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Presented To The Faculty of The College of Business and Management Northern Negros State College of Science
and Technology Brgy. Rizal, Sagay City, Negros Occidental In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement for The
Degree Bachelor Of Science in Cooperative Management Larry M. Agosto Jr. Hope C. Dela Peña Mary Grace M.
Morales Joseph Adrian T. Omay Kimberly S. Solliquez, Leah C. Tapi-on December 2023 INTRODUCTION
Agrarian Reform Cooperatives (ARCs) play a vital role in the agricultural sector by providing a platform for
smallholder farmers to access credit, technical assistance, and market opportunities (Ugochukwu, 2019). Firstly,
Agrarian Reform Cooperatives ARCs serve as financial lifelines for smallholder farmers who often face hurdles in
securing credit from traditional banking institutions. By pooling resources and establishing cooperative financial
structures, ARCs enable farmers to access much-needed credit, empowering them to invest in essential inputs,
modern farming techniques, and other productivity-enhancing measures (Bonifacio, 2018) . Secondly, ARCs
provide invaluable technical assistance to their members. Smallholder farmers, who may need more access to the
latest agricultural practices, benefit from the knowledge-sharing and training initiatives facilitated by these
cooperatives. Through cooperative-driven education and skill-building programs, farmers enhance their agricultural
proficiency, leading to improved crop yields and sustainable farming practices. Moreover, ARCs create market
linkages for smallholder farmers, connecting them to broader market networks. This is particularly vital as individual
farmers may need help to negotiate favorable terms or access larger markets independently. The cooperatives act
as collective bargaining entities, ensuring that farmers receive fair prices for their produce and facilitating a more
equitable distribution of profits. In summary, Agrarian Reform Cooperatives are a cornerstone in the agricultural
sector, alleviating the challenges faced by smallholder farmers. By providing access to credit, technical knowledge,
and market opportunities, ARCs contribute significantly to the economic empowerment and overall well-being of
farmers, fostering a more resilient and sustainable agricultural landscape. The quality of services provided by these
cooperatives is critical in ensuring the success of the farmers they serve. Despite the significance of ARCs, studies
examining service quality in these cooperatives are limited, particularly in developing countries (Hyun, 2019).
Service quality refers to the level of satisfaction that customers derive from the services they receive from a
particular service provider (Castro, 2020). Several factors contribute to the assessment of service quality. These
may include the provider's ability to deliver services reliably and dependably, addressing customer's consistent
needs promptly and efficiently (Responsiveness), demonstrating Empathy and understanding towards customers,
providing a sense of Assurance in the service's competency and Reliability, and ensuring tangible aspects of the
service, such as the physical appearance of facilities or equipment, meet or exceed expectations. The

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level of service quality has a direct impact on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the overall success of a
business. A high level of service quality can lead to satisfied and loyal customers who are more likely to
return and recommend the service provider to
others. On the contrary, poor service quality can result in customer dissatisfaction, negative word-of-mouth, and a
decline in the business's reputation. It is a critical aspect of any service-oriented business, and its importance must
be emphasized, as it has a direct impact on customer loyalty and the overall success of the business.
Understanding and measuring service quality has been the subject of extensive research in the fields of
marketing, management, and service (Zeithaml, 2019). The measurement of service quality involves a
comprehensive analysis of the various dimensions of service quality, including Reliability, Responsiveness,
Empathy, Assurance, and Tangibility (Belly, 2019). According to (Rita, 2019), in recent years, the emergence of
new technologies and changing customer preferences has posed new challenges for businesses to maintain high
levels of service quality. Hence, there is a growing need for research to explore the different factors that influence
service quality and how businesses can improve their service delivery to meet the changing needs of customers
(Smith et al., 2019). This research aims to investigate the determinants of service quality of Cooperative in
Escalante City. The study will use quantitative methods to collect and analyze data from a sample of customers of
various service providers. The statement implies that there is a need for further investigation into the determinants
of service quality within cooperatives in this particular geographic location. Here are some aspects that highlight
the potential research gap: Limited Studies in Escalante City: There might be limited or no specific studies
focusing on service quality determinants in cooperatives within this particular city. This geographical specificity
implies that existing literature may not provide insights into the unique factors influencing service quality in the
cooperative context in Escalante City. Customer Perspective: This customer-centric approach suggests a research
focus on understanding service quality from the end-user's perspective. If previous research has predominantly
focused on internal factors or organizational processes within cooperatives, there may be a gap in understanding
how customers perceive service quality. If existing studies have primarily identified determinants but lacked
actionable recommendations for improvement, this study aims to bridge that gap by offering practical guidance for
enhancing customer satisfaction. The findings of this research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on
service quality and provide insights into how cooperatives can improve their service delivery to enhance customer
satisfaction. Objectives of the Study This study aimed to determine

