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About us
Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose
School Board
School Philosophy
Elementary School
Special Classes
Kinder thru 6th grade
Prekinder to 6th grade
Kinder and Preprimary
Prefirst thru 6th grade
Mother´s Guild
Upload CV
Minimum requirements
Maestra de Español
English Teacher
Database link
School life (video/Photos)
Parental Portal Locked/Password
School Life ( all items to be updated constantly weekly or monthly basis)

Weekly Flyer
Juniper Journal
Hot Lunch
School Calendar
Financial Aid
Application (Download here)
Submit Application (in school)
Estudio Socio-económico
Outcome and determination
Permission Slips
Red (guest)
Green (Pick up at school end of day)
Blue (Afterschool)
Submitting bus permits
Bus App
Garfer & Mosfer
Report Card
Calendar 2023-24
Big School
Access Link
Google Classroom
Access Link
Yearly Enrollment
Documentation per student
Big School & Preschool
Documentation per family
Big School & Preschool
Staff and Faculty
Mother´s Guild
School Life (video or fotos)
About us
We are a bilingual and bi-cultural elementary school, catering to students
from Pre-Kinder to 6th grade. Our institution has been operating for over 50
years, and our primary objective is to provide a comprehensive academic
program that promotes ethical values. We strive to foster our students'
academic excellence while simultaneously promoting their social and
emotional growth. Our aim is to cultivate qualities such as integrity, self-
confidence, character, and leadership skills, which will assist them in
confronting future challenges.
Our faculty members work closely with students to identify and develop their
unique potential and talents. We believe that a strong relationship between
the school community and families is fundamental in supporting each
student's growth. Hence, we encourage parental involvement in school

Juniper School was established in 1960 by the Passionist Priests, with the
objective of providing education to the American children who temporarily
resided in Mexico and had no command of the Spanish language. The
Benedictine Sisters initially directed the school, but in 1968, the Dominican
Sisters of Mission San Jose, California, took over its administration. The first
Dominican Sister sent to Mexico for administering the school was Sister Ellen
Kelly, accompanied by Sister Dolores Marie Diaz as a teacher in the English
program. They were succeeded by Sister Imelda Marie Dibble, Sister Rose
Martin, and Sister Carol Prutsos.

Initially, the school population consisted mostly of Americans. However, due

to changes in Mexico, the school community has gradually transformed, and
presently, it comprises mainly of Mexican families who prioritize a high-
quality education in a Catholic environment of peace and Christian love. In
1968, Juniper had nine groups of pupils ranging from Pre-Preprimary to
Eighth Grade. In 1970, an additional building was constructed, comprising
four classrooms, an assembly room, a library, a faculty room, and a
science/art room. This expansion allowed for two groups per grade and
reduced the number of students per class.

In 1980, the Seventh and Eighth grades were discontinued due to low
enrollments. In the same year, a Kindergarten building was constructed to
offer preschool education. A third floor was added to the "new building" in
1985, and the original building was extended towards Bondojito Street.
In 1994, under Sister Ellen's leadership, a Financial Committee was formed
to fund the construction of a two-level multi-purpose building in the five-
and six-year-old play area. The Kindergarten added a Pre-Kinder level for
three-year-olds in 1995.
In October 1996, the Margaret E. Kelly Auditorium was inaugurated,
comprising a music classroom, a chapel, two extra classrooms, and
bathrooms on the lower level. On the upper floor, at school patio level, are
the kitchen, stage, and multifunctional auditorium. The Kindergarten grades
Pre-Kinder, Kinder, and Pre-Primary received incorporation to the Secretaría
de Educación Pública for the first time in the 2004-2005 school year. The
school's library underwent renovation in 2005.

In 2014, the school underwent a significant transformation of its buildings

and grounds. The Kindergarten and Big School were entirely modified, and
an underground parking lot was added.

Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose

The Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose have dedicated 125 years of
service to Germany, Mexico, and the United States. The story of the
Dominican order dates back almost 800 years to the birth of Dominic de
Guzman in Caleruega, Spain. Dominic's fervent spirit of prayer and
preaching laid the foundation for the Order of Preachers (OP), a new
religious order. He envisioned a life rooted in the Word of God through
personal and liturgical prayer, assiduous study, and communal living,
combining the best of contemplative and apostolic life. His followers were
contemplative women and men who were passionate about proclaiming the
truth of Jesus Christ.
The Mission San Jose Dominican story began over 110 years ago when three
young Dominican Sisters were sent from Brooklyn, New York, to San
Francisco, California, to establish a school for German-speaking immigrants.
The leader, Sister Maria Pia Backes, was only 24 years old at the time,
accompanied by Sisters Salesia Fichtner (21) and Amanda Bednartz (17).
Mother Pia, as she was later known, successfully established the
Congregation of the Queen of the Holy Rosary, now known as the
Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. Her commitment to the Gospel, love
for the liturgy, and passion for Catholic education for the youth, especially
the underprivileged, shaped the spirit of her new congregation.
Currently, around 350 energetic Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose live
out the Dominican family's rich tradition in California, Oregon, Arizona,
Mexico, and Germany, responding enthusiastically to the challenge of
Christian education. The vision of Mother Pia continues to be a driving force
for these religious women, who are committed to building communities of
faith through a variety of educational ministries, making a meaningful
difference in the world.
School Board
Our School Board comprises a team of highly skilled professionals who
convene monthly to develop policies, procedures, and decisions aimed at
advancing our school's growth. Our focus is on refining both our short and
long-term objectives to provide our institution with a meaningful boost.
Furthermore, it's worth noting that Colegio Junipero is a non-profit
organization, and our Board members serve as volunteers, highlighting their
unwavering dedication.

