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Solid State Technology

Volume: 63 Issue: 6
Publication Year: 2020

Cellulose as Thermal Insulation and Its Comparative

study with EPS Insulation
Vijay Shekhar Sharma a, Rajesh Kumar a,*
: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delhi Technological University (DTU) Delhi,
Bawana Road, Delhi, 110042, India
*: corresponding author email:

Cellulose Insulation is a supportable Thermal Insulation material processed from reused paper. It tends to
be installed over wall by the means of cellulose tile. Cellulose insulation is an Eco-friendly thermal
insulation material which is also economical to use considering the source, reused paper. The great thermal
properties and low embodied energy make it desirable eco-friendly material. However, because of absence
of good knowledge in its application and properties, cellulose insulation isn't generally utilized in contrast
with more conventional insulation materials. There are other conventional material present in the market
for insulation which are vastly used for insulation purpose among them is the EPS which is most commonly
used insulation. In this paper there is comparative study between the cellulose insulation and the EPS
insulation on the basis of their thickness. Two models are prepared with similar condition each of cellulose
and EPS over the Ansys and SolidWorks software. The properties heat flux and outer wall temperature is
taken for comparison. The required thermal properties such as thermal conductivity, density and specific
heat were taken from the ASHRAE, 1981 and Melgarejo, 1995. The result from the above work has shown
that the cellulose insulation is slightly better than its counterpart EPS insulation. It can also be seen that
both the material have shown similar characteristics apart from the minor difference

Keywords: Cellulose Insulation, EPS, Heat Flux, Thermal Insulation

Usage of renewable material on various heat conserving medium has attracted various industrial and
commercial application due to their virtue of least pollution and sustainability. In order to improve over
ecosystem and lower pollution level, an alternative eco-friendly insulation is needed. On the market of
thermal insulation materials, the main products are synthetic that are mainly produced from fossil fuels and
because of their high demand the environment concern has been growing. Therefore, thermal insulation in
buildings, factories, vehicles and utensils has been an important objection for the global sustainability and
the care of environment and human life. The various resource used in thermal insulation are like styrene,
polystyrene, etc. they are widely used in thermal insulation applications. These material have good thermal

properties but on the other hand are not environment friendly. These material when are disposed remain
stranded into the environment for very long duration. Which is very harmful seeing the current scenario of
waste produced daily.
There is need of usage of material which could lower the rate of waste production as well as environment
friendly. The use of agricultural waste and paper waste in the thermal insulation is the topic that is hot among
the researcher. These material not only try to solve the waste problem but also are efficient thermal insulation.

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Solid State Technology
Volume: 63 Issue: 6
Publication Year: 2020

As, the need of the in thermal insulation is very much essential in our life. The basic need of insulation arises
as from the point of the view that humans are warm blooded mammal, which requires it to maintain to a
certain amount of body temperature for the proper body functioning. This is also similar to various other
mammal spices which use different kind of natural insulation to keep their internal temperature at a set range.
This heat to maintain the body temperature is generated by the internal mechanism of the body. The work of
thermal insulation arises to maintain this internal heat and to minimise the loss of heat to surrounding.
Naturally we are developed with the limited amount of insulation which could facilitate our need for range
of temperature like, body hair, fat, hard shell. But, as we live in diverse environment with different
temperature all year round, we require an external mode of thermal insulation. We can also base that the
permanent settlement of human spices rely in the efficiency of the insulation that we had. Thermal insulation
is one of the building block of the humanity. In some application the use of thermal insulation is not limited
to the restriction of the flow of heat but it also provide protection surrounding environment. The better are
our insulation the more places we can go to explore the definition of the universe. Each building speculation
is related with the development of created environmental weights in types of various discharges and
(contingent upon sizes of ventures) financial expense. Thermal protection (or thermal insulation) of a
structure office doesn't generally turn into a good monetary and environmental arrangement. In the event of
utilizing basic material with high warmth obstruction it is conceivable to turn out that the utilization of extra
thermal protecting material can be monetarily and environmentally uncalled-for[1,2]. For the financial
evaluation of a thermal insulation speculation appropriately adjusted markers were proposed: net present
worth, profit pointer and compensation period. Most exploration on cellulose insulation centres on the free
fill application [3]. The impact of adsorbed moistness on thermal conductivity on free fill cellulose fibers
has been examined. A direct connection between dampness substance and thermal conductivity has been set
up [3,4]. These examinations consider just the impact of stickiness contained inside the free fibers, and not
how drying of filaments can impact these properties. It has been indicated that once paper filaments dry,
their quality expands, porosity diminishes, and their dampness maintenance limit diminishes. These
adjustments in the fiber structure during drying can lessen the material's porosity, in this way possibly
influencing the thermal conductivity of cellulose insulation. Cellulose fiber insulation can be used vividly
across structures as their properties are beneficial to both environment as well as financially. The ecological
effects are diverse relied upon the kind of the exterior framework, the insulation materials utilized and the
area of the structure while dissecting the entire life pattern of the structure. Researcher looking at changed
insulation types frequently show a bit of leeway for the EPS or styrene put together insulation with respect
to other insulation types because of low material utilization and weight in most ecological effect
classifications. Some likewise contemplated the natural effect of inventive materials as cork, flax filaments
or plant determined epoxy sap. Next to the ecological effect the monetary markers of the insulation materials
are here and there examined. Studies reason extra indicators that assess the speculation sway from the
environmental perspective. Insulation types utilized in outer warm insulation impact the structure of the
outside warm insulation frameworks. For instance, EPS insulation requires less render than delicate
insulation. This likewise influences the natural impression of the framework. The natural fibers can not only

