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Expectancy for Successive Elements:

Key Ingredient to Language Use

John W . Oller, Jr.

ABSTRACT Language is viewed as an ab- teaching. If the native speaker’s knowledge of his
breviatory system whereby human processing of language is characterized as a grammar of ex-
information is facilitated through sequential cod- pectancy that incorporates pragmatic knowledge
ing. The key ingredient to successful use of lan- of the world, the problem of teaching a second
guage is the ability to anticipate elements in se- language can be defined as providing the student
quence. This is true for encoding operations as with a corpus of language in meaningful com-
well as for decoding. It is argued that the element municative settings. A major objective is to allow
of expectancy is the underlying factor which ac- the student to take full advantage of previously
counts for the overlap in variance on language acquired expectations about situations and
tests requiring various modes of verbal process- events in the world while he is learning a new
ing. The notion of expectancy applies to theories grammar of expectancy for the coding of infor-
of language learning and methods of language mation.

John W . Oller, Jr. (Ph.D., University of Rochester), expectancy. l’he implications of this last hy-
is Chairman, Department of Linguistics, University pothesis for secolld language learning and
of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexiw. teaching are explored briefly.

COGNITIVE PROCESSES ARE DEPEND- Language as abbreviation

ENT to a very great extent on the human
capacity to anticipate elements in the se- Language is an abbreviation for a much
quence of experience.’ Information avail- richer conceptualization. All that we know
able to the senses or memory of a mature of objects, events, and relationships in our
human being is far too complex and varied experience is not made explicit in our use
to be processed all in one gulp. This paper of words and sentences, and indeed it cannot
argues that language is the chief device be. I n order to communicate about our nor-
whereby sequential processing is facilitated mal everyday thoughts and sensations, we
and that linguistic competence may be char- are forced by intrinsic limitations to link
acterized, at least in part, as a grammar of together a string of abbreviations.
When I say, for instance, “My grandfather
1. This is a revised and expanded version of ’in in- was a kind and tolerant man,” this sentence
vited paper given at the section on Language Skills has meaning for you because you know the
at the 1971 TESOL Convention at New Orleans. I English language. However, when I say the
want to thank Jack Upshur (University of Michigan) words “my grandfather,” I have in mipd a
and Robert Reeback (Southwestern Cooperative Ed-
particular old gentleman with whom are as-
ucational Laboratory) for their helpful comments.
However, the views expressed, as well as any errors, sociated fond memories of my childhood. It
are my own. is inconceivable that you have the identical