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the Service Quality of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in Escalante City. Specifically, the study aimed to
determine the level of the Service Quality of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in terms of Empathy, Tangibility,
Responsiveness, Assurance, and Reliability when taken as a whole and 3/7
grouped according to profile variables and to determine the significant difference in the level of Service Quality of
Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in terms of the variables mentioned above when grouped according to their profile.
Hypothesis There is no significant difference in the level of Service Quality of

Agrarian Reform Cooperative in terms of Empathy, Tangibility, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Reliability when
grouped according to age, sex, civil status, and monthly income. METHODOLOGY Research Design This study
used a descriptive-quantitative research design. Descriptive research is conclusive in nature, as opposed to
exploratory. This means that descriptive research gathers quantifiable information that can be used for statistical
inference on your target audience through data analysis. As a consequence, this type of research takes the form of
closed-ended questions, which limits its ability to provide unique insights. Based on the foregoing, the descriptive
research design is, therefore, the most appropriate plan for this present investigation since it will examine the
effects or influences and conditions earlier mentioned. Respondents of the Study The respondents of the study are
the members, of Hacienda Bongco Agrarian Reform Cooperative, Hacienda Anita Agrarian Reform Cooperative,
and Don Esteban Agrarian Reform Cooperative. The respondents of the study are Members of Escalante City
Agrarian Cooperative, with a total of 97 respondents. Data Gathering Instrument In order to obtain the needed data
in this investigation, the researcher utilized Mr. A. Parasuraman's modified questionnaire, which was based on the
related literature that the researcher has reviewed and on the suggestions of the validators as well. Validity Nine
(9) juries validated the instrument. The juries were composed of experts specifically coming from the Academe and
the Industry. The result of the validity of the questionnaire in terms of Empathy is 0.912; Tangibility is 0.912;
Responsiveness is 0.956; 0.912 in terms of Responsiveness; and 0.912 in terms of Reliability. The overall validity
was 0.912, which means that the instrument used in this study was valid. Reliability The instrument was pilot-tested
in Molawin Agrarian Cooperative from 30 respondents. The reliability coefficient was 0.965, which means internal
consistency from 25 total items of the instrument. Gathering Procedure After being validated and reliability-tested, it
was administered to the officers of the Escalante City Agrarian Reform Program. A letter of request, approved by
the management, will be sought prior to the administration of the instrument. The purpose of the study was
thoroughly explained to the respondents, and their consent will be obtained after that. The questionnaire was
administered with the guidance of the researcher. The researcher immediately retrieved and reviewed the entries.
The data will then be tabulated, processed, and analyzed. Statistical Treatment This study used descriptive and
inferential statistics. Mean and standard deviation were used to determine the level of the Service Quality of
Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in terms of Empathy, Tangibility, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Reliability when
taken as a whole and grouped according to profile variables. In addition, the Independent Samples t-test and
ANOVA were used to test the significant difference when grouped according to their profile. Rating Scale
Interpretation 3.26-4.00Very Satisfied 2.51- 3.25 Satisfied 1.76-2.50 Not Satisfied 1.00-1.75 Very Not Satisfied
Ethical Considerations Prior to the implementation of this research, the researchers wrote a proposal letter to the
Agrarian Reform Cooperative in Escalante City to conduct a survey questionnaire to the active members and
officials of the cooperative. Likewise, researchers were assured by the researchers, and the results were treated
with utmost confidentiality. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 presents the

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level of S rvice Quality of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in terms of Empathy when taken as a whole and
grouped according to age, sex, civil status, and monthly income. The results revealed that the cooperatives have
a very satisfied level of service quality in terms of Empathy regardless of their profile. When grouped according to
age, regardless of it, Agrarian Reform Cooperatives have a very satisfied level of service quality

