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Soham Parekh (c0881566) Element 5

Group work – hands-on learning:

Active engagement in Six Sigma through team-based, hands-on learning proves highly impactful. This
pedagogical approach fosters the direct application of theoretical concepts, as exemplified in my course. Our
team addressed an authentic manufacturing challenge employing the DMAIC framework—Define, Measure,
Analyze, Improve, Control. Collaborative efforts facilitated the practical utilization of tools such as process
mapping and statistical analysis. Consequently, our joint endeavors yielded measurable enhancements in the
production process. This immersive experience underscored the effectiveness of teamwork and practical
application, solidifying my understanding of Six Sigma principles.

Group work – team work:

The Tuckman model, a well-recognized framework for team dynamics, unfolded perceptibly within our group.
Commencing with the forming phase, members acquainted themselves and grasped the project's scope.
Subsequently, the storming phase surfaced, marked by conflicts stemming from diverse perspectives.
Progressing to norming, our team navigated towards consensus, fostering a harmonious and more cooperative
atmosphere. Ultimately, the performing phase materialized, witnessing the team's streamlined efficiency as
we collectively propelled toward our shared objectives. This cyclical progression through Tuckman's stages
encapsulated the dynamic evolution and maturation of our team throughout the collaborative endeavor.

Group work - lessons learned:

The collaborative efforts of our team undeniably yielded a catapult design of superior quality. While
occasional disparities in participation emerged, we mitigated this challenge by defining explicit roles and
fostering open lines of communication. An enlightening realization surfaced: diverse perspectives not only
enrich the collaborative process but also significantly enhance problem-solving and innovation. This positive
insight underscored the value of inclusivity in our team dynamics, reinforcing the belief that leveraging a
variety of viewpoints ultimately leads to more comprehensive and innovative solutions.

Learning (group work) vs teaching (traditional lecture):

I lean towards group learning due to its interactive nature and real-world applicability, fostering diverse
perspectives and practical skill development. However, I acknowledge the structured information
dissemination inherent in traditional lectures. Reevaluating this preference post gaining work experience is
prudent, as it provides an opportunity to gauge its efficacy in professional settings. The dynamic nature of
workplaces may reshape personal learning preferences, making it valuable to reassess the most effective
learning methods within the context of real-world challenges and responsibilities.


Minitab Workspace played a beneficial role in project management, providing an organized platform. The
statistical software demonstrated robust functionality, albeit with an initial learning curve. While help
documents were accessible, they occasionally lacked depth, necessitating supplementary external resources
for clearer understanding. Overall, the combination of Minitab Workspace and the statistical software proved
effective, with the need for occasional external support during the learning process.

Element 5 Reflection Hansei (1) Page 1 of 2 Pages Issued 7 Oct 2023

Soham Parekh (c0881566) Element 5

Six Sigma DMAIC Project approach to improvement:

The DMAIC structure proved immensely valuable, despite its departure from conventional engineering
methodologies. Initially challenging, it offered a systematic framework for problem-solving. Illustratively, in
the Define phase, it facilitated the clear delineation of project goals and scope. This structured approach
ensured a methodical progression through each phase, enhancing the effectiveness of problem identification
and resolution within the project.

Engagement (not marked):

Hansei, a reflection tool in Lean philosophy, underscores the importance of self-awareness for continuous
improvement. Reflecting on these prompts has been enlightening, highlighting the significance of consistently
reassessing experiences for personal growth and development. Embracing this reflective approach is crucial in
fostering a mindset of continuous learning, ensuring that insights gained from past experiences contribute to
ongoing self-improvement and enhanced decision-making.

Element 5 Reflection Hansei (1) Page 2 of 2 Pages Issued 7 Oct 2023

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