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E-Learning Platforms: Transformation of Education and


Presented By:
230178 Dueños, Goiby J.
2301784 Eborde, Mhardyliza B.
2301798 Ercia, Dianne Andrea M.
200173 Resano, Rose Angelika T.

Presented to:
Glady Dave Hopico

December 30, 2023

Recently e-learning systems are experiencing rapid development. The advantages

of learning through a global network are manifold and obvious: the independence of time
and space, learners can learn at their own pace, learning materials can be organized in
one place and used-processed all around the world. One of the most important segments
in today’s development and use of the e-learning system is the personalization of content
and building of user profiles based on the learning behaviour of each individual user. The
personalization options increase efficiency of e-learning, thus justifying the higher initial
cost of their construction. In order to personalize the learning process and adapt content
to each learner.

E-learning systems can use strategies that have the ability to meet the needs of
learners. Also, these systems have to use different technologies to change the
environment and perform the adaptation of teaching materials based on the needs of
learners. The process of adaptation can be in the form of adaptation of content, learning
process, feedback or navigation. This chapter introduces the motivation and objectives
studied in the subsequently presented research, and presents major standards and
specifications in e-learning.

In today's digital era, E-Learning Platforms has revolutionized the education and
training landscape, providing learners with flexible and accessible opportunities to
acquire knowledge and skills. At the heart of this revolution lies eLearning platforms,
powerful tools that facilitate online learning experiences. In this paper, we will delve into
the concept of eLearning platforms, explore their benefits, discuss different types, and
provide guidance on choosing the perfect platform for your specific needs.

The field of electronic learning (or “eLearning”) has gained increasing popularity,
and for the right reasons. Over the last few years, intuitive online learning platforms has
seen leaps in offering a complete learning experience that is fun, interactive, and
ultimately engaging.

E-learning is a term that refers to the use of information and communication

technologies (ICTs) to facilitate and enhance learning and teaching. E-learning can take
various forms, such as online courses, webinars, podcasts, videos, games, simulations,
and more. E-learning can offer many benefits for learners and educators, such as
flexibility, personalization, engagement, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. However,
e-learning also poses some challenges and limitations, such as technical issues, lack of
social interaction, quality assurance, and learner motivation.

E-learning platforms are online systems that provide a safe and convenient
environment for learners to access and interact with various educational resources. E-
learning platforms can offer different types of courses, programs, and degrees from
reputable institutions around the world. E-learning platforms can also support instructors
and educators to create, host, deliver, and sell their own online courses.

E-learning platforms have many benefits for both learners and instructors. For
learners, elearning platforms can offer flexibility, convenience, affordability,
personalization, and diversity of learning options. Learners can learn at their own pace,
time, and place, according to their preferences and needs. They can also choose from a
wide range of courses that suit their interests and goals. E-learning platforms can also
provide learners with feedback, assessment, certification, and recognition of their
learning achievements.

For instructors and educators, e-learning platforms can offer opportunities to

reach a global audience, enhance their teaching skills, increase their income potential,
and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Instructors and educators can create
engaging and interactive online courses using various tools and features provided by e-
learning platforms. They can also manage their courses easily using cloud-based software
that allows them to track student progress, communicate with students, collect payments,
and generate reports.
Structure of ELearning

E-learning platforms have the way we learn, providing accessible and flexible
opportunities for education. Their ability to offer a wide range of courses and subjects,
catering to diverse interests and learning goals. These platforms often provide interactive
and engaging content, including videos, and interactive discussions, which can enhance
the learning experience and promote active participation.

E-learning platforms also allow learners to set their own pace and study at their own
convenience, making education more accessible for individuals with busy schedules or
other commitments. Provide personalized learning paths, allowing learners to focus on
their specific areas of interest or areas where they need additional support. It a valuable
option for individuals seeking to enhance their skills or boost their career prospects. As
they often facilitate group discussions, online forums, and peer-to-peer interactions,
fostering a sense of community among learners. Also provide access to a wealth of
resources, such as e-books, articles, and supplementary materials, which can further
enrich the learning experience.

