11 клас. Тема 1. К.р.

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1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

1) Rob’s grandfather … him with toys and candy.

2) Liz had a … job in the evenings.
3) Children think their parents don’t...them.

4) Teen girls use a lot of bright …

5) I prefer … clothes: jeans, T-shirts, sweaters.
6) Such “gaps” can lead to ... and even to more serious problems.

7) My friends always use … tendencies in clothes.

8) Youth cultures help young people to … their feelings.
9) The …problem is wide, social and very serious.

10) Of course, we have many conflicts with our parents but we should
understand them as they... of us.

11) ...is a person who exaggerates their emotions.

Discrepancies, express, spoilt, make-up, part-time, understand, ,

modern, generation gap, take care, casual, a drama queen.

2. Translate the words from English into Ukrainian and from Ukrainian into

Disobedience_________, adolescence_______, delinquency________,

generation gap_________, lack of__________, maturity___________.

Розумний________, незрозумілий_________, дорогоцінний________,

бунтарський__________, провина_________, уряд________.
3. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.
1) I hate (to stay) alone at home.
2) I (to watch) this programme every Wednesday.
3) The train (to leave) at 5 p.m.
4) Listen! Somebody( to play) the piano.
5) The sun (to rise) in the east.
6) My dad (to drink) coffee now.

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