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Thesis Statement: Migration has more negative consequences than we think such as
overpopulation, unemployment problems and cultural- envıronmental issues.
1)not being able to access healthcare (illness)
2)baby boom(high birth rate)
1)language barriers
2)pressure on schools

1)displacement of jobs
2)limited access to resources
1)security problems

2)sexual harassment
CONCLUSION: To sum up, there are several effects of migration and it can be very
dangerous for both native people and that country.

Every country has its own beauty and culture , all these diversities are great things
for a nation. However, sometimes this order can be ruined. Regarding
that,unfortunately migration happens, so it affects so many things such as
overpopulation, unemployment problems and cultural issues. These terrible things
can deeply affect a country’s destiny.

Firstly, the biggest problem is overpopulation. To be specific, when the immigrants

come there will be so many health problems . To illustrate, because of the high
population rates people cannot access healthcare ,so people can get sick very easily.
Also, because of the lack of sexual information there will be a baby boom; for
example, in Turkey so many Syrians gave birth to lots of babies. The second problem
is education. When they come they will not know native language, so there will
always be a language barrier between natives and immigrants. Moreover, people will
blame schools for education, so parents , teachers and students will not be okay with
this. Considering that, they do not know that people and neither understand;
therefore, there will be so many problems.
The second issue is the unreliability problem. This situation leads to so many things;
for example, unemployment . When they come, so many people (native) can lose
their job because some people will want them. Regarding that, they will give less
money and work harder. Furthermore, because of unemployment and money issues
people cannot access resources. Therefore,

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