Online Education Is the Future

According to Rahman (2020), Technology has revolutionized everything and

education is no exception. eLearning has drastically changed the landscape of education.
The introduction of eLearning has been convenient for students as well as teachers. As a
matter of fact, online education has been received very cordially. Normally, this is not the
case for most new things. So it is safe to say, regarding the future, that eLearning is here
to stay. With future updates and upgrades, it is likely to develop and become more
convenient for learners. New methods introduced by instructors will make online courses
more interesting and engaging for learners. Apart from students, organizations are
adapting to eLearning courses to train their employees. So with all the hype and effort
combined, the future of eLearning is very unlikely to be bleak.

What Is eLearning?

eLearning is a modern form of education that enables learning with the help of electronic
technologies. It may also be termed as distance education, distance learning, online
learning, internet learning, and so on, but all these refer to the same thing. All you need is
a computer and an internet connection. You are good to go and buy any course you want
to learn.
The Status Quo Of eLearning

Online learning is a very useful tool for students and young professionals to gain various
skills. Any professional can easily learn about any subject they want. This has also
empowered individuals to seek, receive, and impart information effectively with very
little cost. Almost all online courses are self-paced so students can fit education into their
life instead of planning their day-to-day activities around school hours.

The recent pandemic situation has suddenly shifted billions of students out of their
classrooms. As a result, this has triggered an interest in eLearning among people even
more than before. Schools have adopted techniques to keep up with changing times. In
one way, the traditional academic education system has kind of normalized eLearning by
endorsing their system.

Plenty of people got acquainted with eLearning practices during this period. Learners
helped by facilities are less likely to subscribe to further courses in the future. Young
school-aged children have already been academically introduced to eLearning so the
process is already quite normal and usual for them.

The Advantages Of eLearning

Being a comparatively newer form of education, distance learning has introduced its own
set of advantages. Along with the advantage of being able to learn online, learners also

 Time flexibility

 Easy access to a variety of courses

 No commute or transport hassle

 Learn at own speed

 Comparatively lower costs

 Learn while working

The Reasons Why Online Education Is The Future

Technology is progressing every day. New technologies that are being introduced today
are eventually filling the spaces. The same rule can be implied for eLearning as well.
Access to information is now a fundamental need, like food, clothes, and
accommodation. It’s instrumental to reach the maximum potential of a person. The gap
between the skillset learners need to adapt to in the modern workplace and the knowledge
the traditional education system is delivering is increasing. As a result, the skills are not
substantial enough to cope with the modern workforce.

Some of the basic reasons why eLearning can be termed the future of education is as

Continuous Learning

Continuous learning is the paradigm shift that the education sector is facing these days.
Continuous learning is about how learners expand their skillset in a changing
environment with new developments.

To sum it up, it is a permanent process of acquiring new knowledge and skills that allows
people to perform new tasks and work on new jobs; continuous learning adds new
dimensions to their existing occupations. Considering the modern work environment,
employees are required to respond to changes on a daily basis so it’s an essential
requirement for today’s work environment.

The more employees know, the more they can contribute to their respective
organizations. eLearning is a cost-effective way to induce changes among employees and
help with their personal and professional growth. This way employees can keep up with
their job needs fairly easily.

Personalized Learning Paths

A personalized learning path is a learner-centric approach that emphasizes a learner's

ability to grasp the lesson in a learner-friendly way. The whole objective of the approach
is to find the right strategies for learners.

With online courses, learners set their own goals, at their own pace while learning and
going through learning materials. This is a unique advantage that online education
provides to all its learners. It helps learners navigate through their learning path and
achieve their personal goals by connecting with the instructor and other learners.

The eLearning industry has also shifted its attention to introducing a wide range of online
activities and exercises into an eLearning course. Apart from text modules, this includes
virtual classrooms, video instructions, image-rich slide-based modules, and so on. This is
to ensure what works best for learners.

Social Learning

Social learning is a form of indirect learning. In other words, it refers to abstractly

learning from and with others by interactions. Some might think the only way of social
learning may be face-to-face learning, but this is not always the case. Elements of social
learning are already being integrated into eLearning. Live classrooms are one such
practice that has enabled learners to interact in a rich social learning environment.

Digital tools are enabling learners to connect with each other. Mindful discussions among
learners are always an integral part of learning, and the industry is working in order to
bring more and more positive changes to connect learners so they don’t miss out.

