Night Form

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NIGHT 01 : DUAL – LOCAL (1.5 HR) Code : A 14

 The student will be introduced to night flying operations and the special precautions required for flight at night.
 Review emergency procedures appropriate to night operations.
Cont. Comp. Review Improving your skills
  Normal Takeoffs and climbs
  Normal Approaches and landings
  Go-Around / Rejected landing
  Steep Turns
  Unusual Attitudes
  Maneuvering During Slow Flight
  Simulated Emergency Procedures
  Night Preflight Preparation
  Aircraft Lighting and Equipment
  Aeromedical Factors
  Physiological Aspects of Night Flight
  Personal Equipment Recommended
  Engine Starting, Taxiing, Before Takeoff Check
  Night VFR References
  Lost Procedures
  Night scanning / Collision Avoidance
Post-flight Discussion

(more information : see back page)

 The student will demonstrate knowledge of and the precautions and the procedures appropriate to flying
at night.
 The student will be evaluated based on the exercise of sound judgment and on his / her ability to
command the aircraft during the flight.
Night Solo : ......................... Night Dual : ......................... Night Local Time : .........................
Night Cross-country Time : ......................... Total Night Time : ......................... Landing : ………………..

Student: Date:
Instructor : Date:
Bangkok Aviation Center Co.,Ltd. Issued No.01
Effective : 1 January 2006
NIGHT 02 : DUAL – LOCAL (1.5 HR) Code : A ….
 The student will be trained to night flying operations and the special precautions required for flight at night.
 Review emergency procedures appropriate to night operations.
Cont. Comp. Review Improving your skills
  Normal Takeoffs and climbs
  Normal Approaches and landings
  Go-Around / Rejected landing
  Steep Turns
  Unusual Attitudes
  Maneuvering During Slow Flight
  Simulated Emergency Procedures
  Night Preflight Preparation
  Aircraft Lighting and Equipment
  Aeromedical Factors
  Physiological Aspects of Night Flight
  Personal Equipment Recommended
  Engine Starting, Taxiing, Before Takeoff Check
  Night VFR References
  Lost Procedures
  Night scanning / Collision Avoidance
Post-flight Discussion

(more information : see back page)

 The student will demonstrate knowledge of and the precautions and the procedures appropriate to flying
at night.
 The student will be evaluated based on the exercise of sound judgment and on his / her ability to
command the aircraft during the flight.
Night Solo : ......................... Night Dual : ......................... Night Local Time : .........................
Night Cross-country Time : ......................... Total Night Time : ......................... Landing : ………………..

Student: Date:
Instructor : Date:

Bangkok Aviation Center Co.,Ltd. Issued No.01

Effective : 1 January 2006
NIGHT 03 : DUAL / SOLO – CROSS-COUNTRY (1.0 / 1.0 HR) Code : A 23
 During this lesson, the student will learn night cross-country procedures, including preflight planning,
navigation, emergencies, and the use of unfamiliar airports.
 The flight will be at least two hours in duration and include a straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original departure point.
Cont. Comp. Review Improving your skills
  Aeromedical Factors and Physiological Aspects
  Aircraft Light and Equipment
  Airworthiness Requirement
  Engine Starting, Taxiing, Before Takeoff Check
  Normal Takeoffs and Landings
  Go-Around / Rejected Landing
  Unfamiliar Airport
Simulated Emergency Procedures
  Systems and Equipment Malfunctions
  Adverse Weather
  Wake Turbulence Avoidance
  Low Fuel Supply
  Airframe and Powerplant Icing
Full Panel Instrument
  Straight-and-Level Flight
  Climbs and Descents
  Standard-Rate Turns
Night Preflight Preparation
  Cross - Country Flight Planning
  Weather Information
  Preflight Inspection
  Cockpit Management
  Crew Resource Management
  Airport, Runway, and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting
  Runway Incursion Avoidance
Night Navigation
  Night Cross - Country Procedures
  Navigation Systems and Radar Services
  VOR or ILS Approach
  Pilotage and Dead Reckoning
  Diversion and Lost Procedure
Post-flight Discussion
(Solo syllabus and Instructor’s commend : Please turn to back page)

 Successful completion of this lesson is indicated by the student’s demonstration of the correct operating
procedures for night cross-country flights.
 The flight will be at least two hours in duration and include a straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original departure point.
Night Solo : ......................... Night Dual : ......................... Night Local Time : .........................
Night Cross-country Time : ......................... Total Night Time : ......................... Landing : ………………..