444 Expectancy for Successive Elements

experiences in mind. Of course, you may activity. There is a series of hierarchies of orga-
have similar memories of your own grand- nization; the order of vocal movements in pro-
father or of someone else whom you think nouncing the word, the order of words in the
of as an elderly, kind, and tolerant person, sentence, the order of sentences in the paragraph,
but one thing is certain-your feelings, atti- the rational order of paragraphs in a discourse.
Not only speech, but all skilled acts seem to in-
tudes, and impressions concerning my sen-
volve the same problems of seriaI ordering, even
tence are as unique to you as mine are to me. down to the temporal coordinations of muscular
I t is almost paradoxical for us to have an contractions in such a movement as reaching and
intuitive knowledge of our inability to com- grasping.2
pletely understand what another person may
wish to communicate to us or what we our- Because of the nature of human limita-
selves may want to express. Yet this intuitive tions, whether we are speaking of actions or
knowledge exists and it constitutes undeni- ideas, in order for the mind to cope with the
able evidence that speech is merely a partial complexities inherent in our universe of ex.
manifestation of our private experience. perience, it categorizes and systematizes ele-
ments into hierarchies and sequences. While
Expectancy grammar: the universe in which we exist is far more
Anticipating elements in sequence complex than we experience it to be at any
given moment, the depths of our uncon-
I n spite of the fact that whatever we do say scious minds, which have registered untold
leaves a great deal more unsaid, we are able millions of details about previous experi-
to communicate amazingly well by means of ences, are equally beyond the grasp of our
language. As mature native speakers of Eng- present consciousness. What I refer to here
lish (or of any other language), we have ac- as “present consciousness” has been spoken
quired such remarkable skill that, not only of as “attention,” “short-term memory,”
do we usually understand one another, but “conscious awareness,” “primary memory,”
we often do so in advance. In fact, this can etc.
be the rule rather than the exception: We A simplified analogy, provided we remem-
aw almost always a jump or two ahead of ber that it is a deliberate oversimplification,
the person to whom we are listening, and may be helpful in visualizing the basis of
sometimes we outrun our own tongues when these concepts and their importance to the
we speak. l t is not unusual for a speaker to present discussion (cf. figure 1). Our present
say a word several syllables ahead of what consciousness can be thought of as a point of
he intended to say, nor is it uncommon for a interaction between external reality and the
listener to take a wrong turn in his thinking mind. It is a corridor of activity where in;
and to fail to understand correctly simply coming elements of experience are processed
because he was expecting something else to for storage in the memory system, and where
be said. the highly complex processes of thinking
It is my belief that our ability to antici- and language communication are effected.
pate elements in sequence is the foundanon T h e whole of our cognitive experience may
of all language skills. This capacity is by no be compared to a more or less constant
means simple in its nature or origin, but it stream of complex and interrelated objects
certainly is all-pervasive. It begins in the passing back aria forth through this center
pre-language years and continues to func- of activity.
tion throughout our lives in every aspect of Because of the connections and relation-
our conscious existence. I n an often-quoted ships among incoming elements and of their
paper on serial order in behavior, Karl
2. Karl Lashley, “The Problem of Serial Order in
Lashley has said, Behavior,” in Cerebral Mechanisms in Behavior, ed.
L. A. Jeffress (New York Wiley, 1951). Reprinted in
. . . the organization of language seems to me to Psycholinguistics: A Book of Readings, ed. S . Saporta
be characteristic of almost all other cerebral and J. Bastian (New York Holt, 1961), p. 187.
JR. 445

Simplif ied Representation of Present Consciousness
As the Point of Interaction Between the External
World and the Human Mind.


tendency to cluster together in predictable important to human existence. Language is

ways, we learn to expect certain kinds of the means par excellence for the organiza-
things to follow from certain others. When tion of our experience. As Colin Cherry has
I turn the corner at San Pedro and Downey said, we never feel we have fully grasped a n
in Albuquerque, I expect to see a green and idea until we have “jumped on it with both
white house coming up on the right side of verbal feet.” This process of putting an idea
the street where I live. When someone speaks into words, or of comprehending an idea
to you, you usually look in his direction ex- already put into words, involves the use of
pecting to see him there. In fact, these ex- the grammar of a natural language which is,
amples are so common that we hesitate even according to Ferrti, “a system of convention-
to speak of them as expectations, yet imagine al signs incomparably more flexible, subtle,
the shock and fear we would experience if and complex than any other means of sig-
a few of these common expectancies failed nification.”s
to be correct. Think what it would be like to T h e founder of modern linguistics, Ferdi-
walk into your living room and find your- nand de Saussure, has suggested that lan-
self in a strange building. Or imagine walk- guage as a system is organized within two
ing toward someone and getting farther basic dimensions: the paradigmatic and the
away from him with every step. T h e viola- syntagmatic. I believe that these basic di-
tions of our commonest expectations are mensions of language are also the major axes
horror-movie material that make earth- of cognition. T h e paradigmatic (or category
quakes and hurricanes seem like Disney- dimension), which is relatively independent
land. of time, may be thought of as a network of
Among all our activities that make use of interrelated categories and hierarchies of
expectancy for successive elements, the pro-
cesses of language communication are un- 5. Frederick F e d , Language, Logic, and God (New
doubtedly the most complex and the most York: Harper Bros., 1961), p. 148.
446 Expectancy for Surcessiue Elements

categories, or paradigms. T h e traditional larger sequences of sub-sequences. We may

