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A system-agnostic microsetting for

tabletop games

Written and Illustrated by

The Archon Ruins is written for two
styles of gameplay: those who enjoy
using minimalists rulesets with lots
of improvised rulings, and friendly
tables without a Game Master.

As a GMless adventure, the text has

no secrets to be discovered or
revealed, except what can be added
through randomness or player input. Obs.: If you have no ruleset in mind
The challenges and situations have you might try Dungeon Reavers,
no expressed solution and are my minimalist ruleset for fantasy
expected to be solved with creativity. thieves available for free at!
Also, have in mind that the D6 is the
standard dice used here.

First, create yourself some characters

using your prefered ruleset. Then
look at the factions available on page
24 and decide as a group if you want
to go as one of them or create your
own faction. Start playing at the
collapsed bridge and read the text as
you explore. Ask questions to further Table of Contents
develop the places and situations, Epilogue --- Pg. 03
and when the group is uncertain on Region Maps --- Pg. 04
what is the best answer to a question, Dungeon Maps --- Pg. 12
assign the possible outcomes to Factions/NPCs --- Pg. 24
numbers and decide the matter with Potkin Monsters --- Pg. 28
a dice roll. Use the random Artifacts --- Pg. 34
encounter table every time you go to
a new place, and look the list of
artifacts to inspire your objectives
and rewards during gameplay. Last
but not least, be kind and have fun!
Beyond the wicked palovalley
Lies the ruins of a cursed realm
where hearts of lost spirits
are doomed to eternal silence

Over the scarlet cliffs you see

A majestic beast of haze
Floating rocks of shining mystery
Along a bridge of stone and clay

Beware those who meet

Within remnants of remote age
Without knowing what thy seek

Because among wonderful secrets

There's always dangerous traps
Waiting to catch forlorn regrets...

THE DESERT PLATEAU 3 - Necropolis (pg. 12)
The region looks small but the sand Home of most of the potkins, where
is very difficult to travel on foot, they sleep all day and dance all night.
making each hex 2 hours of travel. Graffitti in the outer walls make very
Roll a D6 to see how many hexes clear that humans are not welcome.
you can travel before triggering a Streets are tight and jumping over
random encounter, then use the buildings is easy, but there's always a
random table in page 06 to see what 1/6 chance of collapsing the roof.
you found. Encounters only happen
during the day, but the desert 4 - Crystal Lake
becomes freezing cold at night and Lair of Elsbreth the swamp witch.
takes 1hp for each hex you travel. The hovering crystal is visible from
The blue spirits floating over the any part of the desert, glowing blue
sand can be captured to recharge during the day and red at night.
magical items. Blue doors are sealed Drinking the water causes nausea
with magic and golden doors and strong hallucinations, but
requires a Deacon's Staff to open. enhances magical effects for 6 hours.

1 - Collapsed Bridge 5 - Leviathan's Ground

The region is accessed through the The place where the Leviathan
remains of a collapsed stone bridge. emerges at dawn and returns at dusk.
Jumping over is doable but very The apostles of K'oz gather here at
difficult and life risking. The group is night to worship the slumbering
encouraged to come up with a clever creature. Their "forced donations"
solution to cross the bridge safely are hoarded in a nearby cave hidden
and avoid rolling. by trees and guarded with traps.

2 - Quiet Grove 6 - Pirates Shipwreck

A safe haven for travelers. The grove The recent crash forced the pirates
has bushs of wild berries and edible to stay in the desert a little longer.
roots to sustain a small group for a The captain is alone trying to fix the
few weeks. Birds and squirrels live ship with no success. The storage
safely in the trees without natural cabbin has exotic food for a few
predators. The potkins refuse to go weeks and a treasure chest full of
there for some reason. gold coins from the empire.