Student: Date:
CFI: Date:
Bangkok Aviation Center Co.,Ltd. Issued No.01
Effective : 1 January 2006
NIGHT 04 : DUAL / SOLO – CROSS-COUNTRY (1.0 / 1.0 HR) Code : A 24
 During this lesson, the student will learn night cross-country procedures, including preflight planning,
navigation, emergencies, and the use of unfamiliar airports.
 The flight will be at least two hours in duration and include a straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original departure point.
Cont. Comp. Review Improving your skills
  Aeromedical Factors and Physiological Aspects
  Aircraft Light and Equipment
  Airworthiness Requirement
  Engine Starting, Taxiing, Before Takeoff Check
  Normal Takeoffs and Landings
  Go-Around / Rejected Landing
  Unfamiliar Airport
Simulated Emergency Procedures
  Systems and Equipment Malfunctions
  Adverse Weather
  Wake Turbulence Avoidance
  Low Fuel Supply
  Airframe and Powerplant Icing
Full Panel Instrument
  Straight-and-Level Flight
  Climbs and Descents
  Standard-Rate Turns
Night Preflight Preparation
  Cross - Country Flight Planning
  Weather Information
  Preflight Inspection
  Cockpit Management
  Crew Resource Management
  Airport, Runway, and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting
  Runway Incursion Avoidance
Night Navigation
  Night Cross - Country Procedures
  Navigation Systems and Radar Services
  VOR or ILS Approach
  Pilotage and Dead Reckoning
  Diversion and Lost Procedure
Post-flight Discussion
(Solo syllabus and Instructor’s commend : Please turn to back page)

 Successful completion of this lesson is indicated by the student’s demonstration of the correct operating
procedures for night cross-country flights.
 The flight will be at least two hours in duration and include a straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original departure point.
Night Solo : ......................... Night Dual : ......................... Night Local Time : .........................
Night Cross-country Time : ......................... Total Night Time : ......................... Landing : ………………..

Student: Date:
CFI: Date:
Bangkok Aviation Center Co.,Ltd. Issued No.01
Effective : 1 January 2006
NIGHT 05 : DUAL / SOLO – CROSS-COUNTRY (1.0 / 1.0 HR) Code : A 25
 During this lesson, the student will learn night cross-country procedures, including preflight planning,
navigation, emergencies, and the use of unfamiliar airports.
 The flight will be at least two hours in duration and include a straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original departure point.
Cont. Comp. Review Improving your skills
  Aeromedical Factors and Physiological Aspects
  Aircraft Light and Equipment
  Airworthiness Requirement
  Engine Starting, Taxiing, Before Takeoff Check
  Normal Takeoffs and Landings
  Go-Around / Rejected Landing
  Unfamiliar Airport
Simulated Emergency Procedures
  Systems and Equipment Malfunctions
  Adverse Weather
  Wake Turbulence Avoidance
  Low Fuel Supply
  Airframe and Powerplant Icing
Full Panel Instrument
  Straight-and-Level Flight
  Climbs and Descents
  Standard-Rate Turns
Night Preflight Preparation
  Cross - Country Flight Planning
  Weather Information
  Preflight Inspection
  Cockpit Management
  Crew Resource Management
  Airport, Runway, and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting
  Runway Incursion Avoidance
Night Navigation
  Night Cross - Country Procedures
  Navigation Systems and Radar Services
  VOR or ILS Approach
  Pilotage and Dead Reckoning
  Diversion and Lost Procedure
Post-flight Discussion
(Solo syllabus and Instructor’s commend : Please turn to back page)

 Successful completion of this lesson is indicated by the student’s demonstration of the correct operating
procedures for night cross-country flights.
 The flight will be at least two hours in duration and include a straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original departure point.
Night Solo : ......................... Night Dual : ......................... Night Local Time : .........................
Night Cross-country Time : ......................... Total Night Time : ......................... Landing : ………………..

