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Worksheet 2

Size and position

A- In the following video you are going to go over some of the issues introduced in the
previous lesson and there’s some new information that will be introduced by it. Just watch it
to refresh your memory and to get ready to read the text in exercise B.

B- Now read the following text. It’s an academic one, so you need some guidance. Exercise
C will help you organise your ideas.

Size and position


British Isles: It is the name given to Great Britain, Ireland and 5,000/6,000 islands.

Great Britain: It is the name given to England, Scotland and Wales since the Union of the
Crowns in 1603.

United Kingdom: Originally, it was the name given to Great Britain and Ireland. But, since
1922, when the division of Ireland tools place, the UK is formed by Great Britain and
Northern Ireland.
The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are not in the UK, but they are treated as if they
For several centuries the British Isles have occupied a position of leadership amongst the
great nations of the world, and the reasons for this great influence are: the position, the
climate and the natural resources.

a) Global position:
In very early times the Mediterranean Sea and NOT the Atlantic Ocean was the centre of
world trade. In those days, France was too busy driving out the English to give the trade of
Marseilles a chance to develop. Neither London nor Liverpool received the ships coming
from the Eastern Mediterranean loaded with spices, silks and wines, which brought fortunes
to the Venetian and Genoese merchants, the richest of their time.
Matters remained like this for a long time, but everything changed with the discovery of
America in the fifteenth century and the way to India by the Cape of Good Hope. Trade soon
left the Mediterranean for the Atlantic and the importance of the British lsles increased. No
longer was Britain on the western rim of the world, but now stood in the midst of the trading
We can divide the world into two halves. One of them contains large expanses of water and
the other one most of the land surface in the world. Britain lies near the centre of the
hemisphere containing the more land. The North Atlantic Trade Route connects Europe and
America, and the position of Britain makes it play a large part in the trade of this route.
b) Position with relation to the rest of Europe:
Britain has an insular position. It is separated from Europe by narrow seas, which are the
first line of defence for the British Isles in case of attack, although modern aircraft has
reduced the value of such barriers during periods of war.
In the past, these narrow seas gave Britain security in times of trouble in Continental Europe.
Britain also developed industry and transport in the past, because of this separation from the
Continent, which gave peace and security to Britain.
On the other hand, the proximity to the Continent let Britain share the civilisation and
progress of Europe. Many new ideas in agriculture, industry and transport were borrowed
from Europe and were adapted to suit the conditions prevailing in Britain.
Britain has strong ties with North America; therefore, it is like a link between America and
C- Activities:
1- Complete:

…………= Great Britain +Ireland +...........................

Names Great Britain= …………….. +..................+..................

……………..→originally= ……………. +................

| ↘since ………. = …………. +............... (% of
| ……………. )
↳ ………….. and ……….. -- NOT included

Reasons for British ● ………………………….

leadership ● ………………………….
● ………………………….

Global→Past→Mediterranean= …………………………...
| ↘ GB ………………………………………….
↳BUT 1492= …………………………………………..
Position ↳GB→……………………………………………..
↳link between…………………………………

With relation to the rest of the world

↳…………………….. position
↳narrow seas→separation=......................................

2- True or False? (Say WHY)

a-GB and BI are synonyms. …… (Reason:..................................)
b-The BI played an important part in the Mediterranean trade. (Reason:...............................)
c-The BI benefited from the discovery of America. (Reason: ………………………..)
d-The position of the BI benefits their religious aspect. (Reason:..............................)
3- Look at this map and make a list of Great Britain’s neighbours.

Great Britain’s neighbours are: ………………, ………………., ………………, ………………,

……………….., ………………… and ………………. .


This worksheet is your study guide. You don’t have to hand it in. We will work on it in the
following lesson.

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