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1- The voice of the Eternal Nameless and Endless:

"So ... hear men of every seed and nation.
I have not spoken for a single caste of men.
I have not spoken or given blessings to a single people.
I have not drawn arrows from my quivers to throw at supposed enemies, and I do not
plunge any people into despair.
So, hear then, the Manifesto of Intelligence that reaches the ear of the one who knows how
to listen

2- The Universal and Perennial:

Truth expands to the extent that knowledge expands, and to the extent that man acquires
Knowledge, it expands to the extent of the Universe. Thus, to a large extent it depends on
the fact that as the understanding of those who seek the Truth develops, they help with
positive attitudes to the gestation of events to come, reinforcing its saving effect, or that
they repress it with your prejudices, narrow-mindedness and ignorance, turning its effect
into the opposite: poison and destruction.

3- Foolish clothing:
I give you a clear example of what I tell you: that in your world the animal does not
wear clothing and the man does, is a particular case of a Universal Truth: we dress in what
we need. Thus, the priest wears a habit because he has no religion, the soldier arms because
he lacks courage, the diplomat leads because he does not have neatness and the judge toga
because he does not have justice. The uniform announces an absent virtue: hygiene that the
waiter lacks, purity for the bride and order for the policeman.

4- Law of the Unnamed today, tomorrow and always:

Do not misunderstand My clear words, nor give them another interpretation; I tell
you: I do not demand honors from men for My Name.
I do not punish those who do not know anything about Me.
I do not make alliances or contracts with men from any town.
I do not ask or give anything in exchange for alleged alliances: know it.
Know the Law ... and then men will know Me.
So I have spoken through the mouths of those who know about Me.
My Knowledge is Clean: do not mess it up.
My Wisdom is Eternal: do not despise it.

5- The Logic of Logic:

Because the Logic of Logic prepares to give birth to those who seek the
Interpretation of THE LAW AND THE TRUTH. And you, the names do not matter, do not
fall into the rebellion of knowing everything and despising the Knowledge that is first
presented to you. It is a negative action of the intelligence that must not prosper, on pain of
seeing your conscience altered in a sterile search, in which your senses are deceived with
appearances; it is, so to speak, the challenge of matter against spirit.

6- The illusory reason and false understanding:

Do not fall into this germ of error, because your understanding is confused and
deformed, altering the mechanisms of the spirit in its real investigation of a valid
interpretation: here the search becomes obstinate. The strength of convictions asserts
themselves as the seeker advances, or they change by themselves as reason grows and
certainty is acquired.

7- Way of the real search:

Give men of clear and honest search, the light of clear words without confusion.
Leave the "wiser than the wise" there with their dark beliefs and don't argue with them. I
will introduce you to three classes of men on your planet:
1-The first who are below, are only believers, asleep and dominated by their
2-The seconds are intermediate that always doubt and systematize the light of Truth
in figures.
3-Those who are above these, reflect the Light of Truth: they are those who live in
the future and have coherent answers to the issues that afflict them. Thus, those who are
above are the prudent sages: those in the middle become mediocre and those who are below
are the foolish and ignorant who dangerously lead others to their infernal abyss of
ignorance and fanaticism.

8- The false gods:

If you undertook a search to enrich your spirits, then you must know that you have
put in place mechanisms that will be chained together to open the understanding and finally
reach the Truth. If they persevere, they will see that search crowned with an enrichment of
their Spirits. He who achieves little has also succeeded in enhancing his search with the
wine of peace: therefore, it is convenient to know that whoever undertakes the search will
leave behind his false gods, his fears and his dreads: he will leave part of his old wrap TO

9- Essence of Truth:
He will reach new horizons with the treasures that are available to him: the daring
will taste the intoxicating Liquor of Peace and happiness. They will understand the Truth
and they will walk without fear to the discovery of THEIR OWN IMMORTAL ESSENCE.
If fear invades them, it will be as a sign that you have incurred false interpretations.

