Modern Submarine Warfare

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David Miller • John Jordan

David Miller • John Jordan

275 photographs
46 full-color perspectve drawings
More than 90 explanatory diagrams

Anyone who thinks a submarine is essentially

l\ just a metal tube with torpedoes in the front
and a periscope on top wUl be astonished at the
variety of shapes and sizes on display in the central
section of this book. The range of sizes is explained
by several factors, including the roles for which
they were designed and the technological and
economic resources available.
The nimiber of variations on a fimdamentally
cyhndrical shape is the result of other factors,
which are examined in the first part of the book,
where a brief historical introduction and a more
detailed look at a handful of the most significant
designs in the evolution of the submarine is
followed by an examination of the underwater
environment in which submarines must function
and a survey of particular aspects of submarine
technology. Construction, propulsion, weapons,
sensors and communications are all discussed in
general terms and illustrated by photographs and
diagrams showing the function and operation of
representative systems. Since all submarine
design dominated by considerations of the
threats with which the resulting vessels will have
to deal, surface antisubmarine warfare is also
discussed in general terms and, again, a selection
of representative systems is showm in photographic
and diagrammatic form. Finally, since no navy
which seeks to recruit personnel of suitable
calibre and maintain a healthy level of morale can
afford to overlook the possibility of accidents, the
section concludes with a chapter on the modem
escape and rescue systems that would help a crew
survive in the aftermath of a disaster
Having explored the technological aspects of
submarine design and the specific forms which
different builders have produced to meet the
requirements and limitations under which they
must work, the reader should be in a position to
appreciate the tactical aspects of submarine and
antisubmarine warfare which form the subject of
the book's final section. Once again, photographs
and diagrams combine to present a uniquely
informative account of the methods employed by
submarines and their hunters.

Above: Launch of the Vastergotland by Kockums, Malmb, September 1986.

Above: The Oberon class submarine HMS Opossum under way in March 1984 afler being refitted with the new Type 2051 bow sonar.
Above: The broad beam of this Soviet Oscar class submarine houses 12 SS-N-1 9 cruise missile tubes on each side of the sail.
A Salamander Book Credits
This 1987 edition published by Military Press, Editor: Bernard Fitzsimons
distributed by Crown Publishers. Inc.
225 Park Avenue South Designers: Mark Holt, Nigel Duffield
New York. New York 10003
Colour artwork: Tony Gibbons, Terry Hadler, Janos Marffy, Mailings
© Salamander Books Ltd.. 1987 Partnership, Stephen Seymour, TIGA

ISBN 0-517-64647-1 Diagrams: TIGA

All correspondence concerning the content of this volume should be Filmset by Rapidset & Design Ltd.
addressed to Salamander Books Ltd., 52 Bedford Row.
London WClR 4LR, United Kingdom. Colour reproduction by Melbourne Graphics

h gf e d cba Printed in Singapore

Acknowledgements: The publishers wish to thank wholeheartedly the

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in many organizations and individuals in the defence and naval
a retrieval .system or transmitted in any form or by any means, construction industries, and the armed forces of various nations, who
electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior have supplied photographs and information used in the compilation
permission of Salamander Books Ltd. of this book. Sources of individual photographs are credited
individuallvnt the end of the book, but particular thanks aredue to
David Foxwell of NavaJ Forces. The diagrams appearing on pages
46-49 are based on information in General Oceanography by G.
Dietrich and K. Kalle (Willey-Interscience, New York); Fundamentals
of Ocean Acoustics by L. Brekhovskikh and Yu. Lysanov (Springer,
Berlin, 1982); Sound Propagation in the Sea by Robert J. Urick A
(DARPA/US Government Printing Office); and Underwater Acouslicsl
Handbook I/by Vernon M. Albers (Pennsylvania State University. |
Below: The Trafalgar class
nuclear powered attack
submarine liMS Tirelnss <:aught

The Authors by the camera while runninf> on

(he surface in November 1<I85.

David Miller is a serving officer in the British Army, a career which has |ohn Jordan is well known for hisconlribulionsoii modern ships and
taken him to Singapore. Malaysia, Germany and the Falkland Islands submarines to journals such as Navy International. Warship. De/(^n<.e
and which has included service in the Royal Corps of Signals, several and /ane's Defence Weekly. His work for Salamander includes
staff jobs at Army headquarters and the command of a regiment in the authorship of the Illustrated CJuides to The Modern US Navy, The
UK. He has contributed numerous articles to technical defence Modern Soviet Navy, Modern Naval Aviation. Batlleshipsand
journals on subjects ranging from guerilla warfare to missile strategy Bottlecruisers and Modern Destroyers, and he was contributor to The
and is the author of An ///usirated Guide lo Modern Submarines (1982) Balance ofMililary Power.
and An (J/uslrated Guide to Modern Subhunlers 11984], co-authorof
Modern Naval Combat (1986) and a contributor to The Vietnam War
(1979), The Balance ofMililary Power (1981) and The Intelligence War
(1983), all published by Salamander Books.
Below: The Swedish submarine
Sjoormen, name ship of a class of
five 1,125-ton diesel-electric
Albacore-hulled submarines
launched in the late 19ti0s.

Permit class 142 Type 206

Resolution class 144
Romeo class 146
Rubis class 148
Sierra class 150
Skipjack class 152
Sturgeon class 154
Swiftsure class 156
Tango class 158
TR-1700 160
Trafalgar class 162
its existence tfie submarine was a submarines to travel submerged at speeds at least equal to those of
For the first fifty years of
vessel which travelled and fought primarily on the surface, attacking surface vessels.
retiring under water only to hide or when under attack. Even Until the 1950s submarines' primary strategic role was against
when it submerged it did not go deep; indeed, it was not until the surface warships and seaborne logistic traffic. In both World
mid-1940s that submarines could dive to a depth greater than Wars Germany brought the United Kingdom to the brink of
their own length. Sonar was an imprecise instrument and starvation by attacking the supply routes across the Atlantic and
anti-submarine weapons were fairly ineffective, but a major in the second the US Navy won a great underwater victory against
problem for the submarine was the considerable speed advantage the Japanese, sinking millions of tons of shipping. The role still
held by surface ships. During World War II the development of exists, but the evolution of submarine-launched ballistic missiles
ship and aircraft radar forced submariners to spend longer below and, later, cruise missiles has brought a further and even more
the surface, and while the invention of the schnorkel tube gave important strategic role, that of striking at targets in the enemy's
them a means of recharging their batteries at periscope depth homeland. Indeed, no spot on Earth is now beyond the reach of a
their mast heads were still detectable, both visually and by radar. submarine-launched weapon.
World War II also saw the appearance of the specialised The USSR, while developing ballistic missile submarines like
anti-submarine aircraft as a particularly dangerous foe for the those of other nations, has also paid great attention to
submarine, whether submerged or on the surface. cruise-missile submarines intended primarily to counter US
Freedom from regular forays to the surface for life support and Navy carrier groups. The Americans, on the other hand, have
propulsion came with the nuclear-powered steam plant, which avoided the need for such specialised boats by developing
gave endurance effectively limited only by human psychological missiles - Tomahawk and Sub-Harpoon - which can be launched
and physiological factors and produced a truly underwater from either standard 21 in torpedo tubes or from vertical launch
weapon system, capable of world-wide deployment and able to tubes mounted between the submarine's outer casing and its
operate at fleet speeds with surface task groups. It also enabled pressure hull.

Top: The Los Angeles class Above: There continues to be a big

nuclear-powered attack demand for conventional
submarine USS Birmingham (SSN diesel-electric submarines: among
695) surfaces in spectacular the latest is the Indian Navy's
fashion. Nuclear propulsion has HDW Type 1500, of which S45,
freed submarines which make use seen here on builder's trials, is the
of it from the need to surface. second to be delivered.
Finally, the conventional diesol-electrii; submarine continues The value and importance of the modern submarine was
and many hundreds are operational with 39 navies.
to thrive, underlined during the,South Atlantic War of 1982: after HMS
Very few countries can afford the increasingly expensive nuclear Coiiquoior became the first nuclear-powered submarine to sink a
powered boats; for)apan. the political implications of nuclear surface warship when she attacked and sank tht; Argentinian
power are insuperable; and only the French and LIS navies have cruiser (jenenii Belgrano the threat from the British submarines
opted for all-nuclear underwater fleets. was so powerful that no further surface unit of the Argentinian
Although submerged submarines are difficult to locate, all Navy left i:oastal waters to threaten the British fleet. The
underwater craft give both ai:oustic and non-acoustic indications Argentinian Navy, however, had submarines of its own and its
of their presence and there is no such thing as an undetectable West German-designed Type 209 diesel-electric submarines
submarine. Many countries are conducting expensive research were a major threat to the Task Force throughout the campaign,
programmes aimed at making detection of their submarines more especially to the aircraft carriers.
difficult. Here NATO has long possessed a definite advantage The modern submarine is difficult to find, identify and sink. It
since Soviet submarines are inherently noisier, so NATO forces has a global capability, and in its current role the ballistic missile
should be able to detect and identify the enemy first. Early submarine is the ultimate deterrent, for its missiles threaten the
confrontations of a possible future conflict are secretly rehearsed enemy's cities and population in a counter-value role, while its
every day: Soviet hunter-killers endeavour to track Western inherent survivability gives it a virtually guaranteed
ballistic missile boats. NATO surface task groups practise second-strike role. The oceans of the world are now designated
anti-submarine techniques against tracking Soviet submarines InnerSpace',beingso vast and unexplored and of ever greater
and. as the incident of the Soviet Whiskey class submarine economic value. It could well be that the military battle for
grounding off the Swedish Karlskrona naval base in November control of this difficult and alien environment is only jttst
1981 showed, clandestine reconnaissance missions do take beginning, and that the real age of the submarine is only now
place, though their frequency can only be guessed at. beginning to dawn.

Left: The bow and fin of a Soviet and six or eight torpedo tubes able Above: The first use of submarines missile carrier built for the US
Tango class submarine. The to firetorpedoes or SS-N-15 as carriers of strategic nuclear Navy was L'SS Halibut (SSGN
Tangos are diesel-electrit antisubmarine missiles. The 19 weapons involved a couple of 587),completed in 1960 and seen
counterparts of the Victor class. Tangos built before production American World War II diesel here launching the RGM-6
the first Soviet nuclear-powered was terminated in favour of the submarines converted to
electric training version of Regulus I. The
attack submarines, and are Kilo are stationed with the launch Regulus cruise missiles. Regulus II programme was
equipped with a large bow sonar Northern and Black Sea Fleets. The only nuclear-powered cruise cancelled in 1959.
Modern Submarine
Below: Subdued lighting aids the

hushed concentration of
technicians monitoring the sonar
console of the I.os Angeles class
David Miller attack submarine I'SS La folia.
remarkable range of submarine designs currently sea continue to crop up. The same is true of propulsion, with nuclear
displayed in the central section of this book: the range of
at is

propulsion having conferred a startling increase in operational

sizes, and the number of variations on a fundamentally flexibility on those navies in a position to make use of it, but the
cylindrical shape, is a reflection of the different roles for which rest having to be content with enhancements to the
they have been designed and the technological and economic time-honoured combination of electric batteries charged by
resources available to the customer navies for which they were diesel generators for underwater propulsion. However, Swedish
built. This section of the book describes and illustrates the experiments with the closed-cycle Stirling propulsion system,
various factors which bear on modern submarine design, and which involves transferring the heat from burning fuel to helium
explains the characteristics that determine the modes of enclosed in a working cycle of pistons and cylinders, separated
employment outlined in the final section. by heater, regenerator and coding units continue to holdout
As the brief historical survey with which the section opens hopes of advances in this area.
shows, the relatively short history of the modern submarine has Weaponry is a different matter. Microprocessors have had an
encompassed many strands of development, but the overall enormous impact on the capabilities of all modern weapons and
thrust remains clear. To survive a submarine depends on stealth, their associated fire control systems, and not only has the
and as the performance of acoustic and other sensors improves, traditional weapon of the submarine, the torpedo, been given
the ability to remain under water as long as possible, and the entirely new autonomous homing capabilities, but whole new
need to make as little noise as possible while there, are classes of weapon have become available, so that the modern
paramount. The latest developments in such areas as water-jet attack submarine, exemplified by the Los Angeles class, has the
propulsion are highly classified, like many aspects of submarine ability to launch attacks with a range of missiles against land as
design and operations, but the constraints of security still permit well as the traditional surface and sub-surface targets at ranges
a reasonable survey of current technology. far beyond those of the most advanced torpedo. And in the

In terms of construction there have been few dramatically new strategic arena submarines have become the repositories of the
developments since the appearance of the teardrop-hulled ultimate deterrent, since they would expect to survive a nuclear
Albacore in the early 1950s, though variations such as multiple first strike that would attempt to neutralise land-based ballistic

pressure hulls and improvements such as anechoic hull coatings missiles and air-launched strategic weapons.


Submarine Types
The submarine became a major
factor in naval warfare during
World War I. when Imperial
Germany demonstrated its full
potential for the first lime after a
long process of development by a
variety of inventors and
enthusiasts. A Dutchman,
Cornelius van Drebel, is usually
credited with building the first
practicable submarine in 1620; he
demonstrated his oar-powered
craft in the Thames in London and
even, so it is said, persuaded King
James 1 to take a trip.
By the early eighteenth century
numerous ideas for underwater
crafthad been patented, and
during the American
Revolutionary War the Turtle, a
one-man submersible designed by
David Bushnell, was used to attack Above: VSS Holland, the US
the British man-of-war HMS Eagle Navy's first submarine, accepted
in New York harbour. It was April 1 1 1900. Armed with three

intended to attach a gunpowder torpedoes, 53f^ lOin (16.4m) long

charge to the ship's bottom with and capable of Bkt surfaced, 2kt
screws and explode it with a time submerged, she had a crew of six.
fuze, but the attempt was
unsuccessful. Robert Fulton Right: Commissioned in 1903, the
designed a craft, the Nautilus, Royal Navy's Holland 5 was the
which he offered to France, Britain last of her class. Vickers-built and

and the United States in 1801, but virtually identical to the US

without any response. Navy's Hollands she lies aground
Several more submersibles at Fort Blockhouse, Portsmouth.
appeared during the American
Civil War and on February 17, Below: The first of a long line of
1 864, a Confederate vessel, the CSS Royal Navy submariners, the
Hunley, sank the Federal Navy crew of Holland 1 adopt a stern
corvette USS Housalonic outside and resolute mien for the camera.
Charleston harbour. Hunley was Presumably the seventh crew
driven by a screw propeller, turned member took the photograph.
by a hand-crank operated by a crew
of eight men, and used a torpedo
suspended ahead of her bow. As
with the development of aircraft,
which ran roughly parallel with
that of the submarine, the problem
of the submarine was not really
soluble until a suitable means of
propulsion was available. An
English clergyman, the Reverend
Barrett, successfully operated a
steam-driven submarine, as did the
Swede Nordenfeldt, but it was the
electric motor which finally
cracked the problem.
Credit for the first really effective
submarine must go to J.P. Holland,
of New Jersey, whose first boat was
launched in 1875: many of his
ideas are still in use today, notably
the use of water ballast to submerge
the vessel and of horizontal
rudders to dive. The Holland,
launched on May 17, 1897, was
54ft (16.45ml long and was
propelled by a gasoline engine on
the surface and by electric motors
run from storage batteries when
submerged. Despite successful
trials, a cautious US Navy did not
accept such a revolutionary device
into service until April 11, 1900,
and she was subsequently
commissioned on October 12,
1900, Lieutenant Harry H
Caldwell, USN, commanding. The
company which produced this
boat, the HollandSubmarine
Torpedo Boat Company, was
reorganised in 1900 to become the
Electric Boat Company and is still
producingsubmarines today as the
Electric Boat Division of the
General Dynamics Corporation at

Groton, Connecticut.
Technology: Submarine Types

Above: The Royal Navy's Holland The P'rench hdd lung been
3 in pristine condition and with a interested in submarines, and a
very smart crew. Displacement Le
craft built in the 1860s.
was 104 tons surfaced, 150 tons Plongeur, incorporated many
submerged. These boats had one excellent ideas. She was driven by
14in (551mm) bow torpedo tube. an 80hp engine powered by
compressed air stored in large steel
Left: The first British-designed bottles: the air was also used to
boats, the A class (4 built), were blow the ballast tanks and to
succeeded by the 1 1 -strong B provide fresh air for the crew.
class, built 1905-06. The latter Unfortunately Le Plongeur was
were the first to be fitted with fore very unstable and the French Navy
hydroplanes. failed to solve the problems of this
very promising boat. A series of
Below: The Royal .Navy's fourth submersibles designed by Coubet
class of submarine, the 38-strong were followed by the ,Varval.
C class, had a displacement of 290 completed in 1899. which had
tons surfaced, 320 submerged, steam and electric propulsion and
and two bow-mounted 18in .^ood performance both on the
(457mm) torpedo tubes. surface and when submerged.
Once the feasibility of the
submarine boat had been
demonstrated by the Americans
and the French, many navies
became interested in the idea. The
British Admiralty had watched
progress with a mixture of
scepticism and disdain, but by
1900 it felt compelled to become
involved: development started
with five Holland boats built in
England by Vickers who. like
Electric Boat, are still producing
submarines today. Holland 1
displaced 104 tons surfaced and
122 tons dived and had a crew of
M'ven men; its speed was eight
knots surfaced and five submerged.
The five Hollands were followed
by 13 A class (completed 1903-05),
11 B class (1905-10), 38 C class
(1906-08) and eight D class
(1908-1 1) boats, and the first of the
very successful E class were just
Modern Submarine Warfare

joining the fleet by August 1914.

when World War I started: the
Royal Navy had by far the largest
submarine fleet in the world, some
74 boats strong. "Jtf^Si^
World War saw submarines

being used from the very start, with

Kapitan-Leutnant Wedigen of the
Imperial German Navy scoring an
astonishing success on September
22, 1914, when he torpedoed and
sank three British heavy cruisers.
British submarines were very
successful throughout the war. but
it was the Germans who first used

the submarine as a strategic rather

than a tactical weapon. In
attempting to seal off the
transatlantic trade routes they sank
a huge tonnage of Allied shipping,
almost succeeding in their aim.
Thesubmarines in use at theend
of World War were
I essentially Above: HM Submarine//.-' in HI iiiii ,rii III, its tt> he (iirned u ilh tli(^ 2
1 in

bigger versions of those in service Mudros Harbour in May 1916, Holland class design and another (533mm) torpedo tubes, they saw
at the start of the conflict. Armed during the ill-fated Dardanelles 25 were constructed in the UK service in both World Wars, the
with torpedoes, plus guns for campaign. The first 20 were built during the years 1915-19. The first last two being scrapped in 1945.

Above: Electric welding for hull weight, added strength and solved Below: The Royal Navy's HMS then the muzzle was blanked off
construction was first used in the the long-standing problem of M.l was armed with a 12in gun before diving; when a target came
US Navy's two-boat Cachalot oil-fuel leakage, which not only and four bow-mounted 18in in range she broached until the
class - this is USS Cuttlefish (SS reduced range hut also left a (457mm) torpedo tubes. The gun muzzle was clear of the water
171)-huilt 1931-34. This saved tell-tale oil slick on the surface. had to be loaded on the surface. before opening fire.
'I'(H:liii{)l()^y: SubniiiriiU! Typtis

Above: Steam turbine-powered

for a surface speed of 24 knots, the
British K-class was designed to
work with the fleet. K.26. a bigger
boat than her sisters, completed a
round trip to Ceylon in 1924.

Right:The British M.2. originally

M. 1 (opposite),
identical to the
had her gun removed and was
converted to a submersible
seaplane carrier. She sank in 1932
when the hangar was lefl open.

Below: A
major step in diesel-
electric submarine design was the
snorkel tube, which enables boats »*=-.•
to travel with just the head of the
tube exposed while diesels are run
to recharge the batteries. This
diagram shows the system used on
postwar US Guppy boats. ''^Sk ^BK^B^i
Snorkel induction system surface action, they were capable British developed a series of
of limited forays under water and submarines (K. M and X classes) in
1 Snorkel induction 9 Water dram to were propelled by diesel-electriL which guns were the principal
head valve (21 in) negative tank power. The Germans were already weapons, while the French
2 Snorkel induction 10 Water drain to pump planning to take the war to the produced the might\ .Surrcnil
mast(15in) room coasts of the USA and were (4.304 tons submerged] with two
3 Moisture separator 11 Compressed air
building large 'cruiser' submarines 8in guns in an imniiMise turret
4 Snorkel induction supply (225psi)
as the war ended: L'-135. for forward of the conning lower.
valve (aft battery
example, had a displacement of Experiments were also conducted
Liy,") tons surfaced and 1.534 tons with aircraft-carrying submarines
5 Main induction
valve (aft battery submerged, and was armed with a by the British. French and Japanese
compartment) l.'iOmm gun and six 2()in torpedo navies but with very limited
6 Ship's ventilation hull lubes; with a crew of 46 men she
valve (forward had a speed of 1 7.5 knots on the World War II saw two great
engine room) surface and 8 1 knots submerged. suhni.irine campaigns, the first in
7 Forward engine where German
The inter-war years saw slow but the Atlantic,
room induction hull
steady development of the patrol submarines again tried to cut off
types. The German Type IXA of the United Kingdom from North
8 Aft engine room
induction hull valve li)40 had displacement of 1.032
a America and again failed, and the
Ions surfaced and 1.153 Ions second in the Pacific, where the US
submerged, and was armed with N,i\ y set out to destroy the
six 21 in torpedo tubes and a l.ipanese merchant fleet and
104nim gun. With a speed of 18.3 succeeded. Much new equipment
knots on the surface and 7.7 knots for submarines was introduced,
submerged she offered little notably radar, sonar, electronic
additional capability and warfare devices such as radio
performance over the l'-l.')5 of 22 direction finding, and the snorkel.
years previously, although Spe(!d. meanwhile, increased
reliability and habitabilily were remarkablv little: the US Navy's
obviously much better. Balao class of 1943 had an
The years lS)18-39 had also seen iMiderwater speed of just 8-7 knots,
some unusual submarine only marginally belter than that of
developments, though the vast World War submarines.

majority proved worthless. The There were, however, three very

use of guns appeared to offer some significant breakthroughs, the first
advant.iges ii\ cr torpedoes and the bring the German discoverv that by
Modern Submarine Warfare

streamlining the hull, doing away

with all unecessary protuberances
and increasing battery power,
much greater speeds and
endurance could be achieved.
These refinements, coupled with
that of the snorkel, resulted in the
first boats to be more at home
under the surface than above it and
led to a programme of new boats or
radical changes to old ones in
virtually every navy.
The second great development
was that of the tear-drop hull,
pioneered by the US Navy's
experimental submarine USS
Albacore, which made submarines
capable of much greater
underwater speeds and solved the
control problems, besides giving
much greater internal space. The
thirdwas the perfection of nuclear human beings, who can only exist only to be sunk by a submarine just side-cargo (which contained the
propulsion, which - for the navies there if they them a part
carry with one mile away whose presence its explosives), and this was
thatcould afford it - made of their normal atmosphere, and sensors had been totally unable to jettisoned, exploding a few
submarines totally free of the has a behaviour pattern of its own, detect. And just as sound behaves minutes later whilst still
surface for protracted periods. which is so far as unpredictable as in an odd way, so too do comparatively close; it did no
atmospheric weather was before explosions. damage to either X-8 or the towing
One example of the latter submarine. Some time later the
THE OCEAN the advent of satellites.
phenomenon occurred during port side-cargo developed a similar
The nature of the oceans
Submarines must operate in a pervades every aspect of World War II. when some British problem and was also released, but
three-dimensional environment submarine and anti-submarine midget submarines were being this time the fuze was set for a

with a nature and properties all its warfare and leads to some very towed across the North Sea to two-hour delay; the fuze worked
own. one which we are only now curious situations. A surface attack the German battleship perfectly 120 minutes later, but the
beginning to understand. The warship, for example, may detect a Tirpifz. One of them. X-8. sprang a explosion caused such severe
ocean is fundamentally hostile to submarine some 30 miles away leak in her starboard detachable damage to X-8 that she had to be

German Type IXB U-boat

Origin: Germany six high-speed 1 ,500hp diesels of a Below: TtieType IXA radar equipped Allied with their own radars,

Type: Patrol submarine, type normally fitted in motor- mounted two periscopes, ASW aircraft was coun- including FuM029 and
but later models were tered by a succession of Fuiyi030, U-862,oneof
diesel-electric powered torpedo boats, giving a maximum all

fitted with ttiree. Elec- detectors, including, the the boats which went to
Displacement: 1,051 tons surfaced; surface speed of 21.8 knots. This
tronic sensor devices Ful«lB29 (Ball), which tvlalaya, was fitted with
1,178 tons submerged installation, however, proved to be
were fitted in increasing was later replaced by the FuIVIG200'Hohentwiel',
Dimensions: Length 251ft (76.5m); dangerous and unpleasant for the numbers as the war FulVIBI 0. a more capa- a set developed from a
beam 22ft (6.8ml; draught 15.7ft crew, and the idea was dropped progressed. The threat ble,wide-band set. Luftwaffe ship-detection
(4.7ml after one operational cruise. The from ever more effective. U-boats were also fitted set.

Propulsion: Two 2,000hp MAN original engines were replaced by

diesel engines, two 500hp electric two of the usual MAN
motors for 18.2 knots surfaced; 7.3 diesels, the torpedo tubes removed
knots submerged; 8,700nm at 12 and they were then used as
knots surfaced; 64nm at 4 knots transport and refuelling boats,
submerged; design diving depth carrying 252 tons of fuel (in
492ft (150ml addition to their own 203 tons).
Complement: 48 Types IX D2 and D-42 were
Background: The Types and II I designed for operations in the
were training boats and were South Atlantic and Indian Oceans
followed by the two types which and their maximum fuel load of
bore the brunt of the U-boat war; 441 tons gave them an incredible
the Types VII and IX. The Type IX surface range of 31,500nm at 10
was derived from the Type I. which knots, and a maximum surface
itself had been derived from the speed of 19.2 knots. Many D2s
U-81 series of 1916. Intended for carried Focke-Achgelis FA-330
distant water operations the Type single-seat autogyros, which could
IX had longer range, greater be towed by the submarine at a
displacement and much better height of some 300ft (100m) to en-
habitability than the Type VII; a hance surface surveillance capa-
double hull design was used and bility. They had a surface range of
part of the 1 54 tons fuel load and all 23,700nm at 12 knots. Some IXD
the ballast tanks were located boats were used for importing vital
between the hulls. Surface range stores from Japan and some were
was 10,500nm at 10 knots. used as submarine tankers, most of
The Type IXB had a 165-ton fuel which were lost. 29 Type D2 were
load, giving a range of 12.000nm, built and two Type D-42, but it was
while the Type IXCand C-40, built then decided to switch production
in larger numbers than any other to the Type XXI.
version, utilised yet more space Many Type IX boats were fitted
between the hulls to house even with snorkel tubes from 1943
more fuel (208 tons and 214 tons onward, and radar and OF
respectively) giving still greater antennas were also fitted. As a
range (12,000 and 12,300nm). result top weight increased, as did
The D series boats were a major crash-diving lime, which had
redesign, being 36ft (lOm) longer originally been 35 seconds. Part of
and with yet further increases in the weather deck was removed
range and speed. Two boats of from some boats, which reduced
Type IX-Dl were built, each having the number of spare torpedoes.

Technology: Submarine Types

I.elltThelHl.'J Admiralty
Submarine Development
Committee proposed several
disastrous concepts, among
which was the idea for this X-class
iTuiser'. X.l, the only example
built, weighed 3.585 tons
submerged and was armed with
four 5.2in guns in two turrets plus
six 21 in (533mm) torpedo tubes.
She was laid up in 1930.

Right: The Soviet Hotel class

nuclear-powered ballistic missile
submarines, of which nine were
built before construction was
terminated in 1960. were the first
SSBNs in service. This example is
seen off Newfoundland after an
accident in 1972.

abandoned. The charges were Soviet Navy's diesel-engined Golf

identical, but the detonation of one class, with three SS-N-4 missiles
few hundred yards did no
at a mounted vertically in the fin. The
damage at all. while that at a subsequent Hotel class also had
distance of a little over three miles fin-mounted missiles, and it was
caused a great deal of damage, not until the appearance of the
entirely because of the curious Yankee class in 1966 that the
nature of the sea. Soviets had a purpose-built ,SSBN
equivalent to those in the West.
BALLISTIC MISSILE Even so, the Yankee had the

SUBMARINES SS-N-6 missile with a

comparatively short range, which
The first true ballistic missile meant that the boats had to deploy
submarines were those of the close to the US mainland to obtain

Above and left: The Type

IXB had a single 1 05mm
gun on the loredeck. one
37mm anti-aircraft gun
on the afterdeck and one
20mm AA gun mounted
on a platform at the rear
of the conning tower.
From 1944 the 105mm
and 20mm weapons
were replaced by two
twin 20mm. All versions
torpedo tubes, four
bow-mounted and two
stern-mounted, with 16
reloads; the standard
torpedo carried was the
Modern Submarine Warfare

Ballistic missile submarines in service

Golf (USSR, 1959)

Hotel (USSR, 1960)


Lafayette (USA, 1963)

Yankee (USSR, 1967)

Resolution (UK, 1967)

Le Redoutable (France, 1971)

Above: A Soviet Delta takes a Right:The Ethan Allen class were

Delta (USSR, 1972)
buffeting while running designed as SSBNs from the
on the surface in the North outset: this is USS/o/in Marshall
The size of the missile
Atlantic. (SSBN 61 1 The earlier George

Washingtons were lengthened

J compartment is dictated by the
length of the SS-N-8 missiles. versions of the Shipjack class.

Delta II (USSR, 1974) good coverage of targets such as ungainly whaleback necessary to
SAC bases. accommodate the large missiles is

Yankee numbers are decliningas very poorly matched to the fin,

boats are converted to other roles to which will undoubtedly give rise
keep within the SALT II limits, and to much underwater noise at any
the sole Yankee II carries the speed. The Typhoon is an
Delta III (USSR, 1978) experimental SS-NX-17, but the interesting design which has been
next class, the Delta, is now in its discussed at length in the West: the
^ fourth major modification - Delta consensus view is that it is
L 1

had 12 SS-N-8, Delta II 16 SS-N-8, constructed of two parallel hulls

J Delta III 16 SS-N-18 and Delta IV 16

SS-N-23 - having grown in the
joined together and surrounded by
an elliptical outer hull - it is even
suggested that the hulls may
process from 10,000 tons
Ohio (USA, 1981) submerged (Delta 1) to 13,600 tons simply be two Yankee or Delta
(Delta 1V|. The latest Typhoon hulls suitably modified - which
class (29,000 tons] boats carry 20 should make for a very spacious
SS-N-20 missiles ahead of the fin. interior which could be used for
Soviet SSBN design tended to extra crew, longer patrols,
lag behind hat of the West for some
I additional equipment or an
vears, with much evidence of very esoteric propulsion system.
hasty conversions in the early The Typhoons appear to have
types. Even in the recent Deltas the been designed specifically for

Above: SSBN classes currently in sail, but all the rest carry their Above; Artist's impression of the within the UK about the wisdom
service, shown by the dale of primary armament in the hull British Vanguard class SSBN of adopting the Trident system,
completion of the first example. abaft the sail, except for the designed for the Trident missile, with each of the major political
The earliest Soviet boats, the Golf Typhoon, in which the tubes are the first of which was laid down at parties taking a different stance
and Hotel classes, have their forward. The inexorable growth the Vickers Yard in Barrow. A on the issue. Four are planned and
missiles mounted vertically in the in submarine size is clear. major national debate has raged a fifth is unlikely.

Technology: Submarine Types

uiider-ice deployment, and one

example has demonstrated an
ability to launch at least four
ballistic missiles simultaneously,
whereas all other ballistic mi.ssile
submarines fire their mi.ssiles in a
'ripple', which could lakeasmuch
as 15 minutes in the case of the
older types, and during which they
are very vulnerable: thus, to fire
.salvos is a major change. One
interesting note is that the first
commanding officer of the first
Typhoon was awarded a very high
decoration the end of his tour of
command so high and rare,

indeed, that he was the first

recipient since World War II.
The US Navy has just three
classes of SSBN in service: 3 1 of the
virtually identic:al Lafayette and
Franklin classes, of whic:h 12 have
16 Trident mi.ssiles while the

remainder retain their lf>

Poseidons. and an increasing
number of the Ohio class, which
mount 24 Trident missiles abaft
the fin. Unlike previous classes,
the Ohios are powered by the S5G
natural-circulation nuclear-reactor
system, developed from that tested
in the .Vanvhal.
British and French SSBN's. like
the Lafayette and Franklin classes,
carry 16 missiles abaft the fin and
are of similar size. The French have
now produced six SSBN's. with a
gradual improvement in each case,
while the Royal Navy has not built
any since the last of the four
Resolutions was finished in the
late 1960s. There will, therefore,
inevitably be substantial changes
in design in the four new British
Trident boats, which will
obviously incorporate the lessons
learned from the SSN programme.
Finally. China is buildingan SSBN
fleet, with two boats of the Xia class
operational by the end of 1986 and
a further four to follow
In design and operational terms
the Yankee. Delta. Lafayette.
Franklin. Resolution and Le
Redoutable classes have a lot in
common, and it is only with the
advent of the Typhoon and Ohio
classes that there has been a
divergence. The Typhoon is huge
and there seems no reason why
next-generation Soviet SSBN's
should not be even bigger if all they
are required to do is to cover the
relatively short distance to the
Arctic ice-cap. The Ohio is a less
radical design than the Typhoon
and is. in effect, a logical
progression of the Lafayette and
Franklin clas,ses - bigger, longer,
quieter and with more missiles.
Perhaps the most interesting
developments are the Chinese
boats and the new. much smaller
nuclear reactor fitted in the French
Rubis class SSNs. and it will be
interesting to see the effect of the
latter on the design of the next
.zeneralion of SSBN's

Till- Soviet N.iw's submarine-
launched cruise missile
programme originated in the 1950s
.is.i rcs[)cmsel()lhi'lbreal posed by
Modern Submarine Warfare

Nuclear-powered attack submarines in service

Skate (USA, 1957)

Skipjack (USA, 1959)

Permit (USA, 1961)

Valiant (UK, 1966)
Above: The need to increase the the Loon programme in the late
range of submarines' weapons 1940s, and involved the installa-
continued from the British M. 1 tion of a launch ramp for copied
and X 1 to this first missile boat, German VI missiles. Carbonero
Sturgeon (USA, 1967) USS Carbonero (SS 337). The was subsequently reHtted for
conversion was carried out under Regulus trials.

'CCZ the US Navy's aircraft carrier task Bear-D reconnaissance aircraft, but
groups. Some crude conversions of the difficulty of achieving
Victor (USSR, 1968) Whiskey class patrol submarines coordination and the vulnerability
were followed by the first of the aircraft made this a relatively
purpose-designed classes, the ineffective system and it is

nuclear-powered Echo class and believed that satellites are now

the diesel-electric Juliett class. used. A large radar is also needed
Alfa (USSR, 1972) Twenty-nine Echo lis, each armed on the launch submarine, the
with eight SS-N-12s. and 16 antenna for which - Front Door or
lulietts armed with four SS-N-3As Front Piece - is mounted at the
each were still in service in forward end of the fin.

mid-1987. The first Charlie class SSGN

Swiftsure(UK,1973) In both classes the missiles are appeared in 1968; smaller, quieter,
mounted in bins stowed flush with faster and with much greater
the hull casings, and the bins are hydrodynamic efficiency than the
raised prior to launching on the Echo class, it fires its SS-N-7
surface. There are prominent missiles under water and does not
Glenard P Lipscomb (USA, 1974) indentations behind each launcher need an aircraft in the control loop.
to act as blast deflectors, which Also, the missile bins are all
generate a lot of underwater noise. mounted forward of the fin and
The missiles are fired from ranges flush with the hull. The later
of about 200 miles, well beyond the Charlie class boats have a
Los Angeles (USA, 1 976) normal ASW screen, but such lengthened bow section,
n. ranges necessitate external suggesting that they may be fitted

'C^r D assistance to achieve

over-the-horizon targeting;
initially this was provided by (wo
with the SS-N-15
appear was the Oscar
class (18.000 tons), armed with 24
Pubis (France, 1982)
Below: Some US submarines were Right: Soviet Navy Juliett class
converted for cruise missiles, but SSG, armed with four SS-N-3A
VSS Halibut [SSGN 587) was cruise missiles. Sixteen of these
designed specifically for the task. boats were commissioned in the
Trafalgar (UK, 1983) The missile facilities were early lOOOs and all still serve, six
removed in the late 1960s and in the Baltic, the rest in the
Halibut was used for DSRV trials. Atlantic and Mediterranean.
Sierra (USSR, 1984)

Mike (USSR, 1984)

Akula (USSR, 1986)

Above; Nuclear-powered attack resources to maintain two classes,

submarines (SSN) currently in Mike and Akula, in production.
service, arranged by date of Mike is thought to serve as a
completion of the Tirst unit of the propulsion testbed; Akula is
(:l,iss and shown to the same scale similarlo Victor III and Sierra
a: 'ic ballistic missile submarine classes. Insufficient data was
pr iHles on page 20for compari- available on the Chinese Han and
son. Only the USSR can afford the Ming classes.


Technology: Submarine Types

Chinese Type ES5G

Right: The Chinese export

submarine Type ES3G is armed
with six missile launchers
mounted in pairs beside the sail. It
also has six forward and two after
torpedo tubes.

SS-N'-19 missiles, huge Permit and Sturgeon classes which the Soviets seem to be generating The Soviet .Navy still retains a
submarines with the exceptionally followed are larger, carry more such targets. US SSNs are therefore numberof elderly and unreliable
wide beam of 60ft (18.3m). The sophisticated sonar outfits and fire designed for three primary roles: November class SSNs in service,
missile bins are in the casing, but Subroc. but with no increase in anti-submarine hunter-killer, but its principal current type is the

the great girth is probably due to power the speed of these classes particularly in defence of ballistic second-generation Victor, which
the use of double hulls, making fell to 28 knots. The latest type of missile boats; independent has a much improved hull form,
this design, like the Typhoons. SSN in service with the US Navy is forward area attack and greater diving depth, a much
very difficult indeed to destroy. the Los Angeles class, which reconnaissance: and the protection quieter propulsion system and a
The Soviet Navy has developed showed a 50 per cent increase in of surface task groups and convoys. submerged speed of about 30
an SLCM similar to Harpoon, displacement over their Nuclear propulsion is a knots. The 16 Victor Is were
which is launched from a standard predecessors. These boats are relatively noisy way of powering a followed by six Victor lis. 1.5.40
21in |533mm) torpedo tube and fitted with more advanced sensors submarine, particularly at high (4.7m) longer and capable of
which will obviously be deployed and fire control equipment - both speeds, but successive US designs carrying the SS-N-1 5. Then came
on SSN's. but it would appear that of which are now being retrofitted have shown a steady improvement the Victor III. longer still and with
they still intend to continue SSGN to the 14 Permit class and 37 in this respect. In the Los Angeles an unusual cylindrical object on
development. However, there Sturgeon class boats — but. in class particular attention has been top of its fin. which may be
appears to be no intention in any addition, the Los Angeles class paid to quiet operation, and the associated either with a towed
Western navy to produce a such a restored the speed levels of the large hull makes it easier to array or an advanced propulsion
specialised type Skipjack class. cushion the machinery. The system
Soviet Navy operating increase in speed also reflects the Finally, there are no fewer than

NUCLEAR POWERED procedures have in the past made it increasing tactical requirement for three new types of Soviet SSN. the

ATTACK SUBMARINES unlikely that there would be the defence of carrier task groups Mike. Sierra and Akula classes.
surface task groups against which against Soviet SSGNs. and all US The Sierra appears to be a logical
The oldest SSNs in US Navy US SSNs could concentrate, SSNs except the Skipjacks are development of the Victor III and
service are the five Skipjacks, though with the advent of the Kiev being fitted with Harpoon missiles the Akula seems to be yel a further
which are small and handy but and Kremlin class aircraft carriers to give them a new capability development of that line, but the
lack advanced sonar svstems. The and the Kirov class battlecruisers against surface units. .Mike has a somewhat ililfcn-nl hiill
Modern Submarine Warfare

diid fin shdpe and lacks tilt; large Above: HMS Dreadnought, the Below: The Chinese ESSE export torpedo tubes in addition to the
bullet found on the vertical first British SSN, was powered by model diesel-electric submarine six bow tubes. When submerged
rudders of both the Sierra and the a US S5W reactor while the first is derived from the Soviet Romeo, the ESSE displaces 2,113 tons and
Akula classes. British powerplant was developed produced in Chinese yards for has a maximum speed of 18 knots
The Royal Navy has produced a and tested at Dounreay. The boat many years. As with the ES5G and an endurance on batteries of
series of highly effective SSNs: was listed for disposal in 1982. (overleaf) this boat has two stern 330nmat4knots.
Dreodnouglil. first of the line, has
been retired, but all the others Chinese Type ESSE
remain in service. The British
SSNs are similar to the American
types, but by no means identical:
their main design features are that
the hulls tend to be fuller and to
taper at a greater angle at the stern
than those of the US boats, and the
forward hydroplanes are mounted
at the bow rather than on the fin. A
conformal sonar array is installed
at the bow, rather than the US
sphere, which allows the torpedo
lubes to remain at the bow. The
drive system on the latest Trafalgar
class employs hydrojels rather
than propelli.'rs to cut down on
cavitation noises.
The French Rubis class SSNs are
much smaller than other SSNs,
which must be a result of a new 205 and 206 and halian Toti 1 more and include the
.600 tons or 2,350 tons and 220ft (67m). All
type of small nuclear reactor, and classes. These have proved BritishType 2400, Dutch Walrus three types are armed with six 21 in
there has been much speculation, effective little boats, but obviously and Soviet Foxtrot. Kilo and torpedo tubes and all have
but no confirmation, that such a suffer from limitations in range, Tango, the last being the largest submerged speeds in the vicinity
size reduction has been achieved torpedo reloads and sensor non-nuclear submarine at 3,700 of 20 knots.
by theuSBof liejuid-metal cooling. capacity. tons. The number of countries capable
The actual design of he boat is not
I The 900-1,300-ton bracket In design terms there is no one of producing their own submarines
unusual, however, beingbasically includes the German Type 209. design or nation that stands out as is growing rapidly. The traditional
a modified version of the Agosta Yugoslavian Sava and Swedish being significantly different from manufacturers have been the UK,
conventional submarine design. Nacken and Sjormen classes. the rest, and clearly the operational USA. USSR. France, Germany.
These, too, are limited in requirements are remarkably Italy and Sweden, but these have
CONVENTIONAL endurance and carrying capacity similar in many respects. Of the been joined in recent years by
SUBMARINES and are to be found in the smaller designs in the West, for
thr(Mi latest Argentina, Turkey, Yugoslavia,
navies with medium-range roles. It example, the Japanese Yuushio is Denmark, Spain, China and North
Conventional submarines fall into is. however, of interest that the 249.25ft (76m| long with a surface Korea. And it is interesting that
three main categories. Ihi' tirsi Swedish Niicken class is one of the displacement of 2.200 tons, while this is one.area where the USA has
being the coastal or shallow-water finalists in the Australian the figures for the British Type no capability whatsoever. The last
submarine of 400-600 Ions, submarine competition. The 2400 are 2.125 tons and 230.5ft operational diesel-electric
epitomised by the C'.erman T\pf' majority of c;urrent ty|)es are of (7().25m| and the Dutch Walrus submarine built in a US shipyard

Technology: Submarine Types

Above: One of the major naval West German Type 209 design Below: US Navy research sub
developments of recent years is being built at the Golcuk Yard in Dolphin (AGSS 555), used in
the rapid spread in submarine Turkey. The cleanness of the hull, many experiments since 1969.
manufacturing capability from a major factor in the Type 209's Her pressure hull is a perfect
the few countries to which it was exceptional quietness, is visible cylinder, closed at each end by
formerly confined. Typical is this under the scaffolding. hemispherical bulkheads.
This book is not a historical

survey of the submarine, but it

is necessary for a proper
understanding of present-day
submarine technology to know a
little about its development,
examined here in terms of six
submarines which are considered
to be milestones in submarine
The E class submarines
were throughout World
in service
War and were the immediate

descendants of the original naval

submarines, in turn developed
from the Holland boats which were
the first submarines to be true
weapons of war. They are.
therefore, taken to be archetypical
of the first generation of true
combat boats.
During the years between the
world wars the development of the
submarine proceeded at a slow, Above: A.l, the first British Above right: The D class, built
steady and unspectacular way. designed submarine. The A class, 1908-191 1 were the first British

leading to the boats used by the developed from the Holland, had boats with diesel engines, twin
navies in World War II, but there a higher conning tower, a short screws, saddle tanks and radios.
was a great deal of periscope and a crew of 14. After a D.4 was also first to mount a gun,
experimentation, mainly due to late start, by 1914 the RN had the although D.8, here entering
the disparity of views on the world's largest submarine fleet. Portsmouth harbour, had none.
employment of the submarine in
war. Having seen that a great deal primarily in the Pacific, are a good Right: An unusual line-up
of successful action by submarines example of the culmination of the representing the first five classes
had taken place on the surface original line of slow, shallow- of British submarine; from the
using guns, there was a strong diving boats, still totally right, A.5,B.1.C.35.D.2 and E.l.
school which argued that large dependent on regular exposure on They clearly show the gradual
calibre guns should be carried and the surface to recharge the batteries increase in size and displacement
another that advocated the carriage -the last ofthesubmersibles. from the 207 tons (submerged) of
of aircraft to provide the means for All the World War II the A class to the 800 tons of the E
reconnaissance and gun spotting. developmental lines came together class.
Various heavy gun and in the Type XXI. which had a
aircraft-carryingsubmarines were streamlined hull and fin. were to come. The first was the
constructed, but the only one to schnorkel tube, much reduced gun new hull form introduced by the
combine both features was the armament and greatly increased USS Albacore. a diesel-electric
French Surcouf. the biggest propulsive power and was the first powered experimental submarine
submarine of its day. of a totally new generation of true capable of 33 knots submerged
Many excellent submarines submarines and one which had a speed. The second great step
were constructed by the navies dramatic effect on post-war forward was the successful
involved in World War II. and development. development of nuclear
there was steady development in Dramatic as they were, the propulsion which, in conjunction
many fields, particularly in diving improvements made by the Type with the carbon-dioxide scrubber,
abilityand sensors. The US Navy's XXI were all evolutionary, and two made the submarine
Gato class boats, which served more fundamental developments independent of the surface.

E Class
Origin: UK. first unit completed the early days of submarine
1913 development the Royal Navy had
Type: Patrol submarine, monitored foreign progress closely
diesel-electric powered and in 1900 negotiations were
Displacement: 667 tons surfaced; started for the successful Holland
807 tons submerged design that had just been tested in
Dimensions: Length 181ft (55.2m); the USA. By 1914 Britain had the
beam 22.5ft (6.9m); draught 12ft largest submarine fleet in the
(3.7m) world, with 74 boats built. 31
Propulsion: (El type) one petrol under construction and a further
engine; one electric motor; 1 50bhp 14 either projected or on order.
on one shaft; (E.7 and E.21 types) In 1900 the Royal Navy entered
two Vickers 8-cylinder diesel into a contract with Vickers to
engines, each 800bhp; two electric build submarines for the Royal
motors, each 420bhp; two shafts; Navy until 1906, later extended In
(all) lakt surfaced. lOkt 1912. The first boats. Holland 1-J.
submerged, 2.600nm at lOkt were similar to the American A
surfaced. 99nm at 3kt submerged; class, but they were difficult to
design diving depth 150ft (45.7m), control both on and below the
crushing depth 350ft (106m) surface, and a modified and Above: MMSubmarine £.2 on her Right: £.74 leaves for the Sea of
Complement: 3 officers. 28 ratings enlarged version was ordered. The return from a World War I patrol Marmara, where she was to sink
Background: The British E class, first. A.l. was a great against Turkish targetson theSea three Turkish ships, in April
probably the first truly formidable improvement, although the hull of Marmara. The E class boats had 1915. Note the high-frequency
and reliable submarines, were the form was not particularly efficient a distinguished war record, radio antenna stretching from the
outcome of a progressive and was improved in later though they paid a heavy price for bow to the top of the radio mast.
development programme going members of the class, giving their success, 25 being lost and E boats were the RN's major
back to the turn of the centurv. In increased speed. Although more one interned. submarines during the war.
Technology: Milestones

Luntrollable than the Hollands

they were still prone to dive
without warning, and A. 8 was lost
with all her crew after such an
incident. Also, the use of petrol
engines meant that vapour built up
in the enclosed space of the hull,
which led to several explosions.
A 13 was built with a Hornsby-
Ackroyd heavy-oil engine: she was
launched in 1905. but tests delayed
her completion until 1908.
The A class was followed by the
larger B and C class boats, both of
which types had a surface
displacement of 280 tons and the
same armament as the A class, but
with two sets of hydroplanes to
improve controllability and more
powerful machinery giving
improved performance, while both
habitability and range were
improved. Ten B class and 37 C
class boats were built. D. 1 the first

of eight D class boats, had a surface

displacement of 550 tons and was
fillpH with \'i( kers nidt hincrv and
Modern Submarine Warfare

Above: HM Submarine
E.31 one of two E class

boats built by Scotts.

Armament of the E class
varied- E. J-E.6tiadfour
1 8in (457mm) torpedo
tubes, two in tfie bow
and one on eacti beam.
types had an additional
stern torpedo tube.
Torpedoes were Mk 8s,
with amaximum range of
6,000 yards (5.486m).
although effective range
was more like 3,000
yards (2,783m). All

E class boats had a

mounting for a gun;
6-pounder, 12-pounder
and 4in weapons were
fitted, though it appears
to have been up to the
captain whether or not
one was actually earned.
Shown here IS the
1 2-pounder. Six boats
were completed as
minelayers with the two
beam torpedo tubes
replaced by mine tubes
with a capacity of 20
t'cliniiloqN-: Milestones

Left: t'.jr clearly show s her shape, dividing the hull into three main boats. AE. I and AE.2 were built for
particularly the saddle tanks. A compartments - fore-ends: control the Royal Australian Navy.
gun is mounted abaft the conning room and beam torpedo space; and E.22 was converted in 1916 to
lower and the stern torpedo can engine-room, motor room and carry two Sopwith Schneider
just be seen above the men stern space - while later examples floatplanes, which were intended
scrubbing the hydroplane. had three. All had 10-lon drop to bomb German Zeppelin sheds at
keels, which could be jettisoned Cuxhaven and Tondern and to
Iw In screws. She also had much from the control room in an shoot down Zeppelins on their
greater reserve buoyancy and an emergency. way to bomb targets in England.
armament of three 18in torpedo Likeall early British submarines Unlike later aircraft -carrying
lubes and a 12-pounder gun. but they could dive ijuickly. though submarines, (such as the M.2 and
I did not have the size and Ihey exhibited a tendency to Sur<:our) IheaircrafI were mounted
habitability for long-range work. dive suddenly at high speed on the in the open on rails on the
Design: The E class were enlarged surface. Their Vickers afterdeck: there was no watertight
Us. being some 30ft |9.1m) longer solid-injection eight-cylinder container and so there was no
and approximately 15ln (38cm| diesel engines, though less question of the submarine
wider, and were divided into three sophisticated than contemporary submerging with the aircraft in
groups: the E.l type |E.I to E.6. German were extremely
diesels. position. Also, there was no crane
AE.I and/\E.2).theE.7type(E.7lo reliable for the time,and electric and theaircraft were floated off and
E.20I and the E.21 type (E.2I to power for thetwo motors was recovered by trimming down aft.
: E.56. less E.28. which was provided by two 112-cell Exide This particular experiment
cancelled). The E class boats were batteries, each cell weighing 8631b appears not to have betMi a success,
built toan excellent design, and (392kg). The batteries generated although a number of
with their stronger hull and 220 volts (>00 amps and could be aircraft-carrying submarines were
transverse bulkheads achieved connected into four 56-cell groups to appear in the 1920s and 1930s.
new standards of integrity. They either in parallel al 110 volts or in The E class boats had a
were the first British boats to have series at 220 volts. distinguished war record in the
water-tight bulkheads, the early The E class was to have been North Sea. the Baltic and.
boats having two bulkheads. succeeded by the G with a particularly, the Dardanelles,
surface displacement of 700 tons, where several broke through into
but the latter took longer to build the Sea of Marmara. The class was
and on the outbreak of war a further worked very hard throughout the
20 E class were ordered to build up war and the captains were nothing
British submarine forces as quickly if not aggressive, winning a
as possible. El to E.l 8 had taken number of Victoria Crosses in the
between 20 and 30 months each to process. As a result 25 were lost
build, but E. 19. ordered in during the war and one was
November 1914. took just eight interned in Denmark in 1915. All
months In build, fit out and hand the remaining boats were paid off
over to the i\av\. Another two in 1921-22.
The E class was typical of World
War submarines, with an

armament of one gun and a number

of torpedo tubes. Indeed, no
succeedingclass until the arrival of
the Type XXI was different in
concept or in overall performance,
the only increases being in size and
Armament: All E class submarines
had either one six-pounder or one
4in gun and were the first Royal
Navy production class to be so
fitted. The original E.l type had
four 18in torpedo tubes, two in the
bow and two in the beam lone on
each side), spanning the bulged
lateral tanks. The E.7 and E.21
types had an additional 18in
(457mm) torpedo lube mounted in
the stern, but the six boats
completed as minelayers (E.24.
E.34. E.4 1 E.45. E.46. E.'i I had the
. )

two beam lubes replaced by mine

tubes for 20 mines. The torpedoes
were Mk 8s. which had a
maximum range of 6.000 yards
15.486m). but by the time Ihey had
travelled that far their speed was
down to about 29 knots. Running
speed out to 3.000 yards (2.783m)
was about 41 knots.
Construction: 57 E Class boats
were built between 1913 and 1917,
55 for the Royal Navy and two
(AE.l and AE.2) for the Royal
Australian Navy. They were the
first major class to be built in yards
other than those of Vickers:
Chatham Dockyard (6); Vickers
Beardmore (6); Yarrow (1);
Armstrong Whitworth (4): Scotts
Brown (3); Fairfield (2); Cammell
Laird (4); Swan Hunter (3): and
Origin: France, completed 1929 Up to the beginning of World was converted into a seaplane the world, her enormous
Type: Cruiser submarine, War submarines had very limited
I carrier and sank when the hangar dimensions being necessary to

diesel-electric powered capabilities, but as the war door was inadvertently left open carry all the items considered

Displacement: 3,252 tons surfaced; progressed there were great during a dive, and M-3 was necessary for her role of
4,304 tons submerged improvements in design and converted into a minelayer. world-wide commerce-raiding.
Dimensions: Length 361ft (110m); performance, until it appeared Another type, the X-1 (3,585 tons The twin Sin turret was forward of
beam 29.5ft (9m); draught 23.7ft possible that submarines could submerged), mounted four 5.2in the conning tower and was
(7.3m) become capable of more than just guns in two twin turrets. None of controlled by a director and a 40ft
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive lying in wait for merchant ships these classes was at all satisfactory (12m) rangefinder. Abaft the
on two shafts; two Sulzer diesel and warships and attacking them and after the X-1 the Royal Navy conning tower was an aircraft
engines; two electric motors; with short-range guns or abandoned this particular line of hangar, with AA guns mounted on
torpedoes. Obviously, a bigger gun development. its roof. A 16ft (4.9m) motor cutter
3.400shp fur 18.5kt surfaced, lOkt
submerged, lO.OOOnm at lOkt would enable the submarine to At this point the French came on was also carried to take the

surfaced, 70nm at 4.5kt attack surface targets at much the scene with the Surcouf. boarding party to its prizes, and a
submerged; design diving depth greater ranges, but it was very Designed under the 1926 naval compartment was provided for 40
400ft (122m) difficult to acquire targets and programme, the Surcouf was, in prisoners.
Complement: 118 estimate ranges from the relatively her time, the biggest submarine in The Sin guns had a range of

Background: The search for a low conning tower, so several

weapon with greater range and navies experimented with
than the torpedo has
flexibility submarines equipped to operate
continued almost since the aircraft.

inception of the submarine. For a The British built 18 oftheK class

long time attention concentrated so-called 'fleet' submarines ^'^.^' m'm:'m::M.:
on the only available alternative, between 1916and 1918; they had a
the gun, and
1960s that
it was not
a really effective
until the submerged displacement of 2,600
tons and were armed with two 4in
weapon, the submarine-launched guns. The next step was the M class
cruise-missile, became available. which had 12in guns in large
The last, and arguably the epitome, turrets forward of the conning
of the gun-armed cruiser tower: of the three built, M-1 was
submarines, was the Surcouf. lost with all hands in 1925, M-2

Above: Surcouf in a Scottish loch

during World War II, Designed for
an anti-shipping role, she proved
difficult to employ as there was so
little Axis shipping at sea. She
carried out Atlantic patrols and
also led the seizure of St Pierre-et-
Miquelon by Gaullist forces.
Technology: Milestones

around 15 miles (24.000m). which operation to bring the islands of St torpedoes for major actions by were 550nim - four in
fitted, eight

in theory enabled the Surcouf to Pierre and Miquelon under Free submarines against surface ships, the bows andfour externally aft -
deal with armed merchant cruisers French control in December 1941. and apart from beingan inherently with 14 torpedoes and four 400mm
and other lightly armed convoy It was then decided to send her to unlucky boat she spent most of her lubes internally aft with eight
escorts from well outside their the Pacific where she would be career in search of a proper role. torpedoes.
guns' maximum range. However, employed in the defence of the However, the basic operational Sensors: Like all submarines of her
the visual horizon of the director Free French Pacific Islands, but concept was not totally unsound generation. Surcouf had just two
could have been little more than she was rammed and sunk with all and it was the technology that was periscopes. A large stereoscopic
12.000 yards (11. 265m) and it was hands on February 18. 1942. while deficient. range-finder with a 13.1ft (4m) base
presumably to extend this range en route from Bermuda to the Armament: Surcoufs main was mounted on the
that the seaplane was carried. Panama Canal. Ironically, having armament was two 8in/50guns. for superstructure just forward of the
However, the aircraft - a Besson been built to sink merchantmen it which 600 rounds were carried. bridge,and she had a good
MB floatplane - was apparently was by a US merchant ship, the Secondary armament comprised communications fit of HF radios,
not a success and had been Thomas Lykes. that the Surcouf two 37mm guns with 1.000 rounds with two large masts on the port
removed by the outbreak of war in was sunk. and two twin Holchkiss 13.2mni side.
1939. the hangar being used Surcou/ was the last attempt to machine guns with 16,000 rounds. Aircraft: Theaircraft. a Besson MB
thereafter for stores. use guns as an alternative to No fewer than 12 torpedo tubes floatplane developed spet;ifically
Having taken some seven years for this application, was
Surcouf was
to build. withdrawn from use just before the
commissioned in 1935 and made start of World War II. With a span of

several lengthv cruises up to the 32.3ft (9.85m). a length of 22.96ft

start of World War II. In 1939-40 |7m) and a height of 7.87ft (2.40m)
she served as a convoy escort on the aircraft was small enough lobe
several occasions, but was forced placed in a container 13.1ft (4m)
to leave Brest on June 18. 1940. to square and 22.96ft (9m) long and
avoid capture by the Germans. She could be dismantled in 10 minutes.
layal Plymouth. England, for some It was powered by a 120hp

weeks before being seized by the Salmson air-cooled radial engine.

Koval .\'avy on )uly 3; three Britons Construction: Surcouf vyas
and one Frenchmen were killed launched on October 18. 1929. at
and two men wounded during the Cherbourg.
incident. Thereafter Surcouf
served with a French crew under Above: The French concept was
British operational control. There not original, as evidenced by this
was much discussion as to the best picture of the US submarine S-I
use for this odd submarine: she (SS 105). taken on October 24.
was used as convoy escort and for 1923. The Martin MS-1 floatplane
anti-surface raider patrols in the one of a dozen examples built,
Caribbean, and was also used - could be dismantled and stowed
under French control - in the in the cylindrical hangar.

Left and above: Almost of 30'. but effective diameter and the rest
everything about range was 13,128 yards were two
installed in

Surcoufs armament (12.000m); 600 rounds traversing mounts

was unique. Her mam were earned and a 13ft (opposite), each
armament of two Bin (4m) rangefinder was containing two 2 tin and
guns was housed in a mounted just behind the two 15.75in tubes. Also
watertight turret at the turret. Surcoufs torpedo clear from the number of
forward end of the armament consisted of antennas is the
bndge structure (above). eight 21 in (533mm) and comprehensive radio fit

Maximum range of these four 15.75in (400mm) for her intended role of
guns was 30.000 yards tubes. Ttie four bow attacking enemy ships in

(27.500m) at an elevation tubes were all of 21 in distant waters.

Gato Class
Origin: USA motors; 2,740shp for 20,25 knots operational areas in a reasonable was expected that the principal

Type: Patrol submarine, surfaced, 8.75 knots submerged, time. During World War the
I operational base in a war against
diesel-electric-powered 10, 000-13, OOOnm at 14 knots, enemy was Imperial Germany and Japan would be the US west coast,
Displacement: 1,816 tons surfaced; design diving depth 300ft (91m). Japan was an ally, but the the Philippines and the
2,424 tons submerged Complement: 80-85 possibility of a confrontation with mid-Pacific islands being
Dimensions: Length 311.75ft Background: Geography dictates the ever more powerful Japanese presumed lost in the early stages.

(95,2m); beam 27.25ft (8,3m); that virtually all US Navy warships was increasingly important to US Design: The US Navy had long
draught 15.25ft (4.7m) must operate at considerable Navy planners from the early followed a policy of gradual
Propulsion: Diesel electric drive distances from the continental 1920s onwards. The ranges of improvement, producing
on two shafts; four Fairbanks, USA. Apart from purely coastal operations involved in such a submarines which without
Morse/General Motors/Hooven, vessels, therefore, the majority of conflict were beyond anything excelling in any single aspect of
diesel engines; its warships, and particularly the then being considered by other their performance were,
Owens, Rentschler
two General Electric/Elliot submarines, need long range and a leading navies, and in the major nevertheless, extremely reliable,
Motor/AUis-Chalmers electric good cruising speed to reach their strategic plan - Plan Orange - it with long range, good habitability
r(H:hnc)loj>y: Mih'sloims

and large numbers ot reload in the inter-war years with a Jin 50 anti-aircraft gun. This breech covers to he eliminated. In
torpedoes, all essential attributes composite drive on the S class and weapon's inadequacy was proved design terms the Gato class was a
in boats operating for protracted direct drive on the Ts and Gs. but beyond doubt in the early war progressive development of the
periods at great distances from for the dato class it returned to the years, and US submarines Porpoise class, and tbcKlalos' high
base. Particular emphasis was proven diesel-electric drive. underwent constant up-guiuilng surface speird of just over 20 kiu)ts
placed on propulsion, and the US There had been constant debate throughout the war. as did those of proved invaluable in re.iching
Navy was so determined to have a in the I'S Navy about the gun most other navies, until the patrol areas aiul .iihieving goofi
guaranteed source of really reliable armament for submarines, and so revolution in submarine design U'd firing positions liir lorptuloes.
and economical diesel engines that strongly did the naval staff feel to the elimination of all gun The all-welded construction
it even assisted inthedieselisalion about preventing submarine armament. The replacement for the faciliated production, which was
of the US railroads, a policy which captains from becoming involved :lin'50on the C'.ato class was the Mk connned to four yards. [\w most
resulted in the perfection of four in surface actions that they 17 5in;23. a 'wet' gun produced uiuisnal being thai at Maniwotoc
types of high-speed diesel. In deliberately restricted the from non-corrosive materials. on Lake Michigan, sonii! 1 .000
addition, it had also e.xperimented armament to one Mk 21 Mod 1 which iMi.ibli'd llu" niuz/lc .uid miles(l.('>IOkin| inhnid N<il only
did the boats have to be launched
sidi!ways into the river, but they
then had to travel down the
Mississippi to reach the sea.
This highly suc:ce.ssful i:lass
show the soundness of the
American policy of deviiloping
reliabh; hull and engine designs
over a long period. The US Navy's
task was. however, sonxtwbat
simpliHed by having no risd
requirement for smaller, more
manoeuvrable .md shorter ranged
DuringVVorld War II US
submarines, normally opc^r.itiiig .it
considerable distances from their
bases, sank over nine-tenths of
Japan's major vessels, an
achievement in which
M code-breaking played a
considerable part, but to which
Above; US Navy prewar policy nations: average range was successful submarine design also
was one of progressive develop- lO.OOOnm with stores for 60 days. tionlributed. Most of the later
ment, with a series of large boats USSSivorrf/;,s/i (SS 193),seen fighting was done by the 73-strong
being produced for operations here, belonged to the Salmon/ Gato class, and by th(! i;!2 Balaos
against Japanese battleships and Sargo class, which, with the T and :tl Tenches that were
aircraft carriers. The few US class, were the Gatos' immediate developed from them. Dighteen of
bases were far apart so the boats predecessors. Sword fish sank the the Gato class were sunk by enemy
had long ranges and were more first Japanese merchant ship of action and one was a c:onstructive
self-sufficient than those of other the war on December 15,1 942, total loss.
Modern Submarine Warfare

The Gato class is one of those

which bridged the gap between the
last of the submersibles and the
first of the true submarines. In its
original form the Gato epitomised
the US Navy's long-range attack
submarineand operated with great
success and distinction against the
Japanese, and with the other
similar classes, the Gatos played a
significant part in bringing
Imperial Japan to the verge of
surrender by devastating its
merchant However, the Gato
class boats were slow under water:
their maximum submerged speed
was 8.75 and even this could
not be sustained for any great
period without draining the
batteries. Also, as with virtually all
their contemporaries, the designed
operatingdepth of 300ft (91m) was
a trifle less than the overall length
of 311.75ft (95.2m), which
imposed considerable constraints
on manoeuvrability.
The next class of US submarine -
the 132-strong Balao class - was
virtually identical with the Gato,
but had a strengthened hull,
enabling the members of the class
to dive to 400ft (122m), and
earning them the name
'thick-skinned Gatos'. The Tench
class was also based on the Gato,
but only 31 had been built when
the war ended and production
Electronics: The Gato class boats
were among the first to have a
comprehensive electronics fit,
eventually comprising a full range
of radar, sonar, communications
and electronic warfare equipment.
The actual fit was in a constant
state of change as new equipment
became available and as boats
could be spared to have it installed,
and masts and antennas
proliferated with little effort at
reducing drag until by the war's
end there was a veritable forest
atop every submarine's fin.
The first air search radar small
enough to install in a submarine,
the SD, became available at the end
of 1941, and its small bar antenna Above: VSSPerch (SS 313) of the
was usually mounted at the head of Balao class. The Balaos were
the HF communications rod virtually identical to the Gatos,
antenna. The SD gave no but design changes to facilitate
directional information, had a rapid building resulted in greater
maximum range of only 10 miles structural strength and an
(16km) and was easily detected by increase in diving depth from
enemy RDF; nevertheless, it met 300ft (91m) to 400fl (122m). This
the submariners' urgent need for photograph shows clearly the
early warning of the approach of an many protrusions on a typical
aircraft,and by mid-1942 all US World War II submarine. As well
submarines were fitted with SD, as creating considerable under-
while the SJ, which gave both water drag, leading to low speed
range and bearing, was starting to and limited endurance, they were
enter service. Although difficult to a source of considerable noise,
calibrate and somewhat making them readily detectable.
unreliable, the SJ gave submariners
a totally new capability, and when Right:USSCubera(SS347),a
the circular plan position indicator postwar GUPPY-2 (Greater
display replaced the earlier Underwater Propulsive Power)
horizontal line display great conversion of a World War II
confidence was placed in the Balao class boat. Comparison
system. The SJ antenna was ovoid, with the original configuration
originally solid but later a lattice, (above) shows the streamlining
and unlike the SD it had a mast of and the way external fittings have
its own. The last wartime set was been either removed or made
theSS. retractable. These measures,
Sonars, too, were being allied to more powerful batteries,
constantly improved, and by 1945 led to great increases in under-
most US submarines had the active water performance.
Technology: Milestones

Above; As the GUPPV conversion .mil, with a cunicilci. supursunic wuiu piuyiessui;ly addecl shared between EU;i:lrii. liual,
was relatively expensive ($2.5 |up to 65kHz) frequencies. A new throughout the war and by 1945 Groton (41). Portsmouth Navy
million each at 1950 prices) 19 and highly specialised type of armament normally comprised Yard (14). Mare Island Navy Yard
boats were given a simpler 'Fleet sonarcame into use late in the war: one5in'25gun and two 40mm and (4) and Maniwotoc. Wisconsin
Snorkel' modernisation, involving the FM, later redesignated QLA-1, two twin 20mm cannon. By 1950. |14|. Of the 54 that survived the
the removal of deck armament was a precision mine-evasion however, the (iuppy conversion war. most were converted to
and streamlining the fin. This is sonar which was so effective that programme (described below) had (juppy 1 (Greater Underwater
VSS Sabalo (SS 302) in the mid- US submarines were able to work eliminated the guns. Propulsive Power) standard: all
1960s; she was stricken in 1971. in lapanese home waters with There were ten 21 in torpedo guns and other external
relative confidence. tubes, six forward and four aft. protuberance^ were removed, the
WFA system, which combined Other sensors included the usual with 24 reloads, and while the sail was streamlined, a schnorkel

echo-ranging, listening and two periscopes. Number 1 for boats themselves were very was fitted and new. lighter and
sounding using a retractable search and Number 2 for attack, reliable the torpedoes were far less much more powerful batteries
keel-mounted dome. The latter and there was a variety of radio so. Certainly, the Mk 14 torpedo were fitted. This conversion, based
feature prevented the sonar from masts, whip antennas and stubs, with its Mk \'l magnetic exploder on the lessons of the German Type
being used when the submarine the actual fit changing with used from 1941 to 1943 was XXI. had a dramatic effect on
was lying on the bottom, and a bewildering rapidity. Electronic notoriously unreliable; the torpedo performance, with considerable
passive listening device was warfare equipment also began to be ran much deeper than designed increases in underwater speed and
therefore mounted topside. fitted, one external indication and left a prominent wake, while range. Of the remaining boats six
Initially the ]P. a converted surface being a large direction-finding the exploder frequently failed to were transferred abroad and seven
patrol craft set. was used; like the loop. Finally, for surface actions detonate and the back-up contact converted to hunter-killer
later JT it enabled the submarine to with the gun, there were two target exploder only seemed to work submarines with more powerful
detect surface ship propeller noise bearing transmitters mounted on when hitting the target a glancing batteries for a higher underwater
atranges of up to 20.000 yards the bridge. blow. Later in the war the Mk 18 speed. Another six were converted
(18.288m] and was also used to Armament: As built, the Gatos torpedo, a direct copy of a captured to radar pickets in 1951-52. with an
detect self-noise. The JP was were armed with one 3in/50gun in German G7e, was widely used, and extra 31ft (8.3m) portion added to
manually rotated but the later [T line with the prewar policy of was credited with sinking a their hulls. Tunny ISS-282) was
was powered and consisted of a 5ft ensuring that a submarine captain million tons of Japanese shipping. converted into a Regulus missile 1

(1.53m] line hydrophone with a would not be given a gun which Construction: The 73 boats of the launching submarine and was then
22° beam scanning at 4rpm. It might encourage him to fight it out Gato class were launched between again altered to a troop-carrying
covered the sonic (100Hz-12kHz) on the surface. However, weapons 1941 and 1943, construction being submarine in 1964.