idea of a paradigm consisting of the various narrow the focus of our attention in time or
forms of a particular verb in a given tense we may broaden it, much as we adjust the
is a special instance of the concept paradigm; focus of our vision. I may think in terms of
here, let us think of paradigms or sets of ob- the sentence that I am now writing, or the
jects in a much broader sense. I n this more broader context of the day on which I am
inclusive sense, the eucalyptus trees at writing it, or this school year, or my lifetime,
LJCLA constitute a paradigm, as do foreign or known history, etc. Regardless of how
language teachers. Also, such ill-defined cate- broad or narrow our perspective, however,
gories as transitive verbs and feelings are there is a sequence of elements within it.
paradigms. In short, any concept, however T h e sequence itself may consist of relatively
vague or ahstrsct, which encompasses a simple paradigmatic elements or of complex
plurality of similar objects (whether thr interrelated ones, but there must be a se-
objects themselves are tangible and real or quence because the totality of even a rela-
intangible and possibly nonexistent) may tively simple aspect of our universe is too
be referred to as n paradigm. All of our cog- complex to be taken in at one gulp. We must
nitive experience is paradigmatically orga- deal with certain things ahead of others. In
nized in that the objects of our perception a sense, we must take in elements single file
and conception are members of paradigms. at a given rate, so that within the span of
T h e second dimension of cognitive orga- immediate consciousness, the number of
nization which we must take into account is elements being processed does not exceed
the syntagmatic axis. This is the dimension certain limits.
along which the elements of our experience I n a characteristically excellent publica-
fall into sequence. We may think of it as a tion, George Miller has presented a consid-
time line extending from the past through erable amount of evidence from a wide va-
the present to the future, along which our riety of sources suggesting that these limits
present consciousness travels. are somewhere in the neighborhood of seven
Right now as I look out of my office win- elements plus or minus two. He has also
dow, a multiplicity of stimuli are available pointed out that we overcome them in part
to my center of consciousness. There is the by what he calls “chunking.” By treating
courtyard, the buildings and sky beyontl, sequences o r clusters of elements as unitary
and there are the ideas that I am trying to chunks (or in our terminology, as members
express in words. As a reader, your present of paradigms), we are enabled to function
conscious experience is no less complex. You within a much richer cognitive system. Fig-
may see roughly similar surroundings from ure 2 illustrates in a very general and in-
a considerably different perspective. You are complete manner the way in which paradig-
actively involved in a process of conimunica- matic organization can function to enrich
tion insofar as you are anticipating a great syntagniatic processing. Elements at level 1
deal of what I have written. From time to are grouped into chunks several units wide
time, you may be exploring other ideas that (figure 2 uses seven as an estimate for chunk
come to mind as a result of what you are width), and the chunks themselves are
reading or because of what may be happen- treated as units of a higher level and grouped
ing around you. O r perhaps you are think- themselves into a sequence, and so on.
ing of examples which refute or support Natural language is perhaps the best ex-
what I am saying. Whichever of the many ample of this complex organization of ele
possible thinking activities you are engaged ments into sequences of sequences of se
in, your present consciousness is processing quences, etc. Because of its naturally high
sequences and sub-sequences of elements. redundancy, it is almost always possible in
By sacrificing progressively more and the normal use of language to partially pr6
more detail, we may attend to larger and dict what will come next in a sequenced
JR. 447

The Organization of Elements Into Sequences and
Hierarchies On the Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Axes.

elements. This is true no matter what level syllables, such as “nox ems glerf onmo kebs”
of language or mode of processing we are (Osgood, 1955), is more difficult than “The
speaking of. T h e elements may be sounds, nox ems have glerfed the onmo kebs,” which
syllables, words, phrases, sentences, para- in turn is more difficult than “The bad boys
graphs, etc. T h e mode may be listening, have chased the pretty girls.”
speaking, reading, writing, or even thinking. It is easily observed that the gradation
Expectancy for succesive elements functions from nonsense to completely acceptable Eng-
in all cases. lish can vary by much finer degress than
Verbal processing experiments have those represented here, but these examples
shown that the more predictable a sequence serve to illustrate the fact that as a sequence
of linguistic elements becomes, the more of linguistic elements becomes increasingly
readily it is processed.4 For example, a se- predictable, it becomes easier to handle. Not
quence of nonsensical but pronounceable only is the first example more difficult than
the second, which in turn is more difficult
4. For a fuller discussion of the idea of predictability than the third, but this order of relative dif-
and its application in problems of second language
ficulty holds true regardless of which of the
learning, see John W. Oller, Jr. “Contrastive Analy-
sis, Difficulty and Predictability,” Foreign Language traditionally recognized four skills we are
Annals, 6 (1972). speaking of. It is as though our learned ex-
448 Expectancy for Successive Elements