7 - Broken Titan 11 - Forbidden Library (pg. 20)
A silent titan with no legs always Full of ancient books and erudite
contemplating a mysterious object corpses. The Library has been shut
on their hand. Different from other since the Deacon's arose to power
potkins, this one doesn't deactivate at and the Wardens believe the
night and is always awaken. If the Archon's Spear is hidden there
Deacons steal his crystal, they will be somewhere, but they never managed
able to defeat the wardens. to invade the place.

8 - Deacon's Fortress (pg. 16) 12 - Potkin Factory (pg. 18)

The base of operations of the The Deacons reactivated the
Deacons. Their soul gems are stored operations recently to replace it's
in the highest tower, from where servants damaged vessels, but the
they project their souls throught the lack of new souls prevent their
desert. The place is heavily guarded numbers from increasing. If they get
by servants and stores a few relics their hands on an Archon's soul,
from the ancient past. nothing will stop them.

9 - Crystal Mines (pg. 22) Overworld Encounters (2D6)

The place where Potkins go to die in 2, 3 - A Leviathan gently hovering
peace when their soul gems become over the clouds and bringing a storm
too unstable. The old mines are 4 - Potcrawler looking for servants
almost depleted, but theres still a few and invasors to anihilate
veins to extract from. It connects to 5 - Potcrawler fighting 2D6 servants
the underworld caves through the (losing if the number is 10 or more)
glowing river. 6 - A Reavers band (roll on pg. 24) in
need of help to advance their goals
10 - Eyed Obelisks 7, 8 - 2D6 Servant Potkins patrolling
Constructed by the Deacons to the area for invasors
channel their souls at distant vessels. 9 - An Arcane Scholar (pg. 26) in
It has a range of 2-hex and can be trouble, roll on this table again
destroyed with explosives. The 10 - A Deacon + D6 Servants trying
Deacons lose control of that area to shut down a Potcrawler
until the servants rebuild the obelisk 11, 12 - D3 Clay Titans looking for
in the next D6 days. crystals in the sand




The caves can be accessed through Walls covered in ancient sigils
various entries from the desert and detailing the strugle of the potkins
some of the dungeons. It's always before the fall. The structure
dark on the western portion of the resembles an archon shrine, but the
map, except when illuminated by the elevator pit is collapsed. The wardens
Potkin's eyes, while the eastern meet here sometimes to remember
portion is illuminated around the what happened.
crystal veins. Passages with
stalagmites are very dangerous to run 4 - Lair of Hands
through, which can be useful against A large chamber with 3D6 floating
opponents. The Wardens are always hands partially destroyed. A Deacon
patrolling the tunnels against the vessel waits in deep slumber to
Deacon's and their Servants, but protect the passage of those who
contrary to their enemies, they don't wish to access the elevator to the
have access to the factory and cannot forbiden library. The ceiling is full of
replace their broken vessels. stalactites susceptible to collapse.

1 - Wisdom Lake 5 - Potkin Cesspool

The golden bowl connects to the Connects to the Necropolis through
large crystal floating over the lake the well. The water is stagnant and
and can be used to recharge magic smells really bad. The pit has
items. Put the item inside the bowl accumulated enough flammable gas
and roll a D6 after one hour. If you to explode the entire necropolis. The
roll above the item's current number chamber is kept closed to prevent
of charges, raise it by 1. the gas to spread through the caves.

2 - Warden's Hideout 6 - Crystal Vault

The entrance is guarded with a The wardens use this place to refill
boulder trap that activates with their energy. The large crystal looks
several pressure plates spread across like those floating on the surface, but
the tunnel. Here the wardens repair this one is always glowing red. The
their bodies after a long fight. The Leviathan creature can be found here
leader is exhausted and looks for a at night storing it's energy into the
way to stop the Deacons forever. crystal while the wardens repair it.

