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University of Guyana

School of Education and Humanities

Department of Language and Cultural Studies
ENG 1105 – Use of English
Guidelines for the Essay
Kindly follow these guidelines to prepare your essay:
1. The assignment must have a title page, the body of the essay, and a reference page.
2. The essay must have an introduction, three or four body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The
word limit is 700-1000 words.
3. References must be on a separate page; arranged in alphabetical order; formatted in hanging
indentation style.
4. Ensure that ALL your sources are peer-reviewed, and published within the last five years.
5. Use only ONE quotation in your essay.
6. Follow APA format (2.0 spacing, Times New Roman font, size 12, 1inch margin all around,
and number all pages including the title page – top right).
7. Indent each paragraph.
8. Use formal language and correct APA citations
9. Evidence must be written in the simple past tense. For example, The authors found… NOT
The authors would have found… OR The authors find ….
10. Ensure that you do not plagiarize. If plagiarism is detected, a report will be sent to the Head
of Department for review and decision on the degree of punishment required. There will be
NO redo.

Best Wishes!!

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