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MHR640 Book Club Reflection Rubric

Meets or Exceeds Standards Approaching Standards Below Standards Unsatisfactory

The paper offered a fair but not

The paper outlines a rigorous The paper offered a limited
fully comprehensive discussion
Reflection on Team discussion surrounding the means discussion surrounding the means
surrounding the means through
Dynamics, Efforts to through which an environment was through which an environment was
which an environment was The paper offered no reflection on
Facilitate Dialogue & established to encourage dialogue and established to encourage dialogue
established to encourage and discussion of team dynamics and
Viewpoint Diversity, and debate, how their dialogue evolved and debate, how their dialogue
dialogue and debate, how their the evolution of discourse across
Evolution of Discourse over the course of meetings, and what evolved over the course of
dialogue evolved over the course meetings of the book club.
individual factors informed meetings, and what individual
of meetings, and what individual
perspectives & provoked differences in factors informed perspectives &
factors informed perspectives &
opinion. provoked differences in opinion.
provoked differences in opinion.

Your Score: Between 8 – 10 Between 6 – 7.9 Between 5 – 5.9 Less than 5

The student provides a The student provides limited The student fails to discuss what
The student provides a nuanced
discussion of what they discussion of what they learned they learned through this process
discussion of what they learned
Self-reflection and learning learned through this exercise, through book club participation and/or the discussion is unrelated
through participation in the book
from book club activity although the learning is and/or the discussion is to the book club process.
somewhat superficial. somewhat narrow in scope and
could be more thoughtful
and/or detailed.
Between 8 – 10 Between 6 – 7.9 Between 5 – 5.9 Less than 5

The paper provides an

The paper outlines both positive
overview of positive
experiences and suggested The discussion of
experiences but limited The student fails to discuss their
improvements/room for leadership/followership
Reflection on leading and discussion of further experiences in a
development and what could be experiences is superficial
following during book club development and/or reflection leadership/followership role
done differently the next time they and/or lacks reflection. Limited
on leadership or followership and/or provides no support from
are in a leadership/followership use of the HEXACO as
but not both. HEXACO their HEXACO results.
position. The discussion is well support.
results are included but not
supported by HEXACO results.
integrated into the discussion.

Between 8 – 10 Between 6 – 7.9 Between 5 – 5.9 Less than 5

The paper is organized in a
manner that makes it somewhat
The paper is organized in a coherent, The paper is in a manner that
easy to understand and follow
Professionalism & Quality and professional manner that makes it makes it difficult to understand
the train of arguments – some The paper is constructed very poorly
of Writing Grammar, easy to understand and follow the train and follow the train of arguments.
room for improvement of and is near impossible to follow
Language, and of arguments. The language is clear, Paragraph structure is lacking and
coherence and flow. The and/or understand.
Organization and proper paragraph structure is the paper contains numerous
language is mostly clear with
employed with no spelling or spelling and grammatical errors.
minimal spelling and
grammatical errors.
grammatical errors.

Your Score: Between 8 – 10 Between 6 – 7.9 Between 5 – 5.9 Less than 5

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