7 - Cyclop Statue 11 - Crystal Mines (pg. 22)
A strange vibe emanates through this The amount of crystals here is
large chamber. The air feels heavier enough to create a milion potkin
and the sounds are drowned out by soldiers. The crystals can only be
the silence. The statue absorbs and harvested using diamond pickaxes,
nullifies any magical energy spent which were all hidden by the
inside the chamber. Offensive spells Wardens. Mining the soul crystals
are redirected at the spellcaster. attracts the Kilnwyrm.

8 - Kilnwyrm Lair 12 - Great Elevator

The corridors reverberate a twinkling The shaft is working but needs a
sound leading to a vast chamber. A charged magic crystal to operate. The
indestructible crystal glows brightly Deacons staff can also serve for this
enclosing a waterfall of cold light. purpose. Climbing the chains to the
The Kilnwyrm laser beams are forbidden library requires a lot of
stronger on this room, causing endurance, but all floors are locked
double damage on targets. except the Deacons Archives.

9 - Soul Spring Underworld Encounters (2d6)

The Archons created a machine to 2, 3 - The Kilnwyrm looking for
redirect souls from the river to the invaders to murder and digest
factory, but it's currently inoperative 4 - Floating Hands patrolling
due to malfunction. Loyal floating aimlessly, use furtivity to escape
hands protect the old machine from 5 - A Reavers band (pg. 24) greedy
wardens and the tunnel that leads to ambush to gain wealth and power
the Deacon's Fortress (pg. 16). 6 - Warden Potkins protecting their
ground from invaders
10 - Archon's Vault (pg. 14) 7, 8 - Warden Potkins fighting a
Erected to worship the Archons and incursion of 2D6 Servants
perform their rituals of immortality, 9 - An hostile Scholar’s (pg. 26) taken
now is their eternal prison. The by crystal madness
Wardens managed to destroy the 10, 11 - A Crystal Warrior thirsty for
entrance to most of them, but this a living soul to steal and digest
one Vault is still reachable through 12 - An Archon's projection looking
the underground. for allies to help and enemies to kill





Humans are not welcome, but the potkin folk are
welcoming for those who bring them gifts. Those who bring
violence willface an infinite horde of furious potkins and
willnever be welcome again - unless they change their
appearance. Use the OverworldEncounter table (pg. 06)
while on the surface andthe Underworldtable (pg. 10)
after reaching the undergroundrooms.
1 - Potkin Village 4 - Servant District
Ancient buildings filled with broken The servant potkins train all day to
furniture, overgrown vegetation and become better warriors. The new
walls covered in graffiti. The potkin recruits are sent to patrol the desert,
folk use their homes to write stories and the veterans are sent to fight the
and memories, but they prefer to wardens on the underground. Their
sleep outside to recharge their soul houses have nothing but broken
gems with abundant sunlight. weapons and discarded vessels.

2 - Main Square 5 - Underground Lake

An empty place during the day, full Broken potkin vessels pile up over
of life at night. The potkin brings the water. The Servants fight the
their drums and rattles and dance Wardens every noon and always lose
around the bonfire until sunrise. the battle. The Wardens take their
They also host marble tournaments soul gems to feed the Kilnwyrm, but
here to bet old trinkets and magic sometimes they leave some gems
items they find in the ruins. behind (D6-2 per day).

3 - Archon Chapel 6 - Wardens Barricade

A Deacon hosts a ceremony every The servants never managed to get
dusk praying to the Archons for this far in their endeavors. The
protection then send their army to a wardens are relentless in their
hopeless battle against the Wardens purpose and they never leave their
on the Underground Lake. The positions. Behind the barricade is a
Archon's Head (pg. 35) is guarded on sealed magic portal that leeds to the
the altar by 2D6 Servants. last Archon Vault (pg. 14).