be used for the insulation of walls but to create the artificial structures that can temporary stand and provide
sturdy home. These innovation can make this to help the poor structure for economically weaker people thus
giving them a more proper living standard. The ability to adjust as well to provide the strength could help in
securing a stable shelter. The portability of this light structure could also help in transporting to remote areas,
where the shelter is in the form of tent usually made from canvas. The thermal properties of the cellulose

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Solid State Technology
Volume: 63 Issue: 6
Publication Year: 2020

fiber could help in shielding the structure from cold as well as hot climate. The use of natural material would
also ensures the protection of environment and the decomposition of the forsaken structure.
The purpose of this study is to state the cellulose insulation is the effective form of insulation when compared
to its corresponding EPS insulation which is more widely used for the purpose of insulation. The cellulose
insulation though used but is very minimal when compared to the other insulation. Cellulose insulation could
be the future of the eco-friendly thermal insulation. The study compares the rate of heat transfer from each
of the above material and also the outer wall temperature of the material where, internal heat is generated.
The comparison is done on two similar models with maintaining same internal and external conditions. The
simulation results were varied with different thickness of the insulation. The cellulose insulation is taken to
be one piece as a whole to replicate the solid cellulose tile.

3.1 Fabrication of Solid Cellulose Tile

The fabrication of solid cellulose tile starts with the raw material which in this could be the waste paper,
unsold newspaper or any type of reused paper. As, one of the objective of the paper is to make eco-friendly
material there is no need to start afresh for the cellulose. The waste thus is needed to be broken into small
pieces so, it could be easily be used (figure 1).

Figure 1 Shredded office paper

Figure 2 Paper Paste

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Solid State Technology
Volume: 63 Issue: 6
Publication Year: 2020

Figure 3 Cellulose Insulation Tile

For this purpose there are various shredder available to perform this task. For small batch office shredder
would be enough but, for larger production industrial shredder would do better job. Also with the small
pieces of paper it would be easy to locate the metal objects that could have been attached to the waste paper.
Now, the shredded paper is to be dissolved in the water to soften the structure of the paper and also to make
it more malleable. This process is necessary to make the bond of the tile stronger and increase the density of
the tile. The water also help in transferring of the material easy. The paper paste is thus transferred in to the
mould for the shape (figure 2). Now, this mould could be of different material like metal or soft rubber its
depend on the scale of the production. The mould is filled with the paste and compressed with hydraulic
press to release any air bubbles and excess water. Then the tile is transferred from the mould and kept from
drying. This process could be related to the brick making process except the drying process is not done in
oven. It is either sun dried or kept in shade. The dried tile is highly portable and easy to handle (figure 3).The
final product could thus directly applied to the wall or ceiling with the help of glue.
3.2 Simulation of the cellulose Insulation
The simulation work done for Cellulose Insulation with ideal conditions to measure the specific property of
the material. The cylindrical model was prepared with specific dimensions for the inner material (figure 4).
The inner space was taken as empty space with air and having the properties of air like specific heat Cp is
1006.43 J/Kg.K, density is 1.225 Kg/m3 and thermal conductivity is 0.025 W/m.K of the air. The dimensions
of the cylinder are as follows diameter is 0.1 m and depth is 0.5 m. The outer layer is of the cellulose
insulation. The thickness of the insulation is varied from 0.25mm to 27.5mm. The properties for the cellulose
insulation was taken from Properties of insulating material: Source: ASHRAE, 1981 and Melgarejo, 1995.
The properties for the cellulose are specific heat Cp is 1336 J/Kg.K, density is 65 Kg/m3 and thermal
conductivity is 0.04 W/m.K.