Left: The first US strategic

deterrent submarines carried
Regulus, a cruise missileonly
launched from the surface. Final
preparations for launch took
place on deck outside the hangar:
a further hazard was that if the
hangar accidentally flooded the
boat would turn turtle. USS
runny (SSG 282), built in 1941 as
a Gato class fieet boat, was one of
the first operational conversions.

Left: USS Tunny (SSG 282)

launches a Regulus I missile in the

1950s; two missiles were carried

in the portly hangar. Regulus I

was a turbojet-powered remote-

controlled aircraft, which flew at
a speed of about \ta(:h0.9and had
a range of some 400nm. It cruised
at a height of over 30.000fl
(9.144m) until near its target,
guided by radio signals from
submarines at periscope depth
whose position was known from
Loran. Its warhead was a 120kT
W-5 nuclear device, and the
system was designed to be used
only against large fixed targets.

Type XXI
Origin: Germany, first unit radar, together with the (jver more at the lime was to streamline the periscope depth using its diesels
completed 1944 effective use of shipsand aircraft, outer casing and to vastly increase rather than its batteries.
Type; Patrol submarine, were proving too much for his the battery power of diesei-electric The new boat's performance was
diesei-electric powered captains. To a large extent he was boats. Accordingly, new hull forms remarkable: periscope depth could
Displacement: 1 ,621 tons surfaced; correct, although he was not to were adopted which made be reached in 10 seconds and 100ft
1.819 tons submerged know that electronic warfare, and possible higher speeds under (30.5m) in 40 seconds - much
Dimensions: Length 251.6ft in particular the breaking of the water than those achieved on the faster than anything else then in
(76.7m); beam 21.7ft (6.6m); Enigma code, was having a major surface, while the adoption of the service - but the numerous
draught 20.7ft (6.3m) influence in enabling Allied ships snorkel, which had been flooding and ventilation openings
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive and aircraft to be in the right place invented by a Dutch naval officer involved added considerably to
on two shafts; two MAN M6V at the right time. What was in the late 1930s, enabled the drag and the number of apertures
40/46 diesel engines, each required, in the German view, was resulting Type XXI to travel at was reduced, adding some 15
l.OOObhp at 522rpm: two SSW or a true submersible, which would
AEG GU 365/30 electric motors for be able to operate for protracted Rigtit: Ttie after anti-air-

normal running, each 2,500hp; two periods under water and to avoid craft turret, mounting

SSW GW323/38 electric motors for detection by radar or sonar. It two 20mm cannon.
Despite ttie intention to
silent running, each 83kW; 15.6kt would also improve survivability
mal<e ttie Type XXI a true
surfaced, 17.2kt submerged (5kt in ifthe boats could operate at
submarine and ttie
silent mode), 1 l,150nm at 12kt considerably higher speeds and so deletion of ttie deck gun,
surfaced. 285nm at 6kt submerged; would be able to outrun surface ttie designers still kept
design diving depth 435ft (133m) hunters. cannon,
Complement: 57 Professor Wallher had been presumably as a result of
Background: liy the middle of experimenting for some years with the experiences of the
older U-boats. In fact, of
1943 German submarine losses both streamlining and propulsion.
the nine Type XXIs
were reaching unacceptable levels His hydrogen peroxide
actually sunk on patrol,
as a result of Allied improvements powerplants proved too unreliable
three were mined and the
in anti-submarine equipment and for operational use, although a
remaining six were lost
techniques, and it appeared to number of boats with such units during attack from
Admiral Donitz that sonar and were built, and the only alternative aircraft.

Above: A Type XXI immediately

after launching at the AG Weser
yard at Bremen, probably in 1944.
The guard rails were only fitted
for the launch and fitting-out, and
were then removed. Note the
anti-aircraft cannon in the
streamlined mounting at the
forward end of the sail; there is
another twin mount at the after
Technology: Milestones

seconds to the diving time. knots could be kept up lor 5 hours slredinliniiigof hull and fin also the type straight into produiMion
Safe operating depth was 435ft and endurance at its silent' speed led to a significantly smaller sonar without any prototypes meant that
11 32.6m). but with a safety factor of of 5.2 knots was around 72 hours, cross-section, was
and the effect very few attained operational
2.5 it could operate down to compared with the Type VIlC's reinforced by the use in somecases status. Those that did overcome
approximately 700ft (213m), enduranceof just 45 minutes at five of anti-radar and anti-sonar their teething troublesand actually
beyond the Allied sonar's effective or six knots. The snorkel coatings. carry out operational patrols found
range of approximately 400ft enabled the Type XXI to cruise The Type XXIs were designed that the revolutionary design did
(122m). Underwater speed and almost indefinitely below the and no fewer
for easy fabrication indec^d confer undreamt-of
endurance put it in a totally new- surface and was virtually than 131 were completed. improveniejits. and a number of
class: the maximum underwater undetectable by the contemporary However, the chaotic stale of successes were achieved.
speed of 16.7 knots could be airborne radars, especially in Germany in the final stages of the Fortunately for the Allies,
sustained for 72 minutes, while 12 anything over Sea State 2. The war and Donitz' decision to order however, the boats were too late to

Below: The exceptional and the passive array

lines of a Type XXI make under the txjw. Like
a fascinating contrast other early Type XXIs she
boats sucfi as tfie
witfi IS armed v»ith four 20mm
TypelX.L/-2502wastfie AA cannon ; later boats
second Type XXI to t>e had 30mm cannon,
completed: notettie which, having longer
active sonar in the range, were more effec-
forward edge of the fin tive.


Below: V-793. a Walter Type XVII

(Wa201 boat, following comple-

tion by Blohm und \'oss. Hamburg,

in April 1944. During official tests
this boat achieved a speed of 20.3
knotson her Walther hydrogen-
peroxide (H2O2) plant, and it was
hoped to reach 26 knots eventually.

Atxjve: The original Type There were two

XXI had SIX bow torpedo models: the first
tubes, although it was (codename Geier) had
planned to fit additional acoustic homing, while
sets of side tubes in later the second (codename
models The G7e tor- Le'che) was wire-guided.
pedoes shown here were using acoustic informa-
21 in (533mm) in diameter tion passed back along
and 23 5(1(7 163mi!n the wires
Modern Submarine Warfare

make a maior impact; 120 wrtr

sunk or scuttled and 1
The US. British. French and
Soviet navies all used their
captured Type XXIs fur
experimental and development
purposes in the early postwar
period. The US Navy developed a
new class, based on many of the
features of the Type XXI: the Tant;
(SS-564) class, of which only si.\
were built, improved on the
performance of the Type XXI. most
notably in operating depth, safe
depth being 700ft |213.4m|and
collapse depth 1.100ft (:i;i,').3nil.
With the prospect of nuclear
submarines on the horizon,
however, the US Navy did not
want to produce a large class ol
new diesel-elec:tric boats, instead
converting many of its excellfnil
and relal iviOynew Clato. Balao iin{\
Tench class submarines to the new
The Soviets made the staff at the
Schichau yard in Dan/ig (Gdansk]
finish the five Type XXIs which
had been laid down as L/-,'J.'>.'JH to
U-.'J.')42 and then produced a

further unknown number in the

USSR; they were followed by the
Whiskey class, which was
produced in vast numbers. The
British carried out a number of
experiments on the Walther
hydrogen-|)ero\ide sysli'ni in the

Above right: ('-3008 at the US

Portsmouth Navy Yard. August
30. 1946. with periscopes and
radar masts raised. Several Type
XXIs were examined and tested
with great interest by the Allies,
who had nothing comparable.

Right: Following tests of the

captured Clerman Type XXIs the
Americans built the Tang class in
the early 1950s. This is USS
Gudgeon (SS 567), still serving the
Turkish Navy asHizirReis.

Below: Name-ship of her class.

USS Tang(SS 563). off Hawaii in
1964. herdescent from theType
XXI clear from her lines. Like
Gudgeon she serves on with the
Turkish Navy as Piri Reis.

I'l-chnology: Milestones

liilc 194l)siiiul lilSOs. aiuli!ven surtacearniaiuent. weaponry being extending mast. .Surprisingly,
built two Ixiiils using this system. confined to four 20min or ItOnim despite Ihe reiiuiremeiil lor siliMil
HMS Kvp/ori-i- ,111(1 Excalibuf. but .•\.\ union ill twin slre.imlined
1 , operation, two long-wire III' radio
I (1111 hidi'd • 1(1 tbc rclifldl lurrels,il either end oftlie tin antennas were mountiHl fore ,uid
tlicir crews - tiial lliis was luit the There were six 2 I in (ri:!:iniiii| aft: such devices always h,ive ,i

w.i\ ahead. Instead, the Kii\ al bow-mounted luh(!s with I'.i tor- tendency lo vibrate at speed.
Navy, like the I'S Navy. pedoes arried. Part of the torpedo
( The usual very effective (eniiaii
iiKidernised a luiniber (it its Wiirld load could [»• replaced by mines. sonars wen- used. A
War II liiiats. but then built the ver\' Sensors: Too ni,uiy (l-boats li,id b,illortuiig-r,erat. or aclivi'

sucicssful Pdrpiiise <ui(l Oheron been ,ilt,ick(-(l on Ihe surla( c In sonarsel. located inthe forward
(lasses, wluise design was based .iircr,itt. i\uv lo Allii^d .idvaiK es in edge of Ihe fin structure provided
(ill the lessdiis of the Type X.\l but iiiri r,ift The CI(Tni,iiis. bearings of ± 11)11" with a
which, like the Tangs, did mil use Iherelore. developed serii's ot ,i diriM lional ac( iiracv of ±(1.5 .

the (lernian ligure-8: they alsd detei tors (lesign.iled A U.dkoii (ball (
a(hieved signiliciiitly lieller Funkniess lieoli,i( ,irr,iv w,isliuill in under I bir bow lo
diving depths. (l-'uMHI, with individual models provide deleclion out lo
The French used theTypeXXIas being named after islands. The r.iiiges at least good as lliiise
the basis tor their Narval class, of Tvpe XXI normallv carried ,m being obtained by Allied sonars.
which six were built in the years lMiMH-2<lBali detector, with the 1 Ihoiigh its localioii pri-V(Mited this
l'l."i 1-54. The West Cleriuan ,uittMin,i mounled on top ot the de\ i( I' from covering the ,ingl(rd
Hundesniiirine also recoM-red a s( hnorkel ni.isl. .illbougli Liter Ibis segment ,iM of r)0"-2 (1 and it was.
1 1

TvpeX.XI which had been s( ullled w,isrepl,i(c.(lli\ lliel-uMB-:i7 Iherelori'. iiileiided lo iiisl.ill ,i

in l(i4.'i. and used it lor nian\ viMrs l.eros in ni.iiiv bo,ils. .\ 1)1' loop S( li.illorliing-r.issiv Anl.ige
as ,ui r\perinienlal subinariiii',dso installed al Iheloruard Ip.isslM' listening di'vicej on I, iter

under ihe new name H'ilhrlni end ol Ihebn. Tvpe XXls; SPA consisted of ,

Ihnirr l'-!io,ils uere lilleil with ,li li\c swivelling bar with two passive
The r\pi' .\.\l thus had its main ,iir- ,111(1 h r,i(l,irs re(i'iver elements mounled under
impa(.t in the first di-cade ol the during the iiiurse of Ihe war. like .1 slrcmilined. hooded l.iiringoii
postwar era. when it formed the Iheir Allied ( (luiilerparls. Ihe sets the, liter i.isiiig.

basis of all die.sel-i'!ectri( being design, lied I'unkmess- Construction: )iie hmulred ,mil

submarine development. The ne\l | fuMOj. and Tvpe ibirU -one Tvpe X.XI lio,ils were
stagc\ which look subniariue \\lbo,llsused lheKu\I()-(,l compli'li'd belwei'ii ni44 ,md the
evolution a lurlher great leap Hohentwii^l-nr.iuf model, uilli a end of the war. The yards involved
forward, was Ihe I'.S.Xavv's rectangular antennii arr,i\ on a were MIoliui uiid Voss. Hamburg.
.\l/)(i(ore, short mast. Weser. Hreuuni. and Schichau.
.\rmament: The Tvpe \XI the KadioantiMinas included fill' ,i I),in/.ig ICd.uisk). The last v,ird.ilso
lirsl World War II subm.uine Upe .intenn.imounted beside the bridge I iimpleled .it liMsl bve more lioals
111 rt'MMse Ihe trend ot increasing ,ind an UK rod aiilenna on lis own ,il IhebelKrsI of Ihc! .Sovii'ts.

Right: HMS fc'vra/ibur had Type

187 sonar dome and short sail, a
submerged displacement of 1,000
tons and a length of 225ft (68. (im)
she had a diving depth of .S.TOft
(167m). She and her sister were
developed from the Type XV'II.
one scuttled example of which
['-JJ07- was raised andrecom-
missioned as HMS Meteorite.

Below: HMS Explorer al sea in

1956. The Royal Navy saw Ihe
Walther propulsion process as a
cheaper alternative to nuclear
power, but controlling the
hydrogen peroxide proved too
difficult, despite the presence of
Helmut Walther and five col-
leagues at the V'ickers yard al
Barrow from 1946 to 1949.
Origin: USA. completed 1953 had been discovered, however, thai tht^ new shorter, fatter hull was could accommodate a
fatter hull

Type: Experimeiilal submarine, that the Type XXIs and their very much more manoeuvrable, multi-deck layout, providing
diesel-electric powered (AGSS) derivatives tended to pitch at high being capable of turning at 3.2°/sec greater storage space and better
Displacement: 1 ,500 tons surfaced; underwater speeds to the point compared to 2.5°/sec or less for the habitability.
1,850 tons submerged where, under certain conditions, more traditional hull. Indeed, the The Albacore was used to test a
Dimensions: Length as built control could be lost. The US Navy Albacore proved that a submarine variety of features. In her original
203. 75fl (62. Im). length after Phase in a postwar programme could be 'flown' in three could travel at 26 knots
state she
III modification 210.5ft (64.2m); developed a new hull form based dimensions like an aircraft, submerged, but with silver-zinc
beam 27.5ft (8.4m); draught 18.5ft on that of an airship and an making banked turns and
tight batteriesand contra-rotating
(5.64m) experimental diesel-electric even, it rumoured, looping. The
is propellers - both fitted later in
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive submarine. USS Albacore, was new hull was also dynamically Phase IV of the programme - she
on one shaft; two General Motors built to test this new shape. stable at all speeds and could be
radial diesels; one Westinghouse Initially conceived as a high-speed driven faster for a given power; the
electric motor; 15,000shp for 25kt underwater target for surface ASW boat needed only 136hp to sustain
surfaced. 33kt for short periods forces and financed by the seven knots, and with her full
submerged cancellation of a destroyer 15,000shp could travel for brief
Complement: 52 conversion programme. Albacore periods at over 33 knots, a hitherto
Background: From World War 1 was to prove one of the great undreamt-of underwater speed.
onward the submarine hull form milestones in submarine Moreover, the single propeller was
was essentially long and narrow; development. not only much more efficient, but
even the Type XXI and the still Design: Albacore's hull form was a alsomuch quieter, so helping to
later USS Nautilus, the first body-of-revolution, that is to say. avoid detection by hostile anti-
nuclear-powered attack like a torpedo, symmetrical around submarine forces. There were
submarine. wiTe cil this sliafie. II its lonuaxis. The results showed internal benefits, too. since the
Tochiiology: Milestones

could achieve an amazing 33 As a result of the dramatic submarine Albncore was used to coMstriuledal Portsmouth Naval
knots. Another feature was an demonstrations by the Albacore test various sonar and other sensor Yard. Laid down on March l.'i.
aircraft-type dive brake abaft the the hull forms of the next class of fits Cine such was a bow-mounted 1952. launched on August H. 1953.
fin to control inadvertent di\t!s. L'S Navy nuclear powered attack HQR-2 with digital multi-beam and commissioned on Decembers.
Although German World War U submarine, the Skipjack class, and sleering (UIMUS). which enabled a 1953. she was withdrawn from
research had shown that at the last class of US diesel-electric submarine to listen in all active service in 1972 and .stricken
underwater speeds above 12 knots submarines, the Barbel class, were directions and to detect weak on May 1. 1980.
bow planes tended to destabilise altered, with great benefits to their signals which might otherwise l)e
the submarine in a vertical plane, performanc:e. The details were also lost in the background noise. It was
the Albacore was built with bow made available to the United estimated that DIMUS. as applied
hydroplanes; these were States' allies, as a result of which a to theBQR-2, increased detection
apparently very successful, but number of designs, among them range by a quiet submarine against
were not adopted for subsequent the Japanese Uzushio and Yuushio aschnorkellingsubniariniifrom.'iO
production classes, which all had and the Dutch Walrus and to70nm(9;ito lliOkmj. UIMUS
fin-mounted planes. She originallv Zwaardvis classes, make use of also considerably enbaiu.cHl
had cross-shaped after control what became known as the multi-target tracking capability.
surfaces but was later modified 'Albacore hull'. Construction: tJne unit oiilv was
(Phase III] to test an X-configured Armament: Albacore carried no
stern empennage. Although this weapons.
has certain advantages, and has Electronics: As an experimental
since found favour with the navies
of Sweden and the Netherlands, it
has not been pursued further by the
US Navy.

ten. USS Albacore substantial increase in

(AGSS569).oneofttie internal volume, which in
truly greatmilestones in turn enhanced crew
submarine history. Her comfort. /4/t»acofe tested
hull was designed as a various devices; com-
body of revolution - ttiat pleted in the configura-
is, symmetrical about the tion shown here, with a
horizontal axis -and cruciform tail empen-

based on airship prac- nage, she later tasked

tice. This shape gave X-shaped control sur-
dynamic stability at all faces, a feature not
speeds, resulted in truly adopted by the US Navy
outstanding manoeuvra- but currently used by
bility, and permitted a some others.

Right: USS Barbel (SS 580)

showing her 'Albacore' hull to
good effect, although it can be
seen that various compromises
have been made with the perfect
symmetry of the true body of
revolution. There is, for example,
a flat-decked casing to enable the
crew to move along the upper
works, while the continuous
curves ofthe experimental
Albacore have been replaced in a
production design by a cylindrical
centre body, almost as efficient
and a great deal less difficult to
Origin: USA, launched 1954 War 11 a major search started in the National Laboratory as early as commissioned on September 30.
Type: Attack submarine, mid-1 940s to find an answer to this 1948 and was subsequently 1954, and on January 17, 1955, she
nuclear-powered problem: by chance the transferred to Westinghouse at the was able to make the historic
Displacement: 3,764 tons surfaced; technological answer was at hand, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory. signal, 'Under way on nuclear
4,040 tons submerged having been developed for an The Submarine Thermal Reactor power', thus giving the US Navy a
Dimensions: Length 319.4ft entirely different purpose. It had Mark II which resulted from this lead of three or four years over its
(97.4m): beam 27.6ft (8.4m); been appreciated from early on in work was later redesignated the Soviet counterpart. Naulilus was
draught 22ft (6.7m) the US nuclear weapons S2W and was installed in the new by far the largest submarine to have
Propulsion: One S2W programme that a controlled hull of the Naulilus. The S2W been built at that time and
Westinghouse pressurized nuclear reaction could produce initially had a core enriched by designed with a conventional hull
water-cooled reactor on two shafts; enough heat to generate the steam only some 18-20 per cent, but her based on Type XXI and Guppy
15,000shp for 20+kt surfaced, to power conventional steam second and subsequent cores were
22.5kt submerged turbines. Such a concept offered enriched by over 40 per cent,
Complement: 105 particular advantages for giving a much higher energy
Background: The one submarine propulsion in that the density. This improvement is
insurmountable problem with reaction required no oxygen reflected in the core lives: the first
diesel-electric submarines is that whatsoever and would give great core drove Nautilus 62,562nm
they must periodically approach range between core renewals. (100, 68 1km). the second 91, 324nm
the surface to run their diesel Accordingly, in 1949 the US Chief (146,968km) and the third
engines and recharge their of Naval Operations issued a ISO.OOOnm (240,000km).
batteries and to replenish life formal requirement for a A key factor in this programme
support systems, and even when nuclear-powered submarine with was the appointment of one of the
just the head of a snorkel is an in-service date of January 1955. outstanding submarine officers in
exposed there is a great danger of Design: Research and development historv. Captain (later Admiral)
detection. Following the into a submarine reactor had Hvman G. Rickover. USN. USS
experiences of both sides in World started in the USA at the Argonne Naulilus (SSN-571) was

Above: USS Wauf//us twin propellers. Her

(SSN 571) achieved submerged speed was
man's dream of true and 22.5l<tanditwasonly
protracted underwater when nuclear power was
operations. But while the married to the Albacore
propulsion system was hull in the Skipiack class
revolutionary, her hull that the full potential of
form was the traditional thesenew developments
long, thin design with was realised
Technology: Milestones

technology rather than an Albacore (SSN-575). used totest the S2G installed in Nautilus. Reports of BgS-4 and the BQR-2C. the former
hull, presumably to avoid risking liquid sodium-cooled reactor liquid-metal cooled reactors have comprising seven vertically-
too many revolutionary ad\ances which was thought to offer appeared from time to time since stai:ked transchuiTS inside a
in one project. (Indeed, it was some potential ad\antdges over the the Se<i Wolf, notably as power BQR-2Cand operated in listening,
time before the I'S Navy adopted pressurized water-cooled system. plants for the Soviet Alfa class and single-ping aiul aulomalic
the new hull form, and the next five Known as the Submarine the French Hiibis, but none has echo-ranging modes with a typical
SSNs - Sea Wo]f. and the four-boat Intermediate Reactor (SIR) and been confirmed. range of (JOO-8. 000 yards
Skateclass-all had theold type of developed by VVestinghouse at the During her service the Nautilus (549-7,3 15m). The BQR-2C was a
hull.) \auiilus had two shafts, Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, made numerous historic voyages. passive sonar with 48 3ft (0.9m)
driving two small, the S2\V finally powered Sea Wolf By 1958 the US Navy had sufficient vertical elements in a 6ft (1.82m)
outward-rotating high-speed on January 21. 1957, just over two confidence in her capabilities to circular array. Performance was
propellers on which she could years after Nauli/us' success. send her on the first submarine claimed to be excellent, with auto
achieve a sustained 22.5 knots Liquid sodium cooling had looked polar transit, starting in Hawaii target following on a noisy
submerged, considerably better attractive asit offered much greater and finishing in Portland, England, submarine with an accuracy of
than any other submarine then in operating temperatures, giving after passing under the North Pole 0.25° at 12.000 yards (10.973m).
service. A diesel engine was fitted more efficient heat transfer, but it on August 3. 1958. Her first Construction: Constructed at the
as a stand-by. together with a had numerous drawbacks, refuelling look place in 1957. the Electric Boat Company yard at
snorkel and emergency including the fact that the working second in 1959 and the third in Groton. Connecticut. Nauli/us was
batteries. She was armed with six fluid had to be kept liquid at all 1964. laid down on )une 14. 1952.
bow-mounted 21 in torpedo tubes, times or it would freeze in the Armament: Nautilus was armed launched on January 21 1954. and

but unlike most of her pipes and ruin them. Altogether, with six 21in bow-mounted commissioned on September 30.
contemporaries in the early 1950s the S2G gave a great deal of trouble, torpedo tubes. 1954. She was subsequently used
did not have any stern tubes. including a superheater leak, and Electronics: Nautilus was as a research craft, before being
A similar hull was used for the in December 1958 it was replaced equipped with conventional 1950s decommissioned in thet-arly
second nuclear-powered by a pressurized water-cooled communications
electronics and 1980s. She is now on display
submarine. USS Sea Wolf S2Wa reactor similar to that equipment. Primary sonar was the at a museum.

Right: A significant advance

achieved by the nuclear boats was
their ability to travel under the
Polar ice-cap. The firstsuch trip
wasmadeby;Vau(y/usin August
1958: here USS Skate (SSN 578),
name-ship of the production class
that followed iSlautilus, surfaces
through the .Arctic ice in 1961.
The Oceans
seemsto be generally assumed Ocean depth profile and typical submarine operating depths
that submarines, almost since
their inception, have roamed at
will in an underwater world of
which they are the masters,
moving in the depths of the oceans
among the hills and canyons of the
ocean bed. Nothing could be
further from the truth: even today
the most modern submarines
penetrate only marginally into the
ocean's depth, and during World
War they barely even left the

surface. The submarines of 1915

had operating depths of around
180ft |55m), those of 1945 could
reach 400ft (122m) or so. and even
today's Los Angeles class can
scarcely exceed 1.500ft (450m),
although the Soviet Alfa class is
reputed to have an operating depth
of around 2.500ft (70Om). Above: Typical diving depths of assumed. Los Angeles SSNs Below: Continental shelves
Even the Alfa's performance current submarines compared operate at 1,500ft (450m) and (orange) extend from the coastlines
seems poor when it is considered with the average ocean depth titanium-hulled Soviet Alfas at reaching a depth of about 400ft
that the abyssal plains, which form distribution. Submarines do not 2,500fl (700m), but the French Rubis (130m) before the continental break
the floor of most of the underwater dive as deep as is popularly class are limited to 300m (980fl). and a rapid increase in depth.
world, lie at an average depth of
some 12.000ft (3.700m). and the Continental shelves
deepest trenches extend down
beyond 30.000ft (9.100m). The
most sophisticated and specialised
underwater vehicles are required
to penetrate to such depths: for
example, the US research
submersible Alvin can operate
down to 13.500ft (4.000m) and the
bathyscaphe Trieste reached
i5.600ft (4.500m) in the
Challenger Deep in the Marianas
Trench, where the pressure
exceeds one ton per square inch.
Combat submarines have no
current need to operate at such
depths, but even so the world in
which they must live and fight is
quite different from that
experienced on land. Over 70 per
cent of the earth's surface is
covered by oceans, a vast and still
relatively unexplored part of the
world whose topography, geology
and specific nature are only
imperfectly understood. Indeed, in
many ways we know more about
the Moon and the nearer planets
than we do about our own oceans,
which have been described as the
last frontier but one. with only
outer space being a greater
challenge. It is essential to have
some understanding of this
differentenvironment in order to
appreciate both how submarines
survive and operate, and also how
the primary means of detecting
submarines - sound - is affected.

The oceans can be physically
divided into three main elements,
the continental shelf, the abyssal
plains and the deep ocean
trenches. The shallow, sloping
continental shelves account for
some 24 million square miles, or
12.5 per cent ofthe Earth's surface,
extending from the coast out to sea.
often for several tens of miles and
normally at an angle of about one
degree below the horizontal and
ending abruptly at the shelf-break,
which is usually found at a depth
of about 400ft (130m). From there
the slope steepens to angles
varying from a few degrees to the
Technology: The Oceans

Above: Ocean-bed imagery taken PACIFIC TRENCH DIMENSIONS

from the SEASAT satellite. Lengtii (approx)
Deplli Width (approx)
Average depth of the Tonga-Ker-
26,585ft/8.100m 43.5 miles/70kr 1.429 miles/2. SOOkm
madec Trench to the northeast of
New Zealand is 35,702ft (10,882m); 34.587ft/10,542r 74.6 miles/iaokm 1,367 miles/2,200kr

it is 34 miles (55kmJ wide and 870 32.185ft/9.810n 62.1 miles/lOOkm 559 miles/QOOkn
miles ( 1 ,400km) long. We have 43.5 miles/70km 1.584 miles/2.550kr
36, 200ft/l 1.034m
more detailed knowledge of the
35.702ft/10.882n 34.2 miles/55km 870 miles/1 .400kn
Moon's surface than of the depths
43.5 miles/70km 3.666 miles/5,900km
of our own planet. 26,427ft/8.055n

environment.s on earth. occur atmosphere. Its phenomena are

around the edges of the Pacific, but difficult to predict or characterise,
there are others in the Indian and particularly because only a few of
Atlantic Oceans. them, such as surface-wave
activity, ice. tidal effects and local

PHYSICAL weather, can be observed by the

Among the better known
The complexity of the ocean characteristics of the oceans are
environment is exacerbated by its that they contain many dissolved
dynamic nature, equivalent in chemicals, including, of course,
many ways to that of viieather in the salt (sodium chloride), and that


Modern Submarine Warfare

Atlantic temperature protiie

Temperature f C)

-20240246024680 4 8 120 4 8 12 16 20 240 4 8 12 16 20 22 240 4 8 12 16 20 4 8 12 16 20 4 8 12 160 4


Technology: The Oceans

Surface slainity

Above: Salinity variations have Below: Salinity varies from 32 to Below: Salinity levels vary: the
operational significance for 37 parts per thousand (ppt). but diagram shows the correction
submariners and are the conse- can fall to 23ppt in fjords. The factors. If the salinity level is

quence of factors such as evapo- diagram shows the speed of sound actually 30ppt. the speed of sound
ration and ice-flow formations in seawater for a salinity level of is 4, 904 ft sec 1 ,494m sec) minus

which increase salinity, and 35ppt: at 3,228fl (948m) and 5X. 26fl sec (7.9ni sec), giving an
rainfall, river run-off and melting for example, sound velocity is actual speed of 4.878fl sec
ice which reduce it. 4,904ft sec (1.494m sec). (l,486mjsec).

temperature gradients as this Sound propagation

combination can produce severe
Vanation wrth temperature Salinity correctron factors
underwater turbulence. It is
Temperature TC) Salinity (parts per 1.000)
thought that such an effect was at
least partially responsible for the -2025 10 203040 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

loss of the USS Thresher, which

— \ 1 \ li'TtTTTn
went to sea on post-overhaul trials
in April 1963 and was about 220
miles (354km) east of Cape Cod
when she was driven down to a
depth where catastrophic hull
failure occurred. In August 1963
the bathyscaphe Trieste found the
wreck at a depth of 8.500ft
(2,590m| and was able to
photograph compressed elements
of the ill-fated submarine.
Salinity is one of the less
significant factors affecting sound
propagation, its velocity being
changed by 4.3ft sec (1.31m per
second) per Ippt change. However,
in the turbulent areas mentioned
above, where sharp salinity
gradients are coupled with sharp
temperature changes, there is also
a marked refraction of sound

Pressure increases with depth in a
simple relationship and at a rate
determined by the salinity. In
seawater pressure increases by
44.45lb'sq in (3.13kg'cm'^)for
every 100ft of depth, but the
increase is 43.5lb/sq in
(3 .06kg/cm^) in fresh water.

Right: Warm tropical water drifts

towards the poles and in return
cool polar water flows towards
the equator. The cold water
currents start as surface flows but
gradually sink to the bottom.
Modern Submarine Warfare

conditions may prevent the Sound propagation

launching or recovery of Variation with depth
helicopters and variable-depth and
towed sonar arrays. Similarly,
waves can degrade the
performance of air-dropped
sonobuoys, which suffer a 75 per
cent transmission loss in 10ft
(3.04m| waves and a tola! loss in
15ft (4.57m) waves. In addition,
high sea states can cause a mixing
of water on either side of the
thermocline, giving a relatively
thick layer of isothermal water
which increases the noise problem
for the sonar systems. Finally,
breaking waves add to the ambient
noise level, again compounding
the sonar problem.
Weather also has its effects.
Thunder, rain on the surface and
associated wave activity all add to
the ambient noise level over a very
considerable area, decreasing the
signahnoise ratio at receivers and
thus reducing target

The result of the layering of the
oceans and the continuous
variations of velocity with depth is

that the paths of sound waves in

the ocean are never straight lines,
but are arcs of circles in accordance
with Snell's Law. which was
discovered in relation to light rays
but is equally applicable to sound
waves The consequence
in water.
Law is that where a
of Snell's
sound wave travels from one
density layer to another its path is
bent towards the normal when it
enters a layer of greater density and
away from it if the density is lower.
Further, where density is altered

Choke points: Baltic exits

Technology: The Oceans

Surface duct variety of offi^ ot which is some 5(> oc(Mnographic

thai asound signal laii travel in il ^(^s(!ar^;ll ships (24 of which an?
for more than 020 niilfs .DOOkinl
( I civili.m criiwiid). Kit) surveying
and still have one piTiciil ot tlic ships (including 35 civilian) and
energy it had (i.2 miles lOkiiil tmin
| an unknown numberof
the source. It is at least (lecp-divingcrafl,fourof which are
theoretically possible that a known to be a.ssociated with the
submarine could operate in this two India c:lass submarines.
deep sound channel, exploiting Against this US naval resources
this effect to achieve very long include 14 oceanographic research
range detection. ships, nine surveying ships and
.Mkivc the surface is an .seven deep submergence vcjhicles,
atmospheric duct as much as (iOOtt although other in-servlt:e ships are
Convergence zones (183ni| thick which can attect the usi^d in research activities from
electro-magnetic pt^rforni.iru e ol time to time. S<ime aircraft are also
ASW aircraft. If both transmitter used and there are a further four
and receiver are within the duct oceanographic and hydrographic
communications are unlikely to be survey ships in the National
affected: indeed, range and Oceanographic and Atmospheric
detection may well be enhanced. Administration. The world's third
If. however, the aircraft is above h(! I strongest tuny thi; Royal Navy -

duct not only may its radar tail to lias a meagr(" four ocean-going, five

detect targets on the surface - coastal and one inshore surveying

periscope, sail or snorkel - but vessels, although a new anil
its receivers could also fail to pick unusual ship. HMS (.'hol/eiigf-r,
up signals from sonobuoys. was commi.ssioniid in HIH.'i.
Described as a .Seabed Operations
Underwater sound channel OCEANOGRAPHIC Tender, the (.'hollengiT has a
RESEARCH tull-load displacement of 7,185
tons and is crewed by the Royal
The oceans of the world are vast Navy, as opposi^l to the Royal Fleet
and imperfectly understood; thev .•\uxiliary. There can be no doubt
are also of vital strategic that much greater resources need
importance. Consequently, maiiv to be devoted to underwater
navies devote resources to research, not only to increase our
oceanographic research am] knowledge of the oceans but also,
intelligence gathering, altliouj^h troni a military standpoint, to
the actual numberof ships is enable submarine operations to be
surprisingly small in view of the conducted more effectively and
size of the task. The Soviet Union with better safety margins.

Above: Profiles on the left show zones widen with distance (centre) Below: The fundamentally alien very straightforward assignment
how sound velocity varies with and shadow zones narrow. nature of the underwater above water has become very
depth: ray diagrams are on the Underwater sound channel is environment is illustrated clearly complicated below the surface,
right. The surface duct is formed formed by sound velocity in- by this picture of a diver undertak- requiring breathing apparatus for
by reflection from the surface and creasing with temperature above ing a relatively simple photo- the diver and special protection
the thermodine. Convergence it and hydrostatic pressure below. graphic task. What would be a for both man and equipment.

Surface duct energy loss Left: Of the three major causes

of signal attenuation, the first
(1 ). the diffracting effect of the
seawater medium, reduces as
frequency increases: absorbtion
loss (2J. due to the sound
wave transferring a certain
amount of energy to the water,
and rises with frequency.
Scattering losses due to the
sound wave striking and being
reflected by foreign bodies in
the water rise with frequency,
the optimum frequency (4) being
that at which the average loss is

Above: The lad that sound waves from an active sonar transducer
do not travel in straight lines in spreads through the ocean. As
seawater is shown clearly by this well as areas where a target will
typical sound propagation trace, be hit by the radiated energy,
illustrating how sound energy there are extensive zones where it
transmitted at various angles will be safe from detection.
Design and Construction
Surfaced and submerged displacement
As with any weapon system the
design of a submarine starts
Left: A submarine's buoyancy
depends on the volume of
with the naval staff requirement, displaced water and is controlled
which must state what role the by varying the volume of displace-
vessel designed to fulfil, its
is ment. On the surface (left) the
weapons and sensor fit and the main ballast tanks are filled with
performanLe parameters it must air so the displaced water — the
meet. Until the mid-1960s the area within the heavy line - equals
primary strategic role of the the weight of the submarine.
submarine was to attack hostile When it is submerged (right) the
naval surface vessels and maritime main ballast tanks are filled with
This role still exists,
logistic traffic. water; the submarine's weight is the
but the evolution of submarine- same, but the volume of displaced
launched ballistic and cruise water, again represented by the
missiles has brought a further area within the heavy line, has
strategic role, that of striking been reduced, while the centre of
directly a' targets in the enemy's buoyancy (B), the geometric
homeland. centre of the volume of displaced
The modern submarine's third water, has moved from below to
main role is to attack other above the centre of gravity (G),
submarines and surface shipping.
While nui.lear-powered attack Surface ship stability Left: When a surface ship lists
submarines (SSNs| are most (right) the centre of buoyancy
effective in this role, the being at the centre of gravity of the
conventionally powered displaced water, moves to Bl,
diesel-electric submarine still has because the volume of displaced
a major role and many hundreds water to the left of G has de-
are operational with some creased, while that to the right of
39 navies, employed on attack G has increased, A vertical line
missions, general patrol duties and through Bl now intersects the
clandestine special operations. original line BG at M; the distance
As nuclear-powered submarines GM being termed the metacentric
are so expensive in capital cost height. When M is above G the
in their requirement for metacentric height is positive and
specialised manpower the the moment arm (horizontal
majority of the world's navies will broken line) tends to return the
continue to operate non-nuclear vessel to its original position, so
submarines for the foreseeable the vessel is stable.
future. All submarines, however,
no matter what their propulsion Left: A surfaced submarine
system or role, have many design presents much the same situation
constraints in common. as a surface ship. However, the
three points B, G and M, although
in the same relative positions, are
much closer together; further,
lust asimportant as the advent of since the shape of a submarine is
nuclear propulsion has been the for practical purposes cylindrical
revolution in submarine hull there is no resistance to the
design pioneered in the 1950s by motion. Submarines therefore
USS Aibacore (AGSS-569|. The have a tendency to roll, making
long, narrow, highly streamlined their motion on the surface
hulls introduced by the German uncomfortable.
Type XXI of World War II proved
unable to cope with the increased Effect of submergence
power becoming available and in
certain circumstances, particularly
at speeds of over 12 knots, control
could be lost altogether. USS
Nuulilus (SSN-5711 for example,
despite her nuclear powerplant,
could not exceed 23.3 knots under
water, but the diesel-electric
powered Albacore. with a teardrop
hull shape based on airship
practice, cruciform tail empennage
and single propeller, achieved a
sustained underwater speed of 26
knots in heroriginal form and later,
with contra-rotating propellers
and silver-zinc batteries, became
capable ofan astonishing 33 knots.
Not surprisingly, she has set the
pattern for the majority of
subsequent Western hull designs.
Contemporary pressure hull Above: When a surface ship lists (left) B is below G, which is at a ejected comparatively slowly by
designs are, however, less fat than itscentre of buoyancy (B) shifts fixed point slightly below the compressed air and the metacen-
that of the Albacore, because a because of the different shape of centreline of the vessel, while M is tricheight (GM) may become
parallel mid-body is almost as the volume below the waterline. well above. Then, as the sub- negative and a list may occur.
efficient if the forward and after This does not happen in a marine submerges (right), B and Most submarines have lever-oper-
ends are properly designed, and a submerged submarine because its M approach each other until they ated, list-control valves which can
tubular body is much easier and entire volume is below the meet on the centreline (centre). restrict air to the high side and
cheaper to construct. surface. For stability underwater During this process the position of increase it to the low side,
of any weapon
The design it is necessary that the centre of least stability is at the point when
G Centre of gravity
system inevitably the result of a
is gravity (G) be below the centre of B and G coincide. This is not loo
B Centre of buoyancy
number compromises, but that
of buoyancy. As shown here, when serious during descent, but when
of submarines involves a number the submarine is on the surface surfacing the water ballast is
OM Metacentre
Technology: Design and Construction

Above: HMS Turbulent surfacing Above right: HMS Turbulent

in a level condition. At this stage running on the surface. In this
her ballast state is as shown at the state asubmarine's stability
bottom diagram on the
right of the depends on the position of her
opposite page, with M
above the centre of gravity and her shape,
centreline and B below G. above and below the waterline.

of particularly difficult problems. mid-body provides a satisfactory

The most basic of these is that a compromise. As with an aircraft,
submerged submarine must have skin friction is directly
neutral buoyancy and a centre of proportional to surface, or wetted
gravity lying below its centre of area - in other words, the bigger the
buoyancy, and every element in hull the greater the drag.
the craft affects their locations. The Form drag is usually only
naval staff requirement must state between two and four per cent of
the extremes in which the the total for a solid-of-revolution.
submarine must be able to operate, but roughness of the hull can
in particular the density of the significantly affect resistance, and
seawater likely be encountered.
to abadly finished hull or one with
The distribution of weight within poorly designed or positioned
the submarine is crucial to its flood openings will have
stabilityand the expenditure of significantly greater drag than one
items such as fuel, stores, weapons with a good finish, as well as
and provisions must be taken into making much more underwater
account. The compressibility of
the hull is a further factor, since in Right: The Tench class diesel-elec-
a deep-diving submarine this tricsubmarine USS Pickerel [SS
could result in a loss of buoyancy 524). surfaces at a 48° angle from a
of several tons at depth. depth of ISOfl (46m) during a test
Diving depth is obviously a programme off the Pacific island
crucial tactical consideration, of Oahu on March 1, 1952.
because depth provides shelter,
especially if the submarine can go Longitudinal stability Left: A surfaced submarine is
deep enough to exploit the much more stable in the longitudi-
acoustic properties of the sea to nal than in the transverse plane.
thwart detection devices. Depth The illustration shows identical
also gives a safety margin in high angles of roll and pitch: in the
speed manoueuvres. Actual details metacentric
former case the centre of
are highly classified, but open height buoyancy (B) moves only
source figures for some
1.56f1 minimally, while in the latter the
representative nuclear-powered amount of water displaced is
attack submarines give a general considerable so B moves a greater
indication of normal operating distance. When submerged its
depths for comparative purposes: metacentre is coincident with its
USS Los Ange/es 1.475ft |450m); centre of buoyancy, so longitudi-
is small, a fact which
nal stability
the Soviet Victor III 1 .300ft (400ml;
and the French Rubis 980ft (300ml. can cause problems near the
Depth performance is becoming surface, wh^re inadvertent
more important as the surfacing may occur.
anti-submarine threat increases
and has stimulated extensive
research and development into
A lot of research is devoted to the
subject of hydrodynamic
efficiency. The total drag of a
submerged submarine has three
elements: skin friction, form drag
and appendage drag. As was so
successfully demonstrated by the
Albacore. a solid-of-revolution
form, and especially one without a
parallel mid-body, has the
minimum skin friction, although
in practical terms a cylindrical
Modern Submarine Warfare

noise and so being easier to detect. end of a whale, and sails whic:h are retained for diving control and fin-mounted planes. While these
Finally, appendages always add smaller than those on Western trimming, particularly at periscope may offer advantages in terms of
drag, no matter how well they are submarines and less angular in depth. IKL-designed submarines manoeuvrability, they need to be
designed, sometimes equivalent to shape, merging rather more have extendable scythe-shaped capable of rotation to the vertical
more than half the total bare hull smoothly into the hull; they appear bow hydroplanes, set at a fixed for breaking through ice if it is

resistance. Laminar flow has been more akin to the fin of marine angle: the control force required is necessary to operate in the Arctic.
tried, but while it offers apparent animals than do those on Westerm achieved by varying the amount of Those on the Los Angeles class
drag reductions of over 50 percent submarines. area exposed, and the two planes boats cannot do so, which is a
putting the theories into practice Manoeuvrability is obviously of are set at opposing angles, one serious tactical limitation now that
has been thwarted so far by the great importance to a submarine being used for descent and the under-ice operations have become
impurities of seawater. and again the Albacore had a great other for ascent. Other submarines so necessary to counter the
Streamlining has been the rule effect upon all subsequent designs. are fitted with bow-mounted growing Soviet use of the Arctic,
since the wartime Type XXI boats, Her short hull gave substantially retractable or foldable hydroplanes and in 1985 US Secretary of

but great attention is now being improved manoeuvrability over which pivot to achieve upward or Defense Weinberger announced
paid to the nature of the hull the then current long, narrow downward motion. that the planes would be moved to
surface: special paints can reduce designs, and during trials she was Some navies, such as those of the the bows on future members of the
friction and thus either increase able to turn at 3°/sec. much faster USA, Japan and France, use Los Angeles class.
speed or reduce the amount of than conventional submarines of
power required for a given speed. the time but a rate probably
Releasing polymers around the comfortably exceeded by current
hull is also used to increase speed types.
for short periods, and it has been High speed and efficient control
reported that the exteriors of Soviet systems enable modern
submarines are coated with a submarines to be manoeuvred in
compliant covering, derived from three dimensions, like aircraft. A
research into marine animals such turn within four times the
as dolphins and killer whales, submarine's length is feasible and
which combines suction and ascents and descents at rates of
boundary-layer pressure several hundred feet per minute
equalisation. are possible. Indeed, such
Further development based on aerodynamic problems as sideslip
the same research may lead to in turns have become important
devices to modify shapes to match and the size and shape of the fin is a
the boat's speed by. for example, critical factor.
progressively retracting the The major control surfaces are
hydroplanes or changing the shape the hydroplanes. The original
of the fin as speed increases. And Holland submarines did not have
findings from such studies may forward hydroplanes; these were
account for the very interesting added later in order to maintain an
shape of the latest Soviet even keel during a dive, but with
submarines, which have bulbous the disappearani:e of such a
bows, similar in shape to the front requirement they have been

Below: The apparently smooth Right: USS Richard B. Russell

exterior of a modern submarine (SSN 687). a Sturgeon class attack
actually houses dozens of hatches, submarine which is identical to
connections, cleats and other the USS Tautog, whose external
items, compounding the installations are identified and
underwater noise problem. described below.

Sturgeon class Tautog (SSN 639) 1 Portable emergency 29 Bridge

external installations lifeline 30 Access hatch
2 Portable cleats (port 31 Main vent valves
and starboard) Nos 3A and 3B
3 Ensign No 11 32 Mam vent valves
4 No 7 commissioning Nos 2A and 28
pennant 33 Retractable capstan
5 HP air external 34 Escape trunk
ctiarging 35 Main vent valve No
connection IB
6 Identification 36 Capstan control
beacon ligtit 37 Escape hatch
7 Portable lifeline 38 Underwater log
8 t\/1asthead ligtit 39 Line locker access
9 Portable ladder (P&S) hatches
10 Sidelight (P&S) 40 Salvage air
11 Hinged cleat (P&S) connection
12 Portable emergency 41 Sonar sphere access
lifeline 42 Hinged towing
13 Retractable capstan fairlead
14 Portable davit 43 Access hatch
15 Towing eye 44 Messenger buoy
16 Underwater log 45 Mam vent valve No
17 No 7 union jack 1A
18 Forward anchor light 46 Diesel lubncating oil
30 33 35 37 19 Portable jackstaff fill connection
26 27 28 29 31 32 34 36 38 39 40 41 20 Hinged cleat (P&S) 47 Salvage air

21 Sonar sphere access connection

22 Torpedo tube 48 Signal elector
shutters (P&S) 49 Access hatches
23 Torpedo ejection 50 Lookout station
pump shutter 51 Portable lifeline
(P&S) 52 Diesel exhaust
24 Underwater log 53 Salvage air
25 Salvage air connection
connections 54 Weapons shipping
26 Safety track hatch
27 Ventilation exhaust 55 Portable emergency
55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 39 42 28 Sidelight (P&S) lifeline
Technology: Design and Construction

Right: This latest Soviet Akula

class nuclear-powered attack
submarine shows the smaller, less
angular and more streamlined
shapeof Soviet sails, believed to
be derived from research on
marine animals such as dolphins.

Thedesign of theafterend ol the

submarine and the correlalion ot
hull shape, propeller and control
surfaces is also important. At one
stage in the mid-1 940s the after
control surfaces were placed astern
of the propeller and this was llu^
original layout in the Albacore. hut
the majority of modern submarines
have cruciform stern empennages,
with horizontal and vertical
control surfaces forward of the
propeller. In the American Los
Angeles and Ohio classes the after
horizontal hydroplanes are fitted
with vertical endplales, both to
improve control and also to serve
as housings for hydrophones.
The latest Swedish Nacken and
Dutch Walrus classes, on the other
hand, have indexed. X-shaped
empennages. This concept was
first tested on the Albacore in 1961

and proved far superior to any of

the previous designs. The X-shape
is 42 per cent more efficient in all

major operating directions than a

Right: The Sturgeon class USS

SpadeFish (SSN 688) with her
fin-mounted forward hydroplanes
rotated to the vertical to penetrate
ice. Such manoeuvres are not
possible with Los Angeles boats.

Below: Soviet Oscar class SSGN

showing the tiles which cover her
hull: some are missing. These are
believed to have both acoustic
absorbing and boundary-layer
pressure equalisation effects.
Modern Submarine Warfare

Guppy type submarine tank arrangements


Top: To dive a submarine involves Above: Blowing the safety tank Top: Fuel ballast tanks must be Above: Quick diving can be
opening the vents, allowing when submerged restores positive full before submerging. When fuel achieved by flooding the negative
seawater to enter through flood buoyancy quickly. It is located is expended seawater is admitted, buoyancy tank, which is also used
ports. The water is expelled by amidships to minimise the effect and allowed to flow between the to drain the snorkel mast during
compressed air to surface. on fore-and-aft trim. tanks by limber holes. preparations for snorkelling.

1 1
Mam ballast tanks
Technology: Design and Construction

cruciform arrangement, and is also pressure hull, as in the British

quieter and safer. In addition, the Oberon class, with free-lloodini;
X-shape can be made more bottom and vents at the
hole.s at the
efficient hydrodynamically if top. Such main ballast tanks are
individual blades are of a longer, sometimes used as additional fuel
narrower sliape and. because they tanks with the fuel tloating on top
extend bi'\und the boiuidary layer of the seawater. which extends the
into undisturbed water, of a range considerably but reduces the
smaller area. Finally, it is reserve of buoyancy an acceptable

necessary that controls should not risk in time of war. A double-hull

extend beyond the keel or the submarine has a complete or
maximum horizontal breadth of almost complete outer hull
the submarine and with the surroundingthe pressure hull over
X-shape this can be achieved with most of its length. The space
ease. However, because of the between the two hulls is used for
complex relationship between main ballast tanks and external
steering and diving functions, such fuel stowage, the distance between
surfaces require computer-aided them being dictated mainly by
operation. construction and access
The submarine captain's greatest considerations.
enemy is sonar and. apart from The final possibility is to have
tactical methods of avoiding sonar two or even three pressure-hulls.
detection, there are some passive The Dutch Dolfijn class
measures which can be submarines have three separate.
implemented at the design stage. Interconnected hulls in a
The first is to make the submarine treble-bubble arrangement. The
smaller and so a more difficult large upper hull contains the crew
target, but it is difficult to fit the and most of the equipment, while
mass of weapons and sensors now below it and alongside each other
considered essential into a small are two smaller hulls, each
hull. Another technique is to shape containing machinery and stores.
the contours of the hull in such a The advantage of this layout is that
way that the sonar beams are it gives great strength and the Typhoon class internal arrangement (conjectural)
diffused. Finally, anechoic (sound Dolfijn class boats can dive to 980ft
absorbingi tiles can be used to coat |300m).
the most critical parts of the Such a submarine is difficuh and
submarine. These are already in expensive to construct and the
use on Royal Navy submarines and Dutch did not pursue this idea in
on the latest Soviet submarines - their later classes. The Soviet
one type of Soviet has the tile Navy, however, appears to have
NATO designation Cluster Guard - adopted a double-hull
and will be introduced on the next arrangement in its Typhoon class
generation of US attack ballistic missile submarines and it
submarines. is the consensus view in the West

that these gigantic vessels have two

CONSTRUCTION complete, interconnected pressure
hulls, each containing crew
There are tour main types of hull quarters and propulsion
arrangement: single-hull, machinery, with a third, smaller
saddle-tank, double-hull and pressurized section above and
multi-hull. Single-hull submarines between them and directly under
have their main ballast tanks the sail for the command and
mounted either externally at either control centre. The space for the
end of the pressure hull, as in the missiles is between the two lower
US Navy's Los Angeles class, or hulls and. most unusually, before Top: The sheer size of the Soviet Above: A possible interior layout
within the hull itself. Saddle-tank instead of abaft the sail. Apart from Typhoon SSBN took the West by ofthe Typhoon showing the
submarines have their main ballast spaciousness and habitability. surprise. One explanation of its side-by-side hulls containing
tanks mounted externally as such a submarine will have great considerable beam is thai there missiles and a nuclear reactor,
streamlined additions to the survivabilitv. may be Iwo internal hulls. with a control centre above.

No 3 (450g) 26 Sanitary tank No 3 31 fvlain ballast tank No2(31t) No6B(35.4t) 46 Normal lubncation oil
22 Main engine sump (0,87t/206g) No 2B (32.98t) 37 Fuel ballast tank 41 lylain ballast tank tank No 2 (924g)
No 4 (450g) 27 After water round 32 Negative tank (12t) No4B(47.12ty No6D(35.4t) 46 Mam motor sump
23 Normal fuel oil tank torpedo tank (5t) 33 Ivlain ballast tank 12.045g) 42 Normal lubrication oil (200g)
No 6(1 5.201 g) 28 After tnm tank (20t) No 2D (32,981) 38 Fuel ballast tank No tank No 1 (1 .457g) 47 Normal lubncation oil
24 Clean fuel oil tank 29 Forward tnm tank 34 Fuel ballast tank No 5B(38.12V9.729g) 43 Expansion tank tank No 3 (1 .040g)
No2(618g) (24t) 3B(37.37t/9.521g) 39 Reserve lubrication (2.993g)
25 Normal fuel oil tank 30 Water round torpedo 35 Safety tank (23t) oil tank (1 ,201 g) 44 Normal fuel oil tank
No7(10,599g) tank (5t) 36 Auxiliary ballast tank 40 t^ain ballast tank No 6(1 5.201 g)
Modern Submarine Warfare

Upholder class space allocation

Control room

Left: The use of two watertight Above: The Upholder class is

bulkheads dividing the pressure probably the most sophisticated
hull space into three main conventional design available.
watertight compartments is now The cylindrical pressure hull is
unusual. The aft compartment is capped forward and aft by domed
divided by an acoustic bulkhead, bulkheads and constructed of high
with the propulsion motor room tensile steel to permit diving
Machinery Auxiliary machinery Accommodation aft of the engine room. depths in excess of 656ft (200m).

have ballast keels.

All hulls In effect on the pressure hull. aimed at producing ever stronger varying from 2.n00ft (607m| to
the double- and multi-hull The US Navy has used a series of materials: titanium, aluminium 3,000ft (914ml.
configuration the keel is mounted high-yield (HY) steels for and even glass have been Titanium is a very difficult
within the outer hull: in the others submarine construction, but all considered. The [apanese use material to weld, although the
it is mounted externally. Double- classes since the Thresher have NS-90 in their Yuushio class, Soviets - long world leaders in
and multi-hull and saddle-tank been made of HY80. (The number while the French Marel, a new metallurgy - seem to have
arrangements have an additional gives the yield stress in Ib/sq in: high-tension steel claimed to give a overcome the problems. Only six
and most valuable advantage in thus. HY80 has a yield stress of 50 per cent increase in diving Alfas were built, but their
that weapon warheads exploding 80lb/sq in, or .5.624kg/cnr|. At one depth, is being used in the latest successors of the Mike class now
against the outer plates have a time it was planned to build the French and Dutch submarines. The entering service are also
certainamount of their explosive Los Angeles class boats of HY130, USSR has continued to use steel for constructed of titanium. Titanium
impact absorbed, thus reducingthe although in the event HY80 was the majority of its submarines, but has, of course, an invaluable
used, and it is now hoped to at least two classes, Alfa and Mike, further advantage in that it is
Below: The cylindrical form of develop HY130 to an acceptable are known to be built of titanium. non-magnetic and thus
VSSObio (SSBN 726) is shown as standard in time for use in the later The Alfas are not only the world's undetectable by devices such as
she is rolled out from the giant units of the US Navy's next class of fastest submarines, capable of airborne MAD and bottom-laid
assembly hall at General attack submarines. better than 42 knots (75km/h| but coils. Some years ago the West
Dynamics Electric Boat Division Inother nations there is also also the deepest diving, with Germans attempted to achieve
for final completion and testing. nuich research and development estimates of their depth c;,i|)abilit\' similar results by using
rcilinolouN : Design ami (lonstnictioii

Rii;ht: This view of the launch of

I 'SS Phoenix (SSN 702) includes a
re\ ealins glimpse of the missile
tubes in i'SS Michigan (SSBN 727)
fitlins out on the pier. The tubes
are located amidships to minimise
changes to the trim of the boat as
the missiles are fired.
itefcept sonar array

Passive ranging sonar

Torpedo tubes

Passive bow sonar

non-magnetic steel for their Type depths specifi(ul in the operational Shock response spectra
205. 206. and 207 submarines, requirement. Overall collapse due
which wore intended primarily for to insufficiently strong frames in
service in the shallow waters of the relation to compartment length is a

Baltic. Early corrosion problems relatively unlikely event, but

have long since been resolved but interframe shell bucklingand shell
the idea has not been extended to yielding are of greater
larger designs. consequence. The designer
The essential body of the endeavours to take all the
submarine is the long, relatively possibilities of weakness into
Ihin. cylindrical pressure hull, account, such as variations In
stiffened by internal or external material characteristics, residual
ring frames and supported by stresses, deviation In circularity,
transverse bulkheads. The stress concentrations, etc. in a
pressure hull diameter varies, factor of safety which is normally
small changes being achieved by set between 1.5 and 2.0. This Is
Displacement range
conical sections and large changes used in the calculation: collapse 1

2 Velocity range
by steep torospherical cones, with depth (design depth) = factor of 3 Acceleration/decelefation range
bulkheads or stiffeners located at safety x operational depth. Thus, 4 J&k range
the smaller diameter transition in a boat with a safety factor of 1.74
point. The two extremities of the (a typical figure) and an operating Log frequency
pressure hull are closed by domed depth of 300ft (91. 4m). collapse
end-closures, usually depth would be 522ft (159m|, Above: The relationship between Below: Increasing resources are
hemispherical in shape. It should be noted that the velocity and frequency in an devoted to trials and research in
Obviously, the critical factor is majority of modi^rn Western underwater attack on a sub- underwater warfare. Here the
the strength and integrity in the deep-diving submarines do not marine, used in designing shock former Royal Navy submarine
hull, which must be enough to have very strong Internal protection mounts for submarine HMS Porpoise undergoes
enable the submarine to operate at bulkheads, so that penetratiiin iil equipment. conversion to a range target.
Modern Submarine Warfare
Right: A medical orderly on the
British nuclear-powered
hunter-killer submarine HMS
Trafalgar. Such boats may be
away from contact with land or
other ships for months at a time
and must be totally self-sufficient

the pressure hull is likely to be

disastrous and escape improbable.
Most Soviet submarines, and the
West German IKL-designs, do.
however, have .sui.h bulkheads.

An important factor, as submarines
require ever more highly trained
crews and cruises become longer,
is habitability. To a certain extent

this problem can be solved by

increasing size, but this is
undesirable on grounds of expense
and detectability. and all navies
are aiming for increased
automation tn enable crews to be

Below: HMS Trafalgar's

mess-room, showing the increased
space available for social
activities aboard modern sub-
marines, easing the strain during
long cruises in confined spaces.

Technology: Design and Construction

Risht: In Trafalgar's torpedo

stowage space even,' inch is used
for weaponn' or equipment.
Larger submarines merely contain
more equipment and it is rare for
additional room to be made
available for crew comfort.

reduced dramatically. The

Swedish Navy's Vastergotland
class, forexample, with a
submerged displacement of 1.125
tons, will have a crew of just 5
officers and 19 men: the Peruvian
Dos de Mayo class, similar in size
but built in the 1950s, need a crew
of 40. Neither type is likely to
undertake particularly long
cruises, but modern deep sea boats
also have lower manpower
requirement: the Dutch Walrus
class (2.800 tons submergedl. for
example, will have a crew of 7
officers and 43 men. whereas the
US Tang class (2.600 tons
submerged of the 1 940s needed
) 1

and 75 men.

Perhaps the overriding factor in
future submarine design is that of
cost. Even conventional
diesel-eleclric submarines, apart
from those designed for restricted free the non-nuclear submarine
waters such as the Baltic, are from the surface. It seems unlikely
growing in size and cost, and while that there will be any major
many resolutions are made to advances in battery design,
produce smaller, cheaper designs, although continual refinement
they somehow seldom seem to will obviously take place, and
materialise. The major research while closed-cycle engines and
efforts are now concentrating on fuel cells both have possibilities a
making submarines quieter, faster practical system in either field has
and deeper diving. The emphasis yet to appear. Nevertheless, there
on quietness does not necessarily does seem to be a reasonable
make a submarine undetectable, prospect of viable fuel cells for
but it does make the searcher work submarines by the mid-1990s.
much harder, probably to the Nothing is known of Soviet
extent of using active sonar and developments in this area, but in
thus giving himself away. view of their huge investments in
Possibly the greater potential submarine technology there is no
breakthrough would be to find a reason to think that they will be
propulsion system which would behind the West in this field.

Below: Interior layout of the standard of accommodation for Above: Visualisation of the US
Thyssen TR-1 700 submarines the crew was also considered Navy's new Seawolf (SSN 21)
currently under construction for important. The design was also class SSN. Of particular interest is

Argentina. Great endurance optimised for a high average the relocation of the forward
and long deployment times were transit speed, with substantial hydroplanes from sail to bow to
met by large fuel and weapon battery provision and charging facilitate operations under the

storage capacity, but a high capacity to match. polar ice.

The greatest single advance in US nuclear-powered submarines Development of US nuclear-
post-World War submarine
II powered submarines has been one
technology the advent of nuclear
SSN 571 NauWus (1955) oflogical progression, but there
propulsion. Nuclear power has have been aberrations as alterna-
released submarines using it from tive ideas have been tried. The US
the need for regular forays to the Navy's-and the world's -first
surface to recharge their batteries nuclear-powered boat. Nautilus,
and has virtually abolished range SSN 575Seawo/f (1957) was powered by an S2W pres-
limitations. surised-water reactor; the
alternative S2G liquid-sodium
reactor tried in the Sea wolf was a
PRESSURISED-WATER failure and was replaced by an
REACTORS S2WA reactor.
SSN 578S/(a/e (1957) The first production SSNs, the
All Britishand American
nuclear-powered submarines use
'C^C four Skates, were similar to
Nautilus but slightly smaller. The
pressurized-water reactors (PWRs)
six boats of the Skipjack class
in which water acts as both coolant
SSN 585 Skipjack (1 959) were the first SSNs to have
and moderator, a tried and tested
Alhacore hulls: indeed, as these
technique which has proved
comparative profiles clearly
exceptionally reliable in service. In
show, their hull is the nearest to
such a system water passes round
the ideal of any American SSN.
the primary circuit, several times
SSRN 586 rrifon (1959) The original leader of the Permit
through the nuclear reactor and
J L class, ryiresAer(SSN-593), was
thence to a steam generator. The
lost in1963. but the rest of the
cooling water in the primary
class has proved successful in
circuit has to be kept at a high
service. The 37-strong Sturgeon
pressure to prevent it boiling and
class has also proved very
turning to steam, achieved by
SSBN 598 George Washington (1 959) successful in service, and led via
including a pressurizer in the
the turbo-electric driven Glenard
primary circuit: steam at the top of
the pressurizer is used to
compensate for changes in coolant
<^=zz PLipsco/hb. an attempt to
produce a truly silent SSN, to the
Los Angeles class. The last, with
volume as the reactor inlet and SSGN 587 Halibut
58 examples already ordered, is
outlet temperatures vary.
probably one of the most expen-
The heat energy is transferred in
sive but effective defence
the steam generator from the water
programmes ever.
in the primary circuit to
The first SSBN type, the George
unpressurized water in the SSN 597 Tuliibee (1960)
Washington class, was developed
secondary circuit which then
quickly by inserting an extra
becomes steam and passes through
section in a Skipjack hull, and the
the secondary circuit to the
subsequent Ethan Allen and
turbine; having driven the turbine
SSBN608Ef/)an/4//en Lafayette classes have been
it goes into a series of condensers,
logical refinements of the design,
becoming water once again and
allcarrying 16 ballistic missiles,
returning in liquid form to the
but the latest Ohio class boats
steam generator to continue the
have 24 missiles.
cycle. PWR condensers use
Tuliibee was the first SSN with
seawateras a heat sink and require SSN 593 rhres/ier (Permit) (1961
a spherical bow sonar dome and
a constant throughput, provided
midships outward angled torpedo
either by the forward motion of the
tubes and the last with deck
submarine or, at slow speeds, by
casing. The huge Triton, a fleet
the use of pumps.
radar picket, was the only US SSN
The operation of a PWR requires SSBN616/.afeyeffe
ever designed to be faster on the
considerable auxiliary power,
surface than submerged, while
mainly to operate the circulation
Halibut, the only US nuclear
pumps in the primary circuit and
cruise-missile submarine, was
the electrical heater elements in
armed with five Rugulus Is,
the pressuriser. The system can be
designed to utilise natural SSN 637 Sturgeon Right: A submarine pressurized-
circulation resulting from the water reactor (PWR) comprises
thermal gradient set up by the two circuits: the primary circuit
nuclear reaction, but at higher transfers heat from the radioac-
power levels the pumps still have tive core to a water-filled
to be switched in. Some systems, in SSN 671 Narwha/ (1969) secondary circuit in a heat-
an effort to minimise noise and exchanger. The PWR's main
vibration, use several pumps
competitor, the liquid metal
which can be selectively activated reactor, has been dropped by the
according to the power level. US Navy, although it is used in at
Whatever the system, however, all SSN 685 G/enard P. Lipscomb (1974) least one Soviet Navy class,
these pumps create noise which is
PWRs need auxiliary power to
detectable by suitable sensors. operate the primary circuit
circulation pumps, which must be
LIQUID METAL-COOLED kept running to remove the heat
REACTORS SSN 688 Los Angeles from the pressure vessel; also, the
_rv pressurizer needs electrical
Various alternative coolants have power to maintain steam. These
been tried. The USS SeaH'o/.f(SSN-
::> pumps and generators produce
575), launched in 1955. was fitted noise, which is one of the main
with an S2G liquid sodium-cooled SSBN 726 0/110(1981) means of detecting nuclear-pow-
reactor, which gave a much more ered submarines. With proper
was very
efficient heat transfer but design natural circulation can be
troublesome in service. There were sufficient at low power and the
two particular problems: the more circulation pumps can be
intractable was that the sodium switched off, as in the US
had to be kept molten at all limes. Narwhal and Ohio designs.

r(M:hnolc)gy: Propulsion

otherwise it solidified and ruined Above: British nuclear submarine Above: The unusually compact IIIoperjlc cuul does not invite the
the primary circuit pipes; the propulsion system prototype at nuclear reactor core vessel is political problems associated with
second was that the plant was the Admiralty Reactor Test installed in a French Navy SSBN nuclear power. However, it has an
plagued by high-pressure steam Establishment. Dounreay, (SNLE). The French nuclear inherent problem in that it must go
leaks. Aftertwo years the S2G was Scotland. Work on the prototype submarine programme has been to the surface to run its diesfds to

replaced by an S2\Va pressurised started in 1957. remarkably successful. recharge its batteries, a process
water-cooled nuclear reactor, which requires about 3.5lb
virtuallv identical to that installed noise from gearing and rotating utilised in USS /ock ISSX-6051. but 11 .58kg) of oxygen for every 1 lb

in the .Vauli/us.Liquid metal machinery such as pumps which, was unsuccessful and was |0.45kg| of fuel oil. In very few
cooling seems to be the only way to as described above, must be kept removed. Free circulation is used submarines are the diesels
obtain smaller, lighter plants, and running, especially in PWR in USS Xurivhal (SSN-R71 and has
1 connected directly to the propeller
the Soviet Navy's Alfa class is svstems. In most Western boats apparentiv been a success as it is shafts: rather, the propellers are
generally agreed to have a machinery is mounted on rafts in now used in the S8G reactor that normally run off the batteries at all
liquid-metal cooled reactor in a an effort to isolate the vibrations powers the Ohio class ballistic times, even on the surface while
fully automatic, unmanned engine from the hull, but turbo-electric missile boats. the diesels recharge the batteries.
room, leading to considerable drive has been tried in USS Batteries are heavy and
savings in reactor shielding. Lipscomb (SSN-685); the DIESEL-ELECTRIC space-consuming. Lead-acid
Lipscomb is still in service with PROPULSION batteries are cheap, simple to

NOISE this svstem. but it has not been produce and relatively easy to
repeated in other boats. Direct The diesel-eleclric submarine is far maintain, while silver-zinc and
A particular problem for drive with twin contra-rotating cheaper to build than a nuclear silver-cadmium batteries are
nuclear-powered boats is that of propellers of different sizes was submarine, is far less complicated lighter, smaller and more (efficient.

