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Imagine that there were no hunger, And everyone

had something to eat
Imagine that there were no prejudice, And every- Don Bosco Utume August 24, Sunday: Issue 65
one was treated sweet
Imagine that all the children had a place to play, • Jambo You(th) is a weekly news letter aimed at helping the Youth in moulding their
Imagine all of their problems just faded away, daily lives in Christ.
Imagine that there were no diseases, And every- • Our vision is expressed in just two phrases: GOOD CHRISTIANS and
one lived to grow old. RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS.
Imagine that there were no poor people. And all the streets were paved
Pep-up : Stories for Reflection
with gold To the Young : Parable of the Carpenter’s Tools

Imagine that there were no drugs. And all the needles disappeared. Points to Ponder : In Whose Hands
Imagine in their places flowers bloomed, And all the birds reappeared. Saint of the Week : St. Bartholomew
Imagine that there was no pollution, And we could all just heal the world Reflection : Imagine!
Imagine that there were no sexist people, That discriminated boy & girl Last Drop : Ever Noticed?
This is not a figment of my imagination, I'm just speaking for my genera-
The Gift of Insults
There once lived a great warrior. Though quite old, he still was able to defeat any chal-
I wish there was something I could do Just to make my dream come true lenger. His reputation extended far and wide throughout the land and many students gath-
I thought I'd write this poem down to tell you how I feel ered to study under him.
Eric McCorkle One day an infamous young warrior arrived at the village. He was determined to be the first
man to defeat the great master. Along with his strength, he had an uncanny ability to spot
Last Drop and exploit any weakness in an opponent. He would wait for his opponent to make the first
move, thus revealing a weakness, and then would strike with merciless force and lightning
speed. No one had ever lasted with him in a match beyond the first move.
A man never earns enough
Much against the advice of his concerned students, the old master gladly accepted the
A woman is never beautiful enough
young warrior's challenge. As the two squared off for battle, the young warrior began to hurl
Clothes are never fashionable enough
insults at the old master. He threw dirt and spit in his face. For hours he verbally assaulted
Cars are never nice enough
him with every curse and insult known to mankind. But the old warrior merely stood there
Gadgets are never modern enough
motionless and calm. Finally, the young warrior exhausted himself. Knowing he was de-
Houses are never furnished enough
feated, he left feeling ashamed.
Food is never palatable enough
Somewhat disappointed that he did not fight the disrespectful youth, the students gathered
Relationships are never romantic enough
around the old master and questioned him. "How could you endure such an indignity? How
Life is never full enough ………!
did you drive him away?"
Satisfaction comes when we step off the escalator of desire and say, “That’s enough.
"If someone comes to give you a gift and you do not receive it," the master replied, "to
What I have will do. What I make of it is up to me and my vital union with the living God.”
whom does the gift belong?"
NB: Send your questions, comments or feedback to For further informa- Lesson: Do not be disturbed by the insults others may shower on you. If you do not re-
tion and back issues of Jambo You(th) please check on our website: spond to them, they shall return to its origin.
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Editor: Shyjan SDB
Once there was a terrible quarrel among the tools in a carpenter’s workshop. They A basketball in my hands is worth about $19. A basketball in Mi-
were attacking and putting down one another. chael Jordan's hands is worth about $33 million. It depends whose
Sr. Hammer: I think Sr. Saw should leave the workshop. She has very sharp teeth hands it's in.
and she bites deep into people and hurts them seriously. A baseball in my hands is worth about $6. A baseball in Mark
Sr. Saw: Okay, if you don’t want me, I will leave. But then Sr. Screwdriver also must Mcguire's hands is worth $19 million. It depends whose hands it's in.
quit. She is not of much use around here. She is so small and thin that we have to A tennis racket is useless in my hands. A tennis racket in Pete Sam-
turn her round and round to get a little job done. pras' hands means a Wimbledon Championship. It depends whose
Sr. Screwdriver: Alright. If you don’t need me, I’ll leave the workshop immediately. hands it's in.
However, Sr. Hammer also must quit. She has too much head-weight and is very A rod in my hands will keep away a wild animal. A rod in Moses'
overbearing. She comes down heavily on people and crushes them. hands will part the mighty sea. It depends whose hands it's in.
Sr. Hammer: Well, I am ready to leave, if nobody wants me around here. But, in that A sling shot in my hands is a kid's toy. A sling shot in David's hand
case, also Sr. Plane should leave. She is so slow and lazy, we have to push and pull is a mighty weapon. It depends whose hands it's in.
her up and down to make a superficial impression. Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in my hands is a couple of fish sand-
Sr. Plane: I see. So, nobody here wants me. I’m ready to go provided Sr. Chisel wiches. Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in Jesus’ hands will feed
also leaves. She has such long, sharp tongue, she talks too much, gossips around thousands. It depends whose hands it's in.
and hurts people. Nails in my hands might produce a birdhouse. Nails in Jesus
Sr. Chisel: Alright, who wants to stay here if nobody wants me! I will quit but on con- Christ's hands will produce salvation for the entire world. It de-
dition that Sr. Ruler leaves too. She is so straight and rigid, and she measures and pends whose hands it's in.
judges people all the same. As you see now it depends whose hands it's in. So we can put our
Sr. Ruler : No problem. I will go away provided Sr. Sandpaper also goes.
concerns, our worries, our fears, our hopes, our dreams, our fami-
She is very rough and rude and rubs people on the wrong side.
lies, and our relationships in God's hands because --It depends whose
Thus the quarrel among the tools went on and on. Then came the Carpenter of Naz-
hands they're in.
areth. Hearing all the noise in His workshop, He inquired what the problem was.
They told Him about the quarrel. And He said to them, “What nonsense are you talk- Fr. Pat
ing? I don’t want anybody to leave my workshop. I need all of you for my work. Eve-
ryone of you is very important for me in doing my job. SAINT for the WEEK
Then the Carpenter of Nazareth, using all the tools in the workshop, made a beautiful August 24 St. Bartholomew, Apostle
pulpit and standing on it preached the GOOD NEWS!
Well, the moral of the parable is obvious. Every member of the family/community, big One of the twelve apostles, Bartholomew was from Cana in
or small, strong or weak, endowed with many gifts or few, is important, precious, lov- Galilee. Because the lists of twelve Apostles differ from one
able and unique. Everyone has an important role to play. Everyone has an important evangelist to another, he is usually identified with the Nathaniel
contribution to make to the family/community and to the world. If a person does not described in the fourth Gospel (John). Unsubstantiated tradition
fulfill one’s designated role, that will remain unfulfilled till the end of time. If in a fam- relates that he was a missionary in many countries and
ily/community every member is accepted, respected and loved and if there is a con- preached the gospel in India (properly Arabia), where he left
tinuous and generous flow of gifts from every member in the family/community, not behind a copy, in Hebrew, of the Gospel of Matthew. He is tradi-
only will the family/community preach the good news but BECOME THE GOOD tionally said to have been flayed alive in Albanopolis, Armenia.
NEWS! And family/community life will become a celebration!

The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any. Your children need your presence more than your presents . Jambo You(th) 2008 Jambo You(th) 2008

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