On-Demand Learning

This is a feature of online learning platforms that has been instrumental in its expansion.
Learners can gain access to online courses from the comfort of their home anytime they
feel comfortable. This control has allowed people from all walks of life to become

Learners can access learning content according to their needs from a wide range of
courses. Modern learning technology and the availability of high-quality learning
materials have totally changed the learning landscape as well as the learning system.

Along with students, professionals can pursue online learning at any time to upgrade their
skillset and achieve professional development. Even companies can now reach out to the
best instructors and arrange online sessions to train their employees.

Gamified Learning

The strategy of gamification involves rewarding the players upon completion of each task
or module. This ensures the learners stay engaged and feel rewarded while learning.
Learning platforms are nowadays introducing several new functions and designing
patterns that help learners progress.
The method has already come up with great results by keeping the learners motivated and
engaged. This has also made learners feel rewarded. The providers inspire the learners
with various interactive learning features, online currencies vouchers, and a lot more.

Concluding Remarks

eLearning has mitigated various problems associated with learning, such as time and cost
problems, that previously used to restrict learners' learning paths. These reasons are
enough to perpetuate eLearning as a solution to a lot of major learning problems.

The importance of online education is something that cannot be left out in the current
time period. eLearning is not something that has originated out of thin air. Learning is a
continuous process that people of all walks of life need for various purposes in their life.
It should not be bound to academic classes only.

Is eLearning The Future Of Education?

According to Kharod(2021), eLearning has transformed education in both schools

and businesses, making it easier for students and employees to learn at their own pace in
an environment that suits them. When it comes to the future of education, it’s clear that
eLearning will play a huge role in the delivery of learning materials.

When it comes to the formal education system, 78% [1] of people believe that online
learning will give more access to quality education. In terms of the business sector,
organizations believe that virtual learning will make up at least 40% [2] of the future
learning structure, while some believe it could account for as much as 90%.

There’s no doubt about the rise of eLearning as a tool to facilitate education across all
kinds of institutions. Read on to discover exactly how eLearning could become the future
of education.

The Rise Of eLearning

eLearning is permeating businesses, schools, and colleges as a means for providing

education in a more flexible way. Look at the education sector, for example. 53% of
university teaching has moved online. It’s no wonder that 88% [1] of people believe that
online learning will be a part of school and university education going forward.
It’s the same story when you consider the business sector. 57% of Learning and
Development professionals are spending more time on implementing online learning in
their organizations than they did 3 years ago, while 37% [3] of Learning and
Development professionals are spending less time using instructor-led learning than 3
years ago.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 98% [2] of organizations used virtual learning. The
switch to eLearning is especially apparent when you look at budgets for training
employees: 59% of talent developers are spending more on online learning, while 25%
are spending less on instructor-led training.

Take a look at Kellogg as a prime example. Kellogg has invested in providing online
learning for 10,000+ employees through LinkedIn Learning. This ensures that education
can take place within the flow of work.

As Thor Flosason, global learning director for Kellogg, explains [3]:

We are well on our way to creating a culture of learning. Increasingly, Kellogg

employees aren’t waiting for in-person training. They are using LinkedIn Learning to
upskill themselves and immediately improve themselves and the business.

Why Has eLearning Become So Important?

There are a few reasons why eLearning has become such an important educational tool.
Firstly, many organizations are now working with remote teams. These teams are often
distributed across the globe. This makes in-person training a real nightmare. Rather than
force teams to commute huge distances, online learning makes it possible for team
members to learn new skills and access educational resources from wherever they’re

The same goes for students. Without eLearning, many students wouldn’t have access to
course materials. eLearning and virtual classes make it possible for students around the
globe to learn online and attend establishments that may have previously been out of

Another major reason that eLearning has become vital is resilience. The COVID-19
pandemic has shown businesses and educational institutions the need for online learning
in the face of a crisis.
For educational establishments, eLearning allows educators to carry on teaching the
curriculum without interruption. For businesses, eLearning provides a route to reskilling
employees so they can continue to carry out their jobs even if they’re not in their

Additionally, eLearning allows both educational establishments and businesses to tailor

learning experiences to individuals. 80% of managers and HR professionals admit that
they still cannot overcome internal skills gaps. eLearning helps to close those gaps by
identifying the specific needs of each person and customizing educational materials to
meet those requirements.