10- Towards the synonym of stupidity:

We cannot undertake the most Beautiful of Paths only with the eyes of innocence;
ignorance produces stupidity and this is transmitted from parents to children, as a tradition
of prejudices that are inherited. So be very careful what you teach your children and your
friends to be true, lest you are leading them into the same abyss of ignorance in which you
are living. You, who for the moment are a group, it is necessary to put the Will into
collective action to advance together until it is necessary, then each one will follow their
own path.
11. Law of Karma and Dharma:
So believe me; Every force that you release and produce in action against a fellow man will
be unleashed against yourself in due time. Nothing that hurts your fellow man will go
unpunished. You will have the opportunity to see in a regressive way, from the moment of
your death, until your own birth, with all your successes, your good actions, your joys and
misfortunes; but you will also be able to see the evil you caused to others and your bad
intentions in your free action, your judgments on others. You will see the opposite effects
against the Law that you violated. These are, therefore, the infernal energies that each
individual generates and that with the awareness they have to dissipate. Here the person
assumes all responsibility for his wrongdoing and experiences his own punishment. He will
have to relive each of the scenes that she starred in in his physical life and he will then
know the weight of her own shame and dishonor.

12- Memory - Code - Living Crystal:

This information that all disembodied will live, is written in their own blood. Therefore, he
must live and feel the same pain that he caused another in his very essence. So make good
use of the knowledge that is given to you. Be wise in making use of it. This action
preserves man from failures in their lives.

13- Resurrection of Knowledge:

I reaffirm the existence of life after death, IT IS THE LAW. It teaches us how the body is
created, how it is consumed and constantly modified by food, both of the body and of the
spirit. Understand it! By this Law our body does not represent real life. You renew yourself
with all that knowledge of this life and likewise you will rise up in the Resurrection and not
one of your hair will be taken away, because the True Treasures of the Spirit, the
Knowledge, no one can take it away from you. You will be born with it in all possible
reincarnations as far as you can go, because endless, Knowledge grows and increases.
Thus, anyone who faces death can understand the value of life.

14 Error and reason:

It is clear to reason about things that happen during the lives of men. Some believe that the
pain that submits you and makes you blaspheme, is nothing more than a way of testing
yourself for "God." I tell you: pain is necessary for man - passing through this planet - not
as a proving action of God, but necessary to mold the individual into a purifying action of
his own error, both present and past: here karma works with all its perfect harmony as a
Balancing Law and with mathematical precision. Therefore, learn to overcome and you will
vindicate your spirit, without falling into agonies that will only lengthen your suffering. Do
not retaliate against others, by not knowing and understanding what is happening to you.
Rather, join the legion of those who seek, those who learn, those who understand and those
who use reason and the correct interpretation of what is happening.

15 - The new Spiritual Man:

So I tell you: here on this planet called Earth, as a result of multiple evolutionary
experiences, A NEW MAN is being formed that will populate this place of the Vast
Universe, with the necessary components for its optimal mental-spiritual development,
which will achieve new and high levels of Consciousness on your way to the Universal
Knowledge of the Great Creative Consciousness.

16 -Advances of the human intellect:

It has not been easy to take this step, but terrestrial man has shown signs of intellectual,
scientific and spiritual improvement: these are essential attributes for the improvement that
terrestrial man has already developed. We would not tell you just to satisfy the pride of
some and the vanity of others, we do it because there are already deserving among you on
Earth. This process has been somewhat advanced. Thus, those of us who have in our hands
the necessary ingredients for their development, training and improvement, have taken into
account certain factors developed by some Earthlings, who in a quiet and exemplary way
have become True Architects for this great change: WE KNOW THEM!

17 -The Truth factor:

We know of your search and sacrifice. We are aware of his great intellectual and spiritual
development. In a way, we are surprised: they have developed a capacity for forgiveness
and inner enlightenment, which declares them very suitable for the change that has already
been generated. Some of these special men and women have already qualified; Others are
doing it and generating obviously optimal situations so that this pattern reaches those who
are intuitively ready and aware, now they will be about to reach the conscious-
consciousness level of the Truth Factor.

18 - Who understands:
Take a good look at what I say, because we will not tell you more. This information should
be well used and directed. You will give it with a comment to the Royal Initiate in the
search for Truth. Use good judgment and be responsible when delivering it. Become
Masters with character of Truth. Be honest in reporting, the hour is difficult and hard, many
will not understand. It is easier to refuse than to check. Do not lose heart in your attempt to
leave the taste of Truth in the mouths of those who listen to you.

19 - The virus of error and fallacies:

I urge you to become determinants of mental change. Religions did what they had to do to
survive, now they are dying, if you try to revive them, then it is your fault to contract again
the virus of error and return to live in the continuous fear and fallacy established as law.