Pressurised-water nuclear propulsion system layout

Mam engine throttle
Modern Submarine Warfare

but aremuch more expensiNe and

need more careful handling. Apart
from constant research into new
types of battery, much
development effort is being put
into improving the performance of
lead-acid batteries, for example by
changing the electrolyte under
water to get rid of poisoned

The final item in the drive-train is
the propeller, which is one of the
major causes of noise and one of
the most readily identifiable
features of an individual
submarine. Modern submarine
propellers have up to seven blades,
usually scythe-shaped, and are
designed to be run at very low
revolutions. The British Trafalgar
class submarines are reported to
use pump-jets, in which a ducted.
multi-bladed rotor turns against
stator vanes, thus virtually
eliminating cavitation noise,
although rotating noises will
probably still exist.

wave which results in the wafer in One theory concerning the Above: Three of these Brons
OTHER PROPULSION theopen tube being pumped out at enormous size of the Soviet Navy's O-RUB 215x12 l,400kW diesel
SYSTEMS the rear to impart forward thrust to Typhoon class SSBN is that there units are installed in each of the
The Soviet Navy is reported to be the submarine. are two parallel pressure hulls Taiwanese Navy's Seadragon
examining a variety of alternative This system, which has within the outer casing, one of class submarines. At the right is
means of propulsion, and is similarities with the electro- which contains a large nuclear the Holec AC generator with its
claimed in /tine'sFighting Ships osmosis process, requires a great plant to generate the enormous built-in rectifier and air/water
1984-85 to be using both deal of electrical power and would power necessary for MHD heat exchanger.
magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) probably be capable of propulsion.
generators and electrodynamic moving the submarine only at low EMT employs a different Below: Paxman Valenla 16RP
thrust (EMT). The former involves speeds. Nevertheless, if a ballistic technique. A line of electro- 200SZ 16-cylinder diesel (for
the use of an open tube filled with missile boat was to use normal magnets is up on the centreline
set British Upholders). With a power
seawater and surrounded by a propeller drive for the relatively of the vessel and banks of output of 2,035 hp. this unit has a
ferro-liquid in a sealed sleeve: a rapid transit to and from its patrol electrodes are mounted on either dry weight of some 8.89 tons
pulsating magnetic field causes area, once there MHD could be side: electric currentis passed (9,000kg), Total weight with the
sympathetic vibrations in the very valuable for virtually through the electrodes, setting up a associated electrical generator is
ferro-li(]uid. setting up a travelling undetectable low-speed cruise. magnetic field, and the action 23.4 tons (23,800kg).
Technology: Propulsion

Above: The GEC 4MW double- between the two magnetic fields Above: The manoevring control two more submarines using the
armature non-compensated DC results in forward motion. The console of a Swedish Nacken. The Walther cycle. HMS Explorer and
main propulsion motor of the Soviet Union and Japan are both Saab Instruments console allows Exca/ibur. Of 1.200 Ions
Upholder class. The unit's 85-ton reported to be experimenting with one man to control the submarine: submerged displacement, these
weight and torque loadings are this system. Both MHD and EMT here the operator is controlling boats were puiely experimental:
transferred to the submarine's produce thrust without the use of a the boat with his right hand while they had no torpedo lubes or radar,
structure by feet extending over its propeller, so there is no cavitation adjusting the speed of the motor mounted only one periscope and
complete footprint. noise, no mechanical noise and with his left. had diesel engines to recharge the
less wake turbulence. batteries and to power them on the
Below: Stirling-cycle engines Other systems have also been but two were recovered. U-1407. surface. Using HTP propulsion
burn fuel and oxygen continu- tried. Professor Helmuth VValther going to the Royal Navy and underwater speeds of 26.5 knots
ously in a combustion chamber, proposed a closed-cyclesystem U-1406totheUSNavy. were attained for periods of up to
the heat being transferred by using high-test hvdrogen peroxide 17-1407 was refurbished and, three hours, or 12 knots for 15
conduction to a gas of high thermal IHTPI. and four type XVIIA and commissioned as HMS Meteorite, hours on one turbine. They proved
conductivity confined in a heater three Type XVIIB boats had been was used to develop the Walther very hazardous In service,
regenerator cooling circuit, completed by the end of World system in 1947-48. with enough however, to the extent that
achieving air-independent power. War II. All the latter were scuttled. success for the Royal Navv to order Explorer was known to her crew as
HMS Exploder, and they were, in
any case, overtaken by the
nuclear-powered submarine.
Closed-cycle systems continue
to be studied. The Brayton cycle,
using inert gases such as argon,
helium or xenon as working fluids,
was an unsuccessful competitor to
power the US Navy's Advanced
Lightweight Torpedo, while the
Stirling piston engine was under
serious consideration for the Royal
Swedish Navy's Vastergbtland
was eventually rejected. It
class but
should be noted that In any of these
systems a fundamental
consideration is that if they should
give off a gaseous exhaust its
disposal is a problem, especially at
Fuel cells have an apparent
potential for use in submarines. In
such devices two chemicals are
(ombined in the presence of a
catalyst, the reaction, which is

usually fairly violent, being used

for the direct production of
electricity. Efficiency is high - up
to 70 or 80 percent in some cases-
there are no severe heal dissipation
|)roblems. and in many cases, such
as lithium/peroxide cells, the
product is pure, potable water. No
practicable submarine propulsion
system has yet been produced
using fuel cells, but they are
uenerally considered lo be the most
likelv wav forward.

After World War II guns were the forward end of the pressure
abandoned and for a decade hull.
the only weapons available to The only other submarine-
attack and patrol submarines were launched anti-ship missile is the
torpedoes which had little better French SM39 Exocet, a new
performance than those of World version of the very successful
War II; indeed, in many cases they missile which achieved such a
were World War II torpedoes. HMS reputation in the 1982 South
Conqueror, for example, sank the Atlantic war. Launched from a
Argentinian cruiser General standard torpedo tube, the SM 39
Belgrano in 1982 with a Mk 8 has a range of over 312 miles
torpedo, a model which first went |500km|.
to sea in the late 1930s. The
torpedo has had an extraordinary BALLISTIC MISSILES
history in recent years, with vast
sums being expended by many At the end of World War II naval
nations but, until recently, little forces were primarily concerned,
overall advance in performance or as they had been for centuries, with
reliability. combat on the high seas. Heavy
Since World War II. however, a guns could be fired at inshore
whole new range of weapons has targets up to ranges of about 25
given submarines entirely new miles |40km) and carrier-based
capabilities - in particular, the aircraft were capable of strikes
ability to carry out nuclear or even further inland, although
conventional strikes against targets seldom more than 100 miles
far inland. The submarine- (160km) - but there it ended. By the
launched ballistic missile (SLBM) 1950s, however, the US Navy had
has, for some 20 years, given the developed a land-attack capability
submarine the ability to strike at with its strike carriers equipped
targets anywhere in the world in a with the North American A|-l
counter-value role, and it may now Savage, which was capable of
be on the verge of attaining a carrying the Mk 5 atomic bomb
dangerously destabilising counter- whose yield was well in excess of
force role as well. the 20kT of the weapons used in
The submarine-launched cruise the Nagasaki and Hiroshima
missile (SLCM) has been around attacks. This carrier-based
for a similar period and the Soviet capability, which improved
Navy has long had specialised rapidly through the 1950s and
boats to carry them. The US Navy 1960s, caused major concern in the
also developed some specialised Soviet Union and helped spark off
cruise-missile submarines in the its major attack and cruise-missile

late 1940s and 1950s but then submarine building programmes.

decided to produce weapons The next phase in the expansion
which could be launched from of navies' traditional roles came
standard torpedo tubes, the with the ballistic missile-armed
Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missile and submarine. Apart from shore
the Tomahawk anti-ship (T-ASM) bombardment with their relatively
and land attack |T-LAM) missiles. small deck gun, submarines had
However, after vast expenditure on never had a land attack role: the
the Tomahawk programme, it has
been realised that the missile will Below: Test firing of an Above: First launch of Trident L Below: Trident I SLBM launched

take up too much valuable space in unidentified Soviet Navy SLBM. January 18, 1977. The aerospike from \JSS James Madison (SSBN
the torpedo rooms and it has been The weapon's ratio of diameter to deployed on the nose gives the 627), one of 12 units of the
decided to fit them in vertically length appears markedly different same streamlining effect as a long Lafayette and Franklin classes
mounted tubes inside the upper from that of the Western missiles pointed nose without reducing the which have been converted to
casing between the bow sonar and such as Trident. vehicle's internal volume. take Trident L
Technology: Weapons

Germans had given serious I'S navies began to pursue the idea
consideration in 1944-45 to in the Cold War era. The first
methods of transporting V-2 bdllislic missilesubmarines, those
rockets across the Atlantic by of the Soviet Navy's diesel-engined
submarine to points where they Golf class armed with three
could be launched against the fin-mounted SS-N-3 missiles,
USA. but the war ended before the came into service in 1958. but Ihev
plan could be implemented. The were crude systems and the
essence of the idea was sound, missiles could only be launched
however, and both the Soviet and from the surface.

Above. Poseidon C-3 SLBM has Below: Despite renewed interest in whose five present members will Above: Royal Navy-launched
only been deployed in the nuclear-powered attack find that current moves to limit Polaris A-3 SLBM. The RN is the
Lafayette Franklin class SSBNs. submarines by navies such as air- and land-based tactical and only user of this elderly missile,
twelve of which have been those of Spain and Canada, strategic nuclear weapons will which has been updated by the
converted to take Trident leaving nobody is planning to join the increase the significance of their fitting of new rocket motors and
18 with Poseidon. extremely expensive SSBN club sea-based deterrent. the all-British Chevaline MRV.


Modern Submarine Warfare

After a short-lived consideration THE USA/USSR SLBM STRATEGIC BALANCE: (a) |

of a system involving six solid-fuel

Jupiter-S missiles in 8,500-ton
submarines, the US Navy settled
on the Polaris project. Few weapon
systems in history have combined
more dramatic technological
innovations than this bold concept
for a submarine-launched ballistic
missile system, which was
formulated by Admiral W.F.
Rayborn, USN, and a team from
Lockheed. The two most
fundamental decisions, taken right
at the very start, were to use solid
propellant and to expel the
missiles from vertical launch tubes
while the submarine remained
submerged, but the project also
introduced many other novel
technologies: lightweight ablative
reentry vehicles, miniaturised
inertial guidance, miniaturised
nuclear and thermonuclear
warheads, cold-gas launch
techniques, submarine inertial
navigation systems and submarine
noise reduction to name but a few.
When Polaris reached operational
November 1960 it
status in
changed the nature of strategic
warfare and, in particular, of
deterrence, and improvement
programmes have taken the US
Navy from Polaris to Poseidon and
now to Trident I (C-4] and Trident
II (D-5|.
The Soviet Navy ballistic missile
programme started with the
SS-N-4. a missile so large that it
could only just be fitted into a Zulu
V class submarine between the
keel and the top of the fin.
Liquid-fuelled and surface-
launched, it was of limited value
and was quickly succeeded by the
SS-N-5. which, although still
mounted in the fin. could at least
be launched while the submarine
was submerged.
The next Soviet missile. SS-N-6,
was small enough for 16 to be
installed within the hull of the first

Soviet nuclear-powered ballistic

missile submarine type - the
Technology: Weapons

Typhoon and Delta IV class

submarines respectively.
The current ballistic missile
systems in all navies are basically
similar, differingonly in detail and
comprising five basic subsystems:
the submarine, the navigational
system, the fire control system, the
missile and the launch system. The
submarine is essentially a
sea-mobile launch pad providing
the missiles with transport and
protection from the elements and
hostile action up to the moment of
launch. As part of this function it
provides the other subsystems
with electrical, hydraulic and
pneumatic power, together with
temperature and environmental
control and overall systems
The navigation subsystem is
responsible for determining the
precise position, velocity and
attitude of the submarine, and for
transmitting this data in a
continuous update to the
tire-control subsystem. The
principal means of achieving this
is the ship's inertial navigation

system (SIN'S], which records

ever\'movement of the submarine
with reference to a stable platform

Above left: USS Ohio (SSBN 726)

alongside a wharf while a Trident
I missile tube is lowered in by

crane. Such operations are carried

out quite openly so that orbiting
Soviet satellites can observe and
record the operation.

Left:With each missile measuring

44ft |13.4m| in lengthand 83in
(210. 8cm) in diameter and
weighing nearly 60 tons, the Ohio
had to be a huge vessel to
accommodate 24 Trident lis.

Below: A comparison of fleet

ballistic missiles shows that
Soviet missiles are larger than
their US counterparts, providing
greater payload range but
requiring bigger submarines.

US fleet ballistic missiles Soviet ballistic missiles

Modern Submarine Warfare

French SLBM installations

M-20 with the new M-4 (same Above: A Missile Technician First control panel facing him was one
Above: The French Navy has
developed its own strategic length but nearly 30 per cent Class (Submarines) sitting at the bank of indicators and controls for
missiles with minimal help from greater diameter). The M-4 will be control room console during a each of the 24 missiles, but the
retrofitted in four of the five boats simulated missile launch, part of actual launch must be authorised
other countries. This diagram
built to take M-20; the fifth, Le the precommissioning activities by two separate officers, each with
compares the current MSBS
(Mer-Sol Balistique Strategique) Redoubtable, is too old. aboard USS Ohio (SSBN 726). The his own key.

and which can be updated by

external inputs such as optical and
LORAN observations.
The fire-control subsystem is

designed to prepare and fire the

submarine's missiles in the
shortest possible time. Its essential
functions are to set up the missile
guidance system inertial platform,
to determine true launch bearing,
to store and compute target data
and to pass data to the missile
guidance computer.
The launch subsystem is
designed to store, protect and eject
the missiles. The missiles are
enclosed incapsulesstowed inside
shock-protected, watertight
launch tubes. In some systems
high-pressure air is used to eject
the missile, while others have a
steam generator; either method
permits a flameless ejection from
the submarine's launch tubes.
The missile is ejected with some
force, but approximately 90ft
(27.43m| clear of the tube the
first-stage motor ignites to propel
the missile through the surface,
into the atmosphere and up into
space. When the first stage has
been expended it separates and
falls away, and the second-stage
motor ignites and propels the
missile on its way; a third stage is
also fitted to the latest missiles
such as the Trident, SS-N-20 and
During the second and third
stages the missile's navigation
subsystem is continuously
Left:The French MSBS M-4 is a Above: The computer suite on
measuring linear accelerations on
three-stage missile fitted with six board USS /omes Madison (SSBN
the basis of its inertial system and
altering the missile's trajectory to TN-70 1 50kT MRV warheads with 627). Early-generation computer
a total area coverage (foot-print) of technology meant massive data
counteract any unwanted
accelerations caused by outside 81xl89nm(l.'>0x350km)atarange banks were needed to store
of2,162nni I4.l)00km). navigation, test and launch data.
forces. When at the correct
Technology: Weapons

M'lui ilv. (iDsiliDii ,111(1 .illiliiiic lor (if the lauiu b accuracy or the
llu-.issigiifil t.irgi'ls, llifliiis prci ision of the dt'ployment
. .iriviiig Ihi- rt'iMilrv \c-liu Ics (KVs) opt^ration in space. Iniiii thi' sl.igeof the Warhead accuracy is assessed in

iiuiiii Imcly iilthi' niis.sili' .iiid terms of circular area probable

I uiiliiuu^s its llighl. dropping |( cp). being the radius in nautical

iiulivUliuil KVs iu:cordiiig In mill's of a notional circle centred

priHli'liTmiiii'd iiistrucliiiiis li'd Ui (in the point of aim into which 50
Iht! missile computer just prior lo percent of all warheads launched
I. much. In the lermiiuil pliiisc the cm bi! (Expected to fall. In early
uarlieads nuMiler the atmosphere SLUM systems the missili-
.il sleep angles, the ablative n.ivigationsyslem conld not beany
material with which they arc nuin^ .iccnrali' than Ihe
coaled absorbing the bcil (it sulim.irine's SINS, on wh(is(!
reentry. Penetration aids siuh ,is iiipnis il depended, so early siiigli!
decoys an; released at the same multiple RVs weri! relatively

tliiie in order to deceive any inaccurate and had poorceps. but

iinli-missile systems. the situation improved as both
All SLUMS initially had just one SIN.S and missile svslems
reentry vehicle. However, as the (icveliiped Tbns.l'dlarishadacep
lechnoldgy developed it became (ifO.rium |92(im). wluui'.is
possilili' til place imilliple reentry Poseidon RVs li.ivi? a cep of l).;!nm

M'biilcslMKVsl on each mi.ssile. (S.'jOml.and those of Trident oni^ I

\\ liich were .ill aimed at llie .same (if0.2rinm (4,'iHml. SoviiM RVs were
l.irget but. like shotgun pellets, originally even less accurali; than
impmved the probability of those of the USA. but they havi?
aclually hitting il. The next caught up: Ihe C(;p of SS-N-20, for
ii'I'inenienI nuilliple e\,imple. is I).:i4nm ((i-4l)m).
independenlly largelable reeiilry As long as Ihi; warht'ads
\chicles (MIRVs) which, as their [cm.iiiKHl lundanuMilally
name implies, could be directed al inaccnralellun' cmild only bi' iisimI
different targets by being riileased in connler-value role Ihal is.

Below: The internal systems of the Below: MIRVs from a Trident from the bus al different poinis I,irgeled on cities and olher area
three-stage Trident II D-5, which missile heading toward the IIS The latest device is the l,irgels. Thi! immineiil advent of

makes an interesting comparison testing area near Kwajalein manoeuvrable reentry vehicle MARVs. with accnraciiis measuriMl
with the MSBS M-4 opposite. The Island. MIRVs enable one missile (MARV). which contains a device In tens of fei^t. will complelidy
MIRVs are mounted on a circular to attack a number of separate 1(1 sleep il precisely onto its target, change the situation and Ihi^re is a
bus in the third stage. targets: accuracy is improving. sdtluil ils,i( ( ur,i(.\ isiiuli-|iciiilciil SI.HMswIII.

Trident II D-5

Nose fainng/cap


^ Post-boost
control System
Modern Submarine Warfare
within the next few years, assume a by some 50 per cent, thus
counter-force as opposed to a enhancing range; with a third-stage
counter-value role. It is estimated, motor and improved fuel the
for example, that the Mk 600 missile has a range of 4,350nm
MARV to be fitted to Trident 2 will (8.056km), compared to
have a cep of 0.07nm (122m). This Poseidon's 2,500nm (4.630km). To
is a development with deeply overcome the inherent
significant implications for the inaccuracies of the submarine's
balance of power. inertial system the Trident I'sMkS
The UGM-93A Trident missile I navigation system incorporates a
design requirement emphasised stellar sensor which takes a star
range. The fitting of an aerospike sight during the post-boost phase,
which extends after launch created enabling it to correct the missile's
the same aerodynamic effect as a trajectory.The eight Mk 4 RVs.
sharp, slender nose, reducing drag whose W-76 warheads each have a
lOOkT yield, have a reported cep of
Left: Sub-Harpoon is launched in 0.25nm (457m]. which may be
a buoyant capsule which is reduced to 0.12nm (229m) in
jetisonned when the missile future. Their range is 4,230nm
broaches the surface. Here the cap (7,833km) with a full eight RVs, or
is seen being thrown upward prior more with a reduced payload.
to the booster ignition that will Trident was designed to have

expel the missile from the tube. similar payload and accuracy to

' fiy-.


Above: Propelled by its booster the Below: Sub-Harpoon's role is to turbojet sustainer, and after Above: The damage caused to a
Sub-Harpoon missile accelerates deliver a 500lb (230kg) reaching a maximum altitude of surface warship target by a
away, with the cap still spinning penetration/blast warhead over 5, OOOfl (1,500m) it cruises at high Sub-Harpoon. The missile's
through the air above it and the ranges of up to 60nm against subsonic speed and low-level to warhead is constructed of steel
jetisonned capsule hidden by the surface ship targets. It is propelled minimise detection and the effect and is designed to remain intact
cloud of propellant smoke. by a solid rocket booster and a of countermeasures. after penetration.

Sub-Harpoon launch and trajectory profile

Booster separates and Terminal radar Low-level
missile-controlled guidance begins seeker activated run-in begins

Sustainer engine ignites

End of boost

Harpoon boost phase

parated, booster ignited

Buoyant equilibrium glide:

elevators neutralise buoyancy moment

ilL Pitch manoeuvre:

^c: c^^ elevators assist buoyancy
and steer left or right

Missile clears tube

Technology: Weapons

I of Poseidon but much greater MRVs with a nominal yield of

allow the of larger
r.iiige lo 4()kT each, plus decoys. The older
patrol areas. Trident II. however, is French SSBNs carry the M-20
ili'signeil for greater >u:i:ura(:y; the missile, but Ihe latest boats to join
r< suiting l)-.T missile is longer - the fleet carry Ibe new M-4 missile
4.'. Hft I
i;).96ni) compared lo with six 1 50kT MIRVs. The
.i4OKfl (10 4m) -but only (Chinese SSBNs. of which two are
marginally greater in diameter, and believed to be in service with at
is capable of carrying 14 RVs. least two more building, arearmed
though the SALT II agreement with Ihe two-stage solid prupellant a limit often. (;SS-N-3. The first submerged
The Mk 5 RV has a yield of 47.Sk P launch of this missile look placeon
and cep of 0.19nm (122m). but
a 0(:t<jber 12, 1982. from Ihef^hinese
the Mk HOO .MARV may be carried Ciolf class trials submarine, and its
indue course. The Mark 5 RV is range is believed to bi^ of the order
reportedly designed lo lake of l.SOOnm (2.795km). No othi^r
different warheads tailored lo the nations are known to be
target assignment. Trident II is contemplating joining this very
SIhi'duled to equip 20 Ohio class exclusive and extremely expensive
.SSBN.s and four new British club.
SSBNs. Each US boat will have 20
missiles, each with 10 RVs. for a CRUISE MISSILES
total war load of 200 RVs. but the
British government has stated that The original naval siralegit. missile
Above: A Tomahawk cruise missile Below: Moments later the l.OOOlb its Trident lis will carry no more was Ihe US Navy's Regulus. a
launched from a submerged sub- (450kg) w arhead has detonated, warheads in total than would have missile designed for use by
marine off California approaches totally destroying the aircraft been carried by Trident I. which both surface ships and submarines
its target on San Clemente Island target. Such a land-attack implies longer ranges and much which was deployed with Ihe US
more than 400 miles 1640 km) away. capability is new for submarines. greater flexibility in the Royal fleet in the 1950s and 1960s bi^fore
Navy's choice of patrol areas. being superseded by Polaris. The
The Soviet Navy has recently Soviet Navy has had tactical
introduced two new SLBMs. the missiles for many years, but in Ihe
SS-N-20 on the Typhoon class and 1970s the US Navy began
the SS-N-23 on the Delta IV. The developmcnl of a strategic SL(;M
former is a three-stage solid-fuel which had Ihe attraction of not
missile with a design range of some being covered by existing arms
4.800nm (8,890km) carrying limitation agreements: Ihe
between six and nine RVs. and on BGM-109 Tomahawk is now in
October 21. 1982. the first wide service with Ihe US fleet and
Typhoon class SSBN conducted a a similar missile, designated
simultaneous launch of four SS-N-21 by the US. is in service
SS-N-20s; cep is 0.35nm (640m). with the Soviet Navy.
Little is known of SS-N-23 except Tomahawk was designed from
that, somewhat surprisingly, it is the start lobe fired by either surface
liquid-fuelled, and
has that it ships from armoured box
greater throw-weight and accuracy launchers or from standard
than the SS-.N-l 8 filled to the Delta submarines torpedo lubes. This
Ills. It carries up to seven MIRVs. target was achieved and
The other nations currently Tomahawk is now being deployed
possessing submarine-launched in numerous surface warships as
ballistic missile systems are the well as most Los Angeles class
United Kingdom. France and attack submarines. The earlier
China. The current British missile boats use Tomahawk in the
isthe Polaris A-3. which was torpedo lube mode with 12
remolored in the early 1980s, and missiles per boat, but a reappraisal
given a brand new front end of by Ihe US Navy concluded that this
entirely UK origin
and the reduces their torpedo capacity.
designation Chevaline. Each (Considering the expense that
mi<:<;ili' is rrpnrled to carry six was incurred in ensuring that

Below The French equivalent of

: Right: This US DoD official
Sub-Harpoon is the SM 39 version drawing shows a Soviet Yankee
of the successful Exocet anti-ship class which has been converted
missile. This picture shows the from its previous role as an SSBN
moment at which the booster to test the new SS-NX-24 sub-
rocket separates from the missile. marine-launched cruise missile.
Modern Submarine Warfare

Tomah.nvk would til a slaiuldrd Right: Many Western navies are Honeywell NT 37E modernisation kit
torpudo tube, il seems equipped with the obsolescent Mk
extraordinary that nobody thoiigbt 37 torpedo but find modern
of this earlier.) As a result it has replacements too expensive.
now been decided that SSN-721 Honeywell markets an upgrade
and subsequent boats will have 15 kit to produce the NT 37E (New
vertical Tomahawk launch tubes Technology Mk 37). The improve-
in the bow casing between the ments are designed to make
outer and inner hulls, an existing torpedoes 40 per cent
installation which can be achieved faster and more than double their
without detriment to other range, as well as improving
1 Self-noise reducing Fuel lines 6 Ttiermo-cl^emical
on-board systems. reliability and tactical flexibility.
nose assembly Software- Otto-fuel rotary
When fired from a submarine Key to performance gains is the 2 Fuel cell programmable piston cam engine
torpedo tube the Tomahawk replacement of the electric drive 3 Solid-state acoustic guidance and 7 Contra-rotating
missile is expelled hydraulically by an Otto-fuel propulsion system. panel control system propellers
and a lanyard 33t't (10m| long runs
taut then fires a rocket boost motor Late-1940s electric torpedo
which burns for about seven
seconds to drive the missile
upwards in a 50° climb, through
the surface and into the
atmosphere. Once clear of the
water the wings and tail extend
and the gas turbine is started up:
the missile then noses over to
avoid radar detection and starts its

cruise toward the target, travelling

at very low level at about Mach 0.7
(550mph|. The land attack version
(T-LAMl is fitted with the
Tercom-Aided hiertial Navigation Above: A 21in submarine- 1 Wtiisker 8 Electric motor two-bladed
System (TAINS| and when land is launched, electric-powered 2 Net cutter 9 Depth control gear propellers
3 Detonator and finng 10 Hydrostatic valve 14 Fin and rudder
reached the Terrain Comparison torpedo, circa 1946. With a length
pistol 11 Compressed air 15 Shafts to rudders
(TERCOM) system starts to oflSftllin (5.76m) and a weight
4 Fore battery bottle for dnving 16 Gyro
compare the ground beneath the of some 3, lOOlb (1,406kg), it had a 5 After battery gyro 17 Range-setting
missile with data stored on speed of 30 knots and a range of 6 Starting switch 12 Gearbox group
magnetic tape, which has been fed 5,000 yards (4,572m). 7 Heating plug 13 Twin contra-rotating 18 Warhead
infrom the submarine
immediately prior to launch.
TERCOM does not operate
continuously, as that would alert
the defences and attract
countermeasures. but switches on
when crossing the coast and at
other selected reference points to
update the inertial system, which
remains in command throughout.
The missile can be programined to
approach the target from any
direction to confuse defences and
its accuracy is incredible, a cep of

approximately 33 yards (30m|. The

missile is dual-capable - that is. it
can be fitted with either a
high-explosive or a nuclear
warhead, the nuclear warhead
being the W-80. which has a
200-250kT yield. Range is 1.367
miles (2,200km|.
There is also a ship-attack
version (T-ASM). The main
problem with T-ASM is that to
exploit its capabilities fully it

needs external target information;

a system known as Outlaw Shark is
being deployed to provide this, but
two-way communication with
submarines is notoriously
difficult. T-ASM has a range of 250
miles |400km).
The UGM-84 Sub-Harpoon is an
all-weather anti-ship cruise
missile; the standard Harpoon
missile has a diameter of 13. Sin
|0.343ni). but the submarine
version is fitted with a shroud to
enable it to fit a standard 21in
torpedo tube. As with Tomahawk a
rocket booster drives the missile
up through the water until, once
airborne, the turbojet starts up. The
warhead weighs 5001b (227kg) and Above: The torpedo stowage except in the direct emergency; it Navy, like many other navies, has
the missile can attack ships up to compartment on board the Royal depends on stealth for survival. spent vast sums on torpedo
60 miles (97km) away. Navy Polaris submarine This picture fails to reveal the development since World War II,
Sub-Harpoon is being purchased Resolution. An SSBN would be type of torpedo in use, though it is but only in the mid-1980s did these
bv various Western Navies. most unlikely to use its torpedoes probably the old Mk 8. The Royal programmes start to bear fruit.
Technology: Weapons

Krupp MaK weapons embarkation and loading system

Below: Loading torpedoes into submarines. The torpedoes are
submarines is inevitably a mounted on tilting racks on the
difTicult task - the I S Mk 48. for upper deck and then one at a time
example, is igft (3.84m| long. 21 in is lowered through a special tube

(333mm) in diameter and weighs until it rests at an angle on its tail

3.600lb (1.633kg). This diagram empennage, w ith its nose just clear
shows how the feat is achieved in of the tube. It is then lowered by a
the HDW Type 209 1400 and block and tackle to rest in a rack,
ThyssenTR-1 700 export readv to be loaded into the tube.

Below: Loader's eye view ofone of

the eight torpedo lubes in a Type
209 submarine, showing the
guidance rails. The standard
diameter of 21in (533mm) is
universally art epted.

Above: .\ mine is loaded into d Below R.N submariner working

: Above: The standard eighttubu .iicludiii^ those of the UK and
French Daphne class submarine. on a Sub-Harpoon missile assembly installed in HDW Type lapan.
.\lthough smaller than torpedoes canister. This missile is fired from 209 export submarines. This is the The Soviet Navy is producing
these are still awkward to load - a standard 21in (333mm) torpedo heaviest battery of tubes in any similar systems. The smallest is the
this French mine weighs around tube and for every missile carried submarines: most contemporary SS-N'-21 which, like Tomahawk,
1.875lb (850kg). the torpedo load is reduced by one. types have six or few er tubes. has been designed to be fired from
standard torpedo tubes. Possible
applications for this missile
include recent attack submarines
such as those of the Victor III,
.\kula. Mike and Sierra classes, as
well as the former Yankee class
attack conversions of ballistic
missile boats. According to data
released so far. the SS-.M-21 is a
little larger than Tomahawk, with a
r.inge of the order of 1 .620nm
However, the second Soviet
naval SLCM. SS-NX-24. is much
larger, with a length of around 40fl
112m) and a diameter of 4.1ft
.25m]: the highly swept wings

have a span of 19.5ft (5.94m).

Another Yankee class boat has
t)eenconverted to be the trials
platform for this new missile.
\vhi( h willprobably become
Modern Submarine Warfare

Left and below: The

decommissioned Royal Navy
Type 12 frigate Berwick was the
target in an October 1986 'Sinkex'
to test the Marconi Tigerfish Mod
2 wire-guided torpedo. The
torpedo was launched at long
range from nuclear-powered
attack submarine HMS Tireless in
Sea State 3 and broke the back of
the target, which then became a
total loss. Tigerfish entered
service in 1979 but was plagued by
unreliability problems; these now
appear to have been resolved.

Krupp MaK TR-1700 torpedo discharge system

€c: 5I^=^>
Pressure water
Hydraulic cylinder cylinder

^ piston

Above: The new Krupp MaK encountered when a submarine is

hydraulic system for ejecting travelling at high underwater
torpedoes from their lubes. Such a speeds. Using compressed air
technique is needed both for safety would make life uncomfortable
reasons with the new for the crew if a salvo of torpedoes
monopropellant fuels, and lo were launched in quick
enable torpedoes to be launched succession, as the air would have
against the high water flow to be vented into the submarine.

operational in 1987-88. Both Whitehead A. 184 submarine system

systems are likely to be as accurate Control console

ds their US counterparts, and

presumably could also have either
iniclear or conventional warheads.

Torpedoes have been the sul)iei:t ut
some extremely expensive - and
often abortive - development
lirogrammes. Current model.s have
lop speeds which are now being
iHjiudliHl or even surpassed by
Ili( is(> nfl heir quarry; the U.S Mk 4(i.

lor t'X.iinple. has a speed of 40

knots, exactly thai of the Soviet
Alfa class, so a stern chase is out of
the question. The problem of lac;k
ofspeed and range in torpedoes
has been partly answered for Above: The components of the
surface ships by the use of Whitehead A. 184 submarine
helicopters and stand-off delivery torpedo system. The control
systems such as Asroc and Ikara console and main junction box are
iiul, in the case of submarines, bv located in the control room, with
Subroc.bul there is still a need for ,i the other units in the torpedo
much faster torpedo. In the US this room. The optional torpedo
has led to the Advanced Capability simulator is used for attack team
lADCAPI programme for the Mk 48 training and lo check that the
torpedo, which will raise its speed system is functioning properly.
to 55 knots (63mph): the British Right: The A. 184 is 19ft 8in (6m
Tigerfish is reported to be capable long and weighs 2.790lb ( 1 .265kg)
of a similar speed. It combines wire guidanc:e and

Most modern torpedoes have acoustic homing and delivers a

complicaled guidance systems, 550lb (250kg) warhead against
typicallv int hiding an surface or submarine targets.
Technology: Weapons

FFV TP 617 torpedo

Homing heafl Computer L Tanks for compfessed air Catalyst Course and depth control Geart)Ox Power supply
Charge Control ak;otx}i. fresh water arxi Steam generator Wire dispenser Propellers connection
Safety device Signal processing hydrogen peroxide Engirie Anemator Rudders Wire outlet
Impact 'uze Proximity fuze SpeeO and oxidiser Sefvo control electronics
switching unit Tut3e safety lock

Exercise hea<l Above: The Swedish FF\' submerged torpedo tubes by vessel to transmit orders lo the
Ordnance TP 617 21in (533mni) coastal defence units and has a torpedo, controlling its speed,
torpedo is an export version of the thermal propulsion system which depth, course and target data,
Swedish Navy's Type 613 uses hydrogen peroxide alcohol while the torpedo is able to report
long-range torpedo. Combining and water as propellants. The IP its position, speed, course and

w ire guidance and acoustic 617 system is designed around a depth, homingsystem parameters
homing it w eighs 4.078lb 1 ,850kg) ( programmable digital computer and target noise. Should
Homing head and is 22ft ll'jin(7m)in length. which controls the homingsystem. communications be disrupted the
Tracking light Designed for use against surface communications between torpedo computer automatically
Reieasable Daliasi
targets by surface ships and and launch vessel and the torpedo calculates the target's expected
Data recorder submarines, it can also be navigation system. The use of wire position and then guides the
launched from shore-based guidance enables the launch torpedo to the predicted point.

FFV TP 43X0 torpedo Wire section

Exercise head Warhead Battery section

Homing heaa Homing head Ag-Zn battery dispens Motor

TracKing hght Charge Switching unit DC power
Balloon Safety device Computer unit supply unit
RecorcSer Impact fuze Control Tutje supplies
Electronics for Signal processing connector
exercise runs Proximity fuze
Oiu:e submerged. In; I Los Angeles class combat systems
submarine is totally
dependent upon its sensors, the
most important of which is sonar.
Most submarines have a large
sonar mounted in the bow and
nianv. such as American SSNs and
SSBNs. are also fitted with
conformal arrays. Hydrophones
are also carried, usually with
arrays near the bow. amidships
and near the stern to give all-round
coverage. One important
submarine sensor is that for
listening to its own noises; most
navies use a surface ship to inspect
Iheir submarines as they leave
harbour for noise emissions, but it
is vital to continue such

monitoring throughout the patrol Above: The three hydrophone 5 Bow hydroptione
1 Sonar control centre centre
to ensure that any new noise is arrays on each side are for the 2 Torpedo tiatcfi array 9 Torpedo stowage
detected and removed; otherwise it passive underwater fire control 3 Attack control centre 6 Conformal sonar 10 tyiidships
will act as a beacon for ASW for(;es. system; not shown is the BQR-15 4 BQQ-5 spherical 7 Torpedo tubes tiydrophone array
lust as important as the sensors towed array. sonar transducer 8 Weapon control 11 Afttiydrophone array

themselves is the ability to

assimilate and process their with a low Doppler in a noisy or its characteristic and revealing sonar has been limited by
outputs, and in this field modern high reverberation environment, signature. Spread-spectrum problems over electronic scanning
technology is making a major such as a patrolling SSBN, is transmission, in which the signal and in reducing transducers to a
contribution Not only are modern notoriously difficult to detect, even energy is spread over a wide range reasonable size,
processors able to handle vast for another submarine. of frequencies in a pattern known
amounts of information but they The most effective current only to the transmitter and PASSIVE SONAR
are much smaller and easier to use. submarine active sonars are the US receiver, may enable the signal to
Navy's BQQ-5 installed in the Los be lost in the general oceanic noise. Oi much greater importance to
Angeles class boats and the British
ACTIVE SONAR It also increases the probability of submarines is passive sonar,
Type 2020 now being installed in overcoming fluctuations in the which involves no transmissions
Active sonar devices transmit the Trafalgar class. The BQQ-.5 has acoustic path inherent in the and so avoids giving away the
acoustic pulses in the audio a bow-mounted spherical array oceanic environment. submarine's position. The detector
frequency band (approximately which, using the Submarine Parametric sonar depends on the is the hydrophone, a very sensitive

5-2()kHz) with pulse rates variable Active Detection System (SADS) mixing of two high frequencies to listening device optimised for
between 12.5 and 700 upgrade, is integrated with other produce a different frequency submarine noises which can be
milliseconds. Such variations in onboard systems such as the Mine (higher minus lower) which is then assembled in a variety of arrays
frequency and pulse repetition Detection and Avoidance Sonar selected for transmission. Careful according to the particular task,
rates are necessary to enable (MIDAS), under-ice systems and selection of the original although the only substantial
adjustments to be made to suit the the forward-mounted conformal frequencies will generate a suitable
prevailing oceanic conditions. array. sonar signal (lOO-l.OOOHz) with a Below: A Soviet-built Foxtrot
Active sonars are used in As with surface warships' narrow band-width, giving much class submarine of the Indian
submarines, surface vessels and sonars, further developments in better spatial resolution than can Navy shows the sound-transpa-
air-deployed sonobuoys. They are submarine active sonar centre on be obtained using a normal rent, unpainted windows for the
also fitted in torpedoes, using maximising its excellent detection low-frequency beam. Although passive Herkules (bow) and active
somewhat higher frequencies - capabilities while trying to reduce used in navigation, parametric Feniks sonars.
typically 20-35kH7.- where shorter
range is offset by improved spatial
One characteristic of all
underwater transducers is

self-noise, which is generated by

the relative movement between the
acoustic transmitter-receiver and
the water surrounding it. A further
complication is that transmission
power is limited by the cavitiation
effi!ct of gaseous bubbles forming

on the emitting surface. But the

greatest difficulty for sonar is the
complex variation in the
prevailing conditions of the ocean
described above, and to maximise
a submarine's sonar capabilities it
is frequently necessary to carry a
variety of sonar sets, optimised for
different regimes. And the major
drawback of active sonar has
always been that, by its very
nature, an a(;tive system reveals its
presence, enabling the target to
detect it and take evasive action.
Active sonar systems comprise
large numbers of transducers
mounted in arrays. Cylindrical
arrays are normally used in the
bows of submarines, with beams
formed electronically to give
directional resolution, while
Doppler shift in the return signal
gives moving target indication,
though a very slow moving target
— '

Technology: Sensors

Krupp Atlas Elektronik CSU 83 sonar system

Opeta\ofs consoles
clecltonics cabinets


Pre-eiectrontcs cabinets

_^=u [^ ^^ _^i c^ c^_

Above: This cylindrical sonar Rit;ht: Typical installation for
bou array of 196 transducers is —
small subs passive panoramic,
M ranging
Cyfindnca! hydrophone

part of the Plessey Triton system. ranging and intercept sonars; active '<

The array is stationary, the sonar operatingsonar; data handling subarrays fe"*^* *«%%%*»%'
beam steered electronically. system: and operator displays. D M- -M
ilitliTi'iues lit! iii the sigiuil noises such as sul)in<irliie How
pro( cssing techniques. noise from random noises. It
Nurrmv-baiul prucessing Is an be used for Ihe
Iheri'fore liMids to
Hxtremely sophisticated tHchnic|iii' initialdetection of a submarine
which requires spectrum analysers target and
for analysing Ihe
.ind great conipuliir power to movement of the target relative Ui
produce its information, although the searcher. It is most valuable
Ihe current revolution in where the noises emitted by the
microprocessors is easing this target e.xceed the ambient
problem. The LISA is clearly ahead level when it makes possible rapid
of Ihe world, and especially of Ihe target detection as well as
U.SSR. in this area, which is of providing relatively accurate target
crucial importance in detecting bearings. New techniques such as
and analysing slow-moving transient ac;oustic proc;essing - the
targets. detection and analysis of sudden
Broad-band processing looks at brief noises such as a weapon
Ihefull spectrum of inctmiing launch or random machine noises
signals and sc^paralcs (.oiisKinl - lire adding to Ihe effectiveness of

Led: HMS Onslaught wUh the Below: HMS Opossum, oneof nine
somewhat elderly bow-mounted Oberon class submarines being
Type 2007 sonar. This class is also modernised by the nttingof the
fitted with Ihe Type 186conformal Type 2051 Triton sonar, which
array and Ihe Type 197 sonar includes a clip-on towed array
interceptDF set atop Ihe sail. and new streamlined bow dome.
Modern Submarine Warfare

broad-band processing. Above: Barr& Stroud 254mm Above: Barr & Stroud 254mm consists of an array dispensed from
Passive hull-borne sonars attack periscope. Primary search periscope. Such modern a comparatively narrow tube on
normally use the same arrays as the quantities in periscopes are size of periscopes can incorporate image lop of the vertical rudder, with the
active systems and with a spherical lens and lube length: the former intensifier. thermal imager, storage drum and winch clearly
submarine array using digital determines light gathering cap- low-light TV camera, still camera inside the hull itself. This device
steering a coverage of some 270° ability, the latter periscope depth. and laser ranging. has only been seen so far on the
horizontally and 50° vertically can latest unit of the Oscar class SSGN.
be obtained. Towed arrays now
being used by submarines PERISCOPES
comprise large numbers of
hydrophones - several hundred in .All submarines are fitted with
some cases. The BQQ-25 system periscopes, which in the early days
used by the US Navy's Los Angeles were the only means by which a
class SSNs. for example, has a submerged boat could sense its
cable 2.624ft |800m) long and surroundings. Normally two
0.37in (9.5mm| in diameter, which periscopes are fitted, one for
is tapered at both ends to reduce general use and a second, much
drag. The array contains the smaller device for attacking surface
hydrophones and electronics, ships. Periscopes create two
which include a multiplexer to problems for submariners. The first
reduce the wiring running through is that in use the head of the

the lowing cable. The periscope is obviously above the

manoeuvrability of the towing surface of the sea and either the
submarine is limited, as the array lube itself or the wake it generates
needs to be straight to obtain a is detectable both visually and by

coherent signal, and speed is also radar. The second is that in order to
restricted since arrays oscillate use the periscope the submarine
above a certain speed, generating must be close to the surface, which
false readings and giving out makes it more vulnerable than it is
signals detectable by other at depth, and great care and
hunters. One particular advantage benefit of reducing the number of Above: An RN photographer fits a efficient control surfaces are
of towed arrays for submarines is arrays needed, as they can be camera to a periscope. Polaroid or needed to maintain the boat at the
that they provide a rearward- transferred from one submarine to 35mm cameras can he used for correct depth: it requires only a

looking capability not available by another. The Los Angeles class intelligence gathering; time and very minor miscalculation or a
any other means. boats, however, stow Iheir bearing data are injected automat- sudden change in trim as the result
For submarines, the problem of BQR-23A STASS (Submarine ically into each frame. of a torpedo launch for the fin or
stowing towed arrays is a serious Towed Array Sonar System) arrays even part of the hull to break the
one. Many classes have the cable between the
in long tubes installed containing the array and winch is surface.
clipped on by specially-trained pressure hull and the outer casing, mounted atop the vertical rudder The tube, like any long device
divers as they leave harbour on with the winch in the forward on submarines such as those of the moving through a liquid, vibrates.
patrol and removed as they return: ballast tank. Victor III and Sierra classes. This Vibration normally starts at about
although an apparently slow and The Soviet Navy also uses towed pod will undoubtedly generate 10 knots depending on the exposed
clumsy method, this is a simple arrays, and has developed a series both noise and hydrodynaniic length, rigidity and supporting
solution which has the added of insliillalions. In one. a large pod drag, and another type of filling structure of the lube. A submarine

Technology: Sensors

Above: Two photographs taken

through HMS Oberon's periscope
of the West German Bremen class
guided missile frigate Karlsruhe.
The photographs have exceptional

Right: Sail of a Soviet Kilo class,

diesel-electric submarine. The
forward mast is the search
periscope, while the after mast
carries an ESM device. The cage
antenna is for direction-Hnding.

Below The comprehensive fit of


antennas and sensors mounted in

the sail of a I'SN Sturgeon class
SSN. The relative heights of the
masts and length of fairwater are
not in true perspective.

Sturgeon class antennas and masts comnidiuler will friH)uiMilly find

himself lorn between the wish for a ELECTRONIC SENSORS
long lube lo enable him to keep the
submarine at greater depth and a Modern submarines carry a
short lube which will not vibrate considerable range of sen.sors and
until higher speeds are reached, so other devices mounted on
that he does not need In slow down extendible tubes in addition lo the
if he wishes lo make observations traditional periscopes, schnorkel
during an attack run. The and diesel exhausts. The fin array
periscope lens Is like that in a lan include radio antennas
camera: the larger the diameter the matched lo various frequency
better the field of view and the bands, radio direction finding
more limited the precision, and antennas, and surface- and
vice-versa, while the greater is the air-search radars. The fins of the
diameter of the periscope tube the Los Angeles class boats, for
greater are the turbulence and example, contain no fewer than 1

surface wake it will generate. masts of various lengths and

Like so much defence diameters. Soviet submarines have
equipment these once similarly comprehensive arrays.
straightforward devices are now Air- and surface-search radars,
highly sophisticated. The optical essential for submarines running
systems normally include split on or near the surface, use small
eyepieces to give a quasi-optical rotating antennas mounted on
reduce eyestrain, while
effect to niasls. A widely used example is
bearingand range are estimated by the French Thonipson-(;.SF
d microprocessor and fed Calvpso III. an l-band set with an
automatically into the fire control oulpul power of 7Uk\V and a
system. Various displays and data claimed range of 20nni against a
are injected into the eyepiece, and Ini" airborne target. Performance
a laser rangefinder is frequently against surface targets is limited
included in the attack periscope somewhat by the lack of height of
system, giving an accuracy of ±3ft the antenna.
1 AS-1554/BRM(201 8 AT-497/BRC snorkel directional antenna
whip antenna 15 AS-962/BLR (lm|. .Seart :h periscopes can Such masts have always been
floating wire antenna
2 AS-1792/BRA-21 9 AS-1640A/BPS-14 directional antenna include arlifical hori/on sextants capable of withdrawal into the fin.
helical antenna surface search radar 16 ECM/DF antenna designed lo lake extremely rapid The traditional prac;tice of leaving
3 Observation antenna mast sights lo update the boat's inertial the lop of the fin exposed,
periscope 10 t^asthead light 17 AT-774A/UR navigation system, sensors to give however, results in considerable
4 AS-1201/BPX 11 AS-994/BLR portable emergency warning of electronic threats, and turbulence and consequent noise
IFF/UHF antenna directional antenna whip antenna so modern submarines have
either thermal imagers or image
5 Attack periscope 12 AS-1584/BLR 18 AT-441/MRC
inlensifiers to give bad-weather remotely controlled hatches which
6 AS-1907/BRD-6 omni-directional portable emergency
whip antenna and nighl capabilities. A TV cover the recesses when the
direction-finding antenna
13 AS- 1071 A/BLR 19 Identification beacon camera can also be installed to various masts are not in use. This is
7 Snorkel induction directional antenna 20 AT-317F/BRRI00P enable more than just one operator particularly noticeable on .Soviet
mas; 14 AS- 1649/0 omni- antenna Id sec is being observed. submarines
Communication vvilli

submerged submarines has

been a problem since the earliest
days. Initially there was none at all,
but since they depended on stealth
for success and survival this suited
submariners well. There has.
however, always been a need for
the fleet commander to pass
orders, to update intelligence and
to receive information in return.
Unfortunately, the unique nature
of the oceans, which creates
difficulties in other spheres such as
detection, also impedes
The general nature of the
technical problem is quite simply
slated: the oceans attenuate radio
waves and the higher their
frequency the greater the loss in
strength. In addition, radio waves
are refracted and diffracted in the
same way as sound waves, so the
best form of communication to a
submerged submarine is a radio
signal of very low frequency, but an
immutable law of communications
isthat the lower the frequency the ofupto328lt|lUUm|.allh()ughitis Above: The US Navy's extremely
lower are the information content claimed that depths of up to 1 ,300ft low frequency (ELF) test facility at
and the speed of transmission. It (400m| are feasible usingadvanced Clam Lake in Wisconsin, ELF is
follows that the most reliable reception equipment and highly survivable, but it takes 15
communications are achieved antennas. ELF is also relatively minutes to transmit a three-letter
when the submarine is on or very invulnerable to jamming and group; even so, some 1 7,500
near the surface, but this lays the nuclear explosion effects, which different messages can be sent
submarine open to detection by makes it eminently suitable for using highly compressed codes.
nearhv surface units, by satellite or communicating with second-strike
by radio direction-finding. SSBNs. There are. however, two Right: The first flight of the
major problems, the first being that prototype Boeing E-6A TACAMO
VERY LOW FREQUENCY the information transmission rate on February 19, 1987, was a
RADIO is very low. The US Navy Seafarer 30-minute ferry trip from Renton
svstem proposed in the 1970s to Seattle. The E-6 is scheduled to
The VLF band lies between 3k.Hz would have had a transmission replace the EC-130A/Q aircraft,
and 30kHz and can be received at rate ofonly about 10 bits per some of which have been in
depths of up to 50ft (15m|. minute, while the later Austere service for many years.
Submarines are normally fitted ELF system is said to require 15
with two types of antenna systems minutes to transmit a three-letter Below: A US Navy crew tests the
to receive VLF transmissions. The group. It is claimed, however, that mock-up of the
facilities in a
long trailing wire antenna;
first is a by using highly compressed codes E-6A's very spacious communica-
in the US Navy uses wires some some 17,500 different messages tions centre. The TACAMO
1.673ft |510m) long. The second is can be communicated using system provides communications
a loop antenna moimted in a three-character groups. links between the National
plastic buoy, which is unreeled by In someof the earliest US trials, Command Authority and the
a slow-moving submarine at its in 19K3. USS Sea Wolf used a Poseidon and Trident SSBN fleet.
operating depth. Although this
reduces the submarine's chances
of being detected, such an antenna
system is itself vulnerable, because
the wire vibrates as it moves
through the water, emitting
acoustic signals which are
detectable by sonar, while the
huov. if very close to the surface of
particularly clear water, may be
detected visually from the air.
Shore-based VLF transmitting
antennas are big. vulnerable and
expensive. According to published
information, the US has seven
major VLF transmitting stations,
while the LISSR has ten. of which
five have transmitting power
greater than lOOkW. plus Ui
smaller stations. NATO has two
VLF transmitters and the British
one 15kHz station at Rugby. The
US Navy also has the TACAMO
airborne ELF system described

The F;LF band covers the range
300Hz to 3kHz uui has been
receivi^d bv suhniaririi^s <it depth.s


Technology: Communications

1 ,000ft (304. 8ni) trailing wire the cross being seven miles The system is based cm I.ockheeil station, and make random use of
antenna to detect test signals at (1 1.25km) long, with a I-;C-130A Q Hen ules aircraft suitable airfields.
250Hz. 156Hz, 125Hzand 78Hz. transmission power of only two deployed two squadrons, one
in The TACAMO fteel currently
With the antenna at a depth of watts. In 1976 a submarine responsible for the Pacific and the comprises a few EC-130A aircraft
some 30ft (9m) reception was tra\ellingat a speed of 16 knots al a other for the Atlantic. The aircraft and rather more EC-130Qs. a total
achieved at a range of 1.720nm depth of 427ft (130m) under 33ft act as airborne radio relays of around 20 airframes. A new
13.200kml. but the range dropped (10m) of Arctic sea-ice received between the National Command airframe, the E-6. based on the
to some oOOnm (850k.m) when the signals from Wisconsin. This test Authorities and the submarines, well-proven and widely used
antenna was taken deeper. facility is already used for using various transmission means C-135 is under development and
The second problem is that the operational message traffic and is in the VLF. LH. HF and UHF bands. will enter service in 1989. This
land-based antennas cover such a to be used in combination with a VLF transmissions are achieved aircraft will fly at 25.000-30.000ft
large area that their positioning second site at K.I. Sawyer AFB. using a 200kW transmitter and a (7.620-9, 144m) and its VI.F
becomes a major difficulty, Michigan, to provide a full trailing-wire antenna some 6.2 antenna will be 26,000ft (7.925ni)
particularly in the West. The US operational system by FY88. This miles (10km) long, with a drogue long. Fifteen aircraft are to be
Navy's Sanguine system, designed is far short of what the US Navy parachute at the end. When it procured at a system cost of some
in the 1960s, would have had an wants, but is a distinct becomes necessary to transmit the $2,000 million.
antenna array coxering ait area of improvement on what exists now. aircraft is flown in a continuous
some 6.564 square miles tight circle, which results in over COMMUNICATIONS
(1 7.000km ']. while the much less TACAMO 70 per cent of the wire hanging BUOYS
ambitious Seafarer system would straightdown and acting as a
have covered some 3.088 square The US .Navy's operational relatively efficient vertical Various types of buoy are used to
miles (8.000km-). TACAMO (Take Charge and Move antenna. One aircraft is airborne communicate with submarines.
In the 1970s the US Navy set up a Out) system, primary current
its over each ocean at any time, with One example is the SSQ-86 (XN-1
test facility at Clam Lake. means of communication with another at 15 minutes' notice on down-link communication (DLC)
Wisconsin, which used telephone submerged submarines, especially the ground. Missions last around buoy, which is used to transmit a
poles to carry an X-shaped SSB.X's. is regarded as being far 10 or 11 hours, of which about programmed message to a
centre-driven antenna, each arm of more survivable than anv other. seven are spent loitering on submerged submarine without the

E-6A TACAMO configuration 1 E-4B-type electro-

magnetic pulse (EMP)
resistant windshields
2 E-3A escape ctiute
and spoiler have
been deleted
radios, altitude alert,
windshear and ottier
4 EMP-hardened/O?-
320 cargo door
5 Operators' stations
6 CFM-56engineswJth
72-hour engine oil
7 Long-wire drogue
B Wingtip satellite
9 Short-wire drogue
nest in tail cone
10 Improved rudder
11 HF2 shunt antenna
12 Door modified lor
13 TACAt^lO mission
equipment installed
inplaceof E-3A
Above: The Boeing E-6A is yet force will be $1,600 million, and the rotodome and pylon. Generat- equipment
another version of the ubiquitous eight aircraft are earmarked for ing plant gives radiated powers of 14 Electronic support
BoeingC-135. the military the Pacific and seven for the some 2nnkW and a 2.5-mile (4km) measures display
progenitor of the civil 707 Atlantic fleets. The AWACS trailing-w ire antenna is deployed added at navigator's
airliner. Total cost of the 1 5-strong airframe is utilised, but w ithoul from a drum in the tail. station display
Modern Submarine Warfare

Submarine laser communications

Laser satellite

Relay mirror satellite

Above: For strategic communica- The whole process

scuttles itself penetrate to the same depth. One
tions to subs, the Americans from water entry to scuttling takes interesting aspect of such a system
propose to use space-based (left) about 17 minutes. is that while an aircraft which
or ground-based (right) blue-green unintentionally passed though
lasers to penetrate the ocean. BLUE-GREEN LASERS such a beam would not itself be in
any danger, aircrew and
submarine revealing its position. There is an optical window in the
passengers without laser glasses
Mounted in a standard A-sized blue-green part of the spectrum could suffer eye injuries.
sonobuoy, the DLC buoy can be which enables transmissions to
launched from any suitably penetrate the ocean a substantial COMMUNICATION FROM
equipped aircraft, or simply distance. The main problem is that SUBMARINES
thrown overboard from a surface the power requirements are
ship. The message, consisting of a considerable and satellites are not Any transmission, whatever part of
maximum of four groups of three yet capable of carrying equipment the electromagnetic spectrum it
characters, is programmed into the of the necessary power. However, uses, is liable to interception by
buoy using a single push-button this difficulty may be overcome by hostile agencies and so risks giving
switch. On entering the water the using a ground-based laser in away the submarine's position. For
buoy transmits the message once conjunction with a space-based many years submarines could only
near the surface then descends to a mirror, with adaptive optics being transmit using the high frequency
predetermined lower depth where used to produce a cohesive beam. (HF) band (3-30MHz), which is
it transmits a second time, pauses Such a system could have a data relatively easy to intercept and to
for five minutes at the same depth, rate up to 300 times better than that use for direction-finding (DF). The
transmits a third time and then of an ELF system, but would not German Navy in World Wair II used
Above: Aircraft can communicate Sippican XSTAT operation
with submarines using buoys such
as this Sippican SUS Mk 84,
which is 15in (38cm) long, 3in
(7.62cm) in diameter and weighs
6.5lb (2.95kg). Pulsed 3.5kHz and
2.95kHz tones pass messages such
as: "emergency, stay down",
"unknown submarine: surface to
be identified" and "establish Antenna erected:
communications". . transmits and receives
UHF line-of-sight signals

Right: The XSTAT expendable

tactical transceiver enables
submarines to establish two-way
communications with aircraft on
a 350MHz UHF-AM frequency
over ranges, depending on the
aircraft's altitude, of up to lOOnm.
The system uses a buoy launched
from a standard tube in the
submarine: a lifting body tethered Lb. 8,000ft of OOOSin wire.
two-spool torsionless dereel
to the submarine hull contains a '°
D 3tn diameter
reel of wire attached to the buoy, O
which rises to the surface; the Ejection from
buoy also has spooled wire, the submarine

|j M\ ^^
two spools giving torsionless
pay-out. Once on the surface the
3 ^^:=Z
buoy provides up to one hour of
two-way voice communications.

Technology: Communications

left: AUSNavyUH-1 helicopter

hovers over the exposed periscope
masts of a submarine, achieving
optimum communications

-.(luirt transmission. Such HF burst

transmissions are still used; they

are by no means undetectable, but
they do make the interceptors' job
much more difficult. The HF
antennas are mounted on
extending masts carried in the
submarine's fin.
Satellite communications in the
UHF and SHF bands are a boon to
submarines, as transmissions are
much less easy to detect from
ground monitoring stations,
although they can be detected by
suitably equipped aircraft and by
other satellites. Most submarines
now carry mast-mounted satellite
antennas which can be used when
running on the surface or at
periscope depth.
If real-time communications are

not essential then transmitting

buoys such as the US Navy's BRT-1
can be used. Containing a cassette
recorder and radio transmitter, this
device is released by the
Left:For the full range of standard toexchange considerable amounts submarine and when on the
radio communications sub- between its
of radio traffic surface transmits a message of up
marines need mast-mounted headquarters and the boats at sea; to four minutes' duration, with a
antennas. Seen here under test at the transmissions from the HQ preset delay of between 15 and 60
the UK National Maritime were monitored and. because the minutes. With a one-hour delay in
Institute is a hydrodynamic, Enigma codes had been broken, the transmission, a submarine
non-hull penetrating integrated Allied hunting forces frequently travelling at 20 knots could be
communications mast made of knew as much about the U-boats' anywhere in an area of 1 .664
glass-reinforced plastic which the instructions as the latter did square miles (4,310km-) by the
designers, Plessey Naval Systems, themselves. Further, because of the time transmission takes place.
claim will improve communica- demands by Dbnitz' HQ for Communications to surface
tions performance and permit information, the boats were forced ships and to other submarines are
more flexible operating. to transmit at sea and could be just asmuch of a problem. Buoys
DFed with ease and hunted down. such as the BRT-1 can be used to
Below: Communications between Once the Germans appreciated this pass messages which are not
submarines are particularly they took a variety of steps to time-urgent to ships, and in certain
difficult; sonar can be used, but it minimise transmission times, circumstances acoustic
reveals the submarines' presence. some of them procedural but one of underwater telephones can be
It is rare for two submarines to which was a technological means - used. Otherwise, communications
meet on the surface in mid-ocean, the Kurier burst transmission to other submarines, must be
but this Soviet Victor III SSN system - whereby the information passed back to base for
(foreground) and Oscar SSGN did was compressed electronically and retransmission on the normal fleet
in the North Atlantic in 1985. then transmitted in a very short broadcast services.
Surface Antisubmarine Warfare
bow angle, such as those seen on spread-spectrum transmission, submerged
difficult for a
There is considerable parametric sonar as described in submarine to detect, its proximity
discussion in most navies on British ships, normally indicates a

the most effective way of sonar dome mounted in the keel. the chapter on sensors. immediately becomes apparent
combating submarines. All these arrays are fixed and when an active sonar buoy starts to
Submariners themselves are beams are formed electronically to PASSIVE SONAR transmit. Passive sonar is,

almost unanimous in their view give directional resolution, while therefore,growing rapidly in
that the best anti-submarine Doppler shift in the return signal The major drawback of active importance since, because it makes
platform is another submarine, gives moving target indication. sonar has always been that it no transmissions, it ensures that it
while surface mariners and Developments in active sonar for reveals its presence to the target. A does not betray the hunter's
aviators tend to maintain that a surface ships are aimed at submarine will normally detect a position.
combination of warships and maximising its excellent detection surface warship's active sonar Hydrophones are often
aircraft in conjunction with area capabilities while trying to reduce transmissions long before the deployed in towed arrays, which
surveillance systems such as its characteristic and revealing warship itself realises a target is limit the speed and

SOSUS give the best results. The signature. The principal methods there,and while the presence of an manoeuvrability of the towing
use of submarines in under investigation are anti-submarine aircraft is very ship, making it very vulnerable
anti-submarine warfare is
described elsewhere; this chapter
deals with the technology of
surface warships and aircraft in the
ASW battle.
The primary means used by
surface warships over the last 30 or
so years to find submarines has
been active sonar. The sonar dome
in a warship is mounted either in
the bow or under the ship's keel
and a particular problem for such
hull-mounted sonars is the
self-noise generated by the relative
movement between the acoustic
transmitter-receiver and the water
surrounding it.

Active sonar systems comprise

large numbers of transducers
mounted in arrays. Surface ships
use flat circular or rectangular
arrays; a typical modern system,
the US Navy's SQS-26, has 576
transducer elements in a
cylindrical array, housed in a large
bulbous dome at the foot of the
stem.The presence of such a
bow-mounted sonar is usually
indicated by a sharply overhanging
bow, as on most US and Soviet
ASW ships, whereas a less acute
Simrad SS242 sonar system


Left: Simrad SS240 series sonars Above: The multicolour display of

are designed for installation in a Simrad SS304 sonar, designed
small surface ships. The trans- for installation in ships down to
ducer is mounted inside a dome 150 tons. The -17° tilt angle (A)
and received signals are passed and 85° ping sector (B) of the sonar
via a pre-amplifier to a trans- are shown, together with own
ceiver. An operator's display unit ship's track (H), position marker
and loudspeaker correlate inputs (G) and actual position (F). The
with data from the ship's target's position (D), speed and
gyro-compass and speed log, and direction (E) and depth (C) are
remote displays can allow the also displayed, along with other
situation to be monitored at other underwater echoes such as fish
localities, such as the bridge. shoals (I) and navigation data.
Technolof^y: Surface ASW
itself. The problem is heightened
by the need for separation from the NON-ACOUSTIC
main body of a task group to SENSORS
maximise sonar performance: as
was shown by British radar picket
ships in the 1982 South Atlantic
war. such isolated ships are highly
.\ submerged submarine moving
through the water leaves a wake
which is detectable by active
vulnerable to air attack. Finally,
the towed arrays themselves may
give rise to detectable noise either
sonar. This turbulence, conical in
shape, eventually reaches the
surface well astern of the boat,

from water-flow over the array or where it causes minute variations

by the towing cable resonating at in the wave pattern. Both the USA
its natural' frequency, and and USSR are experimenting with
processing electronics must be over-the-horizon backscatter
able to discard such signals. (OTH-B) radar in an effort to dete( i


Left: Graseby 750 sonar operators' Above: Transducer arrays are Auove: Plessev PMS 40 series Below: The three-man operators'
console featuring three displays mounted in hydrodynamic surface ship sonar array, with 12 console of the Plessev Type 2016
for (left to right) the Plan Position glass-reinforced plastic domes to transducers in each vertical slave. sonar system, current major fleet
Indication. Doppler Display and minimise flow noise: the domes This array provides omnidirec- escort sonar of the Royal Navy.
Hydrophone-effect Passive may be mounted either at the tional simultaneous active and Electronic analysis and presenta-
Search Subsystems. Displays are bow s or on the keel amidships. passive operation, and the tion of information is essential to
stabilised geographically and This example is manufactured by electronics allow automatic enable the crew to make proper
supplemented by audio systems. Plessev Naval Systems. tracking of up to ten active contacts. assessments of target data.
Modern Submarine Warfare

Plessey COMTASS (Compact Towed Array Sonar System)

Rope (ail
ri'chnology: Surface ASW
blue-green lasers, using satellites communicalions, and surface
to project the beam onto the target anti-submarine forces are naturally
area, as described in the previous quick loexploil this weakness. The

^ t chapter. A similar technique could

be used lo detect submarines,
either by detecting minute return
reflections from a satellite-borne
primary means of communicating
with a totally submerged
submarine is by VLF radio, but the
long lowed antenna essential for
sensor or by mountingablue-greon reception is detectable by surface
Ijser and suitable detectors in an warships and aircraft. Not
.\S\V aircraft. In the latter case surprisingly, major efforts are
laser detection could well be being made lo develop new
complementary lo MAD. and communicalions systems for
would overcome MAD's inability submarines.
Above: The receiver array of the (2Um) long. 3.46in (88mm) to detect titanium hulls. Radio transmissions by
BAe Active Towed Array Sonar. diameter flexible tube. Signals are submarines are. of course,
Hydrophones and associated passed to shipborne electron-ics ELECTRONIC WARFARE immediately delectable by
electronics are housed in a 63.6fl as a single serial data stream. electronic surveillance using
It has been described^wluTc in platforms such as satellites,
location of underwater targets proportion of the world's thisbook how diesel-electric shore-based monitoring stations,
detected by other means, such as submarines are ever likely to be submarines are inherently surface warships and aircraft. All
SOSUS. However, the use of constructed of this metal. vulnerable to detection, because will seek firsl to pin point the site of
titanium hulls in the Soviet Alfa they must approach the surfac:e the transmission, then lo identify
class introduces a new factor, as UNDERWATER OPTICS and expose their snorkel heads the transmitter and finally lo
titanium is a non-magnetic at regular intervals torecharge analyse the content of the signal.
material and cannot be detected by Seawater is an efficient light their batteries and replenish their One way submarines endeavour to
MAD sensors. Fortunately for the absorber, but there is a window in life support systems. Nuclear- overcome this is by detaching
users of MAD. titanium is so the blue-green portion of the powered submarines do not have transmillers in buoys which are
expensive, and the fabrication visible spectrum. Efforts are being to expose snorkel masts, but released at normal operating
techniques involved in its use are made to exploit this for they share with diesel-electric depths and do not transmit until
so complex, that only a very small communication purposes with submarines the problem ot Ihcv reac:h the surf.icc

Thorn EMI degaussing range

Sngte-axis magnetic sensors

irlilTrTirTi I i 1 I

Above: During ship construction essential that they be treatedon a

and in normal operation a ship or degaussing range, one t>pe of
submarine becomes magnetised, which is shown here, using
with the three major elements sheltered water near a naval base
being vertical, longitudinal and so that handling facilities and
athwartships. It is therefore electrical power can be utilised.

Modern Submarine Warfare

Many navies mount anti-
submarine roclcet launchers on
surface warships, despite the
inherent disadvantage - shared
with depth charges - that their
short range allows the target to
come too close. The Soviet Navy
has a series of devices designated
Raklenaya Bombomelnaya
Uslanovku (rocket depth-charge
launcher) whose designation
suffixes indicate their range in
metres.The most elaborate is the
RBU-6000. which consists of 12
vertically loaded barrels arranged
in a horse-shoe shape, on a
mounting which can be both
trained and elevated. The rockets
are fired in a paired sequence; their
maximum 6,562 yards
range is

(f). 000ml and the warhead is 12 lib

(.55kg) of high explosive.

RBU-6000 is fitted in ships ranging
in size from Kiev class aircraft
carriers to Grisha class corvettes.
Others in the series are the
RBU-2500 (16 barrels).RBU-1200
(five barrels). RBU-1000 (six
barrels) and RBU-600 (six barrels).
The onlysimilar device in
wide-scale use is the Swedish
Bofors 375mm ASW
rocket-launcher, which uses two
types of rocket: one has a range
bracket of 656-1.750 yards
(600-1 .600m) and the second of
1.750-3.940 yards (1.600-3. 600m).
the former designated Erika and
the latter Nelli. The Bofors
launcher comes in two-, four- and
six-lube versions, and the six-tube
version is used by the French firm
of Creusot-Loire as the basis of its
Model 1964 launcher,

Mines have a major role in
anti-submarine warfare, though
the days of the moored or
liottom-sitting mine are probably
numbered. Far more effective is the
US Navy's Captor (Encapsulated
Torpedo), which is designed
exclusively for attacking Above: Virtually all Soviet Navy launcher). This is the 12-barrel Below: Projected Franco-Italian
submarines. Captor consists of a surface warships are fitted with RBU-6000, a device with a ASW weapon designed to deliver
Mk 46 torpedo housed in a tube: some of the numerous models of 6,561yd (6,000m) range which is a torpedo over ranges in excess of
laid by submarine, aircraft or Raketnaya Bombometnaya fitted in ships ranging from Kirov 22nm (40km) with in-flight
surface ship, it sits on the ocean Ustanovka (rocket depth-charge battlecruisers to Grisha corvettes. updating capability.
floor and monitors all passing
maritime traffic using passive homing torpedo with a strap-on
sonar equipment with a range of rocket motor, and somewhat
some 3,000ft (1.000m) which is similar weapons are made in
gated to exclude surface traffic. On
France (Malafon), Australia (Ikara)
identification of a submarine target and the USSR (FRAS-1 and
the active sonar is switched on. SS-N-14). Ranges are not great; that
optimum launch time is computed of Asroc, for example, is estimated
and the torpedo is launched. No to be between 1.25 and 6.2nm
IFF is so friendly
submarines must be kept clear of The US Navy is developing a
any Captor minefields. common successor to Subroc and
Asroc known as Sea Lance
STAND-OFF WEAPONS (formerly ASW-SOW). Designed to
combat the threat posed by such
To overc;ome the problem of submarines as the Soviet Alfa and
reaching the target submarine Sierra classes, and with a range
before it c:an attack its hunter a estimated at between 35 and 100
number of stand-off weapons have miles (56-160km), Sea Lance will
been developed which deliver a be launched vertically from surface
depth charge or a torpedo by a ships and expelled from standard
carrier missile or rocket. The US tor[)e(ic) tubes in submarines. The
Asroc consists of a Mk 46 acoustic svstem comprises a ommoii
Technology: Surface ASVV

Plessey PMVV 49A deck launcher system

15 14 13 12 11 1

1 Breech assembly distnbution box 13 Hatch No 4 Above left: British PMVV 49A Above: The STWS antisubmarine
2 Training handle 8 Hatch No 1 (Stingray (containing plug tripletorpedo launcher for torpedo launcher from which the
3 Locking ring and lanyard solenoid unit) puller unit) lightweight torpedoes such as US PMW 49A was developed. One of
control lever 9 Tube No 3 14 Charging hose Mk 46. British Stingray or Italian the lessons of the Falklands War
4 Control box 10 Tube No 2 15 Torpedo secunng
A.224S. The tubes are made of was the need for swinging
5 Hatch No 3 (Mk 46 11 Tube No 1 beam
epoxide resin embodied with bulletproof plates; these are now
lanyard solenoid unit) 12 Hatch No 2 (Stingray
6 Training mechanism battery port cover
filament-wound glass fibre and fitted outboard of the warhead
7 Starboard remover) have fire-retardant additives. end of the tubes.

