Ge Mythology Souls

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Ge mythology souls-like (to be named something cool)

 Rest point name for now ოჩოპინტეს altar ( here burns the white fire. If the one chosen by the
angel of the white fire rests here they will be healed and mended by the ever lingering flame.
 You play as a character that is referred as ნაწილიანი

ალქალი boss area to be named

. Enemy types

. Hunters souls who betrayed დალი and are brought back for some reason that you will sop

. Mounatin goats

. male Alis

. chinka varian

. devi variant

. wolves

. ect…

. Story line of the area

You are sent here to recive a blessing from yet to be determined; the firs altar you rest at overlooks the
svnai type village (you can’t get in the village for obious resons XD) next to it satnds a nice size river mill
with the mill man that is blessed with unlimited wheat. Where in the shat on a small chair seats a man
fixing his tools. Near him there is short red haird woman sorting the wheat or smthing.

The road from the mill leads to the deep forest, you meet დალი, she ask for help in Exchange for
information, you go and fight a werewolf who had taken a child from her. After the fact gives the thing
that you came looking for and she seduces you cause she takes a liking to you which gives you a sort of
charm which gives some kind of helpful buff.

ალი hidden boss

If you keep coming to დალი afterwards you will see a millman star working on a different thing and a
red hair woman a little bit further digging the land searching for something saying: “I’ll find them, they
will return where they belong” if you decide to talk to her and as for het healpful item she will thell you
to first get her what she is searching for and she will give it to you after. If you decide to help her she will
give you an item and thank you, ig you travl away and come back you’ll find her gone; millmand dead
with claw marks and a woman (his daughter in law stangin ower him) she tells you what ალი was and
that she killed his whole family and left her with scars on her face running dowl to her neck. She show
you the dirction she went if you go in that direction you will find that she has tanken dail as hostage and
(animation: she explains her jalousie towads დალი her face transforms to reveal her true scary face),
boss fight starts.

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