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Research Paper
Arranged as the final project of senior high

Written By:
Sammy Ahmad Haidar


Jalan Raya Condet No. 5, Kramat Jati - East Jakarta


Name : Sammy Ahmad Haidar

Class : 12 SCIENCE 1
School : SMA Global Islamic School
Title : Should Schools Require Their Students to Wear Uniforms

It has been recored and agreed

To be tested in February 2022,

Wardit Hasanah, S.Pd

.....………………….. .....…………………..

The Advisor The Examiner

Jakarta, …………………
Approved by,
Firdaus Noor Farid, S. Si, M. Pd
The Headmaster of
Global Islamic Senior High School


This research paper has been tested on February 2022.

The test committee:

1. Wardit Hasanah, S.Pd ( )

COVER PAGE …………………………………………………………………… i
LEGALIZATION ………………………………………………………………. iii
PREFACE ………………………………………………………………………. iv
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………… vii

1.1 Background of the Study ………………………………………………… 1
1.2 Problem Statement ………………………………………………………. 3
1.3 Limitations ………………………………………………………………. 3
1.4 Objective of the Study …………………………………………………… 3
1.5 Benefit of the Study ……………………………………………………… 3
2.1 Previous Studies ………………………………………………………….. 4
2.1.1 The Effect of School Uniforms on Student ………………………… 4
2.1.2 Uniforms have an insignificant impact in Attendance, Behavior
Problems, Substance Abuse, and Academic Achievement…………. 5
2.1.3 School discipline, school uniforms, and academic performance ……
2.2 Underlying Theories ……………………………………………………… 7
2.2.1 History of School Uniforms ……………………………………….. 7
2.2.2 Etymological Definition of Discipline …………………………….. 7
2.2.3 Definition of Discipline by Bryan S. Turner ………………………..8
2.2.4 Appropriate Student Behavior …………………………………….. 9
2.2.5 Definition of Academic Performance …………………………….. 10
2.2.6 Definition of Attendance Rate ……………………………………. 11

3.1 Type of Research ……………………………………………………….. 12
3.2 Object of the Study …………………………………………………….. 12
3.3 Data Source …………………………………………………………….. 12
3.4 Method of Collecting Data ……………………………………………… 12
3.5 Technique of Analyzing Data …………………………………………… 13
4.1 Survey Result …………………………………………………………… 14
5.1 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… 28
5.2 Suggestion ……………………………………………………………… 28

ATTACHMENTS ……………………………………………………………… viii

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………. xxv
BIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………….. xxvii


All praises belong to Allah SWT, the most gracious and the most merciful

one who creates the world to the all man kind, who has given the author countless
mercies and blessings so that the author can write this research paper with the title
'Should Schools Require Their students to Wear Uniforms' for his last project
in senior high with no significant obstacles.
The author is very grateful to every single person who has given him
endless support throughout the process of writing this research paper. Mrs. Wardit
Hasanah as his mentor—giving his class suggestions and support, the author's
family who has facilitated the author comfortable environment and fulfilled the
author's needs, the author's friends who has always been there when the author
needs support and companion, and also every other people who the author can't
mention one by one.
This research paper is intended to introduce new perspectives in seeing
school uniforms and how they affect students to the readers, particularly in their
achievements during their academic career. Hopefully, readers can obtain more
knowledge in terms of school uniforms and their effects after reading this research


School uniforms are not a foreign object in Indonesia, for students in all
age groups are required to wear them to school. Originally applied during Japan’s
rule in Indonesia, uniforms were meant to bring the highest level of discipline to
the Indonesian people. Today, the idea of adopting school uniforms is still an
ongoing debate, with proponents claiming that uniforms bring numerous benefits
for students, and the opposition claiming otherwise. The author, in this study, have
collected data from 36 high school students from Senior High Global Islamic
School in Indonesia regarding their personal opinions on school uniforms through
an online questionnaire. The author specifically investigated whether uniforms
actually benefit students based on the students themselves in order to answer the
question, “Should students be required to wear uniforms to school?” Through the
online questionnaire, the researcher discovered that not many students believe
uniforms bring benefits to students. One of the benefits most students believed
strongly in was that uniforms are able to increase students’ discipline. Despite
that, the researcher found nearly equal amounts of students who believe schools
should adopt uniforms and who don’t.


1.1 Background of the study

The word “uniform” borrows from the French word, “uniforme,” and from
Latin, “uniformis,” all of which having the same meaning, “of one form.”
Therefore, one can define school uniforms as a distinctive clothing worn by
students of a particular educational institution. The practice of wearing a school
uniform dates back to the 16th century in England, such as Christ’s Hospital, a
charity school founded in 1552 in London, being one of the first schools to apply
uniforms on their students. Owing to the fact that the schools took up orphans and
poor children, London citizens would provide clothes—a long blue coat—for the
children, which they would eventually normalize as the school’s uniform.
The idea of school uniforms have already globalized, now common in
many parts of the world. Be that as it may, differing opinions concerning school
uniforms have polarized societies and countries. School uniforms are often
regarded as promoting social equality amongst the students, or even criticized for
promoting a form of uniformity reminiscent of militarism. Proponents of school
uniform policies often cite improved student behavior, which would, in theory,
directly correlate with improved academics. Schools today have various reasons
to implement a school uniform policy, ranging from the previously mentioned
equality to commercial reasons, so it is of the essence to realize the effects of
school uniforms.
Besides economic and social reasons, the idea that uniforms improve a
student’s academic profile seem to be the most prevalent reason in uniform
adoption. A student’s academic profile in this study is defined as an overlook of a
student’s achievements in school as well as their performance on each subject
studied. A student’s academic profile includes the student’s behavior and learning
attitude (discipline), which often can be measured on their attendance rates and

number of disciplinary infractions. In other words, an academic profile generally
covers the student’s discipline, academic performance, and absenteeism. When
compiled, a student will have a “profile” that describes the student’s overall
character, serving as a basis for comparison among other students.
In countries where children are mandated to wear school uniforms
conforming to the policies of their respective institutions such as the United
Kingdom, Indonesia, and a number of other Asian nations, the decision to
implement a school uniform policy are likely to be accepted and supported by
national and local governments. On the other hand, countries where the majority
of its schools do not adopt the school uniform are more likely to reject the policy,
which clearly highlights the influence of tradition.
The majority of schools in the United States of America, on the other
hand, do not mandate their students and faculty to equip school uniforms, but
rather enforce a simple dress code, which generally allows their students to wear a
wide variety of clothing as long as it conforms to the dress code determined by the
school. The side disagreeing with school uniforms often argue that the dress code
system utilized in the majority of American schools promote individuality over
conformity, thus allowing students to express themselves in creative ways through
their clothing. This argument is hence frequently associated with human rights,
particularly the right to the freedom of expression due to that reason.
School uniforms have long existed in our society and the idea of
uniformity in education have now been globalized. Likewise, the use of school
uniforms have long been debated. There are several benefits one might argue for
uniforms in school, such as promoting social equality and improving student
behavior, consequently improving their academics. On the contrary, school
uniforms are often argued to allude to militarism as well as encourage conformity
over individuality, which effectively revokes the students’ freedom of expression.
The writer hopes this research will help determine whether schools should apply
uniformity to their students’ clothing.