School Philosophy
The students, parents, faculty, and staff of Juniper School operate as a faith-
based community, a cohesive unit of believers devoted to working, learning,
growing, playing, and praying together to strengthen their devotion to God.
Our philosophy emphasizes the development of each individual,
encompassing their spiritual, intellectual, moral, emotional, and physical
growth, in accordance with their unique capabilities.

As an educational institution dedicated to holistic student development, our
school endeavors to provide a foundational education that prepares our
students for life. Our objectives include:
To help them grow in their self-esteem and awareness of their own
personal worth and dignity as children of God.
To help them develop within themselves a sincere love of others.
To give each child the opportunity to acquire basic skills and
knowledge to be competent and fruitful member of society.
To foster intellectual curiosity, cognitive growth and the art of critical
thinking within our students, thereby, providing them with the means
and ability to continue to grow, learn and develop throughout their
We offer three levels: Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Pre-
Primary, all of which are taught exclusively in English. Our
objective is for the children to develop comprehensive speaking,
listening, reading, and writing abilities in English by the end of the
three-year program.
The school operates from 8:00 am to 12:15 pm, with recess
periods included in between.
Elementary School
The academic program entails seven grades, with the year
preceding the First Grade designated as Pre-First. Pre-First
consists of full-day English classes. The curriculum is bi-curricular,
meaning students follow both the American elementary program
and the program required by the Secretaría de Educación Pública.
Upon completion of the ten-year program, students will possess a
solid foundation to further their education either in Mexico or
The school day runs from 8:00 to 14:30, with two breaks and a
designated lunch period.

Special Classes
To enhance our program, we provide a variety of Special Classes,
each with a distinct purpose and skillset development. These
classes are integrated into our regular school hours and include
Library and Computer (for Big School only), Art, Music, Playball,
Story Time (for Kinder), and Gym.

To ensure comprehensive attention to all students, we have two
remedial specialists dedicated to assisting those whose academic
performance falls below average.

Our afterschool program is a diverse range of activities, including
dance, drama, basketball, cheerleading, robotics, lego learning, and
karate. These classes are led by a team of highly skilled
professionals and run from approximately 3:00 to 4:30 PM.
For students requiring transportation, bus service is available at
the end of the program. Please note that the service is not door-to-
door and departs from the school grounds.
Brothers and Sisters
Last week of September
Monday thru thursday 8:30 - 12:00
Ex-students and New families
First week of October
Monday thru thursday 8:30 - 12:00
Kinder thru 6th grade
Contact School

Prekinder to 6th grade
2 copias acta de nacimiento
2 copias CURP alumno
2 copias de cartilla de vacunación
1 copias Fé de Bautismo
2 cartas de recomendación
1 foto

Kinder and Preprimary

Pago de examen de admisión en caja (Preprimary)
Calificaciones/evaluaciones ciclo actual (si aplica)

Prefirst thru 6th grade

Pago examen de admisión en caja
Carta de buena conducta
Comprobante de no adeudo del Colegio actual
Certificado de Pre-escolar
Calificaciones del ciclo actual
Mother´s Guild
The Mothers Guild is a non-profit organization established by school mothers
to assist Juniper School in achieving its objectives.
A member of the group should possess a strong work ethic, maintain
honesty, and exhibit a service-oriented mindset, always willing to lend a
helping hand to others. We welcome everyone interested in becoming an
executive member, whether full-time or temporarily.
Upload CV
Minimum requirements
Maestra de Español
Experiencia previa en educación, mínimo 1 año
Estrategias didácticas, control de grupo, creatividad
Manejo de grupo
Normalista, Lic. En Educación, Lic. En Educación Primaria ó
carrera afin con nivelación.
Carta de referencia

English Teacher
Fluent in English/Native speaker
Previous working experience in education.
At least one year of experience in a classroom or in working
with children.
Experience in classroom management.
Teacher’s Diploma
Bachelor’s Degree in an education-related area
Recommendation letter

Database link
School life (video/Photos)
Locked/Password Parental Portal
School Life
Weekly Flyer
Juniper Journal
Hot Lunch
School Calendar
Cashier open from 8:00 - 14:30
½ day 8:00 – 12:00
Sistema Multipagos BBVA
Cheque BBVA
Cargo cuenta de cheques otros bancos
Ficha de pago en efectivo o cheque en sucursal

No cash
Credit cards
Not accepted
Debit Cards
International Cards
Financial Aid
September & October open for applications (ONLY)

Application (Download here)