pectancies enable us to lie in wait for the ception. John Morton has shown that the
next element in order to pounce on it and visual threshold for perceiving words is sig-
make short work of it-much shorter work, nificantly lower for items in a context than
at least, than if the element took us com- for those same items in isolation. And I
pletely by surprise. would predict that items in isolation will
At this point, some readers will possibly have a lower threshold of perception than
object that we are merely substituting the the same items in unlikely contexts, but this
term “predictability” for the concept of remains to be proved. The point is that we
“grammaticalness” from linguistic theory don’t have to have an exact measure of an
and that therefore we are not really saying inexact property of language (namely, pre-
much, since the concept of predictability is dictability) in order to be able to make good
not itself clearly defined. The issue might use of it.
then seem to boil down to little more than Though they may not be entirely speafi-
a preference for one or the other term. This, able there are tremendously restrictive con-
I think, would be a reductio ad absurdurn of straints on what may follow in a given se-
an extremely important issue. The question quence of linguistic elements. These con-
is whether we want to think in terms of for- straints, we may add, go far beyond the
mal logical systems (as in many current traditionally recognized grammatical ones,
conceptions of grammar) or of time/space and they operate in every aspect of our cog-
dependent systems subject to dynamic fluc- nition. John Dewey, in his treatise on think-
tuation in constantly changing contexts. In ing, argues that the ”central factor in think-
spite of the fact that probability theory and ing” is an element of expectancy. He gives
models of information processing have not an example of a man strolling along on a
yet provided us with an entirely adequate warm day. Suddenly he notices that it has
definition of “predictability,” the notion is become cool. It occurs to him that it is prob
obviously a useful one if we think in terms ably going to rain; looking up, he sees a dark
of the broad perspective of problems relat- cloud between him and the sun, and he then
ing to language use and language learning. quickens his steps. Dewey goes on to define
An example or two may help to illustrate thinking as “that operation in which pres-
the problem at hand. We cannot say e x a d y ent facts suggest other facts (or truths) in
what is the probability of the sentence “My such a way as to induce belief in the latter
grandfather was a kind and tolerant man.’ upon the ground or warrant of the former.”6
In fact, independent of context the ques All of the preceding suggests a model of
tion is not a meaningful one at all. How- language behavior which is given a very sim-
ever, we can easily agree that when asked the plified representation in figure 3. The model
question, “What time is it?”, the first sen- contains the implicit premise that the cen-
tence is very improbable as an answer. On tral feature of language processing is expec-
the other hand, if one were relating his au- tancy for successive elements. Some may
tobiography, at certain points in such a question the lumping together of the four
context, the sentence “My grandfather was skills in this fashion on the basis that it fails
a kind and tolerant man” might be perfect- to take account of the fact that a person can,
ly normal (i.e., quite probable). for example, develop the ability to read and
Similarly, in the sentence “The boy ran write a language without simultaneously
down the ,” we cannot determine having developed the capacity to think in
the exact probabilities of the fillers “street,” the language, or to write or speak the lan.
“hall,” “plank,” “dog,” etc., but we can say guage, or understand it when spoken. We
that any of these is more likely to occur than once had a Japanese-speaking student at
“moon,” “of,” “clock,” “said,” etc. More-
over, this difference in relative probability 5. John Dewey, How We Think (Barton: Heath,
has been shown to have clear effects on per- 1910), pp. 6-8 f.
JR. 449

acoustic Iistening speaking acoustic

representation of
+- representation of
language thinking language
visual visual
abcd. .. __+
representation of
+ abcd ...
representation of
language reading writing language