2 2

The wardens were not able to destroy this place so now
they defendit everyday at allcosts. The Last Archon soul
is trappedat the bottom of the shrine protectedby a
powerfulguardian. Use the Underworldtable (pg. 10) for
the rooms 2, 3 and5. If the Renegade Soldiers are found
here, rollto see if they managedto release the Archon's
Soulor were allkilledby the guardian.
1 - The Elevator 4 - Guardian Chamber
Connects the underground shrine to A stronger version of the Clay Titan
the surface. Using the lever brings dual wielding golden axes. He can
the shaft to the surface and activates also fire a powerufl lighting bolt
the Floating Hand monsters at the from his belly once after D6 turns.
sealed chambers. Going down with Defeating the Guardian opens the
ropes requires a lot of endurance gate to the Archon's Vault and grants
and the risk of falling is lethal. D6 random artifacts (pg. 34).

2 - Sealed Chambers 5 - Secret Path (Trap)

These rooms are locked with a A floating hand is waiting in the dark
powerful magic seal that requires a and targets intruders carrying light
long ritual to destroy. The seal has sources. Going down the staircase in
36hp and takes D6 damage per turn. the dark is dangerous and requires a
The Floating Hand's Orb attack good perception. Stumbling on the
causes 3D6 dmg to the seal and may steps causes D6 damage for each
be triggered by taunting the creature. flight of stairs (max 3).

3 - Antechamber 6 - Archon's Vault

The Archon's ethereal voice can be Sorcerers may take advantage of the
heard in this roo promising eternal Archon's vulnerable state to bind
life and infinite wealth for those who their soul into a magical artifact at
release them. Throwing a magic item the risk of releasing them. If the
inside the golden brazier reactivates ritual goes wrong, the Archon
the magic portal to a secret path (5) possess the body of the sorcerer and
and skips the guardian chamber. flees to the Cyclop Statue (pg. 10).


This headquarters of operations is heavily guardedallthe
times, but it's easier to invade stealthily at night. The
Wardens know they willbe defeatedsoon if they keep
only defending, so they plan to storm the fortress at some
point. Use the Overworldtable (pg. 06) for random
encounters but ignore the results 2-5.

1 - Front Garden 4 - Sacred Courtyard

The front gate is always closed, and The access to this area is restricted,
the walls are patrolled by two unless the potkin are summoned by
servants. The gate is opened for the Deacons themselves. The
servant potkins and neutral potkins courtyard is guarded and gardened
who wish to serve the deacons, by a Clay Titan subordinated to the
which are scorted to the Sacred Deacons. The gate to the Deacon's
Courtyard to perform communion. tower is always locked from inside.

2 - Art Gallery 5 - Deacon's Tower

A place built to exalt the Archons Here the Deacon watches and
great past. Smug statues of pottery command their vessels at distance.
knights and average paintings A magic sealed chest guards all six
depicting the story of a glorious phylacteries, and touching the chest
kingdom ravaged by barbaric potkin triggers a dream battle with all
revolutionaries. Gullible scholars may Deacons. If they win the fight, they
take these narratives as real history. absorb the souls of the rivals.

3 - Servant Worshop 6 - Secret Route

Always busy with work. Every This route was created to escape the
servant is demanded to craft at least potkin rebellion. It connects to the
one piece of art showing their love soul spring underground (pg. 10) and
for the archons, and some of them can be used to sneak past the garden.
return to create more. The place is The Deacons never guard this
filled with buckets of clay, canvases passage from inside, but using it puts
and earth pigments. them on alert mode.


This place is currently usedby the Deacon's to replace the
vessels of their broken Servants. Those alliedwith the
Wardens can bring the soulgems of their comrades to
replace their broken vessels. People turnedinto potkins
can use this place to restore their souls into their former
bodies. Use the Underworldtable (pg. 10) but replace the
Kilnwyrm andWardens with Handencounters.
1 - Entrance 4 - Great Soul Infuser
The potkin factory is closed and The selected soul gem is placed
needs a Deacon's Staff to open. The inside the potkin with a glowing
door is heavy and made of magic- liquid that activates the gem. If the
infused stone. If the door is forced machine is activated without a living
to open somehow, the security soul-gem, you get a lifeless potkin
system is triggered and the floating vessel that can be used as remote
hands go look for invaders. puppets by sorcerers.

