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Illustration for Concept Art

Week 3-I Human Head Proportion

By Jodie P Panudju
Human Head

Drawing human head is also on of the

most complicated part of the overall
human anatomy study. The
proportions are different from one
head to another as it might be caused
by the race, the gender, the genetic,
and so on.

Same as the body, proportion is the

most important part in head drawing,
and then followed by the shape of the
face, eyes, nose, mouth, cheek, and
other specific details in the area, until
ears and hair.

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Human Head Structure
Please analyse the structure of this male head drawing. Pay
some attention into the ratio of each part of the head and also the

Circle Oval*

*Male’s head shape from side view is slightly oval, but female’s head shape is mostly circle.
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Human Structure from Different Angle
Drawing head structure is even getting more complicated when it’s seen from non-
standard angle view such as from 45 degree angle view, high angle, low angle, etc.

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Tutorial: Human Head Proportion

To be done in the class & continued as homework

• Please draw basic human head from the sample on the next page,
for Male & Female from 2 different views (Front, Side) for each
• Please analyse the difference between the male and the female
shapes, volume, lines/curves, details, and shading
• Lines must be clean and thick enough.
• Pay attention to the right proportion and the symmetry
• Detailing is needed on this practice
• Consult it with your lecturer, and then you can proceed with

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Male Head Proportion

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Female Head Proportion

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