The Use of Audio Visual Aid Medium of Teaching - Stain Salatiga

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Submitted to the Board of ExaminerS as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

for the Degree of Sarjana Kependidikan Islam (S.pd.I ) in the English Department
of Education Faculty of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga

By :
English Department of Educational Faculty
State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN)

This graduating paper is whole heartedly dedicated to :

1. My beloved mother (Sumilah) and my beloved father (Didik Lazuardi),

who always give me support.

2. My beloved husband (Nur Salim) who always give me motivation and my

child (Belvana Pamela Adenaya Salim)

3. The big family of Islamic Junior High School Banjaran

4. The big family of Bani Jauhari

5. The big family of TBI-C community


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, because

of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for

Sarjana Pendidikan in English Departement of educational faculty of State Islamic

Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in 2012, entitled “THE USE OF AVA TO




In writing this paper, the writer supported by several people, so it can be

finished, although there are still many mistakes. The writer would like to thank to:

1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag, the head of Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN)


2. Mashlihatul Umami S.Pd.I, M.A, as a chief of English Departement.

3. Ruwandi, M.A, as my consultant who has educated, supported, directed

and given the writer advice, suggestion and recommendation for this

graduating paper from beginning until the end.

4. All of the lectures in English Departement.

5. All of the staff who have helped the writer in the process of graduating

paper administration.

6. My beloved mother (Sumilah) and my beloved father (Didik Lazuardi),

thanks all prayer, support, trust, finance, and encouragement.

7. My beloved husband (Nur Salim) and my child (Belvana Pamela Adenaya

Salim) thanks all prayer and support.

8. My beloved young sister and young brothers (Retno, wisnu and yusuf)

thanks all support, case, accompanying and prayer.

9. The big family of Islamic Junior High School Sudirman

10. All of my friend can not be mentioned one by one that has helped me to

finish this graduating paper.

Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful

knowledge and information to the readers. In addition, the writer is pleased

to accept more suggestion and criticism from the readers for the

improvement of the graduating paper.

Salatiga,10 Oktober 2012

The writer

Indah Nur Puspita Ningsih

NIM: 113 08 071


 Always do what you are afraid to do


Ningsih, Indah Nur Puspita. 2013. The Use of Audio Visual Aid of The Teaching

To Improve Reading Comprehension Skill of The First Grade Students

of Islamic Junior High School of Sudirman In The Academic Year of

2012/2013. English and education department state Islamic studies

institute. Ruwandi, M. A.

Key words: AVA and reading comprehension

The graduating paper is aimed at improving reading comprehension skill

of using AVA medium, which focused on two main problems: how far is the
students reading score before and after using AVA medium?, To what extent is
the contribution of AVA medium to improve reading comprehension?. The
researcher uses test and document to collect the data. Sample was all the first
grade years students of Islamic Junior High School of Sudirman in academic
years 2012/2013. The data analyzed and calculated by using t-test formula. The
result of this research showed that there are increasing score reading
comprehension after using AVA medium of the first grade students of Islamic
Junior High School of Sudirman in the academic year 2012/2013.


TITLE ...................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION .................................................................................... ii

ATTENTIVE CONSELOR NOTES....................................................... iii

STATEMENT OF CLARIFICATION ................................................... iv

MOTTO .................................................................................................. v

DEDICATION ........................................................................................ vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ viii

TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................... ix


A. Background of the Study....................................................... 1

B. The limitation of Problem ..................................................... 3
C. The statement of the Problem ............................................... 4
D. The objective of the Study .................................................... 4
E. The benefit of the Study ........................................................ 4
F. Definition of Key Term ......................................................... 5
G. Research of Methodology ..................................................... 6
H. Graduating Paper Organization ............................................. 12


A. Teaching Aids ....................................................................... 14

1. Definition of Teaching Aids ........................................... 14
2. The Types of Teaching Aids ........................................... 15
3. The Benefit of using Teaching Aids ............................... 17
4. The Consideration of choosing Teaching Aids ............... 17
B. Reading ................................................................................. 18
1. Definition of Reading...................................................... 18
2. Types of Reading ............................................................ 19
3. Reading Comprehension ................................................. 19

a. Definition of Reading Comprehension ..................... 19
b. Level of Comprehension ........................................... 21
c. Factor Affecting Comprehension .............................. 22
d. Developing Comprehension in the Classroom.......... 23
C. The Relation of Teaching Aids and Reading Comprehension 24


A. Brief history of Islamic Junior High School Sudirman ......... 26

B. The Situation of Teachers ..................................................... 27
C. The Situational of Student..................................................... 30
D. Data Presentation .................................................................. 33


A. Presentation of Research Finding.......................................... 35

a. Cycle 1 ...................................................................... 35
b. Cycle 2 ...................................................................... 42
c. Cycle 3 ...................................................................... 47
B. Discussion ............................................................................. 55
C. Reading assessment sheet ..................................................... 56


A. Conclusion ............................................................................ 65
B. Suggestion ............................................................................. 66





A. The Background of the Study

Reading can also be described as a mental or cognitive process

which involves a reader in trying to follow and respond to a message from

a writer, who is in distant space and time. It means that reading activity

connects the reader and the writer although they are in different time and

place; for example reading an ancient book, reading personal letter, etc.

The reason for teaching reading to the students is because it

belongs to the basic language skills in English, just as important as

speaking, listening, and writing. Besides, reading is closely related to other

subjects. Most of the materials given by the teacher (in English or other

subjects) are presented in written form, for example in handbook, handout,

et cetera. It means that to understand the materials, the students must have

the ability to look at and get the meaning of the written text, that is called

reading skill. Because of that, reading is very important to be taught to the


According to the researcher's observation, the students' reading

comprehension skill of Islamic Junior High School Sudirman was still low.

It seen at them difficult to get KKM on reading is 65. Although there are

still some students who are able to get KKM, which is the highest score is

80 and the lowest is 48, while the center position is 60. Based on the

observation in the classroom and the interview with the teacher on

Saturday, May 5th 2012 at 10:00 am at the Sudirman of Islamic Junior

High School Sudirman, the researcher found that they had difficulties in

understanding text.

The students' difficulties in reading were caused by some factors

that might come from the students and the teacher. Most of the students

admitted that they often felt bored when they had to read a text without

picture, especially a long and uninteresting topic text. In the class, some

students are sometimes seemed to lean over their head on the table and talk

each other. They just paid attention to the teacher when they did exercises

but if the time given to do it was too long, they began to be noisy again.

When they read a long text, they were not so interested because they often

did not understand the meaning of the words used in the text. It was

difficult for them to understand the content of the text. However, they

were reluctant to bring the dictionary.

