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Book of the Week

The Colour Monster

First Level/KS1 At the end of the week ask the
children to sort their objects by
Questions for discussion:
- Do you have more negative or
positive feelings?
- If you have more negative, do
you remember it being a bad
Often we recognise the strong or
unusual feelings more than calm
or happy. Encourage the children
to catch themselves feeling happy
or calm over the weekend and
Lesson 1 into the next week.
 Listening and talking Plenary:
 Identifying emotions and feelings • Check in with the children
 Emotion words regularly, remind them to add to
their record.
Introduction: • Discuss emotions as part of
In this book, there are five main conversations throughout each
emotions that are explored. Each of day, encouraging them to identify
these emotions has a different colour the emotion word to describe how
attached to it. It may be worth they felt.
displaying this somewhere.
Sadness Lesson 2
Happiness Skills:
Calm  Listening and talking
Fear  Using description
 Identifying emotions and feelings
Spend time discussing each of the  Emotional regulation
emotions mentioned in this book.

Task: Introduction:
Using the back page of a jotter or a Have a discussion with the children
piece of paper ask the children to about “anger”.
create a record of their emotions. - What makes them angry?
Each time they feel a “feeling”, add - When was the last time they
a circle or a face of that colour to felt angry?
their record.  

Lessons by @Miss_McMillan_

Book of the Week
The Colour Monster

Lesson 3
 Listening talking
 Identifying emotions and feelings
 Emotional regulation
 Helping others
Discuss what anger might look like. Introduction:
How does it feel, smell and sound Have a discussion with the children
like? Draw a picture of anger! about what makes them feel sad.
What types of things make them feel
Create a list with the children of the better? What could they do to make
types of things they can do to calm someone else feel better?
themselves down when they are
feeling angry. Display it somewhere Task:
in the classroom so it can be used as Ask the children to draw around
a reminder. their hand and write or draw
different things that they could do
Ask the children to write a story to help somebody who was feeling
about a person who is angry. sad.
- What made them feel angry?  
- What did their body do when they Extension Task:
were angry? Encourage the children to check in
- How did they manage to calm with someone today. It could be
down? somebody in school, a family member
They could even write a personal or neighbour - anyone they want.
recount of a time when they were Ask them to draw them a picture,
angry. make them a card or write them a
Ask the children to aim for 5 Plenary:
ambitious words and 3 varied • What would you do if you noticed
sentence openers! somebody was feeling sad?
• What would you do if you felt
Plenary: sad?
• How does anger feel?
• How does anger look?
• What might you do to help
regulate your emotions?

Lessons by @Miss_McMillan_

Book of the Week
The Colour Monster

• How does your body feel when it
is calm?
• What types of things can you do
to help your body feel calm?
• When might you use these? (Link
Lesson 4 to other emotions).
 Listening talking
 Identifying emotions and feelings Lesson 5
 Emotional regulation Skills:
 Body sensations  Listening talking
 Identifying emotions and feelings
Introduction:  Emotional regulation
Ask the children what the word  Body sensations
“calm” means to them. Discuss the
types of places, things or people that Introduction:
may make a person feel calm. Have a discussion about things that
the children are scared of. They
Task: don’t need to share if they don’t
You may choose to take one of these want to, but explain that sometimes
each day, maybe after break or talking about fears can make you
lunch and have a go at each of them. feel better.
Try an activity that encourages the
children to be calm, such as: Task:
• Yoga Ask the children to think about what
• Mindfulness Colouring happens to their body when they are
• Lights off and calm music scared. Draw around a member of
• Breathing activities the class and list all of the body
Before the activity ask the children sensations such as “wobbly legs” on
to think about the way their body the drawing.
o How fast is your heart? Ask the children to design their own
o How warm/cold are you? a safe space where they would go if
o What types of things are on your they were feeling scared. Consider:
mind? • Where would it be?
After completing the activity, check • How big is it?
in with the children again and ask • What types of things would there
them to consider how their body be there?
sensations have changed. • Who else would be there?

Lessons by @Miss_McMillan_

Book of the Week
The Colour Monster

Lesson 7
• Name something your body does
 Data Handling
when it is scared.
 Identifying emotions and feelings

In lesson 1, the children were asked
to record their feelings for the
week. Ask them to count how many
of each feeling they noted down.

Lesson 6 Create a bar graph of their feelings
Skills: that week.
 Gathering information
 Newspaper writing Plenary:
• Which feeling was felt the most?
Introduction: • Which feeling was felt the least?
Gather a range of newspapers and
investigate the style of writing and
layout. Discuss interview techniques
and the types of information needed
to a newspaper article.

Create a class “Good Newspaper”
based on good news and happy events
that have happened in the class.
Have the children interview each
other regarding their good news
stories. Share it with other classes
and members of staff.

• Name three ways a newspaper
article is different to a story.

Lessons by @Miss_McMillan_

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