1.2 Problem statement of the study
The problems, based on the background of the study, are as follows:
1. What are school uniforms?
2. What are the reasons behind school uniforms?
3. Is there any correlation between school uniforms and the academic profile of
a student?
4. Should students wear uniforms?

1.3 Limitation of the study

The writer limits the study to the following questions:
1. What are the academic benefits and disadvantages of school uniforms
according to students?
2. Should schools require their students to wear school uniforms?

1.4 Objective of the study

The writer’s objectives in writing this research paper are as follows:
1. To identify the academic benefits and drawbacks of school uniforms.
2. To provide a complete description concerning the reasons for wearing a
school uniform.

1.5 Benefit of the study

The writer hopes that this study will clarify any misunderstandings concerning the
use of school uniforms whether it be in Indonesia or another country. The writer
also hopes this study will better inform the readers regarding the possible
correlation between uniform use and academics.


2.1 Previous Studies

2.1.1 The Effect of School Uniforms on Student Achievement and Behavior

1. Impact on Discipline and Attendance
A study conducted by Elisabetta Gentile and Scott A. Imberman at the University
of Houston studied the effects of school uniforms on student achievement,
attendance and behavior using student-level panel data from a large urban school
district in the southwest United States (LUSD-SW). Schools in LUSD are given
the freedom to set their individual uniform policies.
Since uniform proponents often refer to the improvements in the students’
behavior as one of the main benefits of uniforms, this study looked into the impact
of uniforms on discipline & attendance. In their study, they discovered that
uniforms did have an impact on disciplinary infractions and attendance, albeit the
results varied among different age groups. For example, disciplinary infractions
remained relatively the same after the adoption of uniforms in elementary schools,
whereas middle and high schools showed a different trend. According to their
study, disciplinary infractions in middle and high schools increased steadily until
the adoption of uniforms where it appears to plateau, suggesting that uniforms
have stopped the upwards trend. They also noted that attendance rates were on an
upwards trend prior to adoption, but experienced a jump up afterwards. As for
elementary schools, the study found little evidence signifying an improvement in
2. Impacts on Achievment
In their study, they compared standardized test scores such as The Stanford
Achievement Test—a nationally normed standardized within grade and year—
before and after uniform adoption. They find that middle/high schools that adopt

uniforms experience significant test score improvements for both boys and girls
after a brief lag, meaning that students in middle and high schools benefit from
uniforms—in subjects and attendance—after an initial adjustment period.
3. Impacts on Student Movement
In this study, the researchers also studied student movements (the likelihood of
switching schools within LUSD due to uniform status. Their research did not find
any statistically significant effect of uniforms on student movements. However,
there found a clear drop in the likelihood of leaving LUSD for female students,
but no significant effect on the likelihood of switching schools within LUSD.
These results suggest that schools can be an effective tool for keeping female
students in school.
All in all, the research done by Elisabetta Gentile and Scott A. Imberman
suggests that the adoption of school uniforms improve a student’s discipline and
attendance, albeit not in the same way for student achievement.

2.1.2 Uniforms have an insignificant impact in Attendance, Behavior

Problems, Substance Abuse, and Academic Achievment
In a research done by David L. Brunsma from The University of Alabama
dan Kerry A. Rockquemore from The University of Notre Dame, they researched
the effects uniforms had in schools. Specifically, they tested the validity of the
following hypotheses:
1. Student uniforms decrease substance use
2. Student uniforms decrease behavioral problems
3. Student uniforms increase attendance
4. Student uniforms increase academic achievement
They used the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988
(NELS:88) to test the stated relationships. NELS:88 is a national arranged random
sample of schools and students that began with 8th grade students in 1988.

Their research concluded that there was very little correlation of with
standardized achievement scores and the same applies for student absenteeism,
behavior, or drugs. They also find that a student’s academic preparedness, attitude,
or group work have not been significantly affected with the adoption of uniforms
in their school.
Opinions regarding the adoption of school uniforms vary widely, with
some saying school uniforms may affect a student’s learning behavior in a
positive manner, whether it be the increasing attendance rates or the decreasing
number of disciplinary infractions. David L. Brunsma’s research shows a specific
side of the debate, arguing that uniforms do not create a significant impact in a
student’s “academic profile” (see 2.1.1 for definition).

2.1.3 School discipline, school uniforms, and academic performance

A study done by Chris Baumann and Hana Krskova on the International
Journal of Educational Management examined the role of school discipline in a
student’s academic performance. According to them, students achieve peak
performance when educators create a disciplined atmosphere where students listen
to teachers, or low noise levels, and little waiting time to start class. They
hypothesized that better discipline led to better academic performance, but more
importantly, they also studied the effects school uniforms had on discipline.
By analyzing the data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development’s Programme for international student Assessment on school
discipline, which generally includes students listening well, noise levels, teacher
waiting time, students working effectively, and class start time. Their study also
accounted for geographical differences by also analyzing the school discipline in
other continents (Europe, Americas, Asia).
Their findings concluded that school discipline varied across five
geographic clusters, with East Asia leading the other four. According to them, the
best students have the highest level of discipline and that students wearing a

uniform listen better with lower teacher waiting times. Therefore, their study
seems to suggest a direct correlation between discipline and uniforms.
2.2 Underlying Theories

2.2.1 History of School Uniforms

1. The Beginnings
The use of standardized dress in education may have been fist recorded in
England in 1222, when the Archbishop of Canterbury mandated students to wear a
robe-like outfit named the “cappa clausa.” However, the origin of the modern
school uniform can be traced back to 16th Century England, where the poor
“charity children” studying at Christ’s Hospital boarding school wore blue cloaks.
As of September 2014, Christ’s Hospital students were still seen wearing the same
uniform, making it the oldest school uniform still in use, according to the school.
When they surveyed their students back in 2011, 95% of them voted to keep the
traditional uniforms.
School uniform in later centuries, however, became associated with the
upper, for at one of England’s most prestigious schools, Elton, students were
required to wear black top hats and tails on and off campus. This dress code
continued until 1972, where they loosened their dress codes.
In the United States, school uniforms followed the traditional use of
uniforms already established in England and were generally used in private and
parochial schools. Boarding schools for Native American children, first
established in the late 1800s, were an exception. The children, who had been
removed from their families, were dressed in military-style uniforms.
2. History of School Uniforms in Indonesia
According to and various other sources, Indonesia has
actually once allowed their students to dress freely to schools. However, this
policy was carried out during the Dutch colonial occupation

The intensive application of uniforms in Indonesia began during the
Japanese occupation. However, at that time there was no color scheme for every
level of education. The country of Japan, which is full of militarism, introduced a
high value of discipline to the Indonesian people, including students.
Following Indonesia's independence, the school uniform culture is still
being applied today. The regulation was inaugurated during the reign of President
Soeharto in 1982 through a Decree (SK) issued by the Directorate General of
Primary and Secondary Education.