Actually, the teacher's way in explaining the materials was clear

enough but she was too rivet on the textbook. She usually taught using

conventional way by staying in class and doing the exercises on the

handbook. She used various techniques and media in teaching rarely. So,

the students felt that English lesson was boring. All of those factors made

the students to have low motivation in learning English, especially


In the interview with the concerning teacher, we agree to use AVA

medium because it new media for student. The writer discusses the

possibilities of changing the conduct of teaching-learning to more fun, so

this will assist students can beyond limits and minimum values of

understanding in reading. Based on the writer propose to use of AVA

media in the learning process, and this was agreement by the teacher. So

the next of teaching process the teacher will use this media, with hopes can

increasing student motivation in learning English especially reading.

Based on the explanations above, the writer would like to conduct a

research to the first year students of Islamic Junior High School Sudirman

entitled The Use of AVA Medium To Teaching To Improve Reading

Comprehension Skill of The First Grade Students of Islamic Junior

High School of Sudirman in the Academic year of 2012/2013.

B. The Limitation of Problem

In this case, the writer focuses on reading comprehension skill by

using AVA (Audio Visual Aid) medium in the first grade of Islamic Junior

High School Sudirman, Susukan the academic year 2012/ 2013.

C. The Statement of The Problem

In this research, the researcher discusses the following problems:

1. How far is the student’s motivation in reading by using AVA


2. To what extent is the contribution of AVA medium to improve

reading comprehension?

D. The Objective of The Study

In this study, the writer has three main objectives as follows:

1. To find out the student’s motivation in reading after using AVA


2. To find out extent is the contribution of AVA medium to improve

reading comprehension.

E. The Benefit of The Study

Having completed, the writer hopes that this thesis has three benefits as


1. Theoretical Benefit

Theoretically, the writer hopes that this study can contribute

to the science of language teaching, especially in using AVA

medium to improve reading comprehension.

2. Practical Benefit

Practically, the researcher hopes, this study can improve the

students or readers knowledge in understanding the benefit of using

AVA medium to improve reading comprehension.

3. Methodological Benefit

The result of the research will enrich theory for English

teacher in teaching language materials, so they are can use to learn

about language.

F. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a tentative answer to research question (Azwar,

2010:49). In this research, the writer gives upcoming hypothesis that there

is using AVA media toward students’ improvement in reading


G. Definition of Key Term

Avoiding some incorrect interpretation of this research title, the writer

wants to clarify and explain the term used.

1. AVA (Audio Visual Aid)

AVA (Audio Visual Aid) is a tool that combines the images

and sounds or objects that can be manipulated, seen, heard, read, or

discussed with the instruments to good use in teaching and learning

activities, may affect the effectiveness, instructional program.

2. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is a complex cognitive process. It

is an effect, not a single skill, but a collection of skills. This

process consist of determining what a source says literally

(translation), what the author means by what he or she says

(interpretation), and what the source mean to the reader

(extrapolation), application, synthesis, or evaluation.

H. Methodology of Research

1. The setting of the research

The research is be conducted is Islamic Junior High School

Sudirman which is located at Jl. Suruh-Karanggede km 10

Sususkan. The subject of this research are the students of the first

grade in academic year of 2012/2013. The student are from various

areas and levels of economic condition.

2. The methodology of the research

Type of research is classroom Action Research. It mean

that, the writer was describe the phenomenon that arises from the

object of the research factually, accurately by statistic method.

According to Elliot (1991: 24), action research is concerned

with social practice, aimed towards improvement, a cyclical

process, pursued by systematic enquiry a reflective process,

determined by the practitioners.

3. The procedure of the research

Since this is a classroom action research, procedures. The

procedures are divided into three cycles.

The procedures are as follows:

a. Action planning

The activities in the planning are:

1) Preparing materials, making lesson plan and designing the

step in doing the action.

2) Preparing list of students’ name and scoring.

3) Preparing teaching aids, they are picture text and tape


4) Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the

situation of teaching learning process when the method or

technique or mode is applied).

5) Preparing a test, (to know whether student’s reading

comprehension improves or not).

b. Action research

1) Introduction or greeting.

2) Checking the student’s presences.

3) Asking the student about the reading comprehension related

to the materials.

4) Giving pre-test.

5) The use of AVA media in class (pictures).

6) Asking the students orally about the media.

7) Giving post-test.

c. Observation

Observation focus about activities to an object using all of

five sense (Arikunto, 1996:139). The researcher is able to

monitor directly, for examples the condition of building and

geographical location.

Observer is to check the teacher true or not at using AVA

medium and examine students interest in classroom activity.

d. Reflection

The result of the observation is analyzed. It is to record

what happens that in observation. Then, researcher was

examining the result of the action research that has been

conducted. Through the reflection researcher was know the

strength and weakness of implementing AVA medium as the

media of learning in language class. Beside that there is

problem in the cycles 1 the researcher must solve the problem

in the next cycles.

4. Technique of collecting data

In this study the writer used written test, oral test,

observation in collecting the data. Written test, pretest and post

test, are used to know the improvement of students’ mastery in the

materials. Oral test are used to know whether student attention to

teacher at the learning process. Written test are used to measure

student understand of materiel. Observation, this method

completely doing for teacher and it do at learning process. At

teach, teacher can see what the students comprehension or not, this

can see on student value after that.

a. Test

Test are sequence question, which for measuring or

evaluating how far the ability, knowledge, intelligence or

attitude someone process either individual or collective

(Arikunto, 1992:139)

The way to get some data with test in this research

has two steps.

They are: pre-test and post-test.

1. Pre-test is using to know the student’s ability before

the writer gives the material foe research.

2. Post-test mean that after the teacher has presented

the material to the students, he measure the students

ability how well the understand the material by

using AVA as pictures.

Both of the pre-test and post-test considered 20

items for every test. The forms of the were multiple-choice

type and four alternative answer A, B, C or D in every

number. If the students answer 20 items of questions

correctly, they will get score 100.

In the calculation, the tests the writer uses the

criterion referenced grading system as follows:

Score of correct answer Level of acquisition

81 – 100 Excellent
61 – 80 Good
41 – 60 Weak
21 – 40 Fair
0 – 20 Poor

b. Observation method

Observation is one of instruments used in collecting

the data. Observation is a scientific method that can be

systematically used to observe and note the phenomenon

investigated (Hadi, 1945: 136). The research plans this

observation flexible and to write something that happened

in the classroom.

c. Documentation

It is finding data about variable in notes, recording

cassette, video, picture and others (Sukandarumidi, 2004).

This method is used to know about condition, teachers,

students, and location of SMP Islam Sudirman.

5. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the next steps of study was

analysis the data. The are two ways to analysis the data, they are:

1. Descriptive Technique

A descriptive technique is used to know the student

motivations during the teaching learning process. In

descriptive technique, the researcher analysis the

observation sheet which has been made by her partner.