Agrarian Reform Cooperatives' level of Service Quality in terms of Empathy when categorized by age, sex,
civil status, and monthly income. The findings demonstrated that, regardless of their profile, cooperatives
have a very pleasant level of service quality in terms of empathy. Agrarian Reform Cooperatives have a very
satisfied level of service quality when classified according to age in terms of Empathy; those 41 above (n=21)
years old got the highest score of (x̄= 3.85), followed by 21-40 (n=56) with a score of (x̄= 3.79) and 20 below
(n=20) with a score of (x̄= 3.53). Also, regardless of sex, they have a very
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satisfactory level of service quality in terms of Empathy. Females (n=47) got a higher score (x̄= 3.91) compared
to males (n=50) with a score of (x̄= 3.60). Furthermore, regardless of civil status, ARCs have a very satisfied level
of service quality
In terms of Empathy, the service quality is satisfactory. Females (n=47) scored higher (x=3.91) than males (n=50),
who scored (x= 3.60). Furthermore, regardless of civil status, ARCs have a very satisfied level of service quality in
terms of Empathy; married (n=84) members have higher service quality with a score of (x̄= 3.79) compared to
single (n=13) members with a score of (x̄= 3.48). In addition, when grouped according to their monthly income,
regardless of it, cooperatives have a very satisfied level of service quality in terms of Empathy. Those who have a
monthly income of above 10,000 Php (n=5) got the highest mean score of (x̄= 4.00), while those who have a
Below 6,000 Php (n=72) got the lowest mean score of (x̄= 3.72). As a whole, in terms of Empathy, the Agrarian
Reform Cooperatives in Escalante City have a very satisfied level of service quality with a mean score of 3.75 and
a standard deviation of .271. This implies that in terms of Empathy under the service quality of Agrarian Reform
Cooperatives, their cooperative operating hour is convenient to their needs, provide attention to every member's
needs, and the management pays personal attention to members' situations. The following studies supported the
findings. The most crucial criterion for cooperatives to take into account in order to please their clients or clients is
providing acceptable service. For products and services to be viewed favorably by the community of potential
customers, they must be provided appropriately and with care. It is anticipated that successful product and service
marketing will follow from correctly performed and executed service (Dharsana et al., 2023). In addition, to
operationalize Empathy, six alternative emotional and cognitive variables were employed, along with various kinds
of multidimensional approaches such as multiple regression analysis, discriminant analysis, and multivariate
analysis of variance (Tan et al., 2019). The land service quality shows a positive outcome with a mean score of
3.87. 4/7
Based on tangibles, Assurance, Responsiveness, consistency, and Empathy, the public views all aspects of
land service quality as good (Euis-Salbiah et al., 2019). Table 2 presents the
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level of S rvice Quality of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in terms of Tangibility when taken as a whole and
grouped according to age, sex, civil status, and monthly income. The results revealed that the cooperatives have
a very satisfied level of service quality in terms of Tangibility regardless of their profile. When grouped according
to age, regardless of it, Agrarian Reform Cooperatives have a very satisfied level of service quality

The level of Service Quality of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in terms of Tangibility when considered as a
whole and categorized by age, sex, civil status, and monthly income. The findings showed that, regardless of
their profile, cooperatives have a very satisfied level of service quality in terms of Tangibility. Agrarian Reform
Cooperatives have a very satisfied level of service quality when classified according to age in terms of
Tangibility; those 41 above (n=21) years old got the highest score of (x̄= 3.86), followed by 21-40 (n=56) with
a score of (x̄= 3.71) and 20 below (n=20) with a score of (x̄= 3.67). Also, regardless of sex, they have a very
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level of service quality in terms of Tangibility. Females (n=47) got a higher score (x̄= 3.80) compared to
males (n=50) with a score of (x̄= 3.67). Furthermore, regardless of civil status, ARCs have very satisfied
level of service quality
in terms of Tangibility, married (n=84) members have higher service quality with a score of (x̄= 3.74) compared to
single (n=13) members with a score of (x̄= 3.69). In addition, when grouped according to their monthly income,
regardless of it, cooperatives have a very satisfied level of service quality in terms of Tangibility. Those who have
a monthly income of above 10,000 Php (n=5) got the highest mean score of (x̄= 3.88), while those who have a
Below 6,000 Php (n=72) got the lowest mean score of (x̄= 3.70). As a whole, in terms of Tangibility, the Agrarian
Reform Cooperatives in Escalante City have a very satisfied