For businesses especially, this makes eLearning an important investment. By investing in

the personalized education of employees, companies can enjoy better employee
performance from more highly-educated staff.

Lastly, online learning tools make it easier to measure the impact of education and
training. Learning platforms collect quantitative data that make it clear how successful
the learning experience has been for employees and students. Online learning platforms
can also help organizations code qualitative feedback on the learning experience.

How Is eLearning Shaping The Future Of Education?

According to Kharod (2021), E-Learning provides a whole range of new formats to

facilitate employee and student learning in an interactive way. Here are some of the ways
eLearning is transforming education for the future.

1. Virtual Schooling

Thanks to advancements in online video meeting software, virtual lessons have now
become far easier. Students and employees can log into the virtual meeting room and
attend live-stream classes with an educator presenting a lesson. This has been shown to
be a highly effective way of providing remote learning. During the COVID-19 pandemic,
23% [4] of students attended live stream classes. 67% of parents said that they were
satisfied with the results of this style of learning.

In fact, 43% of parents agree that remote learning in this way gets their child ready for
the next grade [4]. Moving into the future, 79% [1] of people believe college students
will attend classes virtually, while 70% believe that elementary and high school students
will be schooled virtually.
2. Self-Directed Learning

Traditionally, both schools and companies have set the educational timetable, telling
learners what and when they’ll learn. However, more than 35% of employees want self-
directed and independent learning opportunities, and 74% want to learn during their spare
time at work. What’s more, 83% [1] of people in the U.S. think that school education will
begin to take a more self-service approach, especially for older students.

In response to this, 35% [3] of Learning and Development professionals are focusing on
creating self-directed learning experiences for employees using online learning solutions.
It’s more than likely that schools will go down the same path, using Learning
Management Systems (LMS) that enable students to access learning materials online at
their own pace.

That way, learners can educate themselves on the topics they feel they’re most interested
in or need to work on at a pace that suits them.

3. Learning On-The-Go

In-person education requires learners to be in the room with the teacher at the time that
the class occurs. eLearning offers a more flexible approach where learners can access
learning materials whenever they like, making it easier to learn on the go. This is
why 42% of Learning and Development professionals focus on marketing the flexibility
of online learning.

57% of employees admit that they prefer accessing learning modules on the go. With
online learning experiences, learners can dip into educational content through
smartphone apps and online hubs that can be accessed from anywhere, at any time.

4. One-To-One Online Tutoring

One-to-one tutoring is arguably one of the most effective ways to educate a person, as
100% of the teacher’s attention is on the student. Parents whose children used online one-
to-one tutoring during the COVID-19 pandemic were the most satisfied with this learning
method over any other [4]. Not only that, but 14% of parents also plan to pay for one-to-
one online tutoring to supplement their child’s schooling in the future [4]. But online
tutoring extends beyond schooling.
In global business, for example, companies are hiring online English tutors to teach
employees to speak better English to facilitate international deals.

5. Sharing Learning Materials

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 79% of children accessed digital learning materials
online provided by their schools [4]. Thanks to state-of-the-art LMS solutions, it’s now
easier than ever for teachers to share learning materials with students who can access
them remotely.

Beyond this, there are also tools that enable students to share resources between

Take StuDocu, for example. It makes it easy for students to share school and college
lecture notes, study resources, and coursework with other students. The learning platform
makes it simple to search by subject, school, category, and language to find the resources
that best fit your learning needs.

6. VR And AR To Simulate Real-World Scenarios

39% of Learning and Development professionals think that Virtual Reality (VR) and
Augmented Reality (AR) will significantly impact online learning [3]. Imagine how
much more effective organizational training would be if educators were able to simulate
real-world situations so learners could experience these first-hand.

Just like a pilot learning to fly a plane with a simulator, VR and AR tools will enable
learners to experience different scenarios as though they’re there, rather than simply
learning from a book or a lecture.

While this may seem like something that’s far into the future, 62% of business leaders
already indicate that they’re shifting to more interactive forms of learning, such as
simulations [2].

