Tom Sawyer - Level 2 - Nightingale, Jacqueline Twain, Mark, 1835-1910. Adventures of Tom Sawyer - 1990 - Long Island, NY - Edcon - 9780931334290 - Anna's Archive

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“Bring the Classics to Life”

Series Designer
Philip J. Solimene

Virginia B. Heflin

Story Adapter
Jacqueline Nightingale

Mark Twain

Original story written by Samuel L. Clemens under his pen-name of Mark

Twain, in 1876. The story is based on his own boyhood.

Copyright © 1997
A/V Concepts Corp.
30 Montauk Blvd, Oakdale NY 11769
This book may be reproduced for student/classroom use.
All other rights reserved.
Visit our Web site at:

Printed in U.S.A.
ISBN# 0-93 1334-29-2

WY OL OMTEI GOO es ne eo et eae eee


11 The Great White Wash Aunt Polly caught Tom playing hookey and made him white wash
the fence. Tom made it look as if he liked to paint the fence, and all
the boys traded things to him to get to paint, too.

12 Tom Gets a Bible It was not that Tom really wanted a Bible, but he did want to stand a2
up in front of everyone at Sunday School. You had to learn 2000
verses to get a Bible. Tom could never do that, but he got the Bible
anyway — by trading for the tickets.

13 Tom Wins Becky’s Love On the way to school, Tom planned to go with Huckleberry Finn 18
to the graveyard at midnight. Being late to school got Tom placed
on the girl’s side, next to Becky Thatcher, the new girl. He told her
he loved her. At noon, alone in the school house, they got

14 A Killing in the Graveyard Tom and Huck saw Injun Joe kill Dr. Robinson and put the knife 24
into Muff Potter’s hand, who had been knocked out froma hit on
the head. Tom and Huck made a pact never to tell.

15 Tom, Joe, and Huck Become Turned down by Becky, Tom went to an island to bea pirate with 30
Pirates Huck and Joe. Everyone thought they had been drowned. At
night Tom stole back home to leave a note that they were safe. But
he changed his mind after he heard the plans for their funeral.

16 Their Funeral and Life as At their own funeral, the three boys listened and then appeared 36
Heroes amidst all the crying. Aunt Polly learned of Tom’s trip and found
the note on bark in his pocket. Being a hero made him “stuck up”
toward Becky, but then he took a whipping for her.

17 Tom Saves Muff Potter Tom and Huck worried about Muff Potter being hanged for the 42
killing he didn’t do. Finally, Tom told the true story at the trial.
Injun Joe jumped out the window and was gone.

18 Buried Treasure in the Tom and Huck were upstairs in the old haunted house when Injun 48
Haunted House Joe and a stranger came in. They watched as the men started to
bury their money, and found a wooden box of old coins. Injun Joe
took all the money and left without finding the boys.

19 A Picnic of Adventure As Huck followed Injun Joe and the stranger, he learned they 54
were on their way to cut up Widow Douglas. Huck got help. Injun
Joe got away. On the picnic, Becky and Tom got lost in the cave.
Tom saw Injun Joe inside. Tom found a new way out and saved
his and Becky’s lives.

20 Heroes and Friends — To Mr. Thatcher had the cave closed up. Later, they found Injun 60
the End Joe’s dead body. Tom and Huck went back into the cave to find
Injun Joe’s treasure of $12,000 in old gold pieces.

Comprehension Check Answer Key ................2.-.2-....---.----- 67

Vocabulary Check Answer Key ................---.-eeeeeee ees 69

Story 11 Story 12 Story 13 Story 14 Story 15


clean anything shop bridge bang

ear blew shovel Christmas bread
end both silver clothes corner
fell cannot S1X corn cover
inside goose tiny friendly everything
loud lake winter large I’m


brush army dead jail drown

hookey Bible devil killing funeral
sew bug engaged liquor hour
shirt church grave pirate Pain Killer
thread knife kiss shed raft
trade learn wart sick

Story 16 Story 17 Story 18 Story 19 Story 20


swim move almost string stone

tent outside bought table together
tonight place brave tease track
trip roof country telephone whistle
week seven engine voice win
wolf someone fence woke wrong


dream court bury bat blood

hug examination den cave dollar
plan lawyer ghost mile gang
secret measles haunt rock gun
thunder revival Spaniard Tuesday rich
tore trial treasure wander robber

CTR B-11



Key Words

clean (klén) without any dirt

When the boys went out, they were clean.
all the way, completely
The horse jumped clean over the stream.
clear, even, not ragged
He made a clean sweep and nothing was left behind.

ear (ir) the part of the body with which one hears
With my ears I can tell when someone is walking behind me.

end (end) where something stops

We read to the end of the story.

fell (fel) to be tricked

The boys fell for Tom’s game or scheme.
to come down from a high place
Jack fell out of the tree.

inside (in’ sid, to be in something or someplace

in sid’) The nut is inside the shell.
It was an inside story.

loud (loud) noisy

The group of children were loud.
much sound
His voice was loud and clear.
with sound
She thought first and then said it out loud.
CTR B-11


Special Words

brush (brush) a tool for cleaning, painting, sweeping and the like
I clean my teeth with a tooth brush.

hookey; (huk’ é) stay away from school when one should be there
hooky On a fine spring day, everyone would like to play hookey.

sew (so) fasten by using a thread and needle

I sewed the button back on my coat.

_ shirt (shirt) a piece of clothing for the upper part of the body
I always wear a shirt under my suit coat.

thread (thred) a fine cord used mostly for sewing

I will use a color of thread to match the cloth.

trade (trad) to give something in order to get something

When one thing is worth as much as another, they can be traded even.

Tom Sawyer is the boy this story is all about. He lived in a small town on the banks
of the Mississippi River in the 1840’s. His real name is Thomas
Sawyer. He is the most famous boy in American literature.

Aunt Polly is the one Tom lives with.

Sid Sawyer is Tom’s younger brother.

Ben Rogers is a school mate of Tom.

CTR B-11




SS : T\-O
Because he had played hookey, Aunt Polly said Tom had to white wash the 90 feet of nine foot
high fence on Saturday. But Tom thought of a way to get every boy in town to trade something
for a turn at painting the fence.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture carefully.
3. Read the sentences under the picture.
4. Read the first paragraph of the story.
Then, answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that Aunt Polly called loudly because
a. she wanted to find Tom.
___. b._Tom’s face was sticky with cake.
c. Tom was eating cake.
d. she wanted to hit Tom.
Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 10 for the right answer.

Now read the story,

Read to find out how Tom got the boys to white wash for him.
CTR B-11


“Tom! Tom!” Aunt Polly’s looked up, “I thought you around, “Oh, Ben! I didn’t see
call was loud. A little noise sewed his shirt with white you.”

made her look in the corner. thread, but it’s black.” “I’m going swimming,” said
There he was behind the door, Ben. “Don’t you wish you
his face sticky with cake, all the “I did sew with white!”
way to his ears.
As Tom ran out, he called didn’t have to work?”
at Sid, “I'll get you for that!” “What’s work?” asked Tom.
As she started to hit him, “Why, white washing is,’
Tom said, “My! Look behind Saturday morning found
Tom at the front fence with a said Ben.
you, Aunt Polly.” “Maybe and maybe not,”
pail of white wash. He stuck
As she did, Tom ran out and answered Tom. “Anyway, I
the brush in and painted. He
jumped clean over the fence. like it. Not every day a boy gets
looked down to the end of the
Aunt Polly smiled to herself. to white wash a fence so nice
90 feet of nine foot fence. He
“That boy! How many times and clean.”
he’s tricked me. I’m not hard looked at the tiny white part.
Tom thought of the things Tom went on painting and
enough on him. But when I looking proudly at his work.
remember he has no mother, I he would like to do on this fine
spring day. And he thought of After a while, Ben fell for
just can’t be.” Out loud she Tom’s game. “Let me white
said, “He'll play hookey from how the boys would make fun
school today. I'll just have to of him. He took out of his wash a little, Tom.”
make him work on Saturday.” pocket everything he could Tom almost gave him the
At supper, Aunt Polly trade. It was not much. Things brush. “No, Ben. I guess not.
questioned, “Tom, was it looked dark. Not one boy in 1000 can do it
warm in school?” Then a thought hit him. He just right for Aunt Polly.”
“Yes, Aunt Polly.” went to work quietly, holding “Oh, please,” said Ben. “I'll
“Didn’t you want to go his thought inside his head. try hard. I'll even give you my
swimming?” Along came Ben eating an apple.”
apple and pretending he was a
“Well — not much.” Tom slowly handed over the
Aunt Polly put her hand on riverboat. Tom went right on brush, as if he didn’t want to.
white washing.
his head. Tom went on, “Us “Hello,” said Ben. “Looks Inside he was dancing.
boys put water on our hair.” like you are up a tree.” There was no end to the
“Let me see your shirt where No answer. Tom stepped painters who came by and fell
I sewed it on you.” Tom back and looked proudly. in. Tom’s trading pile got
showed her. Then he made another clean bigger and bigger. The fence
“Well, OK. It’s still sewed brush and looked again — like was white washed three times
together at the neck. I thought a painter of pictures. over, top to ground.
for sure you had pulled out the “Hello,” Ben said in Tom’s Aunt Polly was so pleased,
thread to go swimming.” ear. “So, you have to work!” she gave Tom an apple. On his
Tom’s younger brother, Sid, Suddenly, Tom _ turned way out, he took a cookie.
CTR B-11


Preview answer:
COMPREHENSION CHECK a. she wanted to find Tom.

Choose the best answer.

1. Aunt Polly did not want to be hard on Tom «Ss Tom tricked Ben by showing that
because he —__ a._ he was a painter of pictures.
——— ae had to work on Saturday. ___._b. he had many things to trade in his
ae Oe AFICRCGSneT: pocket.
—_. c.__ played hookey from school. fs AY, he liked to white wash the fence.
—__. d._ had no mother. —
eG: he did not want to go swimming with
(2.) Aunt Polly asked Tom about school because she
——. a. wanted Tom to eat his supper.
—_. b.__ thought he went swimming and not to 7. Ben gave Tom an apple
school. __ a._ to let him white wash the fence.
—— c. wanted to know if it was warm in —— b._ to let him go swimming with Tom.
school. —___. c.__ to trade for a cookie.
—__ d. had sewed Tom’s shirt with white —___d. to put on Tom’s trading pile.