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level of service quality with a mean score of 3.73 and a standard deviation of .210. This implies that the agrarian
cooperatives are using modern technology in their operational activities, and they have physical facilities that are
usually appealing. In addition, they have a very satisfactory level of service quality

in terms of Tangibility, which means that the cooperative provides a comfortable waiting area and the
cooperative's condition of building environment is clean. The findings supported the study of Pristavka et al. (2020)
that mentioned challenges in putting strategies for raising the standard of land services into practice, such as the
capacity and capability of apparatus personnel who are still unable to perform service and the dearth of human
resources with land affairs experience. Provided assessment offices were categorized according to land area, and
a considerable disparity was found despite the fact that overall performance was excellent and there was no
discernible variation across all categories when income class was taken into account. When divided among
income classes, there was no discernible difference in the physical layout, and clients expressed great satisfaction
with the assessment services (Tumbagahan et al., 2021) . Furthermore, the agrarian culture encompasses both
historical and modern values and relates to both tangible and intangible elements. It concerns the authenticity and
physical durability of tangible elements over time, as well as the significance that people attach to the methods
and abilities that have supported the creation of landscapes and the relationships that unite them into a distinct
formal and functional system (Laviscio, 2020). Table 3 presents the

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level of S rvice Quality of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in terms of Responsiveness when taken as a whole
and grouped according to age, sex, civil status, and monthly income. The results revealed that the
cooperatives have a very satisfactory level of service quality in terms of Responsiveness regardless of their
profile. When grouped according to age, regardless of it, Agrarian Reform Cooperatives have a very satisfied
level of service quality
in terms of Responsiveness. Those 41 above (n=21) years old got the highest score of (x ̄= 3.88), followed by 21-
40 (n=56) with a score of (x̄= 3.69) and 20 below (n=20) with a score of (x̄= 3.66). Also, regardless of sex, they
have a very
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satisfactory level of service quality in terms of Responsiveness; females (n=47) got higher scores (x̄= 3.86)
compared to males (n=50) with a score of (x̄= 3.60). Furthermore, regardless of civil status, ARCs have a very
satisfied level of service quality
in terms of Responsiveness; married (n=84) members have higher service quality with a score of (x̄= 3.73)
compared to single (n=13) members with a score of (x̄= 3.69) . In addition, when grouped according to their
monthly income, regardless of it, cooperatives have a very satisfied level of service quality in terms of
Responsiveness. Those who have a monthly income of above 10,000 Php (n=5) got the highest mean score of
(x̄= 3.92), while those who have a Below 6,000 Php (n=72) got the lowest mean score of (x̄= 3.67). As a whole, in
terms of Responsiveness, the Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in Escalante City have a very satisfied level of
service quality with a mean score of 3.72 and a standard deviation of .249. This implies that the employees and
staff of Agrarian Cooperative are willing to help, respond quickly to their concerns and needs, are fast in removing
potential errors, and give accurate information about the processing of documents. They can also be contacted
easily. Bastida et al. (2020) said that adaptable policies and initiatives that support the cooperative model are
necessary, which, even during hard times, encourages women to start their own businesses and work. On the
other hand, geographic agriculture's comprehensive level and the corresponding reaction degree of agricultural
transformation to technological innovation are based on the relationship between coordination and
responsiveness models (Fumin et al., 2022). Furthermore, regarding the general quality of the services, two of the
interfaces were mediocre, two of them were troublesome, and five of 5/7
them were moderately excellent. Every interface met my high standards. However, there was no evidence of a
beneficial correlation between farmer productivity and the service quality gap. (Abeyrathne & Kodithuwakku,
2022). Table 4 presents the
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level of S rvice Quality of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in terms of Assurance when taken as a whole and
grouped according to age, sex, civil status, and monthly income. The results revealed that the cooperatives have
a very satisfactory level of service quality in terms of Assurance, regardless of their profile. When grouped
according to age, regardless of it, Agrarian Reform Cooperatives have a very satisfied level of service quality