2 - Operation Center 5 - Storage Vault

If a potkin is destroyed and their Used to store potkins temporarily
soul gem is retrieved, the potkin during large productions. The place
factory can be used to build a new is now empty except for a few
vessel for them. The operation needs broken vessels. If a scholar is found
etherite crystals fully charged with here, they will be turned into a
sunlight to create vessels, one crystal potkin creature. Destroying them
per potkin's vessel HD. grants a soul gem and their equips.

3 - Production Track 6 - Archon's Computer

After selecting the potkin body type Proccess all the activities of the
and the soul gem, the machine will factory. The program to access the
start producing a new vessel using soul spring is inoperative and needs
natural clay and molds. The floating an Archon Soul to activate. If that
hands make sure that everything happens, the Deacons will be able to
goes well along the tracks and create an infinite army of potkins to
remove defective parts. take over the world.


The Deacon's have hidden an artifact capable of
destroying powerfulspirits here. This place is mostly
peacefulexcept for the encounters in the room 4 and6.
Everyday a random Scholar visits this place to study some
of their specialities. For everytime you see a Scholar here,
their staff gains a +1 bonus to spellcasting.

1 - Lower Level 4 - Deacon's Archives

The entrance is locked and needs a This section stores books about
Deacon's Staff to open. A gentle forbidden knowledge: necromancy,
Clay Titan named Batts guards this magic scrolls and classified records
place and protects the books from of the Archon civilization. Touching
looters. He communicates through any of the books activates the
hand language and knows the Deacon and his potkin squad which
location of every text in every shelf. is scattered on the floor.

2 - 2nd Floor 5 - Archivist Chamber

This floor stores mundane books, so This room is locked with a powerful
looking for any non-magic subject magic seal. It reflects unlocking
has a 1/6 chance of success. Most spells back at the spellcaster and
books talk about botany, culinary and knocks them out for D6 hours.
poetry. The desert doesn't have many Inside the chamber is an open chest
plants, but the archons sure knows with a weird vortex leading to
what to do with them. another dimension (6).

3 - Central Elevator (Locked) 6 - Secondary Tower

The mechanism is broken in the The tower looks the same, but
lower level and the only way of using upside down. The elevator shaft
it is through the Deacons Archives, doesnt work and the only way to go
which is unreachable through normal up is escalating the tower. At the
means. It gives access to all floors lower level (now the top) of the
except the Archivist Chamber and tower you find three Deacons
also goes down to the underground. protecting the God's Will (pg. 34).


This place has one of the last crystalveins of the
underground. The potkins come here to die when they see
they are going mad, andthe gravedigger give them a proper
burial. Use the UnderworldTable (pg. 10) when you
reach the rooms 5 and6. If Bogomir is foundhere, he
willbe studiying the crystals. Next time you findthe
Apostles of K'oz they willhave allturnedinto potkins.
1 - Potkin Cemetery 4 - Potkin Gauntlet
A large cave complex full of half The room has 2D6+3 wardens
buried potkins. A gravedigger warns fighting each other endlessly. They
intruders to respect those in eternal attack anyone on sight, those who
slumber. Their soul gems now emmit break recover from their shards after
a scarlet glow and have a 4-in-6 D6 turns and go back to fight the
chance of exploding violently with first thing they see. A magical artifact
any impact, causing 2D6 damage. (pg. 32) is in the center of the room.

2 - Storehouse 5 - Soul Veins

An old clay titan is here unactive Broken potkins lie around the veins
without his soul gem. The room is holding diamond pickaxes, the only
filled with broken pickaxes and tool capable of breaking soul
barrels of wet gunpowder. The crystals. The sound of mining atracts
elevator cuts the way to the crystal the Kilnwyrm. The encounter rate
veins, but has a 3-in-6 chance of starts at 1-in-6, each turn of mining
breaking and causing D6+3 damage. raising +1 and granting 1 crystal.