3.3 Simulation of the EPS Insulation

For the simulation of EPS Insulation similar conditions were taken to replicate the result. The cylindrical
model was similar. The only change was the material for insulation layer. The properties for the cellulose
are specific heat Cp is 900 J/Kg.K, density is 20 Kg/m3 and thermal conductivity is 0.05 W/m.K.

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Solid State Technology
Volume: 63 Issue: 6
Publication Year: 2020

The result was obtained for varied thickness of the insulation for the heat flux and outer wall temperature.
Where the inner air was maintained at 340 K with side wall taken as insulated or no heat transfer and outer
atmosphere temperature was taken as 300K.
The inner connective heat transfer coefficient is taken as 2.5 W/m2K. The outer convective heat transfer
coefficient is taken as 25 W/m2K [45].

Figure 4 Cross-section of the model

3.4 Performance Parameters

Heat transfer rate
The rate by which heat moves from high temperature to lower temperature by means of conduction,
convection and radiation. It is given by:

𝛿 1 𝛿 𝛿𝑇 1 𝛿 𝛿𝑇 𝛿 𝛿𝑇
𝑞= (𝑟𝑘 )+ (𝑘 )+ (𝑘 ) + 𝑞𝐺 (1)
𝛿𝑡 𝑟 𝛿𝑟 𝛿𝑟 𝑟 2 𝛿∅ 𝛿∅ 𝛿𝑧 𝛿𝑧

Heat Flux
It is also know heat flow density. It is the rate of heat flow per unit area. It is given by following equation:

𝜑 = −𝑘 𝑑𝑟 (2)

Outer Wall Temperature

The temperature of the wall due to the transfer from the heat from conduction and convection. It is given by:
𝑞 𝑞 𝑟
𝑇𝑜 = 𝑇𝑖 − (𝑟𝑜 2 − 𝑟𝑖 2 ) + 𝑟 2 𝑙𝑛 𝑟𝑜 (3)
4𝑘 2𝑘 𝑜 𝑖

𝑇𝑖 = (𝑟𝑜 2 − 𝑟𝑖 2 ) + 𝑇∞ (4)

Where, T∞ is the internal temperature of the cylinder

Ti is the internal wall temperature

To is the outer wall temperature

hi & ho is the convective heat transfer coefficient respectively

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Solid State Technology
Volume: 63 Issue: 6
Publication Year: 2020


4.1 Cellulose Insulation

The cellulose insulation simulation has shown results which are effective considering other insulation. The
result of simulation in which the thickness of the insulation was taken 5 mm is shown in the figure 5. In the
figure the diameter of cylinder is 250 mm. The red area shows the inner heat of the cylinder which was 340K.
The outer wall temperature was 330.129K and the heat flux is 84.8586 W/m2. The surrounding temperature
was at 300K. In the simulation 100 iterations were run to obtain the result. The number meshes were
The parameters for insulation thickness were varied to obtain the result of heat flux for different thickness.
The range of thickness was varied from 0.25mm to 27.5mm. The result showed that with increase in the
insulation thickness the heat flux decreased which is the good sign for the insulation (figure 6). Similarly,
the outer wall temperature also decreased with increase in the thickness (figure 7).

4.2 EPS Insulation

The simulation were done similarly to the cellulose insulation with the same number of times of iterations.
The result has shown that the both insulation performance were similar. For the 5mm insulation thickness
the result is shown in the figure 8. The result for 5 mm thickness are the outer wall temperature is 331.693K
and the heat flux is 87.156W/m2.
For comparison the thickness were varied in similar fashion from the range of 0.25mm to 27.5mm. The result
was similar to the cellulose the decrease in heat flux and outer wall temperature with increase in the thickness.