2. Statistical Data Analysis

A statistical technique is used to know the extent to

using AVA medium in learning toward the student reading

comprehension the result of pre test and post test. This

research is calculated by T-test analysis:

x2 d
𝑁(𝑁 − 1)

Explanation :

Md : mean between reading pre-test and post-

test scores

∑x2d : the sum square of devisiasi

D : the different between reading pre-test and

post-test scores

N : the total number of respondents

∑d : the sum of different between reading pre-

test and post-test scores

∑ : the total number

I. Graduating Paper Organization

In order to have guidance for writer in writing the thesis or reader

on the whole content of the thesis, the writer needs to set up the

organization of the thesis writing as follow:

Chapter I is introduction it contents background of the study, the

limitation of the study, the statement of the problem, the objective and

benefit of the study, research method and thesis organization.

Chapter II is a review of related literature. It reveals some ideas

and opinion to the topic. It consists of definition of teaching aids, the types

of teaching aids, the consideration of teaching aids, definition of reading,

types of reading, reading comprehension, the relation of teaching aids and

reading comprehension.

Chapter III is research result; it is consist of history of SMP Islam

Sudirman, the situation of teachers, the situation of students, and data


Chapter IV is discussion consist of data analysis and summary.

Chapter V is closure consist of conclusion and suggestion.

The last part is bibliography



A. Teaching Aids
1. Definition of Teaching Aids

Teaching cannot be defined a part from learning. In H. Douglas

Brown’s book, Nathan Gage noted that “to satisfy the practical

demands of education, theories of learning must be stood on their head

so as to yield theories or teaching “(Nathan Gage, 1964:269).

A teaching aid is a tool used by teachers, facilitators, or tutors to

help learners improve reading and other skills, illustrate or reinforce a

skill, fact, or idea, and relieve anxiety, fears, or boredom, since many

teaching aids are like games. Harmer (2001:134) said that “As

language teachers, we use a variety of teaching aids to explain

language meaning and construction, engage students in a topic or as

basis of whole activity.”

Imparting knowledge and education not only needs intellectual

skill and subject knowledge but also ensure that the content matter is

understandable to the student in a simple and easy manner yet in a

short span of time. Teaching Aid are therefore used to enhance

learning skills in a systematic manner and retaining them in the mind

of learners for a longer time duration. It can be anything that a trainer

or a teacher use to assist in teaching it can be a device, object,

equipment, machine illustration, simulator or other items that improves

the teaching or learning process. Examples of Teaching Aids are

Printed Material, Overhead Projector, Blackboard/White Board and

Chalk, Pin Board with Posters/Programmed Instructions Book &

Computer, Computer software or application like power point slides,

Video Spot Film, Live Demos, Digital Images, Movies and Records,

Object for Demonstration etc (Gerlach and Elly,1980:241).

2. The Type of Teaching Aids

a. Audio Aids

The aids that involve the sense of hearing are called Audio

aids. For example: radio, tape recorder, gramophone etc.

b. Visual Aids

The aids which use sense of vision are called Visual aids.

Visual aids are an important tool because different people respond

to different learning modalities. Visual aids also add interest to a

discussion. In order to effectively use visual aids, one must learn

from experience what will and won't work for an audience or group

of students. Visual aids can take many forms and be presented in

many formats. They may be used in different settings, from

classrooms to board rooms, and anywhere that information is

relayed to audiences on a regular basis.

For example :actual objects, models, pictures, charts, maps,

flash cards, flannel board, bulletin board, chalkboard, overhead

projector, slides etc. Out of these black board and chalk are the

commonest ones(Azhar, 1997).

c. Audio Visual Aids

AVA (Audio Visual Aid) is a tool that combines the images

and sounds or objects that can be manipulated, seen, heard, read, or

discussed with the instruments to good use in teaching and learning

activities, may affect the effectiveness, instructional program

(Azhar, 1997:94).

Audio visual tools such as video recordings, audio

recordings, photos, slides and overhead transparencies are an

essential component of many education projects. They should

always be considered as aids and not as an educational method that

stands alone. Audio visual material should be introduced and

concluded through some form of discussion. It needs to be

carefully selected or prepared to ensure it is relevant, convincing

and interesting. While video recordings are often the most favored

audio visual aid, their production requires significant financial

resources and professional expertise. How they are to be

distributed also requires careful consideration. Slides, photographs

and audio recordings are a very useful alternative.

3. The Benefit of Using Teaching Aids

Since the average child needs to be exposed to new material

several times before it is retained, teachers must implement teaching

aids in the classroom. According to the Visual Teaching Alliance,

"Visual aids in the classroom improve learning by up to 400 percent."

When teaching aids, such as charts, are displayed throughout

the room, students are free to view them at their leisure, linger over the

material, and refer to them throughout the day. Flashcards can be used

as games between tables or rows of students in the classroom--this can

encourage students to remember the lessons so as not to let themselves

or their classmates down. Manipulative are typically used for

reinforcement of a lesson--these can benefit students of all preferred

learning styles.

4. The Consideration of Choosing Teaching Aids

Teaching aids play an very important role in Teaching-

Learning process. Based on that, consideration of choosing teaching

aids are as follows:

a) Motivation

Teaching aids motivate the students so that they can learn better.

b) Clarification

Through teaching aids, the teachers clarify the subject matter more


c) Discouragement of Cramming

Teaching aids can facilitate the proper understanding to the students

which discourage the act of cramming.

d) Increase the Vocabulary

Teaching aids helps to increase the vocabulary of the students more


f) Saves Time and Money

g) Classroom Live and active

Teaching aids make the classroom live and active.

h) Avoids Dullness

i) Direct Experience

Teaching aids provide direct experience to the students

B. Reading
1. Definition of Reading

Reading does not mean just looking at words. Reading is the

meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbol that

represent language and the reader’s language skills and knowledge of

the world.(Simanjuntak, 1988) Achievement in learning can be

influenced significantly by the meaningful of the students in reading.

In foreign language learning, reading is likewise a skill that teachers

simply expect learners to acquire.

2. Type of Reading

Reading skill can be distinguished into at least four types namely

(Wiratno 2002:164):

a. Scanning is making quickly over view of passage, looking for

specific information.

b. Skimming is making use the same approach and expertise that

instead of concentrating on specific information, we are looking for

the main idea of the general gist of passage.

c. Extensive reading is rapid reading for main ideas of a large amount

of text.

d. Intensive reading is reading for complete understanding of entire


3. Reading Comprehension

a. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is a complex cognitive process. It is

an effect, not a single skills, but a collection of skills. This process

consist of determining what a source says literally (translation), what

the author means by what he or she says (interpretation), and the

source means to the reader (extrapolation), application, synthesis, or

evaluation. In reading we seek to identify and make relationship by

using the type of analysis and synthesis in two ways : in other hand in

relating one sentence to another and one the other hand in relating

what we read to what we already know and expect or wish to find. We

inter meanings positive relationship and uncover bids and unstated

assumption. We evaluate what we read and seek meaning in terms of

our own perception and past knowledge. In short, reading

comprehension involves a complex processing of information and

ideas, this effect, is thinking (Barry K Beyer, 1979:94).