2.2.2 Etymological Definition of Discipline

Etymologically, the word “discipline” is defined as "penitential
chastisement; punishment for the sake of correction," which is borrowed from the
Old French descepline "discipline, physical punishment; teaching; suffering;
martyrdom" and directly from Latin disciplina "instruction given, teaching,
learning, knowledge," also "object of instruction, knowledge, science, military
discipline," from discipulus "pupil, student, follower." Therefore, “discipline” can
be defined etymologically as the practice of training people to obey rules or a
code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.

2.2.3 Definition of Discipline by Bryan S. Turner

According to Bryan S. Turner, there are five meanings of the noun
“discipline.” The first defines discipline as a “body of knowledge for the body,”
for it involved the training of the mind and the body. The second definition
connects discipline to military drills. The third states that discipline has a religious
meaning, where it refers to a system of rules by which order is maintained in a
church. The fourth defines discipline as “[bringing] about obedience through
various forms of punishment,” or to correct someone. The last and fifth defines
discipline as a medical regimen, where “doctor’s orders” would bring about a
discipline of a patient.

In this research, the term “discipline” in the context of education, will
most likely resemble the first definition, where discipline is defined as a “body of
knowledge for the body.” When we present ourselves at school uniform with the
rest of the students, proponents of school uniforms claim that our attention to
physical details on ourselves such as our uniform will mirror our academic

2.2.4 Appropriate Student Behavior

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word “behavior” is
defined as “the way a person or animal acts or behaves” or “the way something
(such as a machine or substance) moves, functions, or reacts.” The first definition,
however, is most suited to this study, for this study focuses on students. Each
place an individual goes to calls for different kinds of behavior. Schools are places
that facilitate the learning of young students, thus often requiring a professional
attitude in class.
The Eberly Center of Carnegie Mellon University have classified the
following activities as problematic student behavior or “classroom incivilities:
1. Lateness or leaving early
2. Inappropriate cellphone and laptop usage in class
3. Side conversations
4. Disregard for deadlines
5. Grade grubbing (grade begging)
6. Sniping remarks
7. Cheating
The more serious behaviors that could result to penalties include:
1. Distracting other students and instructor in class
2. Reducing student participation
3. Lowering other students’ and instructor’s motivation in or out of class
4. Affecting fairness in grading

5. Using instructor or TA time unproductively
6. Feeling disrespected as a fellow learner or authority figure.
2.2.5 Definition of Academic Performance
In a study done by Saumya Kumar, Dr. Monica Agarwal, and Dr. Nimmi
Agarwal in Sharda University, the authors defined the concept of academic
performance as amorphous, meaning it takes many forms. In the example they
gave, completing courses and gaining knowledge and skills may fit the definition
of academic performance for some. On the other hand, academic performance
may also be defined as having the abilities to secure a progressive career. Because
of various definitions of academic performance, the concept can be categorized
into 5 genres as illustrated in Figure 1 below:


Skill and
Genres Achievement-
of de nitions Centric


Figure 1: Genres of definitions regarding

academic performance

In essence, one can define the concept of academic performance in terms

of gaining knowledge; acquiring skills and competencies; securing high grades

and similar academic achievements; securing a progressive career; and intention
and persistence towards education. For this study, the researcher will define a
student’s academic performance based on one of the genres of definitions
regarding academic performance, that is the knowledge-centric genre. In this
genre, academic performance is a reflection of a student’s grades.

2.2.6 Definition of Attendance Rate

According to Law Insider, attendance rate refers to the number of
instructional days a student is present divided by the number of instructional days
provided by the school during a specific period. For this calculation, exceptions to
compulsory attendance and excused absences shall be included as instructional
days present. In simpler words, a student’s attendance rate simply states how often
a student attends his or her classes. The higher the attendance rate, the more often
the student attends his classes and vice versa.


3.1 Type of Research

This study will follow the method of qualitative research. Qualitative research
focuses on the students' perspectives of school uniforms, specifically on whether
schools should adopt or keep using uniforms and the impacts uniforms have on a
student’s academic profile. The research will investigate a student’s level of
agreement by a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 meaning
“strongly disagree,” on the stated topics. The researcher will also examine any
trends throughout observations by numerical representations and statistical

3.2 Object of the Study

The object of the study include students Senior High Global Islamic School (SMA
Global Islamic School) in Indonesia, aged 15-17 years old. The study focuses on
the perception of high school students, for the writer believes this age group is
capable of thinking individually without bias from third parties and able to relate
to the topic at hand easily.

3.3. Data Source

The researcher will obtain data from the online questionnaire platform, Google
Forms, analyze the results from the survey, and then present them in charts. The
opinion of experts will also be sought in this research to provide explanations
regarding the respondents.

3.4 Method of Collecting Data

In order to collect data for the study, the researcher will distribute the online
survey link to the respondents via social media platforms like Line, Instagram,

and Twitter. Then they will be asked to answer the questionnaire thoroughly. The
online questionnaire requires the respondents answer 15 questions regarding
school uniforms. These questions include 2 types of question. The first consisting
of agree-disagree questions which asks the respondents whether they agree or
disagree with a given statement. The second type includes 2 open-ended
questions, in order to gain a wider perspective.

3.5 Technique of Analyzing Data

After obtaining the results from the online survey, the researcher will examine any
occurring patterns through observations in numerical representations and
statistical analysis.


4.1 Survey Results

In the beginning of the questionnaire, respondents are first asked the
question, “What is a school uniform?” With this question, the researcher hopes to
gain a general understanding of how students define their own uniform, which
could then be used as an initial indicator of their perspective regarding school

Table 4
Name: What do you think is a school uniform?

Amarza Seragam sekolah adalah aturan masuk sekolah

Lintang Clothing to make all students in the same level.

Andrea Neysa Ardelia A student's identity

Ahmad haikal kamil Sebagai penanda bahwa ia adalah pelajar


ade rahmah i think uniform is important, because it can maka students feel
more connected to their school

amira dhiaz a kind of clothes that student wear everyday, all students
must use the same clothes in the same day

Muhammad Bagir unnecessary things

Siti Salzabil School uniforms are uniform that are usually worn by
Syandanahira student's to wear to school

Khansa symbol from the school

Hakim A type of clothing that is formal and that shows manners to

the public

Malik Clothes that signify a school or for religious purposes such as,
(covering the aurat).

Barra di erentiate us from other school students

Muhammad Arkan A set of clothes that are required to be worn when on school
Aly grounds during the mandatory days.

Name: What do you think is a school uniform?

Ziyadzharif Alfarabi Decent but it is costly and sometimes a pain


Salma Paramitha Its okay.

Fatiya Nayla It's a uniform, an identity

Fasha Yoga Prasetya It's a uniform worn by students of a school.