Whitehead A.244 S Mod 1 shipborne system missile carrying eilht^r the

Advanced Lightweight Torpedo or
anuclear depth charge. The latter
would almost certainly be a new
common device to replace the
B57 and W44 nuclear
warheads curriMil V in service with


The general (|uesti()n of lorpedoes
is discussed elsewlii;n:. Iheir basic
[)roblem being lack of speed. Kven
with helicopters and stand-off
delivery systems such as Asroc
there is a need for much faster
torpedoes; the US Advanced
Capability (ADCAP) programme
Inr the Mk 48 torpedo will raise its
.speed to 55 knots (63mph). while
the next-generation British surface
warship- and aircraft-launched
torpedo - Spearfish - uses a gas
turbine and a pump-jet to attain
even higher speeds.
Above: This lightweight torpedo to the PMVV 49A at the top of the Below: Launch of a lightweight Warhead design is critical,
system by the Italian Whitehead page. The electrically propelled torpedo from the STWS (ship's particularly In the case of
organisation is designed for small A.244 is 8.86ft (2.7m) long with a torpedo weapon system) tube lightweight aircraft-launched
ship use and is similar in function diameterof 12.7in (324mm). aboard a Royal Navy warship. torpedoes which, by their very
nature, have small warheads and
are most unlikely to cause any
damage to stronger submarine
hulls. In general terms the
capabilities of current torpedoes
lagbehind those of the sonars that
siip[K)rlthem: they are slow,
lacking in range and extremely

The typical World War II surface
warship ASVV weapon, the depth
charge is now little used by surface
ships since to allow a modern
submarine within launcher range
about two miles (3.2kml - would
be very hazardous, flowever.
depth charges are used by ASVV
helicopters; a good example is the
British Mk 11 which contains
IHUlb 181. 6kg) of Torpex. Par more
effective, but with major political
implications and therefore tactical
limitations, is the nuclear depth
bomb, though tactical nuclear
weapons could be used more
rcadllv at sea than on land.


Modern Submarine Warfare

The traditional method of
attacking a submerged submarine
is by detonating an explosive

charge on or near its hull. Because

the submarine is already in a
pressurized and hostile
environment, the charge does not
need to be big enough to cause a
completecollapseof the hull on its
own - it needs only cause a
relatively minor amount of
penetration and then leave the
water pressure to effect a totally
catastrophic collapse.
A successful attack on a
submarine involves delivering a
charge ofsufficient explosive force
within lethal range too quickly to
allow the boat to take adequate
The difficulties
evasive action. are
compounded by the relative
slowness with which weapons can
approach submarines, the
increasing effectiveness of
submarine sensors, the enhanced
agilityand speed of the targets and
the growing strength of their hulls.
Clearly there is a trade-off between
the various factors involved, but
one way of overcoming the
difficulties is to produce an

explosive charge so powerful that

it need not be particularly close to

the submarine to achieve its

desired effect, an obvious
candidate for such a role being a been to assess the effects on surface Above: USS Cochrane (DDG 21 Below: Asroc uses a solid-fuel
nuclear weapon. As with acoustic warships. Test Wigwam, carried launches an Asroc missile. Such rocket to deploy a parachute-re-
effects, however, the use of nuclear out in 1958, was of unspecified delivery systems are essential if a tarded Mk 46 torpedo or a IkT
weapons under water is not yield at a depth of 2,0a0ft (610m), surface ship is to have any hope of nuclear depth charge over
entirely straightforward. while Test Wahoo, carried out in destroying a hostile submarine maximum ranges estimated at
Documentation of the effects of 1958 at a depth of 500ft (152m). before it destroys her. around 10,000 yards (9,600m).
underwater nuclear explosions is occurred over deep water.
highly classified, because such In general terms, a deep
explosions would have only underwater nuclear explosion
military applications and effects, results in limited thermal or
and consequently very sparse. nuclear radiation; the principal
However, it is known that the USA effect is the formation of a hot
carried out a series of underwater steam bubble centred on the
tests prior to the imposition of the explosion. This bubble rises
NuclearTest Ban Treaty, including through the water, expanding at a
Test Baker: carried out in July 1946 diminishing rate until a maximum
at a depth of 200ft (61m) in a sizeis achieved, and provided it

lagoon, its main aim seems to have does not touch the bottom or the

Below: Shadowgraph of a All Western antisubmarine

shaped-charge warhead detonat- weapons may soon have to rely on
ing under water; the forward such warheads to penetrate the
projection of the molten jet- the exceptionally strong hulls of some
Monroe Effect - is clearly visible. current Soviet submarines.
Technology: Surface ASW
surface, at this stage it is spherical
in shape. As a resuh outward
of the
momentum of the water
surrounding it. the bubble
continues to expand until its
internal pressure is below that of

the ambient water pressure,

whereupon the pressure outside
the bubble forces it to contract.
Now momentum forces it to
contract to the point where
internal pressure exceeds ambient
pressure, some of the steam
condenses and the bubble expands
once again. .Meanwhile, duringthe
contraction phase, the bottom of
the bubble tends to move upward
more rapidly than the top. due to
the difference in hydrostatic
pressure, so as the bubble rises
towards the surface, expanding
and contracting as it goes, it
generates a compression or shock
wave with each expansion. Each
compression is of a lower intensity
but greater duration than its
predecessor, and a total of three
complete cycles seems to be the
During the pulsation and
upward motion of the bubble, the
water surrounding it acquires
considerable upward momentum
of its own. eventually breaking
through the surface at a high
velocity - 200mph in the Wigwam
test. The very rapid expansion of

Subroc launch and trajectory profile Above: Surface emption caused

by an early underw ater nuclear
weapon test at Bikini .\toll
Booster rocket propulsion
Numerous antisubmarine
at supersonic speeds weapons are armed with nuclear
warheads: effects are complex.
Laur>ch from standard Explosive bolts
torpedo tube and motor's
reverse thrust
Nuclear wartiead the hot gas bubble results in a
system separate
detonates at compression wave being sent out
booster and wartiead pre-set deptti
in all directions with a sharp rise in
overpressure at the shock front,
and peak overpressure does
Solid-fuel rocket motor not fall off asrapidly with distance
ignites under water
as it would in air: for example,
peak overpressure at 3.000ft

^ (914ni) from a
lOOkT deep-water
is about 2.700psi

190kg cm"), whereas in air the

peak would be only 2-3psi
.Above: .Mission profile of a principles. Submarine sensors Below: Subroc powers aw ay from 10.14-0. 2kg cm-|. Conversely, the
Subroc missile. Subroc is due to be have long had greater ranges than the surface. In service since 1962, duration of the shock wave in
replaced by the new Sea Lance their weapon systems: missiles the weapon will remain opera- water is much shorter than in air -
antisubmarine stand-off weapon, are gradually righting the tional into the 1990s because of two or three hundredths of a
w hich will operate on similar imbalance. delavs with Sea Lante. second as opposed to
.ipproximately one second.
There are also two forms of
reflected wave and an induced
wave The first reflection is from
the surface: where the water shock
wave hits the surface it is reflected
back as pressure wave
a negative
and below the surface the sudden
Ihange from positive to negative
pressure is known as the surface
(ut-off. The second reflection
(omes from the bottom, and is a
simple compression reflection.
Where the bottom is rock or other
hard material the shock wave may
iravela short distance through this
material before being reradiated
back into the water. Both the latter
shock waves are positive
Iompression waves, unlike the
surface reflection.
As in other areas, the nature of
the ocean can cause vagaries in the
wave paths With a strong shock
Modern Submarine Warfare

intensity the surface-reflected

wave tends to overtake the main
shock front, because the latter sets
in motion the water through which
the following reflection wave is
travelling. Also, as with acoustic
waves, the variations in density,
temperature and salinity can cause
underwater shock waves to be
refracted and thus either diverted
from certain areas or, conversely,
channelled toward or even focused
on one area to produce a stronger
than expected shock wave at some
point at a great distance from the
The effect of an underwater
nuclear explosion on a submarine
is, therefore, the result of a

complex series of activities. There

may be up to three compression
and rarefaction waves (called
bubble pulses), as well as a
negative shock wave reflected from
the surface plus bottom-reflected
and bottom-induced positive
waves. The effect on an underwater
target depends on the water depth,
the explosive yield of the weapon,
the nature of the bottom and the
time interval between the direct
and indirect shock waves, their
magnitudes and their positive or
negative natures. What is certain is
that the sheer explosive power of a
nuclear depth bomb or torpedo
must give an attacker a much

Above: Plessey Cormorant Above: Cormorant's arrays

dunking sonar with the array deployed. Such extending arrays
elements folded away, an greatly enhance the performance
arrangement which facilitates of the sonar, giving greater range
rapid deployment. and improved definition.

Left: The reeling machine and

transducer of the Bendix AQS-18
airborne sonar system, which is in
service with Lynx helicopters of
the West German Navy. The
similar AQS-13F has been
selected to equip the US Navy's
new SH-60F Seahawk carrier-
based antisubmarine helicopter.
The transducer is not as small as it
looks, being49.4in (125.5cm)
long, 13in (33.1cm) in diameter
and weighing ig3.6lb (88kg). The
winch gives high deployment and
retrieval rates.

Right: A Royal Navy Sea King Mk

5 recovers its Plessey Type 1 95
dunking sonar. Dunking sonar
has advantages over expendable
sonbuoys, not least being that its

depth can be varied.

Technology: Surface ASW
greater chance of cau.singcri Ileal
il.image to a submarine than any
(inveiitional weapon.
Nuclear warheads are used in
.iiitl-submarlne torpedoes, depth
bombs and stand-off weapons, a
Ivpical device being the US
.lir-delivered 857 Mod 1 used by
llu! US and various allied navies.
Weighing around 5101b |231kg),
Ihp B57 Mod 1 is approximately
1lain |302[:m) long and 14.75in
|:i7.5(:ni) in diameter and has a

\ ield reportedly variable between

ilve and ten kilolons. II is carried

l)y US Navy S-3 Viking and P-3

Orion aircraft and SH-3 Sea King

lielicopters. Other US Navy
nuclear weapons with ASW
applications are Subroc, which has
a W55 warhead with a l-5kT
warhead, and its successor. Sea
The .Soviet Navy has a number of
ASW nuclear weapons. The
Whiskey class submarine which
beached Karlskrona naval
off the
base in 1981 carried nuclear-armed
torpedoes, and presumably Soviet
anti-submarine aircraft carry
nuclear depth bombs similar to Ihe

C^arrier-based aircraft can lake Ihe
ASW battle to submarines in any
OMERA ORB 3211 radar detection ranges Above: Operators' console of the
RN Type 195 sonar system. Two
part of the world's oceans, a factor
clearly of high importance in the
helicopters using dunking sonar .Soviet decision to build their own
can set up a search pattern that is carrier fleet. ASW tasks are
hard for a submarine to evade. performed by aircraft such as the
US Navy's S-3 Viking and the
Left: The OMERA ORB 321 1 radar French Alize. and many types of
is designed for installation in helicopter, such as the Soviet
French Aerospatiale SA322 Super Ka-32 Helix and the US SH-60B
Puma helicopters. The detection Seahawk.
ranges claimed by the makers The principal requirements of an
range from 200nm for meteoro- anti-submarine aircraft are the
logicalpurposes to 25nm for a ability to transit rapidly between
submarine snorkel, the latter the aircraft carrier and the patrol
figure underlining the risks line, long endurance on patrol, and
involved in broaching the surface the capability to detect, locate,
with any part of a submarine. identify and destroy submarine
targets.It needs a variety of

Below: This French Aeronavale on-board sensors, including radar

Lynx is equipped with Heracles (for the detection and classification
ORB 31 W surveillance radar, of surface targets), forward-looking
Crouzet MAD and Alcatel magnetic anomaly
dunking sonar, and is seen here detectors, sonobuoys and
with a prototype of the Murene electronic counter-measures
antisubmarine torpedo. equipment. All these sensors, plus
inputs from the parent carrier and
other ships and aircraft, produce so
much information that substantial
on-board data processing power is
required. Finally, an ideal
weapons load would include
anti-ship missiles such as Exocet
or Harpoon, homing torpedoes,
rockets and both conventional and
nuclear depth bombs. The only
aircraft currently capable of all
these tasks is the US Navy's
Lockheed S-3 Viking: older aircraft
in service such as the Alize

and S-2 Tracker are much less

capable. The Soviet Navy clearly
requires a Viking-type aircraft to
iquip its new 75,000-ton carriers,
liut no suitable airframe currently

An alternative to the fixed-wing
.\SVV aircraft, albeit one with less
range and endurance, is the

Modern Submarine Warfare

helicopter. The earliest ASW These aircraft are used for US Navy's SOSUS and
by the and they deploy expendable
anti-submarine helicopters offered long-range, long-endurance ocean SURTASS surveillance systems sonobuoys with radio uplinks to
patrols to detect and track and the Soviet equivalents. Their give them a sonar capability. Their
no more than a means of delivering
torpedoes rapidly in order to submarines in peacetime and to on-board sensors include radar, weapons include torpedoes,
counter the speed of nuclear destroy them in war. In particular, forward-looking infra-red, conventional and nuclear depth
submarines, but as range and they are required to follow up and low-light television, sophisticated bombs and air-to-surface missiles,
payload have increased ASW classify submarine contacts made ECM suites and MAD equipment. making them similar in most
helicopters have become
autonomous weapons systems in
their own right. They also have the
advantage of bringing an air
capability to ships as small as
frigates in size. The most advanced
airframes currently in' service are
the US Navy's SH-60B LAMPS III
(Light Airborne Multipurpose
System), the British Sea King
HAS. 5 and Lynx HAS. 3, and the
Soviet Kamov Ka-32 Helix. For the
future the most important aircraft
currently in development is the
European Helicopter Industries
EH-101 a British/Italian Sea King

replacement which will be

equipped with Ferranti Blue
Kestrel search radar, Marconi
sonar systems, Decca ESM and
AQS-81 MAD, all coordinated by a
Ferranti data-handling system.

Itis essential that there should be a

land-based component of
maritime-committed airpower. In Below: The standard British Above: The 11-38 May forms the Below: An RAF crewman aboard
virtually every country this is sonobuoy, the Jezebel receives mainstay of the Soviet fixed-wing a Nimrod prepares to launch an
provided by naval aviators, except sounds generated by submerged antisubmarine aircraft force, and SSQ 954 DIFAR sonobuoy. This
in the United Kingdom where, for submarines and relays them to like nearly all such aircraft is a provides target bearing informa-
historical reasons, the role is ASW aircraft. Passive sonobuoys military conversion of a civil tion in addition to the basic signal
carried out by the RAF. The are undetectable by submarines. airliner. Note tbe MAD tailboom. provided by the Jezebel.
primary roles of land-based aircraft
are anti-submarine patrol and SSQ 904 Jezebel
maritime strike in support of the
sonobuoy deployment
naval battle. Land-based aircraft
provide effective and virtually
all-weather support, but there are
limits to their coverage, as was
shown in the 1982 South Atlantic
War, when the Royal Navy Task
Force eventually got beyond the
range of its land-based air support
on Ascension Island.
The most important of the
land-based types are the large ASW
aircraftsuch as the Lockheed P-3
Orion, British Aerospace Nimrod,
Dassault-Breguet Atlantic, Shin
Meiwa PS-1, Kawasaki P-2I,
Ilyushin 11-38 May and Tupolev
Tu-20 Bear-F. Only three of these
airframes were designed
specificallv for the ASW mission -
the Atlantic, PS-1 and P-2I -
another three being particularly
successful ASW conversions of
relatively unsuccessful
commercial airliners, the Nimrod
(Comet), P-3 Orion (Electra) and
May (11-18 Coot) while the last, the
Bear-F, is a modified strategic
bomber. The Japanese PS-1 is an
interesting concept, the idea being
that it can alight on water for the
search and localization phase of its
ASW patrol and use its powerful
on-board sonar, rather than expend
masses of sonar buoys. The idea
has not caught on, however; the
only other nation to try the idea is
China, and the Japanese
themselves have returned to
land-based ASW
aircraft with their
Kawasaki P-2ls,
large fleet of
updated versions of
theLockheed P 2 Neptune, and
Lockheed P-3 Orions.
Technology: Surface ASW
respects to the carrier-based S-H Xruitlier special type developed Tu-16 Badger-U possibly have pairs in this role, and whil(' thev
Viking, but they have much by the Soviet Union, the over-the- such a role. Bear-D has a massive are clearly vital to the missile
greaater endurance and payload horizon targeting aircraft, provides radome in weapons bay.
its systems deployed aboard Soviet
and. with bigger crews, are able to mid-course guidance for together with some 40 other surface ships their chances of
conduct more protracted submarine-launched missiles such antennas, blisters anjl fairings survival and of achieving
operations. Published figures for as the SS-N-3and SS-N-12: the along its fuselage, wings and tail. coordinated timings with
patrol times are 18 hours for the Tu-95 Bear-D certainlv and the Bear-Ds appear to be deployed in submarines seem remote.
Atlantic. 12 hours for Nimrod and
May. and 16 hours for the P-3
Orion. The endurance of the S-3
Viking is nine hours, though
exponents of carrier-based
airpower argue that because it is
already at sea. and therefore much
nearer the scene of action, the
Viking spends much less time in
transit and just as much time, or
perhaps even more, on patrol.
Many navies use shore-based
helicopters in a short-range ASW
role. These are normally simply
land-based versions of sea-going
anti-submarine helicopters, but
the USSR has developed a unique
type, the Mi-14 Haze, specifically
for the shore-based ASW role.

Right: The operators' consoles of

the Atlantique 2 present informa-
tion from all the common sensors
used to detect submarines. The
two sonobuoy operators' positions
(foreground] receive hard copy of
the information displayed on the
screens above them. Next is the
tactical coordinator's station,
with the radar IFF operator's
position further forward and.
finally, the electronic warfare
officer MAD operator's station.

Dassault-Breguet Atlantique 2 internal arrangement

1 Fhr coordinators 18 Camera

2 Forward observer station 19 Wardrobe
3 Pilot 11 Sonobuoy operator 20 Radio equipment
4 Aircraft commander Not 21 Radar/IFF
5 Flight engineer 12 Sonobuoy operator equipment
6 Sextant No 2 22 Sonobuoy receiver Above: The Atlantique 2 is a well turbulent conditions, typical
7 Radio-navigation 13 Rest compartment 23 Computer
laid-out aircraft developed after examples being an eight-hour
station 14 Galley 24 Navigation
many years' experience with the patrol 600nm from base or five
8 ESM/ECM/MAD 15 Crew room (table equipment
station and seats) 25 Electrical circuits earlier Atlantic. Aircrew have to hours at l.OOOnm: for such
9 Radar/IFF station 16 l_avatones 26 Side-looking undertake lengthy missions, most lengthy tasks good facilities for
10 Tactical 17 Rear observer camera of which are flown at low levels in crew comfort are essential.

Accidents and Rescue

The pcjssibllily submarine
ot ii

being damaged, either by

however, rescue by an external
vessel is feasible, and at depth.>. n-
attack in war or by accident at any less than 650ft escape without
time is clearly an important external assistance is possible
(onsideratioii both in submarine given suitable equipment,
design and in a submariner's life.
Ac:cidents can result from a variety SUBMARINE LOSSES
olCauses. such as internal
explosion, and failure of the hull The British have lost only three
through exceeding the maximum submarines since the end of World
permissible depth after a loss of War II: HMS Truculent collided

control or collision, particularly with a merchant ship in the

with surface ships. Since internal Thames estuary in 1950. HMS
bulkheads have far less pressure Af/ray sank in the English Chan ip
resistance than the hull a major in 1951 and HMSSidon founders,
collapse of the hull at depth would in harbour in 1955. following an
almost certainly be catastrophic internal explosion. The Truculi i

and. as was the case with USS sinking illustrated a particular

Thresher, rescue would be hazard for submarine escapers in
|)ointless as there would be no that anumber of men used the
survivors. Between collapse depth proper escape apparatus and
and approximately 650ft (19am|. reached the surface successfully

IKL/HDW rescue sphere Above: The Kockums rescue Below: Following the test the Type
sphere after a successful first 1 500 submarine surfaces, with the

ascent from a depth of 260ft |80m) gap in the upper deck showing
The ventilation mast has been where the rescue sphere had been
raised and a dinghy has arrived installed. This new system seems
from HDW's tender Pegasus. to be the most effective yet.

Access hatch

Interlocking mechanis

Below: The submarine's crew to sustain the occupants for six
inside the rescue sphere as seen days and is equipped with an

through the lop hatch. There are emergency radio transmitter. The
two decks, with the crew sitting on survivors can take it in turns to
circular benches. The sphere exercise on the platform of the

comes complete with survival kit buoyancy tank.

Pressure bulkhead

Above: The West German firm of without fresh air. When the sphere
Ingenieurkonlor Lubcck (IKL) reaches the surface a ventilation
devised this rescue system, which mast is raised, and in calm
is built into the Indian Navy's conditions the top hatch can be
HDW Type 1500 submarines. In an opened. When rescuers arrive and
emergency the crew enter the the crew have been transferred the
sphere, whic:h is surrounded by a sphere can either be towed at up to
large buoyancy tank and contains four knots by means of a pre-
enough air lo enable 40 occupants attached towing line, or hoisted
to survive for up to 9 hours to the deck of a rescue ship.
Technology: Submarine Accidents and Rescue

only to be swept out into the North Scorpion (SSN-589) was lost on submarines have been lost over the rcsi Ufd and no inuliMr
Sea by the tide. about May 27, 1968. along with her years; surprisingly, no other contamination has ever been
The US Navy has had two major entire crew of 99 men. She was diesel-electric patrol boat is known detected in the area. Other
submarine disasters in the same some 200nm (370km) southwest of to have sunk, but one Novembers have been seen in
period. USS Thresher (SSN-593) the Azores, travelling from the diesel-electric ballistic missile difficulty on the surface, and have
was lost on April 10. 1963. while Mediterranean to Norfolk. submarine was lost in the Pacific in had to be towed to Soviet ports for
on deep diving trials following her Virginia, on a routine crossing of April 1968. The Golf-II SSB was repair, and one Charlie class SSGN
first major refit: control was lost the Atlantic. Her loss illustrated carrying her usual load of three sank in the Pacific: near Kamchatka
and she dived suddenly, totally out the submariners' perpetual SS-N-5 SLBMs and the American in |une 1983 for reasons never
of control; before the situation communications problem, since it CIA mounted a highly ambitious made public. She was later
could be rectified she had was some days before it was clandestine operation to recover salvaged by a Soviet recovery ship.
exceeded her crushing depth and realised ashore that she was her. using the deep-sea recovery The only French postwar losses
the hull collapsed, primarily as a overdue. Scorpion lies at a depth of ship Glomar Explorer, As far as is have been three Daphne class
result of weld failure The hull some 10.000ft |3.048m|. but again known the forepart of the sunken conventional submarines. The
broke up and came to rest on the there has never been any abnormal submarine was recovered in 1974, first. Minerve. was lost without

bottom at a depth of some 8,400ft radiation. but whether this included any trace in the Mediterranean on
(2.560m). but there has never been The Soviet Navy has also missiles has never been made January 27. 1968, and Eurydi'ce
any trace of radioactive leaks. Her suffered major disasters, though it public. disappeared, again without trace.
crew of 108 men plus four naval isdoubtful whether full details Of the Soviet nuclear offToulononMarch4, 1970. These
officers and 17 civilians on board will ever be published, even if they submarines, one November class losses caused considerable anxiety
for the trials were lost. are known, in the West. It is boat was lost off Finistrrrpin ,'\pril about the Daphne class, which was
In a second disaster USS believed that several Foxtrot class 1970: most if iKil ,ill ihf r.-w were
i doing well in the export markets:


A radiation leak in a nuclear submarine near PoIynarn>'.
close to the submarine base in the Kola Inlet, report edh'
caused the crew to panic and there were some deaths,
(lanes Defence Weekly. Ian 19. 1985|
A fire on board a Soviet nuclear submarine transiting under
the Arctic ice cap caused several casualties, (ibid)

A Golf II SSB was lost in the Pacific: the CIA recovered at

submarine in a clandestine operation in
least part of the
1974. using the specially fitted-out Glomar Explorer.

A November class SSN caught fire in the Atlantic. According

to US sources the captain ordered his crew to abandon
ship, but they refused; the fire then spread towards the
reactor and the submarine was scuttled with great loss of
life. (IDWI
February A Hotel class SSBN surfaced in the North Atlantic off the
1972 Newfoundland coast in serious trouble. (IDVV)

December A nuclear weapon accident on board an SSBN off the US

1972 coast is believed to have involved a radiation leak from a
nuclear-armed torpedo of the type designed to attack US
harbour installations. Several men died and the majority
of crew suffered some form of radiation sickness. (IDVV)
October A nuclear submarine in the Atlantic suffered a fire, with
1976 three officers reported killed. ||DVV)

Twelve were evacuated from a nuclear submarine

in mid-Atlantic and flown to Leningrad as a result of a
medical emergency involving exposure to radiation. (|DW)
-A fire on board a nuclear submarine may have been caused

by failure of an outdated reactor. (IDVV)

September A nuclear submarine in the Baltic had an emergency and was Above: Following an August Below: Soviet Yankee class SSBN
1981 lowed to Soviet waters at night. Several sailors died from 28. 1976, collision with USS on the surface in October 1 986,
"severe nuclear poisoning". (|DVV op. cit )
V'oge(FF 1047) a Soviet after a fire in one of her SS-N-6
|une A Charlie I or II was lost off Kamchatka in the Pacific; her Echo II SSGN wallows with missiles. On patrol off the US east
1983 hulk was later recovered bv the So\iet Navv. her sail barely awash. Such coast, she sank after limping for
November A Victor III was forced to surface about 470 miles off the collisions are rare. several days on the surface.
1983 South Carolina coast (in the so-called Bermuda Triangle)
after fouling the towing cable of a US Navy frigate's variable-
depth sonar. She wallowed on the surface for some time
while a Soviet AGl stood by until a salvage vessel arrived
from Cuba. (TIME, November 14, 1983)
June An Echo II which fouled her propellers with a wire some
1984 500nm north-northeast of the Shetland Islands was spotted
on the surface trying to clear them.
|une A Whiskey class conventional submarine was caught in the
1984 nets of the Norwegian trawler Benlin. A Norwegian
coastguard cutter dropped hand grenades to signal the
submarine to come to the surface, which she did after a
further two hours.

|une A Victor I SSN transiting the Straits of Gibraltar collided

198S with a Soviet tanker, possibly while trying to hide in the
tanker's noise shadow. (The combination of warm and cold
layer in the Straits make it diflicult to maintain a set depth,
especially where a sudden thermal gradient makes a
submarine porpoise.)
September 18, A fire on board a Golf II SSB off the lapanese coast was
1985 probably caused by an electrical overload after the boat was
caught in a lapanese trawler's nets; smoke was seen to be
coming from missile hatches in the sail. The boat was given
assistance by Soviet minesweepers and an oiler and
eventually limped back to Vladivostok.

Oclobe. Following a fire in one of the SS-.N-6 Sawfly missiles on

1986 board, a Yankee class SSBN was forced to surface some
BOOnm north of Bermuda and 760nm from New York, She
was taken under tow by a Soviet merchantman, but later
sank Three crewmen died and se^pral were iniured
Modern Submarine Warfare

Kockums URF submarine rescue vehicle

Above: The Swedish URF operators' compartment forward;

undersea rescue vehicle aft of this are, in turn, the rescue
comprises a pressure hull (blue) compartment, an auxiliaries
surrounded by an outer casing. compartment and the diving
Two controllers sit in the compartment.

then, in 1971, Flore's snorkel Rescue Vehicle (DSRV) is, in effect,

system sprang a leak due to a faulty and road-mobile
a small, air-
valve, but on this occasion an alert submarineof which it was initially
captain was able to take immediate planned to build 12, each capable
remedial action and save his boat. of carrying 12 survivors, but in the
Finally, on November 11, 1972, event just two. each capable of
Sirene sprang a leak and sank, but transporting four crewmen and 24
she was later recovered and survivors, were constructed. They
recommissioned and, presumably became fully operational in 1977
as a result of at last being able to and have been tested in use with
identify the problem, no other both US and British submarines;
members of the class have been capable of operating at a maximum
lost. On the other hand, nor were depth of 4,921ft (1,500m), the
any more export orders received. DSRV can withstand pressures
equivalent to 9,022ft (1,750m). A
ESCAPE TECHNIQUES normal propeller is capable of
moving the craft at a maximum of
Escape from a sunken submarine is five knots and two thrusters are
feasible in many circumstances, fitted to manoeuvre it close
the most elementary being for the alongside a sunken submarine. Above: Built of HY 130 steel, the Below: Underwater view of the US
survivors of an accident to escape The vessel consists of two HY-240 URF can operate at a maximum Navy Deep Submergence Rescue
through specially designed steel spheres surrounded by a depth of 1 ,510ft (460m) - collapse Vehicle Mystic (DSRV-1 which is

hatches using various types of fibreglass hull,and is designed to depth is 2,953ft (QOOm) - and it can designed to operate at a maximum
escape gear. British submarines be loaded into a USAF C-141 be docked with a submarine at depth of 4,921ft (1,500m), with a
have two single escape towers, one StarLifter, while the road angles of up to 45°. The vessel is collapse depth of g,022ft (2,75Gm).
at each end of the boat, and each transporter and additional support moved by road on a low-loader Clearly seen here are the
man has a hooded immersion suit, equipment travel in a second then towed, on the surface or headlight, the duct for the bow
a system which has been proved C-141. The DSRVs are taken to the submerged, to an accident scene. thruster and the transfer skirt.

down to 600ft (183m). The suit has scene of the rescue either on a
a hood containing trapped air for special cradle mounted on the after
the survivor to breathe during the deck of a suitably modified
ascent, and protects him from submarine or one of the two Pigeon
hostile conditions on the surface; class catamaran submarine rescue
in the escape tower the survivor ships.
plugs a built-in connector into a The Soviet Navy has arrived at a
socket on the built-in breathing .
different and unusual answer to
system, which provides pure air to the same problem. It also has
inflate the lifejacket and fill the submersible rescue vehicles, each
hood, and within about 16 seconds some 36ft (11m) long and with a
he is ready to leave. Sea pressure is shrouded propeller, but they are
then applied, the hatch is opened transported by the specially
and the man immediately exits, constructed India class
ascending at 8ft/sec (2.4m/sec) and submarines. ThgSe boats, of 4,800
breathing normally as he does so. tons submerged displacement,
Once on the surface he unzips the have large wells on their after
hood, inflates the double-skinned casings, in which sit two of the
survival suit and awaits the arrival submersibles, and they usually
of his rescuers. travel on the surface, submerging
At depths greater than 650ft a only when in the immediate
rescue vehicle is essential and vicinity of the sunken submarine.
several have been developed. The There are two India class
US Navy Deep Submergence submarines, one with the Pacific

Technology: Submarine Accidents and Rescue

Abo\e:. A I oion |USK\ -2| mounted exeri ise involved the transfer of .\l)ove; rhe Soviet Navy deploys thelndias havi; icir^^cdiiisdl
on the stern of the Royal Navy 10 men and a quantity of stores two India class rescue docking wells which carry two
submarine HMS Repulse during from one submerged submarine to submarines, one each in the rescue submersibles. one
an interoperability exercise in the another. Twelve such vessels were Pacific and Northern Fleets. approximately 40ft 12.1m) and1

Firth of Clyde in 1979. The planned, but only two were built. Designed to cruise on the surface. the other about 37ft 1 1 1 .3m) long.

DSRV general arrangement Fleet and the other with the

Northern Fleet.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 7 7 6 4 11 The Soviet Navy also has a
number ofsubmarint! rescue ships,
including the 22.500-t()n FAbrus.
the (inly ship of her type in the
world with an ice-breaking
presumably lo support
the latest SSBNs. Two
submersibles are carried abaft the
funnel and launched by gantries.
The single lO.OUO-lon Nera class,
eight 3.200-ton Prut class and 11
930-ton Valday class rescue ships
have equipment and capabilities
commensurate with their size.
Other navies are less well
23 22 21 14 13 15 15 14 13 12 provided for. The Italian Navy has
one salvage ship, the Anieo of
1 Tilting shroud 10 Pressure capsule 19 Mercury tank I I
Pressure capsule 3.780 tons, which carries US-style
2 Main propulsion 1 Sonar dome 20 List tank submarine resc;ue equipment,
motor 12 Forward thnjster 21 Hydraulic power I I Other tanks including a McCann re.S{;ue bell.
3 Thruster controllers ducts pack
She also carries a 22-lon MSM-l/S
4 Tnm tanks 13 Battery banks 22 High-pressure
I I Ballast tanks submersible named Cse/. which
5 Thruster ducts 14 Ballast tanks air

6 Transfer tanks 15 Toroidal tanks 23 Hydraulic and has a maximum operating depth of
7 Variable ballast tanks 16 Manipulator propulsion I I
Propulsion 1.970ft 600m |. The French Navy

8 List pump 17 Hauldown winch controllers has a similar ship, the 1.150-ton
9 Access hatch canopy 18 Transfer skirt 24 Shroud gimbal I I Miscellaneous Triton, which is intended
primarily for underwater research
DSRV sensors Above: The IS Navy s DSRV is but has a rescue capability: her
based on a three-sphere pressure ((juipment includes a 13.5-ton
capsuleconstrucled of HY 140 tethered bell which can be used
steel which can accommodate the downto820fl 1250ni)anda
four-man crew and up to 24 submarine, the Hi-ton
survivors. The DSR\' can be which can dive lo a

airlifted by Lockheed C-141 maximum of 2.000ft (600m). )apan

StarLifter. is road-mobile on a has a rescue ship. Ihe Chiyoda
low-loader, and can be carried at (4.450 tons), whose Japanese-
up to 1 3 knots by any submarine designed. Kawasaki-built deep-
with suitable mountings. submergence re.scue vehicle is
:i9.4fl (12m) long and has a

Left: Gelling lo the scene of an displacement of 40 tons.

accident is one thing: finding a Sweden, whose rescue missions
disabled submarine in the murky are unlikely lo be outside the
depths of the ocean is another. To relatively shallow Baltic, has a
cope with the hostile environment submarine rescue ship, the Belos
the DSRV is provided with a (965 tons), which supports Ihe
comprehensive range of sonars as 50-loii I'RF rescue submersible.
shown, while optic:al systems The latter, constructed of HY-130
include six television cameras, a steel, has amaximum operating
35mm still camera, flood and depth of 1.510ft (460m) and a
strobe lights and viewing ports. (ollapse depth of 2.95211 (900m |.

Submarines and their
Below: A heavyweight torpedo is

manoeuvred into position for
embarkation through the weapons
hatch of the Valiant class attack
John Jordan submarine HMS Conqueror.
following pages provide illustrations of the major classes
of submarine currently in service, together with technical
data and construction details. A large part of the text is devoted to
the historical background of the class and to the prominent
technical aspects of the design: other sections detail the various
weapons carried by the submarines since their completion, and
the location, designation and capabilities of the sensor arrays.
Although the number of submarines completed to each design
is given, thenames of individual units have been omitted. Two
pages have been allocated to each class in order to provide
c;onsistency in layout and coverage, and the inclusion of names
would have severely restricted the description of aspects of the
design in the case of the larger classes, such as the US Navy's Los
Angeles and Sturgeon.
As these types are among the most important designs dealt with it
was felt that this would create a serious imbalance.
In a book such as this, it is never easy to decide which classes
should be included and which should be omitted. As regards
submarines the decision is made all the more difficult by the
imbalance of construction, with small nations such as the
Netherlands and Sweden building a succession of interesting
(l(!signs in small numbers, while the United States and the Soviet The Dutch submarine
Above: The test launch of a Right:
IInion build their own designs in classes of 30. 40 or 50. The UGM-84 Harpoon missile from a Dolfijn, one of the most
author felt it was important to include any submarine type built US submarine. Underwater- innovative postwar designs,
in large numbers, but has attempted to compensate for this by launched cruise missiles make it introduced the "multi-pressure
discussing the design aspects of smaller classes which had to be possible for the submarine lo hull concept to modern
omitted in the entries for other classes selected as representative engage its targets at greater range. submarine construction.
of that country's construction. Thus Sweden's Sjoormen and
Vastergotland classes are covered in the entry for the Nacken are carried within the hull and there are rarely tell-tale bulges to
class. help us determine the configuration of the major sonars.
The final list of entries reveals the extent of Soviet submarine All submarines are designed for covert operations, and even
construction since World War II. with more than a third of the the Western navies are less than forthcoming about major aspects
following spreads devoted to submarine types of Soviet design. of their submarine designs, particularly with regard to the
In modern times no other country, even the United States, has precise designation, configuration and performance of sonar
ever had more than two types of submarine under construction arrays. The Soviets guard their military secrets even more
simultaneously, yet in 1986 no fewer than seven different types, jealously, and the covert nature of submarine operations greatly
all of recent design, were under construction for the Soviet Navy. facilitates their task: the only published photographs of Soviet
The predominance of Soviet entries has created a number of submarines dock depict elderly units of the Whiskey and
in dry
liroblems both for the author and. more particularly, for the Romeo classes, while dataon Soviet submarine weapon systems
artists. We only ever see the uppermost part of a submarine's and sonars comes exclusively from Western intelligence sources,
hull; the torpedo tubes, the propellers and the after control is rarely complete, and is often unreliable and subject to

surfaces are beneath the water, while the torpedoes and missiles correction as time passes.
Submarines and Weapons: Introduction

Clearly there are serious implications for a book of this type. author has made extensive use ot the available reference sources
All drawings depicting the underwater configuration of Soviet in order to establish a consistent and logical overview of Soviet
submarines must be regarded as provisional, and the weapons submarine development and weapon capabilities. The inclusion
depicted are those with which particular classes are credited by of all the weapon systems with which Soviet submarines are
the major Western reference sources. The configurations of generally credited was considered essential to provide a
weapons such as the SS-N-3A anti-ship missile and the M-57 complete picture, and these considerations largely outweighed
torpedo are based on published photographs, but those of more any concern regarding visual accuracy.
recent weapons must again be regarded as provisional. This is Few submarine designs in this section of the book can be
particularly true of the SS-N-15 and SS-N-16 anti-submarine regarded as trulv international. Drawings of submarines such as
missiles, whose configurations have been based of necessty on the German Type 209, which was designed for export, depict
those of Western submarine-launched missiles of similar individual units in service with specific countries, together with
conception. their associated weapon systems, and any differences in the
To attempt a serious comparison with contemporary Western weapon and sensor outfits of boats in service with other countries
submarines is clearly a major undertaking. Nevertheless, the are detailed in the text.

Left: A US Navy artists inaccurate in some respects, the Below: The real thing! The first rubberized tiles designed to
impression of the Soviet Navy's drawing gets most of the detail unit of the Oscar class, seen here reduce the sonar signature of its
Oscar-class cruise missile right,including the number and in northern waters shortly after latest submarines. A number of
submarine (SSGN) published position of the missile hatches, completion. The Soviet Navy has those applied to the curved
while the first unit was still fitting and the VLF buoy housing apparently experienced some sections of the hull casing are
out at Severodvinsk. Although immediately abaft the fin. problemswith the adhesion ufthe missing in this photograph.
Agosta class
Origin: France, first unit control made large salvos
completed 1964 unnecessary, so fewer torpedo
Type: Attack submarine, tubes were needed. The four
diesel-powered (SS) attack submarines of the Agosta
DisplacemenI: 1 ,490 tons surfaced; class, laid down between 1972 and
1,740 tons submerged 1974, were therefore not only
Dimensions: Length 222ft (67.6m); significantly larger than the
beam 22ft (6.8m); draught 18ft Daphnes, but of a completely
(5.5m) new design.
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive Design: Double-hull construction
on one shaft: two SEMT-Pielstick was retained for these submarines,
16 PA 4 185 diesel generators, each the space between the two hulls
1.270bhp; one leumont-Schneider being used for ballast and fuel
electric motor; 2,540bhp for 12.5kt tanks, and for the sensing heads of
surfaced, 2.990hp for 17.5kt much of the acoustic equipment.
submerged (see remarks) As with the earlier French designs.
Complement: 54 all deck protrusions retract to

Background: With the loss of ensure a smooth waterflow. The

French Indochina in the early pressure hull comprises a cylinder
1950s long range, which had been a with cones fore and aft and is
primary requirement for the enclosed by a cylindrical outer
postwar Narval class, became less casing which terminates in an
important. On the other hand, the oval-shaped bow housing the
Daphne class had proved to be on principal active and passive sonar
the small side for French maritime arrays. In order to save weight,
commitments, which by the late extensive use of plastics was made
1960s included a major presence in in the construction of the fin. The
the Indian Ocean. Moreover, since latter is positioned well forward,
the Daphnes had been designed accommodation and
so that all the installed in earlier French boosting the maximum
there had been important new messing spaces for the crew are submarines, and gives the Agostas underwater speed to 20.5 knots. A
developments in submarine grouped together abaft the exceptionally good underwater separate creep motor can propel
technology: the 'Albacore' control/attack centre. Beneath the endurance. The diesel-electric the submarine at 1.5 knots during
hull-form had revolutionised control centre and the propulsion plant allows for silent patrol operations. It uses
underwater performance, while accommodation spaces are two continuity of speed over the full little power, enabling the

Modern torpedoes with battery compartments, each power range. The main electric submarine to remain submerged
sophisticated homing devices housing 160 Type N battery cells. motor can produce 3.475kW forlong periods. The single
allied to computerized fire This is double the number of cells (4,725hp) for short periods. five-bladed propeller is located

Below: Hurmal. the second of two Pakistan while under construction

Agosta class submarines in in 1977 as a result of a United
service with the Pakistani Navy. Nations arms embargo. They were
Originally ordered by South built by Digeon, Nantes, and
Africa, they were sold to entered service in 1979-80.
Submarines and Weapons: Agosta

modern cruciform control

.ibaft modernised boats of the Daphne
surfaces.The forward hydroplanes class.Both DUUA
1 and 2DUUA
are mounted close to the bow. active'passive sonars are fitted,
Armament: The traditional French together with a DSUV 22 circular
21.7in (550mm| calibre was passive hydrophone array. There is
adopted for the four bow tubes of a DUUX 2 passive ranging sonar,
the Agostas to enable them to fire and DUUG AUUD sonar intercept
existing torpedoes. However, the equipment. Torpedo fire control is
tubes were designed to handle both provided by the DLT D-3 FC
21.7in (550mni)and more modern system linked to an Iris 35M
21in (533mm) torpedoes. The L 5 computer. The system comprises a
21in (533mm) antisubmarine display of the tactical situation,
torpedo already well based on inputs from the various
established as a surface-launched sensors, a targeting display and a
weapon, is free-running, weapons control console.
employs active acoustic homing. Simultaneous control of several
has a maximum speed of 35 knots torpedoes is possible.
and a maximum range of 7.700yds Mast-mounted sensors include
7,000m). It is now being search and attack periscopes, a
superseded by the F 17. a DRUA-33 surveillance radar, and
'.vire-guided torpedo with electric ARUR and ARUD ESM intercept
[jropulsion and passive acoustic aerials.
lioming. The Modi variant is an Construction: Four submarines of
anti-ship weapon but an the Agosta class were completed
antisubmarine variant, designated for the Marine Xationale between
the F 17P. has recently entered 1977 and 1978 and a further four
service. The Agostas currently were built under licence in
carry a total of 20 torpedoes of both Spain with French technical
Above: Galema, the first of four theL5Mod.3and theF 17 types. assistance between 1977 and 1985.
Agostas built under licence in Beveziers conducted trials of the Two Agostas were ordered from
Spanish shipyards. Two were SM 39 Exocet submarine-launched French shipyards by South Africa,
completed in 1983. and a further anti-ship missile (see Rubis). and it but a United Nations embargo
pair in 1985. French technical is envisaged that the SM 39 will prevented these from being
assistance had previously been eventually be in service with all delivered, and they were re-sold to
provided for the construction of four boats of the class. Pakistan. An order for a further two
four Daphne class boats also by Electronics: The Agostas have a units from Spanish shipyards has
Bazan, Cartagena. similar sonar outfit to the vet to be confirmed.

Below: The Agostas anti-submarine with the necessary

tiave four bow tubes torpedoes (1) and fire control

of 21. 7ln (550mm) F 1 7 Mod 1 (2) wire- electronics for the

diameter capable of guided anti-ship SM 39 Exocet anti-
accommodating older torpedoes. Both types ship missile (3).

model torpedoes and are now being Weapons capacity is

more modem 21 in superseded by the 20 torpedoes or

{533mm) types. Ttie F 17 Mod 2. which missiles.Three
current outfit has a dual seeker. TSM 3510 mines (4)
consists of L 5 The class is now can be carried in

Mod 3 tree-running t>eing retro-fitted place of one torpedo.

Alfa class
Origin: USSR, first unit completed been pro\'ided by US official policy Western antisubmarine defences with the submarine Seawolf
1972 statements dating from the late by passing beneath them. (SSN-5751 in the late 1950s: the
Type: Attaclc submarine, 1950s to the effect that within the Surface-launched ASW weapons Seawolf reactor was abandoned as
nuclear-powered (SSN) decade submarines would attain such as homing torpedoes would unreliable within two years, and
Displacement: 2,900 tons surfaced; speeds of 45 knots and diving take such a long time to reach the replaced by a conventional
3.680 tons submerged depths of 3,000ft (900m). The operating depth of the submarine pressurized water-cooled model.
Dimensions: Length 267ft (81.4m); Soviets undoubtedly saw a use for that the latter would by then have The adoption of titanium for the
beam 31ft |9.5m|; draught 23ft (7m) such a submarine as a fast passed out of range of the acoustic Alfa's pressure hull in order to
Propulsion: One liquid-metal interceptor to be used against homing device. The decision to increase diving depth also posed
reactor with turbo-electric drive on surface forces and hostile build the Alfa was followed by a serious problems. Titanium is
one two steam
shaft; submarines detected by their prolonged development period much lighter than steel and has
turbo-alternators, one motor; ocean surveillance system. If the during which the Soviets were greater tensile strength, but it is

47,000hp for 42-43kt max submarine were operated in a more always operating on the outer edge and bend, and
difficult to roll
Complement: 45 offensive role, high underwater of technology. The development of special welding processes had to
Background: Ironically, the speed combined with a a reactor employing liquid metal as be introduced. The prototype boat,
original impetus for the deep-diving capability would a coolant cannot have been easy, to completed in 1972, appears to have
devt'loDniiTil of tlu' Alfa nia\ ha\i' riiabli' the submarine to I'V.jilf judge from US Navv experience experienced serious (rackiriH of


Above: The Alfa isoneot the Alfa an operating depth estimated maximum underwater speed in
world's most remarkable ataround 900m (3,000ft) while the excess of 40 knots. However, slow
submarines. The hull is unmanned propulsion plant, series production was terminated
constructed not of steel but of which is powered by a after six production boats had
lightweight titanium, giving the liquid-metal reactor, produces a been completed.
Submarines and Weapons: Alta

ttie welded joins, and following shield. The adoption of a size and high power output, whii h contemporary Soviet SSNs. and a
extensive trials in the Baltic; had to liquid-metal coolant also raises the almost certainly precluded maximum figure of about 12
be abandoned; she was broken up temperature in the steam 'rafting' orother methods of torpedoes missiles seems likely.
in situ in 1974. However, the generator, enabling exceptionally insulating machinery noise. Electronics: The Alfa has an
Soviets persisted with the design high hor.sepower figures to be Unlike other Soviet submarines, active passivebow sonar which is
and eventually resolved many of achieved for a reactor of moderate the Alfa appears to be of single hull probably located above the torpedo
the associated problems, and series size. The propulsion machinery of construction, with a particularly tubes.The outfit of sensor masts is
production began in the the Alfa is highly automated, and it smooth transition between the broadly similar to that of the
mid-1970s, the first boat being is reported that the engine room is casing and the base of the Victor-class SSN and the
completed in 1979. entirely unmanned, but safety and streamlined fin. The single shaft is SSCN: search and
Design: The Alfa has a single accessibility standards are almost fitted with a seven-bladed Snoop
attack periscopes.
reactor which employs a certainly far lower than would be propeller and there are Head/Bald Head combined surface
lead-bizmuth mixture as coolant. permitted in the West. It is also conventional cruciform tail surveillance/ESM. Park Lamp VLF
This results in a particularly reported that these submarines are surfaces. reception, and aerials for HF and
compact propulsion plant, as only exceptionally noisy at speed. This Armament: The Alfa is fitted with VHP communications. There are
the reactor itself needs to be is hardly surprising given a six bow tubes of standard 21in no hatches for VI, F buoys, and no
located within the containment combination of small submarine (533mm) diameter. These can fire other visible towed arrays either
conventional anti-ship or for communications or for passive
antisubmarine torpedoes, and the acoustic detection.
Alfa is probably also equipped to Construction: There is some
fire the SS-N-15 nuclear-tipped disagreement about i;ompletion
antisubmarine missile. There is no dates for these submarines,
evidence to suggest that even the particularly for the prototype boat.
production boats are fitted with the The latter was built by the
larger 26in |650mm| tube. The Sudomekh Shipyard. Leningrad,
distance between the bow and the and is stated by some sources to
fin is comparatively short, and this have been completed as early as
would appear to preclude 1968. The six production boats
installation of the larger tube and were completed between 1 979 and
accommodation of the SS-N-16 1983 at Leningrad and
missile together with its associated Severodvinsk. (Construction has
fire control consoles. There is now been terminated in favour of
undoubtedly less space available a larger titanium-hulled
for torpedo stowage than on other submarine, the Mike.
Charlie class
Origin: USSR, first unit completed completed in the same year that the
1967 first of the new SSGNs was laid

Type: Cruise missile submarine, down. The threat posed by the

nuclear-powered (SSGN) pop-up launch mode of the
Displacement: Charlie 1: 4,000 tons SS-N-7 missile was taken very
surfaced; 4.800 tons submerged seriously by the US Navy, which
Charlie II: 4.500 tons surfaced; was compelled to accelerate the
5.500 tons submerged development of close-in
Dimensions: Charlie I: length 312ft anti-missile weapons and
(95m); beam 33ft (10m): draught electronic countermeasures
26ft (8m) (ECM). One of the primary
Charlie II: length (102ml;
335ft missions of the US 'fleet
beam and draught as Charlie I submarines' of the Los Angeles
Propulsion: One pressurized class (qv) was to clear a path
water-cooled reactor driving ahead of the carrier battle groups,
geared steam turbines; one shaft: where Soviet submarines might be
15.000shp for 24kt max lying in wait. These
Complement: 90 countermeasures appear to have
Background: The development of influenced the Soviet Navy into a
a short-range, active radar homing phasing out of the Charlie
missile which could be from
fired programme in the late 1970s.
underwater, the SS-N-7. promised Design: The Charlie belongs to the
to make the anti-shipping torpedo second generation of Soviet
obsolete. Submarines thus nuclear-powered submarines. The
equipped would be able to first of the class entered service in
approach their targets undetected, 1968, the year in which the first

launch their missiles outside the unit of the Victor class

effective sonar range of the escorts, commissioned, and despite
and make their escape without fundamental disparities in mission Above: The broad bow of the underwater: earlier Soviet SSGNs
exposing themselves to enemy between the Victor and the Charlie, Charlie houses eight vertical had to surface in order to launch
countermeasures. The Charlie is there are a number of striking launch tubes for the SS-N-7 their missiles, and were therefore
therefore the true successor of the similarities between the two anti-ship missile. The SS-N-7 was vulnerable to attack by hostile
torpedo-armed November class, designs. Length and beam are the first Soviet anti-ship missile aircraft. The submarine depicted
the last unit of which was virtually identical, and the which could be fired from is a Charlie I.

Below: The main 21 in (533mm) bow

armament of ttie Charlie I torpedo tubes can fire a
comprises eight SS-N-7 variety of weapons. In

cruise missiles, which the Charlie II these

are fired from vertical includetheSS-N-15
launch tubes set into the nuclear-tipped
bow. The Charlie II iS antisubmarine missile
thought to carry the (2). plus a small

SS-N-9 missile (1). which number of antiship

has longer range. The six torpedoes (3).
Submarines and Weapons: Charlie

propulsion system employs configuration of the fin and the torpedoes could be carried. The
similar technology, with a single after section of the later boats II is almost certainly
shaft driving a single, five-bladed remains unchanged. equipfjed to fire the SS-N-15
propeller. They can be Armament: The SS-N-7 Siren is a nuclear-tipped antisubmarine
distinguished by the shape of the conventional aeroplane-shaped missile, and 26in (B50mm) tubes
fin. the forward edge of which is missile with a length of about 23ft may eventually be retro-fitted to
angled in the Victor but vertical in (7m). It employs solid-fuel enable these submarines to fire the
the Charlie. The latter feature propulsion, and has an estimated SS-N-lf. missile.
appears to have been not entirely range of 3()-3.Tnm 155-64km). It can Electronics: The Charlie is
successful, as a collar-shaped carry a nuclear or conventional credited with a low-frequency
fairing is now being fitted at the warhead weighing approximately active/passive bow sonar, plus
base of the fin to improve 1,1001b (.'iOOkgl, making it conformal passive fiank arrays.
hydrodynamic performance. The particularly effective against large Mast-mounted sensors conform to
Charlie has cruciform after control surface warships. It is reported that those of other Soviet submarines of
surfaces, and retractable forward the Charlie II may carry the more the period: search and attack
hydroplanes are mounted on the advanced SS-N-9 missile, which is periscopes, a Snoop Tray surface
hull immediately abaft the missile 6ft (2m| longer and has almost surveillance radar. Park Lamp
tubes. The eight launch tubes for twice the range. However, the VLF/LF reception. Brick Pulp
the SS-N-7 missile are located in tactical value of such a long-range ESM.andHFand VHF
the bow section between the inner missile is questionable, given the communications. The C;harlie II
pressure cylinder and the outer significant increase in targeting variant has twin hatches abaft the
hull casing. They are covered by problems and the absence of any fin for a VLF communications
large square hatches some 14ft mid-course guidance.
facility for buoy.
(4.25m) long, four on either side. The diameter of the pressure hull Construction: Twelve submarines
The later variant, the Charlie II, in the bow section is necessarily of the Charlie I class were
which first appeared in 1973, is reduced because of the need to completed between 1968 and 1972
some 23ft (7m) longer than the accommodate the missile tubes. at the inland Gorky Shipyard. They
Charlie I. An additional hull Consequently the torpedo were the first nuclear boats
section has been inserted between armament is relatively small by the constructed at Gorky, which had
the fin and the bow. The missile standards of other modern Soviet previously built only diesel
tubes are slightly farther aft. but attack submarines. There are six submarines. They were followed
contrary to early reports there has torpedo tubes as compared with by six Charlie lis. completed
been no increase in their number, eight in the Victor, and it is at the same yard between 1973 and
which remains at eight. The estimated that a maximum of 12 1982.
Origin: France, firsl uiul l,,THOhp for Hikt submerged that designwork should begin on a and 7 knots snorkeling were
completed 1964 Complement: 45 2nd Class counterpart, which was demanded. Diving depth was to be
Type: Attack submarine, Background: Prior to World War 11 to become the Daphne, Staff greater than in the preceding
diesel-powered fSS| the Marine Nationale had requirements included low noise, classes, and there were to be at
Displacement: 870 tons surfaced: established a clear distinction good manoeuvrability, a small least six internal torpedo tubes (of
1 ,045 t()n,s submerged between long-range ('1st Class') crew and ease of maintenance - all which two were to be stern tubes
Dimensions: Length 190fl |,S7,8m); submarines of 1 ,500 tonnes, and features of the tiny Arethuse design tor antisubmarine torpedoes) with
beam 22ft (6.8m): draught 15ft medium-range ('2nd Class') which preceded the Daphne, The
(4,6m) submarines of about half that size. last two requirements would be Below: Daphne, the name-ship of
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive This policy was to continue in the met by employing extensive the class. Although lacking in
on two shafts; two SEMT-Pielstick postwar period. The Narval, which automation, and by adopting unit endurance, these submarines
12 PA 1/4 diesel generators, each was closely modelled on the replacement techniques to have proved handy in the
615bhp; two Jeumont Schneider German Type XXI. became the minimize onboard maintenance. relatively shallow waters of the
electric motors, each 790hp; standard 1st Class type, and in In addition, maximum speeds of 13 Mediterranean and they carry a
l,230bhpfor 13.5kl surfaced. 1952 IhrCerieral .Staff requrslrd kiuils dived, 6 knots creep speed. heavy armament of torpedoes.

Daphne (S 641)

Above: Ttie Daptine has stern, with the other pair and E 1 5 free-running
an unusual arrangement angled out just forward of anti-ship torpedoes (1

of torpedo tubes them. No reloads are are complemented by

reminiscent of French earned. The torpedo the L 3 antisubmarine
prewar practice. There tubes are of the torpedo (2), which uses
are eight internal bow traditional French 21.7in active acoustic homing.
tubes, but the four stern (550mm) calibre, and fire All three types are
tubes are external; two the older models of relatively slow by
are directly above the French torpedo The E 14 modern standards.
Submarines and Weapons: FDaiihne

14 reloads and fire control on a par depth of ge-Stt (300m) is reported. torpedoes of indigenous design control,and an AUHD/DIJUG 1
with the Narval class. These Within the pressure hull there is a and manufacture. French sonar intercept system to detect
performance figures were conventional single-deck layout. lorpi'dues of the period shared and analyse hostile sonar
generally exceeded in the final In keeping with French prewar many common parts in order lo emissions. Torpedo fire control
design, which incorporated no practice all four stern lubes are facilil.ile production and was provided by a DLT D-3 FC
fewer than 12 torpedo tubes, of external, the after pair being maintenance. The K 14 anti-ship system. Search and attack
which eight were internal. located directly above the stern torpedo is 14ft (4.3m) longand has periscopes were fitted, together
Design: The hull-form of the with the other pair angled out just a passive acoustic homing head. It with a (Calypso surveillance radar
Daphne is conventional, with a forward of them. Stern tubes were is relatively slow by modern and ESM intercept mast.
prominent keel for improved made possible by the adoption of a standards, having a speed of only Beginning in 1971 all except the
stability during fast manoeuvres. two-shaft machinery installation 25 knots and a maxinuim range of name-ship. Daphne, underwent an
The French continued to favour allied to conventional control 8.300yds (7.500nil. The F 15 is extensive modernisation during
double-hull construction, with all surfaces. The diesel-electric essentially an K 14 with an which the submarines' electronics
fuel and ballast tanks outside the propulsion system introduced additional section which increases systems were substantially
pressure hull. A ma.ximum diving with great success in the Arethuse maximum range to 13.200yds updated. The original DUUA 1
class was retained, and the (12,000m). The L 3. which is active/passive sonar was replaced
name-ship of the class achieved 16 presumably fired from the stern by a DUUA 2 sonar housed in a
knots on trials - an increase of tubes, is a free-running prominent dome above the bow.
three knots on the original antisubmarine torpedo with active Construction: Eleven submarines
The machinery is
specification. acoustic homing. Its length, speed of the Daphne class were
mounted on two levels, with the and range are identical to the completed for the French Marine
auxiliary machinery above the E 14's, but it can be fired down to Nationale between 1964 and 1970.
propulsion machinery. a depth of 985ft (300m]. twice Of these. Minerve was lost in 1968
Armament: The Daphnes have the maximum firing depth of and Eurydice in 1970. In addition,
eight internal bow tubes arranged the anti-ship torpedoes. four were completed by French
as two vertical rows of four, plus As completed the
Electronics: shipyards for Portugal between
the four external stern tubes Daphnes were fitted with a 1967 and 1969, three for Pakistan
already mentioned. However, as DUUA 1 active/passive scanning in 1970, and three for South Africa
the design was very tight, reloads sonar, in a bulb above the stem; in 1970-71. One of the Portuguese
were dispensed with in order to beneath the bow. in a larger dome,, boats was re-sold to Pakistan in
economise on space. All 12 tubes was a DSUV 2 circular passive 1975. Four further boats were built
are of the non-standard French array.The two primary sonars in Spain with French technical
prewar calibre of 21.7in (550mm). were complemented by a DUUX 2 assistance and completed between
thev are therefore limited to passive ranging sonar for fire 1973 and 1975.

Below: The Daphne has proved to Nationale. ten have been built in
be an attractive export design. French shipyards for other
Besides the eleven boats countries,and a further four have
completed for the Marine been built under licence.
Delta class
Origin: USSR, first unit completed
Type: Ballistic missile submarine,
nuclear-powered (SSBN)
Displacement: Delta I: 11,750 tons
Delta II: 12,750 tons submerged
Delta 111: 13,250 tons submerged
Delta IV: 13,550 tons submerged
Dimensions: Delta I: length 456ft
(139m|; beam 39ft (12m); draught
29ft (9m|
Delta Il/lII: length 508ft (155m);
beam and draught as Delta I

Delta IV: length 538ft (164m); beam

and draught as Delta 1
Propulsion: Two pressurized
water-cooled reactors driving
geared steam turbines; 2 shafts;
35,000shp for 24-25kt max
Complement: 120
Background: The early Soviet Above: The Delta III carries the
SLBMs had a relatively short SS-N-1 8 Stingray missile, which is
range. Soviet ballistic missile longer than the SS-N-8 Sawfly
submarines up to and including carried by the Delta I and II. The
the Yankee therefore had to transit substitution has resulted in an
the NATO antisubmarine barriers unusually high casing around the
in the Greenland/Iceland/United missile section.

Above: The Delta llhs 4,350nm(8.000nm). handling both heavy-

equipped to launcti 1 Earlier Deltas have the weight free-running
SS-N-1 8 Stingray SS-N-8 Sawfly, w/hile the anti-ship torpedoes
ballistic missiles(1), Delta IV has the SS-N-23 (2) and the acoustic-
wtiicti carry between one Skiff (see textfor details). homing antisubmarine
and seven reentry The Deltas have six bow torpedoes (3) which
vehicles to a range of tubes of 21 in (533mm) are standard aboard
3.500nm(6.500nm)or diameter capable of Soviet submarines.

Submarines and Weapons: Delta

Kingdom (GIUK) Gap in order to followed in 1978. was of identical SS-NX-23 missile which is due to period, but with one important
target theUnited States. As Soviet length to the Delta II. but the enter ser\ ice in 1985-86 in the addition: the cone-shaped Pert
missile technology progressed the missile casing was 8ft (2.5m) Delta IV is an improved version of Spring satellite communications
possibility emerged of developing higher in order to accommodate a the SS-N-18. with greater throw antenna. As with the Yankee, a
a missile with a range exceeding new MIRV'ed missile developed weight and improved terminal variant ofthe Cod Eye radio sextant
4.000nm (7.500km). sufTicient to from the SS-N-8. the SS-N-IB. The accuracy. It will probably be is housed in the upper section of

target all major US cities from the latest (and probably final) variant, retro-fitted in the Delta III. but the fin.
relative security of the Delta IV. made its first public cannot be carried by earlier boats Construction: Eighteen
Soviet-dominated waters in the appearance in late 1985. again in without structural modifications. submarines ofthe Delta I
Arctic and the Northwest Pacific. the Northern Fleet area. It is in All variants ofthe Delta are fitted were completed between 1972 and
The SS-N'-8. first installed in many respects identical to the with six bow tubes for standard 1977 at Severodvinsk in the Arctic
submarines of the Delta class, was Delta III. The new missile carried, 21 in (533mm) torpedoes. The and Komsomolsk in the Pacific.
to became the Soviet Navy's the SS-NX-23. is similar in size to Delta IV may also have the The four Delta II variants were
primary strategic missile, and the SS-N-18. so the missile casing large-diameter 26in (650mm) tube. completed at Severodvinsk in
spawned a number of later is largely unmodified. The major Electronics: The Deltas appear to 1974-75. and the first ofthe Delta
derivatives. external differences are related to have the standard active/passive Ills followed in 1975. Fourteen had

Design: The Delta is essentially a the stern, which has the same low. bow array first fitted in submarines been completed by 1985. the year
modified Yankee. The forward angularfin as the second and third ofthe Yankee generation. The in which the first ofthe Delta IVs
section, up to and including the boats of the Oscar class (qv). Fin outfit of sensor masts is also appeared. Construction ofthe
fin. is identical to that of the earlier stabilisers are fitted on either side standard for submarines of their latter is continuing.
boat, as is the stern section. The of the hull casing aft. suggesting
major structural difference is the that the increased height of the
enlarged missile section
amidships. The SS-N-8 is a much
larger missile than the SS-N-6. so
the compartment in which the
missiles are housed
broader and higher than that of the
is longer,
missile section from the Delta
onwards may have resulted
stability problems.
Armament: The SS-N-8
the Delta and II is a large,

liquid-fueled missile about 43ft


carried by
Yankee. In spite of a 30ft (9m] (13m) long with a diameter of 6ft
increase in length the Delta I could (1.8m). It is armed with a single
accommodate only 12 missiles as large nuclear warhead of 800kT.
compared with 16 in the Yankee. The earliest variant of the missile
Shortly after the appearance of the had a ma.ximum range of 4.250nm .- -•__: «t-,.;".
firstDelta a new variant, the (7.800kml. but the later Mod 2
Delta II. entered service with the variant has a range of 4.950nm
Northern Fleet. The missile section (9.100km). The SS-N-18 missile
of the Delta II was the same height carried by the Delta III entered
as that of the Delta I. but was 50ft service around 1978 and was the
(15m| longer, enabling four first Soviet SLBM to have multiple

additional SS-N-8 missile tubes to independent reentry vehicles. The

be worked in. This gave the Mod 1 variant ofthe missile carries
submarines an extraordinary three 200kT MIRVs to a maximum
length to beam ratio which was to range of 3.500nm (6.500km): the
be repeated in later Delta variants. Mod 2 is fitted with a single 450kT
The after end of the missile casing warhead and has a range of
was not stepped, as in the Delta I. 4.350nm (8.000km and the Mod 3

but was angled down to join the carries seven MIRVs and has a
after section. The Delta III. which range similar to the Mod 1 s. The

Above: The Hr^t of the iww Delta differences include only a single
IVs is seen here running on the pair of hatches for a VLF
surface. The Delta IV is similar in communications buoy on the
most respects to the Delta III. but angled section of casing, and a
carries themore advanced modified tail fin with a tubular
SS-N-23 missile. External dispenser for a towed array.

Left: The variant fin. The Delta andI II. missiles. IS of identical
depicted here is the Delta which carry the shorter length to the Delta III. but
which hasa
III. SS-N-8 missile, have a the Delta has only 12

particularly prominent lower casing above the missile launch tut>es and
missile casing reaching missile section. The IS accordingly 56ft (1 8m)

almost to the top of the Delta II, which carnes 1 shorter.