3. Tom was angry with Sid because Sid Tom’s trading pile got higher and higher because
—____. a._ sewed Tom’s shirt with black thread. —_ a._ many painters fell into the trading pile.
—___. b._ told on Tom about the thread. —___ b. many painters wanted to white wash
——_ c._ put water on Tom’s hair. the fence.
—— d. would not go swimming with Tom. ——. c._ he wanted to please Aunt Polly.
—_. d. he wanted to dance inside.
Looking down to the end of the fence, Tom
nels still had a full pail of white wash.
—— b.__ had all Saturday morning to do his
Another name for this story could be
—__. a. “A Fine Spring Day.”
ee TH, had painted the tiny part very well.
—— _b. “Tom Tricks Everyone.”
——.d._ had a lot of fence still to paint.
—_. c. “A Fence is Painted.”
—___ d. “Tom Plays Hookey.”
5. Tom was like a painter of pictures as he
—__. a._ worked quietly, holding his thought
inside his head.
—_—_ b.__ gave Ben the brush to white wash the This story is mainly about how
fence. Aunt Polly does not like Tom.
—— ¢. stepped back and looked proudly at the SED: Saturday is a day to work.
white washed fence. —__ c. Tomisa boy who just likes to have fun.
—__ d. took out of his pocket everything he —— d. many boys like to play hookey from
could trade. school.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-11

Wthe GRAM Nod We YAN Suh


clean ear end fell inside loud

i. Sentences to Finish
Using the words in the big box above, choose the one which best fits in each of the sentences below.
_ Write the words on the lines in the sentences.

1. There was so much to do that there seemed to be no _______to it.

at ee
2 5, out of the rain.

The airplane made such a __________________ noise that we stopped talking.

As the parade passed by, we al] _____in behind it.

Pie adeage hair cut.

My mother always said, “Be sure to wash behind your


li. Crossword Puzzle

Fill in the little boxes with the letters of the words at the top of the page. The numbers in the puzzle
match the numbers of the sentences below. The sentences will help you guess which word fits each set
of boxes.

3. When the baby tried to walk, he
4. This is the ________ of the story.
6. Put the birthday present __________ the box.
1. The truck made a _______ noise.
2. All the dishes are washed
5. I hear with my |
Check your answers with the key on page 69.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-12


Key Words

anything (en’ € thing) a thing of any kind

Use anything that will get it done.

blew (blii) carried by air

The balloon was so light, it blew away.
moved with speed or force
The wind blew the door shut.

both (both) two people or places or things together

Tom and Joe both met for their game.

cannot (kan’ ot; not able to; can not

ka not) This is so hard, I just cannot do it.

goose (gis) a big bird like a duck with a long neck

A goose can swim very well.
a silly person
When a person acts so silly that he spoils things, we sometimes say, “He
cooked his goose.”

lake (lak) body of water with land all around it

The heavy rain made lakes all over.

CTR B-12

Special Words

army (ar’ mé) a group of soldiers ready to fight together

The boys all got together as two armies and played war.

Bibie (bi’ bal) a special book of writings of the Christian religion

We read a Bible in church.

bug (bug) an insect without wings

The bug had a pointed beak to pinch with.

church (cheérch) building in which to worship God

Many people go to church every Sunday.

knife (nif) a thin, flat, sharp blade in a handle

Be careful not to cut yourself with your knife.

learn (lérn) to say or do over and over until you can remember
I learned it so well that I could say it without looking.

Judge and Mrs.
Thatcher are the father and mother of Becky Thatcher.

Jeff Thatcher is the son of Lawyer and Mrs. Thatcher.

Becky and Jefi are cousins. Becky came to stay with Jeffs family and go to school.

Mary Sawyer is Tom’s older sister.

Amy Lawrence is a school mate of Tom, and the girl he had been engaged to.

Joe Harper is a school mate and good friend of Tom.

CTR B-12


were the first two men to follow Jesus. That cooked Tom’s goose! At last he answered, “David and
Goliath.” That brought down the roof!

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture carefully.
3. Read the sentences under the picture.
4. Read the first three paragraphs of the story.
5. Then, answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that

a. Tom fights every day.
—__ b. Tom always gets even.
—___. cc. Tom sees a new girl at the Thatcher house.
d. Tom keeps at it until he gets what he wants.
Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 16 for the right answer.

Now read the story,

Read to find out how Tom got the Bible.
CTR B-12

TOM GETS A Bw "0 : | y GY)

On his way out, Tom got But he worked himself up to be Now, he could stand up and
even with Sid. He threw water very sad. His eyes filled with get a Bible. It was not that he
on Sid’s clean shirt. little lakes of water. He walked wanted the Bible, but he did
Tom ran and hopped over out into the soft night. The want to stand up in front of
the fence to go find Joe wind blew whispers through everyone.
Harper. Both boys’ “armies” the trees. Judge and Mrs. Thatcher
met for their fight. Tom’s army Tom went to the Thatcher and the beautiful new girl sat
_|was the winner. They picked a house. There was no sign of the up in front. When the teacher
day for their next fight and new girl, but a candle was
burning upstairs. Tom sat asked if anyone had enough
headed home. tickets for a Bible, Tom stood
Passing Jeff Thatcher’s under that window, holding
his flower. Minutes later, up. Judge Thatcher asked Tom
house, Tom saw the most to name the first two men who
beautiful girl he had ever seen! someone threw out a pan of
water. Tom was in a lake, wet followed Jesus.
That minute, his love for Amy as a goose. He jumped over the “Oh, oh,” thought Tom.
Lawrence just blew away. fence and ran home. “My goose is cooked.” At last,
Tom started showing off, Next morning, Tom had to he shouted out, “David and
doing anything he could to get learn five Bible sayings for Goliath!”
the new girl to look at him. As Sunday School. After a while, the people got
she went into the house, she “Mary, I just cannot do it,” quiet again and church started.
_threw a flower his way. Tom Tom said to his sister. The day was hot. The talk went
picked it up with his foot and on and on. Both together,
“You must,” said Mary. “If made everyone want to sleep.
put it inside his shirt. you do, I'll give you something
At supper, Tom was so Tom took out his black bug.
ever So nice.” Soon it was on the floor.
happy that Aunt Polly
After that, Tom really went People began to watch it. A
wondered what had got into
at it and learned them in a dog came into the church and
him. Sid knocked a dish to the
floor. Aunt Polly thought Tom hurry. The new knife he got eyed the bug. He came too near
had done it and knocked him was just asking him to cut the and the bug got his nose. The
away from the table. table when Mary called him to dog gave a little bark and
eHold: i, said Tom... “I wash up. Then, he had to put knocked the bug away. He
didn’t do anything. Sid did it.” on his only suit and his shoes. played with something else.
“Well,”’answered Aunt Polly, Outside the Sunday School Then, all at once, the dog sat
“I’m sure you did something door, Tom traded his things down on the bug! He jumped
else bad to make up for it.” from the white wash. He up, barked, and ran around the
“T just cannot win,” thought traded for tickets that had been pou Church came to a quick
Tom. He knew Aunt Polly given to the children for end!
wished she had not hit him. learning 2000 Bible sayings.

CTR B-12


Preview answer:
COMPREHENSION CHECK c. Tom sees a new girl at the Thatcher house.

Choose the best answer.

1. The armies were headed by 6. Tom got the Bible

eee, Joe Harper and Sid. ees Ay by standing in front of everyone.
eet Tom and Sid. =e. by giving the right answer.
ase OF Jeff Thatcher and Tom. ee GE by getting other children’s tickets.
ere Joe Harper and Tom. Sik by cooking his goose.

2. Tom’s love for Amy Lawrence blew away when (7) The beautiful new girl was most likely
ees a new girl threw a flower his way. i
ares a friend of Amy Lawrence.
eee, he got a new girl to look at him. ly his sister Mary’s friend.
SSS(+ he saw the most beautiful girl.
Ce Joe Harper’s sister.
=e he showed off for a new girl. sot Both: Judge Thatcher’s girl.
3. Aunt Polly knocked Tom away from the table
nls even though he had not done anything.
Church came to a quick end because
emcccianty because he knocked Sid’s dish to the a. people were watching the black bug.
floor. aD the dog barked and jumped around.
oi when his eyes filled with lakes of water. ee Ge Tom made everyone laugh.
Sef when he was bad at the table.
eb the day was too hot to stay inside.

Tom was sad because Another name for this story could be
a. he did not see the girl at her house. 2 va: “Tom Shows Off.”
22D. Aunt Polly hit him for something he Ds “Tom Learns 2000 Bible Sayings.”
did not do. ees “Tom and Sid Fight.”
ps | there was too much wind that night. ae rat “Aunt Polly Makes Tom Sad.”
eed. someone threw water on him.
This story is mainly about
5. Mary helped Tom a Tom fighting and winning.
a. cut the table. stead)» Tom getting even with Aunt Polly.
sonstds| 5p wash up. mer aT Tom being bad in church.
aS put on his suit and shoes. eae: Tom showing off, one way or
ede learn his Bible sayings. another.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-12



anything blew both cannot goose lake

i. Sentences to Finish
Using the words in the big box above, choose the one which best fits in each of the sentences below.
. Write the words on the lines in the sentences.

1. No, I do not want hide veiltine igrunvera-ceir'et ~atrall:

2. If you _______________do it alone, I will help you.

3. The duck flew down to rest on the

4. At the farm, I saw a big white __

ie ee cake and ice cream.

ee kite ei ee pin the: air:

Il. Crossword Puzzle

Fill in the little boxes with the letters of the words at the top of the page. The numbers in the puzzle
match the numbers of the meanings below. The meanings will help you guess which word fits each set
of boxes.

Water with land all around it
A thing of any kind
Two together
oe What the wind did
ate Not able to do
4. Like a duck, but bigger

Check your answers with the key on page 69.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-13



Key Words

shop (shop) a store; place where things are sold

I stopped at the bake shop to buy some bread.
to buy something in a store
Sally went to shop for a new dress.

shovel (shuv’ al) tool with a wide scoop and a long handle, used to dig and lift.
We need a shovel to dig a hole to plant this bush.

silver (sil’ vor) a shining, whitish-gray metal used for money, jewelry, and other things
I put the silver knives, forks, and spoons on the table for dinner.

six (siks) the number that is one more than five

A nickel and a penny make six cents.

tiny (ti’ né) very small

We learn to talk when we are tiny children.

winter (win’ tor) the coldest season of the year

In the winter, we wear warmer clothing.

CTR B-13


Special Words

dead (ded) no longer living; that has died

The dead flowers were thrown away.

devil (dev’ al) evil or bad spirit

When a person does bad things, we sometimes say a devil got into him.

engaged (en gajd’) promised to marry

My sister became engaged last winter and will be married this summer.

grave (grav) place where a dead body is buried

We put flowers on my grandfather’s grave.

kiss (kis) touch with the lips as a sign of love

People who love each other kiss a lot.

wart (wrt) a small, hard lump on the skin

The boy had two warts on his hand.

Huckleberry Finn is a friend of Tom who does not go to school. He is mostly called

CTR B-13




| ——


4 ‘
eae Wr

Back in the school house alone at lunch time, Tom showed Becky how to make the tiny pictures. Then
he put his arm around her and whispered, “I love you.”