Sutan Mahesa Clothing that are mandated in school

Muhammad Ardya

Di a Gha rah just normal

Ria School uniform is a uniform that students are required to wear

everyday to school

lia a school uniform is a uniform worn by students

Ega Proponents suggest kids who wear school uniforms feel more
concerned to their school

Muhammad Zeldy clothes but for school

Nasution 11 Mipa 1

fatritza deandi putri an out t for the day that’s the same with the other student to
look neat

Dava Afrizal Uniform that describe the school itself

Dylan kayza For me a school uniform is the most basic form of disiplince
for a stundent within the school enviroment

Khaira Fasya uniform for school identi cation

Rama Fairaz School uniform is the mark of a school

Tiffany Kayla school uniform = school identity.

clothes but for school

Andi Raisha Hanifa an out t that we wear to school

Rizki Adiatma The second logo of our school

Luth Muhammad C a uniform that represent student's school identity

Ailsya Syahda clothes to wear to school

Rhaytsa sahira I don't really mind about uniform because it represent a

tyasshofa formality but sometimes i feel burdened by it especially when
you need to buy new uniforms but the price is expensive

As seen from the Table 1 above, a large number of students (16 out of 21)
generally define school uniforms as a set of clothes students are required to wear
to school, as a symbol indicating that he or she is a student of that school. The
researcher believes their statements seem to suggest that uniforms are already part
of the culture in Indonesia. In their minds, a student must wear a uniform. Those
who don’t are not considered students, according to them.
Following the first question, the researcher then asked the respondents to
answer a series of questions with the format: 1) statement and 2) the level of
agreement, using a scale of 1-5. This type of question requires the respondent to
read the given statements, and choose from a scale of 1 to 5 to represent how
strongly they agree or disagree with the given statement. The following are the
labels given to each number.
1 = Strongly disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Neutral
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly Agree

Yes No Sometimes




“Do you adhere to your

school’s uniform Policy?”
Chart 1

As seen on Chart 1, a large number of the respondents (19 of 21) adhere to
the school’s uniform policy, with only a small amount (2 of 21) sometimes
following the rules given by the school. This result point to how school uniforms
instill conformity within their students, which was thought to have had a positive
impact in a student’s discipline.

Number of Students


8 15

4 7 7
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neuetral Agree Strongly Agree

“A student’s discipline is improved with the adoption of school uniforms.”

Chart 2

As for the next question, the researcher decided to find the average of the
data. By averaging the data using the following formula:
∑ d ata
we are able to find the average answer among the respondents for question 3 and
find the conclusive answer from the respondents. The results of the question are
illustrated in Chart 2. The average equates to 3.389, putting it closest to the choice
“Neutral,” which was labeled as 3 on the scale of 1 to 5. While the average seem
to suggest that most students feel neutral about this, a large portion of the
respondents (41.7%) answered “agree” that a student’s discipline is improved with
the adoption. This seems to suggest that the frequently mentioned improvement of
discipline due to the adoption of uniforms may exist, though not as frequent as the
proponents say, for there is still 44.4% of the respondents who answered neutral
or lower that seem to suggest uniforms have little effect on a student’s discipline.

While the data does point towards agreeing side more than it does to the opposite,
the difference seems to be very minute.

Number of Students


7 14

3 4 4
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neuetral Agree Strongly Agree

“The adoption of school uniforms create a level field for all students to
learn at school.”
Chart 3

When the respondents were asked for their opinions on whether school
uniforms create a level field for all students to learn, most of the students (14 of
36 or 38.9%) feel neutral about the given statement, but Chart 3 shows that the
majority of the students tend to agree that school uniforms create a level field for
all students to learn in school. What the researcher meant with this question is that
school uniforms allow students to see each other as equals and eliminate any
differences that may be expressed physically, hence a level field for all students.
This question sets the up the next question, that is the prevention of bullying by
wearing school uniforms.
Chart 4 illustrates the results, regarding the prevention of bullying by
wearing school uniforms. Interestingly, 33.3% and 47.2% of the respondents
strongly disagree and disagree, in that order, that school uniforms prevent
bullying. Therefore, the majority of students believe that school uniforms do not

prevent bullying, opposing one of the arguments made by proponents of school
uniforms. That is, the prevention of bullying as a benefit from school uniforms.
When asked if the adoption of school uniforms will increase a student’s

18 17
Number of Students


6 5

1 1
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neuetral Agree Strongly Agree

“School uniforms prevent bullying.”

Chart 4

academic performance, in this case the researcher refers to a student’s grades,

most students stand on the disagreeing side. Of the 36 respondents, 23 disagreed
with the topic. Out of those 23, 11 strongly disagreed and 12 disagreed. Therefore,
Chart 5 illustrates the student’s belief that school uniforms do not improve a
student’s grades or academic performance.

12 11
Number of Students


4 3

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neuetral Agree Strongly Agree

“A student’s academic performance (grades) is improved with the

adoption of school uniforms.”
Chart 5
Number of Students 14


7 14
3.5 7
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

“School uniforms distract you from learning in class.”

Chart 6

The following question revolves around a student’s perception on whether

uniforms distract them from their class. Chart 6 shows how, of the 36 respondents,
a large number of students disagree with the statement (10 strongly disagreeing
and 14 disagreeing), “School uniforms distract you from learning in class.” What
the researcher was trying to probe was whether the school uniforms caused any
distractions to the student while learning due to reasons such as uncomfortable
clothing, lack of expression of identity, and other similar reasons. Due to the large
number of students who disagree that uniforms distract them from learning, Chart
6 seem to suggest that students do not mind wearing school uniforms.

Number of Students


6 12
3 7 6
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

“A student’s attendance rate is improved with the adoption of

school uniforms.”
Chart 7 20
For the statement, “A student’s attendance rate is improved with the
adoption of school uniforms,” most respondents disagreed. To be more exact, we
can use the same formula o calculate the average of Chart 2 here to calculate the
average for Chart 7. The average answer comes out to be 2.56, which stands in
between “agree” and “neutral,” suggesting that students do not see any impact
created on student absenteeism.
As seen in Chart 8, which asks the students whether the adoption of school
uniforms promote conformity over individuality, 38.9% (14 of 36) remain neutral,
36.1% (13 of 36) agree, and 11.1% (4 of 36) strongly agree. The results illustrated
in Chart 8 seem to suggest that students feel like they should prioritize following
the predetermined the schools over expressing themselves while at school.

Number of Students



7 14 13

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

“The adoption of school uniforms promote conformity over individuality.”

Chart 8

To follow up on the same topic, the researcher also asked for their personal
opinions on whether students should be able to express themselves via their
clothing in school. 52.8% of the students answered “yes,” 36.1% answered
“maybe,” and the remaining answered “no.” The large number of students

36.1% “Should students be
able to express
themselves through their Yes
clothing during 52.8%


Chart 9

believing that students should be able to express their identity through their
clothing seem to suggest that the majority of students want to show others their
character in the form of clothing, but have to conform to the rules set by the

Number of Studnets


5.5 11
9 8
2.75 5
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

“Every school should adopt uniforms.”

