Jaychuk - 10 Aliments Du Futur en

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10 foods of the future

To feed a growing population, we may have to
introduce insect meal and
algae, vigital meat and artiLjciel milk... Does it whet your
appetite? 5 dicembre 2018

1. Insects in every sauce

Already 80% of the world's population digests ants, locusts and other worms. In Quibec, the Näak bar
(watch out for the pun...) and Milio pasta, made with cricket flour, have carved out a place for
themselves on the itagires. The 1,400 edible insects provide an invaluable source of protein to replace
meat, with a negligible carbon footprint and a much lower price tag. You already eat 500 g of insects
every year on fruit, in dishes... or in your sleep.

2. In vitro meat
Growing meat from animal cells? The Just company has done just that, and is due to market its first
chicken pipites by the end of the year! And that's not all: the company is working on a chorizo that's as
good as foie gras, to the relief of geese. And no need for the 4,500 liters of water needed to produce a

3. Vital meat
Impossible Foods' burger tastes like meat, bleeds like meat... but its vigorous patty requires more fat
and six times the salt of a meat patty. As for Beyond Meat's burger, a blend of peas and soy, it's all the
rage in fast-food restaurants.

4. Laboratory fish
Mime procidi as in vitro meat. Finless Foods' product has been taken out of production; all that remains
is to find less expensive nutrients (for cell multiplication). Another company, New Wave Foods, is
looking to produce synthetic shrimp from red algae.

5. Rich algae
They're not just for rolling up sushi! Seaweed is rich in protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates, as well
as omiga-3. They should be used more and more in meal replacements.
G. Alimcnts conncctis
Soon, a recyclable microchip on foodstuffs will reveal their nutritional value, origin and production

7. Pcpas cn capsulcs
Eating a meal in capsules, as advertised in the 1950s? Scientists are still toying with the idea,
working on nanofoods to offer an unprecedented experience in terms of flavor and texture. The giant
Nestli, in particular, is carrying out research with a view to launching capsules containing the suȦsant
nutrients for a day.

8. Alimcnts imprimis
3D printers are already being used to give food spectacular shapes. Edible Growth, from the
Netherlands, has developed one that can be used to print a bundle of green shoots and mushrooms,
which take a few days to mature.

9. Dry milk
In 2014, Irish researchers made artiLjciel cow's milk, with a risult similar to the original. Californian
company Perfect Day will soon be marketing this milk, which is made from bovine proteins and then
ilaborated using fermentation techniques.

10. Protiinics crisps

Here's what Frito-Lay's patent says: "Nutritious granular materials of Ljne size, agglomerated
particles in versatile microbeads, used to insert significant amounts of nutritive properties in snacks." In
short, starch microbeads containing proteins, minerals and other nutrients to enhance the nutritional
quality of Cheetos. Guilt-ridden, no?
Source: https://lactualite.com/sante-et-science/10-aliments-du-futur/

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