in terms of Assurance. Those 41 above (n=21) years old got the highest score of (x̄= 3.80), followed by 21-40
(n=56) with a score of (x̄= 3.79) and 20 below (n=20) with a score of (x̄= 3.74). Also, regardless of sex, they
have a very
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satisfactory level of service quality in terms of Assurance; females (n=47) got a higher score (x̄
= 3.86) compared to males (n=50) with a score of (x̄= 3.72). Furthermore, regardless of civil status, ARCs
have a very satisfactory level of service quality
in terms of Assurance; married (n=84) members have higher service quality with a score of (x̄= 3.79) compared to
single (n=13) members with a score of (x̄= 3.74). In addition, when grouped according to their monthly income,
regardless of it, cooperatives have a very satisfied level of service quality in terms of Responsiveness. Those who
have a monthly income of above 10,000 Php (n=5) got the highest mean score of (x̄= 3.92), while those who have
a Below 6,000 Php (n=72) got the lowest mean score of (x̄= 3.77). As a whole, in terms of Assurance, the Agrarian
Reform Cooperatives in Escalante City have a very satisfied level of service quality with a mean score of 3.78 and
a standard deviation of .234. This implies that the participants of cooperatives are honest in providing needed
information, the employees and staff of Agrarian cooperatives are knowledgeable enough to answer my questions,
and they also feel safe in their transactions with the cooperative. In addition, the management and staff are always
courteous towards them, and they are capable of handling and answering the complaints from members and
customers. Mahmud (2023) mentioned that considering the largest coefficient value, the assurance variable has
the greatest influence on customer satisfaction. A performance evaluation or assessment program designed to
stop quality degradation and reduce post-harvest losses becomes more standardized when grades and quality
standards are implemented. Moreover, the procurement of superior crops makes quality assurance in other post-
harvest processes more practicable (Bello et al., 2020). In addition, the primary goal of all standardization
processes was to guarantee continuous manufacturing using materials that adhere to specification requirements.
As a result, the company may operate more effectively and confidently, knowing that the raw material they use to
make their products is in good shape and satisfies all requirements to the fullest extent possible to satisfy the
expectations of the client (Pristavka et al., 2020). Table 5 presents the

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level of S rvice Quality of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in terms of Reliability when taken as a whole and
grouped according to age, sex, civil status, and monthly income. The results revealed that the cooperatives have
a very satisfied level of service quality in terms of Reliability regardless of their profile. When grouped according
to age, regardless of it, Agrarian Reform Cooperatives have a very satisfied level of service quality

in terms of Reliability; all groups of ages have the same means, and those 41 above (n=21) years old got the
highest score of (x̄= 3.80), 21-40 (n=56) with a score of (x̄= 3.80) and 20 below (n=20) with a score of (x̄= 3.80).
Also, regardless of sex, they have a very
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satisfactory level of service quality in terms of Reliability; females (n=47) got a higher score (x̄
= 3.88) compared to males (n=50) with a score of (x̄= 3.73). Furthermore, regardless of civil status, ARCs
have a very satisfactory level of service quality
in terms of Reliability; married (n=84) members have higher service quality with a score of (x̄= 3.80) compared to
single (n=13) members with a score of (x̄= 3.78). In addition, when grouped according to their monthly income,
regardless of it, cooperatives have a very satisfied level of service quality in terms of Reliability. Those who have a
monthly income of above 10,000 Php (n=5) got the highest mean score of (x̄= 4.00), while those who have a
Below 6,000 Php (n=72) and 6,000-10,000 Php (n=20) got the same lowest mean score of (x̄= 3.79). As a whole,
in terms of Reliability, the Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in Escalante City have a very satisfactory level of service
quality, with a mean score of 3.80 and a standard deviation of .236. This implies that in terms of Reliability, the
agrarian cooperatives always perform their services at the right time, the management shows genuine interest in
resolving any problems, and they also render their services within the promised time. Also, the agrarian
cooperative immediately responded whenever there was a community grievance. The findings supported the study
by Lamsal et al. (2023), the Reliability and efficiency of our suggested IoT platform for smallholder farmers, and
the enormous quantity of data we collected throughout our study. The SERVQUAL assessment method's results
indicate that Kampoeng Kopi Banaran agrotourism's service quality needs to be better. The IPA method, on the
other hand, evaluates qualities as follows: five in quadrant I (keep up the good job), five in quadrant II (focus here),
six in quadrant III (low priority), and seven in quadrant IV (potential overkill (Mulyo et al., 2021). Regarding the
general quality of the services, five of the interfaces were inadequate, two among them troublesome, and five of
them moderately excellent. Almost every interface met the high standards. On the other hand, there was a positive
correlation between farmer productivity and experienced level of service, but not between the service quality gap
and farmer productivity (Abeyrathne & Kodithuwakku, 2022). 6/7
Table 6 shows the inferential statistics measuring the significant difference
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in the lev l of Service Quality in terms of the study variables when grouped according to their age and sex.
When grouped according to the participant's age, using One- Way ANOVA, the results revealed that there is a
significant difference in the level of service quality in terms of Empathy (F = 10.350, p = .000); Tangibility (F =
5.460, p = .006); and Responsiveness (F = 5.617, p = .005), thus the assumption of the null hypothesis is
rejected. On the other hand, there is no significant difference in the level of service quality

