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Brielle Buss

November 20th, 2023

Blog Update #3 Narcotics Anonymous Meeting

By the end of this week, I plan to get started on the interview process of my capstone project.
This past weekend on November 18th, I attended a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. I went with
my mom’s cousin who is one of the individuals who has agreed to answer some questions for my
interview. After attending the meeting, I have been thinking about life differently. I am beyond
appreciative that I got to experience this meeting. Now that I have gone, I am going to get started
on the interviews. I have already come up with about ten questions to ask. I am going to have to
find a couple others to interview. I will be asking the individuals the same questions because I
am looking for their own separate experiences. I want to get the point across that all addicts are
the same, yet so different. I am going to need to be in contact over email with the recovered
addicts I have chosen to interview. Once we have set up a date and time to do the interviews,
they will take place over the phone. I am going to need to come up with a way to record the
phone calls so I can put it into my documentary eventually. These interviews are the main
component of my documentary and the thing I want people to pay attention to the most. I
anticipate a few obstacles while the interviews are taking place. I am worried that the phone call
may be glitchy or lag. Technology is unreliable so there is no way to know for sure if it will
cooperate. If technology isn’t working, I can reschedule the interview for another day or time. So
far, I have completed all the notes necessary for my capstone project and am going to start
brainstorming the way I want to lay out my documentary. I have the interview questions
prepared and still need to find a couple more people to interview. Some of the skills I employed
during this part of my capstone project was social responsibility. I took part in a Narcotics
Anonymous meeting and contributed positively to the environment. I also employed critical
thinking when I was coming up with my interview questions based on the research and notes I
had done. Below are images of pamphlets I received from attending the N.A meeting. There
were several more, but these were the ones that stuck out to me the most.

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