Comprehension includes the correct association of meanings with

word symbols, the selection of the right meanings suggested by the

context, the organization and retention of meanings, the ability of

reasoning way through smaller ideas segments and the ability to grasp

the meaning of a large unitary idea (Barry, 1979:95).

Comprehension is a thinking process, it is through reading.

As such, it is dependent upon the learner’s basic cognitive and

intellectual skills upon the background of experience (vocabulary,

knowledge, concepts and ideas) and upon their language skills

(knowledge of morphology, syntax and grammar).

b. Level of comprehension

Learning to comprehend involve complex of skills. Various

writes have attempted to categorize these into three or four levels

(Barrett’s, 1972).

i. Literal comprehension requires the identification recognition

and recalls of ideas, information, or happenings that are

explicitly stated in the selection.

ii. Reorganization requires the analysis and synthesis or

organization of ideas or information explicitly stayed in the

material read. It includes classifying outlining, summarizing

and synthesizing.

iii. Inferences require an integration of the content of a selection

which done can lead to inferences about the material. It

involves a combination of conjecture and explanation based

on a synthesis of the literal content, personal knowledge,

intuition and imagination.

iv. Evaluation on critical reading requires the reader to make

evaluative judgments about the content, using external

criteria as points of reference.

v. Appreciation requires the reader to became aware of the

literary technique, form and style employed by the theme,

identification with the characters and incidents and reactions

to the author’s use of language and imagery.

c. Factor affecting comprehension

The teacher must understand the factor that affect

comprehension, if they must help individual overcome their short

comings in comprehending what they read. Moreover knowledge

of the causes may help the teacher to prevent the occurrence of

serious differences (Lee, T. t, 1998).

i. Difficultly of material

ii. Intelligence

iii. Environment

iv. Emphasis on oral recognition

v. Emphasis on oral reading

Causes of problems relate to reading rates. The rate at which a

person reads is determined by various factors (Dallman Martha,


i. Lack of skill in word recognition

The person who has difficulty in recognizing word quickly

and accurately is likely to be slow reader.

ii. Lack of sufficient practice in reading at different rates

An error of omission in some instructional programs is the

lack of emphasis on differential rates of reading.

iii. Lack of interest and purpose

The ability to read rapidly is only a part of a matter of habit

and skills.

d. Developing comprehension in the classroom

Two widely accepted requirements for the development of

comprehension in the classroom are (1) establishing a purpose error to

reading and (2) asking question before during and after reading.

Other technique for developing comprehension includes (Lee. T. T,


i. Having pupils show by an illustration of the event by

retelling the story, or by demonstration.

ii. Having pupils identify and state the topic sentence, write a

little for the paragraph or story on sequence of material


iii. Having pupils develop a formal outline of what they have


iv. Having pupils summarize what have they read.

v. Having pupils provide the ending for a story which has not

been read to completion.

vi. Having pupils match the pictures with sentence.

C. The Relation of Teaching Aids and Reading Comprehension

There is a saying "Reading is a window to the world", as we know

by reading we can see the contents of a world without surrounds.

According to the statement, we can conclude that reading is one of the

activities that benefit.

At school learning to read is one important aspect that is always

present in every subject, as English learning. Reading is not just read but

more important is to know the content of the text. In English lessons are

many methods or media that is used to help students understand the

content of the reading (Arsyad, 1997). This is done because the English

language is not a language of everyday life, so it needs special treatment in

order to understand it.

After observing the school and interviewing teachers and students

about reading learning, finally researcher use AVA media with agreement

of teachers to help students improve reading scores.

After some time observing teaching and learning process with the

AVA media, researchers were able to conclude that this media can help

students understand the reading. Role AVA media in this very large,

because media that form of this pictures indirectly already can tell

contents of text. So that students can easily understand the content of the

reading without having to interpret every word in reading, because it takes

much longer. Moreover junior high school students will be much more

interested on pictorial reading.



A. Brief History of Islamic Junior High School Sudirman

SMP Islam Sudirman is one school that has been established in

1989. This school stands foundation of Mr. M. Wahap Sumarsono, he is a

public figure Bonomerto village, which is included as one of the richest

men in the village. From the beginning of the school has been changed six

times the principal, and currently serves as the principal is the Mr.

Sakimin. DP. BA, which also served as principal at the school the longest.

SMP Islam Sudirman location on Jl Suruh - Karanggede KM. 4 Susukan,

exactly in Banjaran village. The village is not so big that includes rural and

sparsely populated, it is the underlying number of students is not much.

SMP Islam Sudirman include a school that is still evolving, it is

seen from the extensive and school facilities. The following table school

facilities owned by SMP Islam Sudirman.

Although it only has 11 rooms, but the facilities in schools is still

quite good and well maintained. When using school facilities, students and

teachers consider it as their own. This factor makes the SMP facility Islam

Sudirman still well preserved.

Table I
Educational Facilities and Tools in SMP Islam Sudirman

Num Facilities and Medium Total Condition

1 Classroom 3
2 Headmaster room 1
3 Teacher and administration 1
4 Computer room 1
5 Library 1 Fine
6 School health room 1
7 Sport room 1
8 Laboratory 1
9 Religion room 1

B. The Situation of Teachers

Teachers are one of the few fundamental aspects in teaching and

learning process. Each school must have teachers and staff, as well as

SMP Islam Sudirman. These schools may have teachers and staff who

have a wide range of differences, ranging from education level, region of

origin to social status.

In terms of education, teachers and staff SMP Islam Sudirman have

diverse educational levels, ranging from SMA OR SMK until Master

education. Originally a school or university are also different. Apart from

the education, the difference was also seen in the area of origin of the

teacher of SMP Islam Sudirman, though it is located in a village school is

small and a bit far from the highway, but this does not make these schools

have teachers from different areas away from school these, only the

principal who came from the same village. In the course of diverse origin,

speech and character is also different. It is often a matter of discussion and

accent made a joke to them. Difference between the two is the level of

education and region of origin, there is one of the most striking differences

is the social status. It is said that because teachers have high social status

will definitely look in appearance and used vehicles. At this school there

are some teachers who have a high level of social, but only one teacher

was striking in this regard. Not only the appearance and luxury vehicles,

but all the stuff he uses also has the quality and the price is expensive,

even though he was only a part-time teachers. However, he was not

arrogant, even he often many ways to bring food or a souvenir when he

left the place of travel.

