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1. ______ occurs when two or more alleles control the inheritance of a character.

2. An example of a character governed by multiple alleles is ______.

3. The three alleles, ______, ______, and ______ are responsible for the blood system.
4. The presence or absence of ______ determines the ABO blood type.
5. There are four blood phenotypes: ______, ______, ______, and ______. The genotype of blood type A is ______ and
______. The genotype of blood type B is ______ and ______. The genotype of blood type AB is ______. The genotype of
blood type O is _________.
6. The recessive allele over IA and IB is ______.
7. IA and IB are ______ to each other.
8. Genes located on the X - chromosomes are called ______ while genes located on the Y - chromosomes are called
9. Examples of X - linked genes are ______ and ______.
10. Example of Y - linked genes is ______ or ______.
11. In X - linked genes, both sons and daughters ______ the disorder while the ______ are the carrier of the disorder.
12. In Y - linked genes, only ______ inherit the disorder and are the carrier of the disorder.
13. Sex - limited and sex - influenced traits are found in ______ chromosomes.
14. Sex - limited traits are expressed in only one ______.
15. Example of sex - limited trait is ______.
16. ______ are expressed in both sexes but more frequently in one than in the other sex.
17. Example of sex - influenced trait is ______.
18. Baldness occurs more frequently in ______ because of a substance that is not
produced equally in males and females.
Population pertains to the number of organisms of the same species living in a certain place.

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life in an area.

Communities with many different species (a high index of diversity) will be able to withstand environmental changes
better than communities with only a few species (a low index of diversity).

Factors affecting population density are birth rate, death rate, and migration

➢ Limiting factors are anything that limits the size of population from


- It helps balance an ecosystem.

- It helps determine the types of organisms that can live in an ecosystem.

- Examples of limiting factors are availability of food, water, and

living conditions, light, temperature, and soil nutrients

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