3 - Depleted Mines 6 - Glowing River

The floor of this room is full of red Following the direction of the water
crystals. Some of them are visible, leads you to a shore where you can
some of them are not. Either way, find the secret passage to the
steping on one of these crystals Archon's Vault and the Forbidden
makes them explode violently and Library. Following the river upwards
cause a chain reaction that might leads you to the Soul Spring (pg. 10)
collapse the ceiling. bellow the Decon's Fortress (pg. 16).

3HD 1. Renegade Soldiers

D6+6 Fled from their country after the war

Units was lost, they retreated into the
desert and established a camp. The
band Leader is negotiating with the
Deacons for a military aid to expel
the invaders from their homeland.
To firm their alliance, they need to
reactivate the Potkin Factory and free
the Archon from it's prison. They are
capable fighters with high morale
and never leave the wounded behind.

2HD 2. Cheat Bombers

2D6+1 Hired by a secret patron to steal
Units crystals and artifacts from the ruins.
They avoid direct combat at all costs,
plan elaborate ambushes and look
for oportunities to kill targets easily.
They use smoke bombs to escape
and poison bombs to neutralize large
groups. If they find the red crystals,
they can turn them into super
destructive explosives.

4HD 3. Vagrant Nobles

D6+2 In search for gold and glory, these
Units wandering knights are tired of their
easy lives and crave to become
legends. The honor and bravery
disappear as soon as they face a real
challenge. They don't know how to
leave the desert and are too proud to
admit. They all die of insolation
eventually, and the Deacons turn
their corpses into necrotic puppets.
3HD 4. Boatless Pirates
2D6+3 Also known as the "Thunderbirds",
Units they are currently shipwrecked in the
southeast portion of desert. The
galleon is destroyed beyond repair by
mundane means, but the Captain
refuses to leave it behind. The
tripulation is sent to do two tasks:
find clear water and the fugitive who
caused the accident (roll a Scholar).
They fight fast and gracefully,
making every opponent astonished.

1HD 5. Runaway Deadbeats

3D6+2 A dysfunctional band composed of
Units ordinary folks trying to find an easy
way out of their huge debts. Their
current plan is to fill their bags with
gold and shining stuff and take them
to the black market. The group is
clumsy, poorly trained and badly
equiped, but maybe they get to
overcome their problems through
the power of friendship.

2HD 6. Apostles of K'oz

D6+4 These people believe the desert
Units Leviathan is a herald of an ancient
cosmic entity and seek to understand
it's message. They give two options
to non-believers: become a follower
of K'oz or make a very generous
donation. They employ soul-stealing
daggers to recharge their improvised
staffs, which they use to cast magic
missiles and teleportation.
4HD 1 - Legolin, Elven Wizard

2D6+1 Studies the realm of darkness and

Spells ether. Carries a Voidwood staff that
controls shadows and absorbs light.
Searchs for the soul of his beloved
husband stollen by the Archons long
ago, and knows the factory's
computer might give him a clue.
After finding his beloved's soul, he
either turns into a potkin or steal a
reaver's body to make a transfusion
and resurrect him.

1HD 2 - Elsbreth, Swamp Witch

D6+2 Studies the realm of plants and
Spells fungi. Carries a Rotwood staff that
grows roots and mushrooms. Wants
to use the Crystal Lake to rebuild her
swamp homeland destroyed by
warmongers. The potkins like her
presence and she might become a
strong ally for the Wardens. If the
Deacons turn her into a potkin, she
becomes grumpy watering pot.