Despite the many differences that exist between them but this does

not reduce their level of familiarity anatar. All the teachers at this school

are treated equally and without discrimination. This was evident when they

were together at recess as they talked and joked, though the heads of

schools classified as very old. Conversation topics range from minor

things such as activities of daily allowance samapai intensive problems

that sometimes they feel very small. Warmth can sense when researchers

at the center-temgah their warm welcome and good treatment researchers

to linger there. Surely this makes the research process goes smoothly,

because there is cooperation between teachers and students play a huge

role in the success of the research.

Tabel I

The list of the Teacher and staff

SMP Islam Sudirman Susukan in Academic Year 2012/2013

Number Name Status Education

1 Sakimin, DP. BA Headmaster Sarmud

2 Aris Munandar S.Pd Vice Headmaster S1

3 Siti Alfah A. Ma Pa Teacher of art D3

4 Lukman Judmika S. Pd Economic & History S1


5 Musyafa’, S.Si. SP.d Mathematics Teacher S1

6 Indah Mawarti,SS.SP.d English Teacher S1

7 Sutarno, S.Pd Citizenship Teacher S1

8 Muchsoni, A. Md Religious Teacher D3

9 M. Lutfi Aris , A.Md Sport Teacher D3

10 Ir.Haris Affandi TIK Teacher S1

11 Rina Trisyawati, S.Pd Biology Teacher S1

12 Ari Sunarso, S.Pd Physics Teacher S1

13 Geta Rahmadani, S.Pd Indonesian Teacher S1

14 Umi Hidayah Staff SMA

15 Nur Fariyah Accounting Teacher D3

16 Dewi Sartika Teacher of fashion SMK

C. The Situation of Students

Students are subject matter in the world of education, especially the

teaching and learning process. Every human being below the age of 18

years and were at school so he called students. Like children in SMP Islam

Sudirman who have differences in terms of variety, such as the level of

intelligence, social status, family and the environment. It is a big influence

in teaching and learning, as each student with a distinction held by other

students will impact on the quality of learning members and interests.

Research carried out for about three months, making the authors

obtain data on students who complete the course very necessary in the

writing of this paper. For example, about the differences, in terms of

intelligence, Sudirman Islamic junior high school students have an almost

equal level, ie the level of intelligence sufficient. That is, students in this

school not so smart or very stupid have all considered moderate level of

intelligence. This happens because of several factors such as the role of the

family in learning. Most of the junior high school students of Islam

Sudirman have parents who are less supportive of their school. Parents

want their children to work instead of to school, because they think that 7

hours in school is a waste of money and time, but if they work for it, they

could make enough money to eat everyday. It certainly is influential to

student attendance, in fact, many students are often absent because they

were ordered to help their parents work in the fields. If you are like the

teachers are not biased do anything, because if resisted then the parents

would their child sekolahan.ini one of the biggest problems facing the

school. One way that they come to school is diligent in subjects of interest.

So when I was offered

Basically, all students have the talent and interest, but all must be

deterred by the thought of parents who are still old-fashioned. Their

neighborhood is also very supportive, many young girls are married

because already pregnant first. Environment is freeing them to make

women bear a maid itu.setelah while the men stay at home to take care of

children or fields.

Based on the condition of Muslim students in junior Sudirman is

quite alarming, one way to keep them happy at school is an exciting

approach to learning.

Students are the subject of this research, there are the data of SMP

Islam Sudirman students from first grade until third grade.

Table III
The situation of the students of
SMP Islam Sudirman in Academic year 2012/ 2013

Number Class Male Female Total

1 VII 15 15 30
2 VIII 18 17 35
3 IX 16 19 35
Total 51 49 100

Table IV

The name of sample

(The first grade students of Islamic Junior High School Sudirman)

No. Name
1 Andi setiawan
2 Anis qilmi
3 Ayu Afriyanti
4 Bagos Ali Santoso
5 Bayu Santoso
6 Candra Ayu W
7 Edi
8 Erna Safitri
9 Febrianto
10 Fajar Endra Kusuma
11 Fika Setyawan
12 Heni Kurniawati
13 Iis Widayanti
14 Krisna W
15 Maryono
16 Mei Nurwi Ningrum
17 M. Matori
18 M. Faizal
19 Nila Riswana
20 Nisa'atul Azizah
21 Nita Asriyanti
22 Nove Setyaningsih
23 Reza ramadhan
24 Sayidina Ali
25 Siti Faramita Lestari
26 Sugiarni
27 Susilo Nurdiono
28 Yuli Indriyani
29 Wahyu Diana Safitri
30 Wahyu Tri U

D. Data Persentation
The name of sample

Table V
The list of students score of pre-test (X)

1 Andi setiawan 60
2 Anis qilmi 65
3 Ayu Afriyanti 55
4 Bagos Ali Santoso 50
5 Bayu Santoso 55
6 Candra Ayu W 55
7 Edi 65
8 Erna Safitri 55
9 Febrianto 60
10 Fajar Endra Kusuma 40
11 Fika Setyawan 40
12 Heni Kurniawati 70
13 Iis Widayanti 55
14 Krisna W 60
15 Maryono 40
16 Mei Nurwi Ningrum 55
17 M. Matori 60
18 M. Faizal 65
19 Nila Riswana 65
20 Nisa'atul Azizah 55
21 Nita Asriyanti 55
22 Nove Setyaningsih 65
23 Reza ramadhan 60
24 Sayidina Ali 55
25 Siti Faramita Lestari 70
26 Sugiarni 55
27 Susilo Nurdiono 55
28 Yuli Indriyani 55
29 Wahyu Diana Safitri 65
30 Wahyu Tri U 55

Table VI
The list of students score of post-test (Y)

1 Andi setiawan 75
2 Anis qilmi 80
3 Ayu Afriyanti 70
4 Bagos Ali Santoso 60
5 Bayu Santoso 65
6 Candra Ayu W 65
7 Edi 80
8 Erna Safitri 65
9 Febrianto 75
10 Fajar Endra Kusuma 55
11 Fika Setyawan 55
12 Heni Kurniawati 85
13 Iis Widayanti 70
14 Krisna W 75
15 Maryono 55
16 Mei Nurwi Ningrum 70
17 M. Matori 75
18 M. Faizal 80
19 Nila Riswana 80
20 Nisa'atul Azizah 65
21 Nita Asriyanti 70
22 Nove Setyaningsih 80
23 Reza ramadhan 75
24 Sayidina Ali 70
25 Siti Faramita Lestari 85
26 Sugiarni 65
27 Susilo Nurdiono 70
28 Yuli Indriyani 70
29 Wahyu Diana Safitri 80
30 Wahyu Tri U 70



A. Presentation of Research Finding

Based on the explanation about procedure of action research above

(chapter III), the researcher has arranged three cycles. In each cycle, the steps

are planning, acting, observing and reflection in order to know each cycle with

the writer then will explain as follows:

1. Cycle I

a. Planning

The activities in the planning are:

1. Preparing materials; making lesson plan, and design the steps

in doing the action

2. Preparing list of the students’ name and scoring

3. Preparing teaching-aids

4. Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the

situation of teaching-learning process when the method or

technique or mode in applied)

5. Preparing a test (to know whether students’ reading

comprehension improve or not).

b. The Implementation of action

On Wednesday, 1 May 2012 the teacher came in English class.