20- The new Man of the Queen of the South:

Do not lose the possibility of moving forward in a tangible way by marching on the path of
false faith, only because of the fear of losing your life. I OFFER YOU THE CROWN OF
LIFE. The New Man has already been born in your lands, mutant par excellence, with
covetable radiance, with Inner Glow, with Eternal Light. We are giving you by Law, LOVE
AND UNDERSTANDING, take them and leave behind the old wrappings that have only
brought you desolation and ruin. CLADDING WITH WINGS OF ETERNAL FULGOR.
Be bold and courageous when trying out the new flight. Do not repeat the mistakes of the
past. Cultivate the attributes of Creative Majesty in this Golden Dawn.

21- The man behind:

The old man will always fear life, the new man accepts and understands it. The new man
knows and understands the need for death, everyone will go through it, whether they accept
it or not. It is better then, thus, to know and accept it, it is transformation, it is new life.

22- Wealth of the spirit:

Give then to whoever listens to you, to whoever reads you, the certainty of Eternal Life, but
who also understands you in the Majesty of death and thus it will not be uglier and terrible
in the eyes and understanding of the ignorant. Relieved in their ignorance, the imperative
need for death.
Give them light and comfort at the end of their experiential pilgrimage. Remind them of
their own Essence of Immortality. Fill hearts with beauty with your words and lift souls
with understanding. If they do not feel and live what I tell you, then you would do wrong if
you dare to speak to others what you do not understand. So be sincere and your heart will
be the one that speaks and understands.

23 - The non-existent and false teachers:

The greater the Wealth of the Spirit of man, the less the earthly belonging. If you see men
in habit and with gold and silver ornaments, then you have already identified the false
spiritualists and religious, showing off even at their table, with succulent meals, and you
will always see them roaming in luxurious clothes next to politicians and military men,
preaching false teachings as if they were authentic scriptures.

24- The trap of the world:

There are also false scholars among you, who are awarded titles that are only valid among
the superstitious as valid and authentic priests: but I tell you, they have distorted THE
records, manipulating at will and interest, as saints, the manuscripts. These false priests and
interpreters of the truth, have chosen themselves with supposed supreme powers and have
granted themselves and their disciples the false belief that earthly man is made in the image
and likeness of the Unnamed; granting man rights that he does not have in his ill-
intentioned interpretation of Holy Scripture.

25- The break with the false truth:

Thus, be consistent and know how to wait, THE BREAKING OF EVERYTHING THAT
WAS ESTABLISHED AS IMMUTABLE TRUTH IS NEAR - this has already begun - but
it will happen individually at the moment when the same seeker converts to Logic with a
good sense of understanding.
Faced with the undeniable Truth of reason, the worn and withered argumentation of the
foolish and ignorant will come out to contend, “that God” gave them the infallible
interpretation of the scriptures". Know them well and take them into account so that they do
not drag you down with them. to the abyss where they will lose the right to doubt.

26- Intelligence, not mentalism:

The force that liberates the healthy exercise towards the Truth is the mental one. Without
this attribute, the student can be lost. Mental force (not mentalism) generates the
mechanisms that will make you understand THE REAL-SPIRITUAL-INTELLECTIVE,
the false-religious-dogmatic, which cancels the consciousness of the seeker. Here he loses
his ability to understand, to interpret, to know.

27 - Flashes of Light:
I warn you not to go in search of distant wisdom. May your search be clean and healthy
within you. You were given in your magical dawn, the keys that will open one by one, the
mysterious passages of Life and of your life ... Take it into account!

28. Where there is no Consciousness:

The disappearance of consciousness in individuals who appear spiritual knowledge and
experience false interpretations through the senses, is a detachment of knowledge acquired
and misinterpreted for unspeakable purposes: THOSE SUCH EXIST AMONG YOU. But
if your search is focused on the True Values of the Spirit, on the acquisition of Wisdom,
then, you will be able to distinguish THE FALSE COMMUNICATORS OF THE TRUTH.
They can be easily singled out by you: these dark individuals will never allow themselves
to contend with those who challenge, point out or question them. There you have them!

29- From Truth to Spirit:

The Truth will always be clear and lucid, brilliant and pure in the mouth of those who
constitute themselves as real Interpreters of the Law. The false will never be able to give
you the satisfaction that your spirit seeks.

30- Immortality conquers the initiate:

So, be honest in your thorough search for knowledge, which will lead you to obtain the
highest credentials that any man can imagine: WISDOM. If you use the acquired
knowledge well, applying Knowledge with Wisdom and Prudence, then yours will be the
noblest conquest of the INITIATE-SEEKER: The Path to Immortality.

