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A: Hi Kelly.
B: hello Christian,
A: can I ask you a question?
B: Yes, of course
A: Have you seen the reports? They should have been in my desk an hour
B: Yes, the new passant left them 30 minutes ago
A: Oh my god, that passant, how could he confuse the reports?
B: He is new, he is just learning, let him be for some days
A: But look at this, he wrote it wrong, he misspelled so many words and also
he didn't do the math correctly
B: Let me see, yes I get your point, he forgot some plus signs, some minus
signs and he didn't put any of them in parentheses.
A: How could he be so careless? If they continue making this mistakes they
are going to end up fired
B: Tell me, now we have to start all over again, but wait, look at the back it
says "wrong ones" and there are some others in your desk
A: Oh, let me see. Yes these are correct, these have all the signs and
B: Those were the bad ones, How could we missed that?
A: I don't know... but don't tell anyone or they will laugh at us.
B: Ok, don't worry
A: Ok, See you later Kelly
B: Bye Christian.

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