Echo II class
Origin: USSR, first uiiil i.oniplelcd termination of the HcIkj I lauMf.h its missiles at inaxinuini underwater, making the Echo
1962 programme after only five range. relatively easy to detect using
Type: Cruise missile submarine, submarines had been laid down. Design: The Echo design, like that passive sonar techniques. The
nuclear-powered (SSCN| The nuclear land attack mission of the contemporary Hotel-class Front Door/Front Piece
Displacement: 5,200 tons surfaced; was taken away from the Soviet SSBN. was derived from the Soviet tracking/guidance radar is housed
(),200 tons submerged Navy, which would henceforth Navy's first SSN. the November. It in the forward section of the fin,

Dimensions: Length .iSOft (1 16m); concentrate on defending Soviet has the same propulsion plant, which rotates through 180 degrees
beam ;i2ft (9. 8m); draught 2.5ft territory against attack from the comprising two reactors in series, when the antenna is deployed.
(7.5m) sea. A modified version of the each producing approximately Armament: The eight SS-N-3A
Propulsion: Two pressurized SS-N-3 Shaddock (NATO 15.000shp. This has proved missiles originally fitted in all
water-cooled reactors driving designation SS-N-3A) was notoriously unreliable in service, submarines of this class are now
geared steam turbines; two shafts; developed for use against surface and Flcho-class boats have being replaced by the more recent
:iO,0()Oshp for 2:)kt max ships and installed in a new, undergone frequent breakdowns SS-N-12 Sandbox, whicbfirst
Complement: 100 enlarged Echo variant, the Echo II. whiles on patrol. The hull of the entered service aboard the
Background: The Echo was the A large radar antenna for Echo II was lengthened by 20ft antisubmarine carrier Kiev in
Soviet Navy's first purpose-built mid-course tracking and guidance (6m) as compared with the Echo I 1975. The SS-N-3A has an
cruise missile submarine, earlier of the SS-N-3A missile was in order to accommodate an estimated length of 33ft 6in
types being con versions of existing installed in a lengthened fin. additional pair of SS-N-3 (10.2m), while the SS-N-12, at 38ft
diesel boats. The first variant, the Heavy reliance was placed on launchers. The launch tubes are set (1 1.7ni), is slightly longer. By 1984
Kcho 1, was fitted with six paired off-board sensors to provide initial fiush with the upper corners of the 10 boats were reported to have
launchers for SS-N-3C nuclear detection and tracking of the target. hull casing, and elevate in pairs to undergone conversion, and the
land attack missiles. However, a In response to data provided by an angle of about 15 degrees for programme appears to be
major policy change in 1959-60, specially-equipped maritime firing. Prominent indentations in continuing. A major drawback
which saw the creation of the reconnaissance aircraft such as the the hull casing abaft the launchers with both the SS-N-3 and SS-N-12
.Strategic Rocket Forces as an Tupolev Tu-95 Bear-D and serve to deflect the blast of the missiles is that they have to be
inde|)endenl arm of the Soviet communicated via a central missile exhaust upwards and launched from the surface, where
armed services and the institution command post ashore, the Echo outwards. These create the submarine would be
of a large programme of land-based would take up position on the bow considerable drag and noise when vulnerableto early detection and

ICBMs, resulted in the premature (juarler of a carrier task force and llu: submarine is running preemptive strike. Preparation and

Below: The Echo was the first to fire her large SS-N-3 anti-ship
purpose-built Soviet SSGN, She missiles, but subsequent Soviet
has to remain on (he surface SSGN classes such as the Charlie
during the lengthy launch and the Oscar can fire their
preparations needed to enable her missiles while submerged.
Submarines and Weapons: Echo II

.iHiiu'h procedures lake an Feniks bow array loppi-d by a ddiiir

t'stimated 25-30 minutes to for thediminutive Hercules aclivr
perform, and the submarine has to sonar. The latter has been removcil
remain on the surface to provide from all converted units of the
mid-course guidance. Six standard class,and is also disappiNiring
21 in (533mm) torpedo tubes in the from unconverted boats. The
bow can accommodate the sensor masts are fairly standard for
standard anti-ship models, but in Soviet submarines of the period:
view of the age and primar\ two periscopes. Stop Light ESM.
mission of these submarines it is Quad Loop DF. and HF and VHF
unlikely that they ha\ e received communications aerials. However,
the fire control facilities necessary in place of the customary surface
to accommodate more modern surveillance radar the Echo lis
weapons. Four small stern tubes received a much larger air
are fitted for 16in |400mm) sur\eillance antenna, designated
antisubmarine torpedoes. Snoop Slab. This was presumably
Electronics: As completed the necessary to provide warning of air
Echo lis were fitted with a passive attack while the submarine was
surfaced and preparing to launc h
its missiles. It has been removed

from converted units and replactni

by the smaller Snoop Tray. Those
boats fitted to fire the SS-N-12
missile have also received
additional communications
equipment, housed in bulged
fairings on either side of the fin.
Construction: Twenty-nine
Echo lis were completed between

1962 and 1967; all but one remain

in first-line service. Construction Above: The indentations in the exhaust, but cause considerable
was shared evenly between outer hull casing are particularly water turbulence around the hull.
Severodvinsk in the Arctic and prominent in this overhead view. The missile launchers are paired,
Konisoniolsk in t4ie Pacific. Thev serve to deflect the missile and are elevated for firing.

and tselow; The main

Left missile, which is handle standard
armament of the Echo II marginally longer and free-running anti-ship
compnses eight has a range of about torpedoes (2). which
SS-N-3A Shaddock 300nm {550km) as have either HE or nuclear
anti-ship cruise missiles opposed 250nm
to wameads. while the
(1) which are fired from (460km) for the SS-N-3A stem tut>es fire the short
elevating launchers Shaddock. Six bow 400mm acoustic-homing
stowed flush with the hull torpedo tubes of 2 1 m torpedo (3). which would

casing. Some units (533mm) diameter are be used to defend the

(vanously reported as six fitted, and there are four Echo against hostile
or ten boatsi have been smaller tuties of 16in submannes. Reloads are
modified to fire the (4(X)mm) diameter in the camed for tioth sets of
SS-N-12 Sandbox stem. The txjw tulaes can tubes.
Foxtrot class
Origin:USSR, first unit completed termination of the medium-range fin ofthe Foxtrot is altogether more located in the bow and four in the
1958 Romeo in favour of larger streamlined. Moreover, the Zulu stern. Anti-ship torpedoes with
Type: Attack submarine, submarines capable of intercepting design made minimal allowances both conventional (HE) and
diesel-powered (SS) hostile carrier task forces far from for the installation of modern sonar nuclear warheads can be fired, and
Displacement: 1 ,950 tons surfaced; their bases. The Foxtrot and its devices, whereas these are a major the Foxtrot can also presumably
2.400 tons submerged nuclear-powered counterpart, the feature of the Foxtrot. Soviet handle more recent antisubmarine
Dimensions: Length 300ft (91.5m); November, were ideal candidates reluctance to depart from the basic models with acoustic homing.
beam 25fl (7.5m); draught 20ft (6m) to carry a newly developed torpedo Zulu hull-form is, however, Stowage capacity is estimated at 22
Propulsion: Diesel/electric drive with a nuclear warhead, designed indicated by the installation torpedoes. These boats would be
on three shafts; three diesels, three for use against large formations of arrangements for the passive sonar, particularly useful for mining
electric motors; fi,000bhp for 16kt ships and port installations. In the which is incorporated into a operations, for which each torpedo
surfaced, 5,300hp for 15.5kt event the November proved to be specially-designed bulge above the would be replaced by two mines.
submerged less than successful, and traditional 'knife' bow. The Some sources credit the Foxtrot
Complement: 78 construction was shifted to the retention of three shafts is also with four small-diameter ISin
Background: The Soviet Navy had Echo-class SSGN (qv). The Foxtrot. surprising, given that the centre (400mm) tubes for antisubmarine
traditionally favoured a on the other hand, proved to be a shaft ofthe Zulu was thought to be torpedoes in place ofthe 21in stern
combination of large numbers of useful boat with a good associated with a closed -cycle tubes, but it is not clear whether
medium-range submarines for general-purpose capability. It propulsion system which was the smaller weapon was yet in
operations in Soviet coastal waters remained in production for the subsequently abandoned. Given a service when the first Foxtrots
and asmaller number of long-range Soviet Navy until the late 1960s, three-shaft arrangement and a were completed.
boats for scouting and and construction continued slim, tapered stern it is difficult to Electronics: The Foxtrot brought
reconnaissance. This policy found with a further 19 boats built for see how
the Soviet designers into service a new generation of
its classic expression in the export to friendly countries during managed to accommodate the four Soviet sonar equipment. It has the
Whiskey and Zulu classes of the the 1970s and 1980s. standard stern tubes with which classic combination of the passive
1950s, types which, in turn, found Design: In design terms the Foxtrot the Foxtrot is generally credited. Feniks array, housed in the bulged
their natural successors in the is essentially a refined Zulu. It Conventional after control surfaces bow, and the active Herkules
Romeo and Foxtrot classes, the retains the classic cigar shape of are fitted, with a single large active attack sonar, topped by an
first units of which were the German Type XXI, and the rudder incorporated in the stern, underwater telephone in a small
completed in 1957-58. However, basic layout of machinery and and the forward hydroplanes are dome above it. There are also four
faced with a new threat from torpedo tubes remains the same. fully retractable for surface fixed panels, each approximately
long-range carrier-based jet However, whereas the Zulu was operations in ice-bound waters. 5ft (1.5m) square, disposed around
bombers capable of delivering a originally built with a stepped fin Armament: The Foxtrot is reported the forward edge of the fin. These
nuclear payload, the Soviet Navy incorporating positions for to have a total often 21 in (533mm) panels are also a feature ofthe
was forced into premature small-calibre antiaircraft guns, the torpedo tubes, six of which are contemporary November-class

Left:A Foxtrot operating with a

missile destroyer of the Kashin
class. The design has proved very
successful, with more than 60
units completed for the Soviet
Navy from 1958 to 1962 plus a
further 19 units for export, but
construction has now been
terminated in favour of more
modern types.
Submarines and Weapons: Foxtrot

SSN and the Golf-class SSB. and

are almost certainly components of
a passive 'spot' hydrophone array,
using the curve of the fin to obtain
an accurate bearing on a contact.
The sensor masts are standard for
the period: search and attack
periscopes, a Snoop Tray surface
surveillance radar. Quad Loop
direction-finding. Slop l.ighl KSM.
and aerials for VHF and HK
communications. The latter is

carried atop a hinged masl. as on

the i£cho and (!i)lf classes, and
folds back into a recess in the deck
Construction: Sixty-two Foxtrots
.irceslirnaled In have been buill for
the Soviet Navy, of which perhaps
four have been lost. Construction
has been exclusively at Ihe
Sudomekh Shipyard. l.iMiingrad.
which in the early tH7()s merged
with Ihe Admiralty .Shipy.ird 1o
form the United Admiralty
Shipyard. Soviet Navv
construction probably ended in
Above: The Foxtrot was the more sophisticated sonar 1968. However, eight further boats
natural successor to the Zulu, equipment. Note the rounded bow of the class wen? completed for
which was in turn modeled on the casing which houses the Feniks India between 1968 and 1974:
German Type XXI. .\ traditional passive array, and the streamlined subsequently (right have lieirn
cigar-shaped hull was retained, protrusion above it for the delivered to Libya (1976-83) and
the major difference between the Hercules active sonar and the three more have been supplied lo
two types being the adoption of underwater telephone. Cuba 11979-84).

Below and opposite: (533mm) diameter or antisubmanne torpedoes

There is some whether tubes of the (2) and mines (3). Two of

disagreement in smaller 16in (400mm) the latter can be

standard Western diameter are fitted. This accommodated in place
reference sources as to clearly affects any of each torpedo The
the precise nature of the attempt to analyse the stern tubes can handle
torpedo armament of the weapons earned. The six either 2 tin
Foxtrot. All sources 2 1 in bow tubes can fire acoustic-homing
agree that there are six heavyweight anti-ship torpedoes or the short
bow tubes and four stern torpedoes 1 ). with
( 1 6in antisubmarine

tubes, but It IS not clear alternative HE or nuclear torpedo, depending on

whether the stern tubes warheads They can also the precise diameter ot
areofstandard21in handle acoustic-homing the tubes.
Origin: USSR, first unit complett'd specifically designed tor Hotel, was begun ami
a year later,

1959 submarine launch was developed. parallel constructionwas

Type: Ballistic missile submarine, The SS-N-4 Sark was a large established. However, the decision
diesel-powered (SSB] three-stage liquid-fuelled rocket to establish the StrategicRocket
Displacement: 2.300 tons surfaced; considerably larger than the early Forces resulted in early
2.800 tons submerged Polaris missiles of the US Navy and termination of the programme, and
Dimensions: Length 321ft (98m|; firing had to take place on the no more submarines of either type
beam 28ft (8.5ni|; draught 21ft surface. The missile was fully 48ft were laid down after 1960.
(6,5m) (14.5m) long and was therefore too Design: The Golf is essentially a
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive large to be accommodated in the modified Foxtrot. The additional
on three shafts; three diesels, each submarine's hull. The solution 25ft (8ml of length results from the
2.000bhp; three electric motors, adopted was to house the missile need to accommodate three missile

each 1.700hp; G.OOObhp for 17kt tubes in an elongated fin; this tubes in an elongated fin. Golf
surfaced, 5,300hp for 12kt imposed serious constraints on the I-class boats modified for ballistic

submerged numberof missiles which could be missile trials have been cut in half
Background: following World carried. The first Soviet ballistic and have had an additional section
War II the Soviets acquired missile submarines were inserted. The mast-mounted
German rocket technology and converted boats of the Zulu class, sensors are compressed into a
developed missiles derived from the first of which entered service in relatively small space at the
the V-1 and V-2, and during the 1958. The Zulu V, as it became forward end of the fin. with the
early 1950s experiments in towing known, had only two missile control/attack centre beneath. The
a missile container behind a tubes, but it was followed by a diesel-electric propulsion system
submarine - first undertaken by purpose-built submarine, which is identical to that of the Foxtrot,
the Germans in 1944 - were became the Golf, with a larger fin and the Golf has retained the
revived; from these early housing three missile tubes. A Foxtrot torpedo tube
experiments a new missile nuclear-powered counterpart, the arrangements.

Left; A bow view of an SSBN of

the Golf II class. Note the
distinctive 'window' for the
Feniks passive sonar wrapped
around the bow. and the smaller
sonar dome for the Herkules
active attack sonar above it. The
two square panels at the forward
end of the fin, which are thought
to be part of a passive ranging
sonar, are particularly prominent
in this view. Abaft the fin can be
seen the housing for a VLF
communications buoy which was
added during the in70s.
Submarines and Weapons: Golf

Armament: Krom 19ti;t onw.irils .1 .mli'shii) t<ir|iedcifs (^instruction: TwiMily-three

limited nuuiernisatioii programme I.ui be fired, but it is unlikely that submaruies ot the (JoK class were
was carried out which involved the submarines have been updated i.ompleted between 1959 and
replacing the SS-N-4 Sark missile to handle more modern weapons. 1962. 16 by the Severodvinsk
by the SS-N-5 Serb, which had Electronics: The Golf has a sonar shipyard in the Arctic, and the
tw'ice the range and could be fired outfit virtually identical to thai of remaining seven at Kom.somolsk in
from under water. Thirteen of the the Foxtrot, with a Feniks passive the Far East. Twelve of the 13
23 Golfs and all eight boats of the bow array complemented by a Golf Us are believed to remain in
Hotel class were thus modified, the small Herkules HF active sonar service: six are in the Baltic, where
converted boats receiving the atop the bow. There are also two they are a component of Soviet
NATO designation Golf II and square panels at the forward end of theater nuclear forces, and the
Hotel II respectively. The SS-N-.'i the fin. The masl-mounled sensors remaining six are in the Pacifii;.
Serb missile has a length of about are identical to those of the Foxtrot The unconverted boats of the Golf I

38ft (n.5m) and a diameter of - two periscopes. Stop Light ESM. class have been scrapped or
about 5ft (1 ."im). making it Quad Loop DF". and separate masts converted to other functions: three
considerably smaller than its for HF and VHF communications have served as trials boats for more
predecessor, the SS-N-4 Sark. and but in contrast to later Soviet recent ballistic missiles, and three
a 'sleeve' probably had to be ballistic mi.ssile submarines, there have undergone conversion to
inserted in the original missile is a total absence of electro-optical special communications
tubes. Early versions of the missile and satellite navigation configurations (SSQ). Plans were
had a maximum range of only equipment. However, all (lolf lis furnished to Ghina. whic:h

700nm ( 1 .300km). but in a later appear to have been fitted for VLF launched a single submarine of
was extended to
variant this communications during he 197l)s.I this type in 1964. but the first

900nm( 1.650km). The Golf has six with a prominent VLF buoy mi.ssile launch from this
21in (533mm) torpedo tubes in the housing located either abaft the fin submarine did not take place
bow. and a further four in the stern or ,ito|> the after di'ck casing. until 1982.
Origin: USSR, first unit completed Thresher (SSN-593 in 1963. Two
1 submersibles in the mid-1970s it
1979 specially-designed DSRVs, Mystic opted for a completely different
Type: Auxiliary salvage and rescue (DSRV-1) and Avalon (DSRV-2), mode of deployment. The Soviet
submarine, diesel-powered were completed in 1971 and 1972 DSRVs would be carried by a
(AGSS) respectively to provide a capability mother submarine, rather in the
Displacement: 3,900 tons surfaced; for rescuing survivors from manner of the Japanese
4,800 tons submerged submarines disabled on the ocean Kaiten-carrying submarines of
Dimensions: Length 348ft (106m); floor above their hull-collapse World War II. Such a submarine
beam 33ft (lOmj; draught depth. The US Navy DSRVs were would also be well-suited to
unknown designed for launch either from special' missions, for which it
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive another submarine or from a might embark divers or Spetsnaz
on two shafts; two diesel submarine rescue ship of the commando units who would
generators, two electric motors; Pidgeon (ASR-21) class, with an operate from small inflatables or
4.000bhp for 15kt surfaced, alternative long-distance from other types of small
S.OOOhp for 15kt submerged rapid-deployment mode using a submersible. Two purpose-built
Complement: Unknown C-141 transport aircraft. The DSRV submarines of the India class were
Background: Interest in deep concept clearly influenced Soviet subsequently completed, one of
submergence rescue vehicles ideas, but whenthe Soviet Navy which is attached to each of the
(DSRVs) began in the United States decided to embark on the two Soviet fleets which operate
following the loss of the submarine construction of similar nuclear-powered submarines, the

Rigtit: The submarines of probably based on two

the India class are titanium pressure
thought to be unarmed, spheres. There is a small
the bow-form being too hatch atop the outer
fine to accommodate casing, and a larger
torpedo tubes. The two mating hatch
submersibles carried are beneath to provide
for rescue purposes only: access to and from the
their construction is submarine.

Left: One of the two auxiliary

salvage and rescue submarines of
the India class depicted during
her transit from the Pacific to the
Soviet Northern Fleet via the
Arctic route; an ice guard is fitted
over the bow to enable her to make
the passage safely, and the two
deck wells for submersibles set
into the raised hull casing aft are
covered by large steel plates. Note
the bow-mounted diving planes.
Submarines and Weapons: India

.\i)rtli.Tii l-li-ft .iiui the l',)iili( angled in both the horizontal and
Kle.'l vertical planes, aiul there are also
Design: Tlie liuliu is u cruciform tail surfaces. Both types
iliesel-powereii sutinidrine of have a large circular hatch beneath
loiiveiilioiial double-hull them to enable them to mate either
lonstructioii. The basic with the mother submariiu! or with
configuration is reminiscent ot the till! submarine in distress. There is
I'cixlnil i.illieilhan the hiti^r Tango, also a smaller batch
at the top of the
riir e\( epi loTially fine bow. which submersible. Forward-looking
liulged .il)i)ve the water-line to
I.-, optical viewing devici!s are fitted,
.iccoinniodate a passive sonar, and there are prt^sumably also
.ippears to have been adopted for search and navigation sonars. The
liigh surface speed to enable the ijiternal construction of the US
India to make a rapid transit to its Navy submersibles is based on
operational area. It is probably loo three interconnected
fine to accommodate torpedo pn^ssure-tight spheres made of
tubes, so it siMims likelv that these MY- 140 steel. The Soviet
submarines are completely subnuirsibles are somewhat
unarmiHl. The long, relatively low shorter, and may thi!refor(! consist
tin is similar to that of the Yanke(!- of two such spheres, probably of
and Delta-class SSBNs. and is The forward sphen;
located close to the bow. The Inilia would house the controls and the
isthe only type of Soviet Iwo/three-man crew, while the
submarine other than the Yankee aftersphere would be able to
and Delta to have its forward accommodate 12-15 survivors.
hydroplanes mounted on the fin. Other types of submersible may
The after control surfaces are have been designed for clandestine
conventional, with a single vertical operations, but none has yet been
rudder beneath the stern. The two observed aboard the India. There
submersibles are carried has been some evidence of Soviet
semi-recessed in tandem deck operations employing tracked
Above: I Ins \ ievv ul llie India with tree-flood holes of a similar wells abaft the fin. The deck wells submersibles in the coastal waters
shows the two rescue pattern to those of other prominent raised
are set into a of Sweden, but neither of the two
submersibles in place. They are conventional Soviet diesel boats casing which extends almost to the India-class submarines currently
semi-recessed in order to lower such as the Foxtrot. A standard stern. The submersibles mate with in service has deployed to the
water resistance when the boat is outfit of mast-mounted sensors is large circular hatches which give Baltic.
running submerged. The outer carried, including search and access to and from the submarine. Electronics: The India has a
hull casing of the India is lined attack periscopes. When not in use the deck wells can medium-frequency passive array
be covered by large steel plates. in the bow and presumably has an
Equipment: Two different types of active high-frequency sonar
E- submersible have been observed in located beneath the hull for
the deck wells of the India. Their location of a disabled submarine. A
distinctive colours (red/orange? sensor masts is
full outfit of
and white stripes) mark them out carried: two periscopes, a Snoop
as rescue vehicles. One is Trav surface surveillance radar.
approximately 40ft (12.1m) long Brick Pulp ESM, Quad Loop DF.
and appears to be powered by an and aerials for HF and VHF
electric motor driving a single communications.
shrouded propeller which is Construction: The firstsubmarine
integrated with the cruciform of the India class was completed at
control surfaces. The second is Komsomolsk Far East in
in the
about 37ft (11.3ml long, and has 1979, and a second unit followed
small rotating propellers (also in 1980. The same year saw the
shrouded) on either side of its after transferof one unit to the Northern
section. These can presumably be Fleet via the Arctic route
Juliett class
Origin: USSR, first unit completed 72 Julietts were initially projected,
1962 but that in 1962 it was decided to
Type: Cruise missile submarine, restrict construction to only 16
(liesel-powered (SSG) units. Diesel propulsion makes the
Displacement: 3,000 tons surfaced; Juliett best suited to deployment
3,750 tons submerged close to Soviet territory in the
Dimensions: Length 285ft (87m); anti-carrier role, and until the early
beam 33ft (10m); draught 23ft (7m) 1980s all 16 boats of the class
Propulsion: Diesel/electric drive served with the Soviet Northern
on two shafts; two diesels, two Fleet. However, the endurance of
electric motors; 4,000bhp for 1 2kt these submarines is such that they
surfaced, 3,400hp for 8kt have seen frequent deployments to
submerged the Mediterranean, where they
Complement: 80 have often combined with other
Background: The Juliett is the missile units to shadow the
diesel-powered counterpart of the carriers of the US Sixth Fleet, and
Echo (qv). In the early 1960s only to the Indian Ocean.
two Soviet shipyards Design: The Juliett design is
(Severodvinsk in the Arctic, and derived from the Foxtrot. In spite of
Komsomolsk in the Pacific) were the obvious external differences
capable of undertaking the resulting from the very different
construction of nuclear-powered missions of the two submarines,
submarines. The Soviets would they have a number of features in
therefore continue to rely heavily common. Length is virtually
on other submarine building yards identical, and the submarines
to make up the numbers with probably share a similar internal
conventionally powered boats. layout. However, the Juliett has a
Moreover, the Echo and the Juliett
conform to the traditional Soviet Right: The Juliett is the
pattern which combines large, diesel-powered counterpart of the
complex '1st Rate' naval vessels Echo n. Four SS-N-3 missiles are
and smaller, cheaper '2nd Rate' carried in elevating launchers
units which can be produced in which are stowed flush with the
greater numbers, ft is reported thai broad upper casing.
Sul)iiiciriii('s ,111(1 Weapons: |ulit!tt

much broader outer casingin order radar. The propulsion machinery laun( h submarine, and course submarine is conducting its

toaccommodate four launchers for installation is a down-graded corrections are then relayed to the lengthy preparations for missile
SS-N-3A anti-ship missiles (half Foxtrot plant, with only two missile in flight. The submarine launi h. However, the HF
the number carried by the Echo II|. die.sels and two shafts. This has has to remain on the surface during communications mast is

The launchers are identical in resulted in a significant reduction these operations. The SS-N-3A has incorporated into the raised
configuration to those of the Echo, in maximum underwater speed. alternative conventional or of the fin which houses the

with the same prominent The standard 21 in (533mm) stern nuclear warheads, each weighing diesel exhaust, whereas the Echo
indentations in the hull casing tubes of the Foxtrot have been approximately 2. 2001b (l.OOOkg). has its own HF aerial atop a
behind them to deflect the blast of replaced by four small-diameter The torpedo tube arrangements are prominent hinged mast which
the missile exhaust. The fin is even lubes for antisubmarine torpedoes. identical to those of the Echo, with folds down into a recess in the deck
longer than that of the Echo, as it Armament: The SS-N'-3A six standard 21 in (533mm) bow- casing. A few boats of (he lulietl
has to accommodate a snorkel mast Shaddock anti-ship missile is tubes for anti-ship torpedoes, and class have recently been fitted with
and diesel exhaust in addition to about :i3ft Bin long (10.2m) and four Kiin (400mm) stern tubes for bulged fairings on either side of the
periscopes and the usual array of weighs 12.00()lb (.t. 400kg). It has a antisubmarine torpedoes. fin: are identical to those
radar. ESM
and communications conventional aeroplane Electronics: The luliett has the fitted in Echo-class boats modified
antennae. It is. however, identical configuration, and is powered by a same Feniks passive bow array as to fire the SS-N-12 missile, and are
at its forward end. with a revolving turbojet with two solid-fuel the Echo, and early boats have the probably for communications
section housing the Front boosters slung beneath. It has a same diminutive active ranging ecpiipment. However, there is as
Door Front Piece missile guidance maximum range estimated at sonar lopped by an underwati-r yt!t no indication that the SS-N-12

250nm (450km). and employs telephone above the bow. Later update programme is being
active radar homing in the terminal boats have a larger active .sonar extended to the luliett.
phase. It requires mid-course with a 3ft (Ini) wrap-around Construction: Sixteen julietts were
guidance if it is to attain its 'window'. The outfit of sensor completed between 1962 and 1969
maximum range. A specialised masts is identical to that of the at the inland Corky Shipyard. This
maritime reconnaissance bomber, Echo, and includes the Snoop Slab shipyard had previously been
the Bear-D. transmits its radar air surveillance radar used to responsible for c:onslruction of the
picture via a video data link to the detect hostile aircraft while the Soviet Romeos.

Opposite and above: The launchers stowed flush bow tubes for long
main armament of the with the hull casing. anti-ship torpedoes (2).
comprises four
Juliett There IS as yet no and four 1 6in (400mm)
SS-N-3A Shaddock evidence that Julietts are stem tubes intended to
anti-ship missiles (1 ). being retro-titted to fire launch short
which are housed in the SS-N-12. The Julietts antisubmarine homing
elevating paired have six 21 in (533mm) torpedoes (3)

Right: The prominent

indentations in the upper hull
casing are to deflect the missile
exhaust. The Front Door Front
Piece missile guidance radar is
housed in the forward section of
the fin. which rotates through IBO
degrees w hen the radar is
deployed. Preparations for missile
launch have to be performed on
the surface, thereby exposing the
submarine to attack bv aircraft.
Kilo class
Origin: USSR. Iirsl uii ii|j|rlr.l .iopic Ills vail kilo as being of Soviet design anil unusual rudder arrangement there
shallow-water operations in the construction. The most important is only a single shaft with a

Type: AllJi.k siil)ni,iriiu\ Baltic and the Black Sea. Many is the line of free-flood holes along six-bladed propeller; all earlier
ilii!sel-()ovver(Hl (SS| were exported to friendly nations, the outer casing, which testifies to Soviet diesel boats had a
Displacement: 2,500 Ions surlncncl, including several of the countries Soviet persistence with multi-shaft arrangement with the

:i,OOU tons submerged belonging to the Warsaw Pact. double-hull construction. The c:ontrol surfaces abaft the

However, by the mid-1970s most of second difference is the longer fin. propellers.
Dimensions: LiMi^tli 23lltl (70in|;
beam :i2fl (9.yni|; drimghl 2 111 the Whiskeys were more than 20 which is a feature of all Soviet Armament: The Kilo has six bow
(O.fMll) years old, and if their submarines, A third difference is tubes of 21 in (533mm| diameter.
Propulsion: Dii-sel-fileclrii: cirivi! shallow-water mission was to be the position of the forward These can fire the standard Soviet
ononi-sh.iri; Iwocliesel giMienitors, retained a replacement would have hvdroplanes, which are located anti-ship and antisubmarine
on.M'liMlric, motor; 4,000l)lii) lor to be designed. This finally just beneath the deck casing torpedoes. As an alternative
1 2 kt surfaced. r).000li|) lor U.kl emerged as the Kilo, a immediately forward of the fin, not payload, each torpedo can be
submerged comparatividy large on the fin as in their US Navy and replaced by two mines. It is not
Complement: (iO general-purpose submarine ut Dutch couruerparts. The
Background: During the lS)50s conventional l)ut modern design hydroplanes are fully retractable as
some 2;iti medium sul)marines of which would be built both for the on other Soviet boats to prevent ice
the Whiskey class were c:om|)leled Soviet Navy ajul for export. damage during surface operations
lor the Soviet Navy. The Whiskey Design: f]xlernall\' the Kilo in northern waters. A rather more

was followed by the improved resembles modern Western diiisel surprising feature of the Kilo is
Romeo design, but conslructi(}n of submarines much more closely Soviet persistence with the after
this type was abandoned after only than previous Soviet types. The control surfaces employed in
20 had been laid down for tlie hull is some fioft (20m) shorter earlier diesel submarines such as

•Soviet Navy. This appears to ha\ r than that of the Tango, but beam the Foxtrot and Tango in
been the result of a policy decision has been increased by about 3ft preference to the cruciform tail

Id terminate the construction ol I

Im). The end a submarine
result is surfaces now standard on their
medium-range submariniis in remarkably similar shape and
in nuclear boats. The main rudder is
favour of the larger Kuxirot-class size lo the US Barbel and its Dutch beneath the stern, although there is
boat (i], v.]. which was better suIUkI derivatives of the Zwaardvis and a small 'tab' visible above the

loopen-ocean operations. Walrus classes, with an water. The function of the latter is
Nevertheless, the Whiskey was to 'Alabacore' hull-form. There are. not clear, although it may be a
remain the standard Soviet diesel however, a number of subtle component ofa hull-mounted
boat throughout the liHiOs. differenics wliu mark out the
li |)assi\'i' array. In spile ot the
Siihinariiicsiind VVoapons: Kilo

clear whether the Kilo is fitted to capablcof firnigthe SS-\-l(i bi'liiiig to <in earlier generation ol series [irodui lion I'ni units lun
firethe SS-\-15 antisubmarine antisubmarine missile or the Type submarines Theelderly Stop Light so far been completed for the
missile. The lattercan be fired from 65 wake-homing torpedo. KSM antenna is fitted in place of Soviet Navy, and a furtluir three are
a standard torpedo tube, but the Electronics: The Kilo is equipped the more rei ent Brick Pulp, and under con.struction. Production
Kilo has a relatively limited with a low-frequency Quad Loop l)F in place of Park has now been exli^nded to
weapons stowage capac:ity active passive bow sonar, and is Lamp In .iddition the Kilo is shipyards in the western USSR at
estimated at only 12 torpedoes, presumably also fitted with equipped with search and attack Ciorky and Leningrad (the United
and it is in any case questionable hull-mounted passive hydrophone periscopes, a Snoop Tray Admiralty Shipyard, formerly
whether the submarine's designed arrays. However, there is no surveillance radar, and HF and .Sudontekbl. and it is thought that
mission includes the engagement indication that a towed VHK communications aerials. the latter two yards will build the
of hostile submarines with nuclear hydrophone array comparable to Construction: The first Kilo was submarine for export customers
weapons. Nor is there any those of the more recent Soviet completed bv the Komsomolsk such as li\dia. reported to have
evidence that the Kilo is fitted with nuclear-powered attack boats is Shipyard in the Far Elast in 1982. placed orders for threi; boats in
large-diameter 26in (650mni| tubes fitted. The mast-mounted sensors and the class has since entered April 1984.

Right: In spite of her double-hull

construction, the Kilo bears a
striking similarity to
contemporary Western
diesel-electric submarines
derived from the I'S Barbel class,
being both shorter and beamier
than earlier Soviet diesel boats.
The class has now entered series
production for the Soviet Navy,
and is also being offered to

friendly Third World countries.

Lafayette class
Origin: USA. first unit completed similar in layout to their major difference was in the missile size of the Lafayettes means that
1963 predecessors, were designed as tubes themselves, which were they are relatively slow. Quietness,
Type: Ballistic missile submarine, SSBNs from the outset. They were enlarged to accommodate future however, has always been
nuclear-powered (SSBN) also longer and had a number of ballistic missiles of greater accorded much greater priority
Displacement: 7.350 tons surfaced; features in common with the diameter than Polaris. This than high performance in US SSBN
8.250 tons submerged Thresher class SSNs. including increased overall length by 15ft designs, and the last 12 units of the
Dimensions: Length 425ft superior silencing and a hull (4.5m]. while the submarine's class (officially known as the
(129.5ni|: beam 33ft (10.1m); constructed of HY80 steel. The other dimensions remained Benjamin Franklin class),

draught 29ft |8.8ml Ethan Allen was to form the basis unchanged. An essential part of the incorporated further
Propulsion: One S5W pressurized of an improved design which deterrence mission of the improvements in machinery noise
water-cooled reactor driving became the Lafayette class. The Lafayettes was the avoidance of insulation. The large fin is based
geared steam turbines; one shaft; Lafayette was the standard US hostile submarines. The sonar on that of the Skipjack, and carries
15.000shpfor20-l-kt Navy SSBN throughout the 1960s outfit was therefore biased towards the forward hydroplanes. One
Complement: 140 and 1970s, and had a major detection rather than long-range unit, the Daniel Webster
Background: The first ballistic influence on the design of other fire control. The spherical bow (SSBN 626) was fitted with bow
missile submarines built for the US Western SSBNs. notably those of sonar which was a feature of the planes for evaluation.
Navy, the five SSBNs of the George the British Resolution and French Thresher design was not installed Armament: The first eight units of

Washington class, were converted Le Redoutable classes (qv). in US Navy SSBNs. which could the class entered service with the
Skipjacks with an additional 130ft Design: The early boats of the therefore accommodate their Polaris A-2 missile, which had a
|40m| missile section inserted Lafavette class differed little from torpedo tubes in the bow in the single nuclear warhead and a range
abaft the fin.They were followed the Ethan Allen class in terms of conventional manner. The S5W of l.SOOnm (2.800km). The
by five boats of the Ethan Allen their general layout and reactor is the same model as that remaining 23 boats received the
ciass which, although generally weapon/sensor technology. The installed in the SSNs, and the large A-3 variant, which had three MRVs
Subniariiu'sand VVoapoiis: Lil.iycjttc

iiMTall dimensions lo

Poseidon. It carries eight 100k T
MIR\'ed warheads range of
to a
4.lHKI»nm (7.4IX)kni|. The
in range has enabled submarines
equipped with Tridenl lo be
withdrawn from forward-basing in
Europe. The four bow torpedo
tubes initially handled the same
weapon mix as US Navy SSNs of
Ihe period (see Permit), although
Ihe Lafavettes were apparently not
fitted lo fire SUBROC. The early
models of torpedo have now been
superseded by Ihe Mk 48.
Electronics: The sonar outfit
Inslalled at c(mipletion was
essentially that of the Skipjacks: a
HQS-4 active passive .sonar inside
a circular BR(J-2() passive array in
Ihe bow. plus a coiiformal B(JR-7
hydropluine array along Ihi! hull.
The Lafayettes were filled with
Mk 88 missile firt? control, and the
Above: The Sam Rayburn standard Mk 1 13 torpedo fire
(SSBN 635). was Ihe first control system. From 1974
submarine of the Lafavette class (o onwards all submarines of the
be deactivated. This step was class underwent a scmar update
necessary inordertoconfiirm programme. The BQR-2() pa.ssive
with the ceiling imposed on I'S array was replaced by Ihe BQR-21
SLBMs by the S.^LT II Treaty. model, which has Digital
Multi-Beam Steering (I)IMUS).
and a range ol'2.300nm |4.600km|. enabling five targets lo be tracked
The A-3 missile was subsequently simultaneously. A mast-mounted
retro-fitted in the early boats. In BQR-19 sonar was filled, lo
1970 theC-3 Poseidon missile enable the submarines lo avoid
entered.service, and was to replace surface ships. The third el(!menl in
the A-3 inall submarines of the the update programme was Ihe
Lafayette class. Poseidon, a fatter BQR-15 lowed array, which was
missile than Polaris, with a length inslalled for more effe<:live
of 34ft 10. 4m land a diameter of 6fl
detection of hostile hunter-killer
2in 11.9m|. had a similar range to submarines. Trident conversions
Ihe Polaris A-3. hut could carrv ten have also received three Mk 2 SINS
50kT VIlRVed warheads. It for more accurate navigation.
remains in service aboard the Construction: Thirty-one
surviving early units of the class, submarines of Ihe Lafayette and
but since 1979 the 12 SSBNs of the Benjamin Franklin classes were
Benjamin Franklin sub-group have completed between 1963 and 1967
been progressively converted to alfour different shipyards. Of
fire the Trident C-4 missile. The these, threehave now
latter was designed to be decommissioned to enable the
compatible with the launch tubes United Stales lo remain within
of Ihe Lafavette class, and has .SALT II Trealv limits.

L.afayette class Daniel Boone (SSBN 629)

Le Redoutable class
Origin: I'ram e. unit
I iiiinl(>r|i,irl.s. Ilir lli-iiiis
completed 1971 SI.HM compiirtmonl is locnicd
Type: Ballistic missile subniarin
(lircclly iibiift tin: fin. with a
nuclear-powered (SSBN|
lhri'c-(li!(:k iicomnuHlnlioii hivout
Displacement: 8.0(10 tons surface
Idrw.ird ,111(1 tin: iiuic:liiri(:rv spiicns
9.000 tons submerged
lit; the tiirpi'ildlKiiulliiifi room is
Dimensions: Length 420ft 12Hni| 1

in a sinalltM- com; cllrectlv hehirul

beam 35ft (lO.fimI; draught ;i;jfl llu: lour bow tubes. Tin; propulsion
sysliMii is unusual in that tlii;sinnlr
Propulsion: One pressurized
PVVK reactor does not drive H^ared
water-cooled reactor with
slcani lurbines, as in other Western
turbo-electric drive: two SSHNsot the period, but drives
turbo-alternators driving one main two turbo-, dternators. which in
electric motor; one shaft; 1 K.OOOh turn provide the power for a single
for 20kt
large electric motor. An auxiliary
Complement: l.t.'i
.SKMT-I'ielstick 1() HA 4 tt.'iOkW'
Background: In the earl\- 1960s
diesel giMierator provides
France embarked on the
sulticieni power in an emergency
development of a Forc(! de to .gel the submarhie back to its
Dissuasion which was initiall\' to
be based on a force of five SSBNs.
The programme not only served to
reinforce the incipient political
separation between France and the
United States, but also marked the
birth of an independent
technology which would see the
development of both nuclear
reactorsand ballistic missiles of
French design and manufacture.
The first reactor, the PAT 1 , was
produced in collaboration with the
CEA French Atomic Energy
Authority) and tested extensively
ashore at Cadarache. Development
of the missile took place
simultaneously, the first French
SLBM being launched from the
experimental submarine Gvninolc
in 1968. Construction ofthe SSBNs
posed a number of technical
problems, including the
development of high-tensile stee
lo cope with a required diving
depth of 300m.
Design: The overall design was
closely based on that ofthe US
Navy's Lafayette class (q.v.|. and
these boats were the first French
postwar submarines to have
a single hull. They also have
the fin-mounted forward
hydroplanes and the cruciform
after control surfaces of their US

Le Redoutable class Le Tonnant (S 614)

Submarines and Weapons: J,c Kcdout.iljle

home The fourth diu) lillh

base. h- 7'crrif)lc, initially carried the diameter of Sfl (1 .5m) Thi- M 4. Kxoc.el missili- in aildiliiin In
hoals. L/ndomplable and Im .M 1 missile, which comprised a which is atH>ul lo enter service on torpedoes.
Tonnanl. have a metallic reactor two-stage rocket with a single Ihe sixth boat. L'/n//exible. is a Electronics: The first five units are
core in place of the oxide cores of SOOkT nuclear warhead and a completely new employing
mi.ssile wilhlheOlJlJV23
the earlier boats. The sixth boat. range of 1.350nm (2.500km). The more advanced propulsion and panoramic passive array and the
L'/nflexible, is of an improved type M 1 was superseded in the third warhead technology; it has a length DUUX 2 ranging sonar, but
and is ofTicially regarded as a unit. Ijk Foudroyant. by the M 2. of 36ft 111 05m) and a diameter of L/nf/exib/e has Ihe new DSUX 21
separate class. Her missile with more powerful second stage
a 6fl4in (1.93ml. Range is 2.1 50nm multi-function sonar in place of the
compartment has been modified to which increased range to 1.600nm (4.000km) in the current version, DUUV 23. plus Ihe UUUX 5 digital
accommodate the M
4 SLBM from |3000km). The next two units. and this will be increased to ranging sonar. It is envisaged that
the outset, and she has quieter £,'/ndomplab/e and Le Tonnant. 2.700nm (5.000km) in the M 4B. the DSUX 21 will be retro-fitted lo
machinery and more advanced entered service with a mix of M 2 The multiple warhead comprises the other boats during their 4 M
electronics. L'lnflexib/e can be and M 20 missiles, the latter being six Ti\-70 MIRVs. each of about refits. The submarines' position
distinguished externally from her identical in performance to the M2 150kT. With the exception of can be accurately determined by
sisters by her re-shaped fin. with but carrying a thermo-nuclear Le Terrible, all the early boats of reference to three inertial
the hydroplanes mounted high on warhead of IMT. Since 1977 the the class will be retro-fitted with navigation centres (CIN) ashore,
the forward edge. earlier unitshave carried the same theM 4 missile, beginning in 1985 and there is a periscope for
Armament: The first two units of mix. Both the M
2 and the 20 M with Le Tonnanl. The four 21.7in terrestrial navigation.
the class. Le Redoutable and have a length of 34ft (10.4m| and a (550mm) bow tubes can fire a Construction: The five units of the
combination of the L 5 Mod. Le Redoutable class were
antisubmarine torpedo and the completed between 1971 and

M F 17 dual-purpose torpedo; 14
reloads can be accommodated in
the handling room. L7nflexib/e.
like the SSNs of the Rubis class.
will have the smaller 533mm tube,
1980. L7n/lexib/e entered service
in April 1985. Allwere built at
Cherbourg Naval Dockyard. A
larger SSBN of a completely new
design is due to be laid down in
and will be able to fire the SM 39 1988 for completion in 1994.


Below: Although of indigenous

design, these submarines are
similar in conception lothe IS
^''^•r Lafayette class, with the missiles
housed in IB laun( h tubes located
ahall the lln.

Above and left: The first greater range and a

five units of the class multiple- warhead
carry a mix of M 2 and capability There are 1

M 20 ballistic missiles (1 1. vertical launch tubes in

The two missiles are two rows of eight. A mix
Identical in appearance ofL5Mod3
but the latter carries a antisubmarine
larger 1 MT torpedoes (2) and F 1
thermo-nuclear dual-purpose torpedoes
warhead. The sixth unit. can be fired from the lour
L cemflexible has the M 4 21.7in(550mmibow
a 'arger missile with torpeco tubes
Los Angeles class
USA, unit ccimijlctiul Design: The Los Angeles design handle SUBROC, but the Mk 1 1 7 is appropriate weapon mix for a
Origin: first
marked the final transition from now being modified make this
to particular deployment. Later units
the 'airship' hull-form of the possible. From 1978 onwards of the class will therefore receive
Type: Attack submarine,
Albacore and Skipjack to the submarines of this class began to 15 vertical launch tubes for
nuclear-powered (SSN|
Displacement: 6,080 tons surfaced; cylindrical configuration which is receive the Harpoon anti-ship Tomahawk, located in the space
a feature of all recent US missile. The trend towards between the bow sonar and the
6,927 tons submerged
submarines. The cylindrical tube-launched missiles continued forward end of the pressure hull.
Dimensions: Length 360ft
middle body almost as efficient with the first operational Earlier units will eventually
(109. 8m|; beam 33ft (10.1m); is

draught 32ft 4in (9.8m) as a continuously curved hull, and installation of the Tomahawk receive 12 similar tubes at

Propulsion: One S6C pressurized is much easier to build. The S6G missile in 1983. Tomahawk scheduled refits.

reactor is a modified version of the (BGM-109), unlike Harpoon, was The Los Angeles class
water-cooled reactor driving
geared steam turbines; one shaft; D2G reactor used to power missile designed to be fired from a torpedo was designed from the outset to
destroyers since the early 1960s. It tube. It has a length of 20ft 3in accommodate the BQQ-5 sonar
30,000sh[) for 31kt max
Complement: 127 employs natural circulation at low (6.2m) and a diameter of 21in suite. Like the BQQ-2 system
Background: In the late 1960s the power ratings to minimize pump (533mm). It is powered by a
US Navy became increasingly noise, but circulation pumps have turbojet sustainer motor with a
concerned about the threat to its to be switched on at higher speeds. solid-fuel booster and has a

carrier battle groups posed by the This fits well into the pattern of maximum range of l,400nm
new generation of Soviet 'sprintand drift' operations (2,600km) in the land attack
submarines, and in particular the implied in the close support (TLAM) version, and 250nm
Charlie-class SSGN with its SS-N-7 mission. The large size of the (460km| in the anti-ship (TASM]

|)op-up' missile. The most submarine has facilitated the version. The torpedo capacity of
effective counter to Soviet tactics effective isolation of the Los Angeles class is no greater
would be to station attack noise-generating machinery from than that of the Sturgeons,
submarines ahead of the battle the hull, and the Los Angeles is although handling has been
group to detect the Soviet missile probably the world's quietest improved by the adoption of power
boats as they took up their nuclear submarine. The fin is transfer systems. The proliferation
attacking stations: thus was born relatively small in relation to the of lube-launched anti-ship
the close support' mission which overall size of the submarine, missiles, allied to the retention of
provided the rationale for the thereby reducing resistance. The SUBROC, has resulted in difficult
development of the Los Angeles ability to rotate the fin-mounted decisions regarding the
class. The ability to operate in hydroplanes to the vertical has.
conjunction with the carrier battle however, been sacrificed, placing
groups required high tactical limitations on under-ice
speed, which in the operations. Later boats will have
Thresher/Permit and Sturgeon bow-mounted hydroplanes.
classes had been sacrificed in Armament: By the time the Los
favour of quiet operation. Angeles class entered service in
However, the new submarine the late 1970s the Mk 48 torpedo
would also need to be at least as was in full production and had
quiet as its immediate replaced virtually all the earlier
predecessors in order to engage in The first 12 units received
underwater combat with the Soviet theMk 113 fire control system and
SSGNs. The result was an could therefore handle the
exceptionally large boat with SUBROC nuclear-tipped
double the reactor power of earlier antisubmarine missile. Later units
Ivpes. with the Mk 117 system could not

Rigtit: Ttie four midstiips torpedo (3). and the

2 1 in (533mm) torpedo TLAI^andTASiyi
tubes can fire ttie variants of the
complete range of Tomahawk missile (4).
tube-launctied weapons Stowage capacity IS
currently in service: the currently limited to about
SUBROC antisubmanne 24 weapons, so later

missile (1),tfie units of the class will

Sub-Harpoon anti-sfiip carry their Tomahawk
missile (2). tfie missilesin separate

dual-purpose IVIk 48 launch tubes.

USS Los Angeles (SSN 688)

Submarines and Weapons: lx)s Angeles

which it replaces, the HQQ 3 is

based on a large active passsive
spherical bow sonar, a conformal
passive hydrophone array, and a
PUFFS fire control system. The
BQS-11 12 13 spherical bow array
incorporates Digital Multi-Beam
Steering (DIMUS). which has
superseded the mechanical
scanning employed with earlier
sonars and makes possible
multi-target tracking. Another neu
feature of the BQQ-5 sonar suite is
the addition of a towed array,
which is stowed in a tube running
along the hull casing. The model
currently being fitted is the
BQR-23 Submarine Towed Array
Sonar System (STASS). Later
submarines of the class will
receive the Submarine Advanced
Combat System (SUB.ACS). a
new-generation integrated
weapons sonar control suite.
Construction: Thirty-four
submarines of the Los Angeles
classhad been completed by the Above: Sail Lake City (SSN 716) located between the bow and the
end of 1986. and a further 24 were depicted duringsea trials in 1984. forward end of the pressure hulL
under construction or on order, The prominent fairing which runs Note also the cylindrical
making this the largest class of the len,^th of the casing houses the hull-form, adopted in part to
nuclear submarine ever built. towed array, the winch being facilitate construction.

Below: A close-up of Honolulu

(SSN 718). The small sail was
adopted to minimize drag. Later
boats will have 13 vertical-launch
tubes forTomahawk missiles
fitted in a new section inserted
between the bow and the forward
end iilthf pressure hull.
Nacken class
Origin: Sweden, first unit primary mission of the early boats automated machinery control and The torpedo tubes are on the lower
completed 1980 was anti-surface, but in recent AlO/fire control systems. level, with an extensive stowage
Type: Attack submarine, years the anti-submarine mission Design: The Nacken is of and handling room abaft them. The
diesel-powered (SS) has assumed greater importance, single-hull construction with a machinery spaces are divided into
Displacement: 1,030 tons surfaced; and the latest designs incorporate prominent deck casing. The three compartments. The forward
1,125 tons submerged modern sensors, sophisticated pressure hull, which is of compartment, which is on two
Dimensions: Length 162fi 6in noise reduction techniques, and high-yield steel, is cylindrical with levels,houses the
(49.5m); beam 20ft (6.1m); draught both long (anti-ship) and short a truncated cone aft. It is closed by highly-automated machinery
13ft (4.1m) (ASW) torpedo tubes. The five flat bulkheads fore and aft, and control room and switchboard,
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive submarines of the Sjoormen class, there is a third pressure-tight with the 168-cell Tudor battery
on one shaft; one MTU 16V652 completed 1967-69, introduced bulkhead amidships, just abaft the bank beneath. The centre
diesel generator;one the 'Albacore' hull-form and fin. The internal layout is notable compartment is also on two levels,
Jeumont-Schneider electric motor; 'X'-planes to the Swedish Navy. for its economical use of space. By with the single MTU diesel
l,800bhp for 20kt surfaced, They were followed by the three shifting all batteries into the beneath and the auxiliary
l,500hp for 20kt submerged submarines of the Nacken class, an machinery spaces in the after part
Complement: 19 improved design developed of the boat the designers have Below: Najad, the second unit of
Background: During the 1950s the following detailed design studies created a two-deck layout forward the Nacken class, running on the
Swedish Navy began the using computer analysis. Slightly The upper level houses the attack surface. These compact
development of a series of small smaller than their immediate centre, which is immediately submarines are of modern design
submarines of modern design predecessors, the Nackens fin, and the
beneath the throughout, and are ideally suited
intended for operations in the featured a heavier torpedo accommodation spaces, which to the confined and shallow
shallow waters of the Baltic. The armament and a new generation of extend to the forward bulkhead. waters of the Baltic Sea.

Right: Nacken class anti-stiipmodel wtiicti

boats tiave six bow tubes uses tiigh-test peroxide
for 21 in (533mm) propulsion. The short
torpedoes and two tubes ASW torpedo fired from Nacken (Nak)
for 16in (400mm) the 400mm tubes is the
torpedoes. Ttie current Tp 42, now being
21 in torpedo is ttie Tp 61 superseded by the Tp 43
(1). a higti-performance (2).
Submarines and Weapons: Nacken

machinery above. The after they permitted 'bottoming' in the for silent discharge. The may be a variant of the Krupp-Atlas
compartment contains the main shallow waters of the Baltic. Tp 61, which entered service in CSU-3. The mast-mounted sensor
electric motor, which is a Somewhat surprisingly, the 1977. is a high-performance outfit is unusual in that there is
double-armature model by forward hydroplanes are mounted heavyweight torpedo with thermal only a single Kollmorgen
leumont-Schneider. The on the fin, as on the much larger US (HTP) propulsion, capable of periscope for the search and attack
unusually high maximum speed of Navy SSNs. One unit of the class speeds in excess of 60 knots. It is functions. The Ericsson IDPS
20 knots on the surface enables is being fitted with a Sterling wire-guided, and has a length of central data system, based on two
these boats to make rapid transits closed-cycle engine. 23ft (7.1m) and a maximum range Censor 932 computers, provides
in Swedish waters to meet any Armament: Modern Swedish of 33,000yds (30.000m). The Tp 42 not only tactical data but also
threat. Considerable attention has submarines have a mix of long is a short (8ft 6in/2.6m) monitors the status of the
been paid to shock resistance and anti-ship and short ASW torpedo wire-guided acoustic-homing machinery. The PEAB fire control
to silencing. The batteries and all tubes. In theNacken class there are torpedo. The current Tp 422 model system, which features two
propulsion and auxiliary two horizontal banks of tubes, with entered service in 1983. and will be interchangeable consoles to
machinery are on resilient reloads stowed abaft each superseded by the improved provide tactical display and
mountings and have flexible tube. There are six positive Tp 431 from 1987 onwards. FFV weapons control, allows the
couplings. The Swedish Navy was discharge tubes of 21in (533mm) mines can also be launched from simultaneous tracking and
the first to adopt X'-planes diameter for the Type 61 anti-ship the torpedo tubes. engagement of multiple targets.
operationally. They provide torpedo, and two short 16in Electronics: The main Construction: Three submarines of
redundancy and fine control in (400mm) tubes for the Type 42 active/passive attack sonar, which theNacken class were completed
both the horizontal and vertical anti-submarine torpedo. The comprises a circular array of between 1980 and 1981 at the
planes, and an additional swim-out method is employed for hydrophones, is located in the Karlskrona and Kockums (Malmo)
attraction for the Swedes was that the latter to save space and provide upper part of the bow casing, and Shipyards.

Above: Three contemporary the minelayer Alvsborg, which

Swedish submarine types are doubles in peacetime as a
featured in this photo. Nacken is submarine tender. In the
outboard of Sjohunden of the foreground is the stem of the fi rst
Sjoormen class, with Vargen of of four A-1 7 (Vastergotland) class
the older Draken class alongside boats.
Nazario Sauro class
Origin: IIhIv, lirsl unit ( nmplrlcd
Type: Attack subiiuiriiiH.
dicsel-puwcrecl |SSl
Displacement: 1 .4(i() tons surfaced
1 .(i5() tons siibmerg(!(l
Dimensions: LiMigth 209ft fiiii

((J3.9nil: beam 22lt fiiii ((i.8m

draught 18ft 9in (5.7
Propulsion: Diesid-electrit; drive
nil (inr shafl; three GMT A2U) 16
dii!sel generators, each 1070bhp;
one Marelli electric motor;
:i,210bhpfor 14kt surfaced.
.j.tinOhp for 20kt submerged
C^omplement: 49
Background: This was the seconi
of Italy's postwar submarine
.. signs. The first. IhiiToti. was ,i

small coastal design comparable to

the German Type 205/206. The
.Staff Requirements for the Nazario
.Sauro were for a larger boat with
better endurance and improved
habitability. capable of penetrating
into waters controlled by a
[lotential enemy. (Operational
conditions in the Mediterranean
favoured a relativelv small hull
Suhmarincs mu\ Weapons: Nazario Saiiro

\\ ilh hii;li iiiuicruiilcr speed ,inil steel. ,ui\ int; lliivsi' sulini.n iiirs ,i ( iirnp,irlMii'Hls .111' liiii'ii u illi \\ Iik li i ,iii lecogiiise llie inagniMic.
good maiieouvrability, and lurllier inaxiMiuin div iiig depth in e\( ess noise-absorbiMit inati'rial. .iiul the .icousllcand pri'ssure signature's of
requirements were for a ofH2Uft closed at iMllier
|2.'il)ni| It is slow-turning seven-bl.ideil ,ivariety of surface ships and
(ieep-diving capability, to take end by hemispherical bulkheads. propt'ller reduces ca\ ilalion at submarines. Tin? fifth and sixth
advantage of the thermal layers Beneath the fin there is a two-deck higher speeds. The snort tube has a boats of the class will have longer
which plague sonar operations in layout, with the control room and particularly small cross-section tubes to enable Ihein to lire the
the Mediterranean, and a low noise officer accommodation on the and was designed to offer a low .Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missile,
level. The first two units of the upper levtd. and the lower level radar signature. Elec:lronic;s: The first four boats
class were initially ordered in occupied largely by the two Armament: The submarines of the have the Kl.SAC; USKA lHD-7()
1967, but budgetary problems 148-cell battery banks. Na/ario Sauro class have six bow sonar, which comprises a cir( ular
resulted in cancellation and they Accommodation crew is
for the tubes ot staiul.ird 21 in |.')33nun) active/passive transducer with
were not reordered until 1972. located in the torpedo stowage dianu'ter. Positive disc harge integral underwalertelephoneand
Orders for a second pair were room forward. The machinery enables thiMU to fire torpeiloes at passivi! intercept sonar, together
subsequently placed in 1976. but spaces are divided into three maximum <leplli. and there is with an liLSAC, USEA MI)-1()I)S
the completion of the first two sections. The forward stowage for six reloads. Thi' conformal fiank array,
units was again delayed because of compartment houses the thri-e current Italian heavyweight scMisors include
defective batteries. This problem diesel generators, which are torpedo is the Whitehead A.IH-1. kollmorgen search and attack
was finally resolved by purchasing mounted abreast on a which is 19ft Hill ((iml long.ind i.,m [)c-riscopes. the SMA S1'S-7II4
batteries direct from Sweden, and a resiliently-mountiKl raft. The hi- fired against surlace ships or radar, and f!!LT-724S passive KSM.
third pair with an improved centre compartment houses the submarines. The A.1H4 eniplovs The SF-:PA CC'.Rt; weapon i:ontrol
weapon/sensor outfit was ordered electrical switchboard with the electric propulsion and is svstcm can track four targets
in 1983. auxiliary machinery beneath, and wire-guid(!d. with an advancc^l sinuiltaiieously.Thefillh and sixth
Design: The Sauros have a modern the after compartment is occupied active/passive acoustic homing boats will have a more; advanced
tear-drop' hull-form with a single by the large Marelli head which controls both course el(u;tronics outfit basedon the
shaft and cruciform after control double-armature motor. The latter and depth. A fast. 50-knol torpedo IPD-70S fully integratiMl .sonar
surfaces.The forward hydroplanes is air-cooled, and can produce is curnmlly uiuhT developmiMit: system.
are mounted on the fin in the 4.200hp for short periods. A speed designated the A. 291). it eni()loys .i Construction: The first lour units
maimer of US Navy SSNs, and of 19.3 knots vvassustained forone lithium battery and a homing head of the Na/.ario Sauro cla.sswen:
single-hull construction was hour on trials. Considerable developed from the short A. 244 completed by C.R.IJ.A..
adopted economise on weight.
to attention was paid to silencing and antisubmarine torpedo. In place of Monfalcone. between 19»l) and
The pressure hull, which is shock resistance: not only is all each torpedo, these submarines 1982. The fifth and sixth units are
cylindrical in the forward half of machinery resiliently mounted, could carry two mines of the VS being built by Fincanlieri. the
the boat but is tapered abaft the fin. but there are flexible pipe SMBOO type. The VS SM600 is a state-owned concern which has
is constructed of high-yield HY80 connections and the machinery sophisticated infiuence mine taken over the yard.

Below: Ttie Sauros fiave Ttie fifttn and sixtti boats

SIX bow tubes of 2 1 in of the class will be fitted
(533mm) diameter. The with longer tubes to
current heavyweight enable them to fire the
torpedo is the Sub-Harpoon anti-ship
Whitehead A. 1 84 (1 ), a missile. In addition to the
wire-guided weapon six weapons earned in
which can be fired the tubes there is

against both surface stowage for six reloads;

ships and submannes. It alternatively, two VS
will eventually be SIvlSOO multi-sensor
replaced by a 50-knot influence mines (2| can
torpedo currently under be earned in place of
development, the A.290 each torpedo.
Oberon class
Origin: United Kingdom, first unit
completed 1960
Type: Attack submarine, 1
diesel-powered (SS)
Displacement: 2,080 tons surfaced;
2.450 tons submerged
Dimensions: Lengtli 290ft (88.5m);
beam 26ft 6in (8.1m); draugtit 18ft
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive
on two shafts; two ASR
16VVS-AS21 diesel generators,
each 1.840bhp; two English
Electric electric motors, each
3.000hp; 3.680bhp for 12kt
surfaced. 6.000hp for 17kt
Complement: 64
Background: Work on the first

postwar British production

submarine design, the Porpoise
class, began in 1949. Like other
contemporary western designs, it

was heavily influenced by the

German Type XXI. Draft staff
requirements called for a speed of
17 knots to be sustained for 20
minutes, and for a maximum
diving depth of 650ft (200m|. The
new submarines were designed for
the ASW patrol mission, and
featured a pair of stern tubes for
short antisubmarine torpedoes.
The Porpoise design proved
and was
particularly successful,
succeeded by a modified design, Above: Although now more than design is essentially traditional,
the Oberon, which although 20 years old, the Oberons, with a cigar-shaped hull flanked
virtually indistinguishable represented here by Otus, by ballast tanks, but they are large
externally, incorporated a number continue to set a standard for quiet boats with good long-range
of detail improvements. operation in the Royal Navy performance on the surface, and
Design: The Oberon has the which only the very latest nuclear have acquired a high reputation in
conventional double-hull boats have exceeded. The Oberon service.

Above and right: Ttie fVIk 8 anti-ship torpedo employed wire longer used.
Oberons have six bow and the tVlk20(S) short guidance. The fvlk 23 Dual-purpose vanants of
tubes of 21 in (533mm) anti-escorf torpedo; the was in turn superseded were to have
diameter, plus two latter was fired from the by the f^k 24 Tigerfish replaced the elderly
shorter stern tubes of the stern tubes.From about (2). a 'long' torpedo IVIk 8 torpedo, whose

same diameter. When 1970 the Mk 20 was which can be fired only design dates back to the
these submarines were replaced by the tvik 23 from the bow lubes of 1930s, but the latter
first completed in the antisubmarine homing the Oberon. The stern remained in service in the
1 960s they carried the torpedo(l). which tubes are therefore no late 1980s
Submariiu^s and Weapons: Oberon

I ontigiirtition of prewar British I .irried the Mk H ,uili-ship lorpcdii isalongliirpedn.irul lui.s to be tired activepassive array is housed in a
submaririos. Advanced high-yield and the Mk 2l)(.S) antisubmarine from the bow
tubes of the Oberon. streamlined sonar dome, and the
UKE steel was used in the torpedo. The Mk 8. which is 22ft The short stern tubes are therefore suite includes a Type 2046
construction of the pressure hull. (6.7m) long, was designed in the no longer used. clip-on' towed hydrophone array.
In contrast, lightweight materials 1930s but has proved so reliable Electronics: The original sonar The DCH tactical data system
were used extensively in the that it was reported to be still in outfit of lie OlitToiis
t comprised a incorporates the latest c:ompacl
construction of the fin and casing: service in 1986. It is a Type 187 ailivi- passive scanning computers with M700 40
the first unit completed. Orpheus, straight-running weapon with a sonar, housed in a prominent microproi:essors. and the fire
had a fin made of aluminium, but range of 5,000yds (4,500m) at a dome above the bow, a Type 186 control system will allow for
glass-fibre laminate was adopted speed of 45 knots. The Mk 20 was passive conformal tlank array, and simultaneous firing of two Mk 24
for later boats. The long, developed in the 1950s as an a Type 197 intercept array located Tigerfish torpedoes. MEL Mania
single-cylinder pressure hull anti-escort weapon and was at the after end of the fin. Type 186 electronic warfare intercept
allows for a single-deck layout designed to be fired from the stern was subsequently replaced by equipment will be fitted.
with the control room positioned tubes of the Porpoise and Oberon Type 2007, but the original sonar Construction: Thirteen
centrally. Forward of the control classes. It employed passive outfit remained otherwise submarines of the Oberon class
room are the accommodation acoustic homing, was 13ft 6in unchanged into the 19H()s, Thi' were completed for IheKoyal Navy
spaces, with the batteries beneath, (4.1m) long and had a range of decision to update these between 1960 and 1967 and a
and abaft it are the machinery 12,000yds (11,000m) at 20 knots. submarines with modern sonars further 14 have been built in
spaces. US-type 'Guppy' batteries The Mk 20 was superseded from was forced on the Royal Navy by British shipyards for other
were adopted in order to simplify 1970 onwards by the Mk 23, which delays in the Type 2400 countries: three for Canada
wartime supply. They are located was essentially a Mk 20 with an (Upholder) programme. Nine boats (completed 1965-68), six for
in two compartments, each with additional section incorporating a are now to be retro-fitted with the Australia (1967-78), three for
224 battery cells, and are linked in wire-guidance casket. During the Type 2051 Triton integrated sonar Brazil (1973-77) and two for Chile
series to give 880v for short bursts. late 1970s both the Mk 20 and the suite, which uses off-the-shelf 11976). The Australian and
Not only did the Porpoise and Mk 23 began to be replaced by the equipment developed Canadian boats are currently being
Oberon types easily attain their Mk 24 Tigerfish (see Swiftsure). commercially. A new refitted with new sensors, largely
designed underwater speed, but Tigerfish, unlike its predecessors electronically-scanned of US origin.
they have proved to be
exceptionally quiet. A maximum
rangeof g.OOOnm (16,700km) on
the surface enables them to
undertake distant deployments,
and although their primary patrol
area is the North Atlantic,
submarines of the class have
regularly deployed to the Falkland
Islands since the conflict of 1982.
Armament: The Oberons have six
21in (533mm) bow tubes, and two
shorter tubes of the same diameter
in the stern. When they were
completed in the 1960s, they

Above: Oppossum was the first of boats ofthe

fitted to a further eight control and electronic warfare
the British Oberons to receive the class.The modernisation wil systems. The remaining four
Type 2051 Triton integrated include provision of a Type 2046 unmodernised units are
sonar, which is currently being clip-on lowed array and new fire scheduled for disposal.
Ohio class
Origin: USA, first unit completed from three million to fourteen 24.The result was a submarine of turbines, one for high and the
1981 million square miles, and more than twice the size of the other for low speed, via a
Type: Ballistic missile submarine, submarines armed with the missile Lafayette, with a 60,000shp turboeduction drive system. All
nuclear-powered (SSBN) would no longer have to operate reactor. noise-emitting machinery is
Displacement: 16,764 tons from forward bases in order to Design: The size of the Ohio was raft-mounted and isolated from the
surfaced; 18,750 tons submerged target the major cities of the Soviet determined by the number of hull. Sonar capabilities were
Dimensions: Length 560ft Union. Initially the new SSBN missiles to be carried. More than 24 accorded a higher priority than in
(170.7m); beam 42ft (12.8m); design was to have been an would have made for too long a earlier SSBNs, and the Ohios have
draught 36ft 6in (11.1m) enlarged and improved Lafayette, hull, with adverse consequences a similar arrangement to that of US
Propulsion: One S8G natural employing the same S5W reactor for the manoeuvrability of the Navy SSNs, with a large spherical
circulation reactor with for a maximum speed of only 19-20 submarine. The missile tubes are of bow array complemented by
turboeducation drive; one shaft; knots. However, the US Navy was larger diameter than those of the amidships torpedo tubes. The large
60,000shp for 20-l-kt anxious to install a natural Lafayette to enable the Ohios to fire size of the hull has made possible a
Complement: 160 circulation reactor based on the the Trident D-5 missile when the four-deck layout beneath the fin.
Background: The original model being tested in the Narwhal latter enters service in the late with space for storage batteries
requirement for the Ohio class (SSN 671). The
desire for 1980s. The hull-form, like that of below.
came from a need to replace the sophisticated noise reduction the Los Angeles, is essentially Armament: The Trident I C-4
SSBNs of the George Washington techniques led in turn to a proposal cylindrical for ease of missile has a length of 34ft (10.4m)
and Ethan Allen classes, which that the expense involved in construction. The propulsion and a diameter of 6ft 2in (1.9m). It
were incapable of conversion to efficient quieting could be better machinery is extremely quiet in comprises a three-stage solid-fuel
fire the current Poseidon or the justified ifthe missile complement operation. The large S8G natural rocket carrying eight lOOkT
projected Trident missiles, and was raised from the original 16 to circulation reactor drives two sets MIRVed nuclear warheads. Since
which by the early 1980s would be 1980 some missiles have had an
more than 20 years old. There was alternative payload comprising
by the early 1970s concern eight Mk 500 Evader MaRVs
regarding the dramatic growth in (Manoeuvrable Reentry Vehicles)
Soviet antisubmarine capabilities, developed by Lockheed. Towards
which threatened many of the the end of the decade the Trident I
SSBN patrol areas favoured by the C-4 will be superseded by the
US Navy. Forward deployment Trident II D-5 missile currently
from European bases, which under development. The D-5 is a
exposed the US SSBNs to much larger missile than the C-4,
preemptive attack in wartime and with alength of 45ft Bin (13.9m)
to terrorist attack in peacetime, and a diameter of 6ft llin (2.1m).
was also increasingly questioned. Range will be a massive 6,000nm
The Trident C-4 missile which was (1 1 ,100km) and a CEP of only 400ft

developed as a successor to (120m) is projected. The D-5 will

Poseidon therefore featured a carry up to 14 MIRVs of 150kT
significant increase in range to each, with an alternative payload
4,000+nm (7.400km). Available of seven 300kT MaRVs. The four
sea-space for SSBN patrol Mk 68 21in (533mm) torpedo
operations was thereby extended tubes, which are located directly

Above: The Chios are the largest of the Lafayette class. They also
submarines ever built in the West, are quieter, have more
and at 18,750 tons submerged sophisticated sensors, and carry
displacement they are more than eight more ballistic missiles than
twice the size of their predecessors earlier SSBNs.

Right: Ttie Ohios have 24 which will carry up to 1

vertical launch tubes for MIRVs and have a range
ballistic missiles of6.000nm(11, 100km).
disposed in two rows The launch tubes of the
abaft the fin. The missile Ohios have been
currently earned is the designed to
Indent C-4 (1). which
I accommodate the larger
has a range of more than D-5 missile without
4,000nm (7,400km) and modification. The four
can carry up to eight 21m (533mm) torpedo
independently-targeted tubes are located
reentry vehicles. In the directly beneath the fin,
late 1980s the C-4 will be and fire the Mk 48
superseded by the dual-purpose
Trident II D-.5misile, torpedo (21
Submarines and Weapons: Ohio

beneath the diminutive fin. fire the

Mk 48 high-performance torpedo.
As with the Los Angeles class, the
torpedo transfer system is fully
Electronics: The BQQ-6 sonar suite
is similar to the BQQ-5 suite

installed in the most recent SSNs.

but without the active component.
It comprises a spherical BQS-13

passive ranging sonar for fire

control, aBQR-25 conformal
hydrophone array, a PUFFS spot
hydrophone array for fire control,
and a BQR-23 towed array. There is
also a BQS-15 sonar for under-ice
operation, and a BQR-19
side-looking sonar for
bottom-mapping. The Ohios have
two Mk 2 SINS (Ships Inertial
Navigation System), and are fitted
to receive data from navigation
satellites to ensure that their
missiles are accurately targeted.
Missile fire control is provided by
the Mk 98 digital computerized FC
system, and the Mk 118 system is
installed for torpedo fire control.
The surveillance radar is a
BPS-15A. and the \VLR-8 (V)
electronic warfare system is fitted.
Construction: Ohio (SSBN 726).
the name-ship of the class, was
completed three years late. Since
that time, however, a further seven
submarines of the class have been
completed and the programme is
now on schedule. Six units of the
class are under construction or on
order, and a four more are
projected. All have been built by
General Dvnamics. Groton.