Chart 10

When students were asked if every school should adopt uniforms, the
researcher found this question to have the most symmetrically spread answers,
ranging from strongly disagree (labeled as 1) to strongly agree (labeled as 5).
Chart 10 illustrates this symmetry. Using the same formula to calculate the

average in Chart 2, Chart 10 averages out to be 2.86, putting it in between
“disagree” and “neutral,” albeit still on the disagreeing side. While it may seem
very symmetrical, the average suggests that a student is more likely to disagree
with the statement, but it also seems to suggest that there are nearly equal amounts
of students who disagree or agree on whether every school should uniforms.
This topic is then followed with 2 more questions, the first asking for the
respondents’ opinion regarding a school’s basis on school uniforms, and the
second concerns their personal opinions on whether schools should or should not
adopt uniforms.
As illustrated in Chart 11, there is an overwhelming number of students
who agree that the adoption of school uniforms is based on tradition and not from
facts. Over 55% of the respondents agree with the aforementioned statementWhen
compared to the results in Chart 7, 5, and 4, the trend in Chart 11 is the complete
opposite. Where Charts 7, 5, and 4 show a rising trend to the disagreeing side,
Chart 11 illustrates a rising trend to the agreeing side. This seems to suggest that
students may believe the basis for adopting school uniforms is traditions because
the students themselves do not find any benefits from wearing school uniforms.

14 13
Number of Students

3.5 3

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

“The decision to adopt school uniforms is based on tradition and not from
Chart 11

When asked why schools should or should not adopt uniforms, the most
common reasons the researcher found are the following:
1. Discipline
2. As form of identification (to know which school the student studies in)
The prevalence of these 2 reasons also correlate with the results in Chart 2,
where the researcher asked the respondents on whether school uniforms improve a
students discipline. For that question, 20 of 36 (55.6%) agreed, whereas only 9 of
36 respondents (25%) disagreed.

Table 3
Name: Why do you think schools should or should not adopt uniforms?

Amarza Iya, karena seragam sekolah adah suatu peraturan yang harus
dijalankan bagi setiap siswa

Lintang School doesn’t really need to adopt uniforms because it makes the
student character lesser than what they have

Andrea Neysa Every school should adopt uniform to increase solidarity and
Ardelia discipline

Ahmad haikal I think schools should adopt uniforms because uniform is like a
kamil shahab tradition

ade rahmah should, because students weren't get distracted with fashion in the

amira dhiaz Uniforms doesn’t really a ect to our academic or grades, but it’s
from individuals. So it doesn’t matter if we wear clothes the way we
want, atleast we are learning and behave well in school

Muhammad should not adopt

Siti Salzabil Uniforms should be adopted frequently because to keep up with
Syandanahira our current times

Khansa uniform doesnt in uence from anything

Naufal Abdul Wasting money on something that barely gets noticed is useless,
Hakim Atmaja although I agree that everyone should cover their aurat,

Zayed I think the idea of uniforms everyday is unpleasant because paying

such a high price for clothes is not ideal for the student. However, it
changes the way students follow policy, they’re more disciplined.

Barra dont know

Name: Why do you think schools should or should not adopt uniforms?

Muhammad I think schools should not adopt uniforms for many reasons but the
Arkan Aly reason that stands out the most is the expense and hassle it brings
to both the students and the school sta .

Ziyadzharif Having uniforms is kinda great but the cost and students outlook on
Alfarabi it is not the freat of it and students especially right now want to be
Kurniawan more expressive.Not having uniform have its disavantages like the
fact students might be more shy and less comfortable since they
think the clothes they wear isnt appealing or other people think it's
weird but since student can be more expressive it is better to not
have a uniform maybe the closest thing to a uniform maybe a jacket
or something so atleast the students can proudly and happily signs
themselves as the student of their school

Salma They shouldn’t, because when we are wearing normal clothes it will
Paramitha be more comfortable.

Fatiya Nayla Idk, I just follow the rules

Fasha Yoga I think schools should adopt uniforms, mainly it's the matter of
Prasetya equality among the students.

Sutan Mahesa I think it's best to let students choose what's comfortable for them.
Muhammad Of course, I think that there should be rules to prevent students
Ardya from wearing a more "explicit" attire.

Less important (but I just gotta say), I also think that in GIS's case,
it's just plain annoying. I mean, you have to switch between 6
di erent uniforms (counting PE and grey/white pants). That's a
ridiculous way to "enforce discipline" and seems a bit greedy ngl.

Di a Gha rah no need to worry about what to wear tomorrow

Ria I think schools should adopt uniforms. Students from Indonesia

have the chance to wear uniforms to feel like they are a real student
and are studying. And some schools have their own details from
their uniforms so people would recognize what school were they
from and promotes their own school. Students in Indonesia should
be proud because not all students (outside Indonesia) can wear
uniforms. And they probably have to buy their own cool uniforms
with a high price. So i won't miss the chance to wear uniforms as a
student in Indonesia (a country who adopt uniforms)

lia school should adopt uniforms because it can help you pick out an
out t more easier, since you don't have to think about what you're
going to wear to school too much.

Ega must, because it’s important for children who can’t a ord uniforms

Muhammad school should adopt uniform because it trains the students

Zeldy Nasution discipline
11 Mipa 1

Name: Why do you think schools should or should not adopt uniforms?

fatritza deandi i prefer to wear uniform because i don’t have time to pick an out t

Dava Afrizal in order to be able to distinguish where he went to school.

Gunawan Moreover, there are unpleasant events outside school

Dylan kayza as i said, uniform is one of school's most basic form of disiplince to
its pupil, yet many may not like adopting due to comfort and
therefore, because in my opinion mankind will only improve if they
are on they're most comfortable position in society, i think schools
should not adopt uniforms.
Khaira Fasya I think it should, to know the identity of the school. But sometimes it
can't be used by irresponsible people

Rama Fairaz The school should adopt uniform because uniform mark the student
from what school is he/she

Tiffany Kayla i think it should bc students dont have to spend hours picking
out ts.
should because it trains their discipline

Andi Raisha Actually, it's not a problem for schools not to require uniforms, but
Hanifa because of high sociality, the purpose of school uniforms is so that
no one discriminates against each other

Rizki Adiatma Because it will looks more well ordered and discipline

Luth so that every student can make friends regardless of economic

Muhammad C background

Ailsya Syahda For the identity for a school

Rhaytsa sahira In my opinion we don't really need uniforms because Sometimes

tyasshofa the price of the uniforms is too expensive, but i think if you need
some a school identi er, we could just use a school coat, or we just
use uniforms when a ceremony, like a ag ceremony, or other formal
occasions And the second uniforms that i think important is school
sport shirt, because it's the most visible identi er, the rest of the day
you could just use a free clothes
Bayu Aji I think senior high schools should not make their uniforms
mandatory for students. Schools should only keep mandatory
school uniform policy in primary and junior high schools
respectively, whereas senior high school students must be given the
choice to wear the clothes that they desire in order to come to class
and in engaging school activities.



“Do you like wearing uniforms?”

Chart 12

As for the last question, the researcher asked each respondent whether they
like wearing uniforms or not. Of the 36 respondents, 13 or 36.1% answered “no”
and 23 or 63.9% answered “yes.” The results suggest that there is a significant
amount of students who do not enjoy wearing uniforms to school.