UCLA, for example, who wrote good com- 1973), there clearly must be a deep level of
positions and had excellent reading com- expectancy grammar underlying all lan-
prehension in English, had translated Emily guage skills.
Dickinson into Japanese, but could not Another possible objection to the idea
speak or understand simple instructions that expectancy is the common element of
about how to get from the Humanities language skills may arise when we consider
Building to the dorm. No doubt many the sclcalled productive component. There
teachers could cite similar cases. However, is, however, an important way in which an
the problem in such cases is not one, I think, element of anticipation functions here. T h e
of central processing but of peripheral cod- speaker (or writer) anticipates what he will
ing. This student simply had not yet learned say (or write) next based on his intention to
to process the acoustical representation of communicate, and he monitors what he ac-
English. tually hears himself saying (or sees his pen
On the other side of the coin there is con- writing). It has been shown repeatedly that
siderable empirical evidence in favor of the tampering with the speaker's own feedback
representation suggested in figure 3. For one of what he is saying has pronounced debili-
example, proficiency tests of non-native tating effects (Chase, Sutton, and First,
speakers of English indicate that about 1959). T h e typical experiment of this type
eighty percent of the variance in measures involves delayed auditory feedback or side-
of reading, writing, speaking, and listening tone. T h e speaker's voice is recorded on a
is completely overlapping. A dictation test tape and the recording is played back a frac-
may correlate as high as ninety percent with tion of a second later into a set of head-
a test of reading comprehension and with an phones which the speaker is wearing. This
oral interview. Unless there is something causes marked changes in the speaker's be-
drastically wrong with the tests which we havior. He will stutter and distort syllables
have investigated (Oller, 1971b, 1972; Oller almost beyond recognition. T h e problem is
and Redding, 1971; Oller and Tullius, that he is trying to compensate for what he
450 Expectancy for Successive Elements

hears himself saying based on what he ex- does not exist in normal speakers of lan-
pects to hear. guages as a separate and independent skill,
and there is no point in trying to teach it as
Relevance to second language teaching such to language students. T h e “hurdle”
they refer to is a n artifact which could not
A great deal of basic research remains to be exist were it not for the overemphasis of syn-
done relating to our capacity to anticipate tax at the expense of meaning.
elements in contexts. If this paper has done T h e typical basis for foreign language
nothing more than illustrate the usefulness teaching in our day is a set of materials or-
of a study of this basic skill in relation to lan- ganized primarily according to syntactic
guage behavior, then it has achieved its and, in the early stages, phonological crite-
main purpose. However, I would like to ria. T h e system can be pictured schematical-
carry the discussion just a little further in ly as shown in figure 4. Some simple syntac-
order to relate it more concretely to the prob- tic patterns are selected from a linguistic
lems of teaching languages. For a moment analysis of the language, and these are some-
let us consider how we can teach students times put together i n an artificial dialogue
of a second Ianguage the skill of anticipat- or story. T h e various patterns are then de-
ing elements in sequence. veloped into a sequence of pattern drills un-
Before attempting to answer this question related either to each other or to the story or
-which I believe is the central issue of lan- dialogue in terms of meaning. As Haynes
guage te.aching-I would like to digress a puts it,
bit and consider one very popular method
‘The man is here.’ ‘John looks sick.’ ‘Knute
of approaching the task which I think is Rockne and George Gipp were about the same
doomed to failure. I n their introduction to height.’ . . . are the same sentences in terms of la
a recent textbook entitled Modern English: langue, the code. This is why it matters little in
A Textbook for Foreign Students, Stockwell pattern drilling whether the sentences which the
and Bowen have stated, student repeats in order to learn this rule, Sub-
ject/Verb, make any real sense, either in isolation
The most difficult transition in learning a lan- or in sequence.7
guage is going from mechanical skill in reproduc-
ing patterns acquired by repetition to the con- While Stockwell and Bowen would prob
struction of novel but appropriate sentences in ably shudder at Haynes’ remark, I think it,
natural and social contexts. Language teachers is a fair and logical extension of their falla-
. . . not infrequently fumble and despair when cious distinction between “mechanical” ver-
confronted with the challenge of leading students sus communicative skill.
comfortably over this hurdle.6 Let me here reiterate a plea for meaning-
fulness in language teaching from the be
Their comment is one, in my opinion, which ginning stages. This is a n old cause dating
illustrates a deep-rooted error in modern a t least to Otto Jesperson in 1904. Yet it has
theories of linguistics and derived theories received little more than lip service from
of language learning. many theoreticians and practitioners in re-
T h e fact is that there is no such thing as cent years. A better basis for organizing a
“manipulative or mechanical skills,” in the set of materials is depicted in figure 5. Here
ordinary interpretation of these terms. If the syntactic structure is given a subordinate
the authors meant mere pronunciation, this position, and the situational interaction of
would be a different matter. T h e fact is that the people using the language is given prom
syntax (or grammar apart from meaning) inence. Drills are developed on a pragmatic
6. William E. Rutherford, Modern English: A Text- 7. Charles S.Haynes,“SecondLevel Language Teach
book for Foreign Students (New York: Harcourt ing,” Occasional Papers: A Publication of the A m d
Brace, 1968). p. vii. cun Language Institute, 2 (1967), p. 2.
JR. 45 1