6HD 3 - Ogion, Desert Nomad

2D6+3 Studies the realm of sand and wind.
Spells Carries a Hollowood staff that
creates storms and turns rock into
sand. Searches for magical artifacts
to sell in the great capital. The Hawk
is extremely loyal and communicates
telephatically with his best friend.
The Deacons want to steal his staff
so they are able to excavate the
ground and reach the archon shrine.
5HD 5 - Mortisa, Imperial Arcanist
D6+3 Studies the realm of fire and metal.
Spells Carries a Pyrewood staff to cast all
sorts of pyromancies. Wishes to
discover the Archon's secrets to
eternal life to win the graces of the
western emperor. She believes the
information can be found in the
Forbidden Library. The Deacons
want to recruit her to destroy the
underground Wardens, then turn her
soul into a stronger Kilnwyrm.

2HD 4 - Bogomir, Mountain Hermit

2D6+2 Studies the realm of sound and light.
Spells Carries a Goldenwood staff that
projects powerful illusions and turns
into a mirror copy of himself. Wants
to transcend through communion
with the crystal god under the desert.
He has some influence over the
Apostles of K'oz and might use
them to achieve his goals, meshing
all souls into a new Leviathan.

3HD 6 - Delmira, Provincial Healer

D6+1 Studies the realm of water and stars.
Spells Carries a Faewood staff that heals
bodies and fix broken things.
Wants to find a cure for the undead
plague in her homeland. The only
way to do that is fixing the archon
computer and reverting the
operations to retrieve the stolen
souls. The Deacons might use her to
achieve their own goals.
Potkin Folk - 1HD
Most potkins live in the necropolis,
where they sleep all day and dance all
night. They fear humans and avoid
conflict, but they are ready to crush
any agressors with the sheer force of
their numbers. They don't carry any
treasures with them besides the soul
gem inside their bodies, some
etherity crystals and a bunch of
useless golden coins. (Pg. 34)
Servant Potkin - 2HD
The bigger potkins are recruited by
the Deacons and turned into a loyal

militia. They ambush and capture any

living creatures they find wandering
through the desert and take them to
the Potkin Factory. Unlike the small
potkins, their soul gems are magically
tied to the Deacon's Staff, which
makes them easily controlable by
those holding it.

Warden Potkin - 3HD

Opposing the Deacon's army, this
faction guards the Archon vaults to
prevent their release. Won’t hesitate
to kill invaders and feed their souls
to the Kilnwyrm. They become
fewer in numbers after each attack,
and soon their enemies will get what
they want. Their only chance to win
is either destroying the Factory or
the Deacons themselves.

A majestic pottery beast hovering
over the desert sky. Those who cross
their path face a ceaseless lightning
storm (2D6+3 dmg/turn). Each 3
points of inflicted damage makes it
Kilnwyrm drop a pot with 2D6 crystals. Dives
A terrible dragon-like potkin into the sand to recover energy after
crawling under the desert caves. The half HP, returns stronger (7HD) and
Wardens keep it alive to protect the hostile next encounter. It's tail can be
underground from invaders and used as a heavy magic shield. (pg. 34)
servants of the Deacons. Shoots
laser beams (3D6 dmg, D6 shots)
and swallows humans whole, turning
their body and souls into raw energy
(+1 shot). It's pothead can be turned
into a bulky laser cannon. (pg. 34)


Crystal Warrior 4HD
Immune to both magic and physical
attacks except blunt weapons. Pursue
invaders and crystal thieves
relentlessly until they lose sight.
Potkins used to create deep pit traps
to bury these creatures inside the
earth, but sometimes they manage to
return to the surface, specially when
someone is mining soul crystals.

Potcrawler 4HD+3
A fast four-legged Potkin that shoots
lightning bolts (2D6 dmg). Different
from other potkins, this one is more
a killing machine than a creature and
has no capacity for diplomacy. They
were reactivated by the wardens to
fight the servants and deacons at
the surface and will shoot anything
moving over the sands.

Floating Hand 3HD+3
Shoots a lightning ball (2d6 dmg)
from their big eye to stun invaders,
grab them and squeeze them until
they pass out. Those allied with the
Deacons bring their victims to their
masters, while those living in the
underground throw their victims in
the desert. They can be controled at
distance by using the Hand Staff of
the Deacons.