The teacher open the lesson by introduce herself and checked of the

students present. Before the lesson, she gave pre-test to class for 30

minutes. After the students finished doing pre-test, teacher began to

teach reading. She told the students,” students, today we will study

reading with theme procedure text”. Next the teacher asked the

students orally, “explain procedure text about how to make omelet”.

The students answered together in Indonesian language. The teacher

wrote down students answer in the white board. Then the teacher

explains materials and steps in make omelet and students said in


The teacher told the students,” students will learn the procedure

text in English and students must pay attention and repeat statements

that teacher have said. Do you understand?”. “Yes” the students

answered together. After the students repeat the statements from

teacher twice or more time, teacher asked the students,” have students

remember the steps of procedure text how to make omelet?” The

students just keep silence. Then the teacher explained how to make

omelet and most of students can remember the statement with easier

and can say clearly.

Later, the teacher asked students to say materials and steps how

to make omelet and the students answered together in Indonesian. The

teacher wrote in white board and said in English then the students

repeated after it. The teacher ordered the students to pairing discuss

about how to make omelet. Students doing task the procedure text with

their partner about how to make omelet. Afterward they read with their

partner in class to sharing with other students. Time was up, the

teacher asked the students to learn at home and the learning will

continue the next meeting. The teacher closes the meeting.

On the Wednesday, 1 May 2012, the teacher came in the

English class. The situation was follow:

Teacher : “Assalamualaikum wr.wb.”

Students : “Waalaikumsallam wr.wb.”

Teacher : “Good afternoon students. How are you?”

Students :” Good afternoon miss. I’ am fine.”

Teacher :” Students in this meeting we will study about procedure

text. Do you know procedure text?”

Students :” Yes, Miss”. (Most of students just keep silence)

Teacher :” Anak-anak pada pertemuan kali kita akan belajar

tentang procedure text. Apakah kalian sudah tahu procedure text?

(Students in this meeting we will study about procedure text. Do you

know procedure text?)

Students :” Yes, Miss”.

Researcher :” Students, do you know about procedure text?

Students :” Students answered (but not all students can answered the


Researcher :” Now, I will divide into group, each group consist of two

students. Each group must do the task that I will give to you.” Are you


Students :” Okay, Miss.”

Before teacher divide into group, Teacher gave the task to students.

The students must do the task individuals. Next, the students pairing

with their partner to discuss student’s assignment. The students try to

solve the task by their group for about 30 minutes. Then the teacher

said: “Time is up class, now, we will share it together”. In addition, the

teacher wrote down the answer of the task in the whiteboard and

students try to correct task of other group. After the students finished,

they submitted the task.

c. Observation

In the first cycle, teachers and researcher observed the teaching

learning process. By monitoring the student’s activity in this action,

the observer can see that the students still get difficult said in English

and when they study reading. Some students pronounced them

incorrectly and the written is wrong.

Furthermore, the researcher will analyze the students

improving reading comprehension by t-test calculation. The steps as


The score of pretest and post test

Table 1
The result of pretest and posttest cycle I
No. Score of Score of D D2
pre-test post-test
1 45 50 5 25
2 65 65 0 0
3 50 55 5 25
4 50 50 0 0
5 50 55 5 25
6 50 55 5 25
7 65 65 0 0
8 50 55 5 25
9 55 60 5 25
10 50 50 0 0
11 45 45 0 0
12 65 65 0 0
13 50 55 5 25
14 60 60 0 0
15 45 45 0 0
16 55 55 0 0
17 60 60 0 0
18 60 65 5 25
19 65 65 0 0
20 50 55 5 25
21 55 55 0 0
22 65 65 0 0
23 60 60 0 0
24 55 55 0 0
25 65 70 5 25
26 55 55 0 0
27 55 55 0 0
28 55 55 0 0
29 65 65 0 0
30 55 55 0 0

1670 1720 50 250
Calculation of mean pre-test and post-test:

1. Mean Pre-Test and Post-Test

i. Mean of pre-test ii. Mean of post-


M= M=

1670 1720
M= = 56 MM= = 57
30 30

iii. Mean between pre-test and post-test

M= 𝑁

56+57 113
M= = = 56
2 2

2.Calculation of t-test

∑𝑥 2 𝑑: The sum of square of devisiasi

( 𝐷)2
∑𝑥 2 𝑑 = 𝑑 2 - 𝑁

(50)2 2500
= 250 – = 3500 - = 250 - 83
30 30

= 167

t= 𝑥2𝑑
𝑁 (𝑁 −1)

= 167
30 (30 −1)

56 56 56
= = = 0.95
167 0,19

= 58

1) Statement: if the calculation is greater than the t-

table score so null hypothesis is rejected.

2) Ho (null hypothesis): there is no significance

difference between pretest and post test.

3) T table with n= 30 is 2,045

4) T calculation is 58

5) T-table < t-calculation = 2,045 < 58

6) It shows that Ho is rejected. Therefore there is

significance difference between pretest and posttest.

3. Passing Grade of Cycle I

Cycle I has shown that the students can improve their

English score especially in reading comprehension with the

averages of post-test 57 , is it better than the averages of pre-

test 56. The researcher also calculates the passing grade is 65.

But, the result from post test in cycle I on post-test just 7

students who still have the score more than 65 and in post-test

22 students who still has the score less than 65.

d. Reflection

After analyzing the result of action cycle I, the researcher can

conclude that it is very important for the teacher to be careful with the

student’s pronunciation. Teacher can ask the students two or three

times to repeat the words.

Action I also have shown that the students can improve their

vocabulary. Using appropriate vocabularies is important in study

English, the teacher must give some examples of right vocabularies.

