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EdTech Teacher Training Center



Speaker: Sir Karl Kervin M. Sapungan

1. What are the key concepts that you have learned in this session?
Jamboard is often used in educational settings for virtual classrooms, in business environments for
collaborative meetings and brainstorming sessions, and by creative professionals for design and ideation. It
promotes remote collaboration, making it a valuable tool for teams and individuals who need to work
together regardless of their physical locations.

2. How can you integrate this in teaching and in the field of education?
Integrating Jamboard in teaching and education can enhance the learning experience by promoting active
engagement, collaboration, and visual communication. I can use Jamboard to create interactive lessons that
include text, images, drawings, and diagrams. This can make learning more engaging, especially for visual
learners. Jamboard can serve as a digital whiteboard during online classes, where I can draw and write in
real-time. This can be particularly useful for solving math problems, explaining diagrams, or illustrating
concepts. To integrate Jamboard effectively, I Believe it's important for educators to provide guidance and
training for students, ensuring they know how to use the tool for educational purposes. Additionally,
educators should be familiar with the features of Jamboard and its integration with other educational tools
and platforms to make the most of this versatile tool in the field of education.

3. Make a summary of the session either in paragraph or bullet form.

 Google Jamboard
 Jamboard (frame) is like Google slide.
 You can use 20 frames
 Jamboard provides a digital canvas where users can draw, write, add text, and insert various
shapes and images. It supports freehand drawing and digital sticky notes.
 Multiple users can collaborate on the same Jamboard in real-time, no matter where they are
located. Changes made by one user are instantly visible to others.
 Jamboard supports interactive elements like sticky notes, images, and web content. Users
can also insert text, import images from the web, and add sticky notes with content.
 A variety of drawing tools, including different pen and brush options, erasers, and color
palettes, allow for creative expression and visual clarity.
 Users can save their Jamboards for future reference and export them as images or PDFs.
 There are mobile apps for both Android and iOS, allowing users to collaborate on
Jamboards from their smartphones and tablets.
 20 frames in one Jam.

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