Data Science Class Section 1 Introduction

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Introduc�on to Data Science,

Analy�cs & Machine Learning

Instructor: Diekola Ridwan

Phone: 08133774698
Session 1 Overview

• Introduc�on to Data science

• Prac�cal Example; what you will learn from this course
• Data Science Infograhic and job roles explained
• Quiz, Ques�on and Answers
What you will learn
Different Between Analysis and Analy�cs
Explore poten�al future Events
for remarkable insights
Who is a data scien�st?
Data Analyst
What is big data?
Data that do not fit in Excel
The 4 V’s
4 Paradigm of Science
4th Paradigm of Science – Data Explora�on

Regime Change

Behaviour Change
Common Terms & Example of Data Analysis

Turn Supporters and Alienated to Fans by increasing

shopping experience.

We dive deeper to find the factors of dissa�sfac�on from

the customer which could be

1 High Price

2. Unfriendly Customer

3. Long Queues.

What ever is the reason was, ac�onable step must been

taken to address the issue.

We can also turn Roamers to fans by crea�ng loyalty

card, discount or raffle draw.
People think data science & Machine learning feel like unknown territory, Something too abstract
and complex but that’s not the case.
Let explore the differences
Data Science infographic
Daprof: 08133769408
Daprof: 08133769408
Data Science

Daprof: 08133769408
Different type
of Data

Daprof: 08133769408
Daprof: 08133769408
Daprof: 08133769408
Wetland distribu�on

Anupam et al.
CO2 sequestra�on predic�on

Anupam et al.
10 minutes break
Quiz Section

Question 1:
Which of the following is NOT a factor contributing to confusion surrounding the precise meaning of data science buzzwords?

A The constant evolution of the data science industry

B The growing number of terms in the data science glossary

C The rapid emergence of new data science terms

D The ambiguity of data science buzzwords mainly affects those who are new to the field or lack technical expertise.
Question 2:
Which of the following is associated with the meaning of the term "analytics"?

A Dividing a dataset into manageable chunks, studying them individually, and examine their relationship with other parts

B Explaining past events through analytics

C Essentially, analytics involves applying logical and computational reasoning to the components derived from an analysis

D None of the above

Question 3:
Which of the following is NOT considered a data analytics activity?

A Preliminary data reporting

B Creating dashboard

C Digital Signal processing

D None of the above

Question 4:
Which of the following is considered data science?

A Business case studies

B Qualitative analytics

C Reporting with visuals

D Machine Learning

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