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture carefully.
3. Read the sentences under the picture.
4. Read the first paragraph of the story.
5. Then, answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that the boys thought Huck Finn was
great because
a. mothers thought he was very bad.
__ b.__he did not have to go to school.
___ c.__ he stayed around the street of shops.
d. his father was no good.
Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 22 for the right answer.

Now read the story,

Read to find out how Tom got to sit with Becky in school.

CTR B-13


On the street of shops, with no one in it, was next to love does it,” said Tom.
going to school, Tom met the new girl. So he answered “Remember what I was
Huckleberry Finn. Huck’s big and loud, “I STOPPED writing? Let me tell you now.”
father was the town no good, TO TALK WITH HUCKLE- Tom put his arm around
always drinking. Huck was BERRY FINN!” Becky and whispered, “I love
lost in the men’s old clothes he “Well, I never!” said the you.” Then he said, “Now, you
always had on. He didn’t have teacher. “You just go sit with tell me.”
to go to school or ever have to the girls!” Becky pulled back. “You
wash. The boys all thought he Tom made tiny pictures for must never tell anyone. Tom,
was great, and the mothers the new girl. She wished she say you won't.”
thought he was very bad. | could make them.
“Oh, no. Sure I won't.”
Tom played with Huck “Tll show you how,” said So Tom looked away and
every time he could. This Tom. “At lunch time.”
“OK.” Becky whispered, “I love you.”
morning, Huck had a shovel Then she ran around the
and a dead cat. “What’s your name?” asked
room until Tom caught her.
“What’s that good for?” When she gave up, Tom kissed
asked Tom. “Becky Thatcher. And yours
her, full on her mouth.
“Why, to make warts go is Thomas Sawyer,” she said.
“You call me Tom.” “Now it’s done, Becky,” he
away,” answered Huck. said.
. “How?” “OK,” she said.
Tom covered what he was “Oh, it’s so nice,” said
“You go to the graveyard. Becky. “I never heard of being
At 12 o’clock, after someone writing. Becky pulled his hand
away until she saw, “I love engaged before.”
bad has been put there, six “Oh, it’s ever so much fun.
devils come. When they go Just then, the teacher took Why, last winter me and Amy
away in the wind, you say, Tom’s ear and moved him Lawrence a4:
‘Cat, go after devils. Warts, go back to his own place. Becky’s eyes stopped him.
after cat.’ ” At lunch time, Tom told “Oh, Tom! Then I’m not the
“When you going to try it?” Becky to start home but to go first.” Becky began crying.
asked Tom. around by the shops and come Tom tried to put his arm
“Tonight,” answered Huck. back. Alone in the school- around her. “Please, Becky, I
“I guess six devils will come for house, Tom showed Becky how don’t care for anyone but you.”
that bad old man they put to make the tiny pictures.
there Saturday.” Becky shook as she cried.
“Say, Becky, was you ever Tom took out his _ best
“Come by and meow to call engaged?” Tom asked.
trading thing — a silver ball.
“What’s it like?” asked “Please take it.” But Becky
“Tonight, in the middle of Becky. knocked it to the floor.
the night, by the silver moon. “Like? Why you only tell a Tom left school, not to come
Bring a shovel.” boy you won’t ever have any back that day. He was cold as
As Tom walked into school one but him, ever, ever, ever. winter.
the teacher started up, And then you kiss and that’s In school, Becky cried and
“Thomas Sawyer, why are you all.” Tom told her. cried.
late again?” “Kiss? What for?” asked
At once, Tom saw that the Becky.
only place on the girls’ side “Why, everyone that’s in

CTR B-13


Preview answer:
COMPREHENSION CHECK b. he did not have to go to school.

Choose the best answer.

1. Huck was lost in his clothes because 6. Becky made Tom say he would not tell that
——_ a._ they did not fit. —_—a. she made the tiny pictures with him.
—— b._ he did not wear them to school. —_— b. she was with him in the school house.
—__ c.__ they were not clean. ——c._ she said she loved him.
——_d. he did not find a shop to buy more. —___.d._ she was his girl friend.

: , 7. Becky cried because

2. Huck told Tom that six devils go to the grave- ____ a. _ she did not want to be engaged to Tom.
yard ; ___. b.__ she was not the first girl Tom was
a. when someone bad is put there. engaged to.
—— b. on Saturday at 12 o'clock. ____c._ she did not care for anyone but Tom.
—— ¢. in the night with shovels. —___d. she did not want Tom’s silver ball.
—__d. to look for dead cats.
Tom left
rd. not to come back to school that winter.
G,) The teacher made Tom sit with the girls because ____ b.__ because school was over.
—— a. he talked to Huckleberry Finn. —__c. because Becky would not make up.
—— b. the new girl was there. —__. d._ because Becky did not want the trading
—— c._ he was late for school. thing.
—_d._ it was the only place to sit.
Another name for this story could be
Tom showed the new girl tiny pictures ange a Gets Engaged to Becky.”
—__ a. _ to show her he could make them. ——. “In the Middle of the Night.
—_ b._ to keep busy in school. oe eathe wees Dead Cat.” 7%
—_c. to get to write, “I love you.” ——d. “A Day in School.
—__ d._ to show her how to make them. ; : ‘
This story is mainly about how
a. Tom Sawyer comes across
5. Tom told Becky they must kiss Huckleberry Finn.
a. so that she would not tell any one. —_ b._ Tom and Becky fall __ in love.
—__—_ b.__ because they were alone. — — cc. Tom is bad in school again.
—_ c._ so that she would love him. ——d. Tom and Huck go after devils and
—__. d. to get engaged to each other. warts.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-13



shop shovel silver six tiny winter

i. Sentences to Finish
Using the words in the big box above, choose the one which best fits in each of the sentences below.
- Write the words on the lines in the sentences.

L 0S ee dig the hole.

fy ane issu OL SS money.

3. The new baby looked very

ae laoor my bicycle to the ________..._

-__ to _get it fixed.

5. There was a lot of snow last

% There are Sse gs left in the box.

ll. Words of Same Meaning

From the box above, choose the word which means the same as the ones underlined in each sentence.
Write the one you chose on the line after the sentences.

1. One has to be very small to get under a chair.

There are one more than five in our family.

Snow comes in the coldest time of the year.

We need a something to dig with to get the car out of the snow bank.

= I got my new clothes at a small dress store.

6. Ilike my new shiny, whitish-gray ring.

Check your answers with the key on page 69.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-14


Key Words

bridge (brij) something made to go over a road or water so that you can get to the other side
Railroad bridges have to be very large for trains to use them.

Christmas (kris’ mas) December 25; the holiday for the birth of Jesus Christ
We give presents to each other on Christmas Day.

clothes (kl6z) things you wear

We sometimes get new clothes for special days.

corn (k6rn) a kind of grain that grows on large ears; a plant that is used for food
Corn is a very good food alone, and is used in making many other foods.

friendly (frend’ 1é) like a friend; kind

The people were friendly and helped each other.

large (larj) very big

Trees are very large plants.

CTR B-14

AL ROLULUMG UN S2k08 GR uty ge GLa D

Special Words

jail (jal) prison; place where persons are kept from getting out
The man was kept in jail waiting for his trial.

killing (kil’ ing) deadly; to take a life

The very bad storm caused the killing of three people.

liquor (lik’ or) a drink that makes people drunk

One should not drink liquor when driving a car.

pirate (pi’ rit) person who robs ships

At one time, pirates were a great danger on the sea.

shed (shed) building used to store things in

We keep our garden tools in a shed.

Dr. Robinson is the town doctor.

Muff Potter is a man in town who mostly fishes and drinks.

Injun Joe is an Indian who lives near town who gets mad and stays mad at

CTR B-14



The boys heard the men getting into a fight. They saw Injun Joe go at Dr. Robinson. Dr. Robinson
knocked him down with a board from the head of the grave. Muff Potter got knocked out cold. Then,
they saw Injun Joe stick the knife into Dr. Robinson.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture carefully.
3. Read the sentences under the picture.
4. Read the first paragraph of the story.
Then, answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that the days to come would be sad
for Tom because
___ a._ he would not be with Becky.
—___ b._ he was going to run away from home.
c. he was going to be a pirate.
d. he was out in the woods.
Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 28 for the right answer.

Now read the story,

Read to find out how the boys happened to be in the graveyard at the time of the killing.

CTR B-14


Out in the woods, Tom sat angry about something that and started to write in the dirt.
under a large Christmas tree. had happened five years TOM SAWYER AND
He was thinking about Becky. before. Now was his time to get HUCK FINN WILL KEEP
Without her, the days to come even. : QUIET ABOUT THIS.
would be sad. He would just As Injun Joe started to hit MAY THEY BE DEAD IF
run away from home and be a Dr. Robinson, Dr. Robinson THEY EVER TELL ANY-
irate. ; knocked -him to the ground. ONE.
Just then, Joe Harper’s toy Muff Potter got in the middle Tom put a “T” and Huck
horn sounded through the of the fight and was hit over the put a big “H” under the words.
Christmas trees. The rest of the head. He went out like a light. Next day, at school, Tom
day, the two boys played their Nothing friendly was going on! and Joe Harper took their
friendly pirate games. Injun Joe picked up Muff hitting for playing hookey. But
In the middle of the night, Potter’s knife and stuck it into that didn’t hurt Tom nearly so
Tom heard a meow from out Dr. Robinson. He let out a much as getting back the silver
behind the corn shed. In a loud cry and fell dead. ball from Becky.
Tom and Huck ran in the By lunch time, everyone in
minute, he put on his clothes
and climbed out his bedroom dark. town was at the graveyard.
Injun Joe pulled the knife They saw Muff Potter’s knife.
window. out of Dr. Robinson and
Tom and Huck headed for Injun Joe was there, his face
placed it into Muff Potter’s hard as wood. Muff Potter
the grave yard with the dead hand.
cat. As they crossed the bridge, came.
When Muff Potter came to, “T didn’t do it, friends,” he
Tum thought he heard voices he looked at his knife and the
from the dead. He shook as he cried.
dead Dr. Robinson. “Who said you did?”
took hold of Huck’s clothes. “Oh, my! How is this, Joe?” Muff looked at Injun Joe.
Sir. vablisten, .iTiom he asked. “Oh, Injun Joe, you said you’d
whispered. The voices came “It’s sure bad,” said Joe.
nearer. The boys ran behind a never — .”
“What did you do it for?” Then Injun Joe told his
large tree. Muff Potter went white.
Three men were talking. story. Tom and Huck watched
“Oh, my! Oh, my! I should for the sky to fall on him.
One was Muff Potter, full of
corn liquor, as always. The tall never have had a _ drink Muff Potter was locked in
one was Injun Joe. The other tonight! Please, Joe, don’t tell jail. Every few days, Tom went
one was young Dr. Robinson. on me.” by to take a little something to
From their hiding place, the “I won’t go back on you,” him.
boys watched the men dig up said Injun Joe. “Now, go!” The town was angry with
the old man that had been put At the old bridge, Tom said, Injun Joe for digging up the
there Saturday. Dr. Robinson “We better NEVER tell.” grave. But they were too afraid
needed the dead man for his “Never, never!” answered to do anything about it.
work. Huck. “That old Injun devil
Injun Joe started a fight with would as soon do away with
Dr. Robinson to get more us, as not.”
money. Injun Joe was stil] So, Tom picked up a stick

CTR B-14


Preview answer:
COMPREHENSION CHECK a. he would not be with Becky.

