TOK Knowledge Belief Opinion

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Knowledge, belief and opinion

1. I believe that challenges make me stronger.
2. I believe in Jesus.
3. I have a choice in how I respond to life.
4. I believe that people are generally good and kind.
5. The world is full of kindness.
1. Chocolate is the best favour of ice cream.
2. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.
3. Dogs are the best pets.
4. That is too expensive.
5. I don’t like that food.
1. The earth is round.
2. There are 365 days a year.
3. The water boils at 100 degrees.
4. A week has 7 days.
5. There is gravity at Earth so that we can stand on the ground.
Why should something be considered as a belief rather than an opinion:
The word ‘belief’ is nearly synonymous with the word ‘opinion’ as they both describe
the relationship of an individual mind to reality. They can be either correct or
incorrect. However, they are still a little bit different. Opinion is known as a
judgement based on facts, which is an honest attempt to derive a reasonable
inference from factual evidence. Everyone has their individual views based on their
understanding to things, they can have different opinions. Opinions can be
contested, debated, and penetrated by fresh perspectives and changed throughout
the time. In many times, opinion is a satisfactory means of deciding what reality is.
For example you can say that mission impossible is your favourite action movie, but
when you watch another movie like Marvel which you haven’t watch it before, your
opinion may change. That now there is a new reality that Marvel is your favourite
action movie.
Unlike an opinion, a belief is a conviction based on cultural, personal faith, morality,
or values. They influence our thoughts, behaviors, and attitudes in significant ways.
Someone ‘believe’ in something means that they accept it as true which is apply to
facts or to opinions. However, someone can believe something which is not true like
the ‘flat-earther’, and someone may refuse to believe something which is true like
the anti-vaxxer. In some cases we use the word ‘belief’ rather than ‘opinion’,
examples like ‘I believe in God’, ‘I believe the world is full of kindness’. In these
situations, the concept of belief tends to imply a deeper level of emotional
commitment to an idea than does the concept of opinion.

Why should something be considered an opinion rather than knowledge:

Opinions and knowledge are two different types of information. Knowledge is facts,
information, and skills acquired through experience or education also the theoretical
or practical understanding of a subject. Knowledge that has undergone verification is
regarded as accurate and true. It is unbiased and supportable by facts. Knowledge is
frequently acquired through investigation, learning, and experience. It is unaffected
by biases or emotions of the individual.
As mentioned before, an opinion is a belief or viewpoint that a person has. It is
subjective and can be influenced by personal biases, experiences, and emotions. But
can opinion be considered as knowledge? The answer is yes. Opinions can be
deemed knowledge if they are founded on factual evidence and supported by
reliable sources. Opinions that are unsupported by solid facts or that are based on
false assumptions, emotions, or incomplete information shouldn't be taken as

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