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Lesson Plan: Forming a Written Argument using the PEE Structure

 Students will learn how to form a persuasive written argument using the Point,
Evidence/Example, Explain (PEE) structure.
 Students will express their opinions and support them with relevant evidence.

Starter (5 minutes):
1. Students create name cards with their first name, student number and class.

Introduction (5 minutes):
2. Begin by engaging the students with a discussion about social media. Think about both
positives and negatives.
3. Present the essay question: "Some social media sites have minimum age requirements for
their users. Others don’t have any age limits at all. Do you think age limits on social media
are a good idea? Why or why not?"
4. Explain that they will be writing an essay to express their opinion on this topic, and they
need to provide two reasons to support their argument.
5. (Hand out essay structure and writing skills sheets)

Instruction (5 minutes):
6. Explain the PEE structure with the sheet:
 Point: This is where you state your argument or main idea.
 Evidence/Example: Provide supporting evidence or examples.
 Explain: Explain how the evidence supports your point.
7. provide examples of each component for the essay question to ensure students understand
the PEE structure.

Guided Practice (15 minutes):

8. Engage the class in a brainstorming session to generate possible points and evidence for the
essay topic. Write these ideas on the board.
9. Discuss the importance of choosing strong and relevant evidence.
10. Students write their introduction and first point.
11. (Walk around and monitor the writing.)
12. Check and share good arguments.

Independent Writing (15 minutes):

13. Students continue to write their essays, following the PEE structure. Encourage them to use
the brainstormed ideas and come up with two strong arguments.
14. Provide individual assistance to students as needed.

Peer Review (5 minutes):

15. Ask students to exchange essays with a partner.
16. Instruct them to review their partner's essay, checking if the PEE structure is followed and if
the arguments are clear and supported with evidence.
17. Have partners provide constructive feedback.

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