Choose the best answer.

(2) The meow from the corn shed came from 6. Tom and Huck said they would never tell
—— a. Huckleberry Finn. a. because Injun Joe would do away
——_ b.. a friendly cat. with them.
—__ c._ voices from the dead. ae because they should not have been in
——.d. a wind through the trees. the graveyard.
Ls. -& about the three men digging up graves.
aL «) that Dr. Robinson was dead.
(2.) Tom took hold of Huck’s clothes because G Tom was hurt most by
—— a. Huck was making noise. 2a: getting hit for playing hookey.
——_ b._ Tom was afraid. 5
aru. taking the dead cat to the graveyard.
c. Huck was going to fall off the bridge. c. playing pirate games with Joe Harper.
—__.d. Tom was about to fall. Benen getting back the silver ball from Becky.

8. The town was angry with Injun Joe for

a. not being friendly.
3. The three men came to the graveyard to eu by. getting Muff Potter locked in jail.
a. dig up a dead cat. . c digging up the grave.
—— b. dig up a dead man. fds killing Dr. Robinson.
—___ c.__ get watches off the dead people.
—__d. make the six devils go away. Another name for this story could be
a. “‘Tom and Huck Get Caught Playing
a: ‘Tom and Huck Were Afraid of Injun
The boys saw the fight was not friendly when Joe.~
——_ a._ Muff Potter got in the middle. c. “Muff Potter Kills a Man in the Grave-
——._b. Muff Potter got knocked out. yard.”
c. Injun Joe was angry. E
Seed, “Tom Sawyer and Joe Harper Play
—___. d._ everyone was getting hurt. Pirate.”

This stor y is mainly about how

Tom and Huck should know not to go
G) Injun Joe put the knife into Muff Potter’s hand to the graveyard.
a. so that Muff would think he killed pee: * dead cats and devils make warts go
Dr. Robinson. away.
——_ b._ so that Muff would never drink again. c. Injun Joe was angry and got even with
——. c. so that Muff would never tell on Injun Dr. Robinson.
Joe. eet Tom and Huck saw something that
—__ d. so that Muff would let out a loud cry. made them afraid.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-14



bridge Christmas clothes corn friendly large

!. Sentences to Finish
Using the words in the big box above, choose the one which best fits in each of the sentences below.
Write the words on the lines in the sentences.

1. We always like to be Withee ee) Oe ee 4 people:

aeeraountains are very ills.

cee fit. him well.

4, is always a happy time at our house.

5. One of the foods I like best is

6. The city is building a new ____ over the river.

Il. Matching
Draw a line to match each word with its meaning.

bridge things you wear

Christmas very big

clothes kind

corn thing for crossing over

friendly a grain

large December 25

Check your answers with the key on page 70.

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CTR B-15


Key Words
bang (bang) to hit with a hard, noisy blow
I banged my hand with the hammer.
a sudden, loud noise
The gun made a big bang.

bread (bred) food made of flour or grain and water or milk, and baked
We nearly always have bread with our other food.

corner (k6r’ nor) place away from people; secret place

Sometimes I like to go off in a corner by myself.
a place where two roads or walls meet
The boys met at the corner of the street.

cover (kuv’ or) put something over

Cover the table to keep it clean.

everything (ev’ ré thing) all things

Everything was ready for the party.

(im) Iam
Im all ready to go.

CTR B-15


Special Words

drown (droun) die under water because of no air to breathe

The man drowned before help could get to him.

funeral (fyii’ nar al) a special meeting held when a dead person’s body is buried
The man’s family and friends all came to his funeral.

hour (our) 60 minutes

It takes me an hour to dress, eat breakfast, and get ready for school.

pain killer (pan kil’ ar) medicine taken to stop a hurting

The pain killer had a bad taste.

raft (raft) logs or boards fastened together to make a platform to float on the water
Rafts are sometimes used to cross rivers where there are no bridges.

sick (sik) not well; ill

My cold was so bad,I was sick in bed.

Jackson’s Island is a small island in the Mississippi River, not far from town.

CTR B-15


’ ri Fe


Off being pirates on Jackson’s Island in the Mississippi River, Joe sliced bacon while Tom and Huck
caught fish for breakfast. It was a wonderful little corner of the world.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture carefully.
3. Read the sentences under the picture.
4. Read the first two paragraphs of the story.
Then, answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that what made a fire under Tom was
a. the thought of a low blow.
___ b._ everything was not right.
—___c. Tom being sad for so long.
d. Aunt Polly’s Pain Killer.
Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 34 for the right answer.

Now read the story.

Read to find out what happened when the boys were being pirates.

CTR B-15


Everything was not right for something he didn’t do. to think about the ones back
Tom. Becky was sick. She “Tm ready,” he said. home who were sad. Joe said
might not get well. The very They went to find Huck something about going back,
thought was a low blow. Finn. He was ready for almost but was put down at once.
Tom went around so sad for anything. After Joe and Huck had
so long,that Aunt Polly really That night, the boys made gone to sleep, Tom went away
wondered about him. She tried their way by raft to Jackson’s quietly. He found a raft,
many things. Nothing brought Island in the middle of the crossed the river, and got into
| him out of it. At last, she gave river. They took food, a lighted his own house without being
him her new Pain Killer. That piece of fire wood, and things seen.
made a fire under him! to play with. They put up a From his corner under Aunt
Next morning, Aunt Polly piece of tent to cover Polly’s bed, he could see and
walked in just in time to see the everything they had brought. hear her and Mrs. Harper.
cat jump two yards high and Next morning, they took a “Tom was not bad — just
bang into a chair. swim first thing,and then one full of tricks, All those times I
“What’s with that cat?” she every hour. They caught fish, was cross with the boy. I only
asked. the best they had ever eaten. did it for his own good. If only
“Well, he’s got no aunt to Then, they went off through I could have him back. I do
give him Pain Killer,” the woods to see their love him so!” Aunt Polly cried
answered Tom. wonderful little corner of the and cried.
At that, Aunt Polly took world. - “T hit Joe for something I
hold of Tom’s ear, pulled him After lunch, they fell to now know he didn’t do. Now,
thinking about home. Far Ill never, never see him again!”
out of bed, and sent him off to
away, they heard a bang over Mrs. Harper covered her face
the river. There were lots of and cried out loud.
Becky got there just before Tom heard that their funeral
school started. Tom started boats and people out. Another
bang. Then, bread on the would be Sunday if they were
showing off, but she didn’t not found.
water. Tom remembered. Last
look. So, he ran and fell right After everyone had gone to
summer, someone drowned.
in front of her. sleep, Tom stood over Aunt
“Some people are always They put out bread to find the
man. The bread stopped right Polly. He took out a piece of
showing off!” she said, turning bark with writing on it. Then, a
away. over the drowned man.
“TI wonder who it is,” said thought came to him, and he
Tom burned. As he left put it back into his pocket. He
school, Tom met Joe Harper. Huck.
Suddenly, Tom knew. “It’s kissed Aunt Polly and left.
“Tm going to run away and Tom got back to Jackson’s
be a pirate,” Tom told Joe. us!”
Well! They were missed! Island just in time for
Joe had been thinking about
doing that very thing. His Being pirates was FINE! breakfast. What a great story
mother had hit him for As night fell, the boys began he told Joe and Huck!

CTR B-15


Preview answer:
COMPREHENSION CHECK d. Aunt Polly’s Pain Killer.

Choose the best answer.

1. When Aunt Polly asked why the cat banged into 6. Tom knew they were missed because
the chair, Tom said ee they had not come back home at night.
—_— a._ it jumped two yards high. cae at people were looking for someone who
——— b._ it had no aunt to give it Pain Killer. had drowned.
——c. Aunt Polly made it afraid. ay their fire had been seen on Jackson’s
—___ d._ he gave it Pain Killer. Island.
send. people were going up and down the
7.) Aunt Polly and Mrs. Harper did not know Tom
2. When Tom showed off at school,
; could hear them because
esets Becky looked at him and turned away. a. they did not know he was in the room.
__ b._he fell down, which made him burn. b. they covered their faces and cried.
—_ c._ Becky would not look at him. C. he was hiding under the bed.
—___.d. he met Joe Harper and left school. d. he got into his house without being
The great story Tom told Huck and Joe was
3. Huck Finn ran away with Tom and Joe because about
a. he was always ready to do something. eh
going back home and hiding under
Aunt Polly’s bed.
—_— b.__ his mother hit him. b
—_. c.__ he was not happy at home. pemgedtet: people in boats looking for them in the
—___. d. he had always wanted to be a pirate. P river.
Aunt Polly and Mrs. Harper wishing
they had not hit them.
a Aunt Polly and Mrs. Harper crying for
(4,) Jackson’s Island
was far away from home. Another name for this story could be
eee b. was so near they could swim to it. a. “Aunt Polly Gets Angry at Tom.”
——— c._ was in the river not far away. —— b. “Tom, Joe, and Huck on Jackson’s
—_d._ had lots of people and houses on it. Island.”
Sc “Becky Turns Away from Tom.”
aru. “Tom, Joe, and Huck Drown in the
5. People found someone who had drowned by This story is mainly about
a. letting off big bangs over the river. a. Tom, Joe, and Huck running away.
—— b._ covering the water with bread. ee Tom, Joe, and Huck playing hookey.
c. following pieces of bread on the water. ee Aunt Polly and Mrs. Harper being sad.
—_. d.__ going out in the river in boats. ee Becky not caring about Tom anymore.
Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-15



bang bread corner cover everything I'm

!. Sentences to Finish
Using the words in the big box above, choose the one which best fits in each of the sentences below.
‘Write the words on the lines in the sentences.

1. Let’s get pee together before we start.

2. ITlike —__———___and butter with a glass of milk as soon as I get home from school.

3. Hide thisina__________——_some place.

4. ready; let’s go.

Se he 0nd, made me jump.

6. the dish of food before you put it away.

Il. Crossword Puzzle

Fill in the little boxes with the letters of the words at the top of the page. The numbers in the puzzle
match the numbers of the meanings below. The meanings will help you guess which word fits each set
of boxes.