5.1 Conclusion
Based on previous studies and survey results, the researcher is able to
conclude that:
1. School uniforms do not create a significant impact in improving students’
2. The majority of students feel neutral that school uniforms create a level
field for all students.
3. School uniforms do not prevent bullying.
4. School uniforms do not increase a student’s academic performance.
5. School uniforms do not increase a student’s grades at school.
6. School uniforms do not improve the attendance rate.
7. School uniforms promote conformity over individuality.
8. Most students feel that the decision to adopt school
9. While most students feel that uniforms do not really bring in benefits to
the classroom, the majority believe that schools should continue using
uniforms as a tradition.

5.2 Suggestion
1. If schools continue using uniforms
Schools should not overburden their students over uniforms, as this could
take away from the original purpose of schools—a place to facilitate learning.
Schools shouldn’t require students to wear a different uniform every single day.
Instead, having a fewer amount of uniforms would allow students to focus more
on their studies rather than fret about their uniforms.
In addition to reducing the number of uniforms, schools should also ensure
they are requiring students to wear uniforms to increase their discipline or acquire

the other benefits. If there were no benefit to wearing uniforms, there is, logically,
no reason to continue wearing it.
2. If schools do not use uniforms
If schools decided to drop uniforms, then they must ensure students at
least follow a dress code like in most public American schools. A dress code
would allow students to dress freely to school, but also ensure they wear
appropriate clothing, so as to not distract others or themselves from learning. For
example, students may not wear anything that contains hate speech or explicit


Name: What do you think is a school uniform?

Amarza Seragam sekolah adalah aturan masuk sekolah

Lintang Clothing to make all students in the same level.

Andrea Neysa A student's identity

Ahmad haikal Sebagai penanda bahwa ia adalah pelajar
kamil shahab

ade rahmah i think uniform is important, because it can maka students feel
more connected to their school

amira dhiaz a kind of clothes that student wear everyday, all students must
use the same clothes in the same day

Muhammad Bagir unnecessary things

Siti Salzabil School uniforms are uniform that are usually worn by student's
Syandanahira to wear to school

Khansa symbol from the school

Hakim A type of clothing that is formal and that shows manners to the
Malik Clothes that signify a school or for religious purposes such as,
(covering the aurat).

Barra di erentiate us from other school students

Muhammad Arkan A set of clothes that are required to be worn when on school
Aly grounds during the mandatory days.

Ziyadzharif Decent but it is costly and sometimes a pain

Alfarabi Kurniawan

Salma Paramitha Its okay.

Fatiya Nayla It's a uniform, an identity

Fasha Yoga It's a uniform worn by students of a school.

Sutan Mahesa Clothing that are mandated in school
Muhammad Ardya

Di a Gha rah just normal

Ria School uniform is a uniform that students are required to wear

everyday to school

Name: What do you think is a school uniform?

lia a school uniform is a uniform worn by students

Ega Proponents suggest kids who wear school uniforms feel more
concerned to their school

Muhammad Zeldy clothes but for school

Nasution 11 Mipa 1

fatritza deandi an out t for the day that’s the same with the other student to
putri look neat
Dava Afrizal Uniform that describe the school itself
Dylan kayza For me a school uniform is the most basic form of disiplince for
a stundent within the school enviroment

Khaira Fasya uniform for school identi cation

Rama Fairaz School uniform is the mark of a school

Ti any Kayla school uniform = school identity.

clothes but for school

Andi Raisha Hanifa an out t that we wear to school

Rizki Adiatma The second logo of our school

Luth Muhammad a uniform that represent student's school identity

Ailsya Syahda clothes to wear to school

Rhaytsa sahira I don't really mind about uniform because it represent a

tyasshofa formality but sometimes i feel burdened by it especially when
you need to buy new uniforms but the price is expensive

Bayu Aji A school uniform is a uniform worn by students primarily for a

school or otherwise an educational institution.

Name: Do you adhere to A student’s The adoption of

your school’s discipline is school uniforms
uniform policy? improved with the create a level eld
adoption of school for all students to
uniforms. learn at school.

Amarza Yes 4 3

Lintang Sometimes 1 5

Andrea Neysa Yes 5 5

Ahmad haikal Yes 4 4
kamil shahab

Name: Do you adhere to A student’s The adoption of
your school’s discipline is school uniforms
uniform policy? improved with the create a level eld
adoption of school for all students to
uniforms. learn at school.

ade rahmah Yes 5 4

amira dhiaz Sometimes 3 2

Muhammad Bagir Yes 5 1

Siti Salzabil Yes 4 5


Khansa Yes 2 4

Hakim Yes 4 1

Malik Yes 4 2

Barra Yes 3 3

Muhammad Arkan Yes 2 3


Ziyadzharif Yes 2 3
Salma Paramitha Yes 2 2

Fatiya Nayla Yes 3 3

Fasha Yoga Yes 4 4

Sutan Mahesa Yes 2 3
Muhammad Ardya

Di a Gha rah Yes 4 3

Ria Yes 4 1

lia Yes 2 4

Ega No 4 3

Muhammad Zeldy Yes 5 4

Nasution 11 Mipa
fatritza deandi Sometimes 4 3
Dava Afrizal Yes 3 3

Dylan kayza Yes 4 4

Name: Do you adhere to A student’s The adoption of
your school’s discipline is school uniforms
uniform policy? improved with the create a level eld
adoption of school for all students to
uniforms. learn at school.

Khaira Fasya Yes 4 3

Rama Fairaz Sometimes 3 3

Ti any Kayla Yes 3 3

Yes 4 4

Andi Raisha Hanifa Sometimes 4 4

Rizki Adiatma Yes 5 3

Luth Muhammad Yes 4 5

Ailsya Syahda Yes 3 4

Rhaytsa sahira Sometimes 1 2


Bayu Aji Sometimes 2 4

Name: School uniforms A student’s School uniforms

prevent bullying. academic distract you from
performance learning in class.
(grades) is
improved with the
adoption of school
Amarza 3 3 2

Lintang 1 1 2

Andrea Neysa 1 1 1
Ahmad haikal 2 4 2
kamil shahab

ade rahmah 2 3 1

amira dhiaz 1 1 1

Muhammad Bagir 1 1 5

Siti Salzabil 2 3 2

Khansa 1 2 2

Hakim 2 4 1

Name: School uniforms A student’s School uniforms
prevent bullying. academic distract you from
performance learning in class.
(grades) is
improved with the
adoption of school
Malik 1 1 3

Barra 1 2 3

Muhammad Arkan 1 1 2

Ziyadzharif 1 2 3
Salma Paramitha 3 2 3

Fatiya Nayla 1 2 4

Fasha Yoga 2 2 1
Sutan Mahesa 2 1 2
Muhammad Ardya

Di a Gha rah 3 4 4

Ria 2 1 2

lia 1 1 1

Ega 2 3 4

Muhammad Zeldy 5 5 3
Nasution 11 Mipa
fatritza deandi 2 2 2
Dava Afrizal 2 2 2

Dylan kayza 2 3 3

Khaira Fasya 4 3 2

Rama Fairaz 2 3 1

Ti any Kayla 2 2 2

2 1 1

Andi Raisha Hanifa 3 2 2

Rizki Adiatma 1 2 1

Luth Muhammad 2 5 1

Name: School uniforms A student’s School uniforms
prevent bullying. academic distract you from
performance learning in class.
(grades) is
improved with the
adoption of school
Ailsya Syahda 2 3 3

Rhaytsa sahira 2 1 2

Bayu Aji 3 2 4

Name: A student’s The adoption of The adoption of

attendance rate is school uniforms school uniforms
improved with the improve a promote
adoption of school student’s grades in conformity over
uniforms. school. individuality.

