfred J. Kolatch
"A History of Eugenics" by Daniel Kevles
The Hastings Center Bioethics Research Institute
"Genetics and the Moral Order" by Paul Ramsey
Social and Cultural Sources:
"The Mismeasure of Man" by Stephen Jay Gould

"Gattaca" (1997)
My Jewish Learning:
"Never Let Me Go" (2010)
the-adversary/ "The Island" (2005)

Catholic Encyclopedia: Documentaries: "The Secret of Eugenics" (2014)
"Eugenics: A Twisted Dream" (2011)
Articles: "The Masterpiece Gene" (2017)
"Eugenics" entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of

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