flGURE 4
Organization of Language Materials
On t h e Basis of Syntactic Paradigms.

1 1
Q Lesson1

Lesson 2

Patterns Patterns
1. 2,3

Drill 4 Drill 6 Drill 49,998 Drill 50,000

l Drill 2 1 Drill 5

- !,
Organization of Language Materials on the
Basis of An Ordered Sequence of Situational Paradigms.
I,,, I
, 71

Lesy1 Less;” 2

Situation 1 Situation 2

-I I
(developing from 1)

/ \

emphasizing a
paradig; )
- Activity 1 Activity m

point of grammar)

I Activity 2 I I Activity 2 1 1 Activity 2 1

basis, as situational paradigms,
- rather than Dewey, John. How W e Think. Barton: Heath, 1910.
syntactic paradigms. T h e focus is on mean- de Saussure, Ferdinand. Course in General Linguis-
tics. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959.
ing from beginning to end. Ferre, Frederick. Language, Logic, and God. New
The learner knows about situations; what York: Harper Bros., 1961.
he must learn is how to code them in the Haynes, Charles S. “Second Level Language Teach-
target language. By providing him with ing.” Occasional Papers: A Publication of the
meaningful situations within which he can American Language Institute, 2 (1967), pp. 1-7.
Jespersen, Otto. How to Teach a Foreign Language.
experience and interpret the new forms of London: Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1904.
the TL, we are taking full advantage of Lashley, Karl. “The Problem of Serial Order in Be-
his previously acquired expectations-and havior.” Cerebral Mechanisms in Behavior. Ed.,
where these are inapplicable, we are teach- L. A. Jefiess. New York: Wiley, 1951, pp. 112-36.
Reprinted in Psycholinguistics: A Book of Read-
ing him a new set.
ings. Ed., S. Saporta and J. Bastian. New York:
Holt, 1961.
References Miller, George A. “The Magical Number Seven Plus
or Minus Two.” Psychol. Rev., 63 (1956). 81-97.
Chase, Richard A., Sutton, S., and First, Daphne. Morton, John, “The Effects of Context on the Visual
“Bibliography: Delayed Auditory Feedback.” Jour- Durative Threshold for Words.” British 1.Psychol.,
nal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 2 (1959). pp. 55 (1964), 165-80.
193-200. Oller, John W., Jr. “Contrastive Analysis, Difficulty,
Cherry, Colin. On Human Communication. Cam- and Predictability.” UCLA TESL Workpapers, 5
bridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1966. (1971), (a) Foreign Language Annals, 6 (1972).
452 Expectancy for Successive Elements

Oller, John W., Jr. “Dictation as a Device for Testing Skills of Non-native Speakers of English.” Inter-
Foreign Language Proficiency.” UCLA TESL national Review of Applied Linguistics, 9 (1973),
Workpapers, 4 (1970), pp. 3741. English Language 69-80.
Teaching, 25 (1971), 254-9. @) Osgood, Charles E. “A Behaviorisbic Analysis of Per-
Oller, John W.,Jr. “Scoring Methods and Difficulty ception and Meaning as Cognitive Phenomena.”
Levels for Cloze Tests of ESOL Proficiency.” Mod- Symposium on Cognition, University of Colorado,
ern Language Journal, 56 (1972), 151-8. 1955.
Oller, John W.. Jr., and Redding, Elcho 2. “Article Rutherford, William E.Modern English: A Textbook
Usage and Other Language Skills.” Language for Foreign Students. New York Harcourt Brace,
Learning, 21 (1971), pp. 85-95. 1968.
Oller, John W.. Jr., and Tullius, James R. “Reading

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