Group Work 1

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Personal Reflection/Group Work One-one-One

The Holy Spirit In My Life and Service

Bros and sisters welcome to the first individual reflection, the fruits of
which you will share in your group as the first group work. The BCBP is a
Catholic charismatic community born from the Charismatic movement in the
1960s but traces its roots in the Pentecostal Movement in 1901.

We we born from a Gift, Charism, a Call which became our Vision and
Mission. We were Spirit Led, Spirit Empowered, Spirit Obedient, Spirit
Committed. It was the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus and the Father who
called us, built us, led us, and empowered us all through our 42 years to
build the BCBP Body, the areas, regions and chapters. Sad to say, for a lot
of us we have forgotten our Charismatic, Spirit led roots. As Incoming
,Existing and even outgoing leaders of our areas, regions and chapters,
we need to go back to our charismatic roots, to be Spirit Led, Spirit
Empowered, Spirit Obedient, Spirit Committed. We need to be renewed
with our Charismatic Vitality, to Receive and Serve with Power From On
High. We also need to practice the Spiritual Gifts that are needed to build
the body of Christ.

We shall do 2 things:

1. First read and reflect on 1 Cor 12-14. these talk about the spiritual gifts
and 1 Cor 14 specifically focuses on the practice of the Gifts,

2. We again also read from our BCLP Manual and if possible read other
materials on the spiritual Gifts, the Word Gifts, The Sign gifts and the
Revelational Gifts. Attached is a summary article from our BCLP Manual on
the spiritual gifts.

3. We then reflect and write down the following:

a. How can I bring back the Charismatic vitality in my life and in the
chapter leaders and my chapter?,
b. What Spiritual Gifts, the Word Gifts, Sign gifts and Revelational Gifts
do I desire and practice as a leader in my chapter?

4. Share this with your group in the chapter first group discussion (groups
of 3 members only) and afterwards, pray over each other,

5. Part of the post work assignment is a recommendation to have the

Teaching Track of the Spiritual Gifts to be given in the chapter. This track
is a workshop to practice the Gifts, not only talks for us to listen.

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