2. Cycle II

Based on the result of Cycle I, the teacher continues the next

cycle because the value on last circle is bad and researcher unsatisfied.

a. Planning

The activities in the planning are:

a. Preparing materials; making lesson plan, and design the steps in

doing the action

b. Preparing list of the students’ name and scoring

c. Preparing teaching-aids

d. Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation

of teaching-learning process when the method or technique or

mode in applied)

e. Preparing a test (to know whether students’ vocabulary improve or


b. The implementation of the action

On Wednesday, 5 May 2012 the teacher into the class. Teacher

revised the teaching learning process in action I cycle I. In cycle I there

was some difficulty to understand the text. In the action 2, teacher

introduced the model of presentation in studying reading. The steps are

show a picture, repetition, written form. Before teacher started the

lesson, teacher gave pretest to students for about 30 minutes.

The situation was as follows:

“Students, today we will study reading with theme procedure

text”, teacher told. Teacher asked the students “remember about

procedure text” the students answered together in Indonesian language.

Then the teacher shown a picture about pineapple stew and teacher

said the material in English and asked the students to repeat it. Teacher

was also careful with students pronunciation, teacher often repeat it

twice or three time when their pronunciation is wrong.

The teacher asked the students “mention of the material to

make pineapple stew and the steps.” The students answered together in

Indonesian. The teacher list of based on the place. Teacher wrote in

white board. Then the students do the assignment with bench friend

and after that they pairing to discuss the task. After more time, students

with their friend share with other groups to share their assignment.

Every group gets opportunity to share their assignment. The teacher

writes down the words in the white board. Teacher also checked the

students note one by one while walking around the classroom. After

students finish writing, students must submit their assignment as a


c. Observation

In the cycle II, observation was also carried out during

implementation of the action. The researcher got note from the

observer which has been written in above. By monitoring the student’s

activity in the action, the teacher can see that the students still get

difficulty to understand of sentence in English. Some students

pronunciation still incorrectly and the written form was wrong when

done the task.

Furthermore, the researcher will analyze the student’s

improvement of reading comprehension by t-test calculation. The steps

as follows:

a. The score of pretest and posttest

Table 2

The result of pretest and posttest in cycle II

No. Score of Score of D D2

pre-test post-test

1 50 60 10 100
2 65 70 10 100
3 55 60 5 25
4 50 60 10 100

5 55 65 10 100
6 55 65 10 100
7 65 70 10 100
8 55 60 5 25
9 60 70 10 100
10 50 55 5 25
11 45 55 10 100
12 65 75 10 100
13 55 65 10 100
14 60 75 15 225
15 45 55 10 100
16 55 65 10 100
17 60 h75 15 225
18 65 80 15 225
19 65 80 15 225
20 55 65 10 100
21 55 65 10 100
22 65 80 15 225
23 60 75 15 225
24 55 65 10 100
25 70 85 15 225
26 55 65 10 100
27 55 65 10 100
28 55 65 10 100
29 65 70 5 25
30 55 65 5 25

1720 2025 𝐷 = 285 ∑D2=3500

b. Mean of pretest and posttest

From the data above, the researcher calculated mean of

pretest and posttest.

i. Mean of pre-test ii. Mean of post-test

M= M=

1720 2025
M= = 57 M= = 67
30 30

ii. Mean between pre-test and post-test

M= 𝑁

57+67 124
M= = = 62
2 2

c. T-test Calculation

∑𝑥 2 𝑑: The sum of square of devisiasi

( 𝐷)2
∑𝑥 2 𝑑 = 𝑑2 - 𝑁

(285)2 81225
= 3500 – 30
= 3500 - 30
= 3500 – 2707

= 793

t= 𝑥2𝑑
𝑁 (𝑁 −1)

= 793
30 (30 −1)

62 62 62
= = = 0.95
793 0,91

= 65

Statement: if the calculation is greater than the t-table score so null

hypothesis is rejected.

1) Ho (null hypothesis): there is no significance difference

between pretest and posttest.

2) T table with n = 30 is 2,045

3) T calculation is 65

4) T-table < t-calculation = 2,045 < 65

5) It shows that Ho is rejected. Therefore there is significance

difference between pretest and posttest.

d. Passing Grade of cycle II

The result in cycle II is good than cycle I. In this cycle the

KKM of score that is calculated by the teacher is 65 and the result

of post-test shows that 7 students has the score less than 65, in

pre-test just 8 students who have get of score more than 70. So,

the mean from post-test in cycle II is 67. The results of pre-test

and post-test were used to know the score of best of reading


d. Reflection

After analyzing the result of action II, the teacher concluded

that the students can improve their reading comprehension. Students

can answer the question well. Using AVA media for students to

reading understanding of teaching. The teacher realizes that some

students can improve their reading comprehension with AVA media

through picture in cycle II. It is necessary for teacher to continue to the

next cycle (cycle 3) with the hope to get a more satisfactory.

3. Cycle III

Based on the result of cycle, 1 and cycle 2, it is necessary for the

teacher to continue the next cycle.

a. Planning

The activities in the planning are:

a. Preparing materials; making lesson plan, and design the steps in

doing the action

b. Preparing list of the students’ name and scoring

c. Preparing teaching-aids

d. Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation

of teaching-learning process when the method or technique or

mode in applied)

e. Preparing a test (to know whether students’ vocabulary improve or


b. The implementation of the action

On Wednesday 8 may 2012, the teacher continued in English

class. The steps are teacher showing power point, repetition words, and

written form.

There were still many problem in cycle 2, some students had

wrong pronunciation, wrote some words wrongly. Before teacher

continued the lesson teacher asked the students to repeat some words

from the words studied before. The theme in cycle 3 is procedure text

for introducing teachers showing a power point how to make chocolate

cheese bread. The teaching learning process was as follows:

“Students before continued studied vocabulary about

procedure text do this test (pretest) for about 30 minutes and teacher

distributed test to the students. Before make a group students must do

the task individual. After that the students must pairing to discuss with

their partner about the task and every group share in class with other

groups. When students did the pre-test, teacher walked around the

class to check the student’s task. After students finished doing the pre-

test, teacher collected and teacher asked the students” Mention the

material of how to make chocolate cheese bread?” the students

answered together in Indonesian. Then the teacher shown a power

point about how to make chocolate cheese bread to students and they

said it together in Indonesian. Then the teacher asked the students to

mention steps of how to make chocolate cheese bread. Students

answered together and the teacher wrote done in white board. After

that, the teacher read in white board and the students followed and

repeat it.

Teacher:” do you understand about procedure text?”

Students:” Yes miss.”

Teacher:” Any question about that?”

Students:” No”

Teacher:” Okay. Now you must make a group to do the assignment.

But, before you pairing with your partner you must do the task

individual. Okay?”

Students:” Yes, Miss”

Then the teacher gave a task for post test in cycle 3. Students

do the posttest for about 30 minutes. Students do the task with

individual after that they must pairing with their partner to discuss

about the task. After students finished doing the task, every groups

must sharing with other groups in class about the result from the task.

Teacher wrote down the answer of task and the wrong vocabulary.