3. Put something over
All things
A loud noise
Baked food made from grain
Secret place

Check your answers with the key on page 70.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-16


Key Words

swim (swim) move along in water by moving one’s arms and legs
I love to go swimming on a hot summer day.

tent (tent) something like a little house made of cloth or skins placed over poles, and easy to
The boy set up.his tent when he went camping.

tonight (ta nit’) this night

We will have a full moon tonight.

trip (trip) go from one place to another

I made a trip to visit my grandmother.

week (wék) seven days, one after another; from Sunday through Saturday
I played ball every day this week.

wolf (wulf) wild dog that hunts and eats other animals
The wolf likes to kill and eat lambs.
man who flirts with women
The boy acted like a wolf with all the girls.

CTR B-16


Special Words

dream (drém) pictures passing through the mind while sleeping

Last night I dreamed I saw you.

hug (hug) put the arms around and hold close

The two friends met and hugged each other.

plan (plan) way of doing something that has been worked out ahead of time
We thought out our plan before we started.

secret (sé’ krit) thing known only to a few

The rest of us knew what my father was getting for his birthday, but we kept it
a secret from him.

thunder (thun’ dor) the loud noise that follows a flash of lightning
The thunder frightened me so,that I jumped.

tore (t6r; tdr) pulled apart or into pieces

I tore the page out of the book when I tried to keep it from falling.

CTR B-16

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Ais BY AC. “6 J
as E- My) ( \ ° MI 4 NE rae)

In the middle of their funeral, when everyone was thinking about what fine boys they were,and crying
because they would never see them again, Tom, Joe, and Huck walked in — alive and well.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2 Look at the picture carefully.
3. Read the sentence under the picture.
4 Read the first ten paragraphs of the story.
5 Then, answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that Joe and Huck

a. wanted to stay away.
___. b._ wanted to go home.
c. wanted to take a new trip.
d. wanted to sleep in a tree.
Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 40 for the right answer.

Now read the story.

Read to find out what happened after the funeral.

CTR B-16

The fun had gone out of full. Tom’s and Joe’s families Tom looked at the floor.
everything. came in last. So much was said “Oh, Aunt Polly! I didn’t
“Let’s go home tonight,” about the three fine boys who think.”
said Joe. were gone, that everyone was “Tom, you never think!
“Oh, no,” said Tom. “We crying. Here, all week I was sick over
have not been away a week.” Then, the church door ou!”
“I want to go home.” opened. Everything stopped. “I know, Aunt Polly. That
_ “But, Joe, this is the best Everyone looked. Tom, Joe, was why I came back — to let
place in the world to swim!” and Huck walked to the front. you know we were OK.”
“Swimming don’t seem to be They had been hiding and “Then, Tom, why didn’t you
fun anymore.” listening to their own funeral! tell me?”
“Baby! You want to see your The next morning at “Oh, I just got so full of the
mother!” breakfast, Aunt Polly said, “I joke of hiding at our funeral
“Yes, I do — tonight!” Joe must say, Tom, it was a fine that I put the bark back in my
began to get ready to go. joke. But I wish you had pocket.”
Huck watched Joe. Then he thought enough of me to let me “What bark?” asked Aunt
began to pick up his things. know you were all right.” Polly.
“Tom, let’s go.” “I did dream about you, “The bark with the writing
“I won't! You can all go. I’m Aunt Polly.” And Tom went on it.”
staying!” on to tell what he had heard the The minute Tom was gone,
Tom watched the boys walk night he made his trip back Aunt Polly got his coat. There
away. Suddenly, he ran after home. He said he dreamed he in the pocket, was the bark!
them. brought a piece of bark with Back at school, Tom found
“Wait! Wait! I know a writing on it. It said, “WE Becky inside. She had found
secret!” ARE OK. WE ARE ONLY the teacher’s book not locked
Then he told them, and they OFF BEING PIRATES.” up. As she hurried to put it
jumped and laughed at his “Then,” ended Tom, “I kissed back, the book tore!
great plan! you and left.” The quiet of school was
In the middle of the night, Aunt Polly hugged Tom, broken with, “Who tore my
Joe sat up. The air was hot and and smiled. book?”
heavy. A low sound came In the schoolyard, Tom was Around the room, the
through the trees. Could it bea a wolf. He talked to Amy teacher questioned each one.
wolf?. Suddenly, a _ great Lawrence and would not even “Becky Thatcher, did you?”
thunder storm started. The look at Becky. At last, Becky Tom shouted, “J done it!”
wind caught their tent and went off for acry. Tom took the hardest
away it went! At lunch time, Aunt Polly hitting ever. And he had to stay
The boys ran to the biggest met Tom at the door. after school.
tree around. When the storm “Tom, I could really hit you! Becky waited outside.
was over, another tree had Here I tell Mrs. Harper about “Oh, Tom! How could you
failen across right where their your dream and find out you be so good!”
tent had been! really made that trip. You
On Sunday, the church was made a silly out of me! ”?

CTR B-16

@ fatsfe0
AS Fer: ORE Preview answer:
COMPREHENSION CHECK b. wanted to go home.

Choose the best answer.

1. Tom got the boys to stay until Sunday by 6. At first, Aunt Polly believed
——. a._ saying he would not go back. ___._ a._ Tom did not care about her.
—__— b. jumping and laughing at his plan. —__— _b. Tom’s story about the dream.
—— c._ picking up all their things. —___.c. Tom was off being a pirate.
—_. d._ telling them his secret plan. —__d. Tom made the trip back home.

2. The boys were gone for @) Aunt Polly was angry at Tom because
—__ a._ two weeks. —___ a._ he played a joke on everyone.
—— b. a week. —__— b._ he put the bark back in his pocket.
cs, noteven.a week. —__. c._ he never thought how he hurt others.
—___ d._ over a week. —__. d._ he made a silly out of her.

G) In the storm, the boys were 8. Tom showed his love for Becky by
—_— a._ almost killed. —__ a._ talking to her.
—— b. having fun. —__ b._ dreaming about her.
— c.__ going home. — c._ writing to her on the bark.
och very tired. —__d._ taking the hitting for her.

4. The funeral was for Another name for this story could be
———. a. a drowned man. a. “Becky Gets Hurt.”
—_—_ b._ Muff Potter. ——. b. “Tom and His Joke.”
—_..c. Dr. Robinson. ——. c. “Dreams about Aunt Polly.”
—_—_. d. Tom, Joe, and Huck. —___.d. “A Funeral for Tom.”

G.) The boys’ joke [10] This story is mainly about

a. was very funny. —_. a. _ Becky and the book she tore.
—— b._ made everyone laugh. —___ b._ how to play pirates.
——_ c.__ was not really funny. ——__c._ the boys playing funeral.
—__ d. made Aunt Polly cry. —_ d. how:the boys came back home.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-16

swim tent tonight trip week wolf

I. Sentences to Finish
Using the words in the big box above, choose the one which best fits in each of the sentences below.
Write the words on the lines in the sentences.

1. There are seven days in a

2. I like to sleep out in the woods in a

3. We eno inate lake:

4. I ate dinner early

5. We are going on a ______._______ this summer.

Seine 2 has-long: gray fur.

Il. Matching
Draw a line to match each word with its meaning.

swim seven days

tonight wild dog

trip moving in water

week this night

tent going to another place

wolf something like a house

Check your answers with the key on page 70.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-17


Key Words

move (miiv) to go from one place to another

Jenny was not happy when her parents told her they were
going to move.

outside (out’ sid’) not inside; to be on the outer end

I stood outside the store window and looked in.

place (plas) the special part of space filled by a person or thing

The teacher stands in his place at the front of the classroom.
a part of something
We shop at the same place.
to put something in a spot_
Place your shoes there.

roof (rif; ruf) the outer part on top of a building

The roof of a house keeps out the rain and snow.

seven (sev’ on) the number that is one more than six
There are seven days in a week.

someone (sum’ wun ; some man, woman, boy or girl

sum’ won) Someone will be first in line.

CTR B-17


Special Words

court (kOrt; place where trials for doing wrong are held
kort) Many records are kept in a court house.

examination (eg zam’ 2 na shon) test; asking of questions

I read my books carefully to get ready for the examination.

lawyer (16’ yar) a person who knows the laws

A lawyer helped us with the papers when we bought a house.

(mé’ zalz) a children’s disease that gives a bad cold, fever, and breaking out of red spots
Once a person has the measles, he or she willnot have the same kind of measles

revival (ri vi’ val) special services held to get people interested in religion
Our country church held a revival every year.

trial (tri’ ol) the examining and deciding in court whether someone has done something
The trial for the killing lasted two weeks.

CTR B-17




Yop, ||
rye p

Tom told the court about being in the graveyard on the night Dr. Robinson was killed. Injun Joe
listened until Tom got to, “...Then Injun Joe jumped with the knife...”

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture carefully.
3. Read the sentences under the picture.
4. Read the first paragraph of the story.
Then, answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that

. a. it was the last day of schooi.
—___. b. Tom had a big cat for a pet.
—___. c.__ the boys played a trick on their teacher.
d. the roof of the schoolhouse fell in.
Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 46 for the right answer.

Now read the story.

Read to find out what happened to Tom that summer.

CTR B-17


The last day of school was “What talk have you heard, stand, every eye was on him.
always Examination Day. Huck?” “Tom, where were you in the
Everyone was there to hear the “Why, it’s Muff Potter, middle of the night of June
children say _ pieces, read Muff Potter, Muff Potter. I 17?” asked Lawyer Thatcher.
stories, and answer questions. guess he’s gone, for sure.” Tom saw Injun Joe’s face
The teacher stood in his place “That’s bad.” and almost could not make a
to write questions. As he The boys went to take some sound.
worked, a cat was let down on things to Muff Potter. They ‘*In the graveyard.’’
a string above him. Some boys stood outside the window of “Were you near the grave
had gone up on the roof of the the jail. where all this happened?”
schoolhouse. They let the cat “You boys sure been good to “Yes, I was just behind the
down just far enough to get its old Muff. Move over a little so tree, right there.”
feet caught in the teacher’s hair I can see your friendly faces. ‘‘Now, Tom, tell us what you
piece. Then, they pulled the cat Now reach through. Such little saw. Tell everything. Don’t be
back up with the hair! hands — but they have helped afraid.’’
Summer was slow. Becky a lot, and would more if they Every eye watched and every
went home from her uncle’s could.” ear listened.
house. Tom came down with That night, Tom’s dreams Tom got to, “... and Dr.
the measles. For seven days, were real bad. Robinson knocked Injun Joe
and another seven, Tom stayed Both boys stayed outside the down. Muff Potter got in the
in bed. When he was well courthouse—away from each middle of them and was
enough to go out, he found all other. By the end of two days, knocked out cold. Then Injun
his friends reading the Bible — the talk was that Injun Joe’s Joe jumped with the knife
even Huck. A revival had come story must be right. and.
to town and everyone was Tom was out very late that Bang! Quick as anything,
going to church every night. night. He came in through the Injun Joe jumped through a
Tom went back to bed for window from the roof. It wasa window and was gone.
three more weeks. By that long time before he could Tom’s name was in the town
time, the boys were all back to sleep. paper. And now, everyone was
their old tricks. Next day, Muff Potter was a friend of Muff Potter’s!
Then, the trial for the killing brought into court. Injun Joe Tom had gone to _ the
started. Every place Tom went, was there, too, up front. Thatcher home the night
he heard talk about it. One by one, people told before and told all his story.
Thinking about it made Tom what they knew. Someone had Huck’s name had not come out
cold. found the knife at the grave. at the trial.
Off alone, Tom _ asked, Someone else knew it was The only thing — no one
“Huck, have you ever told any Muff’s knife. knew where Injun Joe was.
one?” Muffs lawyer was Jeff Both Tom and Huck were
“Land, no! I don’t want that Thatcher’s father. He called afraid to go out after dark.
Injun Joe drowning me!” for Tom. As Tom moved to the

CTR B-17


Preview answer:
COMPREHENSION CHECK c. the boys played a trick on their teacher.

