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Proceeding ICMHS 2016 ISBN 978-602-60569-3-1


Bannan Muthi’atul Af-idah, Jember University, Jember,;
Dwi Nurahmanto, Jember University, Jember; Dessy Dwi Risky, Jember University, Jember.

INTRODUCTION Table 1. Design of factor and level of nanoemulsion

Caffeine was an alkaloid commonly used as active formula
ingredient in cosmetics due to its high biological Factor Low level (-1) High level (+1)
activity for skin health as anticelulit, sunscreen, HLB value 12 15
antioxidant, and photoaging inhibitor [6]. Caffeine IPM consentration 1% 10 %
had potential antioxidant properties that could
protect cells against the UV radiation induce Formula and Preparation Caffeine Nanoemulsion
carcinogenesis with stimulatory effect on apoptosis Four formula caffeine nanoemulsion were shown in
in the UVB-treated epidermis cell in mice skin [8]. Table 2.
High hidrophilic properties of caffeine (log P = -0.07) Table 2. Formulas of caffeine nanoemulsion
caused difficulties to penetrate through the stratum Formula of Nanoemulsion
Ingredient Function
corneum of human skin [9]. Nanoemulsion was a 1 A B AB
drug delivery system that had good stability and Active
could potentially increase penetration of the drug Caffeine ingredien 1g 1g 1g 1g
through the skin that had particle size approximately t
1 – 100 nm. Oil phase, aqueous phases, and Alkohol
Oil phase 10 mL 10 mL 10 ml 10 mL
surfactant are basic component of nanoemulsion 25,2
Tween 80 Surfactan 35 mL 25,2 mL 35 mL
[11]. Surfactant was the important compound in mL
preparation of nanoemulsion. Type, amount of Span 80 Surfactan 9,8 mL - 9,8 mL -
surfactant, and HLB value of surfactant can influence Isopropyl
CPE 1 mL 1 mL 10 mL 10 mL
nanoemulsion stability [1]. Isopropyl miristate (IPM)
was chemical penetration enhancer (CPE), was Aquadest Ad 100 mL
added in skin drug formulation to incrase the
penetration ability of the drug [3]. This study aimed Caffeine nanoemulsion was prepared by dissolving
to investigate the effect of hydrophile lipophile the caffeine into benzyl alcohol, stirred using a
balance (HLB) value of surfactant combination magnetic stirrer on a hot plate at 50° C, then adding
(tween 80 and span 80) and IPM concentration on a surfactant mixture tween 80 and span 80, stirred
the stability and penetration ability of nanoemulsion until homogeneous, then added IPM and recently
using factorial design method and obtain the added distilled water. The process of stirring for 30
optimum formula of caffeine nanoemulsion using minutes to produce a clear and homogeneous
Design Expert 9.0 analysis. nanoemulsion.


Material Stability test was conducted on four formula
Caffeine (PT. Bratachem), tween 80 (PT. nanoemulsion with the heating cooling cylce
Bratachem), span 80 (PT. Bratachem), benzil alkohol method. Caffeine nanoemulsion was stored in 40° C
(Sigma Aldrich), aquadest, and buffer saline phospat oven for 24 hours and then stored in the closet
pH 7,4 ± 0,05. pendingn 4° C for 24 hours (1 cycle). The tests was
Design Factorial performed of 6 cycles (12 days). the stability was
This study uses two factor and two level factorial determined by measuring pH and viscosity friction
design. The factors were HLB value of combination before and after the test using pH meter and
surfactant and IPM concentration in high and low viscometer.
level. Respon that was obseved in this resarch was
stability and penetration ability of cafeine In Vitro Skin Penetration
nanoemulsion. Level of the factor was determined In vitro skin penetration studies across rat skin were
by a preliminary test and literature studies, shown in performed using Franz diffusion cell. Abdominal
Table 1. skins were obtained from male albino wistar rats
aged 2-3 months weighing 150 ± 20 g. Acceptor

