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Name: Christien E.

Instructions: Read and answer the following questions below.
1. How is communication in everyday life similar to or different from communication for
academic purposes?
Answer: Effective communication is crucial in our daily life, especially in School. I believe
that communication in our daily life and for academic purposes are similar because both
intend to deliver concise messages in order for the receiver to comprehend the message.
It is crucial in Schools to communicate well so that the students will understand each other
and prevent misinterpretation. As well in communication in everyday life, every person
must know the principles of effective communication otherwise they will end up
misinterpreting each other.

2. How is effective communication in academic writing achieved?

Answer: A writer must be concise in his message. If a writer uses lengthy expressions or
words, it might confuse the reader. Also, the message must be constructed well, misused
words can damage your credibility, that’s why you must learn syntax to avoid grammatical
errors. Moreover, concreteness in your message is necessary, you must always include
facts and provide enough information. In this case, you will achieve effective
communication in academic writing.

3. Why is communication for academic purposes important particularly in relation to your

role as future professionals?
Answer: Someday, as a teacher, I don’t want my pupils to misunderstand me. I want them
to learn and understand my discussion every day, that’s why I should know how to
communicate effectively to achieve my goal as a teacher. Especially since I will be handling
children, I must learn how to communicate well with them, and I must not use words that
will confuse them. Purposive communication helped me how to avoid communication
barriers, though I know that it is inevitable, so, I will share my knowledge with people and
with my pupils will lessen the barriers in communication.

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