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Region I

Division of Pangasinan II
Binalonan, Pangasinan


S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: _________________________________________________

Grade and Section: _____________________________ SCORE:

Direction: SHADE the letter that corresponds to your answer on the given answer sheet.

1. It is a part of the experiment without the variable being tested.

a. alternate group c. experimental group
b. control group d. null group
2. An attempt to explain a pattern observed repeatedly in a natural world is called__________
a. hypothesis c. prediction
b. law d. theory
3. Scientific Method is a step-by-step solution in generating findings and answers to everyday problems based
on scientific investigation. What is the correct order of this investigatory process?
a. question, communicate your work, hypothesis, conclusion, observation, experiments, and
organize and analyze your data
b. question, observation, hypothesis, experiments, organize and analyze your data, conclusion,
communicate your work
c. observation, question, organize and analyze your data, hypothesis, experiments, conclusion,
communicate your work
d. observation, question, hypothesis, experiments, organize and analyze your data, draw
conclusion, communicate your work
4. Which does not belong to the group?
a. Aluminum(Al) b. Calcium (Ca) c. Radon (Rn) d. Tungsten(W)
5. Which of the following could be a symbol on the periodic table of elements?
a. CC b. Cc c. cc d. CcC
Study and analyze the table below and answer questions numbers 6-7
Sample pH Value Color Indicator
household bleach 12.8 yellow
seawater 8.4 green
blood 7.35-7.45 green
rain water 5.6 blue
gastric juice 1.6- 1.8 red
6. Which solution is strongly acidic?
a. blood b. gastric juice c. household bleach d. seawater
7. What is the color of a strongly basic solution?
a. blue b. green c. red d. yellow
8. Classification of matter that are hard to identify as they are chemically combined and also hard to
separate by physical means since they have definite and unchanging chemical composition.
a. compounds b. elements c. mixtures d. substances
9. A mixture of liquid is heated in a flask. The liquid with a lower boiling point evaporates, then it
condenses when collected. The liquid with a higher boiling point and any solid particles are left behind in
the flask. This process is used in the purification of substances from water to crude oil.
a. chromatography b. decantation c. distillation d. filtration
10. What is the difference between a substance and a mixture?
a. Substance is pure while mixture is impure
b. Substance can be separated while mixture cannot be separated
c. Substance has many components while mixture has only one
d. Substance is heterogeneous while mixture is homogeneous
11. When water, pure coconut oil and honey are carefully poured into a glass, one at a
time, three distinct layers will form, as shown in the diagram. What will happen if 5 ml
of honey is added to the glass containing the three liquid layers of pure coconut oil, water
Pure coconut oil
and honey?
a. The 5ml of honey will mix with water.
b. The 5 ml of honey will float on the top layer.
c. The 5 ml of honey will mix with the pure coconut oil.
d. The 5 ml of water will pass through the pure coconut oil and water and it will mix with honey.
12.Which statement describes a SOLUTE in a solution?
a. It is the solid part in a solution.
b. It is the liquid part in a solution.
c. It is a component of the solution in smaller amount.
d. It is a component of the solution in larger amount.
13. What is the percent by mass of Baking Soda (NaHCO3) in a solution containing 20 grams NaHCO3
dissolved in 480 grams of water?
a. 4 % b. 5 % c. 6 % d. 7 %
14. What particular organ system consists of mouth, esophagus and stomach?
a. circulatory system c. excretory system
b. digestive system d. skeletal system
15. If the pistil of a gumamela flower has stigma, style and ovary, which part of the stamen contains pollen
a. anther b. pistil c. stalk d. sepals
16. Cell, tissue, organ and organ system is a simple to complex biological organization of an organism. What
do you think is its importance to living things?
a. The biological sequence work together to keep the organism live.
b. The biological sequence served as the armor of every individual.
c. Each part of the biological sequence of organism can exist alone.
d. The absence of one do not affect the whole organism
17. What is formed when an egg cell unites with a sperm cell during fertilization?
a. fetus b. gametes C. spermatozoid D. zygote
For item number 18-19 refer to the situation below:
Selected Grade 7 students were given the opportunity to watch the “Types of Reproduction” during “Sine
Scientia” video lesson presentation at Library Hub. The following concepts were noted by students:
I. Dogs reproduce by fertilization just like humans.
II. Yeast reproduces by method called budding
III. Starfish can reproduce sexually by pseudocopulation likewise, it can reproduce asexually through cloning or
dividing itself to two or more part to regenerate
18. WhichIV.
ofBacteria reproduces
the following is through
the viewed Sine Scientia of grade 7 students?
a. I and II is an example of sexual reproduction
b. III and IV are examples of sexual reproduction
c. II, III and IV are examples of sexual reproduction
d. II, III and IV are examples of asexual reproduction
19. Which of the following describes sexual reproduction?
a. Sexual reproduction requires body parts to reproduce its own kind.
b. Sexual reproduction does not require sex cells to produce offspring.
c. Sexual reproduction requires one type of sex cell for fertilization to take place.
d. Sexual reproduction undergoes fertilization by combining the genetic material of male and
female organism.
20. The following are microorganisms, which one is used for baking?
a. algae b. bacteria c. molds d. yeast

