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Module 5

Career Planning

Student : Ana Filipa Francisco

Course : Informatics Management
Year : 11º
University and course

I chose the University of Algarve and its course of Business Administration. The reason why
I chose this course was because I have always been interested in the area of business
administration, and also because I am taking a course in this area.

The University of Algarve has 8 faculties which ensure the entire development of the
students' academic pathway. The university I am going to is called Faculdade de Economia
and is located on the Gambelas Campus in Building 9.

Description of the University

The University of Algarve is a unique institution. First of all, as it is the only Portuguese
university created by the Law of the Assembly of the Republic, having received unanimous
approval from Parliament.

The Academy is recognized for the quality of its teaching in several fields, namely in the
areas of Health Sciences and Technologies; Economy, Management and Tourism; Social
and Education Sciences; and Exact and Natural Sciences, also standing out at the
international level in various rankings.

How to apply

To apply for the course I did a 2-year CTeSP in accounting.

For the degree we pay 609.24 Euros (six hundred and nine euros and twenty-four cents), which
can be paid in ten monthly installments, the first being 123.24 € (one hundred and twenty-three
euros and twenty-four cents), in the act of registration or enrollment, and the following of 70.00
Euros (seventy euros), in the months of October, November and December, and the rest of 46.00
Euros (forty-six euros), January, February, March, April, May and June.

Study Grants

At the University of the Algarve there are several types of scholarships, such as scholarships for
social action, merit, excellence and sports merit.

I will talk about the scholarship of excellence, to get into this scholarship you have tor higher or
superior of 17 values. To enter you must have the highest grade of the course. The scholarship pays
the full tuition fee for the first year of the degree course. There is no application because the
selection is made by the University of Algarve, following the criteria of the regulation

In the first semester of the first year, we have several subjects, for example Financial
Accounting I, we are assessed as follows Theoretical classes are exhibition classes - always
along with practical examples - of the exposed theme;
On practical classes, students are invited to cement adquired knowledge on previous
theoretical class by the resolution of practical
Tutorial classes are used to clarify doubts and to cement knowledge.
Assessment is based on 3 moments:
2 tests, each of them based on different matters from the other. Each test ponders 50% in
the final student mark;
An exam about the overall matter;

In the first semester of the second year, I chose talk about of Statistics, we are assessed as
The teaching of this course is based on a clear distinction between theoretical, practical and
tutorial classes. In the theoretical classes, the fundamental contents of the program are
exposed and in the practical classes exercises are solved. In the tutorials the lecturer
answers questions and supports students in their study.
The evaluation comprises two models: continuous evaluation and final exam.
Continuous evaluation: This model requires that students attend classes regularly and
comprises two individual written tests, each with a weight of 50% (fifty per cent). Are
approved students whose weighted average of marks is at least 9.5(nine-point-five values).
Final exam: It is an individual written exam that focuses on all topics of the program.

In the first semester of the first year, we have several subjects, for example Taxation, we are
assessed as follows:
Study aids are available at the online portal (such as tax codes, theoretical papers and
The presentation of theoretical material and the interaction with students during the lectures.
In practical classes, students are requested to come forward with proposals for solutions
concerning the issues raised.
The evaluation is compromised by two models: continuous evaluation and the final exam.
1) Continuous Evaluation
Based on the completion of two written tests, each worth 50% (fifty percent)of the grade.
Students will be approved if they manage to obtain a minimum average of 10(ten) points and
a minimum score of 8(eight) points in each event.
2) Final Exam
Consists of a written test (worth 100% (one hundred per cent)) covering the whole syllabus
Students will be approved if they obtain a score equal to or higher than 9.5(nine-point-five
For students who obtain rating values between 8.5(eight-point-five values) and 9.4(nine-
point-four values) there will be an oral exam.
Professional competences
To take on professional challenges of various kinds, in national or international organizations
in the private or public sector, and that many of them will set up their own companies.
Professional outings
We have several options on this course, such as accounting and auditing, coordination
bodies, setting up your own company. Among others

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