in terms of Assurance (F = .438, p = .647) and Reliability (F = .000, p = 1.000); thus, the assumption of the null
hypothesis is not rejected. Using the LSD post hoc test, the researchers can determine between what age
groups are significantly different from each other. In terms of Empathy, the results revealed that there is a
significant difference between the age of 20 below and 21-40 years (and vice versa) with a mean difference (I-J)
of ± .263 (SE=.065) p = .000; and also, between the age of 20 below and 41 above (vice versa) with a mean
difference (I-J) of ±
.318 (SE=.077) p = .000. In terms of Tangibility, there is a significant difference between the age of 20 below and
41 above (vice versa) with a mean difference (I-J) of ± .187 (SE=.063) p = .004; and between 21-40 and 41 above
(vice versa) with a mean difference (I-J) of ± .150 (SE=.051) p
= .004. In terms of Responsiveness, there is a difference between the age of 20 below and 41 above (vice
versa) with a mean difference (I-J) of ± .216 (SE=.074) p = .005; and between 21-40 and 41 above (vice versa)
with a mean difference (I-J) of ± .187 (SE=.061) p = .003. This null hypothesis is rejected, which means that
between these groups of ages, the
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level of service quality in terms of Empathy, Tangibility, and Responsiveness would matter among Agrarian
Reform Cooperatives. Furthermore, age and sex have significant differences in the level of service quality in
terms of Empathy, Tangibility, and Responsiveness, which means there is a variation of age groups and sex
groups among participants where they can empathize with others, familiar with modern technologies, with that,
age and sex can be the factors of service quality. The

findings supported the study of Rampa et al. (2020), whose study found that the degree to which a used good or
service fulfills each customer's expectations is reflected in the concept of satisfaction. Higher satisfaction is
generally linked to a more limited gap between expectations and service delivery (Gao et al., 2018). In addition,
improvements in the agro-ecological and socioeconomic situations of rural areas and communities would follow
the partial implementation of such aims. When grouped according to the participants' sex, using an Independent
Sample t-test, the results revealed that there is a significant difference in the level of service quality in terms of
Empathy (t = -6.603, p = .000); Tangibility (t = -3.022, p = .003); Responsiveness (t = - 6.118, p = .000); and
Reliability (t = - 3.056, p = .003). Thus, the assumption of the hypothesis is rejected. On the contrary, there is no
significant difference in the ACR's level of service quality in terms of Assurance (t = .438, p = .647). Thus, the
hypothesis is not rejected. Using mean difference, we can see the difference between male and female, and it
showed -.302 in terms of Empathy, -.124 in Tangibility, -.264 in Responsiveness, and -.149 in Reliability. This
showed that there is a difference in the level of service quality in terms of four variables when grouped according
to their sex. The findings supported the study of Jang & Lee (2021); it is anticipated that as more forms of
community service become possible, demand for community service will only increase in the future. However, the
investment project for community service in the area is abstract. Table 7 shows the inferential statistics measuring
the significant difference

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in the lev l of Service Quality in terms of the study variables when grouped according to their civil status and
monthly income. When grouped according to the participants' civil status, using the Independent Sample t-test,
the results revealed that there is a significant difference in the level of service quality

in terms of Empathy (t = -4.247, p = .000); thus, the assumption of hypothesis is rejected. On the contrary, there is
no significant difference in the level of service quality of ACR in terms of Tangibility (t = -.730, p = .467),
Responsiveness (t = -.487, p = .628), Assurance (t = .744, p =
.459); and Reliability (t = - .251, p = .802) thus the hypothesis is not rejected. Using mean difference, we can see
the difference between single and married, and it showed -.302 in terms of Empathy. The results imply that
regardless of the profile of the participants, their civil status cannot be the factors of Tangibility, Responsiveness,
Assurance, and Reliability. In addition, their monthly income cannot be a factor in terms of Assurance and
Reliability. The findings supported the study of (Idayate et al., 2020); the dimensions of Empathy and Assurance
are identical to reality and societal expectations. Service quality has a significant enhancing effect on the
corporate image of the trade exhibitions, and both have significant positive effects on exhibitor satisfaction (Chei
& Chi, 2019). When grouped according to the participants' monthly income, using One-Way ANOVA, the results