Proceeding ICMHS 2016 ISBN 978-602-60569-3-1

compartment was fulfilled with buffer saline Figure 1. Caffeine nanoemulsion had pale yellow color,
phosphate pH 7.4±0.05 and the donor compartment transparant and homogenous. F(1) HLB 11, IPM 1%; F(A)
was filled with 3 ml of caffeine nanoemulsion. Franz HLB 15, IPM 1 %; F(B) HLB 11, IPM 10%; F(AB) HLB 15,
IPM 10%.
diffusion cell was placed on a hot plate at 37° C.
Samples were taken at minute 0, 15.30, 25, 60, 90,
Analysis with Design Expert 9.0
120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, and 480 about 3 mL Viscosity and pH friction datas were obtained from
and replaced with 3 mL of buffer saline phosphate stability testing and flux penetration datas were
pH 7.4 ± 0, 05. Caffeine content in the samples was obtained from in vitro penetration testing were
determined using UV-Vis spectrophotometer analyzed using Design Expert 9.0. The result of
instrument at a wavelength of 273 nm. Penetration stability and in vitro penetration testing were shown
flux was slope values of cumulative level of caffeine in Table 2.
which penetrated to time. Table 2. Result of stability and in vitro penetration testing
Data Analysis Factor Respon
Flux penetration, pH friction, and viscosity friction Penetration
F R Viscosity pH Flux
datas were analyzed by using Design Expert 9.0 A B
friction friction (μg/cm2.menit
softwere to determine the effect of HLB value of )
surfactant combination and IPM concentration 1 1,10 0,08 3,801
F (1) 2 -1 -1 1,40 0,23 3,659
against flux pentration, viscosity and pH that was 3 1,10 0,27 3,179
shown by the general equation Y = b0 + b1XA + b2XB 1
0,70 0,06 3,960
+b12XAXB. Design Expert 9.0 also generate F (A) 2 -1 0,30 0,12 3,650
3 0,20 0,06 4,059
recommendations optimum formula of caffeine 1 1,50 0,14 7,674
nanoemulsion that has good pentration ability with F (B) 2 -1
0,70 0,04 7,737
3 0,80 0,06 7,941
high flux penetration and good stability with smallest
1 0,30 0,01 4,994
friction of viscosity and pH. F (AB) 2
+ +
0,20 0,02 5,234
1 1
Characteristic Nanoemulsion 3 0,20 0,01 5,234
Organoleptic properties of caffeine nanoemulsion F: formula, R: replication, A: HLB value of surfactant
were observed visually in color, odor, homogenity combination factor, and B: IPM consentration factor.
and clarity. Characterization of nanoemulsion used
PSA (Particle Size Analyzer) SZ- 100 to measure zeta Viscosity and pH friction showed stability of
potential, particle size and distribution of particles nanoemulsion. Caffeine nanoemulsions with the
nanoemulsion. Morphology of droplet nanoemulsion lowest pH and viscosity friction has good stability. pH
was observed by using TEM (Tramspission Electron friction respon had general equation Y = 0,092 –
Microscope). 0,045 XA -0,045 XB+ 0,012 XAXB and contour plot
that was shown in Figure 2.
Design-Expert® Software
pH Friction
B : K o n s e n tr a s i IP M ( P e r c e n t)

RESULT AND DISCUSSION Factor Coding: Actual Pergeseran pH

Pergeseran pH 103 3
Design Points
Preparation Caffeine Nanoemulsion0.27 Prediction 0.0261769

Four formula of caffeine nanoemulsions produce


transparant and homogenous pale yellow solution
X1 = A: Nilai HLB
X2 = B: Konsentrasi IPM

with pungent odor that was shown in Figure 1.

The result of analysis were general equation and two 5.5
demension contour plot for every respon. Contour
plot show the effect of HLB value of combination
surfactant and IPM consentration in respon pH 3.25

friction, viscosity friction, and flux penetration with

different colour, red area showed maximum effect 1 3 3

prediction and blue area showed minimum effect 11 12 13

A: HLB Value of Surfactant
14 15

prediction. Combination
Figure 2. Two demensionsA:contour
Nilai HLB plot of pH friction

respon. The blue area showed low pH friction and the

yellow area showed high pH friction.

Viscosity friction respon had general equation Y =

0,70 – 0,40 XA -0,079 XB+ 0,013 XAXB and contour
plot that was shown ini Figure 3.