Student: Date:
CFI: Date:
Bangkok Aviation Center Co.,Ltd. Issued No.01
Effective : 1 January 2006
NIGHT 06 : DUAL / SOLO – CROSS-COUNTRY (1.0 / 1.0 HR) Code : A 26
 During this lesson, the student will learn night cross-country procedures, including preflight planning,
navigation, emergencies, and the use of unfamiliar airports.
 The flight will be at least two hours in duration and include a straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original departure point.
Cont. Comp. Review Improving your skills
  Aeromedical Factors and Physiological Aspects
  Aircraft Light and Equipment
  Airworthiness Requirement
  Engine Starting, Taxiing, Before Takeoff Check
  Normal Takeoffs and Landings
  Go-Around / Rejected Landing
  Unfamiliar Airport
Simulated Emergency Procedures
  Systems and Equipment Malfunctions
  Adverse Weather
  Wake Turbulence Avoidance
  Low Fuel Supply
  Airframe and Powerplant Icing
Full Panel Instrument
  Straight-and-Level Flight
  Climbs and Descents
  Standard-Rate Turns
Night Preflight Preparation
  Cross - Country Flight Planning
  Weather Information
  Preflight Inspection
  Cockpit Management
  Crew Resource Management
  Airport, Runway, and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting
  Runway Incursion Avoidance
Night Navigation
  Night Cross - Country Procedures
  Navigation Systems and Radar Services
  VOR or ILS Approach
  Pilotage and Dead Reckoning
  Diversion and Lost Procedure
Post-flight Discussion
(Solo syllabus and Instructor’s commend : Please turn to back page)

 Successful completion of this lesson is indicated by the student’s demonstration of the correct operating
procedures for night cross-country flights.
 The flight will be at least two hours in duration and include a straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original departure point.
Night Solo : ......................... Night Dual : ......................... Night Local Time : .........................
Night Cross-country Time : ......................... Total Night Time : ......................... Landing : ………………..

Student: Date:
CFI: Date:
Bangkok Aviation Center Co.,Ltd. Issued No.01
Effective : 1 January 2006
NIGHT 07 : DUAL / SOLO – CROSS-COUNTRY (1.0 / 1.0 HR) Code : A 27
 During this lesson, the student will learn night cross-country procedures, including preflight planning,
navigation, emergencies, and the use of unfamiliar airports.
 The flight will be at least two hours in duration and include a straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original departure point.
Cont. Comp. Review Improving your skills
  Aeromedical Factors and Physiological Aspects
  Aircraft Light and Equipment
  Airworthiness Requirement
  Engine Starting, Taxiing, Before Takeoff Check
  Normal Takeoffs and Landings
  Go-Around / Rejected Landing
  Unfamiliar Airport
Simulated Emergency Procedures
  Systems and Equipment Malfunctions
  Adverse Weather
  Wake Turbulence Avoidance
  Low Fuel Supply
  Airframe and Powerplant Icing
Full Panel Instrument
  Straight-and-Level Flight
  Climbs and Descents
  Standard-Rate Turns
Night Preflight Preparation
  Cross - Country Flight Planning
  Weather Information
  Preflight Inspection
  Cockpit Management
  Crew Resource Management
  Airport, Runway, and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting
  Runway Incursion Avoidance
Night Navigation
  Night Cross - Country Procedures
  Navigation Systems and Radar Services
  VOR or ILS Approach
  Pilotage and Dead Reckoning
  Diversion and Lost Procedure
Post-flight Discussion
(Solo syllabus and Instructor’s commend : Please turn to back page)

 Successful completion of this lesson is indicated by the student’s demonstration of the correct operating
procedures for night cross-country flights.
 The flight will be at least two hours in duration and include a straight-line distance of more than 100
nautical miles from the original departure point.
Night Solo : ......................... Night Dual : ......................... Night Local Time : .........................
Night Cross-country Time : ......................... Total Night Time : ......................... Landing : ………………..