7. Personalized Learning Experiences

Learners are tired of sitting in classrooms learning lessons they already know. Thanks to
advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning, personalized learning
experiences are now more possible than ever. By using data collected from learning
platforms, training systems can now offer more personalized recommendations for each

This is an encouraging step forward that inspires learning within the workplace. In
fact, 79% of learners said that they would use personalized course recommendations
based on their career goals and skills gaps. This is why 49% of Learning and
Development professionals think that using AI/machine learning as a tool to drive more
accurate personalization will have a significant impact in the coming years [3].

The Bottom Line

eLearning offers a flexible learning experience that’s easily accessible for students and
employees all over the world. Moving from static digital learning materials to
personalized, interactive educational experiences, eLearning is transforming. Online
learning now offers a more three-dimensional learning opportunity for employees and
10 Best Examples of eLearning Platforms

eLearning platforms were abundant before most of the people discovered them prior to
the coronavirus pandemic when online learning really took off. These platforms differ in
many ways but they have one thing in common: they facilitate the need to learn new info
without the need for direct contact.As more and more schools and universities introduce
online classes, even partially, officials are constantly searching for the eLearning
platform that would suit their needs the best. At the same time, business owners are
looking for innovative ways to train staff and hold meetings.

The needs of these two groups of people are similar enough that they can find what they
are looking for from the pool of the best eLearning platforms. The 10 best eLearning
platforms we are about to list have tens of millions of users combine, making them ideal
both for universities and businesses alike.

Released in 2008, Docebo is a collaborative learning platform mostly use in formal
learning. The facts that it’s fully customizable and easy to use, makes is popular among
students, who use it to interact amongst themselves.

Docebo is a collaborative elearning platform

This learning management system (LMS) got its name from Latin, as its name is
translated into English as: “I will teach.” Speaking of teachers, they get to assign extra
informal and formal training sessions to students who need upgrading in certain areas.

Docebo is easy to navigate and it arrives with a wide range of integrations for third
parties. Furthermore, users are able to centralize, organize, and manage online courses
and easily track their certification process. As far as pricing is concerned, you need a
quote from the developers to get a price plan.

2.Adobe Captivate
A popular platform featuring gamification elements is Adobe Captivate. This
comprehensive platform features highly useful automation tools, as well as 24/7 support,
the standard for the industry. Although Captivate was released in 2019, Adobe had been
experimenting with precursors of eLearning platforms since the early 2000s.

Adobe had been experimenting with precursors of eLearning platforms since the early
2000s. Adobe Captivate is actually an authoring tool used in educational learning and
screencasting. In addition, this LMS by Adobe can be used for branch scenarios, software
simulations, and software demonstrations, all in Shockwave Flash and HTML5 format.
Users find converting Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to the abovementioned
formats particularly convenient.

The software comes with a commercial license, so using Adobe Captivate Prime will cost
you at least 4 dollars per month (for a single user). This is a small price to pay
considering the fact that

you can have a course up and running in less than an hour and a half. Such speed is
possible thanks to the ability to auto-assign reports and learning plans.

3.Google Classroom
Google Classroom eLearning platform.One of the oldest free web services is Google
Classroom. Launched back in 2014, the service was developed by Google with the main
intention of easier file and assignments sharing between teachers and students, as the
software’s name suggests.

This LMS features a completely free tier, as well as offering discounts for purchasing the
pro tier. Part of the educational G Suite, Google Classroom comes with a variety of
different tools that make it ideal for a school environment. From creating content to
grading it, later on, this eLearning platform has it all.

Google Classroom comes with integrated Slides, Gmail, Calendar, Sheets, Docs, etc.,
which opens up several avenues of communication between teachers and students.
Students are given a code to access lectures and they can access extra files in the

On the other hand, teachers get an all-in-one eLearning platform that allows them to
create, distribute, and mark assignments within one platform. This allows instructors to
monitor pupils’ progress and keep track is someone is overdue with their work

4.iSpring Learn LMS

iSpring Learn, like all iSpring products, was designed to be robust, yet easy to use. This
learning management system (LMS) can fully automate most of your education
management processes: monitor deadlines, send invites to students, notify them of new
assignments, and more. It is customizable and offers gamification features like points,
badges, and leaderboards. Some students have even said that taking courses with iSpring
Learn felt like watching Netflix.