Proceeding ICMHS 2016 ISBN 978-602-60569-3-1

Viscosity Friction
B : K o n s e n tr a s i IP M ( P e r c e n t)

10 3
Pergeseran Viskositas
3 High consentration of IPM generate high penetration
Prediction 0.381034 flux that showed good penetration ability of caffeine
in nanoemulsion. IPM was an chemical penetration
enhancer that could increase the penetration ability
of drugs to penetrate through the barrier stratum
1 0.8 0.6 0.4
corneum. IPM's mode of action as penetration
promoter was presumably based on incorporation
into the stratum corneum lipid matrix, extraction of
certain stratum corneum lipids into a separate phase
and perturbation of the multilamellar lipid assembly
1 3
11 12 13 14
A: HLB Value of Surfactant
A: Nilai HLB
The analysis using Design Expert 9.0 resulted 19
Figure 2. Two demensions contour plot of viscosity
recommendations optimum formula of caffeine
friction respon. The blue area showed low viscosity
friction and the yellow area showed high viscosity
nanoemulsion that was in the yellow area in the
friction. overlay plot, shown in Figure 5.
Design-Expert® Software

B : K o n s e n tr a s i IP M ( P e r c e n t)
Factor Coding: Actual Overlay Plot
Overlay Plot
Penetration flux respon had general equation Y = Overlay Plot 10 3 3

Pergeseran Viskositas Pergeseran Viskos 0.381133

5,02 – 0,61 XA +1,52XB -0,65 XAXB and contour plot Pergeseran pH
9 Viscosity
Pergeseran pH:
pH friction
: 0.381133
: 0.0261945
Design Points Fluks: 5.75663
that was shown in Figure 4. 8 X1
X1 (HLB Value)
: 5.75663
: 14.2294
X1 = A: Nilai HLB X2 10
B : K o n s e n tr a s i IP M ( P e r c e n t)

X2 (IPM cons) : 10 %
Flux Penetration
X2 = B: Konsentrasi IPM
10 3 3

7 Prediction 5.75668 6

Pergeseran pH: 0.1

5 Pergeseran Viskositas: 1
6 Viscosity friction :1 pH friction : 0.1
4 0.1

5 Fluks: 4
2 Flux : 4

1 3 3
11 12 13 14 15


4 A: Nilai HLB
A: HLB Value of Surfactant
1 3 3
The optimum formula was determined based on the
11 12 13 14 15 predicted value of viscosity friction, pH friction, and
A: Nilai HLB
flux penetration. Formula optimum had lowest
Figure 2. Two demensions
A: HLB Value contour plot of flux
of Surfactant viscosity and pH friction showed good stability of
penetration respon. The blue area showed low flux
penetration and the yellow area showed high flux
nanoemulsions, and highest flux penetration showed
penetration. good penetration ability. Optimum caffeine
nanoemulsion formula had an HLB value of
Higher HLB value of surfactant combination could surfactant combination of 14.22 and 10% IPM
decrease pH and viscosity friction, decrease flux concentration with highest desirability values of
penetration, that produced more stabil caffeine 0.760. This optimum formula was predicted to have
nanoemulsion but had low penetration ability. a viscosity friction of 0.03811, pH friction of 0.02619,
Higher IPM consetration could increase flux and flux penetration of 5.75663 g/ cm2.menit.
penetration, pH friction and viscosity friction,
produced low stability caffeine nanoemulsion, but Characteristic Nanoemulsion
had good penetration ability. Intraction of HLB value Optimum formula of caffeine nanoemulsion was
and IPM cosntration could increase pH and viscosity prepared and charactherized to get physical and
friction, and decrease flux penetration. chemical properties of caffeine nanoemulsion that
HLB value of surfactant combination tween 80 and were shown in table 4.
span 80 had higher effect to increase stability of Caffeine nanoemulsion had particle size 43 nm and
caffeine nanoemulsion becasue surfactant had had good homogenity of particle size. The droplet
important role to form stabil nanoemulsion by surface of nanoemulsion had same electrical charge,
lowering surface tension between oil and aqueous called zeta potential. Zeta potential value of the
phases, so the oil droplet could disperse uniformly in caffeine nanoemulsion was influenced by the type
aqueous phase. Higher HLB value of surfactant and amount of surfactant .The combination of
combination cause impairment of flux penetration, nonionic surfactant could cover the surface of
caused by surfactant tween 80 which has hydrophilic nanoemulsion droplets caused lower charges of
properties that would reduce the ability to penetrate nanoemulsion droplet surface and increased
the skin barrier membrane [2] attraction between particles. Index polydispers (IP)
showed the distribution of particle size. there were

Proceeding ICMHS 2016 ISBN 978-602-60569-3-1

two type of particle size distribution, monodispers ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

(IP= 0,01-0,7) and polydispers (IP= above 0,7). The authors gratefully acknowledge to Indonesian
Caffeine nanoemuslion had monodispers type (IP= Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) and
0,572), showed that the droplet size of Jember University for financial support.
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