Amarza 4 4 3

Lintang 1 1 1

Andrea Neysa 2 1 5
Ahmad haikal 3 3 3
kamil shahab

ade rahmah 4 4 2

amira dhiaz 2 1 3

Muhammad Bagir 1 5 1

Siti Salzabil 3 4 5

Khansa 4 2 3

Hakim 4 4 5

Malik 3 1 4

Barra 2 2 4

Muhammad Arkan 1 1 4

Ziyadzharif 1 1 3
Salma Paramitha 2 2 3

Fatiya Nayla 2 1 2

Name: A student’s The adoption of The adoption of
attendance rate is school uniforms school uniforms
improved with the improve a promote
adoption of school student’s grades in conformity over
uniforms. school. individuality.

Fasha Yoga 2 2 4
Sutan Mahesa 1 1 1
Muhammad Ardya

Di a Gha rah 4 2 3

Ria 2 3 3

lia 3 2 4

Ega 2 2 4

Muhammad Zeldy 5 5 4
Nasution 11 Mipa
fatritza deandi 3 2 4
Dava Afrizal 2 1 3

Dylan kayza 3 3 4

Khaira Fasya 3 3 3

Rama Fairaz 3 2 4

Ti any Kayla 3 2 4

2 2 4

Andi Raisha Hanifa 3 3 3

Rizki Adiatma 1 1 5

Luth Muhammad 3 4 3
Ailsya Syahda 3 3 3

Rhaytsa sahira 1 1 3

Bayu Aji 4 4 4

Name: A student’s The adoption of The adoption of
attendance rate is school uniforms school uniforms
improved with the improve a promote
adoption of school student’s grades in conformity over
uniforms. school. individuality.

Amarza 4 4 3

Lintang 1 1 1

Andrea Neysa 2 1 5
Ahmad haikal 3 3 3
kamil shahab

ade rahmah 4 4 2

amira dhiaz 2 1 3

Muhammad Bagir 1 5 1

Siti Salzabil 3 4 5

Khansa 4 2 3

Hakim 4 4 5

Malik 3 1 4

Barra 2 2 4

Muhammad Arkan 1 1 4

Ziyadzharif 1 1 3
Salma Paramitha 2 2 3

Fatiya Nayla 2 1 2

Fasha Yoga 2 2 4
Sutan Mahesa 1 1 1
Muhammad Ardya

Di a Gha rah 4 2 3

Ria 2 3 3

lia 3 2 4

Ega 2 2 4

Name: A student’s The adoption of The adoption of
attendance rate is school uniforms school uniforms
improved with the improve a promote
adoption of school student’s grades in conformity over
uniforms. school. individuality.

Muhammad Zeldy 5 5 4
Nasution 11 Mipa
fatritza deandi 3 2 4
Dava Afrizal 2 1 3

Dylan kayza 3 3 4

Khaira Fasya 3 3 3

Rama Fairaz 3 2 4

Ti any Kayla 3 2 4

2 2 4

Andi Raisha Hanifa 3 3 3

Rizki Adiatma 1 1 5

Luth Muhammad 3 4 3
Ailsya Syahda 3 3 3

Rhaytsa sahira 1 1 3

Bayu Aji 4 4 4

Name: Do you think Every school The decision to

students should should adopt adopt school
be able to express uniforms. uniforms is based
themselves on tradition and
through their not from facts.
clothing during
Amarza Maybe 4 3

Lintang Yes 2 4

Andrea Neysa Yes 3 4

Ahmad haikal Maybe 4 3
kamil shahab

ade rahmah No 3 4

amira dhiaz Yes 3 2

Name: Do you think Every school The decision to
students should should adopt adopt school
be able to express uniforms. uniforms is based
themselves on tradition and
through their not from facts.
clothing during
Muhammad Bagir Yes 1 5

Siti Salzabil Yes 5 5


Khansa Yes 4 4

Hakim No 1 5

Malik Maybe 2 4

Barra Yes 3 4

Muhammad Arkan Yes 2 5


Ziyadzharif Yes 3 3
Salma Paramitha Yes 2 5

Fatiya Nayla Yes 4 3

Fasha Yoga Yes 1 3

Sutan Mahesa Yes 1 5
Muhammad Ardya

Di a Gha rah Maybe 3 4

Ria Maybe 4 3

lia Yes 2 2

Ega No 3 3

Muhammad Zeldy Maybe 5 3

Nasution 11 Mipa
fatritza deandi Maybe 3 2
Dava Afrizal Maybe 3 3

Dylan kayza Yes 2 5

Khaira Fasya No 4 3

Rama Fairaz Yes 2 4

Name: Do you think Every school The decision to
students should should adopt adopt school
be able to express uniforms. uniforms is based
themselves on tradition and
through their not from facts.
clothing during
Ti any Kayla Maybe 3 4

Yes 4 4

Andi Raisha Hanifa Maybe 3 3

Rizki Adiatma Maybe 4 5

Luth Muhammad Maybe 5 3

Ailsya Syahda Maybe 2 3

Rhaytsa sahira Yes 1 5


Bayu Aji Yes 2 4

Name: Do you think Every school The decision to

students should should adopt adopt school
be able to express uniforms. uniforms is based
themselves on tradition and
through their not from facts.
clothing during
Amarza Maybe 4 3

Lintang Yes 2 4

Andrea Neysa Yes 3 4

Ahmad haikal Maybe 4 3
kamil shahab

ade rahmah No 3 4

amira dhiaz Yes 3 2

Muhammad Bagir Yes 1 5

Siti Salzabil Yes 5 5


Khansa Yes 4 4

Hakim No 1 5

Malik Maybe 2 4

Barra Yes 3 4

Name: Do you think Every school The decision to
students should should adopt adopt school
be able to express uniforms. uniforms is based
themselves on tradition and
through their not from facts.
clothing during
Muhammad Arkan Yes 2 5

Ziyadzharif Yes 3 3
Salma Paramitha Yes 2 5

Fatiya Nayla Yes 4 3

Fasha Yoga Yes 1 3

Sutan Mahesa Yes 1 5
Muhammad Ardya

Di a Gha rah Maybe 3 4

Ria Maybe 4 3

lia Yes 2 2

Ega No 3 3

Muhammad Zeldy Maybe 5 3

Nasution 11 Mipa
fatritza deandi Maybe 3 2
Dava Afrizal Maybe 3 3

Dylan kayza Yes 2 5

Khaira Fasya No 4 3

Rama Fairaz Yes 2 4

Ti any Kayla Maybe 3 4

Yes 4 4

Andi Raisha Hanifa Maybe 3 3

Rizki Adiatma Maybe 4 5

Luth Muhammad Maybe 5 3

Ailsya Syahda Maybe 2 3

Name: Do you think Every school The decision to
students should should adopt adopt school
be able to express uniforms. uniforms is based
themselves on tradition and
through their not from facts.
clothing during
Rhaytsa sahira Yes 1 5