An advanced tracking engine generates student progress reports that show how many
courses (or modules of a course) a student has completed, whether they passed or failed
quizzes, what mistakes they made, and more. With this LMS, you can view analytical
reports on a particular learner and an entire group, faculty, and university (or company),
thus getting a more complete picture of your online learning.

Besides, a huge advantage of iSpring Learn is that it comes bundled with iSpring Suite.
It’s an authoring tool with which you can create interactive online courses from scratch,
convert existing PPT materials into online content, build engaging quizzes and tests,
design interactive role-plays, record and edit video lectures, and more.iSpring’s flagship
tool iSpring Suite combines seven solutions in a single software. You can create online
courses, quizzes, screencasts, video lectures, role-plays, ebooks, and interactions.

And iSpring Suite works as a PowerPoint add-in, so if you know how to work in
PowerPoint, you already know how to work with iSpring Suite.iSpring Space is a cloud
platform that is included in iSpring Suite’s advanced plan. With this tool, you can
collaborate with your colleagues and students right in a browser, create simple courses
and quizzes, leave feedback, and store your educational materials.

The next eLearning platform on our list is ideal for creating a myriad of different courses.
Whether it’s the sheer number of themes you can choose from or catering for all screen
sizes, Elucidat is a versatile eLearning platform. The developers’ goal was to create a
web-based learning platform that would enable the easy production of business training

Elucidat is a versatile eLearning platform

In order to facilitate the learning process, Elucidat features a page template editor,
allowing you to select and tweak a theme to your business preferences. For savvy users,
creating a theme using CSS or HTML is always an option, but Elucidat offers you to
insert text, videos, and images using the drag-and-drop principle, familiar to everyone.

Essentially, you needn’t use lines of complying coding to end up with a visually
appealing styling of your eLearning course. An additional perk of Elucidat is that you can
manage hundreds of courses simultaneously, so it’s definitely worthwhile to ask their
sales department for a free quote.

6.Lectora Inspire
One of the oldest original authoring tools out there is Lectora Inspire. Like most of the
eLearning platforms we list, Lectora Inspire functions across devices but is more
complicated because you need to write basic scripts.

Like most of the eLearning platforms we list, Lectora Inspire functions across devices but
is more complicated because you need to write basic scripts.
This web-based system comes with a review feature, making it an ideal tool for creating
selling courses intended for customers. Of course, it can be used for employee training
courses as well, since it boasts “how-to” resources.

Lectora Inspire’s biggest drawback would have to be its price. This commercial software
is available for 2,600 dollars annually, a 10-courses limit included! The high price is
somewhat justified because you get unlimited scripting, stock templates, free access to
high-end graphics libraries, video editing, a screen template library, etc.

7.Blackboard Learn
If you are looking for an LMS for education, then Blackboard Learn is definitely worth
considering. Its primary users include schools, universities, as well as governments. The
cloud-based data storage system ensures is responsive, mobile-friendly, and suitable for
editing content from third-party providers.

The easy-to-use interface of Blackboard Learn has made it popular among universities in
the United States where it’s still ranked in the top 3 eLearning platforms.
These are the main reasons why students and teachers alike adore using it. The easy-to-
use interface has made it popular among universities in the United States where it’s still
ranked in the top 3 eLearning platforms.

Apart from teacher-student interaction and vice versa, Blackboard Learn is used for
communication between respective departments and in staff training. Due to its
popularity in the academic world, more and more businesses and governments are giving
it a try.

8.Articulate 360
If you’re for a highly-responsive eLearning authoring tool, then Articulate 360 is the
right way to go. This tool is mostly intended for pros, as it comes with an elaborate theme
editor. Another advantage of Articulate 360, including extra apps, Rise 360 and Storyline
360, is the
mobile-friendliness of every course you create.

If you’re for a highly-responsive eLearning platform, then Articulate 360 is the right way
to go. The ability to create visually interactive courses for every device imaginable
(mobile ones are a priority), sets Articulate 360 apart from its competitors. There is no
need for additional tweaking, as courses are instantly ready to be used on mobile devices.

