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University Pathways Program Upper Intermediate A

Assignment 1 Writing: Descriptive Writing

1) Complete an internet search or discuss with others the ways that an environmental change is
impacting your community.
Ideas: air quality, rising sea levels, plastic in oceans, trash sites, colder or warmer temperatures,
frequency of natural phenomena such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc.
2) Write a paragraph of about 120 150 words clearly describing what the change is, what it looks
like and how it is impacting your community.

3) Include a graphic to highlight the change over time.

You will be evaluated on your: content (sufficient detail), organization of ideas and structure of
paragraph, vocabulary (range, accuracy), language (appropriacy, accuracy) and mechanics (spelling,
punctuation, capitalization, format).

- Font: size 12 Times New Roman
- Double-spaced
- Margins: one inch or 2.5 centimetres
- Cover page with title (MLA-style or APA-style)

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