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Executive Summary:

Product Overview:

Beef with garlic-fried rice and egg (Tapsilog) is a delicious and nutritious ready-to-eat
meal that combines high-quality beef, farm-fresh eggs, and premium rice.

Target Audience:
Busy professionals, students, and families seeking convenient, healthy, and tasty meal

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

A flavorful fusion of protein-rich beef, protein-packed eggs, and energy-boosting

garlic fried rice for a satisfying and convenient meal solution.

Marketing Objectives:

Increase Sales:

Achieve a 20% increase in monthly sales within the first quarter.

Brand Awareness:

Increase brand awareness by 30% through targeted online and offline campaigns.

Customer Engagement:

Foster customer engagement through social media platforms, aiming for a 15%
increase in followers and interactions.
Target Market:


Age: 18-45
Occupation: Professionals, students, families
Income: Middle to upper-middle class


Health-conscious individuals
Time-strapped consumers looking for quick and nutritious meal solutions
Marketing Strategies:

Digital Marketing:

Social Media Campaigns:

Engage in visually appealing campaigns on platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
Share user-generated content using a branded hashtag.
Influencer Partnerships:
Collaborate with influencers in the food and lifestyle niche to create authentic content
featuring Beef with Garlic Fried Rice and Egg.

Online Advertising:
Utilize targeted online ads on platforms like Google and Facebook to reach the
specific demographics.

In-Store Promotions:

Collaborate with grocery stores and supermarkets for in-store promotions.

Offer discounts and bundle deals to encourage trial.

Content Marketing:

Create engaging and informative content about the nutritional benefits of Beef Egg
Start a blog or video series featuring easy recipes and cooking tips.

Sampling Events:

Organize sampling events at high-traffic locations, offices, and universities to allow

potential customers to taste the product.

Packaging Redesign:

Ensure attractive and informative packaging that highlights the key ingredients and
health benefits.
Include QR codes for easy access to online recipes and promotions.

Loyalty Programs:

Introduce a loyalty program offering discounts, exclusive recipes, and early access to
new products for repeat customers.
Sales and Distribution:

Online Sales:

Set up an online store for direct-to-consumer sales.

Offer subscription services for regular customers.

Retail Partnerships:

Establish partnerships with supermarkets, convenience stores, and health food stores
for wider distribution.
Budget Allocation:
Digital Marketing: 40%
In-Store Promotions: 20%
Content Marketing: 15%
Sampling Events: 10%
Packaging Redesign: 10%
Loyalty Programs: 5%

Executive Summary:

Regularly track sales data, website analytics, and social media engagement.
Collect customer feedback through surveys and reviews.
Adjust marketing strategies based on performance metrics.
By implementing these strategies, the goal is to create a strong brand presence, drive
sales, and position Beef Egg Rice as a go-to choice for convenient and nutritious
meals. Regularly reassess the marketing plan based on performance and market trends
to ensure ongoing success.

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