Bayu Aji Yes 2 4

Name: Why do you think schools should Do you like wearing

or should not adopt uniforms? uniforms

Amarza Iya, karena seragam sekolah adah Yes

suatu peraturan yang harus
dijalankan bagi setiap siswa

Lintang School doesn’t really need to adopt No

uniforms because it makes the
student character lesser than what
they have
Andrea Neysa Every school should adopt uniform Yes
Ardelia to increase solidarity and discipline

Ahmad haikal I think schools should adopt Yes

kamil shahab uniforms because uniform is like a
ade rahmah should, because students weren't Yes
get distracted with fashion in the
amira dhiaz Uniforms doesn’t really a ect to No
our academic or grades, but it’s
from individuals. So it doesn’t
matter if we wear clothes the way
we want, atleast we are learning
and behave well in school

Muhammad Bagir should not adopt No

Siti Salzabil Uniforms should be adopted Yes

Syandanahira frequently because to keep up with
Sutalaksana our current times

Khansa uniform doesnt in uence from Yes

Naufal Abdul Wasting money on something that No
Hakim Atmaja barely gets noticed is useless,
although I agree that everyone
should cover their aurat,

Name: Why do you think schools should Do you like wearing
or should not adopt uniforms? uniforms

Zayed I think the idea of uniforms No

everyday is unpleasant because
paying such a high price for clothes
is not ideal for the student.
However, it changes the way
students follow policy, they’re more
Barra dont know Yes

Muhammad Arkan I think schools should not adopt No

Aly uniforms for many reasons but the
reason that stands out the most is
the expense and hassle it brings to
both the students and the school
sta .
Ziyadzharif Having uniforms is kinda great but No
Alfarabi the cost and students outlook on it
Kurniawan is not the freat of it and students
especially right now want to be
more expressive.Not having
uniform have its disavantages like
the fact students might be more
shy and less comfortable since
they think the clothes they wear
isnt appealing or other people think
it's weird but since student can be
more expressive it is better to not
have a uniform maybe the closest
thing to a uniform maybe a jacket
or something so atleast the
students can proudly and happily
signs themselves as the student of
Salma Paramitha They shouldn’t, because when we No
are wearing normal clothes it will
be more comfortable.

Fatiya Nayla Idk, I just follow the rules No

Fasha Yoga I think schools should adopt Yes

Prasetya uniforms, mainly it's the matter of
equality among the students.

Name: Why do you think schools should Do you like wearing
or should not adopt uniforms? uniforms

Sutan Mahesa I think it's best to let students No

Muhammad Ardya choose what's comfortable for
them. Of course, I think that there
should be rules to prevent students
from wearing a more "explicit"

Less important (but I just gotta

say), I also think that in GIS's case,
it's just plain annoying. I mean, you
have to switch between 6 di erent
uniforms (counting PE and grey/
white pants). That's a ridiculous
way to "enforce discipline" and
Di a Gha rah no need to worry about what to Yes
wear tomorrow

Ria I think schools should adopt Yes

uniforms. Students from Indonesia
have the chance to wear uniforms
to feel like they are a real student
and are studying. And some
schools have their own details from
their uniforms so people would
recognize what school were they
from and promotes their own
school. Students in Indonesia
should be proud because not all
students (outside Indonesia) can
wear uniforms. And they probably
have to buy their own cool
uniforms with a high price. So i
won't miss the chance to wear
uniforms as a student in Indonesia
lia school should adopt uniforms Yes
because it can help you pick out an
out t more easier, since you don't
have to think about what you're
going to wear to school too much.

Ega must, because it’s important for Yes

children who can’t a ord uniforms

Muhammad Zeldy school should adopt uniform Yes

Nasution 11 Mipa because it trains the students
1 discipline
fatritza deandi i prefer to wear uniform because i Yes
putri don’t have time to pick an out t

Dava Afrizal in order to be able to distinguish Yes

Gunawan where he went to school.
Moreover, there are unpleasant
events outside school

Name: Why do you think schools should Do you like wearing
or should not adopt uniforms? uniforms

Dylan kayza as i said, uniform is one of school's No

most basic form of disiplince to its
pupil, yet many may not like
adopting due to comfort and
therefore, because in my opinion
mankind will only improve if they
are on they're most comfortable
position in society, i think schools
should not adopt uniforms.
Khaira Fasya Yes
I think it should, to know the
identity of the school. But
sometimes it can't be used by
irresponsible people
Rama Fairaz The school should adopt uniform Yes
because uniform mark the student
from what school is he/she

Ti any Kayla i think it should bc students dont Yes

have to spend hours picking
out ts.
should because it trains their Yes
Andi Raisha Actually, it's not a problem for Yes
Hanifa schools not to require uniforms, but
because of high sociality, the
purpose of school uniforms is so
that no one discriminates against
each other
Rizki Adiatma Because it will looks more well Yes
ordered and discipline

Luth Muhammad so that every student can make Yes

C friends regardless of economic
Ailsya Syahda For the identity for a school Yes

Rhaytsa sahira In my opinion we don't really need No

tyasshofa uniforms because Sometimes the
price of the uniforms is too
expensive, but i think if you need
some a school identi er, we could
just use a school coat, or we just
use uniforms when a ceremony,
like a ag ceremony, or other
formal occasions And the second
uniforms that i think important is
school sport shirt, because it's the
most visible identi er, the rest of
the day you could just use a free

Name: Why do you think schools should Do you like wearing
or should not adopt uniforms? uniforms

Bayu Aji I think senior high schools should No

not make their uniforms mandatory
for students. Schools should only
keep mandatory school uniform
policy in primary and junior high
schools respectively, whereas
senior high school students must
be given the choice to wear the
clothes that they desire in order to
come to class and in engaging
school activities.


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Sammy Ahmad Haidar was born in Jember, Indonesia on July 19, 2004.
The composer studied in various schools from Kindergarten in Muscat, Oman to
2nd Grade followed by a short period of study at SD Global Islamic School in
Condet, East Jakarta. After completing 4th grade in Jakarta, the author’s family
moved to Saudi Arabia, and studied under the US Curriculum and completed
elementary and junior high school there. After the pandemic, moved back to
Indonesia. The author is, at the time of writing, studying at Senior High Global
Islamic School and is completing his high school career this year.
The composer is gifted in a variety of skills, such as playing the clarinet.
The showcased his skills by performing at two inter-kingdom music festivals in
Saudi Arabia and was selected to study advanced mathematics (over the next one
year). The author have also participated in the MUN (Model United Nations)
extra-curricular and had the opportunity to learn their procedures and practice
conferences like the UN in the real world. The author plans to become a doctor in
the near future.


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