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Objects Oriented Programming OOP

Example of Objects Oriented Programming are:

Class, Module and Package or Library
A�er running this code, the data from CSV will be load into the variable ‘data’
Since we yse panda, The data variable will be automa�cally converrted to a

Steps 2 : type Data

Steps 3:
data.describe() to get the the sta��cal summary of the data. It a
panda method to get useful sta��c informa�on about the data
Steps 4:
Define y and x1 Values

We represent x0 as 1
In terms of code for crea�ng the value of x0, StatModel uses
the method add constant

Steps 5:
Crea�ng Regression

Type results.summary() to see more stat data table

Steps 6:
Create the scater plot using matplotlib
Steps 7:
Create the scater plot using Seaborn
Import seaborn as sns
Then restart your Kernel and re-run the code
This equa�on form the Regression lIne

We can get the predicted value of GPA for any SAT score now by calcula�ng or tracing the value from
the regression line
OLS is the most common method for es�ma�ng linear
regression equa�on,
OLS is the most
common method for
es�ma�ng linear
regression equa�on
Don’t just jump into regression for analysis, Cri�cal thinking is crucial
tools that let you determine factors that affect the outcome of your
predicted outcome.
In the case of GPA score; gender, finance, and marital status may
affect the GPA score of students

Scien�st even dicover gender gap occur in educa�on.

Step 1

Step 2
The variable Rand 1,2,3 we added affected
the value of R-Square and it Adjustable R-
Square. We added information but lost
Out Conclusion about the varable rand 1,2,3 is to drop
that variable.
Tes�ng for significant with F-sta�s�c

This is another tool that allows us to compare models for analysis

The biggest mistakes you can make is to perform regression
that violate one of these regression assump�ons!
Linear Regression
No Endogeneity

This problem is refers to as omited variable bias.

Predic�ng the value of an real estate in London where the
small apartment are expensive more than the bigger

Solu�on with cri�cal thinking and ques�oning

Inpu�ng the missing variables

In conclusion
If the mean of the normality is not zero then the line is not a
best fi�ng one. In real life, it is usual to violate this part of
Example Poor man and Rich men spending habity lead to Heteroscedas�city

To Prevent Heteroscedas�city we use log transforma�on, look for omited

variable, and remove outliers.

Log Transformation: Assumption_3

How to detect Autocorrelation
Plot all the residual data on grapgh and look is they is no patern. Then you are safe from

Another way to detect autocorrela�on is the Durbin watson

Don’t use linear regression when the error are autocorrelated
or when the data is a �mestamp data.

We experience mul�collinearity when two or more valuable

have a high correla�on.
Preven�ons: Before crea�ng a mul� linear regression model, always
find the correla�on between each two pairs of independent variables.
Data Sample for convert string category data to number category data for our
regression model

Step 1
Step 2

Step 3
Step 4
Print out these

Step 5
Create Regression mode
The Comparism with the old data give a significant difference
Step 6
Plot Yhat_yes and Yhat_no model
Step 7
Change the color of the student that atended to green and red
for those that did not atend class

Plot all the three model for the data

Step 8
Predic�ng from our design regression model

X is the data frame of the model

Let create a new data frame and organize it in the same way as x

DataFrame are normally arrange in alphabe�cal order by default

Simple Linear Regression
They’re three type of machine Learning
The Solu�on
Mul�linear Regression

Note: We didn’t get an error as the dimension is already a mul�ple linear regression, Sklearn is design to
work perfectly with arrays.
Print adjusted_r2
Features Selce�on

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