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that there is a significant difference in the level of service quality in terms of Empathy (F =
3.319, p = .040); Tangibility (F = 3.121, p = .049); and Responsiveness (F = 6.824, p = .002), thus the
assumption of the null hypothesis is rejected. On the other hand, there is no significant difference in the level of
service quality
in terms of Assurance (F = 1.170, p = .315) and Reliability (F = 1.925, p = .152); thus, the assumption of the null
hypothesis is not rejected. Using the LSD post hoc test, the researchers can determine what monthly income
groups are significantly different from each other. In terms of Empathy, the results revealed that there is a
significant difference between below 6,000 Php 7/7
and above 10,000 Php (and vice versa) with a mean difference (I-J) of ± .283 (SE=.122) p = .023. However, no
significant values resulted in terms of Tangibility using the LSD. Furthermore, in terms of Responsiveness, there is
a difference between below 6,000 Php and 6,000- 10,000 Php (vice versa) with a mean difference (I-J) of ± .188
(SE=.059) p = .002; and between below 6,000 Php and above 10,000 Php (vice versa) with a mean difference (I -
J) of ± .248 (SE=.109) p = .025. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected, which means that between these groups of
monthly income, the level of service quality in terms of Empathy, Tangibility, and Responsiveness would matter
among Agrarian Reform Cooperatives. The only variable that can affect Empathy is civil status, while the monthly
income on Empathy, Tangibility, and Responsiveness. The findings supported the study (Martinez, 2022), which
said that the majority are married, work in agriculture, and do not currently belong to any other cooperatives.
Furthermore, all indicators of the ARB organization's organizational capability—including leadership,
management, finances, and physical capabilities—are on the

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"very good"
level. In addition, the organization's implementation of its operations is also on the
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"very good"
level, as is its sustainability. The ARB organization's management and physical capabilities have an impact on
how well it implements business operations, and the degree of business operations implementation affects the
organization's sustainability. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Therefore, based on the findings of the
study, the members of the Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in Escalante City have maximized the services offered
by their respective organizations. They have a very satisfied level of service quality, which implies great service
within the cooperative. Some variables could affect the quality of service of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives. The
age, sex, and monthly income of the Cooperative members can be a factor in their Empathy, Tangibility, and
Responsiveness. The sex variable could also affect the Reliability of service quality, and the civil status could
affect their

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Empathy as a dimension of service quality of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives. Since all these profiles mentioned
above variables are significant, the assumption of the null hypothesis is rejected. The cooperatives are
effectively meeting the needs and expectations of their members, demonstrating a strong commitment to
customer service. A very satisfactory level of service quality

can be gained from the cooperative's ability to empathize and understand their members, provide tangible and
reliable services, respond promptly to their needs, and instill confidence and trust through Assurance under service
quality dimensions. Based on conclusions, some recommendations are made for the improvement of the
Cooperatives and future studies. The cooperatives may implement a thorough training program for Agrarian
Reform Cooperative staff to improve employees' Empathy even further, such as training sessions or conferences
on customer requirements analysis and effective communication. The Agrarian Reform Cooperatives may also
invest in improving the Tangibility of services, such as upgrading physical facilities, renovating offices, or providing
modern equipment, to create a more professional and welcoming environment for their members. In addition, they
may strengthen the Responsiveness of the cooperative by implementing a feedback mechanism such as providing
suggestion boxes, online surveys, or dedicated member service communication models to ensure that concerns
and inquiries are addressed. They may also enhance the assurance dimension by establishing clear and
transparent policies and procedures, such as giving customers written guidelines or brochures that detail the
services offered and the rights and responsibilities of both the cooperative and its members. Furthermore, the
cooperatives may improve the Reliability of services by implementing regular monitoring and evaluation processes,
such as conducting assessments of service quality and performance to identify areas for improvement and ensure
consistent delivery of high-quality services. Future studies may include a regression analysis

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on the impact of service quality dimensions on the service satisfaction of the members. In addition, future
research may include the investigation of the impact of technology on service delivery, the influence of cultural
factors on service quality dimensions, a descriptive study on the empowerment of service quality, the impact
of service
recovery on service quality, the study of the role of customer expectations in service quality, conduct a
correlational study between service quality dimensions and customers' loyalty, and other service quality-
related variables.


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