Choose the best answer.

1. Everyonewas reading Bibles because 6. The night before the trial,

a. they were afraid of Injun Joe. A Huck and Tom talked to Lawyer
a Oe they were sad about Muff Potter. Thatcher.
pdb ok a revival had come to town. van# Muff Potter had got out of jail.
Poth |. the church gave out new Bibles. fame Tom had gone to the graveyard.
d. Tom had gone to see Lawyer Thatcher.
2. At the jai 1,Muff said
—— ae he knew the boys would help more if (7,) After Tom told that Muff did not do the killing,
they could. a. no one liked him.
Eh. he wanted the boys to go home and eo everyone was his friend.
not come back. c. he liked Tom and Huck.
he did not want any help from anyone. aso GC: he had lots to eat.
he felt bad about killing a man.
Tom and Huck were afraid to go out at night
od32Ma. the people did not believe Tom’s story.
helped save Muff Potter.
est: Aunt Polly would be very hurt.
did not talk at the trial.
= (e. Huck told Tom to be afraid.
stayed out all night.
Miss st Injun Joe might try to get even with
wanted to talk at the trial.

At the tri al, Another name for this story could be

——s8: Tom was very brave. a. “Tom Tells the Real Story.”
sat xb: Tom was too afraid. a 80: “Injun Joe Gets Away.”
pares Tom could not talk. ——_—"Cc. “Muff Potter Is Tried.”
esetds Tom said Huck’s name. Eee ls “Huck Tells All.”

5. When Tom told what he saw at the graveyard, This story is mainly about
a. Injun Joe ran away. Be 29 F Injun Joe’s getting away.
en Os Injun Joe went to jail. ets Tom having the measles.
c. Injun Joe tried to kill him. Sl: Muff Potter being on trial.
cao LS Injun Joe told what he did. patnatH how Tom saved Muff Potter.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-17



move outside place roof seven someone

l. Sentences to Finish
Using the words in the big box above, choose the one which best fits in each of the sentences below.
Write the words on the lines in the sentences.

i: 2 SS is banging on the door.

2. You can hear the rain on the

B SE comes just before

4. Soon we wil] ______________ to a new house.

5. Pees VC tVONrd a in ling,

6. The children went __________§_________ to play on the swings.

!l. Crossword Puzzle

Fill in the little boxes with the letters of the words at the top of the page. The numbers in the puzzle
match the numbers of the sentences below. The sentences will help you guess which word fits each set of

3. Go sit ______ and get some sun.
One more than six is ‘
I will _______ the chair to another place.
1. Put the book back in the right
2. The ________ keeps the rain from coming in.
has to water the plants in the house.

Check your answers with the key on page 71.

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CTR B-18

Key Words

almost (6l’ mést) nearly

It was almost dark when I got home.

bought (b6t) got by paying money

We bought apples at the farm stand.

brave (brav) without being afraid

Being brave helps one win any fight.

country (kun’ tré) land outside a town or city

The house was out in the country.
all the land of a nation
I have never taken a trip out of this country.

engine (en’ jon) a machine that makes something, like a car or an airplane, work
The engine of our car uses gas.

fence (fens) a railing around a yard or field to keep animals and people in or out
In the early days in this country, most fences were made of logs.

CTR B-18



Special Words

bury (ber’ é) put into a hole in the ground and cover over
The dog buried his bone.

den (den) place where robbers keep their things

The robbers’ den was hidden in the woods.

ghost (gost) spirit of a dead person

On foggy nights it is easy to imagine you see a ghost.

haunt (hOnt; visit often

hant) People said ghosts haunted the old house.

Spaniard (span’ yard) a person of Spain

The Spaniards liked large houses with gardens.

treasure (trezh’ or; money or jewels stored up

tra’ zhor) Pirates often buried the treasures they took from other ships.

CTR B-18



From their hole in the floor, Tom and Huck watched the stranger and Injun Joe, dressed as the old
Spaniard, dig up a box of gold money.

Preview: | Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture carefully.
3. Read the sentence under the picture.
4. Read the first four paragraphs of the story.
5. Then, answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that Tom and Huck were
a. looking for ghosts in a haunted house.
___ b._ looking for a trunk of gold money.
—___ c.__ going to dig for treasure at a haunted house.
d. going to dig for treasure under an old,dead tree.
Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 52 for the right answer.

Now read the story,

Read to find out if Injun Joe found out the boys were watching.

CTR B-18

O S A G A S U R E U N e c k
Tom found Huck. They put their shovel and pick “Man, it’s gold!”
“Let’s go dig for buried in the corner and went up the “Let’s get that box out
treasure. Maybe we’ll find a broken stairs. quick,” said the other man.
trunk of old gold money.”’ Just then, they heard men “Here’s an old pick.”
“Where?” asked Huck. coming in. Down on the floor, Injun Joe took the pick,
“Out in the country at that the boys watched through a looked it over, and shook his
old,haunted house.” — hole. They were not brave head. He soon had the box out.
' They got a shovel and a pick now! “My, so much money! Now,
with one end broken off. They One man was the old you won't have to do that bad
could not have bought a new one Spaniard that had been seen in thing,” said the other man.
with the money they both had. town the last few days. The “You don’t know me,” Injun
But they didn’t care. They could other man, they never saw Joe answered. “Part of it is to
dig with only one end at a time. before. get even!”
Across fields and _ over “I don’t like it,” said the “Shall we bury all this
fences, they went. strange man. “It’s bad!” money again?”
“Say, Huck, if we find a “Not any more than what we “No! That pick! How did it
treasure, what you going to done,” answered the Spaniard. get here? We better take this
buy?” The sound shook Tom and money to my den. Number
“Why, Ill have pie and ice Two — under the cross.”
cream every day.” Huck. That was Injun Joe
talking! Injun Joe looked out the
“'m buying a real fire
engine!” said Tom. “I'll ride all The men ate lunch. windows.
around town in it.” “I'm dead for sleep ! said

“Who could have brought
Huck was quiet. Injun Joe. that pick here? I wonder if they
“You know, Tom, people Soon, both men sounded could be up these stairs?”
don’t go about that old like engines! Knife in hand, Injun Joe
haunted house. They talk It was almost dark when started up. Suddenly, the old
Injun Joe sat up. stairs gave way. Injun Joe fell
about seeing blue lights at
“Time for us to move on. to the ground.
night. I don’t want to look a
What shall we do with this The two men picked up all
ghost in the eye.”
money?” the money and left.
“Well, ghosts don’t come
“Bury it here, I guess,” said When Tom and Huck were
around in the day. And that’s
the other man. “Won’t need it strong enough again, they
where treasures are almost
until we go to get out of the went home.
always buried — at haunted
country.” They remembered what
houses and dead trees,” said
Tom. “You just have to be He went to the fireplace and Injun Joe had said.
brave to find them.” got out a bag. “Den Number Two — under
The grass was high and the Tom’s and Huck’s eyes grew the cross.”
fence was down at the old big. They smiled at each other. They would follow him.
house. Inside, plants were Over in the corner, Injun Joe Then, a bad thought hit
growing through the floor. It was digging. His knife hit Tom.
was so run down no one would something. “Get even! What if it’s us,
ever have bought it. “Hello! Here’s a box!” Huck!”
The boys talked in whispers. He reached inside.

CTR B-18


SLO EO (OSS Preview answer:
COMPREHENSION CHECK c. going to dig for treasure at a haunted

Choose the best answer.

CG) Huck was afraid to go to the old house because 6. The two men were going to
a. people saw blue lights from there at ee take the treasure to Injun Joe’s den.
night. ec ag 5 bury the treasure in the house again.
cee 300. there were dead people buried under Sees hide the treasure in the fireplace.
the floor. — take the treasure to get out of the
€. Injun Joe stayed there in the day. country.
pe ag he thought there were ghosts there.
(7) Because the boys left their pick by the fireplace,
a. Injun Joe found it.
2 When the boys got to the house, they LAD: they almost got killed.
aa. began to dig right away. ee the men found the treasure.
aeIe81 went up the stairs to look around. eed: they could go up the stairs.
ee kas found someone outside.
pee i went up the stairs to get some sleep. (8.) Tom and Huck
thought it would be fun to follow Injun

a When he talked, the boys knew the old Spaniard Joe.

eee -D: went to the Number Two Den — under
a. dead for sleep. the cross.
ae. a bad man. es wanted to get the money from Injun
c Injun Joe. Joe’s den.
id a strange man.
eee were so afraid that they would not try.

Another name for this story could be

(4.) The two men came to the haunted house to “Tom and Huck Find Out Injun Joe’s
Se is eat lunch. Secrets.”
esi: sleep a while. een “Injun Joe and a Treasure.”
ae bury the money they had left in the Panag 7 “The Stairs Break Down.”
fireplace. sane “Tom and Huck Dig for Gold.”
Sm take the box of buried money to their
den. [10] This story is mainly about
an old house that no one would ever
ae Even after they had found the treasure, Injun Joe eh: a Spaniard and a strange man that are
still wanted to do the bad thing new in town.
as to get even more money. a Br Huck and Tom seeing Injun Joe find
ie tb. to be bad. buried treasure.
SEN) for people to know him. saatCd. looking for buried treasure in a
wsnaagfF to get even. haunted house.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-18



almost bought brave country engine fence

!. Sentences to Finish

Using the words in the big box above, choose the one which best fits in each of the sentences below.
Write the words on the lines in the sentences.

1. We are building a ee to keep our dog in the yard.

ore oe CW CAL.

3. There are many fields in the

a fell over the books on the stairs.

5. ¢The —___________ is the first car in a train.

6. Itis hard to be —_____—._

. |. when you are:afraid.

ll. Crossword Puzzle

Fill in the little boxes with the letters of the words at the top of the page. The numbers in the puzzle
match the numbers of the meanings below. The meanings will help you guess which word fits each set of

2. Not afraid
. The thing that pulls a train
5. Not the city
1. Thing that keeps animals in a field
Paid for

Check your answers with the key on page 71.

