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Foreign policy events in Aims Impact on Italy Impact on Italy

Italy 1936-1940 (positive) (negative)

Involvement in the The aim for Italy’s Italy drew closer to their This involvement was
Spanish civil war 1936-39 involvement in the allies Germany. very expensive and
Spanish civil war was to cost a lot of money –
show his support to 14 billion lire.
Spain and his stance Increased the tension
against communism. It between Italy and
would also strengthen Britain.
their position in the
Rome-Berlin axis 1936 The main aim for Italy This was important for It could also be seen
was to strengthen the Italy’s geopolitical as negative as they
bond with Germany by position as it showed now cut their ties
signing an official pact. their alliance with a with Britain and
strong nation like France.
Invasion of Albania April Mussolini wanted to The positive impacts on The invasion strained
1939 emulate Hitler and Italy were that they Italy’s military as it
invade another showed their power to cost a lot of men and
country. It was also a other nations. It also facilities.
way to show power as stirred nationalism in Even though they
a country. Italy which was a good showed their power
thing for their with the invasion,
involvement in WWII other nations felt it
later in 1940. was an unnecessary
act and worsened
their relationship with
the League of
Pact of Steel May 1939 The pact of Steel Increased geopolitical Increased isolation
strengthened the Axis influence through the from Western
alliance with Nazi Axis alliance. democracies.
Germany. It also Strengthened military Contributed to Italy's
counterbalances British collaboration with Nazi later military
and French influence. Germany. overextension and
Ambitions of expansion challenges in World
in the Mediterranean. War II.
Joining WW2 June 1940 Italy aimed Pursue Initial territorial gains in Military setbacks,
territorial gains and the Balkans and North especially in North
imperial ambitions. Africa. Africa and Greece.
They also hoped to Collaboration with Nazi Economic challenges
enhance their role Germany strengthened exacerbated by the
within the Axis Powers. Italy's military position. costs of war.
Contributed to Italy's
eventual defeat in
World War II.

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