Above: Floi ida (SSBN 728), the the only US submarines capable of
third of eight Ohio-class SSBNs carrying the Trident II D-5
already in service; six further missile, which is signiricantly
units are under construction, and larger than its predecessors and
four more are projected. They are will have a range of 6.000nm.
Oscar class
Origin: USSR, first unit completed battle group. Initial target data throughout the missile section, the Oscar at a speed of around 25
1980 would be provided by satellites or and there is a stand-off of about 13ft knots,which would be adequate
Type: Cruise missile submarine, reconnaissance aircraft, creating a (4m) between the ir^er pressure mission of these
for the projected

nuclear-powered (SSGN| requirement for secure cylinder and the outer casing. submarines, given that they would
Displacement: 1 1 ,000 tons communications with a central Abaft the missile section the outer take up position in advance of a
surfaced; 13.500 tons submerged command post ashore. Unlike the hull tapers sharply, terminating in task force and that noisy,
Dimensions: Length 470ft (143m); SS-N-3/12 missiles carried by the conventional cruciform after high-speed operation on the flanks
beam 60ft (18m); draught 36ft Echo, the SS-N-19 which equips control surfaces. The second and would therefore be unnecessary.
(llm) the Oscar can be fired from beneath third boats of the class have a more As with other contemporary Soviet
Propulsion: Two pressurized the surface. The submarine is angular rudder-fin topped by a submarines, anechoic tiles have
water-cooled reactors driving therefore far less vulnerable to tubular housing for a towed been applied over the entire hull
geared steam turbines; 2 shafts; detection and preemptive attack. communications array. The casing.
eO.OOOshp for 25kt max Design: The Oscar is an forward hydroplanes are close to Armament: The SS-N-19 anti-ship
Complement; 130 exceptionally large boat, with a the bow. as in the Typhoon, and are missile - the same model that
Background: The Oscar is submerged displacement between fully retractable. There is some equips the large nuclear-powered
effectively a replacement for the two and three times that of disagreement as to the precise cruisers of the Kirov class - has a
ageing Echo-class submarines of contemporary Western nature of the propulsion plant: conventional aeroplane
the 1960s, and like its predecessor nuclear-powered attack boats. The because of the amount of space configuration, with folding wings
it is designed primarily for launch tubes for the 24 SS-N-19 taken up by the SS-N-19 missile for stowage in the launch tubes,

anti-carrier operations in sea areas missiles are located between the tubes, the pressure hull is and artists' impressions produced
relatively close to the Soviet inner and outer hulls in the relatively small in diameter in the West show a turbojet

Union. Its mission is to take up an forward half of the submarine; (between 30ft and 36ft. 9-llm); a sustainer motor slung under the
advance position in the path of a there are six large rectangular single large reactor is therefore missile fuselage flanked by twin
US Navy carrier battle group, and hatches, each about 23ft (7m) long unlikely. The length of the after solid-fuel boosters. The SS-N-19
to launch a multi-missile strike at and concealing two missile tubes, section of the submarine suggests has a maximum range estimated at

maximum range. This would be on either side of the fin. The tubes that two reactors are installed in 240nm (450km|. Length is

coordinated with similar strikes by are thought to be angled at series on the centre-line, with two probably around 33ft (10m), and
long-range maritime bombers and approximately 45 degrees to the sets of turbines driving two alternative high explosive (HE)
surface units in an attempt to The outer hull casing
vertical. is seven-bladed propellers. A total of and nuclear payloads can be
saturate the defences of the carrier almost square in cross-section 60,000shp would suffice to drive carried. Eight torpedo tubes,

Left: The Oscar is the largest SSGN

yet built, and surpasses in size all
but the latest ballistic missile
submarines. Her immense beam
was generated by the need to
accommodate large-diameter
vertical-launch lubes for SS-N-19
anti-ship missiles outside the
single pressure hull on either side
of the fin. The six large square
port-side hatches are particularly
prominent in this close-up of the
first unit of the class. There are
two missile tubes beneath each
missile hatch.

Rigtit:Ttiemain ttie standard 21 in ASW missile (3) can be

armament of ttie Oscar (533mm) and the larger fired from the 21 in tubes,
comprises 24 SS-N-1 26in (650mm) diameter, while the 26in tubes can
anti-stiip cruise missiles are fitted, and there IS handle the SS-N-16
(1 which are fired from
) stowage for 6 reloads.
1 conventional ASW
angled launch tubes Antisubmarine homing missile (4) and the Type
abeam the fin. Eight torpedoes (2) and the 65 wake-homing
torpedo tubes, of both SS-N-1 5 nuclear-tipped torpedo (5)
Submarines and Weapons: Oscar

Including both the standard 21in modium-fr("(]uency ranging sonar; houses an extensive array of masts was launched in 1980. and ran her
(533mm) model and the there are also passive arrays along including Snoop Pair/Rim Hat sea trials late in the same year The
large-diameler 26in (650mm| the length of the hull. A single pair (surface surveillance/ESM), Park second boat was not launched
model, are fitted. These can handle of large rectangular hatches Lamp (VLF LF reception). Pert until 1982. and the third followed
the complete range of immediately abaft the fin house Spring (satellite navigation) and in 1985. Probably only the
contemporary Soviet buoys for VLF communications, Shot Gun |VHF communications). Severodvinsk Shipyard is capable
tube-launched weapons, including and the second and third boats of There are also numerous of building submarines of this size,
the SS-N-15 and SS-i\-16 the class also have a towed array electro-optical sensors, including and although slow series
antisubmarine missiles. for VLF (ELF?) communications the Cod Eye radio sextant. production is proceeding, it seems
Electronics: A large active' passive which is deployed from the small Construction: The first unit of the unlikely that it will exceed a
low-frequency bow sonar is fitted, tubular housing atop the vertical class was laid down at the completion rate of one hull every
together with an active stabilizer. The low. streamlined fin Severodvinsk Shipyard in 1978. two vears.

Above: The second unit of the deployed to counter US Navy

class photographed by the Carrier Battle Groups. Note
Norwegian .\ir Force in the area of the distinctive tail-fin. topped
the Soviet Northern Fleet. These by a cylindrical dispenser for a
large submarines would be towed communications array.
Permit class
Origin: USA, first unit completed the Thresher, and a purpose-built the class. Thresher (SSN-593), less 48, and from 1976 onwards all

1961 plant would have taken too long to than two years after her units of the class were fitted to fire
Type: Attack submarine, develop, so the US Navy persisted completion isthought to have been the Harpoon anti-ship missile.
nuclear-powered (SSN) with the proven S5W reactor and due to defective welding. Electronics: The BQQ-2 integrated
Displacement: 3,750 tons surfaced; conventional geared turbines. In However, improvements in sonar suite with which these
4,300 tons submerged the event a comparable level of construction techniques appear to submarines were initially fitted
Dimensions: Length 278ft 6in quieting was achieved by isolating have eliminated these problems in comprised the BQS-6 spherical
(84.9m); beam 31ft Bin (9.7m); the propulsion machinery from the later boats of the class. active/passive array, the BQR-7
draught 29ft (8. 8m) hull. The turbines and gearing Armament: Because the bow conformal passive array, and the
Propulsion: One S5W pressurized were mounted on a 'raft' with position is occupied by the BQS-6 BQG-3 PUFFS fire control sonar.
water-cooled reactor driving resilient mountings. However, transducer array there are only four The BQS-6 is capable of making
geared steam turbines; one shaft; these measures had the effect of torpedo tubes, which are located detections out to the first

15,000shp for 27kt max increasing the overall size of the beneath the fin and angled out at an convergence zone (30-35nm,
Complement: 106 submarine, and as the US Navy angle of 10 degrees. The broad 55-65km) using the bottom bounce
Background: During the early was by now committed to a reactor handling room can accommodate or convergence zone modes of
1950s US Navy tactical thinking of fixed power, it would have to an estimated 18 torpedoes or operation.The BQR-7 array
favoured the parallel development accept a loss of speed as compared missiles. As completed the comprises a 50ft (15m) triple row of
of high-performance attack with the Skipjack. Every effort was Threshers were equipped to fire 'spot'hydrophones for passive
submarines for fleet work and made to minimise this speed-loss. the Mk 14/16 anti-ship torpedo, the search and target classification.
slower hunter-killer submarines The size of the fin was reduced Mk 37 antisubmarine torpedo, and The BQQ-2 sonar suite is currently
(SSKs) for deployment in dramatically, so that it contributed the Mk 45 ASTOR nuclear-tipped being replaced by the BQQ-5 (see
antisubmarine barriers. A small only 8-10°/o of the total resistance of torpedo (see Skipjack). They were Los Angeles). The original Mk 113
experimental nuclear-powered the submarine, as compared to also designed from the outset to fire analogue fire control system has
SSKN, the TuDibee (SSN-597), was 30% for the Skipjack. This resulted the SUBROC missile (see been replaced by the digital
built to test the latter concept. The in problems in accommodating all Sturgeon), which entered Mk 117 to enable the submarines
Tullibee employed turbo-electric the necessary sensor masts, and it operational service in 1965. The to fire Harpoon. Mast-mounted
propulsion for quietness, and was was still not enough. Not until the earlier marks of torpedo have now sensors include search and attack
designed around a new Los Angeles class (qv) was the been replaced by the dual-role Mk periscopes, a BPS-15 surveillance
sophisticated sonar suite, high speed of the original Skipjack and the customary ESM and
designated BQQ-1, which featured design to be achieved again. The communications antennae.
a large spherical bow sonar. This other innovation associated with Construction: Fourteen
effectively displaced the torpedo the Thresher class was the use of submarines of the Thresher/Permit
tubes,which were relocated HY80 steel in the construction of class were completed at five
amidships. Even before the the single pressure hull. A different shipyards between 1961
completion of Tullibee, however, maximum diving depth of 1 ,300ft and 1967. The last three units were

it became apparent that the Navy (400m) is reported, but the built as prototypes for the
could not afford two separate lines introduction of high-yield steels succeeding Sturgeon class (qv),
of development. The Thresher was not without problems: the loss and have similar dimensions and
(now Permit) which
class of the original name-ship of displacement.
succeeded the Skipjacks was
therefore biased heavily towards
ASW. and a number of the systems
developed for the Tullibee were
Design: The Thresher was the first
US Navy production submarine to
have the revolutionary
sonar/torpedo tube arrangement
introduced by the Tullibee. This
arrangement had the effect of
minimising interference with
sonar reception, and was adopted
in all successive classes of US
Navy SSN. First sketches of the
design also show a turbo-electric
propulsion plant, but the
installation employed for the
Tullibee produced insufficient
power for a submarine the size of

USS Permt (SSN 594)

Submarines and Weapons: Pemiil

I.efl: An overhead view of

Cuardfish (SSN 612). The

Thresher Permit class was Ihe
first operational US submarine
type to be fitted with the BQQ-2
sonar suite. The c:y lindrical
transducer for the active passive
BtJS-6 array is located in the bow.
and the four torpedo tubes are
angled outboard beneath the fin.
This revolutionary arrangement
has been adopted in all subsequent
attack submarines and SSBNs

Belovv: A bow view oi Permit

(SSN 594). now the name-ship of
theclass. r/jresyier(SSN593), the
original name-ship, was lost with
allhands less than two years after
completion. Her loss was
attributed to defective welding of
the high-yield HY80 steel
employed in the construction of
her pressure hull. H Y80 was
adopted to give these submarines a
maximum diving depth of I.SOOft
(400m). and the welding problems
have since been resolved.

Left: The submarines of

the Permit class are
fitted with four 21 in
(533mm) torpedo tubes
angled out beneath the
fin. They were designed

from the outset to fire the

antisubmarine missile
control data
(1), fire

being provided by the

spherical EOS-6 sonar
array which occupies the
bow Dunng the 1970s
the original mix of
torpedoes was replaced
by a homogeneous outfit
of Mk 48 torpedoes (2),
which can be fired
against both surface
ships and submarines.
Since 1976 the Permits
have undergone
modification to enable
them to fire the
Sub-Harpoon anti-ship
missile (3), which IS

Resolution class
Origin: United Kingdom, first unit be responsible for the British and to complete those boats schedule and projected cost.
completed 1967 nuclear deterrent. However, already laid down as attack Design: The Resolutions are
Type: Ballistic missile submarine, following the cancellation of the submarines. The design was based generally similar in overall size
nuclear-powered (SSBN) airborne Skybolt missile it was on the US Navy's Lafayette class, and in appearance to the US SSBNs
Displacement: 7,500 tons surfaced; agreed at a joint Anglo-American but with British equipment and of the Lafayette class, the only
8,400 tons submerged conference at Nassau in 1962 that machinery. The Polaris A-3 major external difference being the
Dimensions: Length 425ft the United States would supply the and the
missiles, the missile tubes, location of the forward
(129.5m); beam 33ft (10.1m); Polaris missile system to the Royal missilefire control systems were hydroplanes on the hull casing
draugfit 30ft (9.1m) Navy. After a careful study of refit purchased directly from the close to the bow. The British
Propulsion: One FWR 1 schedules it was resolved that five United States. A special Polaris designers considered the adoption
pressurized water-cooled reactor submarines would be needed in Executive was set up to supervise of fin-mounted planes, but
driving geared steam turbines; one order to guarantee at least one on the construction of the SSBNs, and maintained that the major
shaft; 15,000shp for 24kt max However, the
patrol at all times. the creation of the necessary advantage of better control at low
Complement: 143 fifthboat was cancelled by the training and support facilities. In speeds did not outweigh the
Background: Until the early 1960s Labour Government of 1964. spite of its complexity the disadvantages. The hydroplanes
it had been envisaged that the which had entered office pledged programme proceeded remarkably on the Resolution class fold
Royal Air Force would continue to to dismantle the entire programme smoothly, and kept within its time upwards at their half-way point to
Submarines "and Weapons: Resolution

allow the submarine to come Polaris installation necessitated an and the .MR\s can hit targets 25 intercept array. Because of the
alongside. Internally, the layout increase in electrical generating miles [40km) apart, but the decision to replace the Resolutions
forward and aft of the missile power, so each of the two main all-British programme by four new Trident submarines of
compartment is reminiscent of the turbo-alternators produces encountered serious technical the Vanguard class beginning in
SSNs of the \'aliant class. The 1.700k\V. As with the Valiants, a difficulties and massive cost the early 1990s, they will not have
pressure hull is cylindrical Paxman 4.000bhp diesel generator overruns. The first submarine to the Type 2001 array replaced by
throughout most of its length, and is available to provide emergency receive the improved missile the Type 2020 sonar now being
forward of the missile section power in the event of reactor (designated the A-3TK) was retrofitted in SSNs of the Valiant
there is a three-deck layout failure. During recent refits the Renown, in 1982; Reso/ulion and Swiftsure classes. However,
housing the control and noise signature of the auxiliary followed in 1984. and RepuJse in significant improvements have
accommodation spaces, machinery has been reduced bv 1986. Work is now proceeding on been made to the Action
terminating in a smaller cylinder 20%. re-motoring the missiles. In Information Organisation and Fire
containing the torpedo stowage Armament: The Polaris A-3 addition to their Polaris missiles Control System, and the SSBNs
room. The machinery spaces abaft missile has a length of 32ft 4in the SSBNs of the Resolution class have now been fitted with the
the missile section are laid out in (9.85m) and a diameter of 4ft 6in are fitted with six torpedo tubes of Type 2019 intercept sonar and the
similar fashion to those of the (1.37m). It comprises a two-stage 21in (533mm) diameter. When first Type 2024 towed hydrophone
Valiants (q.v.). However, the solid-fuel rocket with a maximum completed they carried the Mk 20 array. The latter was developed
range of 2.500nm (4.600km) and and Mk 23 antisubmarine initially in collaboration with the
was initially fitted with a single torpedoes and the Mk 8 anti-ship United States and is based on the
large nuclear warhead of British torpedo, now replaced by the US BQR-15 towed array.
design. This is currently being wire-guided Mk 24 Tigerfish. Construction: Four submarines of
replaced by six Chevaline multiple Electronics: The original sonar the Resolution class were
reentry vehicles (MRVs). each of outfit of the Resolution class was completed between 1967 and
around 150kT. Development was identical to that of the Valiants, 1968. Two were built by
initiated in the early 1970s to with a Type 2001 active passive Vickers-Armstrong. Barrow-in
improve penetration of Soviet chin array, a Type 2007 passive Furness. and the other two by
missile defences around iMoscow flank array, and a Type 197 sonar Cammell Laird. Birkenhead.

Above: 1 he Kesoluiions conlinue

to carry the PolarisA-3 missile.

Recent modifications include the
incorporation of six Chevaline
multiple reentry vehicles
developed in the United Kingdom,
and re-motoring of the missiles
will extend their service life until
the new Vanguard class, armed
with the Trident II D-5 missile,
enters senice in the 1990s.

Resolution class Revenge (S 27)

Romeo class
Origin:USSR, first unit completed carrier task forces and amphibious 1971-72, and more recently two conventional design, with twin
1958 landing fleets. The Romeo was have been transferred to Algeria propellers housed within circular
Type: Attack submarine, essentially similar to the Whiskey (1982-83) and two to Syria (1986), propeller guards forward of
diesel-powered (SS) in terms of its basic design, but During the 1950s, however, the horizontal hydroplanes and a
Displacement: 1 ,330 tons surfaced; would incorporate more advanced People's Republic of China was single rudder. The forward
1.700 tons submerged sensors. However, just as work on given access to the plans of the hydroplanes retract into the upper
Dimensions: Length 254ft (77m); the first Romeos began there was a Romeo, and received sufficient part of the hull casing. The fin is
beam 22ft (6.7m); draught 16ft major change in Soviet naval technical assistance to begin also of similar size to that of the
(4.9m) policy. The defence of Soviet construction. The first Chinese laterWhiskeys, but there is a
Propulsion: Diesel/electrtc drive waters would henceforth be boat is reported to have been prominent fairing above it which
on two shafts;two Type 37D performed by submarines, surface completed as early as 1960, but houses the snorkel and the two
diesels, each 2,000bhp; two craft and land-based aircraft armed series production was established periscopes and which serves to
electric motors,each l,500hp; not with torpedoes but with only in the 1970s because of distinguish the Romeo from its
4,000bhp for 15.5kt surfaced. long-range cruise missiles. There technical and political problems. predecessor. The major structural
a.OOOhp for 13kt submerged was therefore no longer a However, by the early 1980s more modification is to the bow. which
Complement: 56 requirement for a medium-range than 90 units had been completed, has been redesigned to
Background: The Romeo was torpedo attack submarine, and including a number for export. accommodate the Feniks passive
designed in the mid-1950s as the construction of the Romeo was Design: The hull-form of the sonar array and an additional pair
natural successor to the terminated after only 20 had been Romeo, essentially that of the of torpedo tubes. Internally, there
medium-range Whiskey class, laid down. A number of the Whiskey, has the traditional are few changes. The single
some 230 of which were Soviet-built boats were transferred 'cigar' shape common to most pressure cylinder allows for only
completed between 1950 and 1957 navies shortly after
to friendly submarine types completed in the one usable deck. The control room
to protect Soviet territory against completion: six were delivered to immediate postwar period. and the accomodation spaces are
the threat posi-d W the Wi'sti'rn Egypt 1966-69, two to Bulgaria Control surfaces are also of on the same level, with the
batteries beneath. The machinery
spaces comprise a main engine
room housing the two Type 37D
diesels. and a motor room housing
the two electric motors. There are
stowage rooms serving both the
forward and the after torpedo
Armament: The Romeo has six
bow and two stern torpedo tubes,
all of 21in (533mm) diameter. In
addition to the eight torpedoes
carried in the tubes, an estimated
six reloads can be accommodated.
For an alternative payload each
torpedo could be replaced by two
mines. The standard torpedo
employed by Soviet-built units is

almost certainly an elderly

Above; A Ronieu of the Soviet construction programme was

Navy photographed on the drastically curtailed as a result of
surface in 1979. The Romeo was policy changes which occurred in
originally intended as a successor the late 1960s, and only 20 boats
to the Whiskey, but the were completed.
Submarines and Weapons: Romeo

tree-running model dating from the probably equipped with an section of the bow houses a Feniks Navy by the Gorky Shipyard
1950s. Some units may also have anti-surface torpedo derived from passive array, and atop the bow between 1958 and 1962.
been updated to fire more recent the early Soviet models. The there is a Tamir-5L active attack Eighty-four units were completed
torpedoes with an ASW capability, Romeos built in China for the sonar housed in a small dome. for the PRC Navy at the Wuzhang.
and the boats in service with the Egyptian Navy are apparently Masl-mounted sensors comprise Guangzhou, liangnan and Huludao
Soviet Navy will also undoubtedly being fitted with Western fire search and attack periscopes, a Shipyards between 1960and 1982.
also carry nuclear-tipped control systems which would Snoop Plate surveillance radar. An additional seven units were
torpedoes (probably two). The allow them to fire the more Quad Loop DF. Stop Light ESM. built for North Korea and
Romeos in service with the North advanced torpedoes currently and aerials for HF and \'HF transferred between 1973 and
Korean and PRC Navies are available for export. communications. A Singer 1975. Ten further boats have since
Electronics: Both the Soviet and Librascope fire control system is been built in North Korea at the
the PRC-built submarines are fitted currently being retro-fitted in some Mayang Do Shipyard. The six
with the standard Soviet of the Egyptian boats. Romeos built in Chinese shipyards
submarine sonars of the late 1950s. Construction: Twenty Romeos forEgypt were transferred from
The bulged casing in the upper were completed for the Soviet 1982 onwards.

Above and left: The can be stowed in which has alternative HE

Romeo has six bow handling rooms adjacent or nuclear warheads.
torpedo tubes and two to the tubes. The Soviet Romeos in service with
stem tubes, all of 21in boats are probably fitted China and the Warsaw
(533mm) diameter; an to fire only the M-57 Pact navies carry only
additional six reloads anti-ship torpedo (1), the conventional model.

Right: An early view of a Soviet

Romeo in the English Channel.
Although these medium
submarines lost favour with the
Soviet Navy because of their
relatively short range and because
they lacked the necessary size to
carry cruise missiles, the design
was transferred to the People's
Republic of China, which by the
early 1980s had completed no
fewer than 90 units. Because of
the relative simplicity of the
design the Romeo has proved
popular as an export submarine.
Rubis class
Origin: France, first unit itsconstructors could call upon the discharge system for the torpedoes a capsule for launch. The SM 39
completed 1982 valuable experience gained in the enables firing to take place at any has a range of 27nm (50km) and
Type: Attack submarine, course of the SSBN programme. depth. The forward hydroplanes, employs active radar homing. The
nuclear-powered (SSN) The result was an exceptionally which are fin-mounted, and the small size of the Rubis has resulted
Displacement: 2,350 tons surfaced; compact design little bigger than cruciform after control surfaces are in a somewhat reduced torpedo
2,630 tons submerged the diesel-powered submarines of controlled by autopilot from a capacity: only 14 torpedoes or
Dimensions: Length 237ft (72.1m); the Agosta class, and with many one-man console. missiles can be accommodated, as
beam 25ft (7.6m); draught 21ft common elements with regard to Armament: The four bow tubes are compared with 20 in the
(6.4m) weapons and sensors. 21in (533mm) in diameter and can diesel-powered Agosta.
Propulsion: One 48MW Design: The small size of the Rubis therefore handle only the most Electronics: The sonar outfit of the
pressurized water-cooled reactor and her sisters is due to the recent models of French torpedo.
with turbo-electric drive; two development of a compact, The L 5 Mod. 3 acoustic-homing
turbo-alternators driving one main integrated reactor-exchanger antisubmarine torpedo is carried,
electric motor; one shaft; 9,500hp which takes up little internal hull as is the new F 17. The latter is
for 25kt max volume and has had the effect of wire-guided and is produced in
Complement: 66 minimizing the weight allocated to both anti-ship and antisubmarine
Background: The first attempt by shielding. Steam from the reactor (F 17P) versions. The F 17 has a
the Marine Nationale to build a is superheated before passing length of 19ft Sin (5.9m). and has a
nuclear-powered attack submarine through two turbines. Each turbine maximum speed of 35 knots and a
dates from 1954, when the first drives one large and one small range of 20.000yds (18,000m).
feasibility studies were begun, and alternator. The large alternators Saphir, the second unit of the
the first hull, number Q-244, was generate power for the main class, was the first to carry the SM
laid down at Cherbourg two years electric motor, while the smaller 39 Exocet anti-ship missile, and
later. However, political friction alternators supply power to the Rubis will be retro-fitted with the
between France and the United auxiliary systems on board. The necessary fire control equipment
States led the latter country to deny single shaft has a large-diameter in the near future. The SM 39.
France the enriched uranium five-bladed propeller. The cooling which is 15ft Sin (4.7m) long and
needed to fuel the reactor. system uses natural circulation has a diameter of only 14in
Development of a heavy water during normal running but is (350mm), is too small to be fired
reactor using natural uranium was pump-assisted at higher speeds. from a conventional torpedo tube.
therefore begun, but this proved to There is an emergency diese The missile is therefore encased in

be too large and heavy for generator capable of driving the

submarine installation. The submarine for 50nm in the event of
French then attempted to purchase reactor failure. In contrast to the
a complete submarine reactor from French diesel boats the Rubis has a
the United States, but this request single hull, which is closed by a
was also refused, and led to the hemispherical bulkhead at its after
abandonment of the project. end and by a flat bulkhead pierced
French interest in SSN by the torpedo tubes at its forward
construction was re-established end. This allows for a two-deck
with the authorisation of a new layout beneath the fin for the
type of boat in 1964, but this control and accommodation
project was overtaken by the SSBN spaces. The pressure hull is
construction programme, which constructed of Marel high-tensile
assumed priority. By the time the steel, which gives the Rubis a
Marine Nationale returned again to diving depth of 985ft (300m), and
the SSN project in the early 1970s, the adoption of a positive
Submarines and Weapons: Rubis

Rubis class is essentially similar to

that of theAgosta class, with an
active/passive DUUA 2B attack
sonar located in the upper part of
the bow. and a DSUV 22 circular
hydrophone array below the
torpedo tubes. The DUUX 5
Fenelon passive ranging sonar, an
advanced model which ran trials
aboard the Daphne-class
submarine Doris from 1977. has
been installed in place of the
DUUX 2 which equipped earlier
intercept gear is fitted,and there
are TUUM HF and LF underwater
telephones. Torpedo fire control is
provided by the now-standard
DLT D-3 system, and
mast-mounted sensors include
search and attack periscopes, a
DRUA-33 surveillance radar, and
.•\RURand ARUD intercept aerials.
Construction: An ambitious
construction programme which
includes five submarines of the
Rubis class plus a further five SSNs
of an improved design is
proceeding slowly, with only two
boats completed to date. The fifth
boat is due to enter service in 1990.

Above: Rubis is the smallest reactor-exchanger, which has

nuclear-powered submarine ever reduced the size and weight of the
built. The design was made propulsion machinery. Note the
possible by the development of a adoption of fin-mounted
particularly compact integrated hydroplanes on the US pattern.

Below: The launch of Saphir at pressure hull complete up to the

Cherbourg in 1981. The bow flat forward bulkhead. Series
section housing the forward production is proceeding slowly,
ballast tank and sonar arrays is with only two boats completed by
yet to be fitted, all submarines of early 1987 and three more
the class being launched with the scheduled for completion by 1 990.

The Rubis has four


(533mm) bow tubes

21 in
and can stow 1 4 reloacs
The L 5 acoustic-homing
antisubmarine to-pedo
new wire-guided F-1
(2).A dual-purpose
vanant of the latter, the
Mod.l. IS now entering
service. Saphir can also
anti-ship missile (3).
which has a range of
27nm (50Km). and two
TSM 351
be earned
mines (4) can
m place of a
single torpedo.
^^-- ^ri
Sierra class
Origin: USSR, first unit completed steel-hulled boat with a the western USSR, it may be that and is significantly shorter than

in 1984 pressurized water-cooled reactor, the designs are not so much that of the Akula. The forward,

Type: Attack submarine, and in appearance closely 'competing' but regionally based, hydroplanes, which are fully
nuclear-powered (SSN) resembles the Victor HI. The Sierra in the same way that the Kresta II retractable, aremounted closer to
Displacement: 6.000 tons surfaced; is similar in overall size and and Kara-class BPKs were the bow than was the case with
7.5.50 tons submerged construction to the Akula, thereby 'regional' designs. Only when a earlier Soviet SSNs. The stern

Dimensions: Length 360ft (110m); posing the question as to why the pattern of construction has been section terminates in the
beam 3fift (11m): draught 25ft Soviets should choose to embark established will a more accurate now-standard cruciform tail
(7.5m) on the simultaneous construction assessment be possible. surfaces, with a teardrop-shaped
Propulsion: One/two pressurized of two separate types of SSN with Design: The Sierra is some 1 3ft pod identical to that of the
similar capabilities. The Akula and (4m) longer than the Victor III. and Victor III atop the rudder fin. The
water-cooled reactors driving
geared steam turbines; one shaft; the Sierra appear to be fitted with has a broader beam. The latter is lines of square free-flood holes

40.000shpfor :i2kt max an identical outfit of sensors, and almost certainly related to along the outer casing testify to
Complement: 85 both are thought to be able to measures intended to reduce Soviet persistence with
Design: The Sierra was one of three handle the full range of machinery noise. The increase in double-hull construction.
new Soviet attack submarine types tube-launched missiles and beam would make it possible to Armament: Six bow tubes are
torpedoes in the current Soviet isolate the propulsion machinery fitted. These are a mix of standard
which entered service in 1984-85.
The Mike, which has a hull of inventory. One theory suggested is and its associated pumps and 21in (533mml tubes and the new
titanium and may also have a they are competing designs gearing from the hull by installing 26in 1650mm) tube, although it is
liquid metal-cooled reactor, produced by different design it on an insulated 'raft'. It is not yet not yet clear how many of each
appears to be a high-technology bureaux, and that the Soviet Navy clear whether two smaller reactors there are. Standard anti-ship and
development of the Alfa (q.v.). will embark on series production or a larger single reactor is acoustic-homing antisubmarine
The Akula is a conventional of either one or the other following employed, but a maximum speed torpedoes can be fired from the
extensive trials. However, given in excess of 30 knots can be 21in (533mm) tubes, which can
that the first Akula was built at the expected. The single shaft has a also launch the SS-N-15
Komosomolsk Shipyard in the seven-bladed propeller which is nuclear-tipped antisubmarine
Pacific (which also participated in also a feature of the Akula and the missile (see Victor) and the new
construction of the Victor 111] and Mike. The fin is broad and squat in SS-N.X-21 cruise missile. The latter
the first Sierra was built at Gorky in comparison to that of the Victor III. is similar in conception to the US
Submarines and Weapons: Sierra

\d\ ys Tomahawk. It has an .\ towed hydrophone array is

estimated maximum range ut deployed from the pod-shaped

900-1. 200nm (1. 700-2. 250km| and housing atop the tail-fin.
is probably fitted with a nuclear Mast-mounted sensors include:
warhead. The current version is for search and attack periscopes, the
land attack, although subsequent new Snoop Pair Rim Hat surfai:e
variants may have an anti-ship surveillance radar ESM
capability.The 26in (650mm) combination. Park Lamp \'1,F
tubes can launch both the SS-\-16 reception. Pert Spring satellite
torpedo-carrying antisubmarine navigation, and Shot Gun V'HF
missile and the new Type liS (oniniunications. Other sensors
torpedo, which has a range have not been revealed. Curiously,
estimated at 54nm (lOOkml aiui the Sierra lacks the twin hatches
homes on the wake of a surface for \'LF buoys abaft the fin which
ship. are a feature ofall other ri^cent

Electronics: The Sierra has a large So\iet nut lear boats.

active passive bow sonar, probably Construction: The first unit of the
a development of the model Sierra class was launched at the
installed in the Victor. Fire control inland Gorky Shipyard in luly
capabilities will doubtless have 1983. and the incomplete bull was
been improved to enable the subsequently transferred via the
submarine to handle the full range White Sea Canal to Severodvinsk
of So\iet tube-launched weapons. for fitting out. The submarine
entered service in late 1984. There
is as yet no evidence of series

production, but it was expected

that additional units of both the
Sierra and Akula classes would be
launched in 1986.
Skipjack class
Origin: USA, first unit completed (which was to become standard in motors linked to the single shaft Armament: The Skipjacks have six
1959 US nuclear boats until the 1970s) and powered either by batteries or Mk 59 bow tubes of 21in (533mm)
Type: Attack submarine, with the hull-form of the Albacore. by two small diesel generators can diameter. During the 1960s these
nuclear-powered (SSN) The result was a submarine with bring the submarine home in the could fire a combination of the
Displacement: 3,075 tons surfaced; the exceptionally high underwater event of reactor failure. The Mk 14/16 antiship torpedo, the
3,500 tons submerged speed of 30 knots - a speed Skipjacks have an exceptionally Mk 37 antisubmarine torpedo, and
Dimensions: Length 252ft (76.7m); unequalled by any other large fin which distinguishes them the nuclear-tipped Mk 45 ASTOR.
beam 31ft 6in (9.6m); draught 28ft operational submarine in the from later US nuclear boats, and The Mk 14 and its hydrogen
(8.5m) world until the Soviet Victor class they were the first operational peroxide-powered derivative, the
Propulsion: One S5W pressurized appeared in the late 1960s. The submarines in the world to have Mk 16, were straight-running
water-cooled reactor driving performance of the Skipjacks was their forward hydroplanes torpedoes dating from World
geared steam turbines; one shaft; such that they continued to be mounted on the fin. They were also War II. They were 20ft 6in (6.25m)
15,000shpfor30lct max regarded as 'first-line' submarines the first US submarines, together long, and had a diameter of 21in
Complement: 114 throughout their service lives. with their diesel-powered (533mm). The Mk 37 was
Background: The US Navy's Design: The Skipjacks were the contemporaries of the Barbel class, developed postwar, and combined
development of the first US nuclear-powered to have a centralised attack centre. electric propulsion with
nuclear-powered submarine submarines to have a single hull. active/passive acoustic homing.
proceeded rapidly following the This had the effect of reducing The Mod.O and Mod. 3 variants
completion of the Nautilus overall size while maximizing were both free-running, with a
(SSN 571) in 1954. However, the internal volume. They were also length of only lift 3in (3.4m), but
Americans did not rush the nuclear boats to employ a
first the Mod.l and Mod. 2 variants
immediately into series single shaft, the five-bladed were wire-guided, and therefore
production, preferring instead to propeller being located abaft incorporated an additional section
evaluate a number of reactors of cruciform control surfaces. This which increased length to 13ft 6in
different design. At the same time, arrangement was to set the (4.1m]; both types had a diameter
experiments were continuing with standard for later nuclear of 19in (481mm) to enable them to
new hull-forms, the revolutionary submarines. It also precluded the swim out of 21in tubes. Discharge
Albacore having commissioned installation of stern torpedo tubes, was therefore relatively silent. The
barely a year before Nautilus. The which were a feature of the small size of these torpedoes
first US
attempt at a production twin-shaft Skate class. The reactor enabled two to be carried in place
design, the Skate class, had a compartment is 20ft (6.1m) long, of a single large torpedo in the
relatively small pressurized and all the other major submarine's reload racks. The
water-cooled reactor and a components of the machinery Mk 45 ASTOR was also wire-guided
conventional hull based on the installation are duplicated to because US policy emphasised full
Nautilus. This limited underwater provide redundancy. There are control over nuclear weapons at all
speed to a maximum of 20 knots. two heat exchangers, two times. It was unpopular with US

For the next class, however, the US pressurized-water coolers, two sets submariners because fire control
Navy decided to combine the of turbines and two groups of turbo for the torpedo implied active
newly-developed S5W reactor generators. Two small emergency sonar operations which tended to

Right: The Skipjacks are heavyweight torpedo

fitted with six Mk 59 bow with optional wire
tubes of 21 (533mm)
in guidance which can be
diameter. As completed used against both
these submarines were surface ships and
armed with three distinct submarines. Lacking the
types of torpedo; the Mk sophisticated fire control
14/16 anti-ship torpedo, sonars of later US Navy
the short Mk 37 ASW attack submarines, the
homing torpedo, and the Skipjacks were never
MK 45 ASTOR, a large fitted to fire the SUBROC
antisubmarine torpedo and their
with a nuclear warhead. advanced age has
All three types have now precluded the
been replaced by the Mk more
installation of
48(1),afast-running modern systems.

USS SMplack (SSN S85)

Submarines and Weapons: Skipjack

give away the position of the

submarine, and the weapon was
duly discarded in the early 1970s.
As production of the dual-purpose
Mk 48 torpedo increased in the late
1970s, the Mk H
and Mk 37
torpedoes were also progressively
Electronics:The Skipjacks have a
modified BQS-4 active'passive
sonar which transmits through a
circular BQR-2C passive array. The
BQS-4 can operate in the
'single-ping' or listening modes
and has a maximum range of
6-8.000 yds (5, 500-7, 200m). The
BQR-2 is a listening array which
can operate in the searchlight or
scanning mode and has a range of
10-13,000yds (9,000-11, 700m).
Mast-mounted sensors include
search and attack periscopes, a
BPS-12 surface surveillance radar,
communications aerials, and
direction-finding and'ESM
antennas. The original analogue
Mk 113 fire control system has
been replaced by the digital Mk
117, but no further updates are
Construction: Six submarines of
the Skipjack class were completed
between 1959 and 1961 at four
different shipyards. Of these
Scorpion (SSX 589) was lost in
May 1968, approximatly 400 miles
southwest of the Azores, and
Snook (SSN 592) was deactivated
in 1986,

Above: The Skipjacks were the exceeded 30 knots, and the

first US Navy attack submarines performance of these submarines
to combine the 15,000shp S5W was such that they remained in
pressurized water-cooled reactor first-line service for over 25 years
with the revolutionary 'Albacore' until they began to decommission
hull-form. Underwater speed in the mid-1980s.

Right: A bow view of Scamp

(SSN 588): note the continuous
curve of the hull-form and the
prominent hydroplanes mounted
on the fin. The high underwater
speed of these boats was not to be
equalled until Los Angeles
commissioned in late 1976.
sturgeon class
Origin: USA, first unit completed design compromises which were
1967 accepted in order to minimize
Type: Attacic submarine. underwater speed loss. These
nuclear-powered (SSN) included a small fin with
Displacement: 4.250/4.460 tons inadequate numbers of
surfaced (see remarks); 4.780/4.960 mast-mounted antennas, and
tons submerged limited electronics. The Sturgeon
Dimensions: Length 292ft/302ft design was therefore enlarged to
|89m/92.1m|; beam 31ft Sin (9.7m): provide the necessary internal
draught 29ft (8.8m) volume for more effective quieting
Propulsion: One S5W pressurized and additional electronics,
water-cooled reactor driving producing a boat which was to
geared steam turbines: one shaft: become the standard attack
15,000shpfor26kt max submarine of the period. However,
Complement: 107 theUS Navy continued to produce
Background: The Sturgeons were experimental designs to
the natural successors to the investigate further improvements
ThresherPermit class boats. The in submarine propulsion: the
latter suffered from a number of Narwhal (SSN 671, in service
1969) tested a natural circulation
reactor, theS5G. which was to
appear in an enlarged form in the
SSBNs of the Ohio class (qv|. and
the Glenard P Lipscomb (SSN 685,
in service 1974). tested a natural
circulation reactor with
turbo-electric drive. Both these
submarines are operated as
first-line units, and have similar

Below: Richard B. Russell larger submarines all powered by

(SSN 687). the last unit of the class the same S5W reactor has resulted
to be completed. The later boats in some speed loss, and it was in
were 10ft (3m) longerto facilitate part to restore this quality that the
the installation of the BQQ-5 sonar Los .Angeles class was developed
suite, but the steady progression to in the early 1970s.

Right: Ttie Sturgeons are

fitted with tour21 in

(533mm) torpedo tubes

angled out beneath the
fin and carry a similar mix

otweapons to that ot the

Permit class The normal
weapon load is reported
dual-purpose torpedoes
antisubmarine missiles
and four

Sub-Harpoon anti-ship
missiles (3). Some units
are being fitted to fire the
long-range Tomahawk
Suhiniiriiios and Weapons: Sturgeon

uiM|inn.s millils .mil (li'( Iniiiu ^ In h\'(lriipl,iiu's .lie ,Uill ( I l.bin) wuir using
lugli-|)crliirin,inc(' Inrpcclci <i

the Sturgeons. and c.ui be rotaU'd to the vertical to lii|uidmono-propellant lor

Design: The Sturgeon class follows enable Ihi^ submarines to break propulsion to achieve a maximum
the general arrangenienl of the through ice packs. The last nine speed of 55 knots. It is 19ft (lin
Tliresher Permit class, with tlit^ units of tlu! class were lengthened (5.95m) long and has a maximum
bow occupied by the HQS-(i by lOft (:)m) to facilitate the range of 40-45. OOOyds
splierical array and the torpetlo installation of the BQQ-5 sonar (35-40.000111). The Mk 4H was
tubes angled out beneath the fin. suite and its associated electronics, specifically designed to engage
An enlarged control room/attack and as earlier units are retro-fitted deep-diving submarines, and has a
( eiitre. which extends
aft from with the new system they too are maximum operating depth of
lii'iieath fin. accommodat(!s
the being lengthened 2.500ft (7(>0m). Krom the late U)70s
.ulditional computerised fire Armament: Lik(^ the Sturgeon-class boats began to
control consoles, enabling the Thresher/Permit class, the receive the Sub-Harpoon anti-ship
.Sturgeons to engage multiple Sturgeons are equipped with four missile. Harpoon was designed
targets. The machinery spaces 21 in isaSmm) Mk 63 torpedo tubes primarily for surface-ship
were also lengthened for more which are angled out beneath the operation and is too small lo be
llfctive noise insulation. The fin. As first completed they carried accommodated in a standard
inaior external difference between mix of anti-ship and
a similar torpedo tubes; it is thtirefore
the Sturgeon and the antisubmarine torpeiloes. plus the launched inside a capsule from
^^!5g Thresher/Permit class is the SUBROC missile. SLIBROC which it separates on breaking the
Mib^l.inhiilly enlarg("d fin. which (UUM-44A-2) enteretl operational surfai;e. The missile itself is 15ft
,11 ( iiMiMinil.iles luiilitional sensor service in 1965. It comprises a (4.6m) long and has a maximum
iii.isis liii i;SM. The fin-mounted two-stage solid-fuel rocket with a range of 70-H5nm( 130- 155km). At
ballistic trajectory and a nuclear present submarines of this class are
warhead. A maximum range of reported lo carry 15 Mk 48
25-30nm (45-55km) is reported. torpedoes, four SUBROC missiles
SUBROC was to have been and four Sub-Harpoon missiles.
discarded as US Navy SSNs had Some units of tlu; class are
their analogue Mk 1 13 fire control currently being equipped to fire
systems replaced by the digital Mk the long-range Tomahawk missile
.\bove: Richard B, Russt'll 11 7. but because of the absence of (see Los Angeles).
modiried with a housing for a natural replacement in the short Electronics: As completed the
prototype communications buoy term. Congress stipulated that the Sturgeons received the BQCj-2
abaft the fin. No fewer than 37 SUBROC fire control system be sonar suite, comprising the BQS-6
Sturgeons were completed modified so that the missile could active/passive spherical bow array,
between 1967 and 1975, making be kept in service. From 1972 the the BQR-7 conformal passive
them the standard LIS SSN of the earlier models of torpedo were array, and a PUFFS fire control
period. The design was a modified steadily replaced by the sonar. The BQQ-2 installation is
version of the Permit class, with a dual-purpose Mk 48. The latter is a currently being upgraded to BQQ-5
larger fin to accommodate status, and the BQR-23 towed array
additional electronics. is being fitted. Mast-mounted

sensors include search and attack

periscopes, a BPS-14 or BPS-15
surveillance radar. UHF
communications, and no fewer
than four masts carrying DF and
ESM antennae. There are also whip
and floating wire aerials for
t:omniunications, and in 1978 two
units received an afterward
extension to the fin for a towed
communications array.
submarines of the Sturgeon class
were completed between 1967 and
1975 in six different shipyards.

Sturgeon class
Richard B. Russell (SSN 687)
Swiftsure class
Origin: United Kingdom, first unit modifications were made to the to accommodate a completely obviating the need for flexible
completed 1973 propulsion machinery in order to different layout of the torpedo couplings. The raft can therefore be
Type: Attack submarine, take into account experience tubes and torpedo handling room. isolated from the hull even at
nuclear-powered (SSN) gained with the Valiants and As with the US Navy maximum power. As a further
Displacement: 4,200 tons surfaced; incorporate the latest quieting Permit/Thresher class, the height quieting measure, natural
4,900 tons submerged measures. This had the effect of of the fin was significantly reduced circulation was adopted for the
Dimensions: Length 272ft (82.9m|; reducing overall length by 13ft in order to lower resistance. This reactor. Circular water scoops are
beam 32ft 4in (9.8m); draught 27ft (4m) and the submerged led in turn to a reduction in located in the leading edges of the
(8.2m) displacement by 400 tons. periscope depth. As compensation horizontal tail-fins, and these
Propulsion: One PWR 1 Design: In the Swiftsure and her the forward hydroplanes were provide sufficient cooling through
pressurized water-cooled reactor sisters the cylindrical portion of lowered and made fully most of the power range, the
driving geared steam turbines; one the pressure-hull was extended as retractable. The torpedo handling coolant pumps being employed
shaft; IS.OOOshp for 30kt max far aft as possible to eliminate room was relocated below the two only at higher speeds. The
Complement: 97 structural transitions which had main decks directly beneath the improvements in quieting are such
Background: The Swiftsures were led to stress problems
in the fin. Two of the five torpedo tubes that the Swiftsures have dispensed
designed as the natural successors Valiants. The
'Albacore' hull of the are angled out on either side of the with the separate main electric
to the S.SNs of the Valiant class. earlier design has therefore been boat immediately abaft the chin motor which was a feature of the
The weapon/sensor suite was little superseded by a broadly sonar, in the manner of Valiant propulsion plant. This has
changed, and in the early units of cylindrical hull-form with an contemporary US Navy SSNs, and created a more compact layout in
the class was virtually identical to exceptionally broad tail-cone. The the fifth is presumably angled the machinery spaces and made it
that of their immediate shape of the forward half of the downwards on the centre-line and possible to reduce the overall
predecessors. However, the boat remains relatively fires through the underside of the length of the pressure hull. A small
opportunity was taken for a unchanged, although here too the bow. This arrangement frees the retractable motor, driven by a
complete hull redesign, and major pressure hull has been broadened bow for the sonar installation. The 112-cell battery charged by a
other major modifications concern 400bhp Paxman auxiliary diesel, is

the propulsion plant, which differs retained to provide power in an

considerably in conception and emergency.
layout from that of the Valiants. In Armament: The five bow torpedo
the latter design the raft on which tubes are of the standard 21 in
the main turbines and gearing were 533mm) calibre. An estimated 15
mounted had to be locked in when reloads are carried in the handling
running at high speed. In the room. All units of the class were
Swiftsures not only the turbines fitted to fire the Mk 24 Tigerfish
and gearing but virtually al antisubmarine torpedo from the
noise-emitting auxiliary outset. Tigerfish entered service in
machinery is mounted on the raft. 1974, but numerous problems

Below; Splendid, the fifth boat of

the Swiftsure class. The design has
proved particularly successful.
and the Trafalgar class currently
in production is essentially

Rigtit; The Swiftsures

tiave five 21 in (533mm)

torpedo tubes, and an

estimated 1 5 reloads can
be accommodated. All
six boats now carry the
torpedo (2). which has a
dual-purpose capability.
A Ivlod.2 variant with
improved guidance is
undergoing tnals. The
class IS also being
retro-fitted to fire the
Sub-Harpoon anti-ship
missile (2). Two
Urchin (4) mines can be
carried in place of one
Submarines and Weapons: Swiftsure

uere encountered both in \ dliant: a T\ pi' 2001 active passive

development and after the weapon chin' array, a Type 2007 passive
was deployed, and work on flank array, and a Type 197
improved models has continued intercept array. Later boats of the
into the mid-1980s. The class were filled with the Type
dual-purpose Mod, 1 variant 2019 Passive Acti\e Range and
entered service around 1981 and Intercept Sonar (PARIS), a joint
has replaced the elderly Mk 8 Anglo-Dutch-French
anti-ship torpedo, and a Mod. development. The Type 2019 iJ
variant with improved guidance now being retro-fitted to earlier
has recently undergone trials. boats. Fire control is provided by a

Tigerfish has a length of 21ft 2in DCB Action Information and Fire
(6.4m) and has a sophisticated Control System. The Type 2026
two-way wire guidance system towed array is currently being
with automatic three-dimensional fitted, and it is envisaged that all
active passive homing. It has a unitsof the class will have their
maximum range of 12.000yds Type 2001 bow array replaced by
(11. 000m) at a speed of 40 knots. In Type 2020. beginning with Superb
addition to torpedoes, all units of in 1985.
the class will be refitted to fire Construction: Six submarines of
Sub-Harpoon in the late 1980s. the Swiftsure class were
Electronics: As completed the completed at the X'ickers Shipyard.
Swiftsures had a sonar outfit Barrow-in-Furness, between 1973
virtuallv identical to that of the and 1980.

Above: A bow view of HMS experienced w ith the \'aliant

Superb. In this class the class. The forw ard hydroplanes
cylindrical portion of the are mounted low on the forward
pressure-hull was extended as far section of the hull and are fully
aft as possible to eliminate stress retractable, permitting a
problems which had been reduction in the height of the fin.

Tango class
Origin: USSR, first unit completed the large ocean-going submarine were being built at the rate of five or Design: In profile the Tango closely
1972 with a primary scouting/torpedo six per year. Until the late 1970s, resembles the earlier Foxtrot, but
Type: Attacic submarine, attack mission had dated. The when the SSBN programme began first appearances are deceptive.

diesel-powered (SS) attention of the Soviet Navy, which to tail off, construction of the Whereas the Foxtrot has a
Displacement: 3,200 tons surfaced; until the early 1960s had been Victor was limited to a single traditional cigar-shaped hull-form
3,900 tons submerged focused almost exclusively on the shipyard, and the Soviet Navy based on the German Type XXI, the
Dimensions: Length 302ft (92m); anti-surface mission, now turned therefore adopted its customary Tango has a hull-form which is
beam 30ft (9m); draught 23ft (7m) towards antisubmarine warfare. solution of designing a essentially cylindrical,and while
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive The nuclear-powered Victor (qv) diesel-powered counterpart, length remains virtually
on two shafts; three diesel was the first Soviet submarine type which became the Tango. The new unchanged, these boats have 5ft
generators, two electric motors: to be designed for the ASW submarine would have similar (1.5m) more beam than the Foxtrot.
6,000bhp for 15kt surfaced, mission. However, the initial weapons and sensors to the Victor, Moreover, the cylindrical hull
5,500hp for 16kl submerged production rate was necessarily and great emphasis was placed on configuration is maintained
Complement: 72 slow because of the greater priority endurance, to enable the Tango to throughout the length of the boats,
Background: The large Foxtrot accorded to the construction of undertake lengthy patrols in whereas the hull-form of the
programme was completed in SSBNs of the Yankee and Delta defence of the Soviet 'bastion' Foxtrot is tapered towards the bow
1968. by which time the con(;ept of classes, which in the early 1970s areas. and stern. The improved hull-form
Subm.iriiu'saiul Weapons: 'raii<4C)

I-, rcs|Kmslbli' tor a ilisagreeiiicnl ri'.u.utliiiii liolli the l'(i\trnl. iiuisl iil lluMlri k Sensors; Ilie .iiigo a l.irge

nicri'ase in internal volume, propulsion machinerv' <iiui the fittings are recessed, .iiul llic liiill low-lrequeiicy .iclive passivi! bow
especially in the fully-rounded position and number of the has been lied in ,i sonar probably the same model

bow section, where the large torpedo tubes. US sources sonar-absorbent rubber installed in the Victor - and
low-frequency bow sonar is generally favour an arrangement c:omp(nind. presumably has fixed conformal
located. Greater space was also similar to that of the Foxtrot, with Armament: The six (possibly p.issivi! arrays along the hull. The
required in order to accommodate one diesel and one motor on each eight) bow tubes are all of the outfit of sensor masts is standard,
the SS-N-15 antisubmarine of three shafts, and four stern tubes. standard 21 in (5;i:)nim| diameter but there are minor variations
missile, together with the However, other Western sources They can fire conventional or between the early and later boats of
necessary fire control consoles, appear to favour a two-shaft nuclear-tipped ant -ship i
the class. All have search and
and battery capacity has been installation with three diesel torpedoes, antisubinarine .ilt.ick periscopes, a Snoop Tray

substantially increased over earlier generators and two electric motors, torpedoes with acoustic homing, surface surveillance radar. Quad
Soviet diesel boats to give with all torpedo tubes in the bow. and the SS-N-15 nuclear-tipped Loop UF. and aerials for IIF and
improved underwater endurance. This arrangement would contorm antisubmarine missile. Thi^re is a V'HF comiiiunications. K.irlv boats
The result is a submarine of 50"i. more closely to that of the \'ictor. relatively large stowage capacity have Slop Light KSM. but later
greater displacement than the and therefore seems more logical for perhaps l(i-18 missiles and units have a variant of the more
Foxtrot. There is some given that the missions and torpedoes. There is as yet no nioilern Brick Pulp antenna which
weapon systems of the two types evideiu:e to suggest that the is .1 feature of Soviet
are virtually identical. large-diamet(!r 2()in (li.'iOmml liilic iiiH :liMr-pow(!red submarines of
Considerable emphasis has been will be retro-fitted although, givei llu^Victor generation.
placed on silencing, and theTango the primary ASW mission of the Construction: Nineteen T.iiigos
is particularly quiet when Tango, this must be considered a were completed betvviMMi 1(172 and
operating on its electric motors: possibility for the future once the 1082 at the inland Corky Shipyard,
long slotted free-flood apertures nuclear boats (which are but production has apparently
have been adopted in prefereni:eto presumably being given priorilvl been terminated in favour of the
the more numerous limber holes of have been modifiiMl. Kilo.

Below: The Tango tias thougtit to be identical to antisubmarine homing about 22nm (40km). In
SIX (possibly eigtit) bow those of the early Victors, torpedoes employing addition to the six
tubes each of 21 in which have a similar acoustic guidance (2). weapons earned in the
(533mm) diameter. The mission. There are long The third major weapon tubes, the Tango has
new large-diameter 26in 2 1 in torpedoes (1 for use
) IS the SS-N-15 missile sufficient stowage space
(650mm) tube is not against surface ships: (3). which can be used for an estimated 18
fitted,nor are there stern some of these will be against both submannes reloads. In place of each
tubes as in the earlier fitted with a nuclear and surface targets: the missile or torpedo two
Foxtrot class, and the warhead. There will also SS-I\I-1 5 has a nuclear mines (4) could be
weapons earned are be shorter 21 in warhead and a range of carried.

Below: Nineteen Tangos were largest diesel-electric submarines

built between 1972 and 1»82 at the ever built, and has sufficient
inland Gorky Shipyard, but endurance to undertake lengthy
production ofthe class has now patrols in defence of the Soviet
been discontinued in favour ofthe SSBN 'bastions' in the Northern
Kilo. The Tango is one of the and Pacific Fleet areas.

Origin: Export design by Thyssen preferences, and the design itself uniform diameter throughout below. A lock-out chamber in the
(FRG), first unit completed 1984 has been developed both upwards except for a short tapered section fin allows for diver operations with

Type: Attack submarine, (the TR-1 700A) and downwards aft, is of high-tensile steel, for a the submarine submerged. The
diesel-powered (SS] (the TR-1400 and TR-1000). diving depth of 1,000ft (300m). It is after section, which occupies more
Displacement: 2.115 tons surfaced; However, the only order which has closed by a hemispherical than half the length of the
2.265 tons submerged so far materialised is for Argentina, bulkhead forward and a flat submarine, houses the
Dimensions: Length 216ft 6in which ordered four TR-1 700s in bulkhead aft. and Is divided into exceptionally powerful
(66m); beam 24ft (7.3m); draught 1977. The ftrst pair was to be built three sections, separated by two propulsion machinery and the
21ft 4in (6.5m) inGermany and the second pair further transverse bulkheads. The auxiliary machinery. The
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive under licence. An order for two forward section is on three levels, switchboard room is in the forward
on one shaft; four MTU 16V652 smaller TR-1400s. also for with the officer accommodation compartment, followed by a long
MB80 diesel generators, each Argentina, was cancelled in favour above the torpedo stowage central compartment which
1.475bhp; one Siemens electric of two further locally-built compartment and the forward houses the four MTU diesel
motor; 5.900bhp for 13kt surfaced. TR-1700sin 1982. batteries beneath. The midships generators on the upper level with
8.970hp for 25kt submerged Design: The Type 1700 employs section has the central control The
the after battery bank beneath.
Complement: 29 single-hull construction. The 158ft room above the accommodation third compartment is occupied by
Background: Until the mid-1970s (48m) pressure hull, which is of for the crew, with internal tanks the large Siemens double-armature
the Thyssen (formerly Rheinstahl)
Nordseevverke Shipyard, Emden.
had built submarines to IKL
designs. Fifteen Type 207 (Kobben
class) submarines were completed
for Norway between 1964 and
1967. and orders were
subsequently received for ten of
the fifteen Type 206 boats for the
Federal German Navy, the last
being completed in 1975. In
September 1973 the upper limit on
displacement permitted to German
shipyards by Treaty was raised to
1.800 tons standard, and Thyssen
took full advantage of this
development to design a
high-performance ocean-going
submarine which would appeal to
Third World countries anxious to
replace their elderly ex-US Navy
'Guppies' with modern
construction. Unlike IKL's
successful Type 209. which was
essentially an enlargement of the
Type 205.206 coastal submarines
built for the German Navy, the
TR-1700 was designed from the
keel up. The hull and propulsion
machinery are German, but the
best in foreign technology has also
been incorporated. The equipment
is flexible to suit customer
Submarines and Weapons: TR-1700

motor, which can produce

I'lt'ctric designs, the forward h> liroplanes .shortterm, although ihf TR-17()l) Control system is combined with a
a.OOOhp sustained, and 8.970hp are mounted on the fin. and are has been designed to fire a wide SAt;EM plotting table.
for short periods. This gives the complemented by cruciform tail range of internationally-available Masl-mounted sensors include
TR-1 700 the remarkable maximum surfaces. types. Kollmorgen search and attack
underwater speed of 25 knots. Armament: There are six torpedo Electronics: An integrated active periscopes, surveillance radar and
Power is provided by no fewer than lubes of standard 21in (533mm) attack and passive passive ESM.
eight 120-cell banks of \'arta diameter, disposed in two banks of search intercept ranging sonar Construction: The first two units
batteries. The adoption of three.The capacious stowage room suite has been installed in the for Argentina were completed at
extensive automation has made can accommodate 16 reloads. The Argentine boats. The precise the Nordseewerke. Emden. in
possible a complement of only 29 Argentine Navy currently has in identity of this equipment has not 1984-85. However, progress on the
men. which is exceptionally small service the German SST-4 been revealed, but it seems four locally-built units has been
for a boat which approaches the wire-guided anti-ship torpedo and probable that it is a development of slow, and the precarious financial
Upholder and
size of the British the US Mk 37C short the Krupp-Atlas CSU 3-4 situation has led to rumours that
the Dutch Walrus class. The antisubmarine torpedo. Severe multi-function array fitted in other the boats may be sold off the
SAGEM diving controls are budgetary constraints make it recent German export submarines. slipway'. The first was laid down
operated from a one-man console. unlikely that more modern The HSA SINBADS Action only in late 1983. and work on the
In a departure from the IKL torpedoes will be purchased in the Information Organisation and Fire third was begun in 1985.

Above: One of the Argentinian export submarine designs, the .-\ maximum underwater speed of

TR-1 700s under construction at TR-1700 was designed from the 25 knots can be sustained for short
the Norseewerke Shipyard. keel up as an ocean-going boat periods. Note the large propeller
Emden. Unlike other German with good long-range endurance. under canvas.

Opposite The TR-1700

Trafalgar class
Origin: United Kingdom, first unit that a significant quantity of Mk 48. comprise a single Swiftsures. with five tubes of 21in
completed 1983 additional equipment has been multi-blade rotor turning (533mm) diameter firing through
Type: Attack submarine, worked into the design. The relatively slowly against stator the sides and underside of the hull
nuclear-powered (SSN) hull-form and internal layout of the vanes in a duct. In effect the immediately abaft the bow sonar.
Displacement: 4,800 tons surfaced; two submarines is virtually pump-jet is a high-pitch, Trafalgar was fitted from the outset
5.300 tons submerged identical, but a number of detail low-revolution propeller. to fire the Mod.l dual-purpose
Dimensions: Length 280ft (85.4m|; improvements have been Pump-jets are significantly quieter variant of the Mk 24 Tigerfish
beam 33ft (10.1m); draught 27ft incorporated. The major than conventional propellers, but torpedo, which entered service
(8.2m) modifications relate to the the installation brings with it a around 1981. This gave her a
Propulsion: One PWR 1 propulsion plant, the reactor considerable cost in weight. This completely homogeneous torpedo
pressurized water-cooled reactor featuring a new core (CoreZ) with a can be sustained in the Trafalgars outfit and enabled her to dispense
driving geared steam turbines; longer life than earlier types. All largely because of the unusual with the elderly Mk 8 anti-ship
pump-jet (see remarks); 15,000shp main propulsion and auxiliary 45-degree tail-cone angle, which torpedo. All Tigerfish torpedoes
for 28-30kt max machinery, including the turbines, provides additional buoyancy at will shortly be brought up to the
Complement: 98 reduction gearing, pumps and the after end of the submarine. It is Mod. 2 standard, which has
Background: The Swiflsure class condensers, is raft-mounted as in reported that the US Navy's new improved guidance. The Trafalgars
proved particularly successful in the Swiftsure. In the Trafalgar Seawolf (SSN-21) design will also also carry the Sub-Harpoon
service. The following design, the class, however, the raft is have pump-jet propulsion. missile, for which they have been
Trafalgar, therefore kept to the suspended from transverse Development of the British fitted since completion. A further
same basic hull-form and layout. bulkheads, not mounted on the pump-jet was not completed in potential weapon is the Stonefish
However, some six years had hull, in order to provide more time for installation aboard mine, specifically developed by
elapsed between the two designs, effective insulation. Natural Tra/a)gar herself, which has Marconi Underwater Systems for
and during that interval several circulation via water scoops similar shaft arrangements to the deployment from a 21in (533mm)
major advances had been made in located in the leading edges of the Swiftsures, and the second unit of torpedo tube. Stonefish is an
electronics and acoustic detection horizontal tail-fins has been the class. Turbulent, is believed to intelligent, programmable mine
methods. The Trafalgar was to retained, and the reactor coolant be the first Royal Navy submarine which uses the latest
incorporate the latest quieting pumps are required only at higher to be fitted with the system. A microprocessor technology for
measures, and would befitted with speeds. However, in place of the further innovation on the Trafalgar target assessment. It is of modular
a new generation of underwater conventional seven-bladed class is the adoption of anechoic design, and can be allied to either a
sensors. propeller of the Swiftsures, the hull tiles in order to reduce 6601b (300kg) or a 1 .320lb (600kg)
Design: The Trafalgar is some 8ft Trafalgars employ shrouded
a acoustic signature. warhead according to the
(2.5m) longer than the Swiftsure. pump-jet. Pump-jets, which have Armament: The Trafalgars have anticipated water depth.
and submerged displacement has already been used to propel identical torpedo firing and Electronics: The Trafalgars are the
increased by 800 tons, suggesting torpedoes such as the US Navy's handling arrangements to the first Royal Navy submarines to be

Below: Turbulent, the second unit

of the Trafalgar class, is thought to
be the first submarine to be fitted
with a pump-jet instead of a
conventional propeller.

Rigtit: Ttie Trafalgars are

fitted with five 21 in
(533mm) torpedo tubes
located just abaft the
bow, and are armed with
theMk 24 Tigerfish
torpedo (1 ), which now
has a dual-purpose
capability- They were
also fitted from the
outset to receive the
Sub-Harpoon antj-ship
missile (2), which is
encapsulated for launch
from a torpedo tube.
IVIines of vanous types
can be carried, including
the Stonefish (3). and
Sea Urchin (4)
programmable mines
developed by Marconi
Underwater Systems.
Submarines and Weapons: Trafalgar

fitted with the advanced Type array and the Type 2026 towed Above: Trafalgar, the name-ship
2020 sonar on completion. The array. The latter has brought with it oftheclass. is essentially a refined
Type 2020 is a passive remarkable improvements in Swiflsure. from which she is
low-frequency array developed long-range detection and tracking virtually indistinguishable
from the Type 2016 surface ship capabilities. A UCB Action externally. Improvements include
sonar installed in frigates of the Information Organisation and Fire a new long-life reactor core.
Broadsword class. It is scanned Control system is fitted. ane<:hoichull-lilingand a new
electronically and gives full Construction: Four submarines of generation ofsensors. The Type
360-degree coverage. The the Trafalgar have been completed 2020 sonar occupies the bow of the
Type 2020 is now replacing the since 1983. Three further boats are submarine, as in IIS Navy attack
Type 2001 chin' arrav in earlier under construction, but there will boats, and the torpedo tubes are
Royal Navy SSNs. Besides then have to be a pause in SSN angled out abaft the bow. The
Type 2020 the Trafalgars are fitted construction for the Royal Navy to retractable sonar dome forward of
with a Type 2007 passive flank enable the new Vanguard-class the fin is for a Type 201 9 sonar
array, a Type 2019 sonar intercept Trident submarines to be built. intercept array.

HMS Trafalgar (S 107)

Type 206
Origin: Federal Republic ot of limited value. What was needed which has a prominent conning The forward hydroplanes are

Germany, first unit completed was a small, agile submarine tower at its forward end. is in part a curved and fully retractable, and
capable of operating comfortably at concession to the need for surface are used alternately, one to
Type: Coastal submarine, snorkel depth for long periods .
transit in peacetime, but was also produce a bow-up and the other a
diesel-powered (SSC) and with a powerful battery of needed in order to accommodate a bow-down angle. The after planes
torpedo tubes to cope with the of retractable sensor
full outfit are integrated with the
Displacement: 456 tons surfaced;
500 tons submerged multiple targets which might be masts. The bow is of near-circular stabilisation fin. The rudder is

Dimensions: Length 159ft 6in expected in the event of an cross-section, making possible an abaft the single propeller.

beam 15ft (4.6m); 14ft attempted amphibious landing by outfit ofno fewer than eight bow Armament: The eight bow tubes
the forces ofthe Warsaw Pact. The tubes ofthe large-diameter, are of 26in (660mm) diameter, but
earliest attack submarine design, •swim-out' type. This launch fire 21in (533mml torpedoes. Early
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive
on one shaft; two MTU 12V493AZ theType 201 quickly ran into
method saves weight, as positive German postwar torpedoes were of
600hp; one Siemens problems when it was found that discharge methods impose greater the free-running type, but the Type
diesels. each
electric motor: 1.200bhp for lOkt the anti-magnetic steel employed space and power requirements. 206 was designed to fire a new
in the construction ofthe first three Muzzle-loading is employed, so generation of wire-guided
surfaced. 2.300hp for 17.5kt
boats was subject to serious that the space normally required torpedoes. Seeal. a heavy-weight
corrosion. The last nine boats of for torpedo handling and stowage anti-ship torpedo, was 21ft (6.4m)
Complement: 21
the class were therefore rebuilt as is given over to the long and had a range of 7nm
Background: In the immediate
postwar period Germany was the Type 205. hi 1962 the upper accommodation ofthe crew. In the (13km) at 35kt; Seeschlange. an
limit for tonnage was raised to forward half of the boat there is a antisubmarine torpedo based on
forbidden to build submarines.
450 tons, and the German Navy single-deck layout, with the the US Mk 37. had a length of
Subsequently, an upper limit of
embarked on the design of an control room directly abaft the 1 3ft 1 in (4m) and a range half that
350 tons was placed on submarine
improved class, the Type 206. crew spaces and the battery of Seeal. Both torpedoes employed
construction, and only
which would take into account compartments beneath. The silver electrical propulsion and two-way
conventional diesel-electric
propulsion was permitted. These experience with the earlier boats zinc battery cell developed by wire guidance, but in the
and which would incorporate Hagen/Varta for these submarines antisubmarine variant a 3-D sonar
constraints taxed to the full the
ingenuity ofthe German designers, improvements in sensors and has twice the capacity of other
who were compelled to rethink weapons. battery cells ofthe period and a
submarine design concepts ab Design: The hull design of Types very fast reload cycle. This results
201 205 and 206 is based on that of in shorter snorkelling periods,
initio. As the new submarines were .

primarily for operations in the the wartime Type XXIU. The need thereby reducing demands on the
Baltic, endurance assumed a low to keep displacement to a crew and making the submarines
Moreover, acoustic
priority. minimum necessitated single-hull more difficult to detect. A
conditions in these shallow waters construction, with the main ballast particularly ingenious solution

were poor. High-powered, tanks at the fore and after ends of was adopted to the provision of
long-range sensors were therefore the submarine. The large fin. quick-reaction control surfaces.
Submarines and Weapons: Type 206

replaced half the battery capai:ily.

Seeal and Seeschlange have now
been superseded by the SUT
(SurfaceUnderwater Target)
heavyweight torpedo, which has a
length of 22ft |6.7ni| and can be
fired against both surface ships and
submarines. In addition to
torpedoes, these submarines can
carry 24 mines in GRP containers
strapped around the hull.
Sensors: The Type 20f> has a
comprehensive sonar outfit
comprising an AN 5039A1 passive
array, an AN 410A4 active ranging
sonar, and a French Dl'UX 2 fire
control sonar. An HSA Mk H
Action Information Organisation
and Fire Control System is fitted.
Twelve out of the 18 units of the
class are to undergo an extensive
modernisation, beginning in 1989.
during which a Krupp-Allas CSl)
83 (NATO designation: DBQS-21)
integrated sonar system will
replace the original sonar outfit,
and the HSA Mk 8 combat system
will be superseded bv the
SLW 83.
Construction: Eighteen units of
the Type 206 class were completed
between 197] and 1974.
Above: V 29. the last but one of turned postwar Treaty constraints provided the basis for the Type construction being shared between
the 18 units built for the Federal to its advantage, and the class has 209 design which has dominated Howaldlswerke. Kiel, and
German Navy. The Type 206 is an not only proved successful in the export markets for the past 1 Rheinstahl-Nordseewerke,
ingenious design which has service with the FRG, but has also years. Emden.

Opposite: The anti-ship torpedoes and Target) heavyweight for reloads. However, a
submarines of the Type Seeschlange short' torpedo shown, which belt compnsing glass-
206 class have no fewer antisubmanne can be used against both reinforced plastic mine
than eight bow tubes of torpedoes, both of which surface ships and containers has been
thelarge-diameler. employed wire guidance. submarines Because of specially developed
'swim-ouf type. Initially These have now been their small size the for the type. The mine
the submarines carried a superseded by the SUT submannes of the Type belthas a capacity of
mix of Seeal heavyweight (Surface/Undenwaler 206 class have no space 24 mines.
Type 209
Origin: Export design by IKL displacement to a maximum of attractive to Third World countries eight 'swim-out' torpedo tubes
(FRG), first unit completed 1971 1 ,000 tons. The designers with limited budgets, and the Type disposed in a broadly circular
Type: Attack submarine, Ingenieurkontor Lubeck (IKL), 209 has been ordered by no fewer arrangement, single-shaft
diesel-powered |SS) working in conjunction with the than 12 navies, with construction propulsion with a five-bladed
Displacement: Type 209/0: 1,105 Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft both in Germany and under propeller, and retractable
tons surfaced, 1,230 tons shipyard, therefore proposed an licence. fixed-angle bow hydroplanes.
submerged enlarged version of the Type 205 Design: The Type 209 has many However, full advantage has been
Type 209/1; 1,180 tons surfaced, coastal submarine which would features incommon with the taken of the increase in
1,290 tons submerged Type 209/2: incorporate the technologies submarines of the Type 205 and displacement to provide an
1 .260 Ions surfaced, 1 ,390 tons developed for the German Navy's Type 206 classes in service with enlarged fin, stowage capacity for
submerged own submarine programme. The the Federal German Navy. These torpedo reloads, and more
Type 209/3: 1,320 tons surfaced, design proved particularly include single-hull construction, powerful propulsion machinery.
1 ,440 tons submerged

Dimensions: Type 209/0: length

178ft 6in (54.4m|
Type 209/1: length 184ft (56.1m)
Type 209/2: length 195ft 3in
Type 209/3: length 200ft (61ml
All variants: beam 20fl 4in (6.2ml:
draught 18ft (5.5m)
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive
on one shaft; four MTU 12V493
TY60 diesel generators, each
600bhp; one Siemens electric
motor; 2,400bhp for llkt surfaced,
5.000hpfor22kt (max)
Complement: 30-33
Background: The completion of
the Type 201/205 submarine
programme for the P'ederal German
Navy in the late 1960s coincided
with the completion of 15 similar
Type 207 (Kobben class) boats for
Norway. The German shipyards,
which had built up their design
and construction ca[)acity to a
were faced by
relatively high level,
a prospective shortage of orders,
and were compelled to turn to the
export market. Treaty restrictions
continued to limit (standard)

Above: Ihe Type 20!) is the most ordered from the HDW Shipyard
successful export design of the in the Federal Republic of
postwar period. No fewer than 31 Germany, and a further ten are
units - including the Colombian being built under licence with
Islav shown here — have been German technical assistance.