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CTR B-19


Key Words

string (string) a thin rope

It takes a very long string to fly a kite.

table (ta’ bal) a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs
The picnic table was made of boards set on saw-horses.
a thin, flat piece
ce of stone or rock
The stone stuck out from the wall to make a table or shelf.

tease (téz) beg

The child teased her mother for a cookie.
to make fun of in a playful way
The little boy teased the dog with a bone.

telephone (tel’ a fn) something that carries your voice through wires so that you can speak to
someone far away
Telephones are very much a part of our lives today.

voice (vois) sound made through the mouth in speaking

We come to know each other by our voices.

woke (wok) came out of sleep

I woke full of life and ready for a new day.

CTR B-19


Special Words

bat (bat) a small animal that looks much like a mouse, but flies at night
Bats live in caves and other dark places.

cave (kav) an empty place under the ground, often with an opening in the side of a hill
Most people like to visit caves at times.

mile (mil) 5280 feet; a measure of how far a place is

The next town is five miles away.

rock (rok) lots of stone; a piece of stone

The cave was made of openings in walls of rock.

Tuesday (tiiz’ da) the third day of the week; the day after Monday and before Wednesday
We go to the library on Tuesdays.

wander (won’ dor) move here and there without going anywhere special
I wandered through the fields just to see the wild flowers.

Widow Douglas lives in a big house at the edge of town. Mr. Douglas had been the
judge when he was alive.

Welshman Jones, mostly called the Welshman, lived on the way to Widow Douglas’s

CTR B-19


Lost in the cave, Becky and Tom sat by the spring and watched their last candle burn out.

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture carefully.
3. Read the sentence under the picture.
4. Read the first three paragraphs of the story.
5. Then, answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that

a. the riverboat was taking people to a picnic.
____ b.__ the riverboat was looking for lost children.
c. the people on the riverboat were not happy.
d. word of the picnic went by telephone.
Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 58 for the right answer.

Now read the story,

Read to find out how Tom and Becky got lost and if they get out of the cave.

CTR B-19

OF AMD; yeeNT Ute
Uf ee

Judge Thatcher’s family was Welshman’s house. They When they found a spring of
back! Becky teased her mother stopped at Widow Douglas’s running water, Tom said,
into giving a picnic. Word of it fence. “Becky, we have to stay here,
went faster than telephones ‘‘Wait! There are lights!’’ where there’s water to drink.”
could have carried it. said Injun Joe in a low voice. Tom put his last candle ona
The riverboat was full. Mrs. ‘‘Maybe someone’s with her.”’ table of rock. They vatched it
Thatcher said to Becky, “You “We better give this thing burn out.
will be back late. Stay all night up,” answered the strange After they woke from a long
with the Harpers, near the man. sleep, they heard a shout, far
landing.” “Not me! Her old man had off. Tom shouted back, but no
Down river, the woods were me hit — with all the town one heard.
filled with laughing voices. looking on! He’s dead now. When they woke from
Tables of food were put out. But I'll get even! We will cut up another sleep, Tom had a
After lunch, someone called, her nose and ears!” thought. He had a ball of string
“Who’s ready for the cave?” Huck backed away, very in his pocket. He put one end
Inside, everyone lighted quietly. He flew to the around a rock. Then he and
candles. Then, they started Welshman’s house. Becky let the string out as they
down the big opening. All Injun Joe got away. The box made their way in the dark.
along, smaller openings went he left behind was not the Just as Tom looked around
out, around, and back again. treasure. a corner, he saw a _ hand
Small parties had great fun. There were no telephones holding a candle, reach up
They teased by surprising then. So, it was not until after from behind a rock. Tom
each other around corners. church that Mrs. Thatcher shouted. A face came up —
They came back, a few ata talked to Mrs. Harper. Becky Injun Joe’s!
time, to the mouth of the cave. had not stayed there. Tom was Next day, Becky was not
Night was at hand. The river missing, too. strong enough to go with Tom.
boat bell was calling. In the cave, Tom and Becky Three times, he went as far as
Back in town, Huck was had wandered along reading his string would let him.
watching for Injun Joe. His names on the rocks. Stairs Just as he started to go back,
room had a 2 on the door. went off another way. That he saw a tiny light. He made his
Maybe that was his Number 2 went to a big room with many way to a small hole, pushed
den! Maybe the treasure was openings. Bats were flying through, and saw the big river
there under a cross! around. One flew so near that rolling by!
The door shut quietly. Two it put out Becky’s light. They In the middle of Tuesday
men went by Huck in the dark. hurried into the nearest night, the cry went up, “Turn
One was carrying something. opening before the same thing out! They are found!”
It must be the treasure! happened to Tom’s candle. A boat had picked up Tom
Huck followed them out of They went from one opening and Becky five miles down
town. They passed the to another. But they could not from the mouth of the cave!
find their way out.

CTR B-19

1fe Mic
a2 17 ae

C dd Ws i”, dil,

Preview answer:
COMPREHENSION CHECK a. the riverboat was taking people to a

Choose the best answer.

C1) The inside of the cave was 6. Tom found his way out of the cave by
a. lighted with candles all around. ——— as letting out string to keep track of where
ene tadlys a big room with bats. he went.
ee OS light, with many corners. lighting new candles and holding them
—___.d. dark, with many ways to go. high.
shouting for help when he heard people
While Tom was on the picnic, Huck was reading the names on the rocks and
watching for Injun Joe following them.
to find Den Number Two — under the
cross. 7. Injun Joe
ee Ue to go everywhere Injun Joe went. nes was hiding in the cave.
a to find out where the treasure was. pela)| was counting the gold.
Meadi to see when he came back to town. ——e tried to kill Tom.
ee blew out Tom’s candle.

3. Injun Joe wanted to get even with the Widow Tom and Becky had wandered through the cave
Douglas because for
a. her old man had him hit. a one mile.
Senta + she had hurt Injun Joe. pestle)59 one day.
ee: he did not like her ways. ee (Oe five miles.
ee sk she took away the treasure. pent five days.

Another name for this story could be

a. “The Widow Douglas Is Saved.”
parca 2s “Lost In a Cave.”
looked for Tom and Becky. c. **Bats Run Wild.”’
oie saved the Widow Douglas.
tant “*The Riverboat Days.’’
C stayed at the Welshman’s house.
oO, found the box of treasure.
This story is mainly about
oe Injun Joe going to the Widow
Douglas’s house.
After they got lost, Tom and Becky stayed by the pest 2 Huck following Injun Joe and saving
spring of water because Widow Douglas.
a. they knew it was the only way out. ene Tom and Becky getting lost and finding
fa De a boat might come by on it. a way out of the cave.
c. they could rest and sleep there. cenaGe Tom finding out that Injun Joe is
puree Be they had to have water to live. hiding in the cave.

Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-19



string table tease telephone voice woke

I. Sentences to Finish
Using the words in the big box above, choose the one which best fits in each of the sentences below.
Write the words on the lines in the sentences.

1. Cats ive to play with balls of

Put the dishes on the —_______t______ for dinner.

At our house,the _______»_____ iis always ringing.

Keep your down, when people are still sleeping.

_It is not right to ____________ animals by pulling their tails.

oe[___ sp
eee early this morning when I heard the birds.

li. Words of Same Meaning

From the box above, choose the word which means the same as the ones underlined in each sentence.
Write the one you chose on the line after the sentences.

1. Put the glass on the piece of furniture with a flat top and legs.

Get the thin rape to tie up the box.

_That man has a deep sound made when talking.

I came out of sleep with a start when I heard the loud noise.

My mother told me not to play jokes on my little brother.

i I would like to make a call on the thing that we use to talk to people.

Check your answers with the key on page 71.

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CTR B-20

nigaf) iG)
LED eos = SPS) BID

Oe Worse

Key Words

stone (st6n) the hard stuff rocks are made of; a piece of a rock
Many old stone walls are still standing.

together (ta gern’ or) with each other

Let’s do this work together and get done sooner.

track (trak) to keep someone or something within one’s sight or knowing

Keep track of your money so that you won't run out.
print made by a foot
I could see more than one track in the snow.

whistle (hwis’ al) make a clear, shrill sound through the teeth or lips
To whistle while you work, seems to make the work go better.

(win) get; gain

If I work it right, I will win what I want.

wrong (rong; rong) not right

It was wrong to pull the cat’s tail.
not suitable
It’s a good life for him, but it’s wrong for me.

CTR B-20



Special Words
blood (blud) the red liquid that flows from a cut
The boy’s arm was covered with blood.

dollar (dol’ or) a piece of money worth 100 cents

Dollars are mostly made of paper, and stand for silver or gold coins.

gang (gang) ] group of people going around and acting together

The gang of thieves was robbing people, right and left.

gun (gun) a long pipe made for shooting, used mostly for killing
People use guns in fighting and hunting.

rich (rich) having a lot of money

The rich man had a very big house and fine cars.

robber (rob’ or) person who robs

The robber stole the money.

CTR B-20

f ‘'@ .

hehe 4‘
Wi Wi

Tom and Huck poured out the two bags of money on the table. There was $12,000 in gold! They
were rich!

Preview: 1. Read the name of the story.

2. Look at the picture carefully.
3. Read the sentences under the picture.
4. Read the first three paragraphs of the story.
5. Then, answer the following question.

You learned from your preview that

a. someone else got lost in the cave.
—____b. the cave door was covered up.
c. Injun Joe was dead in the cave.
___.d. Injun Joe got out of the cave.
Turn to the Comprehension Check on page 64 for the right answer.

Now read the story,

Read to find out how Tom and Huck got the treasure.