Study the diagram below for item 21

21. The part of the microscope used to rotate and change the objective in focus?
a. part H b. Part I c. Part J d. Part K
22. Solve for the total magnification of a microscope if its two lenses have magnifications of 10x and 45x.
a. 250x b. 300x c. 350x d. 450x
For item number 23, study the illustration of food web below.
23. Construct a food chain from the given diagram of food web.
24. It is defined as distance travelled divided by the time of travel.
a. acceleration b. displacement c. speed d. velocity
25. Visible light or white light is made up of the colors of the rainbow. Which among the colors has the
longest wavelength?
a. blue b. green c. orange d. red
26. In which medium do sound wave travels the fastest?
a. gas b. liquid c. solid d. plasma
27. Conductors are materials or substances that allows transfer of thermal energy quickly and easily.
Which of the given materials below are good conductors?
aluminum wood rubber stainless steel
gold silver plastic air
a. aluminum, gold, air, silver c. stainless steel, silver, gold, rubber
b. wood, rubber, air, plastic d. aluminum, stainless steel, gold, silver
28. Which of the following shows an increasing order of frequency in the visible spectrum?
a. blue, green, violet, indigo c. indigo, violet, green, blue
b. green, blue, indigo, violet d. violet, indigo, blue, green
29. Heat transfer describes the flow of thermal energy from one material/substance to another. Which of the
following exhibits conduction?
a. Drying of clothes under the sun.
b. Warming of food with a microwave.
c. Melting of ice cube in one’s palm.
d. Cooling of a room because of air-conditioning unit.
30. How is wavelength related to frequency based on the table on the right side?
EM Spectrum Frequency Wavelength
Radio 3x107 10m
Microwave 3x1010 10-2 m
Infrared 3x1011 10-3 m
Visible light 3x1013 10-5 m
Ultraviolet 3x1015 10-7 m
X-ray 3x1017 10-9 m
Gamma ray 3x1020 10-12 m
a. The lower the frequency, the longer the wavelength.
b. The higher the frequency, the longer the wavelength.
c. The frequency and wavelength of light are always equal.
d. The frequency and wavelength of light are closely related.

31. Alex’s travelled 30km on his motorcycle for 2 hours. Solve for his speed?
a. 15km/h b. 28km/h c. 32km/h d. 60km/h
32. Combining the primary colors of the light results to the formation of secondary colors. The diagram
below shows the overlapping of colored lights on a white surface. What color would the area labeled “a”
a. cyan c. white
b. magenta d. yellow a

33. Which modes of heat transfer best explains the scenario below?
“On a summer morning, John walks barefoot across his paved driveway with no problem.
However, later that afternoon he steps barefoot onto the same driveway and must quickly run off
because the bottom of his feet feels like they are burning”.
a. conduction and radiation c. convection and radiation
b. conduction and convection d. conduction, convection, and radiation.
34. Dara brushes her hair with a hard rubber comb. What happened to the comb when Dara’s hair became
positively charged?
a. the comb lost protons c. the comb lost electrons
b. the comb gained protons d. the comb gained electrons
35. You are tasked to investigate that white light is made up of 7 colors. How would you prove it with the
materials readily found at your home?
a. b. c. d.