Student: Date:
CFI: Date:
Bangkok Aviation Center Co.,Ltd. Issued No.01
Effective : 1 January 2006
NIGHT 08 : SOLO – LOCAL (1.0 HR) Code : A …
These lessons provide night solo practice so the student may gain proficiency and confidence in the
night environment.
Cont. Comp. Review Improving your skills
  Aeromedical Factors and Physiological Aspects
  Aircraft Light and Equipment
  Airworthiness Requirement
  Night Preflight Preparation
  Weather Information
  Preflight Inspection
  Airport, Runway, and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting
  Engine Starting, Taxiing, Before Takeoff Check
  Runway Incursion Avoidance
  Takeoffs (Normal and/or Crosswind)
  Straight-and-Level Flight
  Climbs and Descents
  Standard-Rate Turns
  Night scanning / Collision Avoidance
  Night VFR References
  Lost Procedures
  Maneuvering During Slow Flight
  Constant Altitude Turns
  Landings (Normal and/or Crosswind)
Post-flight Discussion

(more information : see back page)

 Lessons 15 and 16 are completed when the student has conducted both solo night flights. During the
Flights, the student should attempt to gain proficiency in takeoffs and landings at an airport with an
operating control tower in the night environment.

Night Solo : ......................... Night Dual : ......................... Night Local Time : .........................
Night Cross-country Time : ......................... Total Night Time : ......................... Landing : ………………..

Student: Date:
CFI: Date:
Bangkok Aviation Center Co.,Ltd. Issued No.01
Effective : 1 January 2006
 The student’s proficiency in night operations is reviewed and practiced in this lesson.
 During this lesson, the student should acquire increased knowledge of radio navigation during cross-
country flights. The flight will include a landing at a point more than 50 nautical miles from the original
departure point.
Cont. Comp. Review Improving your skills
Cross - Country assigned by the Instructor
  Cross - Country Flight Planning
  Weather Information
  Night Operation Considerations
  Preflight Preparations
  Cockpit Management
Night Navigation
  Night Cross - Country Procedures
  Navigation Systems and Radar Services
  Pilotage and Dead Reckoning
  Crew Resource management
  Airport, Runway, and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting
  Runway Incursion Avoidance
Post-flight Discussion

(more information : see back page)

 The student will show added skill in cross-country planning by selecting optimum cruising altitudes and
appropriate checkpoints for a flight with a landing at a point more than 50 nautical miles from the original
departure point.
 Demonstrate ability to accomplish the assigned night cross-country flight.
 During the postflight evaluation, the student will thoroughly explain the operational and safety
considerations associated with night cross-country flying.

Night Solo : ......................... Night Dual : ......................... Night Local Time : .........................
Night Cross-country Time : ......................... Total Night Time : ......................... Landing : ………………..

Student: Date:
CFI: Date:

Bangkok Aviation Center Co.,Ltd. Issued No.01

Effective : 1 January 2006

Post-flight Discussion (cont’)

Bangkok Aviation Center Co.,Ltd. Issued No.01

Effective : 1 January 2006


 The student’s proficiency in night operations is reviewed and practiced in this lesson.
 During this lesson, the student should acquire increased knowledge of radio navigation during cross-
country flights. The flight will include a landing at a point more than 50 nautical miles from the original
departure point.
Cont. Comp. Review Improving your skills
Cross - Country assigned by the Instructor
  Cross - Country Flight Planning
  Weather Information
  Night Operation Considerations
  Preflight Preparations
  Cockpit Management
Night Navigation
  Night Cross - Country Procedures
  Navigation Systems and Radar Services
  Pilotage and Dead Reckoning
  Crew Resource management
  Airport, Runway, and Taxiway Signs, Markings, and Lighting
  Runway Incursion Avoidance
Post-flight Discussion

 The student will show added skill in cross-country planning by selecting optimum cruising altitudes and
appropriate checkpoints for a flight with a landing at a point more than 50 nautical miles from the original
departure point.
 Demonstrate ability to accomplish the assigned night cross-country flight.
 During the postflight evaluation, the student will thoroughly explain the operational and safety
considerations associated with night cross-country flying.

Night Solo : ......................... Night Dual : ......................... Night Local Time : .........................
Night Cross-country Time : ......................... Total Night Time : ......................... Landing : ………………..

Student: Date:
Bangkok Aviation Center Co.,Ltd. Issued No.01
Effective : 1 January 2006
CFI: Date:

Bangkok Aviation Center Co.,Ltd. Issued No.01

Effective : 1 January 2006

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