Submit Application (in school)
Application must be completed
Include supporting letter
Estudio Socio-económico
Appointment will be scheduled

Outcome and determination

Contacted by school

Red (guest)
Guest on bus (both parties must present slip)
Only one guest
Only on Friday
NO invitation on ½ day
Green (Pick up at school end of day)
Family member
Personal slip
Both parties must present slip
Personal slip
Invitation letter from institution organizing event
Must be picked up during breaks ONLY
Special Permissions
Personal slip
ONLY for Visa, passport or doctor’s appointment
Must be picked up during breaks ONLY
Blue (Afterschool)
Afterschool Program
Pick up st school
Bus (prepaid)

Submitting bus permits

en proceso
Bus App
Garfer & Mosfer
Download App
Google Play or App Store
Garfer porporciona código de usuario
Garfer Transportes
Report Card
Calendar 2023-24
October 27
December 15
February 13
April 19
Last day of school
Big School
October 18
November 22
January 31
March 20
Last of School
Access Link
Google Classroom
Access Link
Yearly Enrollment
Kindly take note of the following requirements:
Ensure timely enrollment of students before the
designated due date.
All essential documents must be printed on white letter
sized paper. Please note that any other colors or sizes will
not be permissible.
Documentation per student
Big School & Preschool
Download and complete per student
Emergency Card
Download and complete per student
Permission to cross the street
Documentation per family
Big School & Preschool
Reglamento Escolar

Staff and Faculty

Principal - Anna Aznar
Vice-Principal - Connie Shaw
Principal Assistant - Mariana Ruiz del Rio
Technical Directress - María de la Paz Ancira
Spanish Remedial - Griselda Hernández Claudia Villafuerte
Technical Directress Assistant - Magdalena Torres
Preschool Directress - Barbara Larrea
Preschool Directress Assistant - María Fernanda Duarte
Preschool Technical Directress - Susana Ortiz
Accountant - Marilu Aguilar
Cashier - Victoria Fierros
Office - Alejandra Rivero Adriana Villanueva Susana Rios
Afterschool Program - Adriana Villanueva
Nurse/Paramedic - Isabel Fernández & Verónica Romero
Counselor/Social Skills - Suzette Corral
Learning/Language - Clara Hurtado
Remedial Program - Lorelei Acuña 1st to 6th
Remedial Program - Doris Woroszylski PK to 1st
PKA Ana Regina Castellanos & Mariel Rebollo
PKB Paloma de Icaza & Regina Guillen
PKC Paola Reygadas & Gina Carrillo
KA Romina González & María Enríquez
KB Mariana Delgado & Andrea Cantú
KC Catherine Monsalve & Rafaela de la Hidalga
PPA Pilar Flores & Isabel Casillas
PPB Ana Laura Velarde & Lucila Velasco
PPC Gabriela González & Carolina Lachica
PPD Mónica del Castillo & Paulina Fenton
PFA Alexandra Fournais
PFB Sandra Fernández
PFC Gabriela Tittel
PF Aids Beatriz Morfin, Montserrat Fierros & Lucila Velasco
1A Andrea Rabiela & Yubiamaría Mójica
1B Karla Macouzet & Griselda Hernández
1C Marcela Fox & Rosa María Buendía
2A Rosa María Buendía & Marcela Fox
2B Yubiamaría Mójica & Montserrat Valdé
2C Gabriela Segura 6 Karla Macouzet
3A Bertha Sánchez & Cecilia Cruz
3B Rocío Abascal & Andrea Rabiela
3C Alejandra Aburto & Claudia Ibarrola
4A Montserrat Valdés & Rocío Abascal
4B Cleotilde Rodríguez & Mónica Fournais
4C Cecilia Cruz & Madeleine Fournais
5A Virginia Magos & Bertha Sánchez
5b Claudia Ibarrola & Alejandra Aburto
6A Mónica Fournais & Cleotilde Rodríguez
6B Madeleine Fournais & Virginia Magos
Mother´s Guild
President - Carmen Mary Lebrija de Vega
Treasurer - Mayela Tinajero de de la Viña
Board -
Inés Avalos de Zambrano
Sofía Fernández del Castillo de Ramírez
Andrea González de Gutiérrez
Mercedes Herrera de Marvan
Adriana López Doriga de García Madrazo
Sofía Lelo de Larrea de Le´Vinson
Ricardo Zambrano
Big School Head - Regina César de Triulzi
Preschool Head - Layla Aguilar de Aparicio
Special Events - Marisol García de Castillo
Community - Ana María Fernández de Schroeder
Family & Mindset - María Amtmann de Villaseñor
Bake Sale - Miren Otegui de Guichard
Green -
Arely Freyssinier de Pineda
Andrea Freyssinier de Tejedo
Barranca - Sofía Servitje de Cervantes
Costume - Marlene de la Parra de Vázquez
Soccer -
Ivette Gòngora de Arrieta
Marinette Miguel de Henkel
Alumni -Sofìa Fernàndez del Castillo de Ramìrez
Yearbook - Natalia González de Fernández

School Life (video or fotos)

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