31- The great battle:

I urge you to seek these fruits without rest and without fainting. Those who dress without
false plumage will succeed. There is the True battle that you must fight: Conquer
ignorance, defeat fanaticism, win the battle over the senses and your Soul will come out
Glorious and Magnified in your fight. VICTORY IS FOR REASON. Likewise, in any
claim that you make for the sake of a humanistic improvement, you must use reason to
exclude violence, Truth so that there is justice.

32- Wisdom, Force of Law:

Wisdom must be used with Logic, in this resides the Greater Wisdom of man when
choosing well his search in life; and conversely, if you use Knowledge with Logic, your
words will be covered with reason and your arguments will be crystalline. Stay away from
the foolish and vociferous who want to impose a religion, dogma or knowledge on you. Do
not take one of these blind guides, just because they wear a white robe over their body. If
you see him well, you will see that he is a corpse wearing a black suit underneath. And if
you say Truth based on your knowledge, they will believe you as to the Logic of your
words, not because of the tunic you are wearing.
33- Hypocrites the masters of confusion:
Thus, there are men who seek treasure, but not those who give you palaces or power. This
man-type of whom I speak, is that man dressed in humility and sacrifice, ignored by the
flatterers and powerful, whose action continues to multiply in silence. It is his Great Work.
He is the man dedicated to the Service of Truth. Learn to know them and stay close to
them, they will bring you good fruits. So be clear enemies of confusion and doubt. STAY

34- Truth of Exceptional Men:

Thus I will tell you, that if the Truth reaches the doors of your reason and understanding,
then your actions will be clothed with Equity and Justice. If your actions are the fruit of the
Truth that you live, then your Spirit will be tireless in search of new answers to your Soul
thirsty for knowledge. Take a good look at these exceptional men and women: they are the
reflection of the well-directed search for knowledge and Truth. Young Wisdom will be
given to you forever, as an inner answer. Happiness and happiness will be their inseparable
companions. In the shelter of such, others will find Knowledge.

35- Who are here:

They will forever have encouraging answers in their mouths. They will walk without
fainting on the fertile road in crowning their sleeplessness and within their interior the
Master who emerges with the Force of a Hurricane is revealed. There the truths of always
are born now. There Love and Knowledge are revealed. Sure will be their Words and Clear
Truths will pronounce. Hear them without fear, learn without fear. THEY ARE ALREADY

36- Times and time that determines:

Know therefore that the Laws have a time in time for Avatars, beliefs and religions.
Everything is linked to a space-time and during this time everything must be fulfilled. Obey
laws unknown to you. By this Law, you will see how the prudent man evolves and
distances himself from the fools who overshadow the rise of others. However, those who
listen and dialogue with their Inner Voice, know and learn that the greatest Conquest they
will achieve on the path of the Ascent, will be the one that gives them the assurance that
they are well oriented and without false pretenses of acquisition of powers or knowledge
that they are not able to interpret. These Special Individuals, silent, humble and exemplary
in their general development, are prudent and healthy defenders of the Truth.

37- Knowledge of the Law:

Do not forget how important is for you: KNOWLEDGE OF THE LAW. This requirement
is essential to achieve the entrance to the Temple of Wisdom and then cross the threshold of
Logic, leaving behind the old conceptions of what seemed to be the truth, because there is
nothing more precious that shines with its own and covetable light to the eyes of the
initiate; than the truth.

38 - Hollow verbiage:
But unfortunately, for many who began the path of sacrifice through multiple experiences
both spiritual and investigative, they have lost their effort to reach the bottom of the cave.
They have been surprised by false brilliance and flashes of their own conception and
intellectuality. They were easily deceived by indecipherable verbiage, by appearances and
false vanities that they accepted, obscuring the Real Interpretation.

39- The self-chosen ones:

See that I tell you again, beware of false interpreters of the law, they can easily lead you,
like children, to their malicious interpretation of the truth. It is legion that dwells among
you to twist the Authentic Teaching that We gave you and it is also legion, those who
choose themselves as worthy representatives of Wisdom: there are all tints and heights.

40- Spiritualism, false path:

It is already traditional among you, to carry out movements called "spiritualists", where
well-intentioned seekers of Truth fall. These are easy prey for the false mystics and
enlightened who claim to have "faculties" to receive communications and messages from as
many non-existent spiritual teachers. These fakers of knowledge also act as supposed
priests or priestesses of their clouding movements that make them lose the possibility of
real understanding of their own search.