Figure 5 Cellulose Insulation for 5mm Thickness


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Volume: 63 Issue: 6
Publication Year: 2020

Heat Flux










Figure 6 Heat Flux for the Cellulose Insulation

Insulation Outer Wall Temperature


Outer Wall Temperature






100 110 120 130 140 150 160
Diameter of the Cylinder (MM)

Figure 7 Outer Wall Temperature for the Cellulose insulation


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Solid State Technology
Volume: 63 Issue: 6
Publication Year: 2020

Figure 8 EPS Insulation for 5mm thickness

4.3 Comparison of the insulation

The simulation shows that there is difference which is clearly visible in the results. In the figure 11 the
difference can be easily visible the changing of temperature through the insulation layer. Readings were
recorded with change in the thickness similar to the CFI from 0.25mm to 27.5 mm there were 27 readings to
compare. In the table 1 comparison is between the changing thickness and the heat flux. This compares the
flow of heat through the insulation layer from the inner cylinder to the outer environment. The comparison
shows that the CFI is more efficient from the EPS insulation from blocking the heat from escaping.

Thickness Cellulose EPS Insulation

[mm] Insulation heat flux [W/m2]
heat flux
[W/m ]
0.25 98.950169 99.256299
0.5 97.924843 98.524802
1 95.944376 97.097287
1.5 94.052302 95.715276
2 92.242867 94.376712
2.5 90.510802 93.079658
5 82.854863 87.156452
7.5 76.549412 82.03515
10 71.266945 77.567079
15 62.914773 70.155371

20 56.608257 64.264108
22.5 54.000078 61.75087
25 51.675614 59.472396
27.5 49.590591 57.397324
Table 1. Heat Flux Comparison

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Solid State Technology
Volume: 63 Issue: 6
Publication Year: 2020

Insulation CFI EPS

[mm] insulation insulation
outer wall outer wall
temp [K] temp [K]
0.25 339.38315 339.50499
0.5 338.78212 339.01972
1 337.62525 338.07737
1.5 336.52517 337.17098
2 335.47803 336.29874
2.5 334.48031 335.45892
5 330.12904 331.69326
7.5 326.62588 328.53397
10 323.75565 325.85569
15 319.35839 321.58627
20 316.17379 318.36117
22.5 314.89657 317.03472
25 313.78016 315.85931
27.5 312.79757 314.81221
Table 2. Outer Wall Temperature Comparison


Heat Flux [W m^-2]





Diameter of the Cylinder [mm]

Heat Flux for Cellulose Insulation [W m^-2] Heat Flux for EPS Insulation [W m^-2]

Figure 11. Heat Flux Comparison


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Volume: 63 Issue: 6
Publication Year: 2020





Cellulose Insulation EPS Insulation

Figure 12. Outer Wall Temperature Comparison

The comparison is shown between the thickness and outer wall temperature here, also it can be seen that CFI
is performing better than the EPS. The reason is that the thermal conductivity of the CI is less than the EPS
which increases its efficiency then EPS. The heat flux for the cellulose insulation performs better than the
EPS insulation. The material shows the potential for better usage and its effectiveness could also be improved
which directly be shown in the results. The use of CI in insulation has shown significant result when
compared with the EPS insulation material with similar parameters in the account. The condition which were
artificially generated may not correspond similarly with the practical conditions. But, the simulation is to
give a virtual view that the performance of the CFI has effect over the traditional insulation.


The above result gives the conclusion that using the either material will perform somewhat similarly but the
edge for the cellulose insulation over the EPS insulation is that the cellulose is made from recycled paper
and when it will be discarded it could be easily absorbed in the environment where as the EPS is non-
biodegradable. When taken the scale in which EPS is used for insulation we can see that just replacing this
material with biodegradable material would leave a long term impact on the environment. The work done in
this study is to tell that the cellulose insulation have better thermal properties and would perform better. The
above results also shows that cellulose insulation have better thermal resistance then the EPS Insulation. Few
remarks that could be made from the above study are:
 The fabrication of the CFI pad was done on small scale with few material. The large scale production of the
CFI Pad is possible and would lower the overall cost of the insulation.
 The simulation done on the CFI has shown that the insulation was performing its purpose fully and showing
good resistance from the heat.

 The comparison between the thermal properties of the CFI and EPS Insulation has been done. The result has
shown difference between them with CFI being more efficient.
 The use of paper waste in the manufacturing process lowers the carbon footprint of the building and recycles
the paper waste.

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Volume: 63 Issue: 6
Publication Year: 2020

The study helps in stating the possible places where it can replace the EPS insulation. The use of cellulose
insulation in buildings walls and ceiling is the primary objective but, with further study in its strength and
reinforcement it could be also be used to make temporary walls for homes and tents.


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Publication Year: 2020

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