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Biology PLC.

Please note that the Higher tier only work is in bold italics

Working Scientifically R A G
WS1 Development of scientific thinking
WS2 Experimental skills and strategies
WS3 Analysis and evaluation
WS4 Scientific vocabulary, quantities, units, symbols and nomenclature
Paper 1
Cells and Cell Transport.
To describe the structure of eukaryotic cells such as plant and animal cells.
To describe the function of the parts of eukaryotic cells.
To describe the structure of prokaryotic bacterial cells.
To describe how cells are adapted for their functions.
• sperm cells, nerve cells and muscle cells in animals
• root hair cells, xylem and phloem cells in plants.
To know how microscopes have developed over time and to explain how
electron microscopes have increased understanding of subcellular structures.
To calculate magnification of cells.
To state a definition of active transport.
To state some examples of active transport
Making New Cells.
To describe the structure of the nucleus.
To explain the function of a gene.
To describe the 3 parts to the cell cycle.
To explain the process of mitosis.
To explain what a stem cell is. To compare stem cells from animals (embryos or
adult bone marrow) and plant meristems .
To describe some uses of stem cells. To evaluate the advantages and
disadvantages of using of stem cells.
To state definition of tissue, organ and organs system.
To explain the roles of the tissues and organs in the digestive system.
To state the properties of an enzyme.
To explain how enzymes work using the “lock and key” theory.
To describe the role of enzymes and bile in digestion.
Circulation and Respiration.
To state a definition and equation for aerobic respiration.
To explain how the energy released in respiration is used.
To describe the process of anaerobic respiration in plants, yeast and in

Required Practicals.
Using a light microscope to draw and label cells.
R – I find this topic hard. I will need to make this a priority with my revision. I will need to use a number of
sources to help me such as: Free Science Lessons Videos, Kerboodle, revision guide, my teacher. I will need
to do practice questions to check I understand.
A – I am not fully confident yet but feel that when I have looked in my revision guide and done some
practice questions I will understand the work.
G – I may still need to learn the facts but I know I understand this work. I will need to revise and do some
practice questions to be certain.

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