For less experienced users, there is a library of themes to choose from, custom-tailored
for specific users’ preferences and needs. All the edits you make regarding both text and
images are stored inside a cloud, so the loss of data is virtually (pun intended)

9.LinkedIn Learning
A subsidiary of LinkedIn, LinkedIn Learning is a website offering various video courses
conducted by experts from all walks of life. The franchise was started back in 1995 as
Lynda, only to be acquired by LinkedIn and later Microsoft in 2017.This educational
platform utilizes the format of video lessons to create a base of more 16,000 courses that
are offered to LinkedIn users as a premium service.

Due to its longevity and the fact that such a renowned brand name as Microsoft stands
behind it, LinkedIn Learning is highly valued in the B2B community. Its unique value is
certification upon course completion. Furthermore, the course offers are personalized
because of the data LinkedIn has on its user base.

The main audience for LinkedIn Learning are students who wish to gain extra knowledge
on a particular subject. However, prospective learners need to conduct some research
before enrolling because course descriptions aren’t necessarily clear enough.

10.SHIFT eLearning

SHIFT is an easy eLearning option if you’re looking for a web-based authoring tool. If
features both HTML and draft functionality, meaning that you needn’t possess any
programming experience and still be able to produce a feature-packed e-courses.
SHIFT is an easy eLearning platform if you’re looking for a web-based authoring tool.
The many templates SHIFT offers utilize HTML5, as well as Adobe Flash, enabling one-
push publishing. Once you hit the “publish” button, the eLearning platform you created
becomes compatible with a wide range of devices indiscriminate of their screen size or
the aspect ratio


The E-learning platforms already discussed how it is really essential and useful to
provide the learners and Instructors a flexible and accessible opportunity to Learn,
acquired knowledge, developing new skills, and also saving time in the other ways, The
people need to keep pace the technology in this generation. Including the students, and
educators nor instructors in education field. Then it will dicussed that the E-learning
platforms are already started when the coronavirus are arriving and this E-learning
platforms is the only choice to continuing learning system.

All we know that technology revolutionized everything even the education field is
already benefited to this kind of setup. The researchers already discussed in this research
about the learning of future education, the rise of E-learning, the importance of E-
learning, shaping E-learning the future education where it have a subpoints, the virtual
schooling, self directed learning, learning on-the-go, one on one online tutoring, sharing
learning materials and VR and AR to simulate real-world scenario. And the researchers
discusses about personal learning Experience and the bottom line too.

The different philosophers are given an insights about the E-learning platforms,
such as the benefits and positive impact of E-learning Platforms wherein discussing about
the Flexibility where wherever place you are, of what you doing is you still learning
distantly through the advance technology. Development tools where it is very essential
because using tools or instrument to fulfill the distance learning you will learn using the
apps or website that your instructors discusses virtual. Improving communication in our
era, we are talking about the students and the teachers are build the cooperation. The
students and the instructors are not only to communicate through personal but
communicating also through virtual and chatting we can discuss or school task virtually,
and management where we need to learn to manage and control of using the E-learning
platforms. The research also discussed about the impact of virtual learning to the students
in higher education. And the researchers given the best example of the website or
application that need in E-learning platforms those are Docebo, Adobe captivate, google
classroom, ISring Learn LMS, Elucidad, lectora inspire, black board learn, Articulate
360, LinkedIn learning, and SHIFT Learning.

In other term, it hard to analyzed that the E-learning platforms are having a big
part in our lives in this generation. And we need it is basically easily and it is not really
tired because the students and instructors don't need to go to school they will turn on their
cellphones, your gadgets and computers, and using their data and Internet connection and
their are attending classes virtually. Because of that people knows that the online
teaching and learning platforms are more than ever the human intelligence.

And we need to acquire more information how to learn easily and flexibility in
other way. While the whole world are also relying on this, and the E-learning platforms
are right behind to fill the gap, but it is important that not all the courses and learning are
taught online.

Klašnja-Milićević, A., Et al,(2016). Introduction to E-Learning Systems.

Raouna, K. (2023). 30 Best Online Learning Platforms for 2024.


Rahman, S.(2020). The Future Of eLearning: Why Online Learning Is The Future Of

Kharod, S. (2021). eLearning And The Future Of Education.


Pajović, S. (2023). 10 Best Examples of eLearning Platforms Today.


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