Clay Titan 5HD+3

Silent giants who wander through the
ruins looking for soul gems lost in
the sands. They were not made to
fight, but they are pretty much
capable of killing humans with just
one punch. At the end of the day,
they go to the potkin factory and
return the gems to recreate vessels.
A clay titan may drop up to 3D6
crystals after being destroyed, but
it will alert the Deacons and
send floating hands to
pursue the reavers.

Deacons - 4HD+6
Wearing exquisite religious garments,
their unique soul gems makes them
capable of spellcasting and telephatic
comunication. They wish to rebuild
the Archon's former empire, and to
do that they need to restore the
factory into full power to create an
infinite army of potkins. Their only
obstacle is the Wardens
determination to protect the
Archon's Vault, but they are very
close to achieve their goals.

D6 Spells
1. Lighting Bolt (2D6 dmg and stun)
2. Freezing Arrows (Stun D6 targets)
3. Fireball (3D6 dmg in area)
4. Servant Summoning (D6 potkins)
5. Illusion (Turns into D6 copies)
6. Mind Control (roll to resist)

The Last Archon - 6HD+6
Currently Imprisoned in the
Archon's Vault, but is capable of
creating a weaker projection (3HD)
of itself anywhere in the glowing
caves. Any creature looking directly
at it will be paralysed or become
insane. To release it from it's prison
only takes to destroy the golden rings
with a potkin hammer. If released, it
will flee directly to the giant cyclop
statue (pg. 10), raise from the ground
and destroy everything on sight.

D6 Attacks
1-2. Laser Beam (3D6 dmg in line)
3-4. Electrick Shockwave (2D6 area)
5-6. Soul Stealing (D6 hp per turn)

11 13 14

21 12



31 Roll D66 to get a

random treasure!
33 34


Obs.: The items 32 to 36 are unique

and need specific conditions to
appear as random loot.
11. Archon's Gold found inside 24. Etherite Arrow enchanted with
most potkins (d6/HD), the coins a random spell. The effect disappears
have no actual value anywhere. after touching the target.

12. Soul Gem, the heart of a Potkin. 25. Eyed Amulet of forgotten gods.
Can be used to recharge magical The amulet gives a +1 bonus to a
items, one charge per Potkin's HD. random stat (+3 max).

13. Etherite Crystal filled with 26. Flying Dagger that follows the
magic to estabilize soul gems, able to target until they disappear of their
store spells. Potkins drop 1 p/HD. sight. 1 use per crystal.

14. Etherity Sickle made to steal 31. Deacon's Staff with two of
souls from living creatures. Can be their six spells (page 32). Has D6
used to recharge soul gems. uses before needing recharge.

15. Potkin Hammer very effective 32. God's Will, a mythical spear that
against pottery and bones, but not so kills demons and powerful spirits,
much against metal. hidden in the forbidden library.

16. Warden's Shield, absorbs 33. Kilnwyrm Head dropped after

physical damage and reflects as a destroying it. Turns a soul gem into a
magical blast (3 dmg = D6 dmg). powerful laser beam (3D6 dmg)

21. Golden Key that turns doors 34. Diamond Pickaxe, literally
into magic portals to places the user indestructible. Used to mine etherite
has already visited, then disappears. veins, hidden by the Wardens.

22. Clay Slab that stores a random 35. Severed Leviathan's Tail,
spell to learn. Scholars can use their absorbs all magic and turns damage
knowledge to create magic items. into hit points ( 3dmg = 1hp)

23. Scarlet Gem dropped by potkins 36. Preserved Archon's Head,

that went insane, their souls can only displayed in the chapel (pg. 13), can
be used for destructive spells now. be used to trap the Archon's Spirit.

41 42




53 54




The uses of these mysterious artifacts have yet to be discovered.

Be careful what you wish for!

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