Right:Ttie Type 209 has antisubmarine torpedo,

swim-out tubes
eigtit which IS of US origin. The
capable of firing any German SUT
torpedo of 2 1 in (533mm) dual-purpose torpedo is

diameter. Most of ttie reported to be in service

navies which fiave with the navies of Chile,
purchased the Type 209 Colombia. Ecuador amd
employ two Indonesia. Peru has
complementary types of recently ordered the
torpedo: generally the Italian A. 184. and Brazil
'long' SST-4 anti-ship apparently intends to
torpedo shown here and purchase the British Mk
the short NT-37C 24Tigerfish
Submarines and Weapons: Type 209

Power tor [hv generators is puriiluisfd thi' Herman SSr-4 SlNHAl)Si,oMib,itsvslcm.,m(l llu^ u(Ti'luiihhvlkl.lorTurkev..ind.i
provided by four MTU
diesels, and (Special Surface Targetl torpedo, Ferranti |UK) KAKS system is turther thre(! have since been
the double-armature Siemens which is the export version of the reported to have been selected for completed under licence at the
electric motor, which is resiliently wire-guided Seeal anti-ship the new Brazilian boats. Golciik Naval Shipyard, with four
mounted, has more than twice the torpedo. The SST-4 is reported to Construction: Four Type 209/Os more on order. Two Type 209'2s
output of the model installed in the be in service with the navies of were completed for Greece in were completed for Venezuela In
Type 205 206. The Hagen VARTA Argentina, Greece. Peru. Turkey 1971-72. followed by four 1976-77. two for Ecuador in
batteries are of tubular and Venezuela. In the Peruvian Type209/lsin 1979-81. Two 1977-78. and two for Indonesia in
construction with GRP cell walls, and Argentinian Navies it is paired Type 209/ls were completed for 1981. Two Type 209/3s were
and have 20% higher specific with the US NT-37C short Argentina in 1974. two for completed for Chile in 1984. and
capacity than conventional plate antisubmarine torpedo. Other (Colombia in 1975. and six for Peru five further boats of this type are
cells, plus high resistance to countries have purchased the more in 1975-83. Three Type 209/ls being built for Brazil.
underwater shock. The batteries recent German SUT
have a 4-5 year life expectancy, and (Surface/lhiderwater Target)
take up 25% of internal space. heavyweight torpedo, which can
They give the submarines be fired against both surface ships
considerable underwater and submarines. The SUT is

endurance and a maximum speed thought to be in service with the

of 22-23 knots for short periods. navies of Chile, Colombia. Ecuador
The machinery is controlled from a and Indonesia. Peru has recently
fully-automated control room abaft ordered the Italian A. 184 for its
the attack centre, the engine room Type 209s. and it is reported that
itself being completely unmanned. the Brazilian boats will be
Armament: The Type 209 has eight equipped to fire the British Mk 24
'swim-out' bow tubes capable of Tigerfish Mod.l.
firingany torpedo of 21 in (533nim) Electronics: Most Type 209s have
diameter. Six reloads can be the Krupp Atlas CSU 3-2 active
accommodated in a stowage rack sonar combined with a PRS 3-4
abaft the tubes. A number of the passive array. The latter is similar
operating countries have in conception to the British
Type 2001. with a conformal
'chinstrap' array of hydrophones
in triplet staves below the lowest
tier of torpedo tubes. This is beinc;
superseded in recent constructimi
by the CSU 3-4. an active/passi\i'
sonar with active intercept
capability based on a circular array
10ft (3m| in diameter located
inside the bow casing. Early
Type 209s were fitted with the
HSA Mk 8/24 combat system. Later
boats are fitted with the HSA
Above: Ihe lype 209, essentially size,and requires only a small
an enlargement of Ihe Type 206 crew. There are eight swim-oul
design in service with the Federal torpedo tubes disposed in a
German Navy, has exceptional broadly circular arrangement,
underwater performance for its with six reloads.
Origin: USSR, first unit completed targetingtbeterritory of the United manning policy similar to the torpedoes launched by surface
late 1981 States from the security of 'Blue/Gold' arrangement which is ships or helicopters. A third,
Type: Ballistic missile submarine, Soviet-controlled waters. This employed for all Western ballistic shorter pressure cylinder some
nuclear-powered (SSBN) placed a different set of missile submarines. 20ft (6m| in diameter is located
Displacement: 25-30,000 tons requirements on SSBN design. Design: The Typhoon is a directly beneath the fin, and
submerged High performance, which was formidable submarine of a houses the attack centre and
Dimensions: Length 558ft (170m); previously regarded as essential completely new design. Novel command spaces. This
beam 75ft (23m|; draught 37ft because of the need to transit the features include a multiple-hul' arrangement is necessary to enable
(ll.Snil NATO antisubmarine barrier in the conftguration and the location of the periscopes and other sensor
Propulsion: Two pressurized Greenland/Iceland/United the missile compartment forward masts to be located on the
water-cooled reactors driving Kingdom (GlUK) Gap. now of the fin. The hull configuration centre-line in the conventional
geared steam turbines; two shafts; assumed less importance than apparently comprises two parallel way. Each of the large twin
75-80. OOOshp for 24kt max endurance and firepower, for pressure cylinders about 425ff pressure cylinders contains its
Complement: 150 which capacious hull was
a (130m) long enveloped by a broad own propulsion unit, comprising a
Background: The original Yankee required. Because the submarines outer casing. This results in an single nuclear reactor and steam
design on which the Soviet would be operating in relatively exceptionally broad beam of some turbines driving a seven-bladed
Delta-class SSBNs were based friendly waters, fewer hulls each 75ft (23m). approximately twice propeller. The two propulsion
dated from the early 1960s. The with greater missile capacity were that of the Delta. An estimated 6ft units are almost certainly capable
nature of Soviet SSBN operations favoured. This fundamental (2m| stand-off between the inner of independent operation, and
had changed considerably over change in operational philosophy and outer hulls is thought to each presumably has its own
that period due to the development has reportedly been accompanied provide some protection against machinery control centre and
of long-range SLBMs capable of by the introduction of a two-crew small Western antisubmarine electrical switchboard. This would

Below and ngtit: The stowage spaces behind.

Typtioon has 20 launch This suggests a stowage
tubes for the SS-N-20 capacity of perhaps 40
Sturgeon ballistic missile missiles and torpedoes.
(1). The SS-N-20 is the The tubes are almost
first solid-fuel missile to certainly a mix of 21 in
go production
into series (533mm) and 26in
for the Soviet Navy, the (650mm), thereby
only other missile with enabling the Typhoon to
solid-fuel propulsion fire all the submarine

being the SS-N-17 weapons in the current

earned by the single inventory. The SS-N-1
Yankee If The SS-N-20 nuclear-tipped ASW
has an estimated missile (2) and short
maximum range of antisubmarine homing
4,500nm (8,300km) and torpedoes (3) can be
can carry between six fired from the 533mm
and nine IVIIRVed tubes. The 650mm tubes
warheads. The precise can handle the
number of torpedo tubes conventional SS-N-1
is uncertain, but is torpedo-carrying ASW
probably eight, grouped missile (4) and the Type
as two sets of four at the 65 anti-ship torpedo (5),
forward end of the twin which employs wake
pressure hulls with homing.
Submarines and Weapons: Typhoon

enable the submarine to continue the missile compartment may derirative of the SS-N-1 Cunstruclion: llic first unit of the
operations even if a complete relate to the concentration of antisubmarine missile to be fired. clas.s was laid down at the
propulsion unit had to be closed machinery weight in the short after Electronics: The main Severodvinsk Shipyard,
down as a result of failure or action section of the boat. The SS-N-20. a active/passive transducer is appropriatly the world's largest
damage. The configuration of the solid-fuel missile with an probably located in the chin of the submarine production yard, in
fin and the sturdy tailfin rudder estimated length of around 50ft submarine, and there will 1977; she was subsequently
assembly suggest that the 115m) and a diameter of 7fl (2.2m). undoubtedly be conformal passive launched in August 1980 and
submarine is designed for carries six to nine MIRVed arrays along the hull for detection began trials in June 1981. The
under-ice operations. The forward warheads and has a maximum and fire control. Large hatches second boat was launched in
hydroplanes are located close to range of 4.500nm (8,300km). The located side by side abaft the fin October 1982 and began trials in

the bow. not on the fin as in earlier missile could be launched from the house buoys for VLF lune 1983. A third boat entered
Soviet SSBNs. This maximizes Barents Sea or from beneath the communications. An extensive service in 1985. and a fourth in
control in the vertical plane. The Arctic ice pack. Little is known array of masts include search and 1986. The large size of these boats
hydroplanes are retractable as in about the torpedo arrangements in attack periscopes, the distinctive suggests that only the
Soviet attack boats, thereby the Typhoon. The twin-hull layout Snoop Pair'Rim Hat surface Severodvinsk 402 Shipyard,
reducing the risk of damage while suggests four torpedo tubes in each surveillance ESM combination. which has extensive undercover
travelling on the surface in hull with separate handling rooms. Park Lamp VLF LK reception. Pert construction halls, will be capable
ice-bound waters. Some of these tubes may be of the Spring satellite navigation, and of undertaking their construction.
Armament: The Typhoon carries larger 26in (650mm) diameter to Shot Gun VHP communications. It is therefore considered unlikely

20 SS-X-20 missiles in a large enable the new Type 65 There are also numerous that production of Typhoon-class

compartment forward of the fin. wake-homing torpedo or the unidentified electro-optical submarines will exceed the rate of
The unconventional position of SS-N-1 6 torpedo-carrying sensors. one hull every two years.

Right: The Typhoon is the largest

submarine ever built. Her length is

virtually the same as that of the

Delta IV and the IS .Navys Ohio.
but she has almost tw ice the beam
of the latter vessels due to her
unusual hull construction, which
comprises two long pressure
cylinders side by side within a
broad outer casing. A third,
shorter pressure cylinder housing
the command spaces is located
within the hump at the base of the
fin. The twin pairs of hatches in
the afier casing house VLF
communications buovs.
Upholder class
Origin: United Kingdom, first unit Moreover, the Oberons. by this spaces, and there are two banks of automation, which includes an
time nearing the end of their Chloride lead-acid batteries autopilot, has made it possible to
tocomplete 1988
Type: Attack submarine, service lives, had shown their beneath, each containing 240 cells. reduce the complement to only 44
diesel-powered (SS) value in routine patrol operations, The propulsion and auxiliary officers and men.
Displacement: 2,215 tons surfaced; and had proved to be inherently machinery is located in a Armament: The six bow tubes are
quieter than their nuclear single-deck compartment abaft the of the standard 21in (533mm)
2,365 tons submerged
Dimensions: Length 230ft 6in counterparts. The Royal Navy accommodation decks. In the diameter and are disposed in two
(70.25m|; beam 25ft (7.6m); therefore opted for a new forward part of the machinery banks (two in the upper and four in
draught 21ft 4in (6.5m) diesel-electric design, employing space are the two Paxman the lower bank) in the upper
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive as much of the technology 16-cylinder diesel generators, section of the bow. Positive
developed for the SSN programme which are mounted on a raft above discharge is used to enable the
on one shaft; two Paxman Valenta
1600 RPA 200SZ diesel generators, as it was possible to incorporate. the fuel tanks.The generator room torpedoes to be fired from any
Design: The hull-form, which has separated from the motor room depth. Additional stowage, with
each 2,035bhp; one GEC electric is

an exceptionally high beam to by a transverse acoustic bulkhead. hydraulic handling, is provided for
motor; 4.070bhp for 12kt surfaced,
5,400hp for 20kt submerged length ratio, is closely modelled on The GEC main motor comprises a further 12 weapons. Initially the

Complement: 44 that of the British nuclear boats. two motors in a common frame Mk 24 Tigerfish torpedo will be

Background: Following the Single-hull construction has been with two armatures on a common carried, but in the late 1980s this

completion of the Oberon adopted, and the cylindrical shaft. This arrangement makes will besuperseded by the
programme in 1967 no further pressure hull is of NQ 1 possible series or parallel heavyweight Marconi Spearfish
submarines with diesel-electric (HY80-equivalent) steel for a combinations, giving a continuous which is currently under
propulsion were contemplated by maximum diving depth of 650ft speed range between four and 20 development. Spearfish. a
(200m); the fin will be largely knots. There is a separate motor high-performance torpedo
the Royal Navy. However, with the
decision to build Trident constructed of GRP. The large generator for speeds below four designed specifically to counter
submarines it became clear that diameter of the pressure hull knots. The Upholders have the latest high-speed, deep-diving
would have to be a gap of allows for a spacious two-deck exceptionally high submerged Soviet SSNs. has a length of 27ft
layout. The control room. speed, and their large battery lOin (8.5m). and weighs 4.4001^
about eight years in the SSN
communications office and ESM capacity gives them an underwater (2.000kg). Spearfish incorporates o
building programme, because •

Vickers (Barrow) was the only office are grouped together beneath endurance 45 per cent greater than Sundstrand turbine engine, and is
the fin. with the weapons stowage that of the Oberon. They are also reported to have achieved more
remaining shipyard with sufficient
nuclear construction expertise, forward. The lower deck houses capable of sustaining 19 knots than 70 knots on trials. Range will
and building capacity was limited. the accommodation and messing while snorkeling. Advanced be in the region of 70,000 yards

Left: Upholder, the first

diesel-electric submarine
to be
built for theRoyal Navy for more
than 20 years, is modeled on the
latest nuclear-powered fleet
submarines but costs less than half
as much. Seen here at her launch
at the Barrow-in-Furness
Shipyard of Vickers, Upholder is
due to enter service in 1 988. Three
further units have been ordered
from Cammell Laird, and it is
thought that the class will
eventually total ten submarines.
Submarines and Weapons: Upholder

|65.0O0m|. Other weapons carried system, developed from the

bv the Upholder class will include UCA DCB systems in service
the Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missile aboard Royal Navy SSNs. is based
and Stonefish mines.
Electronics: The main
active passive sonar, designated
Type 2040. was developed from
the French Thomson-CSF Eledone.
on two KM KiOOE computers with a
digital data bus linked to three
dual-purpose consoles. Up to 35
targets can be tracked, and
automatic guidance can be
The passive array, comprising a provided for four torpedoes against
triple-tier 48-stave circular four separate targets.
transducer,is located in the chin of Construction: The name-ship of
the submarine, while the active the class was laid down at the
(attack) component is housed Vickers Shipyard.
inside the forward edge of the fin. Barrow-in-Furness, in November
Twelve targets can be tracked 1983 and is due to enter service in
simultaneously. The Type 2040 1988. Three further units were
will be complemented by the ordered from Cammell Laird in
standard Type 2007 passive lanuary 1986. The class may
hydrophone flank array, the eventually total 10 submarines,
Tvpe 2019 passive intercept sonar, and it is reported that the fifth boat
and the Type 2026 towed array. may be of a stretched' 3.000-ton
The DCC Action Information design which will be capable of
Organisation and fire control longer endurance.

Right: The Upholder class boats

have single pressure hulls,
cruciform tail surfaces and single
seven-bladed propellers. The
main ballast tanks are fore and aft
of the pressure hull, as in
contemporary SSNs. Internally
there is a multi-deck layout with a
large modern control room, and
the latest sensors will be fitted,
including a Type 2026 towed
array and the Type 2040 bow
array, under wraps in this photo
of the launching ceremony.

Below: The Upholders

be capable of firing

the full range of weapons

carried by the latest
Royal Navy
hunter-killer submannes
and will have six bow
diameter. Initially the Mk
Valiant class
Origin: United Kingdom, first unit was to be incorporated in a
modified design which became the
completed 1966
Valiant class. The British SSNs.
Type: Attack submarine,
unlike their US Navy counterparts,
nuclear-powered (SSN)
are designed to operate in close
Displacement: 4.200 tons
load support of a task force or a convoy,
standard; 4,900 tons full
Dimensions: Length 285ft (86,9m); and are designated Fleet
beam 33ft 3in (10.1m): draught 27ft
Submarines by the Royal Navy,
Design: Valiant was slightly larger
Propulsion: One PWR 1 than Dreadnought in order to
pressurized water-cooled reactor
accommodate the new British

driving geared steam turbines: one

PWR 1 reactor, which was bulkier
than the American S5W,
shaft; IS.OOCshp for 28kt max
Single-hull construction was again
Complement: 103
Background: The first British employed, but the 'Albacore'
hull-form was smoother, less
nuclear-powered submarine. HMS
disjointed than that of
Dreadnought, was completed in
Dreadnought, High-yield UKE
1963, Because of delays in the
British military reactor
programme, she was built around
an American S5W reactor, which
was purchased direct from
Westinghouse, The US reactor
section was grafted onto a forward
section of British design, and
equipment and propulsion
machinery were employed. A
completely new generation of
underwater sensors and combat
systems were designed for
Dreadnought, and these were to be
incorporated in later British SSN
designs. Meanwhile work Above: The Valiants were the first S5W reactor purchased directly
proceeded on an all-British reactor nuclear submarines of exclusively from the United States. They are

atthe Admiralty Reactor Test Dreadnought

British design. designated 'Fleet Submarines' by
Establishment at Dounreav, This having been completed with an the Royal Navy.

Below: Since ttie complemented by ttie the Sub-Harpoon

mid-1970s ttieValiants elderly Mk 8 anti-ship anti-ship missile (2),
have carried ttie Mk 24 torpedo, but the IVlod. They can also
Tigerfisti wire-guided variant of Tigerfish launch Marconi
torpedo(l). Originally currently in service has a Stonefish (3) and British
ttiis was available only as dual-purpose capability. Aerospace Sea Urchin
an antisubmarine The Valiants are currently (4) mines from their

weapon, and was being retro-fitted to fire torpedo tubes.

HMS Valiant (S 102)

Submarines and Weapons: Valiant

steel gi\ es the submarine a diving locked into place. And at creep torpedo, which entered service in well-ec|uipped attack centre was
depth of 1.000ft (300m|. At the speed, during barrier patrol or 1974. The guidance systems of the based around the IX^A Action
forward end of the boat there is a other such ASVV operations, the early models of Tigerfish were not Information Organisation and Fire
two-deck layout housing the boat is powered by the particularly well-suited to Control System. Beginning with
control and accommodation independent electric motor. A anti-ship operation, and reports Courageous in the late 1970s, the
spaces, and a smaller cylinder 112-cell battery, charged by a that the Mk 8 torpedo had been class began a series of long refits
housing the torpedo stowage and Paxman diesel generator, provides taken out of service in the early during which major updates were
handling arrangements. The after emergency power in the event of 1970s were conclusively refuted made to the electronics. The
end of the submarine is occupied reactor failure. Unlike their US when the submarine Conqueror Type 2001 chin array is being
exclusively by the reactor and Navy counterparts, the British used two Mk 8s to despatch the replaced by the Type 2020
machinery spaces. Dreadnought, SSNs have their forward Argentinian cruiser Genera/ electronically scanned array
like the US Skipjacks, hydroplanes mounted close to the Be/grano in 1982 during the which entered service on the
incorporated or no sound
little bow: they fold upwards to enable Falklands conflict. Churchill Trafalgar class, and a Type 2026
insulation. In the Valiants, the submarine to come alongside evaluated both the Sub-Harpoon towed hydrophone array is being
however, the main turbines and without sustaining damage. anti-ship missileand the US Mk48 These modifications will be

gearing were mounted on a raft Armament: There are six bow Mod. 3 torpedo prior to the extended to all units of the class
insulated from the hull by flexible torpedo tubes of the standard 21in adoption ofthe former by the Royal except VVarspite.
mountings. A novel feature of the (533mm) diameter, and the Navy. Courageous was the first of Construction: Five submarines of
class was the inclusion of a torpedo handling room has the class to deploy Sub-Harpoon the Valiant class were built for the
separate propulsion motor, located stowage capacity for 20 reloads. operationally, in 1981. and the Royal Navy between 1966 and
abaft the geared turbines and Early units of the class other boats are currently being 1971 at the Vickers Shipyard.
coupled directly to the single shaft. commissioned with the elderly retro-fitted with the missile. Barrow-in-Furness and at Cammell
This arrangement permits three Mk 8 anti-ship torpedo and the Laird. Birkenhead. The
possible propulsion modes. For Mk 20 acoustic-homing Electronics: As completed the programme was delayed by work
moderate speeds, such as might be antisubmarine torpedo. From 1970 X'aliants had an advanced sonar on the Polaris submarines of the
required for support of a task force onwards the latter was superseded outfit comprising a Type 2001 Resolution

or convoy, power is provided by by the Mk 23. essentially a Mk 20 low-frequency active passive array
the geared turbines and the raft is with wire guidance. Churchill, the (strapped around the outside ofthe
isolated from the hull. At very high third unit of the class, was the first to 'chin' ofthe submarine), a
speeds, which would be used for be fitted to fire the Mk 24 Tigerfish Type 2007 passive fiank array, and
interception or evasion, the raft is wire-guided antisubmarine a Type 197 intercept array. A

Right: Warspite. the second unit of

the class lo be completed. The
Valiants have a more curved
hull-form than later British
nuclear-powered submarines and
a taller,more angled fin. and
unlike their rS Navy counterparts
they have their forward
hydroplanes mounted close to the
bow. The current update
programme includes provision of
a Type 2026 passive array and
modifications lo the fire control
electronics lo enable these
submarines lo fire Sub-Harpoon.
Victor class
Origin: USSR, first unit completed nuclear-powered submarine with a Design: The Victor was a Armament: The Victor was I

1968 primary antisubmarine mission, completely new design which initially armed only with
Type: Attack submarine, the Victor, was laid down. Fitted owed little to the only previous conventional anti-ship and
nuclear-powered (SSN) with a newly developed LF Soviet SSN, the November, its acoustic-homing antisubmarine
Displacement: Victor I: 5,100 tons active/passive bow sonar, the tear-drop hull being 50ft (15m) torpedoes, but the Victor 11 variant
submerged Victor was initially charged with shorter and slightly broader. introduced the SS-N-15
Victor II: 5,700 tons submerged hunting down Western SSBNs. In An improved type of nuclear antisubmarine missile into Soviet
Victor III: 6,300 tons submerged theory this meant that the Victor reactor was fitted, and some service. The missile is similar in
Dimensions: Victor I: length 312ft would attempt to pick up the SSBN attempt was made to quieten conception to the US Navy's
(95m); beam 33ft (10m); draught as it sortied from its home port, and machinery noise. From the Victor SUBROC. It has a nuclear warhead
23ft (7m) would shadow it throughout its II onwards, the hull casing was to compensate for guidance
Victor length 328ft (100m);
II: patrol. These tactics appear to have covered with an anechoic rubber inaccuracies, and has a maximum
beam and draught as Victor I met with little success, and in the sheathing. The six torpedo tubes range estimated at 21nm (40km). It
Victor III: length 348ft (106m); early 1970s they were superseded are all forward, the 16in (400mm) can be fired from a standard 21in
beam and draught as Victor I by a 'pro-submarine' mission in stern tubes of earlier Soviet nuclear (533mm) torpedo tube, and the
Propulsion: One/two pressurized support of the Soviet Navy's own boats being abandoned in favour of necessary fire control equipment
water-cooled reactors driving SSBNs. With the advent of the cruciform tail surfaces. The Victor may therefore have been
geared steam turbines; 1 shaft (see Delta class and the 4,250nm was the first Soviet submarine with retro-fitted in some Victor Is. The
remarks); 30,000shp for 29-30kt (7,800km) SS-N-8 ballistic missile, a single shaft. The Victor I and II SS-N-16 antisubmarine missile
Complement: Victor & II: 80 I Soviet SSBNs would increasingly variants are reported to have a carried by the Victor III did not
Victor III: 85 operate in defended 'bastion' single five-bladed propeller, with enter service until about 1980. It

Background: In 1960 the first US areas where they would be two small auxiliary propellers for carries a homing torpedo payload
Navy ballistic missile submarine, protected by a combination of manoeuvring. However, the in place of a nuclear warhead, and
George Washington (SSBN-598], surface ships, aircraft and Victor III has an unusual is therefore of greater diameter

entered service. This new submarines Tike the Victor. In 1972 eight-bladed propeller, comprising than the SS-N-15. The SS-N-16 is
development was to compel the the first of a new variant, Victor II, two tandem four-bladed propellers fired from a special 26in (650mm)
Soviet Navy to rethink its maritime entered service; it introduced the which co-rotate. Each of the two tube which can also handle the
strategy. Antisubmarine warfare, SS-N-15 nuclear-tipped later variants of the class shows an new Type 65 wake-homing
which had previously been antisubmarine missile to the increase in length over its torpedo.
neglected, assumed a new Soviet Navy. In 1978 this variant immediate predecessor: in both
importance, and the Soviet Navy was superseded in turn by the cases an additional hull section
embarked on an ambitious surface Victor III, which was fitted with has been inserted between the fin
ship construction programme improved sensors, and and the bow, indicating that an
headed by the Moskva-class large-diameter torpedo tubes increase in space was required for
antisubmarine cruisers; almost which enabled it to fire the new weapons and fire control
simultaneously the first Soviet SS-N-16 antisubmarine missile. systems.

Below: The Victors can antisubmanne homing (650mm) diameter,

fire a wide variety of torpedo (2) thought to enabling them to fire the
weapons from their six have entered service in SS-N-1 6 antisubmarine
bow tubes. In the Victor I themid/late-1960s. In missile (4), which carnes
the tubes are thought to place of each of the a small homing torpedo,
be of uniform 2 tin torpedoes and missiles, and the
(533mm) diameter; these two mines (3) can be high-performance Type
can fire the SS-N-15 accommodated in the 65 anti-ship torpedo (5),
antisubmarine missile racks. In the Victor II and which is thought to home
(1 ). which has a nuclear III some of the torpedo on the wake created by a
warhead, and an tubes are of 26in surface ship.
Submarines and Weapons: Victor

Electronics; All three variants of

the Victor are fitted with a large
active/passive LF bow array
capable of detecting hostile ships
at considerable distances under
favourable sonar conditions. In
addition, the Victor III can deploy a
towed hydrophone array from the
teardrop-shaped pod atop the
The sensor masts are
standard for their period and
comprise search and attack
periscopes, a Snoop Tray
surveillance radar. Brick Pulp
ESM. Park Lamp VLF reception.
and aerials for HF and VHF
communications. The Victor III

also has Pert Spring for satellite

communications. Both the Victor II

and the Victor III have twin

hatches abaft the fin for a VLF
communications buoy.
Construction: Sixteen Victor Is

were completed by the Admiralty

Shipyard. Leningrad, between
1967 and 1975. Seven Victor lis
were completed by the same
shipyard between 1972 and 1978.
The first Victor III was completed
in 1978, and since that time a
further 20 have entered service,
with a second production line
being opened up at Komsomolsk in Above: A submarine of the Victor thought to house a towed
the Pacific. The Victor is now being IIIclass in trouble off the East passive hydrophone array, and
phased out in favour of the similar, Coast of the United States. Note the co-rotating four-bladed
but slightly larger, Akula. the distinctive pod atop the propellers.

Right: An early viewof a Victor I

running on the surface. These are
thought to have been the first
Soviet submarines designed
primarily to hunt other
submarines and a number of
innovatory features were
incorporated in the design,
including Western-style
cruciform tail surfaces and a
single propeller shaft. The Victor
proved so successful that
production continued for more
than 1 5 years, and the design has
onlv rerenllv been superseded bv
Yankee class
Origin: USSR, first unit completed attack role and the first of a new mission, and at the start of a
1967 type of SSBN, the Yankee, was on conflictwould be held back in
Type: Ballistic missile submarine, the slipways. The SS-N-6 missile defended sea areas ("bastions') for
nuclear-powered (SSBN) with which these submarines were nuclear war-fighting. Another
Displacement: 8,000 tons surfaced; equipped could be launched from possible explanation is that
9,600 tons submerged under water and had almost twice forward-deployed Yankees would
Dimensions: Length 430ft (130m); the range of its immediate target specifically naval
beam 39ft (12m); draught 29ft (9m) predecessor, the SS-N-5. installations such as ports and
Propulsion: Two pressurized Nevertheless, the Yankees would airfields.

rt^ater-cooled reactors driving still need to patrol relatively close Design: The Yankee belongs to the
geared steam turbines; two shafts; to the East and West coasts of the same generation as the Victor-class
35,000shp for 27k.t max United States in order to target all SSN and the Charlie-class SSGN;
Complement: 120 the major cities. This involved the hull-form and propulsion plant
Background: When the Strategic lengthy transits to their patrol are therefore more advanced
Rocket Forces were formed in 1960 areas, and Yankees serving with technologically than those of
the Soviet Navy's land attack the Northern Fleet would have to first-generation Soviet nuclear
mission was suspended pending pass through the NATO boats. Soviet missile technology
the development of powerful antisubmarine barrier in the had made comparable advances by
land-based ICBMs. Construction of Greenland/lceland/Uniled the early 1960s, and in spite of its
the Hotel-class SSBNs was Kingdom (GIUK) Gap. A number of markedly superior performance
terminated after only nine had theories have been developed to the SS-N-6 missile was
been laid down, as was explain the construction of these significantly smaller than the
construction of the Golf-class SSB. submarines. Some commentators SS-N-4 Sark missile for which the
By 1964, however, the Navy had have advanced the view that the Hotel and Golf were designed.
regained a limited nuclear land Yankees have a second-strike There was therefore no longer any
Submarines and Weapons: Yankee

need to accommodate the missile later, had similar range but carried
tubes in the fin. a design feature two reentry vehicles. The
which in earlier classes had SS-NX-17 evaluated in the single
restricted the number of missiles to Yankee II conversion is a
three. For the Yankee the Soviets somewhat larger missile, with a
adopted the arrangement standard length of perhaps 40ft 2.5ni) and1 1

in US Navy SSBNs (hence the a diameter similar to that ofthe

NATO name for the class), with 16 SS-N-8 (hence the reduction from
missile tubes in two rows of eight 16 to 12 missile tubes). It is
al)afl the fin. Another feature reported to be more accurate than
c opied from the US boats was the the SS-N-6 and is the only Soviet
hydroplane and rudder ballistic missile apart from the
irrangement: the forward planes SS-N-20 to have solid-fuel
were mounted on the fin for the propulsion. The Yankees have six
lirst time in the Soviet Navy, and bow tubes for standard 21 in
combined with cruciform control (533mm) torpedoes. Both long
surfaces aft. The major difference anti-ship and short antisubmarine
between the Yankee and Western torpedoes can be fired
SSBNs ofthe period was Soviet Electronics: The Yankee has a large
persistence with double-hull active/passive bow sonar with a
construction and twin-shaft distinctive wrap-around 'window'
propulsion. The need to transit sea some 13ft (4m) deep.
areas dominated by NATO Mast-mounted sensors are
antisubmarine forces appears to identical to those ofthe Victor and
have influenced the Soviets in Charlie classes, but there is also a
favour of relatively high speed for Cod Eye radio sextant for
Above: A Yankee I running on the the Yankee, which has more than navigational accuracy housed in
surface. Note the large rectangular twice the installed horsepower of the top of the fin.
apertures along the sides ofthe contemporary Western SSBNs. A Construction: The first Yankees
hull casing: these are evidence of prototype conversion, the were completed in 1977, and the
double-hull construction, which Yankee II. was modified in the programme was then accelerated,
continues to be favoured by Soviet mid-1970s to fire 12 SS-NX-17 with parallel construction at
designers. Thirty-four Yankees SALT II Treaty
missiles, but the Severodvinsk in the Arctic and
were completed for the Soviet prevented further conversions. Komsomolsk in the Pacific. A' total
Navv between 1967 and 1974. Armament: The SS-N-6 missile is of 34 submarines of the class were
around 38ft (11. 5m) long and has a in service by 1974. but of the earlier
diameter of 5ft Sin ( 1 .65m). The Yankee Is have now had their
earliest variant ofthe missile missile tubes deactivated to enable
carried a single nuclear warhead of the Soviets to stay within SALT II
about IMT and had a maximum Treaty limits. One of these
rangeofl.300nm (2.400km). It was deactivated boats was
followed in 1972 by a Mod. recommissioned in 1982 to serve
variant with a range of 1 .600nm as a trials platform for a new
2.950km). A Mod. 3 variant, which long-range land-attack cruise
may have entered service one year missile, the SS-NX-24.

Leftand below: The 1 MT nuclear wart>ead, Conventional long

launch tubes of the and the Mod 3, wtiich anti-ship torpedoes (2)
Yankee house 16 has a similar range but of 21 in (533mm)
SS-N-6 ballistic missiles carries two smaller diameter can be fired
(1 These are ttiought to
). reentry vehicles. A single from the six bow tutjes,
be a mix ofthe Mod 2 unit of the class, and tfiere is probably
vanant.whichfiasa designated Yankee II, also a shorter 533mm
range of 1.600nm was modified to carry 1 homing torpedo (3) for
(2,950km) and a single SS-N-1 7 missiles. use against submannes.
Yuushio class
Origin: Japan, first unit completed
Type: Attack submarine,
diesel-powered (SS)
Displacement: 2,200 tons surfaced
Dimensions: Length 250ft (76.2m);
beam 32ft 6in |9.9m); draught
24ft 6in (7.5m)
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive
on one shaft; two Kawasaki-MAN
V8A/24-30 AMTL diesel
generators, each l,700bhp; one
Fuji electric motor; 3.400bhp for
13kt surfaced, 7,200hp for 20kt
Complement: 80
Background: The first fleet

submarines to be built postwar for

the Japanese Maritime
Self-Defence Force (JMSDF) were
the five units of the Ooshio class,
which were completed between
1965 and 1969. The Ooshios were
of conservative design, with a
traditional hull-form, two shafts,
and six how and two stern tubes.
They were quickly overtaken by
new technology, and were
decommissioned in the early
1980s. The Ooshio was succeeded
by the Uzushio, a completely new
type incorporating all the latest
features of US Navy construction.
The Uzushio was the first Japanese
submarine with an 'Albacore'
hull-form, and an internal layout
similar to that of contemporary US
SSNs was adopted, with the bow Above: Mochishio, the second unit Barbel design, the Yuushios have a
occupied by a large passive sonar of the class. Seven submarines of large sonar array in the how with
array and six torpedo tubes angled this type have so far been the six torpedo tubes angled out
out amidships. The Uzushio was completed, and a further seven are beneath the fln, as in
designed for high underwater building or projected. Based, like contemporary US Navy SSNs,
speed, and proved particularly their immediate predecessors of They are large, sophisticated
sucessful; seven units were the Uzushio class, on the US boats, with good endurance.

Right; The Yuushios are and the 'short' US Mk

fitted with six 21 in 37C antisubmanne
(533mm) torpedo tubes. torpedo (1). The Mk 48
They are angled out in will eventually be

two banks of three superseded by a new

beneath the fin in the high-performance
manner of US Navy torpedo of Japanese
artacl< boats,which also design and manufacture,
have a sonar occupying theGRX-2(2).Thefifth
their bows. The unitofthe'class,
Japanese t^antime Nadashio. was fitted
Self-Defense Force from the outset to fire the
currently has in service Sub-Harpoon anti-ship
the US Mk 48 missile (3). which wiltbe
heavyweight retro-fitted to earlier
dual-purpose torpedo boats.

Submarines and Weapons: Yuushio

completed between 1971 and the Uzushio class, thereby reloads in line with the tubes. antisubmarine torpedo. Two of the
1978. The Yuushio type which increasing diving depth from 650ff Above the stowage room is a latter c:an be accommodated in
followed is essentially an (200m) to 1.000ft (300m). The combined control and attack place of one ofthe larger Mk 48s. A
improved Uzushio. designed for maximum diameter of the pressure centre, and accommodation for the new high-performance torpedo of
deeper diving and with an hull is amidships, where there is a officers and men is abaft the lapanese design and manufacture,
improved electronics outfit. three-deck layout. Forward of the control centre and the torpedo the GRX-2. is currently under
Design: The Yuushio has a fin there is a smaller cylinder in stowage room respectively, development. The fifth unit ofthe
hull-form reminiscent of the US which the six torpedo tubes are arranged on two levels. The lower class. Nadashio. which was
Barbel. Unlike its US Navy located. There are six lubes, deck level is occupied exclusively completed in March 1984. was the
counterparts, however, the disposed as two vertical banks of by the submarine's batteries. The first to be fitted to fire the

(apanese boat has double-hull three and angled out at 10 degrees after section houses the propulsion Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missile,
construction, the pressure hull to the submarines axis, leaving the and auxiliary machinery spaces which will eventually be
being framed externally, and bow section free for the large together with the switchboard. The retro-fitted in earlier boats.
high-tensile NS-90 steel has passive sonar array. Immediately diesel engines are manufactured Electronics: The sonar outfit of the
superseded the N'S-60 steel abaft the tubes there is a stowage bv Kawasaki under licence from Uzushio and Yuushio classes is
employed in the construction of room on three levels, with the MAN (FRG). The powerful electric based on the ZQQ-4 passive array
motor, which can produce a located in the bow. The ZQQ-4.
maximum of 7.200hp for an apparently a Japanese
underwater speed of 20 knots, was development ofthe US Navy's
designed and manufactured by BQS-4. comprises three circular
Fuji. The control surfaces of both transducer arrays stacked one
the Uzushio and Yuushio classes above the other. This arrangement
are patterned on those of serves to reduce the vertical beam
contemporary US Navy SSNs. with ofthe sonar and to reduce the
the forward hydroplanes mounted signal to noise ratio. The ZQQ-4 is
on the fin and cruciform tail complemented by an SQS-SB)
surfaces forward of a single active (attack) sonar, and the
seven-bladed propeller. The electronics outfit is completed by a
Japanese boats have an automated fullarray of mast-mounted sensors,
steering system which features which include attack and search
automatic control of both depth periscopes, a ZPS-6 surveillance
and bearing. radar, and numerous masts for
Armament: The six torpedo tubes electronic warfare (EW) and
are of standard 21in (533mm) communications.
diameter. No details are available Construction: By the end of 1 986
of weapons capacity, but the layout seven units of the Yuushio class
ofthe stowage room suggests 12-15 had been completed at the
full-length torpedoes shared shipyards of Mitsubishi (Kobe) and
between the three levels. It is Kawasaki (Kobe), with seven
reported that the |MSDF operates further units building or projected.
both the US Mk 48 wire-guided A follow-on design, incorporating
heavyweight torpedo, which can an advanced weapon control
be used against surface ships or system by Hitachi, is currently
submarines, and the Mk 37C short being prepared.

Yuushio (SS 573)

Zeeleeuw class
Origin: Netherlands, first unit to reduction in the number of welded
complete 1989. joints and The
hull apertures.
Type: Attack submarine, consequent increase in diving
diesel-powered (SS). depth to 985ft (300m) brought
Displacement: 2,450 tons further design modificatfons,
standard; 2,800 tons submerged. including changes in the torpedo
Dimensions: Length 222ft (67.7m); launching systems, a pressurized
beam 28ft (8.4m); draught 23ft fuel system, a 'wet' exhaust
(7m). system, more sophisticated
Propulsion: Diesel-electric drive hydraulics and additional
on one shaft; three SEMT-Pielstick emergency blowing systems. The
1 2 PA 4V 200 diesel generators (see pressure hull comprises a
remarks); one Holec electric motor; large-diameter cylinder
3.950bhp for 12kt surfaced, amidships, with smaller-diameter
5,430hp for 21kt submerged. cylinders fore and aft. The hull
Complement: 50. configuration is therefore an
Background: The Walrus class was unusual mix of single- and
designed in the late 1970s to double-hull construction. The
replace the elderly triple-hull larger cylinder amidships allows
boats of the Dolfin class. Initially. for a spacious three-deck layout
the design was to have been based with the control centre and officer
closely on that of the two accommodation on the upper deck
submarines of the Zvaardvis class and the accommodation for the
completed in 1972. However, as crew on the second deck. The
detailed design work proceeded so lower deck is occupied by the three
many modifications were 1 48-cell battery banks. The smaller

incorporated that the Walrus cylinder forward houses the

became a separate type. In order to torpedo stowage room, while the
preserve the design teams and smaller cylinders aft house the
labour force at the RDM shipyard propulsion units and auxiliary
construction was brought forward, machinery. In the forward
and the first steel was cut even machinery compartment are the
before the contract for the first boat three diesel generators, which are
was signed in June 1979. However, disposed abreast on a
a change in the Netherlands Navy resiliently-mounted raft. The
specification, requiring a 50% central compartment is divided
increase in diving depth, led to into two decks, with the
major redesign and consequent switchboard on the upper level
delays in the construction of the and the auxiliary machinery
first two boats. A second pair was below. The third compartment
ordered in January 1984, and a houses the main electric motor.
third pair his projected. The latter is a double-armature
Design: Like the preceding Holec model of Netherlands design
Zvaardvis class, the Walrus has an and manufacture, but for the
'Albacore' hull-form based on that diesels the Dutch had to turn to the Above: The Zeeleeuw class is a modern design, employing an
of the US Barbel design. The French, as the Werkspoor model development of the Zwaardvis 'Albacore' hull-form, and
forward hydroplanes are mounted which was employed in the design depicted here which was the forward hydroplanes are
on the fin, as in US Navy Zvaardvis class was no longer in based in turn on the US Barbel. mounted on the fin in the manner
submarines, but the cruciform after production. However, the second The latest Dutch boats are all of of their US counterparts.
control surfaces of the Zvaardvis pair of submarines in this class will
have been superseded by have the Brons-Werkspoor O-RUB
'X'-planes on the Swedish model 215X12 diesel currently under
(see Nacken). The adoption of development. Control of the
high-tensile French MAREL steel machinery is highly automated,
for the pressure hull necessitated a and this has made possible a

Hr Ms Zeeleeuw (S 803)
Submarines and Weapons: Zeeleeuw

reduction in the complement to \\ |ir 21)411 ( urriMilh' being fitted in

only 50 men. Ihr British Upholder (lass (c). v.).

Armament: The four 21 in oil the Th(imson-[:SF Eledone

(533mm) bow tubes are of the sonar. The other major sonar array
positive discharge 'water-slug' will be the British Type 2026
type, which enables them to fire towed hydrophone array. The
torpedoes at any depth. The intercept sonar will be the
capacious torpedo stowage room Passive/Active Range and
has a maximum capacity of 20 Intercept Sonar (PARIS) developed
torpedoes or missiles. The jointly by France. Britain and the
torpedoes currently in service with Netherlands, which first entered
the Roval Netherlands Navy are the service in 1978. The Walrus class
Northrop NT-37C and -37D will haveaSEWACO VIII
antisubmarine models and the US computer-based Action
Mk 48 Mod. 4 heavyweight Information Organisation and Fire
torpedo. The improved NT-37E is Control System. The Sperry Mk 29
currently being purchased, and it Mod.2A inertial navigation system
is envisaged that the Walrus class will be fitted, together with a
will also fire the Mk 48 Mod. NAVSAT (Navigation Satellite)
ADCAP when the latter becomes receiver.
available. They will be fitted from Construction: Completion of
the outset with the necessary fire Walrus has been delayed following
control facilities for the a serious fire at the RDM Shipyard.
Sub-Harpoon anti-ship missile. Rotterdam, and the class has been
Electronics: The electronics outfit renamed Zeeleeuw after the
represents a marked advance on second boat, which will complete
the earlier Zwaardvis class. The on schedule in 1989. The third and
large Octopus active'passive fourth boats will follow in 1992
circular bow arrav is based, like the and 1994 respectively.

Above: The most notable conventional cruciform tail

innovation of the Walrus (now surfaces. X-planes give finer
Zeeleeuw) class is the adoption of control of depth and bearing and
X-planes in the place of the permit 'bottoming'.

Above: Ttie Zeeleeuw the US Mk 48 heavy- with the necessary fire

class will have four 2 1 in weight dual-purpose control facilities for the
(533mm) bow torpedo torpedo (Hand the Sub-Harpoon anti-ship
tubes of the water-slug' NT-37C/D/E short missile (2). Besides the
type. The Royal antisubmarine torpedo. four weapons carried in
Netherlands Navy These boats will also be the tubes, there IS
currently has m service fitted from the outset stowage for 1 6 reloads
Underwater Warfare
Bvlow: The Italian deslrover
Artigliere breaks in two and sinks

Tactics David Miller

after bein)* hit by a

torpedo in May
A. 184 heavyweight wire-guided
submarine's mission profile generally follows one of three communicate from time to time with their base or with

A mainpatterns, depending on its type and role, but all

submarines must start by leaving base on or very near the surface,
cooperating task groups.
Conventionally powered submarines must surface as a matter
a manoeuvre which is almost always detectable by direct visual of routine to run the diesels that recharge their batteries, and to
means, radio intercept - for example, of harbour control expel the diesel exhaust. They can do so by exposing only the
frequencies - or satellite observations. Unless they are confined head of a schnorkel tube, but even that is a relatively easy target
to an area such as the Baltic they must then transit through the for modern radars and infra-red sensors, and the exhaust fumes

shallow waters of the continental shelf, where they are relatively can be detected by the sniffers mounted on most types of
easy to detect, before reaching the open ocean. And Soviet anti-submarine aircraft.
submarines must pass through choke points, where detection is In considering submarine tactics there is one unique factor that

particularly easy. In the deeper ocean, however, the three should always be borne in mind, namely the solitary nature of the
missions diverge. submariner's existence and fight for survival. In almost every
When it is clear of the continental shelf a ballistic missile other type of warfare units operate in groups, manoeuvring in
submarine will usually go deep and travel reasonably fast to its cooperation and in regular communication with each other, with
patrol area, taking every precaution to ensure that it is not being flanking and supporting units and with superior headquarters.
trailed by SSNs; in its patrol area it will cruise at about three The submariner, on the other hand, can, within certain well
knots, hiding itself from detection by varying its depth to match defined limits, receive communications from outside and
prevailing oceanic conditions. However, it must expose itself to communicate with his base, and he may, in some circumstances,
the risk of detection when it needs to communicate with its operate in very loose coordination with other surface or
national command authority or update its inertial navigation submarine units, mainly on the basis of being given an exclusive
system. Nuclear powered attack submarines, being faster and zone within which he can operate, but in the final analysis he is
more agile, operate at greater depths, but they too must on his own, and must fight and survive in isolation.

Above: Mk 46 torpedo launched

from a Mk 32 launcher on board a
destroyer. The effectiveness of
surface warships against
submarine targets is a subject of
discussion in most navies; many
hold that submarines and aircraft
are the most effective platforms.

Left: Periscope view from HMS

Oberon of a Westland Sea King
dunking. ASW aircraft, both
fixed- and rotary-winged, are very
effective in the ASW role,
especially when using passive
sonar, as they are virtually
undetectable by the submarine.

Top right: Royal Navy Lynx HAS.

carrying two Mk 46
antisubmarine torpedoes. Such
small shipborne helicopters have
brought a much-needed
enhancement to surface warships'

M ASW capabilities, though aircraft

size is growing.

Right: The control room on board

HMS Trafalgar, lead boat of the
latest class of British SSN. The
submarine provides a unique

operational environment, being
almost totally self-contained, and
dependent on its own resources
and capabilities for survival.
Tactics: Introduction

Submarine Tactics
The sole of utility ballistic: Ballistic missile submarine bases
missile submarines lies in
their strategic capability and their
tactical use must, therefore, be
viewed in their strategic context.
Since the 1950s US and (probably)
Soviet strategic thinking has been
based on the concept of a nuclear
triad of long-range bombers and
land-based and submarine-
launched ballistic missiles, the last
being the ultimate deterrent in that
they provide an assured response
to a first strike by ICBMs with a
massive attack on the aggressor's
cities. This strategic theory of
deterrence was enhanced when
both the USA and the Soviet Union
had a proportion of their nuclear
armouries deployed in such a way
as to be immune to a first strike by
the other side, but two factors
suggest that this equation may be
altered in the near future: the first
is the dramatic increase in the

accuracy of SLBM warheads; the

second is the steady increase in the
effectiveness of present-day
anti-submarine warfare
The accuracy of a warhead
dictates the role of the missile that Above: Ballistic missile
launches it. since a highly accurate submarines seek the security of
warhead can be used in a the ocean depths while on patrol,
first strike attack on an opponent's but must begin and end their
ICBM silos while a less accurate missions at bases whose locations
warhead can only be used against are known.
unprotected area targets such as
cities. The accuracy of the latest Right: Us DoD artist's depiction of
warheads on US and Soviet SLBMs a new Soviet submarine base. The
isgiving both sides at least the underground pens whose
potential for a counter-force role, entrances are clearly shown are
provided they are attacking fixed designed to ensure the
targets of known location. survivability of SSBNs.
However, the deployment of the
Soviet rail-transportable SS-X-24 Below: The British submarine
and road-mobile SS-25. with their base at HMS Dolphin, Gosport.
6.250-mile (lO.OOOkm) ranges and Used by conventional submarines,
ability to change locations, has home of Flag
this base is also the
negated the advances in US Officer Submarines (FOSM), who
warhead accuracy. commands the UK force.
Submarine Tactics

Right: US strategic underwater

detection capability, showing
coverage given by sea-bed arrays
such as SOSUS and land-based
ASW aircraft. Tactical detection is
the job of submarines, and ships.

.About a third of any naval force

isin port at any one time for
maintenance, repair, exchange of
crews or major refit. Thanks to
good management and reliable
equipment the US Navy is able to
l<.eep 65 per cent of its Ohio class
submarines at sea, an
improvement on the figure of 55
per cent for the earlier classes, but
the Soviet Navy seems to have
more problems with its SSBN fleet
and usually maintains no more
than 15 boats on patrol at the same
time; an alarm signal would be
given to the US if large numbers of
Soviet SSBNs were to put to sea in
a short period. The British
guarantee to keep an absolute
minimum of one SSBN at sea at all
times; the French have two;and
one Chinese SSBN is probably
deployed most of the time.
NATO's submarine-based
strategic nuclear forces are SSBN fleets is that they provide submarines the location of their through the narrows at Rhu just
unusual in that they are operated second and third nuclear bases is easily identifiable and well north of Helensburgh, in full
by three different navies, under decision-making centres in known to potential opponents, and public view, while French SSBNs
three entirely separate national Western Europe, and their value is contemporary surveillance have a similar problem leaving
controls. Ballistic missile enhanced by the fact that each devices such as satellites and Brest.
submarines are the most country has total control over its electronic monitoring enable their Having crossed the continental
survivable of the current strategic SLBM warheads. The USSR is, arrival and departure to be closely submarine is able to dive
shelf a
nuclear systems when on patrol at therefore, faced with the fact that if observed. Their departure is deep and seek shelter in the most
sea. and there is no doubt that the she were to attack Western Europe, accompanied by characteristic and suitable layers of the ocean. Early
US and Soviet SSBN forces pose even if the USA held back, the UK easily identifiable behaviour by SSBNs, many of which are still in
the major second-strike threats to and France, either collectively or escort vessels as they are checked service, had to approach the
each other. The great strategic individually, could inflict an for noise and magnetic signature surface periodically to update their
benefit of the British and French unacceptably destructive blow in and, in many cases, their clip-in inertial systems, exposing satellite
retaliation. The strategic equation towed arrays are fitted. Nor need communication antennas to do so.
Below: USS Ohio (SSBN 726) isfurther complicated for the such surveillance be necessarily but more recent systems do not
transits the Hood Canal en route to USSR by the existence of another confined to sophisticated need such regular updates. Patrol
the western Trident submarine entirely independent nuclear force space-based or electronic areas depend on national
base at Bangor. Washington. on its eastern flank. monitoring: British SSBNs. for strategies, geographical factors
There are two Trident bases; the Because of the special facilities example, have no choice but to and. ultimately, the range of the
other is at King's Bay. Georgia. required for ballistic missile leave their Scottish base at Faslane missiles themselves.
Modern Submarine Warfare

Aho\e. Alexander Brykin, lead Left:A Soviet Delta IV surfaces in

ship of a new class of Soviet SSBN the Arctic to launch its SS-N-23
tenders, as depicted by a US DoD SLBMs. The Arctic has become a
artist. Missile replenishment in major potential battlefield and
protected waters will greatly nuclear submarines roam under
enhance survivability. the ice-cap as a matter of routine.

Potentially hostile SSBNs are, thus some 750nm from New York
inevitably, priority targets for and a similar distance from
opposing anti-submarine forces, Washington. DC. both well within
even in peacetime. Even so, the the 1 .600nm range of its missiles.
dilemmas that would confront the Although the Yankees are
commander of a ballistic missile inherently vulnerable so close to
submarine and a hostile attack the US mainland, the very short
submarine tracking it in time of flight-time of their missiles enables
tension - the one facing possible them to threaten time-urgent
destruction of his deterrent load, targets such as the Strategic Air
the other confronted by the Command bomber bases on or near
possibility of allowing it to be the Atlantic coast.
launched, and neither daring to Soviet Pacific Fleet Pacific exit Other Soviet SSBNs are
break off the engagement to concentrated in two areas: the Sea
communicate with higher of Okhotsk in the Far East and the
authority - are such that it would Barents Sea in the west of the
be a poor navy that did not have USSR. The US Navy and its allies
standing procedures to deal with are consequently forced to send
the eventuality. submarines, surface warships and
anti-submarine aircraft into these
SOVIET STRATEGY Soviet-dominated areas.
The original western Soviet
It seems
clear that the Soviet Navy, ^Kunashire Passage SSBN base at Polynarnyi, on the
ifnot the Soviet leadership, Kola Peninsula, caters for the
regards its ballistic mi.ssile Yankee and earlier Delta class
submarine fleet as its most submarines but appears to be too
important single naval asset, just as small for the Typhoon class boats,
it regards the US Navy's SSBN fleet and a totally new
base for them,
as one of the most critical threats to with protective pens blasted out of
its own homeland. It would also the adjacent cliffs, is being built at
appear that the Soviet surface fleet Gremikha. The Soviet SSBNs in
has been designed with the the Far East are based at
primary task of protecting the Petropavlovsk on the Kamchatka
SSBN fleet, rather than conducting Peninsula and at Vladivostok.
independent forays into the North
Atlantic which may nevertheless US AND ALLIED
remain as a secondary task. STRATEGY
The Soviet Navy's early SSBNs.
the 'Yankees, carried missiles The US Navy's ballistic missile
whose range necessitated patrols submarine fleet is armed with a
close to the North American mix of Poseidon and Trident
seaboard. Many are still in service, missiles. With the shorter ranged
as was demonstrated all too clearly Polaris and Poseidon missiles
as recently as October 1986, when some elements of the fleet had to be
a Yankee was forced to surface Above: Soviet submarines leavins and Hokkaido before they can forward based at Rota in Spain and
following a catastrophic explosion Vladivostok are forced to transit reach the Pacific. This is one Holy Loch in Scotland, but with
in one of its SS-N-6 missiles some the Sea offapan and the Kunashir reason why the Soviets retain the the introduction of Trident it has
600nm due north of Bermuda and Passage between Kunashir Island Kurile Islands so tenaciously. become possible to pull back to

Submarine Tactics

Above: Crewmen in the control two bases on the coast of the The British SSBN base is at
room of USS Ohio. Ballistic continental USA: Bangor In Faslane, on the Gareloch, off the CHINESE STRATEGY
missile submarines form part of Washington State and King's Bay. River Clyde. Four submarines
the strategic deterrent, and their Georgia. carry out patrols of approximately China has one operational Xia
crews must face the daily Little information has ever been 70 days each, and the role of their class SSBN, three more under
possibility that they may be called given about US Navy SSBN patrol Polaris missiles is publicly stated construction and a further two
on to unleash a nulear holocaust. areas, but it can be assumed that to be to threaten counter-value planned; each carries 12 CSS-N-3
with Trident and Poseidon strikes against industrial and SLBMs. It can be assumed that
Below: HMS Resolution, one of the missiles maximum use is made of civilian complexes in European China's operational deployment
Royal Navy's four current ballistic their longer range to enable the USSR; as the missiles' range is policy will be similar to that of
missile submarines. The British submarines to patrol in the Indian, around 2,895nm can be assumed
it France and the UK, but until
strategic nuclear capability is a Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, at that their patrol areas will probably SLBMs of much greater range are
major domestic political issue, maximum range from Soviet ports be in the northern and western developed only targets in the
and while a new class of SSBN is toexacerbate the Soviet Atlantic. The French SSBNs, based Soviet Far East can be threatened.
already building at the Vickers anti-submarine problem but still on Brest, are generally similar to There are some very high value
yard at Barrow the future threatening the major industrial their British counterparts and can strategic targets in this area,
cancellation of the programme and population complexes in the be assumed to have a similar although none is critical to the
remains a possibility. European and Far Eastern USSR. targeting policy. survival of the USSR.
Modern Submarine Warfare

The consequence of China submarine-launched cruise 200nm - while ensuring that they major shortcomings: the
SSBN club is that
joining the missiles depends to a large extent attacked the crucial carrier rather survivability of a pairof Bear-Dsin
European USSR is threatened by upon the mission of the submarine than some much less important the vicinity of a US carrier task
three seperate nuclear forces, those and its weapons. While Soviet target in its protective screen. The group would appear to be low, and
of the USA, UK and France, and the cruise missile submarines are answer was to use shore-based since the SS-N-3A had the general
Far East is threatened by the USA intended primarily for use against radio intercept stations to locate physical and flying characteristics
and China, thus adding to the US Navy carrier-based task groups, the task groups and signal the of an aircraftit is quite likely that it

strategic uncertainty facing the American SLCMs have three basic information to the submarine and would be brought down by the task
Soviet leadership and missions: anti-ship, anti- to a naval air station; two Bear-D group's air defence systems. The
strengthening deterrence. Each of submarine and land attack. aircraft would then be sent to find submarine was also vulnerable for
the other five nuclear powers is For many years the Soviet and observe the task group, a relatively lengthy period and
only threatened by the USSR. The Navy's primary task was to deal transmitting radar pictures to the would be an ideal target for an
location of the Chinese SSBN base with the US Navy's aircraft surfaced submarine, whose SS-N-3 anti-submarine aircraft.
has not been publicly announced, carrier-centred task groups, whose sent back its own post-launch The Charlie class submarines are
but is probably in the vicinity of nuclear-capable attack aircraft had radar picture to the launch vessel, able to launch their SS-N-7 or
Huludao on the Yellow Sea. the potential to operate against where the radar operator matched SS-N-15 anti-ship missiles while
targets deep inside the USSR. The the two pictures, identified the submerged, which implies that
CRUISE MISSILE tactical problem was that the carrier and informed the missile, they are capable of reaching a firing
SUBMARINES submarine needed to fire its which then homed on the solution based on their sonar and
missiles from a relatively safe designated target. that the missile must have
The tactical handling of distance — estimated to be about The system had a number of sufficiently sophisticated on-board
devices to enable it to home on the
Tomahawk over-the-horizon anti-ship attack profile appropriate high-value targets
without any external inputs. The
Missile launch Ship delected and Ship detected and SS-N-19 carried by Oscar class
on approximate identified as fnendly identified as enemy: boats has a range of the order of
range and bearing search continued homing initiated
250nm, is smaller than its
predecessors, flies lower, and
probably uses satellite data inputs
to provide targeting information.
These missile systems give the
Soviet Navy a very effective
capability against NATO task
groups. In a period of tension
SSGNs would shadow NATO
fleets, and it would be very
difficult for NATO forces to detect
and shadow all of them all of the
time, so they would possess the
acquires target
initiative, being able to launch at
and attacks will as hostilities started, while
their missiles would be very
difficult to counter.
No other navy has an equivalent
dedicated cruise missile
Above: In the anti-ship role before setting up a search pattern; submarine, although the US Navy
Tomahawk is launched from a having located and identified the now uses the Tomahawk
submerged submarine on an target it commences its attack. submarine-launched missile in an
approximate bearing and flies Maximum range is approximately anti-ship role. The tactics would be
towards the area of the target 330nm (4.';f)km). limil.Tr, with laiinrh t.TkiiiR pinrp
Submarine Tactics

Above: Views through the Submarine approach areas I 'I nil the horizon against a

periscope of a Dutch Walrus class high-value Soviet target such as a

submarine of a van Speijk class Kiev class carrier or a Kirov class
frigate on its attack run during a battlecruiser.
national exercise. In general
terms, submarines can detect and ATTACK SUBMARINE
attack surface warships at greater TACTICS
ranges than the ships can detect
and attack them, unless the ships Attack submarines, whether
carr>- ASW helicopters. nuclear or diesel-eleclric powered,
can be used for a variety of
Right: The ability of a submerged missions, including operating as
submarine to reach the torpedo escorts to friendly SSBNs; carrying
danger zone (TDZ) of a surface out barrier patrols in the
target depends on the speed and approaches to choke points;
bearing of the target and the keeping clear ocean lanes for task
submarine's own speed. For groups or convoys; acting as part of
example, if the target is the screen for such task groups or
proceeding at 21 knots, then a convoys; following up contacts
9-knot submarine can reach a made by other means, such as
launching position on the TDZ SOSUS; pursuing independent
only if her initial position is missions against specific targets
within 38° of the target's bows, such as hostile SSBNs in
while a 1 5-knot submarine can sanctuaries; and conducting
approach from a larger area and general ocean search.
an angle of up to 64°. A diesel In a barrier patrol a submarine is
submarine's battery endurance likely to operate at very low speed
reduces rapidly with speed. with its sensors in the passive
mode. It would normally only use
Tigerfish tactical employment its sensors actively to give a final

confirmation of a target's range and

bearing, perhaps with a single
pulse which would certainly alert
the target but without giving away
the range and direction of the
threat. The problem for the hunter
is that if he cannot detect any

possible targets he will want to

move to another area, which
normally involves the possibility
of detection. Many submarines,
therefore, adopt sprint-and-drift
tactics, moving at maximum speed
to the new area and then returning
to a silent search mode.
A further dilemma for the
submarine captain is that while his
survival depends on remaining
undetected, his role as an attack
submarine is to sink hostile
submarines or surface vessels and
a successful attack immediately
confirms his presence.

Left: A Soviet Victor III SSN shows Above: An underwater ambush targets. This weapon uses wire OPERATIONS
the unique rudder-mounted pod using the terrain of the sea-bed to guidance in the initial stages of the
whose function has not been hide the presence of a submarine attack up to the point where the Beiause they can move about the
published in the West. The ability is now a feasible operation. The torpedo's on-board active/passive I'.insand approach hostile coasts

of such vessels to travel at high scenario depicted here utilises the 3D sonar homing system can unseen, submarines have long
speed, manoeuvre at high rates tactical flexibility of the Marconi assume autonomous control for been used for clandestine
and remain submerged for Tigerfish torpedo to show how the final run to the target; the operations such as the delivery and
protracted periods means the era surprise attacks could be carried on-board computer helps it avoid retrieval of men to and from the
of the submarine dogTight is here. out against surface or submerged seduction by noise-makers. shore and ferrying miniature
Modern Submarine Warfare

submarines or submersibles to the killed all 70 members of the bases. Two boats of the Adua class Since the war many navies have
vicinity of their targets. The US Japanese garrison and destroyed a were converted to carry watertight used submarines for covert
Navy, in particular, has found seaplane base. In another raid on containers for three assault craft, missions. Virtually any attack or
submarines ideal for such May 11, 1943, Nautilus and and two Flutto class boats had four patrol submarine can be used for
operations, especially in the wide Narwhal delivered a different unit such containers; trials were also such purposes, but diesel-electric
reaches of the Pacific, and in World to Attu Atoll with equal success. carried out with miniature submarines have proved
War II its submarines were used The British also used submarines submarines intended for use particularly suitable because of
both to transport raiding parties effectively on clandestine against ports in Africa and their exceptional underwater
and to deliver supplies to guerrilla operations, both around the coasts America, and the submarine Da quietness. The two largest navies
forces. In August 1942 the of Nazi-occupied Europe and in Vinci was temporarily converted are,however, able to afford
converted minelayer Argonaut, South-East Asia. to carry one on the foredeck. Using specialised submarines for these
along with the Naufiius, delivered The Italian Navy made excellent such underwater craft the Italian tasks.
a raidingparty of no fewer than 211 use of its submarines to deliver Navy sank or seriously damaged The Soviet Navy frequently uses
marines to Makin Island in the miniature submarines and some 63.000 tons of warships and its large fleet of diesel-electric
Gilbert Archipelago, where they frogmen to the vicinity of enemy Sdnrid Inns nf mprchant shipping. submarines for covert tasks and
considerable resources are devoted
to such missions, and in 1981 a
Soviet Whiskey class submarine
ran aground off the Swedish
Kalskrona naval base.
It would appear that any task

which has to be performed outside

the parent submarine is carried out
by men of the naval Spetsnaz units.
These Spetsnaz units receive high
priority for equipment, the vast
majority of which is kept very
secret in the usual Sovietway, but
one important type of equipment
which has recently become public
knowledge in the West is the
tracked miniature submarines
used by naval Spetsnaz units in a
blatant reconnaissance of the
Swedish naval bases in the
Stockholm archipelago in October
1982. These vessels have twin
tracks and large single propellers
and are taken to the vicinity of their
targets by mother-ships, probably
the India class submarines which
had previously been thought to be
intended solely for underwater
rescue missions.
Incredibly, it subsequently came
to light that a photograph of these

Saab ELMA ASW system Above: A Royal Navy rating Below: This Marconi 360° area
working at a plotting board on defence sonar is designed to detect
board HMS Trafalgar. Lacking intruders into harbours, landing
visual references, submarine sites and other sensitive zones.
crews must maintain and Frequency can be varied for
continually update a detection of divers or small
three-dimensional picture of the submersibles, and the sonar can be
tactical environment utilising integrated with night vision
inputs from all available sensors. devices in a coherent system.

Above: Sweden has direct

experience of Soviet miniature
submarines and this application
of Saab's ELMA ASW system is
designed to deal with intruders
into archipelagos and harbours.
The minisubs are detected by
seabed coils and attacked by
shore-mounted grenade-
launchers; the grenades attach
themselves to the target and their
shaped-charge warheads
penetrate the superstructure
before attacking the inner hull.
Submarine Tactics

tracked mini-subs was openly seabed installations such as the few years seen service in Oman shoreline by submarine and
published in Pravda in the SOSL'S network. One question that and Borneo as well as in the South disembark either on the surface or
mid-1970s: they were said by the inevitably arises is whether other Atlantic War of 1982. In the last underwater. Each SEAL team
Soviet authorities to be in use for a reconnaissance missions have conflict one SBS unit flew from the comprises 27 officers and 156
search for the lost city of Atlantis, a been carried out by these machines UK in a C- 1 30 and then parachuted enlisted men formed into five
somewhat fanciful explanation. - could they, for example, have to a submarine in the South platoons, each capable of
Unfortunately, nobody in the West reconnoitred the British nuclear Atlantic; this look them to South independent operations. SEAL
seems to have appreciated their submarine base at Faslane in Georgia, where they were the first teams can be expected to carry out
possible military significance. Scotland, the French base at Brest, British troops ashore. A Royal similar tasks to the submarine-
Such mini-submarines could be or the many US naval bases? Navy diesel-electric submarine. borne special warfare units of other
put to a number of uses apart from The British Royal Marines HMS Onyx, operated in the area nations, including reconnaissance,
reconnaissance, such as laying include the Special Boat throughout the conflict and is sabotage and demolition. In the
nuclear mines at the exit points Squadron, which has over 40 probably the boat which undertook conventional phase of a future war
from NATO nuclear submarine years' experience of operating from most of the clandestine operations. they could be used to reconnoitre
bases and interfering with NATO submarines, and has in the past The Army's Special Air Service hostile nuclear installations such
(SAS) is also believed to have at as SSBN bases, and to destroy them
least one unit capable of operating or inhibit their use in the nuclear
from submarines, but the Royal phase.
Navy has no specialised Following its successful use of
submarines for these tasks, finding submarines in raiding operations
its normal diesel-electric during World War II the US Navy
submarines adequate. has always maintained a few
US Navy amphibious units transport submarines in service.
include two types of special forces: USS Grayback, built as a cruise
Underwater Demolition Teams missile carrier, was converted in
(UDT) and Sea-Air-Land (SEAL) 1967 to carry seven officers and 60
teams. UDTs were raised in World troopers and was home-based at
War II: they perform the traditional Subic Bay in the Philippines,
beach reconnaissance missions as which clearly brought the
well as destroying specific targets coastline of most of Asia within her
such as roads and bridges in range. The latest move is to convert
coastal areas and carrying out two former SSBNs of the Ethan
underwater demolitions. All Allen class. Sam Houston and John
potential members of SEAL teams Marshall, to this role, with cement
ime from the ranks of the UDTs ballast in the missile tubes and
1:i d they receive special training to missile-related electronics
prepare them for their new tasks. removed. With virtually unlimited
This advanced training is needed range and operating depths
because they are expected to exceeding 984ft (300ml. they carry
operate with little support and in the same passenger load as the
Above: The amphibious transport US Navy two-man
Below: restricted waters or on land in a Grayback. though presumably in
submarine USS Grayback (LPSS Swimmer Delivery Vehicle combat environment where they greater comfort and for longer
574). Capable of carrying 67 operated by an Underwater may become involved in distances, and with the
swimmers, she has been replaced Demolotion Team (UDT). UDTs encounters with enemy forces. potential for a greater amount of
by two former SSBNs, Sam are combined with SEALs in two To fulfil their mission SEALs specialised equipment to be
Houston and John Marshall. Special Warfare groups. may be carried to the hostile carried on board.
Antisubmarine Tactics
Anti-submarine warfare can contact really is a submarine and Variable-depth sonar advantages
be divided into four not a merchant ship, whale or other
capability areas according to the harmless object, and then to
platform type and mission - identify it. Examination of the
submarine, surface, airborne and contact's acoustic signature and
surveillance - but each involves comparison with the hunter's data
similar difficulties, the greatest bank can lead not only to a broad
and most intractable of which is classification but also to type, class
the nature of the ocean itself. If and even, under certain
submarines have problems, their circumstances and with modern
enemies, the anti-submarine equipment, an individual
forces, have an even harder time. submarine. The approach stage
A typical anti-submarine begins with tracking, ideally
engagement goes through six accomplished by passive means to
stages: search, contact, approach, avoid alerting the target, followed
combat and
attack, close
disengagement. The search may be Below: HMS Phoebe with her Above: Bow-mounted arrays overcome by a variable-depth
either general, as part of the Westland Lynx ASW helicopter, suffer a number of problems: sonar, which operates below the
protective measures for a convoy the winch for her Type 2031 lowed own-ship noise, pitch due to ship surface layer, where it is
or surface group, or directed by sonar array and port triple STWS motion and possible shadow separated from own-ship noise
information gained from other torpedo tubes clearly shown. zones. Many of these can be and avoids shadow zones.
sensors, such as SOSUS or
satellites. The search phase will
usually be carried out by the
hunting platform - aircraft, surface
warship, or submarine - as a patrol
following a general search pattern,
or as a component of a task group in
a designated area. In the latter case.
both surface ships and submarines
are faced with the problem that the
ideal speed of the group may well
be greater than the optimum search
speed. At this stage, also, the -

hunter needs to avoid detection, so

wherever possible he will use
passive sensors coupled with
inputs from other platforms.
Contact comprises two
elements, detection and
classification. Detection is the
indication that a possible target is
actually in the search area; it will
usually be accompanied by a
general bearing and followed by
classification, the refining process
which seeks to confirm that the

Asroc fire control


Above: HMCS Iroquois {DDH-28()) surface and surface-to-air Above: The US Navy's underwater target then aims the
with one of her two CHSS-4 Sea weapon systems will be replaced Underwater Battery Fire Control missile on a course which will
Kings on the flight-deck and, at the under a modernisation System (UBFCS) Mk 114 for Asroc bring it to the optimum water
stern, theSQS-505 variable-depth programme, the antisubmarine computes the relative speeds and entry point, having compensated
sonar. Although surface-to- systems will be retained. positions of the launch ship and for ship pitch and roll and wind.
Antisubmarine Tactics

by localization, when the hunter Submarine sensor and weapon systems

manoeuvres into an attacking
position. Below: Plessey outline of a typical
In the culmination of the hunt, submarine sensor and weapon
the attack stage, the hunter must be control nt. Inputs from acoustic,
able to launch its weapons with a radio-frequency, optical and
fair degree of confidence that the imaging sensors are recorded and
target will be hit. and the primary displayed, along with other data,
cause of uncertainty for most in the command and control
navies is weapon, especially centre, and used for navigation,
torpedo, performance. target acquisition and
Consequently, normal submarine surveillance and fire control.
practice is to fire torpedoes at Expendable buoys would be used
about half their theoretical to supplement the mast-mounted
effective range, nominally about 10 communications antennas, and
or 12 nautical miles, which in electronic support measures
relative terms is very close indeed. (ESM) provide air or surface
Even though most modern threat warning. nESM
torpedoes carry their own acoustic
sensors, and many have Naviqati
wire-guidance links back to the
launcher, there are still many
limitations which affect their
chances of a successful
If the initial attack is a failure a
close-combat phase ensues in
which the protagonists seek to
eliminate one another. In the case
of submarine- versus-submarine
engagements this resembles two
fighter aircraftwheeling and
manoeuvring in a dog-fight,
identifying and evading hostile
weapons while trying all the time
to deliver the fatal blow
themselves. This is the one phase
of anti-submarine warfare in which
the mechanical excellence of the
submarine is the primary factor.
The final stage - disengagement
- takes place in a return to the
previous conditions of quiet,
undetected operation, and a
resumption of the search phase.