41- The mind or the Inner Voice:

How fragile is the human spirit! How fragile is the mind in its actual interpretation of what
appears to be Truth! Do not be fooled any longer. Break the chains of beautiful words that
lead you inexorably into the abyss of false interpretation! Be brave and daring when
making Unbreakable Shield, with your Inner Voice. You will travel without fear and
nobody will be able to touch you. LAW DEFORMERS have their "unmistakable smell"
and are also recognizable by their particular way of speaking.

42- The hell of the groups:

They are easy to recognize by those who, through their acts and Knowledge in Favor of
Truth, have contracted the logical discernment that only the simple and humble knower of
Truth develops. Do not allow yourselves to be chosen for their groups, do not allow
yourselves to be tempted by false doctrines with the appearance of piety and wisdom. Do
not let them select you for these particular groups in which the right not to accept is lost.
Take a good look at them: they are only worshipers of appearance, of their false leaders
who run them at their whim and interest. There are many unfortunates who walk aimlessly,
believing they have feet to walk, eyes to see and ears to listen. These are the spawn of the
manipulators who have read and heard some half-truths and who add and cancel out the
True Knowledge imparted in the Doctrine of Truth.

43- The Blinding Truth:

Opinion and general belief, IS NOT IN ANY WAY, UNOBJECTABLE PROOF OF THE
TRUTH, because in most cases, those who accept the appearances of the Truth, are the
foolish and ignorant. Thus, as the owl is blinded by the brightness of the sun, so the
Brightness of the Face of Truth will blind you when you approach it. So it was said and
written. So be careful what you accept as indissoluble truth, lest you are only receiving the
shadow of what they tell you as truth. Do not become another mediocre who accepts what
he hears, just because it has sweet and beautiful words smeared with "God".
44- Interior Development:
Thus you will understand that the most sensible way to achieve the greatest evolution is
Inner Development; It is the alchemy that is born from the Prodigy of the processes of
Enlightenment. The best use that the initiated seeker can achieve is by no means the path
chosen by the one you call a fakir, who searches the instinctive and motor center; nor is it
that of the so-called monk, who exercises the feelings by working the emotional center, and
neither is it the path of the yogi and his search through the intellect.

45- The Unique Path:

It is the synthesis of the previous ones; without seeking the torture of the physical body, nor
the misunderstood mystique, nor the result of mental power, nor the loneliness of the spirit,
nor the silence of the cells that separate you from your brothers, nor your search in the
deserts or in the mountains ; because the enlightened apprentice mistakes the natural
mechanics of the spirit, joins in an attempt to reach the light in the deceptions of the senses
and intuitions and loses the Reality of his True Inner Self.

46- The Final Enlightenment:

The Real Enlightened One must learn with his true experience, that he must go to a certain
place and know why he is there and where he should not be. He sees clearly where he was
before he left and he doesn't want to be there again. He will then discover that he must
instruct his fellow quests to go outside with him, and he will make them walk with him and
he will talk to them about the real world and talk to them about the Light. In the meantime,
he will have given them the best tool so that they can then walk alone in the search that will
bring them the most amazing and wonderful of the discoveries they have managed to
decipher: the magical recipe of the Greatest of Wisdoms and of all Sciences: THEIR

47- The Great Discovery:

The clarity of the enlightened person arises when he discovers himself divided into a
thousand fragments and projected into a thousand different individuals who are known and
important to him. It is recognized in the friend who is blind because he has not had a Guide.
He identifies with the father and with the friend, with the son and with the soulless, with the
mother who loves the son and with the one who hates him, he identifies with the vicious
and with the drinker, with the beggar and with the sick who suffers; it makes its own the
pain of the afflicted and of the unaware, it makes its own failure.

48- The Way, the Truth and the life:

Thus the new man arises. Silence! There is a man about to resolve his inner conflict. Look
at him! He carries in his eyes and in his smile the unmistakable sample of His Inner
Triumph. Here comes the moment when the enlightened seeker, aware of his great
discovery, manages to understand that no one will give up his ascent for the sake of
another. He will have understood that they all constitute the mountain and the forest,
without ceasing to be a tree, plant, flower or fruit; but independent.

49- The Word, end of the Path:

Here too, the enlightened one hears the Voice that speaks to him. It is a mysterious Voice,
but clear: it breaks the silence of ignorance that reigns among men and each Word is
Creative, Dynamic and Loving. This hidden whisper that is within his heart, has Life, but
has no form; He has a Voice, but no face. Once it awakens within you, it will resonate as
Inner Word. It is the amazing and dynamic moment in which you feel, listen and
understand all the Wisdom of the Law”.

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