CTR B-20


“Well, Tom, no one else will under the rock. Let’s dig.” gold pieces out on the table.
get lost in that cave,” said Tom’s knife soon hit wood. A loud whistle went up.
Judge Thatcher. “I had the Wide pieces covered an ““Whee-e-e!”
door covered with heavy opening that went down under There was over 12,000
locks.” the rock. dollars!
“Oh, Judge, Injun Joe's in There in a little room, along The town paper ran a big
there!” with two guns, was the story. Judge Thatcher talked
-They found Injun Joe just treasure! about what a great boy Tom
inside the door — dead. ““Whee-e-e!” whistled Huck. was!
Next day, Tom talked to_ “We are rich!” After three weeks, Huck
Huck. “Let the guns stay,” said turned up missing. Widow
“We'll never win that Tom. “They are just the trick Douglas was beside herself.
treasure by looking in that for being robbers.” Tom went looking. Huck
Number 2 room.” Back up the river and on was back in his old baggy
“Have you got track of it?” land again, Tom said, “We'll clothes.
“Sure. It’s in the cave.” hide the money at Widow “It’s all wrong for me, Tom.
Together, they went to Douglas’s place.” Widow Douglas is good to me,
where Tom and Becky had As they passed the but I can’t stand them ways.
crawled out of the cave. Welshman’s house, he called, Doggone! Just as we got a
“What a great hideaway for “Come along, boys. Every- cave and guns, ready to be
the Tom Sawyer Gang of one’s waiting.” ’ robbers, we got rich. I just
robbers!” said Tom. “What’s the hurry?” can’t win.”
Inside, they put string “You will see when we get to “Oh, being rich won’t keep
around a big stone and made Widow Dousglas’s.” me from turning robber. But,
their way to the spring. Tom The place was bright with Huck, I can’t let anyone into
showed Huck where he had lights. People were dressed up my gang who is not from a
put his last candle. They went in their best. Widow Douglas good home.”
on to the jumping-off place. took the boys inside. “Why? I was a pirate.”
“Look around the corner, “Here, wash up and put on “Yes, but robbers are higher
Huck, as far as you can. There these new suits.” up than pirates. What would
— on the big rock.” There was a fine supper. people say? ‘Pretty low ones in
“Tom, it’s a cross!” Then the Welshman talked. He Tom Sawyer’s Gang.’ It’s no
‘‘Number 2 den is under the told about Huck’s keeping good.”’
cross. Remember? Right Widow Douglas from being Huck was quiet.
there’s where I saw Injun Joe.”’ cut up. “Well, I'll go back and stand
Beside the big stone were old Widow Douglas would give it, then.”
bedcovers. Huck a home and send him to “Oh, right off. Tonight we’ll
“Injun Joe said under the school. Then she would buy a get the boys together. We'll
cross,” Tom thought out loud. store for him when she had sign you in with blood.”
“But it can’t be under this big enough money. ‘‘Now, that’s something!
rock.” Tom jumped up. I’ll make Widow Douglas
They looked and looked. “Huck don’t need it. Huck’s proud she took such a good
“Huck, here’s foot tracks on rich!” robber in out of the wet.”’
this side, but not the other. Tom ran out and got the
Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it is bags of money. He piled the

CTR B-20


EQ) epucg & a ENTEB)

Preview answer:
COMPREHENSION CHECK Cc. Injun Joe was dead in the cave.

Choose the best answer.

1. Tom and Huck found the treasure by Widow Douglas and the Welshman gave the
ee going into the cave where Tom and party to tell everyone that
Becky had come out. sees it was Huck’s birthday.
finding a great hideaway for the Tom Oe Tom and Huck were rich.
Sawyer Gang. ern, Huck saved her from being cut up.
opening the cave door and finding TapnenigsF Huck followed Injun Joe and the
Injun Joe dead. strange man.
looking in the Number 2 room near the
spring. 6. Widow Douglas
a. gave Huck the treasure.
The Number 2 Den — under the cross turned out es : gave a party for Huck and Tom.
= Ce gave Huck some new suits.
to be
a room with the number 2 and a cross 2= gave Huck a home with her.
on the door. 7. Huck left Widow Douglas because
a place 2 feet down from the cross at the a. the new suits felt strange.
church. —— a: her ways were strange to him.
a hole 2 feet deep under a cross in the tee he didn’t like to go to school.
graveyard. e290: he wanted to go to his father.
a little room in the cave under a big
rock with a cross on it. 8. Huck went back to the Widow Douglas because
——a Ae Tom said he had to be from a good
(3) Tom knew the treasure was in the cave because home to be in the gang.
a. he saw it when he looked around the Huck was afraid of staying in the
corner. haunted house.
he saw Injun Joe reach up behind the Tom told Huck that he could not be a
rock with a cross on it. pirate.
he followed Injun Joe when he took it Huck was getting tired of wearing his
there. baggy old clothes.
he saw Injun Joe go down into the Another name for this story could be
opening beside the big rock. a. “Rich At Last.”
oath) “A Store For Huck.”
The boys were all ready to start the Tom Sawyer
SaeeneOe “A Party In Town.”
Gang of Robbers because
Sd “The End of Injun Joe.”
a. they had all the boys ready to do it.
pani 3 they had their place on Jackson’s [10] This story is mainly about
Island. the Widow Douglas and her party.
es they had the money to buy everything a er finding Injun Joe dead.
they needed. Fa. 8 two good friends helping each other.
eang| they had guns and a hideaway in the Compan: two boys looking through Number 2
cave. room.
Check your answers with the key on page 67.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

CTR B-20


stone together track whistle win wrong

|. Sentences to Finish
Using the words in the big box above, choose the one which best fits in each of the sentences below.
Write the words on the lines in the sentences.

1. We got lost because we made the ____EE—_—sttrrn..

I can —______._SSsSsfor my dog when he is far away.

Wewuuwor SC
2 to help our friends.

If you walk along a country road, you may get a il

re br te INL VOUF. SHOE,

_ You always have to try if you hope to

WN It is hard to ____+_—Ss—CssSCSsCSFsCSSSSTT_ azn animal in the woods.

Il. Matching
Draw a line to match each word with its meaning.

together a piece of a rock

stone keep within sight

win with each other

whistle not right

track make a shrill sound

wrong get or gain

Check your answers with the key on page 72.

This page may be reproduced for classroom use.

ioe oY, ne er

‘ a.
ae EM tg 7em M
sea ihe
i a e aan ee on
aes alae

Teena nso2«gots.
Ce eenter Fast a F 7 ,

jratas te
gas: te ~: Wes
rt ne Si he: —_— ; elias

c . re

ree a>:

Tee Sxl
4 » a " ’

er oe. GOBiiimice
% a ¢ wat toae ve le ath
a, wot are Wien Diez€%
_ ‘a + Ow fed he

Qwieresrs 2; Sac a Lila

ol sers fi LP mas tig VS a ingot
—s ' Migzsewmiiitew <9 gna 4a hin
nr ioe ciw suv

igh se sltendiw

' p
See 3|


o fag 4
Lessons CTR B-11 to CTR B-20


a ttetefefede]=[e[e le) a

eerie |* (©)«|e lopm pala) eo
|< |»(@la[oi] 2

SS. _ Inference (not said straight out, but you

know from what is said)

ras = Another name for the story

ig = Main idea of the story

? ot ast or mor
f e
= i} ’

ne 1} a feel 2 | Oleee Mes +:

gy Per rseew Phi mr
205As! ®)! Telstololalet Ei
~" Aw 4 ty BT : q
eich a Ie dl Ta act ey 4 BO. =
. —®

|)eiet a | 2|@i ale} ois

: :


a y is WEE a BE le
419) >; @} 2] 4
a) >, 'b]

ree ae Sa { — tet
—ee a

[i ree mere te
| | i
ai a} «| | te
® | Saar
Se a EE ae
Lessons CTR B-11 to CTR B-20



I. end I.


I. anything I.


I. shovel = tiny
silver s1X
tiny winter
shop shovel
winter shop
RS SiX a

Lessons CTR B-11 to CTR B-20



Il. 1. friendly IT. bridge things you wear
2. large Christm very big
3. clothes clothes ind
4. Christmas corn thing for crossing over
5. corm friendly a grain
6. bridge large December 25


f. 1. everything I,
2. bread
3. corner
4. I’m
5. bang
6. Cover


I. 1. week IT. swim seven days
25 tent tonight wild dog
3. swim trip moving in water
4. tonight week this night
5. trip tent going to another place
6. wolf wol something like a house

Lessons CTR B-11 to CTR B-20



I. 1. Someone | I.
2. roof
3. seven
4. move
5. place
6. outside


fence II.
QO brave


I. 1. string IT. 1. table

2. table 2. string
3. telephone 3. voice
4. voice 4. woke
5. tease 5. tease
6. woke 6. telephone

Lessons CTR B-11 to CTR B-20



I. 1. wrong IT. together. a piece of rock

2. whistle stone keep within sight
3. together win. with each other
4. stone whistl not right
5. win track make a shrill sound
6. track wrong get or gain

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NIG Nightingale, )
Tom Sawyer


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The pronunciation of each word is shown just after the word, in this way:
ab bre vi ate (e bré’ vé at).

The letters and signs used are pronounced as in the words below.

The mark “is placed after a syllable with primary or heavy accent, as in the example

The mark “ after a syllable shows a secondary or lighter accent, as in:

ab bre vi a tion (@ bré’ vé a’ shan).

hat, cap j jam, enjoy t tell, it

age, face k kind, seek th thin, both
). father, far | land, coal then, smooth
m me,am
bad, rob n no,in u-_—s cup, butter
child, much ng_ long, bring u full, put
did, red u rule, move

let, best o.—hot, rock Vv very, save

equal, be O open, go w_ will, woman
term, learn 6 order, all y young, yet
oi oil, voice Z zero, breeze
ou house, out zh measure, seizure

fat, if 3 represents:
go, bag ain about
he, how Pp paper, cup e intaken
r run, try i in pencil
it, pin S say, yes o inlemon
ice, five sh_ she, rush usin circus

CTR-101B White Fang 1-55576-045-7

CTR-102B Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm 1-55576-046-5
CTR-103B Little Women 1-55576-047-3
CTR-104B Swiss Family Robinson 1-55576-049-X
CTR-105B Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1-55576-088-0
CTR-106B Rip Van Winkle 1-55576-095-3
CTR-107B Heidi 1-55576-178-X
CTR-108B Uncle Tom's Cabin 1-55576-323-5
CTR-201B Black Beauty 0-931334-51-9
CTR-202B Tom Sawyer 0-931334-29-2
CTR-203B The Call of the Wild 0-931334-64-0
CTR-204B Treasure Island 1-55576-050-3
CTR-205B The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood 1-55576-089-9
CTR-206B The Prince and the Pauper 1-55576-096-1
CTR-207B A Man Without a Country 1-55576-179-8
CTR-208B The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1-55576-324-3
CTR-301B Robinson Crusoe 0-931334-30-6
CTR-302B Red Badge of Courage 0-931334-42-X
CTR-303B Kidnapped 0-931334-65-9
CTR-304B The Invisible Man 1-55576-063-5
CTR-305B Man In the Iron Mask ,1-55576-090-2
CTR-306B The War of the Worlds 1-55576-097-X
CTR-307B Sea Wolf 1-55576-180-1
CTR-308B Oliver Twist _ 1-55576-325-1
CTR-401B Captains Courageous 0-931334-66-7
CTR-402B Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde 0-931334-50-0
CTR-403B Time Machine 0-931334-43-8
CTR-404B Gulliver’s Travels 1-55576-065-1
CTR-405B 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1-55576-091-0
CTR-406B The Pathfinder 1-55576-098-8
CTR-407B From the Earth to the Moon 1-55576-181-X
CTR-408B David Copperfield 1-55576-322-7
CTR-501B Metropolis 0-931334-68-3
CTR-502B Hound of the Baskervilles 0-931344-67-5
CTR-503B Kim 0-931344-69-1
CTR-504B Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 1-55576-064-3
CTR-505B A Journey to the Center of the Earth 1-55576-081-3
CTR-506B Ivanhoe 1-55576-099-6
CTR-507B Last of the Mohicans 1-55576-182-8
CTR-508B Moby Dick 1-55576-326-X RAHA


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