36. From the following set of materials, develop the best way to keep your hot drink warm for as long as
a. stopper made of rubber + ceramic base + styrofoam wall + metal case
b. stopper made of cloth + metal inner and outer wall + metal case + metal base
c. stopper made of plastic +stainless base + inner and outer glass wall + outer casing made of
d. Stopper made of plastic +ceramic base + silvered inner and outer glass wall + outer casing
made of plastic
37. Natural resources such as coal, fossil fuels, crude oil and nuclear energy are examples of ______?
a. artificial resources c. renewable resources
b. man-made resources d. non-renewable resources
38. This is a process when soil or rocks are broken down on the surface of the earth.
a. cement c. weather
b. sedimentary d. weathering
39. What are the 5 layers of the atmosphere from lowest to highest?
a. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ozone and Exosphere
b. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere and Ozone
c. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere and Exosphere
d. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere
40. In the month of December, which hemisphere receives direct rays from the sun?
Northern Hemisphere

Southern Hemisphere

a. I only c. III only

b. II only d. I, II and III

41. How many month/s for the moon to complete its revolution around the earth?
a. 1 month c. 3 months
b. 2 months d. 4 months Figure 1.
42. Observe figure 1. Explain the behavior of the air.
a. The air rises if its heated
b. The air behaves differently
c. The air goes up as it cools down
d. The air moves in and out of the balloon
43.Explain why the Habagat brings so much rain?
a. Because it comes from a low pressure area.
b. Because its weather comes from high pressure area.
c. Because it is characterized by cold, dry air from Siberia.
d. Because it is characterized by hot and humid weather frequently heavy rainfall, and a
prevailing wind from west.
44. Earth’s seasons are caused by which of the following?
a. The rotation of the moon in one month.
b. The different men activities that affect the earth’s rotation.
c. The Earth’s revolution about the sun as an ellipse rather than a circle.
d. The tilt of the Earth’s axis of rotation relative to the eclipse as earth revolves around the sun.
45. Global warming is already evident in our surrounding and it is caused by different material that can
affect our environment. As a student what can you do to lessen this phenomenon?
a. I will start cleaning our backyard and burn all the dry leaves.
b. I will cut down old trees because they give more carbon dioxide.
c. I will use different propellants that contain Chlorofluorocarbons.
d. I will use metal straws, spoon and fork to lessen the use of plastic materials.
46. If the sun rises at 5:08 in the morning and sets at 6:23 in the evening. Calculate the length of daytime.
a. 12 hours and 6mins c. 13 hours and 15mins
b. 13 hours and 10mins d. 13 hours and 18mins
47. Which type of breeze is formed in the diagram?
a. Land breeze c. Sea breeze
b. Mountain breeze d. Valley breeze
48. Water vapor and carbon dioxide are both greenhouse gases. Why are we so worried about increasing
carbon dioxide and NOT water vapor?
a. This is usually an indication that an El Niño event and not water vapor.
b. Water vapor collects in the atmosphere but falls as rain when they are heavy.
c. Land heats up faster than water during the day and it also cools faster at night.
d. Global warming is primarily a problem of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

**For questions 49&50, study the diagram below.


49. How do Lunar eclipse happen?
a. Moon C, Sun, Earth c. Sun, Earth, Moon C
b. Moon B, Earth, Sun d. Sun, Earth, Moon D
50. How do Solar eclipse happen?
a. Sun, Moon A, Earth c. Sun, Earth, Moon C
b. Sun, Moon B, Earth d. Sun, Earth, Moon D

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