The aim of anti-submarine warfare, Stingray tactical employment
to deny the enemy the effective use
of his submarines, can be achieved
either by destroying the vessels or
by adopting tactics and
manoeuvres that render their
operations ineffective. Of all the
types of naval warfare this is the
one that most occupies the
thinking of contemporary naval
strategists and tacticians. New
ASW platforms, weapon systems
and sensors are continuously being
developed and the majority of
today's navies devote the major
part of their expenditure to this
Modern attack submarines have
two main roles: first, to search for
and destroy enemy surface vessels,
both warships and civilian, and
secondly to attack other
submarines. To achieve these ends
effectively, they are fast, able to
take maximum advantage of
ambient oceanic conditions by
operating effectively at various
depths, and capable of spending
prolonged periods at sea without
outside support. Most importantly,
they are fitted with detection
systems capable of locating targets
at considerable distances and carry
weapons that are able to destroy Above: The Marconi Stingray helicopters or surface vessels. which MAD
in the case of
their enemies with the minimum lightweight antisubmarine Because it is reaches
inert until it detection systems is essential, and
risk to themselves. All these torpedo can be launched from the water- normally stabilised by its on-board computer can

qualities contribute to the fixed-wing aircraft such as the a parachute- it can be launched discriminate between its target
submarine's greatest asset, its Nimrod depicted here, ship-based immediately a target is detected. and expendable decoys.

Modern Submarine Warfare

ability to remain undetected, and

make it an increasingly difficult
target for surface sfiips.
The parallel development of
nuclear power and the streamlined
Albacore-type hull have enhanced
submarine performance to the
point where there are serious
doubts about the ability of surface
ships to detect SSNs before they
attack. In the view of many, the
most effective weapon to use
against a submarine is another
submarine, since it works and
fights in the same environment and
is therefore able to take advantage

of the unique peculiarities of the

sub-surface world, and SSNs have
come to be used in support of
surface forces. Nevertheless,
surface task forces must be capable
of their own effective ASW
Traditionally, and especially
during World War II, captains of
anti-submarine ships have set great
store by identifying with the
thoughts of their opponents. Great
stress was placed on knowing how Above: One of the most efTective of hostile submarines. A squadron of Right:A crewman aboard a Royal
submarines were fought, to the current ASW helicopters, the nine of these aircraft operates Navy Sea King prepares to let go a
extent that the strengths and Royal Navy's Sea King can use from each of the RN's ASW passive sonobuoy. The buoys are
weaknesses of individual radar, dipping sonar or sonobuoys carriersand one is usually laid in patterns, the return signals
submarine captains were carefully such as the one seen here on its operational from each of the Fort being analysed to give a precise fix
assessed and their particular way down, to detect and locate Grange class RFAs. on a target.
tactics were studied in great detail.
In a modern ASW action this type There are few commanders at sea military activities, ASW and
of mental battle may still be today in any navy who have had counter-ASW tactics can be tested DEFENCE OF SURFACE
significant, though it may be more the experience of actually hunting on the high seas between the FORCES
difficult for a modern captain, a submarine in a hostile opposing forces in peacetime with
comfortable and warm in his environment with the ultimate a relativelylow risk of escalation, There are two basic situations in
operations room surrounded by intention of sinking it. There are, of albeit without the intention or the surface ASW: the defence of purely
electronic plots, digital radar course, exceptions: both the likelihood of destruction. military forces and the protection
displays, the glow of dulled red British and Argentinian navies Submarines still use some of the of merchant shipping. The main
lighting and the constant chatter of gained some invaluable old techniques, especially those areas of naval conflict in any future
voice nets on headsets, to project experience in the South Atlantic that are enhanced by the speed of war are likely to be the North
his thoughts into the thinking of War of 1982, and live the modern boats. One example is Atlantic- particularly the
the submarine captain. anti-submarine operations were the sprint-and-drift tactic, in Norwegian Sea - the Baltic and the
Nevertheless, it remains important also conducted during the which a nuclear submarine makes Mediterranean as far as NATO and
to make the attempt. 'Know your Indo-Pakistan war of 1969. It a noisy high-speed dash followed the Warsaw Pact are concerned,
enemy' is a philosophy that serves should not be forgotten, however, by a period of total silence as it and the northern and central
the military commander well. that, virtually alone among drifts towards its target. Pacific in a conflict involving the

Task force protective screen ASH-3H ASW mission profile

Above: Typical disposition of a Right: With a total time on station

Soviet task force, with the main of 3hr 40min an Italian Navy Sea
body [Minsk and Kirov) changing King can spend half its time
course every few minutes to hovering to deploy its AQS-1
reduce the submarine threat, sonar, which has a maximum
while the outlying escorts are range scale of 20,000 yards
allocated patrol sectors of some (18,500m), and half transitingat
60-72sq miles (155-185km^) each. max endurance speed.

Antisubmarine Tactics

USA and its allies and the USSR. square miles in area, and each ship helicopters are more likely to use Above: Inside an RN Sea King,
It is important to consider how a manoeuvres constantly to deny sonobuoys because of their passive with the control panel for the Type
large task force would proceed. attacking submarines the capabilities and their ability to 195 dipping sonar on the right and
The concept of the protective information they need to set up a cover wider sectors than dipping the sonobuoy operator's position
screen around the main body is firing solution for their weapons. sonars. Next comes the outer zone on the left. An advanced
all-important, as it seeks to ensure Ships use mainly hull-mounted where, well in advance of the main processing and display system
that the specialisation of each unit, sonars, while many units, body, long-range maritime patrol helps streamline operations.
whether surface or airborne, can be particularly the larger ones, tow (LRMP) aircraft utilise the full
exploited to the full. In the inner noise-makers to decoy any range of detection devices, Below: A Soviet Navy Mi-14 Haze
protection zone are the possible acoustic torpedo attack. including radar, both directional ASW helicopter approaches a
active-sonar frigates and Outside this inner zone, the next and non-directional sonobuoys, Kashin class destroyer. The Mi-14
helicopters and to allow control area is patrolled by ships and MAD and the Mark 1 eyeball to is not normally seen operating

and to ensure that the area is fully aircraft using passive sonar feed constant information into the from ships, but deploys from land
sanitised each vessel and devices. Surface ships use towed aircraft's computer system. Such bases. It has a chin-mounted
helicopter is given a defensive arrays such as the American aircraft are armed with torpedoes, search radar and a MAD bird and,

sector, normally of about 60-72 TACTAS system, while missiles and depth charges for almost certainly uses sonobuoys.
Modern Submarine Warfare
prosecuting an attack if a Countermeasures to torpedo attack Left: A submarine's aim is to
submarine detected.
is present a surface ship with a
Further out still are the situationwhere it cannot evade an
hunter-killer nuclear-powered incoming torpedo. Surface ships
submarines, well away from their must take immediate evasive
own surface units and the noise of action on detecting a torpedo to
their cavitating propellers, where have any change of success, and
they are free to manoeuvre. manouevres must be carried out at
Commanders of such submarines fullspeed, as the time available is
must be able to assume that short - indeed, a 45-knot torpedo
anything detected moving is an detected at 5,000 yards (4,600m) is
enemy. With the main body just200 seconds from impact, so
carrying out a zigzag course astern any evasive manoeuvre must be a
of them, restricting its overall virtual reflex action.The ship's
speed of advance to probably no aim is to present incoming
more than about 10 knots, the SSN weapons with the narrowest
is able to make the most of its speed profile, while also displacing the
advantage to cover large areas of ship's position as rapidly as
sea, although the higher its speed possible. If a torpedo is detected at
the greater is its noise and less than 5,000 yards the
consequently the possibility of its manouevres are slightly different,
detection by an enemy. as there is even less time. The
With such a screen around him, exception to these tactics is if the
the task force commander ship is towing a noise-maker,
proceeds towards his objective. He when an injudicious turn could
must be constantly aware of all the place the ship between the decoy
information available to him, both and the torpedo. Technology is
from his own forces and from making evasion by surface ships
external sources such as satellite more difHcult: many modern
surveillance and intelligence torpedoes have wire-guided,
reports, and possible submarine acoustic and non-acoustic modes,
contacts near the main body will as well as on-board computers.
demand instant reaction. Attacks
can be carried out by a variety of
weapons, depending on the
target's distance from the fleet:
submarines at more than five miles
would be dealt with either by
helicopters using homing
torpedoes or by ships released
from their sectors to form a
coordinated and independent
attack unit. Such attacks would
probably proceed according to
general pre-planned tactics, with
each ship operating within a
designated sector based around the
submarine's suspected datum.
Frigates and destroyers in this
situation would launch their
helicopters armed with torpedoes.
It must be remembered that
positive sonar contact with
submarines is notoriously difficult

to establish. Ships can search in

vain for a long time, either because
the contact was spurious in the
first place or because the enemy

submarine has managed to slip

Task force reaction to submarine contact Above: Royal Navy frigate HMS
Andromeda demonstrating her
manoeuvrability. Warships need
good sensors to detect torpedoes as
far out as possible, but quick
reactions, high speed and turning
ability are also essential to
ASW frigates detached successful evasive actions, and the
to investigate; modified broad-beam Leander is
proceed at full speed
despite resulting considered to be one of the best.
1 of
Left: If a submarine is detected
approaching a task force and
assessed as representing a
possible threat, the task force will
investigate and seek to destroy it.
The most likely immediate
reaction of the surface group
commander would be to turn the
main body away from the
direction of the threat while at the
same time detaching suitable ASW
units - ships or aircraft - to
proceed at full speed towards the
enemy submarine's estimated
Antisubmarine Tactics

away undetected; its commander commander for the safety of his and aircraft could easily harass forces fighting the battle ashore.
is, after all. more interested in own submarines. trans-Atlantic support for the Tactically, this could be
attacking the main body than the Norway is of crucial strategic Western Alliance. In a World War achieved in two ways: by
patrolling frigates. importance both NATO and the
to III scenario control of the saturating the area with aircraft
As soon as a submarine contact Warsaw Pact. It is important in Norwegian Sea. which measures and ships and accepting the
is made by any unit in the task NATO strategy because it stretches approximately l.OOOn'mby 800nm, consequences of a set-piece battle:
force, the main body will turn northward toward the Soviet would probably be one of the major or by attempting to disrupt the
away from the estimated position Union's main Atlantic naval bases, areas for naval engagements, and enemy's plans for concentration by
of the enemy vessel, and at all and it is of prime importance to the naval forces would have to secure keeping forces widely dispersed
times zig-zag plans will be Russians since it could provide the lines of communication across with greater latitude for
maintained. Normally such plans forward bases from which ships this sea in support of land and air manoeuvre, a course more likely to
are predetermined, though they
can also be varied by the local Limiting lines of submerged approach
commander take account of
existing tactical conditions; based Left: Submarines pose a modern warships so thai an
on the desired course to be made continuing threat to any body of assessment can be presented
good, they will allow the ships of surface ships and surface group instantly on a commander's attack
the group to alter course together commanders must be prepared to information screen. The first step
without any further signal make instant decisions on is to plot an advanced position
i:ommunication, and plans can be whether or not detected based on the centre of the main
drawn up to take account of the submarines pose immediate body and allowing for the running
estimated capabilities of particular threats to their forces, A set of time of an attack torpedo (A).
types of enemy submarine. Vessels criteria for assessing potential Around this advanced point, a
out in the screen, however, are threats have therefore been circle designated the Torpedo
unlikely to follow pre-set zig-zag established. These are normally Danger Zone is its radius
patterns, though they would need represented as the limiting lines of (B) is therange at which it is
to know the manoeuvres of the submerged approach; previously anticipated that torpedoes would
main body in order to maintain produced as overlays on plotting be fired. This circle advances
their correct station. tables, they are computerised on with the main body.

Left:To assess whether a detected

DANGER ZONES submarine can actually intercept
the main body some assumptions
Obviously, the force commander have to be made. Although the
cannot afford to take evasive action maximum speeds of different
every time a submarine contact is types of submarines vary, during
reported. Instead, he will normally an attack a submarine will always
have to establish areas of danger proceeds as slowly as possible to
relevant to the main body, based on minimise noise and so reduce the
his estimate of the capabilities and risk of detection. Once the speed
tactics of the enemy's submarines. has been estimated, an arc with
For example, even a nuclear this speed as its radius can be

submarine commander will prefer 1 A submarine here must drawn (16 knots in this example),
make good 16 knots and at the same time the main
to be ahead of his target when he
to intercept the
prepares for an attack, and he will 2 From this position it
body's course and speed can be
have to close to within range of its can intercept witti a plotted (090°, 20 knots). A line
speed of less than t6 knots drawn from the 20nm mark as a
weapons, two considerations 3 From this position
which set certain limits on its area It cannot intercept
tangent to the arc of the
of manoeuvre, and the surface
even at 16 knots submarine's speed gives the
commander can estimate this area, relative course the submarine
normally referred to as limited must make good at 1 6 knots.
lines of submerged approach. Such
estimates clearly contain an Left: In fact, that the submarine
element of risk, but so do most does not actually have to intercept
tactical decisions, and unless he is the ship directly in order to reach
to manoeuvre his ships all over the an attacking position - it needs
sea the naval commander has little only manouevre to within torpedo
option but to make informed range. In practice, therefore, the
guesses. Within these lines can be two diagrams above are combined
estimated the torpedo danger zone, as shown here. In addition,
and certain defensive actions can several relative courses can be
then be planned for prepared to cover differing
implementation if a submarine is submarine speeds — in this
detected in any given area. example, 14, 16 and 18 knots- and
The development of the instead of drawing the
high-speed, deep-running, well submarine's relative course direct
protected submarine has led to to the aircraft carrier at the centre

demands for ASW weapons with itcan now be drawn to the

much greater destructive power periphery of the torpedo danger
than the lightweight torpedo, zone. It can be seen that any
which is simply too small to carry a detected submarine with an
useful warhead. The nuclear estimated speed of less than 18
powers have therefore developed knots and a position to the right of
nuclear depth bombs capable of the relative courses drawn
being carried by long-range represents a threat to the carrier. II

maritime patrol aircraft, is also possible to estimate the

ship-borne helicopters and surface limitations on the courses a

ships, which need only be dropped submarine would have to steer
in the vicinity of the submarine to from its detected position to close
produce a kill. By their very nature, the carrier, thus enabling the force
such small nuclear devices commander to decide with some
exploded underwater produce accuracy where to place his
little or no nuclear fallout, but their airborne units for maximum
use is likely to be restricted by protection. (Note that the
political considerations as well as submarine tracks shown are
bv the more obvious concern of a relative rather than true courses.)

Modern Submarine Warfare

The GIUK gap: NATO's ASW barrier and the Soviet response Left:Should an East-West conflict
start shipsand submarines from
the Soviet Northern Fleet could be
expected to attempt to break out of
northern waters into the Atlantic
through the Greenland-Iceland-
UK (GIUK) gap and into the North
Sea, while submarines and
surface vessels would also
attempt to reach the North Sea
through the Skagerrak. These sea
passages are designated choke
points by NATO, and a great deal
of effort has been put into
attempting to seal them. They
would be covered by a series of
layers involving antisubmarine
aircraft, fixed monitoring devices
such as SOSUS and patrolling
submarines. Further, during a
period of rising tension US and
European strike fleets could be
expected to enter the area. This
map, taken from Soviet sources,
shows a possible NATO
deployment. It should be noted
that NATO long-range maritime
patrol aircraft would be expected
not only to cover the choke points
but also to support strike fleets
shadow Soviet surface groups.

Soviet Summerex 85 naval exercise avoid a battle and to result in a

series of engagements. The size of
the Norwegian Sea would demand
two or three carrier battle groups,
probably in support of amphibious
forces. The demands on the control
of such a dispersed attacking force
would be considerable, but there
would be distinct advantages in
terms of anti-submarine warfare.
Detection of enemy submarines is
paramount, and a fast-moving and
constantly manoeuvring task force
would more easily confuse and
deceive the enemy and might well
impose on him unwanted
manoeuvre and therefore possible

The protection of merchant
shipping against submarine
warfare is also of vital importance,
especially to the Western Alliance.
More than 99% of the world's trade
is still carried by ships, and every

day about 120 ocean-going ships

arrive in Western Europe where
they discharge three million tons
of cargo; in addition,
approximately 30 million tons of
crude oil are delivered every
month to Europe and America. It is
estimated that in a major conflict in
Western Europe 1,000 ship loads
per month would have to arrive to
meet the minimum civilianand
military requirements, and another
500 ship loads of military stores,
equipment, ammunition, fuel and
men would have to cross the
The traditional method of
protecting merchant shipping in a
war environment is to form the
vessels into convoys: this permits
Above: Since 1980 the USSR has the North Atlantic and also to the Soviets set up submarine better controland coordination
carried out naval exercises in the practise their response to the barriers in the same areas as those and allows the defending forces to
Norwegian Sea. the GIUK gap and deployment of a UK/Netherlands they claim would be used by make use of their limited
the waters to the west of the British amphibious force, which would be NATO, especially southeast of resources. should not be thought,

Isles. These are designed to NATO's response to a crisis on the Iceland, which could lead to a however, that convoying is a
rehearse Soviet operations into northern flank. In Summerex 85 major underwater battle. passive and purely defensive

Antisubmarine Tactics

I ommander would have lo tran.sll

several miles before he was in a
position to start setting up a new
fire control solution. Moreover,
having attacked the first vessel he
would know that the defending
forces would be aware of his
location and hunting for him.
During World War II it was usual to
space ships in a convoy at
half-mile intervals; increasing the
interval to one mile enlarged the
ilefence area for the escorts by 50
per cent but the risk of loss reduced
toabout one quarter. Increasing the
interval yet again to two miles
reduced the risk of loss by a further
one-sixteenth, but only increased
the convoy perimeter by two and a
half times.
Whatever its formation, there are
two main ways that a convoy can
be protected: by providing it with
its own dedicated escorts or by

sailing it through areas already

occupied and tactically dominated
by other supporting groups. The
latter is the more likely lo be used
in a modern war, as it allows more
efficient use of limited naval
resources and - most importantly -
permits passive sonar operations
tactic.On the contrar>'. it is an merchant ships, convoying is still Above: The Standing Naval Force in quiet areas of sea before the
aggressive and offensive measure viable, but perfectly possible to
it is Atlantic (STANAVFORLANT) is fast-moving and noisy merchant
because it forces the submarine to plan for convoys which are spread made up of ships of several NATO vessels arrive. Such support
come to the protected convoy and out over very large areas of sea. Up navies which work together routine- groups would include ships with
thus fight in the area of the surface to 40 ships spaced at five-mile ly to develop ASW drills and ensure towed arrays, helicopters and,
force's choosing, rather than vice intervals, while still constituting a close coordination in time of war. hopefully. LRMP aircraft, and
versa. It also leaves vast empty coherent and controllable group, ideally each group would have at
areas of ocean which the would cover an area 750 square Increasing the space between the least one SSN in support.
submariners must search miles (l,940km"^). and it would ships also makes the attacking Convoys are normally routed to
fruitlessly. require nine or ten 5MT tactical submarine's task considerably cause maximum confusion to the
Many question whether, in an nuclear weapons, all precisely more difficult, since after an attack enemy, thus minimising the risk of
age of nuclear weapons and fast placed, to destroy such a convoy. on one ship the submarine exposure. For example, long-leg

Convoy support groups

Above: If an enemy uses convoy resources to protect his convoys. support groups being used to there might only be ASW
tacticshe forces a hunting In the case of NATO's supply sanitise areas in advance of helicopters based on one or two of
submariner lo go to him. rather routes across the Atlantic, the transiting convoys. The merchant themerchantmen themselves. For
than vice versa. Conversely, the routing of convoys would have to vessels would have only a their part, the support groups
submarine threat compels the optimise the use of limited naval minimum number of would only be dedicated lo a
enemv lo devote considerable resources. This diagram shows accompanying escorts: indeed. convoy while il passed through.

Modern Submarine Warfare

zig-zags, each 10-12 miles Hammerhead tactical employment

( in length, with
alterations of course of 30-40°,
make it particularly difficult for an
attacking submarine to get into the
grain of a convoy, while the
support groups advance their
positions as necessary. In addition,
groups should have their own air
cover, which should aim to destroy
any shadowing aircraft in order to
deny the enemy as much
information as possible and
thereby force him to reveal his
In order to reach a firing
solution, a submarine captain has
to sort out what is going on on the
surface. Shore authorities will pass
on any available information,
provided by satellite and air
reconnaissance and other
intelligence sources, but this is
inevitably out of date by the time it Whitehead A.244/S search pattern
reaches him. Moreover, the
submarine's own on-board sonar
information may well be confused,
especially as fast-moving convoys
make a good deal of noise, which
would often be augmented by
acoustic deception equipment. To
resolve such anomalies the
submarine may be forced to
approach the surface to use its
radar, which will almost certainly
be detected by the defenders' ECM
equipment and give them a bearing
on the submarine's position
extremely quickly. And the
submarine will certainly use its
periscope, which can be detected
by the radar of a long-range
maritime patrol aircraft.
If a submarine has to transit at

high speed to close a convoy, the

risk of detection is again increased.
In the last war submarines enjoyed
a speed margin of 16:6 over the
convoy, but only when the
submarine was running on the
Antisubmarine Tactics

surface. Today that margin is

approximately 30:17 with the
submarine submerged - and over
40:17 in the case of some Soviet
submarines -but whereas 17 knots
is a speed easily sustained by a

modern warship, a speed of 30

knots submerged makes a
submarine ven,' vulnerable to


Torpedo-firing submarines are
only one type of threat. Convoys
are also liable to attack from
missile-firing submarines such as
the Soviet Echo class using target
acquisition information passed to
them either by satellites or
reconnaissance aircraft. The range
of the Echos' SS-N'-3 Shaddock
missiles could be as much as
300nm (555km). but the submarine
would have to surface before it
fired and would therefore make
itself vulnerable to detection. The
Soviet Charlie class boats can
launch SS-N-9 Siren missiles
while still submerged, but their
range is one-third that of the
Shaddock. Either threat should be
more easily containable in the Above: A Soviet Victor III caught under control of a maritime know about an attack is when he
support group type of convoy on the surface by a patrolling headquarters, and support hears the propellers of a
screen, where point defence Lockheed P-3 aircraft. Well over operations in conjunction with a high-speed torpedo closing rapidly
systems such as Seawolf can 600 P-3s have been built for the US naval force at sea. The aircraft, on his boat.
provide cover in case of missile and many foreign navies and the whether carrier-borne, land-based
attack and electronic counter type will be in service well into the or amphibian, fixed-wing or FIXED-WING AIRCRAFT
measures will aid confusion and next centurv. helicopter, is by far the most rapid
deception. and effective method of turning a The modern maritime patrol
The essential principle of frequently vague long-distance aircraft (MPA| is a unique and
defence of a convoy
tactical AIRBORNE ASW contact into a definite localized highly effective package of sensors,
depends on confusion of the OPERATIONS target and then conducting the search and target analysis
enemy, which in turn will force attack. An additional advantage of capability,and weapons. All
that enemy to show himself, The use of aircraft in the ASW presence is
aircraft is that their current types are land-based, apart
however Then, as in all
briefly. World War 1 and
battle started in very rarely detected by a from the US Navy's carrier-based
naval warfare, once detected the has continued to grow in submerged submarine, which Lockheed S-3A Viking and the few
submarine should be destroyed importance ever since. Two types means that in a well conducted remaining amphibian types, the
before it can manoeuvre into an of operation are mounted: airborne ASW operation the first Soviet Be-12. Japanese PS-1 and
attacking position. independent area search tasks the submarine captain should Chinese PS-5.
In normal circumstances
Atlantique typical ASW mission magnetic anomaly detection is
used to give positive confirmation
of tracks detected by other means,
though in choke points such as the
Straits of Gibraltar it can also be
used as a primary detection
system. MAD can also be used to
assist in refining the attack
solution, though it is. of course,
ineffective against titanium-hulled
Radar is used to detect surface
targets, and even the smallest
objects, such as a periscope or the
tip of a diesel-eleclric submarine's
snort tube, can now be picked up at
great distances. Modern radars are
also capable of displaying radar
profiles, thus giving virtually
instantaneous identification of the
target,while periscopes and snorts
can also be detected by infra-red
Since sonobuoy performance is
so dependent upon the ambient
Ramp weight: 97.6001b (44.300kg) conditions a bathythermograph
Fuel: 33.5351b (15.225kg buoy will frequently be dropped
first. This consists of a float which
Left:One of the most effective Above: Typical ASW 100 sonobuoys and a variety of automatically lowers a device
antisubmarine weapon systems is reconnaissance sortie by a French markers and pyrotecnic devices. which reads temperature and
the maritime patrol aircraft, of Atlantique aircraft: an eight-hour The speed with which such salinity as it goes, the information
which the British .N'imrod is a good patrol more than 600nm from base aircraft reach their patrol area, being transmitted by the surface
example. Long endurance and is possible with standard the size of the area covered, and buoy to the aircraft overhead.
ample accommodation for antisubmarine mission armament their ability to switch patrol areas Selection of the sonobuoy and its
sensors are essential. of four torpedoes plus more than quickly are significant. operating mode can then be made:

Modern Submarine Warfaxe

sonobuoys can be either case they are normally under the

directional or omnidirectional and tactical control of the force
either active or passive. In all cases commander and will usually be
hydrophone operating depth, deployed as part of the defensive
surface-to-air transmission screen at some distance from the
frequencies, buoy life and surface force itself. They can
operating mode are set in the operate alone on a designated
aircraft prior to release, though in patrol line or, more usually, in
some modem sonobuoys operating conjunction with ASW helicopters
depth can actually be altered after from the force's own ships.
the sonobuoy has entered the water In area search tasks the MPA
in order to follow a target into a operates independently, usually
different temperature layer. under the control of a shore-based
The many complex inputs from maritime headquarters. It is
allthese sensors are correlated and normally given a specific area to
controlled by a computerised search, which will frequently be
central tactical system. Such a part of an ASW barrier such as that
system is also used to propose established by NATO in the GIUK
weapons solutions and to conduct gap.
weapons release. Once a hostile target has been
Maritime patrol aircraft operate identified the MPA conducts an
either independently on area attack. Most carry various types of
search tasks, or in support of a torpedo and depth bombs with
maritime force at sea. In the latter either conventional or nuclear

Below: A Westland Lynx of the Below right: A Royal Navy Lynx Above: An Italian Navy ASH-3D Right: An SH-2F LAMPS I ASW
Federal Germany Navy with its deploys a Stingray lightweight launches a Whitehead A.244/S helicopter deploys its ASW-81
AQS-18 dunking sonar deployed. torpedo. The parachute will lower torpedo. When dropped by a MAD bird. Aircraft usually
The transducer is on a 1 ,000fi it vertically to the water, where the helicopter out of sonar contact the detect and classify targets with
cable and operating modes torpedo will start its search for its torpedo will be set to start its sonobuoys and then make a MAD
include moving target indication. submarine target. search pattern immediately. pass prior to weapon launch.
Antisubmarine Tactics

Dipping sonar: typical ASW operation

France multiple hull, 168-9
accidents, 97-8 see also "Design"
firstsubmarine, 1 section within the

fleet, 12
Agosta class, 104-5 descriptions of each
Daphne class, 73, class
104-5,110-1 CCSHunley, 14
Le Redoutable class, Hurmat, 104
20, 126,128-9 Hydrophone arrays,
Nerval class, 15,39 76-8, 84-7
Rubis class, 22, 24,44, see also Towed arrays
Dreadnought, 24, 173 148-9 Hydroplanes, 52, 5355,
Classes of Submarines Automation, 58-9 COMTASS, 86
Conqueror, 173 Dunking sonars, 92-3, Surcouf, 17, 30-1 59,134,157,168
are indexed by class Avalon {DSRV-2), 99 9,
197, 204-5 Front Door/Front Piece 177
name and country or See also
"Construction" missile guidance bow-mounted, 40, 41
origin. Individual
are indexed by name
B section within the radar, 123 120-1,140,144
B 15,27 detailed Fuel cells, 59, 63
and pennant number. class, Eclass, 15-16, 26-9
26 descriptions of each Fulton, Robert, 14
Page numbers in bold B.I. E.1,E.2.26
B57 Mod. 1,93 class Future submarine
type refer to subjects E.14,27 11-38 May 94
BGM-1 09 Tomahawk, Continental shelves, 44 design, 59
of illustrations or E.22, 29 IPD-70 sonar, 135
64,71-2,130-1,190 Control consoles, 63 E.31 28
captions. ,
India class, 120-1
BRT-1,83 Control surfaces, 52-3, E.47, 29 Infra-red detection, 203
Badger-DCTu-16), 95 128,133,134,180-1 E-6A, 80-1 50-1
Balao class, 17,33,34 Conventional
GIUK gap, 200 Instability,
EC-130 Hercules, 81 Galerna, 104-5 Islay, 166
A class.15,26-7 Ballast keels, 56 submarines, see EDO SQR-1 8A TACT AS, Gato class, 32-5 Italy
A.1,A.5, 26 Ballast tanks, 50-1 54 SSs 86

General Belgrano, 9, 173 12

A.184 torpedo, 74135, Ballistic missile Convergence zones, EH-101,94 Nazario Sauro class,
General Dynamics Corp.,
204 submarines, see 48,49 ELF, 80-1 134-5
Electric Boat Divn,
search pattern, 202 SSBNs Convoys, 200-3 ELMA ASW system, 192 14,56
A.290 torpedo, 135 choke points, 48
Baltic support groups, 201 EQS-6 sonar, 143
Bangor (Wash.), 187 Cormorant, 92
George Washington
AGSS555, 25, 120-1 Early submarines, class, 60
AJ-I, 64 Barbel class, 40, 41 Countermeasures, 14-15 James Madison, 64,66
Bases, SSBNs, 186, 187, defence of surface German Federal
AQS-13F,92 Echo class, 23, 97,
Republic, see computer suite, 6(5
AQS-18, 92, 196,204 188, 189 forces, 1 98-9 114-5, 140 Japan
Federal Republic of
ASMS, 123 Bathymetric effects, 47 Crew comfort, 58-9 Elbrus, 99 fleet, 12
ASW Bear-D (Tu-95), 95 Cruise missile Electric Boat Co, 14,43 Ooshio class, Uzushio
Bear-F (Tu-20), 94 submarines, see Germany
technology, 84-95 Electrodynamic thrust WWI, WWII, 16-17 class, 178
tactics, 194-205 Belgrano, 9, 173 SSGs; SSGNs (EMT), 62-3 Yuushio class. 24,
TypelXA,B, 17-19
AUUD/DUUG sonar Belos,99 Cruise missiles, see Electronic sensors, 79 178-9
Type XVII, 63
intercept system, Bendix AQS-1 8 sonar, SLCMs see also Antennas Type XXI, 36-9 Jezebel, 94
105,111 92 Cruiser submarines, 30 Empennages see Tail John Marshall, 21,193
Glass-fibrefins, 137, 170
Accidents, 96-8, 88 1 Benjamin Franklin class, Cubera, 34 empennages Juliett class, 122-3
Glenard P Lipscomb
Accuracy, warheads, 126 Cun-ents, 47 Escape techniques, 98-9 class, 22. 154
69-70,186 Besson MB41 1 30 , Cuttlefish, 16 Ethan Allen class, 21, Glomar Explorer. 97
Acoustics, see Sound; Birmingham, 8 126,193 Golfclass, 19, 20, 118-9
Sonar Black Sea choke points, Eurydice, 97 K class, 17,30
Gosport, 186
Affray, 96 48 Evader, 138 Ka-322 Helix,94
Dclass, 15, 16,27, 29 Graseby 750 sonar, 85
Airborne ASW Blueback, 40 Evasive action 198-9 Gravity, centre of, 50-1 Kariskrona, 192
operations, 203-5 Boeing E-6A, 80-1 D.2, 26 Excalibur, 39, 63 Karlsruhe, 79
Grayback, 193
Airborne ELF, 80-1 Bonefish, 25 DDG-21 (Cochrane), 89 Exercise Summerex 85, Kashin class, 197
DSRV-1 Mystic, 98-9 Gremikha, 188
Aircraft, 93-5, 203-5 Bottom-crawlers. 25 200 Kawasaki P-2J, 94
Griffon, 99
helicopters, 205 Bow domes, 77, 115, DSRV-2 Avalon, 99 Exocet(SM-39), 64. 71, Kilo class, 124-5
118-19 Danger zones, 191, Gudgeon, 38
mission profile, 196 105,148 sail, 79
Bow-mounted 199-200 Guns
Aircraft-canying Expendible sound Kirov, 196
against surface ships,
submarines, 29 hydroplanes, 40, 41 torpedo danger zones velocimeter p<SV), 'Know your enemy', 196
Akula class, 22, 23. 120-21,140,144 (TDZ), 191 46 Kockums rescue sphere,
Brayton-cycle engines, Daniel Boone, 127 US inter-war policy, 33
150 Explorer, 39, 63 GUPPY,34 96
sails, 53 63 Daniel Webster, 126 Extremely low frequency Krupp MaK weapons
Bremen class, 79 Daphne class, 73, 110-1 Guppy type tank embarkation and
Albacore, 18, 40-1 (ELF), 80-1 arrangement, 54
'Albacore' hull form, Brest, 189 Dassault-Breguet loading system, 73
Atlantique, 94, 95
Gymnote, 128
40-1,124,132, Britain, see United Krupp MakTRI 700
152-3, 178, 180-1 Kingdom Deactivation, 127, 177 torpedo discharge
Deep scattering layer, 48 FFV TP 43X0 torpedo, 74
Alexander Brykin. 188 B.Ae. Nimrod, 94, 95
Broad-band processing, Deep sea rescue FFVTP617torpedo, 75 H system, 74
MaK minelaying
Alfa class, 22, 44, 106-7 Krupp
vehicles, 25, 96-9, Falklands campaign, 193 H.2, 16
titanium construction, 77 system, 75
Bulkhead, 57-8 120-1 Faslane, 187, 189 HAS.3 Lynx, 93, 94, 204
56 Krupp-Atlas CSU3-4,
Buoyancy, 50-1 54 Deep sound channel, Federal Republic of HAS.5 Sea King, 92, 94
Alvin reserach 161
submersible, 44 Buoys, communications,

48-9 Germany HDW Krupp-Atlas CSU83, 1 65

81-2,83,94,119, Defence fleet, 12 type209, 25,73, 160,
Alvsborg, 133 166-7
Kurier burst
155,169 of surface forces, Bremen class, 79 transmission, 83
Ambush, underwater, type 500, 8, 96
sonobuoys, 196, 203-5 196-9 TR-1 700. 160-1 1
Bushnell, David, 14 or merchant ships, Types 201, 205, 164 HTP propulsion, 37, 38,
Andromeda, 198 39,63
Anechoic rubber, 1 74 200-3 Type 206, 164-5
Type209, 25,73, 160, Habitability, 58-9
Anechoic tiles, 53 55, Degaussing, 87
166-7 Halibut, 9, 22, 60 LPSS-574. 193
103 Deltaclass, 20, 112-3
see also Gemnany Hammerhead tactical La Jolla. space and crew
Anteo. 99 Cclass, 15, 27 Depth charges, 89
Feniks, 115, 118-9, 146 employment, 202 comfort, 58
Antennas, 80-1 83 C. 35 26 Depths

177 Harpoon, see Lafayette/Franklin class,

Anti-aircraft tun-et, 36 CSS-N-3. 71 oceanic, 44-5
operating, 44 Fins, 52, 137, 140, 142, Sub-Harpoon 20. 21 64, 65, ,

Anti-ship missiles, 123 Cachalot class, 16 126-7,144

Design, 50-5 156,170,177 Haze(Mi-14), 95, 197
Anti-ship rocket- Carbonero, 22 computer suite, 68
computer-aided, 13 fin-mounted planes, Helicopters, ASW, 205
launchers, 88 Carrier-bases aircraft,
Anti-submarine warfare 93-4 future, 59 52 ASW mission profile, LftMPS 204 I,

SSs, 24-5 Fire control systems, 196 LAMPS III, 94

technology, 84-95 cep, 69-70 Land-based aircraft,
SSBNs, 201 105,131,139,142 Helix, 94
194-205 Challenger, 49
Appendage drag, 51 -2 Charlie class, 23, 108-9 US policy, inter-war, 143,147.155. 171, Heracles ORB 31 W 94-5
173,181 radar, 93 Largest
Arctic,188 Chemical composition of 32-3
subsystem, SLBM, 68 Hercules (EC-130), 81 SSGN, see Oscar
Arethuse class, 1 1 seawater, 45 see also "Design"
First Herkules sonar, 115, class
Armament, 64-75 Chevaline. 65, 71 145 section within the

launch of Trident 64 118-9 submarine in the West,

sensor and weapon China detailed I,

missile boat. High-test hydrogen see Ohio class
systems, 195 fleet, 65, 71 descriptions of each
submarines, 14-15 peroxide (HTP) submarine ever built,
see also "Armament" Type ES5E, 24 class
British-designed, propulsion, see HTP see Typhoon class
section within the Type ES5G, 23 Detection
15,26 Holland, J P. 14 Lasers, blue-green, 82,
detailed Xia class, 20-21,189 aerial, 203
Chiyoda, 99 capability, US, 187 nuclear, see USS Holland, 14 86
descriptions of each Last diesel-electric US
Deterrent, ultimate, 186 Valiant HMSHolland, 1,5, 14
class Choke points, 48, 200
Asroc, 88, 90 Circular area probable Diesel-electric SSN, see Nautilus HMS Holland 3, 15 submarines, 41
SSBNs, 19, 65 Honeywell NT37E Launch subsystem,
Astor, 152 (cep) 69-70 propulsion 61-3
US SSGs, 35 torpedo SLBM, 68
Atlantic Ocean Clandestine operations, DIFAR sonabuoy, 94 LeFoudroyant, 129
use as strategic modernisation kit,
surface temperature, 191-3 DIMUS, 41,127, 131 L'Indomptable, 129
Disasters, 96-8 nuclear weapons 72
46 Cleopatra, 96 L'Inflexible, 129
Disposition of task carriers, Honolulu, 131
topography, 44-5 Closed-cycle systems, LePlongeur, 15
forces, 196-8 'Fleet Snorkel' Hotelclass, 19,20, 118
Atlantique 2, 94, 95, 203 63 Le Redoutable class,
modernisation, 35 Hull design, 50-2, 55
Attack information Cochrane, 90 Diving, 54
Fleets, 12-13 'Albacore' hull, 40-1, 20, 126, 128-9
screen, 199 Communications. 80-3, depths. 44
tactics, 186-93 124, 132, 152-3, Le Terrible, 129
Attack submarines 87 and hull design. 51
Flore, 98 178, 180-1 LeTonnant, 128,129
roles, 195-6 buoys, 81-2, 83, 119, Doltijn class, 55, 103
Florida, 139 construction, 55-8 Leanders, 198
tactics, 191 155,169 HMS Dolphin, 25 Limiting lines of
Form drag, 51-2 cylindrical form. 131,
see also names or from submarines, 82-3 USS Dolphin, 25
Dounereay, 61 Foxtrotclass, 76, 116-7, 138,156,157,158
pennant numbers Computer-aided design, approach, 199
Draken class, 133 118,158-9 Typhoon class
Austere, 80 13
Liquid metal-cooled Zwaardvis class. 180 system, 131, 139. 524,51 see also "Electronics" Sprint and drift, 196
reactors. 42-3, 60-1. Nimrod. 94. 95. 195. 203 142,155 563,38 section within the Stability, instability. 50-1
106-7 Noise Pump-jet, 162 567,38 detailed STANAVFORLANT. 201
S2G. 43 nuclear-powered 580, 41 description of each Standoff weapons. 88-9
List control. boats, 61-2 581,40 STASS, 78, 131
Lockheed EC- 130 see also Sound SSBNs, 19-21, 186-90 Serb (SS-N-5), 119 Steels, 56-7
Hercules, 81 propagation 01^- 1 sonar, 35 propulsion, 60 Shaddock (SS-N-3), 22, HY80, introduction of,
Lockheed P-3 Orion, 94, Non-acoustic sensors, 611.21 103,114-5,122-3, 142
95 85-7 626. 126 190,191,203 N01 1 70,

Lockheed Mk 500 NATO's northern flank, 627.64,66 68 Shin Meiwa PS- 1,94 NS-90, 178
Evader MARV, 138 199-200 RBU-6000 AS rocket 629. 127 Ship's Inertial Navigation UKE, 172
Los Angeles class. 22, Norwegian Sea, 199-200 launcher, 88 635. 127 System (SINS), Stern empennages, 41
23,44,130-1 November class. Radars 636. 126 67-8, 139 50,53,55, 109,128,
hydrophone arrays, 76 108. 116 WWII German, 18-19 726. 56, 67, 68. 87, Shock protection, 57 134,180-1
hydroplanes, 52. 53 NT37E torpedo detector, 203 139, 187, 189 Sidon, 96 Stingray, 195, 204
space and crew modernisation kit.
FUMB, 39 727, 57 Sien-a class, 22, 23, Stingray (SS-N-18), 71,
comfort. 58 73 search 728, 139 150-1 112
Los Angeles. 130 Nuclear depth bomb. FUMO, 39 SSGs, 190-1 Simrad sonars, 84 Stirling-cycle engines,
Losses. 96-8 199 SD, SJ, 34 282,35 SINBADS, 161,167 63
surveillance SSGNs, Singer Librascope fire
Lynx.93. 94, 204 Nuclear propulsion 60-1 21-3, 190-1 Stonefish, 157, 163, 171,
US development. 60 Snoop Pair/Rim Hat, 587,9,22 control system, 147 172
M see also Pressurised
water reactors ZPS-6, 179
Raybom, WF
SSNs,22. 23-4, 114
propulsion. 60
Sippican transceiver, 82
Siren (SS-N-7), 108-9
Strategic balance,
SLMBs (table), 66
M class, 30 (PWRs); Liquid ,66 class. 21.59 Sirene,98 Strategic underwater
M.I, 16 metal-cooled Reconnaissance, 571,42-3,50,60, 152 Sjohunden, 132-3 nuclear capabilities.
M.2,17 reactors airbome, 196,203 575, 42-3 Sjoormen class, 132-3 186-91
M-57, 103,119,147 Nuclear weapons. ASW. Redoutable class, 20, 588, 153 Skate class, 221,151 Sturgeon class, 22, 23,
MAD, 86-7. 93-5, 195, 90-3 126, 128-9 589,97, 152 Skin friction, 51 154-5
197,204 Bikini Atoll test. 91 Reentry vehicles, 69 592. 152 Skipjack class, 22,23, 41 external installations,
MaK weapons see also MARVs, 593.47.60,97.143 152-3
embarkation and MIRVs 594. 142-3 Smallest nuclear Sturgeon'(SS-N-20), 71,
loading system. 73 Regulus. 9, 35, 71 597.60.142 submarine, see 168-9,177
MaK TR.1 700 torpedo ORB 31 W. 93 Renown. 145 609,611.193 Rubis Sub-Harpoon, 64, 70,
discharge system, ORB 321 1.93 Repulse. 99. 145 639. 52 Law, 48
Snell's 72-3, 102, 130, 143.
74 Oberon class. 136-7, 1 70 Research in underwater
671. 154 Snook 152 155,157,163,171,
MaK mine-laying sonar. 77 warfare, 57 685.22. 154 Snoop Pair, 151 172,178,179
system, 75 Oceanic research. 49 Research submarines, 686,44 Snorkel induction Submarine Active
MARVs, 69-70 Oceans, environment, 25 687. 52, 154-5 system, 17 Detection System
MD-100S sonar, 135 18,44-9 Rescue, 98-9 688,53,130 Sonars 76-8, 92-3, 197, (SADS), 76
Mi-14 Haze, 197 Octopus bow array, 181 craft, 25.96-9, 120-1 198-9,204-5 Submarine approach
MIRVs. 69 Ohioclass, 20, 21,56, Resolution class. 20. 701,58 active,76 areas, 191
MSBSM-4.M-20,68, 71 138-9 126, 144-5 702, 57 passive, 76-8 Submarine fleets, 12-13
Magneto-hydrodynamic USSOhio, 67,87, 139, HMS Resolution, 7, 716,131 DSRV, 99 Submarine-launched
generators (MHD), 187, 189 189 718.131 AQS-13F,92 ballistic missiles,
62-3 control console, 68 torpedo stowage SS-Ns AQS-18, 92, 196,204 see SLBMs; SS-Ns
Manoeuvrability, 52 hull form, 56 compartment, 72 -3Shaddock, 22, 103, BQG-5, 131,139, 142, Submarine-launched
Mantime patrol aircraft, missile compartment Reverberation 47 114-5,122-3, 190, 155 cruise missiles, see
93-5, 203-5 control and Richard B Russell, 154-5 191,203 BQQ-1, 142 SLCMs
Martin MS-1, 31 monitonng panel external installations, -4Sark, 119 BQQ-2, 142, 143, 155 Submarine tactics,
Mast-mounted sensors, station. 66 52 -5 Serb, 119 BQQ-5, 76, 130-1, 186-93
see Sensors, mast- OMERAORB31 W.3211 Rickover. Hyman G. 42 -6 176-7 139,155 anti-submarine
mounted radars. 93 Rim Hat, 151 -7Siren, 108-9, 203 BQQ-6, 139 tactics, 194-205
Materials of Onslought. 77 Rocket-launchers, 88 -SSawfly, 20, 122-3 BQQ-25, 78, 139 SUBROC, 88, 91,130,
constnjction, 56-7 Onyx. 193 Roles of modern -9, 108-9, 203 BQR-2, 41,43, 127, 143,155
May (11-38), 94 Ooshio class, 178 submarines, 50 -12 Sandbox, 115 152 Summerex 85, 200
Mediterranean choke Opossum 77, 137 Romeo class, 124. 146-7 -15.103,107,108-9, BQR-7, 127,155 Super Puma, 93
points. 48 Orion (P-3), 94, 95 Royal Marines, Special 141,150,158-9, BQR-15, 76 Superb, 157
Mendel Rivers. 44 Oscarclass. 2-3. 23-4. Boat Squadron, 193 168-9,174,190,191 BQR-19, 127, 139 Surcouf, 17,30-1
Merchant ships, defence 83, 102, 103, 140-1 Royal Navy, see United -16,103,141,150,169 BQR-21,127 Surface
of, 200-3 tiles. 53 Kingdom -18Stingray, 71,112 BQR-23A STASS. 78, ASW, 84-95, 195-203
Meteorite, 39. 63 Otus. 136 Rubisclass, 22. 24,44, -19,2-3,140,190,191 131.155 DUCT, 49
Michigan, missile tubes Otto fuel propulsion 148-9 -20 Sturgeon, 71, BQS-4, 152 effects, 47-8
amidships, 57 system, 73 Rudders, 124, 177 168-9. 177 BQS-6, 142. 143 forces, defence of,
Midget submannes, 25. Outlaw Shark system, 72 -NX-17, 177 BQS-1 1,131 196-9
192-3 Over-the-horizon -NX-21,71,73, 150, BQS-12, 131 stability of
Mike class, 22. 23-4 targeting, 23. 190 151 BQS-13, 131,139 submarines, 50-1
titanium construction. S-1,31 -NX-23, 71,113, 188 BOS- 15, 139 temperature, 46
56 3 518 Nazano Sauro, -NX-24, 71,73-4, 117 CSU3-4, 161 Surfacing, 51
Milestones. 26-43 134-5 SSQ-86(XN-1), 81 CSU83, 165 Sweden
Minerve. 97 P-2J, 94 SA322, 93 SSQ954DIFAR,94 DBQS-21,165 fleet, 12
Mines. 73-5. 88 P-3 Orion, 94, 95 SADS, 76 Sabalo, 35 DSUV, DUUA, DUUG, undersea rescue
TSM 3510. 105 PMW 49A torpedo, 89 SAS, 193 Sails, 53, 79, 131 105,111 vehicle, 98
VSM600. 135 Pacific ocean SEWACO, 181 Salinity, 46-7 DSUX, DUUV, 129 Draken class, 133
Mini-submarines. 25. topography, 44-5 SH-2F LAMPS 204 I, Salmon/Sargo class, 33 DUUX, 105, 129 ELMA ASW system,
192-3 Paints. 52 SH-60B LAMPS 94 III, SaltLake City, 131 EQS-6, 143 192
Minsk, 196 PARIS, 157, 181 SINS (Ship's Inerlial Salvage craft, 120-1 Eledone, 181 Nacken class, 24,
Missiles, 64-74 PAT1, 128 Navigation System), Sam Houston, 193 JP, JT, 35 132-3
launch tubes, 66, 67 Perch, 34 67-8, 139 Sam Raybum, 127 SQS-36J, 179 control console, 63
the missile threat. 203 Periscopes, 78-9 SLBMs, 64-71 San Luis, 167 Type 186,77, 137 Sjoormen class, 132-3
see also ASMs; Permit class, 22, 23, on January 1987
1 Sandbox (SS-N- 12), 115 Type197, 77, 137, 157 Vastergotland class,
SLBMs; SLCMs; 142-3,154 (table), 65 Sanguine. 81 Type2007, 77, 137, 133
SS-Ns; or missile Pert Spring,113 strategic balance Santa Cruz, 160 157, 163, 171 Swiftsure class. 22,
names, e.g. Exocet Petropavlovsk, 188 (table), 66 Saphir, 148-9 Type 2016, 163 156-7,162
Mochishio, 178 Phoenix launch, 57 strategy, 188-90 Sark(SS-N-4), 119 Type 2019, 157,163, Swordfish (USS). 33
Murene ASW torpedo. 93 Physical characteristics, A-2, A-3 Polans, 65, Satellites 171
Mystic (DSRV-1). 89-9 oceans, 45-7 66,71, 126-7,144-5 ASW, 86 Type2020, 76, 157.
Pickerel, 51 C-3 Poseidon, 65, communications, 83 163
Plessey sonars, 85, 92 126-7 Savage, 64 Type 2040, 171 TDZ, 191,199
N Polaris, A-3. 65, 66, 71 C-4 Trident 64, 66. I, Sawfly (SS-N-8), 20, Type 2051 Triton, 77, TP43XO,TP617,75
Nacken 132-3
class. 24. Polynarnyi, 188 70-1.126-7,138 112-3 137 TR-1700, 160-1
Control console. 63 Poseidon C-3, 65 D-5 Trident II, 66,69 Scamp, 153 ZQQ-4,179 interior layout, 59, 73
Nadashio, 178, 179 Porpoise class, 39 138-9 Scorpion, 97, 152 see also Towed arrays; Tu-16Badger-D,95
Najad, 132 HMS Porpoise, a Ml -4, 128-9 Sea King, 92, 94, 196-7 also "Electronics" Tu-20 Bear-F, 94
Narrow-band range target, 57 SLCMs, 71-3 Sea Lance, 88 section within the Tu-95 Bear-D, 95
processing, 77 Pressure effect, 47 SS-N-21,71,73, 150, Seafarer, 80, 81 detailed TACAMO, 80-1
Narval class. 15. 39. 110 Pressurised water 151 SEAU, 193 descriptions of each TACTAS, 86
Narwhal. 154 reactors (PWRs), SS-NX-24,71,73-4, SEASAT, 86 class Tactics
Nathaniel Greene, 126 60-1 177 Sea Wolf class, 42-3, 159 Sonobuoys, 196, 203, anti-submanne,
Nautilus, 1801, 14 American SM39 Exocet 64, 71 Sea Urchin, 157, 163, 205 194-205
Nautilus, 1954.54-3,50, S2W, 42 105,148 172 Sopwith Schnieder, 29 submarine, 186-94
60, 152 S5W, 126,142,152, SOSUS, 187, 193, 200 Sensors, 76-9 Sound-absorbing tiles, Tail empennages, 4, 50,
Navigation subsystem, 154 SQS-26, 84 DSRV, 99 53,55 53,55, 109,128.
SLBM,67-8 S6G, 130 SSs. 24-5 mast-mounted, 105, Sound propagation, 46-9 134, 175, 180-1
Nazano Sauro clalss, S8G, 138 105,31 109,115, 118,119, see also Noise TAINS, 72
134-5 British, PWR1, 144, 171,16 121, 125, 133,135, Soviets, see USSR Tamir5-L, 147
Netherlands 156,162,172 193,33 141,142,151,152, Spadefish, 53 Tang class, 38
fleet, 12 French, 48MW, 148 240,84 155,159,169,175 Speartish, 89 Tango class, 8, 158-9
Dolfijn class, 55 Propellers. 62 302,35 non-acoustic. 85-7 Special forces, 192-3 Task force disposition,
Walrusclass. 24. 180-1 Propulsion, 60-3 313,34 sensor and weapon Spetznaz, 192 196-8
Zeeleeuw class. 180-1 PUFFS fire control 337,22 systems. 195 Splendid, 156 Tautog, external

, 4 ;

installations, 52 Tp42.TP43.Tp61. 132 179 class, see Lafayette/ Charlie class, 23, Walther-cycle engines,
Teardrop hull shape, 50 Type 65 wake-homing. UGM-93ATridentl, 64, Franklin class 108-9 37, 38, 39, 63
Temperature 150.151,168-9,174 66,70-1,126-7,138 Cachalot clatt, 16 Deltaclass, 20, 112-3, Warhead accuracy.
distribution, see also "Ajmament" UH-1,83 Ethan Allen class, 21, 188 69-70, 186
oceanic, 46 section within the URV,98 126, 193 Echo class, 23, 97, Weapons, 64-75
Tench class. 33, 34 detailed UUM-44, see SUBROC Gato class, 32-5 114-5,140 sensor and weapon
TERCOM, 72 descriptions of each Underwater nuclear George Washington Foxtrot class, 76, systems, 195
Terrain-Aided Inertial class explosions, 90-3 class, 60 116-7,118, 122 see also "Armament"
Navigation System Towed arrays, 76-8, Biniki Atoll test, 91 Glenard P Lipscomb Golf class, 19.20, section within the
(TAINS), 72 85-7. 131.137.141. Underwater sound, 46-7 class, 22, 154 118-9 detailed
TerrainComparsion 151,173,175.181 United Kingdom Lafayette/Franklin Hotel class. 19, 20. description of each
(TERCOM), 72 Trafalgar class, 22, 24, accidents, 96-7 class, 20, 21,64,65, 118
Thermocline, 46, 48, 205 156,162-3 first submarines, 15 126-7, 144 India class. 99, 120-1 Wedigen, Kapit.-Lt., 17
Thresher, 47, 60, 97, 143 HMS Trafalgar, fleet, 12-13 computer suite, 68 Juliettclass, 22, 122-3 Welded hull, 16
ThyssenTR-1 700. 160-1 internal SLBMs,65, 71 Los Angeles class, 22. Kilo class, 124-5 West Germany, see
interior, 59, 73 arrangements, 58-9, SSBNs.20. 21 23.44,66,130-1 sail, 79 Federal Republic of
Tigerfish, 74, 136, 137 192 SSNs. 24 hydrophone arrays. Mike class, 22, 23-4 Germany
144-5, 157, 163, Transient acoustic A-D classes. 15 76 titanium Westland Lynx, 93, 94,
166,177,172 processing, 77-8 E class. 15-16.26-9 hydroplanes, 52, 53 construction, 56 204
tactical employment. Transmission profile, 48 Oberon class. 39. space and crew November class, 116 Whiskey class, 23, 38,
191 Trenches, oceanic, 44-5 136-7.170 comfort, 58 Oscar class, 2-3, 23-4. 124.156
Tiles, 53, 55 Trident sonar. 77 Nautilus, 42-3, 50, 60, 140-1 Whitehead A. 184
Titanium. 56, 87, 106-7 bases, 187 Porpoise class. 39. 152 tiles. 53 torpedo. 74. 135,
Tomahawk (BGM-1 09), I (C-4), 64, 66, 70-1. 136 Ohio class, 20,21,56, Romeo class. 124. 204
64,71-2,130-1 126-7, 138 Resolution class. 20, 66,68,138-9 146-7 search pattern, 202
OTH anti-ship attack ll(D-5).66,69, 138-9 126,144-5 Permit class, 22, 23, Sierra class. 22. 23. Wilhelm Bauer, 39
profile, 190 Trieste bathyscaphe. 44 Swiftsure class, 22, 142-3,154 150-1 Wire-guided torpedoes,
Topography, ocean, Triton (USS). 60 156-7, 162 Salmon/Sargo class, Tango class. 8. 158-9 74,75
44-5 Triton sonar. 77, 137 Trafalgar class, 22, 24, 33 Typhoon class. 20-1 see also names of
Torpedo Triton (French rescue 156,162-3 Sea Wolf class, 42-3, 168-9 torpedoes, eg
danger zones (TDZ), submarine). 99 internal 59 internal Tigerfish
191,199 Troop-carrying arrangements, 58-9, Skate class, 22, 151 arrangements, 55 World Wars
evasion, 198 submarines. 25 192 Skipjack class, 22, 23. Victor class, 22. 23. 1,16-17.29
Torpedoes, 73-5, 89, 93 Truculent. 97 Type 2400. 24 41 152-3
, 83,108-9.150.158, 11,17-18,26,33-4
ASWtactis, 194-205 Tullibee. 60, 142 Upholder class, 170-1 Sturgeon class. 22. 23. 174-5, 190 ASW, 196
German, 167 Tunny, 35 construction and 154-5 Whiskey class. 23. 38, clandestine
A.184, 74, 135,202, Turbulent, 51,162 space allocation, 56 external 124,146 operations, 192
204 Turtle, 14 Valiant class, 22, 145, installations, 53-3, Yankee class, 19-20, communications,
E-14,E-15, 110-1 TypelXA,B, 17-19 156.172-3 79 71,97,113.176-7 82-3
F-17, 105, 148 Type XVII, 37. 63 Vanguard class. 20 Tang class, 38 Zulu class, 116, 118 convoys, 201
G7e, 37 Type XXI. 36-9 United States of America Tench class, 33, 34 Uzushio class, 178 World's submarine
Type201.205, 164 accidents, 97 Undersea rescue fleets, 12-13
GRX-2, 178, 179
L3, 110-1 Type206. 164-5, 166 deep submergence vehicles, 96-9
L5, 105, 148 Type209, 25,73, 160. rescue vehicle. Underwater Demolition
M-57. 103, 119, 147 166-7 98-9 Teams (UDTs), 193 V-2, 65
Type 1500, 8,96 Defence Advanced Upholder class. 170-1 VLF, 80, 119, 141,169 X-shaped empennages,
Mk.8, 137, 173
Mk. 14/1 6, 152 Type 2400. 24 Research Projects construction and Valiant class, 22, 145, 41,53,55,133,134,
Mk.20, 137. 173 Type ESSE. 24 Agency (DARPA). 75 space allocation, 56 156,172-3 180-1
Mk.23. 136. 137 Type ES5G. 23 development of USSR Van Drebel, Cornelius, 1 X-1.30
Mk.24 Tigerfish. 74, Types of submarines. N-powered accidents and rescue, Vanguard class, 20 X-8 accident, 18
136,137,144-5, 14-25 submarines. 60 97-9 Vargen, 133 Xia class, 20.21,189
157,163,166,171, Typhoon class. 20-1, submarine, 14
first fleet, 12-13 Vastergotland class, 133 XSTAT transceiver, 82
172,191 168-9 fleet,12-13 SLMBs, 67, 71 Very low frequency radio
Mk.37, 152, 160-1, internal arrangement. inter-war design program 66-8 (VLF), 80
178,179 55 policy, 32-3 SSBN strategy, 1 88 Victor class, 22, 23, 83,
SLBMs. 65. 67-71 SSBNs, 19-20, 21 108-9,150, 158, Yankee class, 19-20, 71,
Mk.45Astor, 152
SSGNs, 21-3 174-5, 190 97, 113,176-7
Mk.4e, 130, 138, 143, program, 64-6
155, 173.178.179 u SSBNs, 20, 21 SSNs, 23-4 Vladivostock, 188 Yuushio class, 24, 178-9
181 U-793, 37 SSNs, 23 Akula class, 22, 23,
NT37E modernisation
kit. 73
U-2502, 37
U-3008, 38
Albacore (AGSS),
sails, 53 w Zeeleeuw class, 180-1
SST-4. 160-1 UGM-84 Sub-Harpoon. Balao class. 17.33. Alfa class, 22, 44, Wake-homing torpedoes
Zulu class, 116, 118
Seeal. Seeschlange. 64, 70, 72-3, 102, 34 106-7 (Type65), 150, 151,
Zwaardvis class, 180
164-5 130, 143, 155, 157, Barbel class. 125 titanium 168-9, 174
SUT. 164-5 163,171,172,178, Benjamin Franklin construction, 56 Walrusclass, 24, 180-1

Picture Credits
Endpapers: Kockums Page 1 MoD/Navy 2/3: ; 64: (top)US Navy; (bottom left) E and TV Films; Navy 1 08: 09: US Navy 110: eCP-/Vrm6es
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right) 111: Wright 1 1 2: US DoD 1 1 3: US DoD 114:
& Logan
(upper left) US Navy; (lower left) right) MoD/Navy 66: (bottom left) US DoD;(bottom MoD 1 1 5: US Navy 1 1 7: MoD 1 18: US Navy
MoD 1 16:
Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft; (right) FRC/Wara/ right) US Navy 67: (both) US Navy 68: (top) US DoD; 119: US Navy 120: US Navy 121: MoD 122: MoD 123:
Forces 9: US Navy 10/11: US Navy 13: (upper) (bottom left) Aerospatiale; (bottom right) US Navy 69: MoD/Navy 124: US DoD 125: US Navy 126: US Navy
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(remainder) MoD/Navy 15: (all) Imperial War Museum right) US Navy 71 (top. centre and bottom right) US
131: (both) US Navy 1 32: Kockums 33: Kockums 34: 1 1

16: (top and bottom) Imperial War Museum; (centre) DoD; (bottom left) Aerospatiale 72: MoD/Navy 73: (both) Fincantieri 136: MoD/Navy 137: MoD/Navy 138:
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1 (centre left) Thomson Sintra; (bottom) MoD/Navy; US Navy 1 39: US Navy 1 40: US DoD 1 41 US DoD 1 43: :

War Museum 19: MoD/RAF 20/21 (top) FRC/Wava/ : (remainder) Krupp MaK 74: (bottom) Whitehead; (both) US Navy 144: MoD/Navy 145: MoD/Navy 146:
Forces: (bottom left) MoD/Navy; bottom right) US (remainder) Marconi Underwater Systems; (remainder) MoD 147: Skyfotos 149: (both) SIRPA-Marine/MARS
Navy 22/23; (top and bottom left) US Navy; (bottom MoD/Navy 78: (top left and right) Barr & Stroud; 1 50: US Navy 1 51 US Navy 1 53: (both) US Navy

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159: US Navy 160: Thyssen
Impenal War Museum 30: Imperial War Museum 31: Boeing Aerospace 82: Sippican Ocean Systems 83: Nordseeweri<e 161: Thyssen Nordseewerke 162:
US Navy 32/33: US Navy 34: (both) US Navy 35: (top) US Navy; (centre) Plessey Naval Systems; MoD/Navy 163: Vickers Shipbuilding & Engineering
(bottom) US DoD; (remainder) US Navy 36: Imperial (bottom) US DoD 84: (upper) Graseby Dynamics Ltd 165: HDW 166: HDW
167: HDW
169: US DoD 170:
War Museum 37: Imperial War Museum 38/39: (top. (lower) Simrad Naval Systems 85: (all) Plessey Naval MoD/Navy 117: MoD/Navy 172: MoD/Navy 173: MoD
centre and bottom left) US Navy; (remainder) Imperial Systems 86: MoD/Navy 87: (top) British Aerospace; Navy 175: (top) US DoD/Mitsuo Shibato; (bottom) PPL
War Museum 40: US Navy 41 US Navy 42: US Navy: (centre) US Navy 88: (top) TASS; (bottom) Matra 89: 1 76: MoD 1 76/77: US DoD 1 80: 1 81 RDM RDM :

43: US Navy 45: (top) Jet Propulsion Laboratory; (top and bottom) MoD/Navy (centre) Whitehead 90: 182/83: Whitehead 184/185: (all) MoD/Navy 186:
(bottom) US Navy 46: (top) Sippican; (bottom) US (top and bottom right) US Navy; (bottom left) Hunting (centre) US DoD; (bottom) MoD/Navy 187: US Navy
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: Goodyear Aerospace 92: (top left and centre) Plessey MoD/Navy 190: FRC/Naval Forces 191: MoD/Navy
MoD/Navy; (centre) US Navy 52: US Navy 53: (top) US Naval Systems; (bottom left) Bendix Aerospace; 192: (top) MoD/Navy; (bottom) Marconi Underwater
DoD; (centre) US Navy; (bottom)FRC/Wava/ Forces 55: (bottom right) MoD/Navy 93: (top) Plessey Naval Systems 193: (both) US Navy; 194: (centre) Plessey
US DoD 56: (top) Vickers Shipbuilding & Engineering; Systems; (bottom) Thomson Sintra 94: (top) US Navy; Naval Systems; (bottom) Canadian Forces 196:
(bottom) US Navy 57: (top) US Navy; (bottom) (bottom) Plessey Naval Systems 95: Dassault-Breguet MoD/Navy 197: (top left) Dowty Electronics; (top right)
MoD/Navy 58: (bottom) US Navy; (remainder) 96: (all) Howaldtsweri<e-Deutsche Werft 97: (top) US MoD/Navy; (bottom) US DoD 1 98: MoD/Navy 201
MoD/Navy 59: (top) MoD/Navy; (centre) US Navy; Navy; (bottom) US DoD 98: (centre) Kockums; MoD/Navy 202: MoD/Navy 203: US Navy 204: (top)
(bottom) Thyssen Nordseewerke 61 (top left) MoD; : (bottom) US Navy 99: (top left) US Navy; (top right) Whitehead; (bottom left) Westland Helicopters;
(top right) DCN
62: (top) Brons Industrie; (bottom) MoD 100/101: MoD/Navy 102: (top) MoD/Navy; (bottom right) MoD/Navy 205: Kaman Aerospace
Paxman Diesels 63: (top left) Marconi Command and (bottom) US DoD 103: (top) Royal Netherlands Navy;
Control Systems; (remainder) Thyssen Nordseewerke (bottom) US DoD 104: DCN 105: US DoD 107: US
Above: Launch of the Vdsfergdf/ond by Kockums, Malmo. September 1986.
The Authors
David Miller is a serving officer in the British Anny, a

career which has taken him to Singapore, Malaysia.

Germany and the Falkland Islands and which has
included service in the Royal Corps of Signals, several
staff jobs at Army headquarters and the command of a
regiment in the UK. He has contributed numerous
articles to technical defence journals on subjects
ranging from guerilla warfare to missile strategy and is
the author of An IJIustrated Guide to Modern Sub-
marines (1982) and An /IJustrated Guide to Modern
Subhunters (1984), co-author of Modern NavaJ Combat
(1986) and a contributor to The Vietnam War (1979),
The Balance of Military Power (1981) and The
Intelligence War (1983), all pubUshed by Salamander

John lordan is well knowm for his contributions on

modem ships and submarines to journals such as Navy
International. Warship, Defence and Jane's Defence
Weekly. His work for Salamander includes authorship
of the Illustrated Guides to The Modern US Navy. The
Modern Soviet Navy, Modern Naval Aviation. Battleships
and Battlecruisers and Modern Destroyers.

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