After every groups share the task, students read together about new

vocabulary from the task. And most of students were correct in


After the students finished do the posttest, the teacher asked

them to submit student’s task. And the teacher said goodbye with the


c. Observation

The teacher observed in third action cycle 3, while teacher

was monitoring, teacher helped the students when students get

difficulties. Teacher feel confuse and tired when the condition of

students is quiet in repeating the statements.

The teaching learning process in cycle 3 was increasing the

students who read text, students can understanding in written form

process. There was some student who found difficulties. The teaching

learning process was very active.

By observing the teaching learning process in cycle 1, cycle

2, and cycle 3, teacher concludes that AVA media can improve the

student’s reading comprehension. The improvement can be seen

through the result of activity from cycle 1, cycle 2, and cycle 3.

Furthermore, the researcher by analyzed the students improving of

reading comprehension by t-test calculation. The steps as follows:

a. The result of pretest and post test

Table 3

The result of pretest and posttest.

No. Score of pre-test Score of post-test D D2

1 65 75 10 100
2 75 80 5 25
3 65 70 5 25
4 65 65 0 0
5 50 65 15 225
6 65 65 0 0
7 65 80 15 225
8 65 65 0 0
9 60 75 15 225
10 55 65 10 100
11 60 65 5 25
12 70 85 15 225
13 60 75 15 225
14 60 75 15 225
15 55 60 5 25
16 55 70 15 225

17 60 75 15 225
18 65 85 20 400
19 65 75 10 100
20 65 75 10 100
21 50 70 20 400
22 65 80 15 225
23 60 75 15 225
24 70 75 5 25
25 70 85 15 225
26 80 90 10 100
27 70 80 10 100
28 65 75 10 100
29 65 75 10 100
30 65 70 5 25

1910 2225 𝐷 = 320 ∑D2=4225

e. Mean of pretest and posttest

From the data above, the researcher calculated mean of

pretest and posttest.

j. Mean of pre-test ii. Mean of post-test

M= M=

1910 2225
M= = 63 M= = 74
30 30

iii. Mean between pre-test and post-test

M= 𝑁

63+74 137
M= = = 69
2 2

f. T-test Calculation

∑𝑥 2 𝑑: The sum of square of devisiasi

( 𝐷)2
∑𝑥 2 𝑑 = 𝑑2 - 𝑁

(320)2 102400
= 4225 – = 4225 - = 4225 – 3413
30 30

= 812

t= 𝑥2𝑑
𝑁 (𝑁 −1)

= 780
30 (30 −1)

69 69 69
= = = 0,96
812 0,93

= 71

Statement: if the calculation is greater than the t-table score so null

hypothesis is rejected.

1) Ho (null hypothesis) there is significance difference

between pretest and posttest

2) T table with n = 30 is 2,045

3) T calculation is 71

4) T-table < t-calculation = 2,045 < 71

5) It shows that Ho is rejected. Therefore there is significance

difference between pretest and posttest.

b. Passing Grade of Cycle III

In previous cycle the standardized of score is 70 and the result

of post-test shows that just one student have the score under than 65,

and pre-test 11 students have score under than 65. Teacher also gave

oral test to each student during teaching learning process in each

cycle. Teacher gave a question that must be answered by the students

orally. In cycle III students can improvement their reading


d. Reflection

After analyzing the result of cycle1, cycle 2, and cycle 3, it

can be concluded that using AVA media can improve reading

comprehension of the students in the class.

The result of pre-test and post-test used to know the score of

reading comprehension. As stated before there were three cycles in

this action research, each cycle used pretest and post-test. Pre-test and

post-test discuss into group with students partner. Teacher gave pre-

test to students before taught and post-test after teacher taught for

each cycle in teaching learning process.

B. Discussion

From the result of analyze in cycle 1, cycle 2, and cycle 3 the

researcher will analyze the students improvement from the cycle 1, cycle

2, and cycle 3.

Table 3

The analyze of students improvement




 PRETEST 56 57 63

 POSTTEST 57 67 74

2 T-TABLE N=34 2,045 2,045 2,045

3 T-CALCULATION(T- 58 65 71


If table calculation same or greater than t-calculation, so null

hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Ho is no significance different between pretest

and posttest.

From the t-test calculation above is greater than t-table. So, Ho is

rejected therefore there is no significant between pretest and posttest. It

shows that AVA media gives influence in improving student’s reading


From the statement above, the researcher can see that mean between

pretest and posttest has significant different, where posttest is greater than

pretest. It shows that AVA media learning gives influence in improving

student’s reading comprehension, because the student’s achievement has

been increase after the students did a picture. And in cycle 3 the students

comprehension used power point in teaching learning process with theme

procedure text, student’s achievement very increase. It means is

appropriate with the situation and condition of students in Islamic Junior

High School Sudirman Sususkan in learning English especially in reading,

beside that the students are more interested and can be active in teaching

learning process.

Reading assessment sheet
Name : Andi Setiawan
Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 240
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Anis Qilmi

class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 240
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Ayu Afriyanti

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 210
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Bagos Ali Santoso

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 220
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Bayu Santoso
Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 250
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Candra Ayu W

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 260
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Edi Setiawan

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 290
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Erna Safitri

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 240
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Febrianto
Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 260
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Fajar Endra Kusuma

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 200
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Fika Setyawan

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 200
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Heni Kurniawati

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 290
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Iis Widayanti
Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 270
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Krisna W
Class : VII
50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 260
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Maryono
Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 210
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Mei Nurwi Ningrum

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 250
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : M. Matori
Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 230
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : M. Faizal
Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 290
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Nila Riswana

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 290
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Nisa’atul Azizah

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 240
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Nita Asriyanti
Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 260
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Nove Setyaningsih

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 280
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Reza Ramadhan

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 260
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Sayidina Ali

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 240
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Siti Faramita Lestari
Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 240
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Sugiarni
Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 230
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Susilo Nurdiono

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 230
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Yuli Indriyani

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 230
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Wahyu Diana S
Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 270
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Name : Wahyu Tri U

Class : VII


50 60 70 80
Fluency √
Accuracy √ 270
Pronunciation √
Intonation √

Description :

1. Fluency 50 : If there hesitasi

60 : Current but still there hesitasi

70 : Current
80 : Currently
2. Accuracy 50 : All the words can not be understood
60 : A small portion is understandable speech
70 : Most of the speech is understandable
80 : All words can be understood
3. Pronunciation 50 : Almost all false speech
60 : A small of word is true
70 : Most of speech is true
80 : All speech is true
4. Intonation 50 : Pressure rhythm all wrong word
60 : Pressure rhythm a small portion is true
70 : Pressure rhythm almost all word is true
80 : Pressure rhythm all the word is true



A. Conclusion

The research is proposed to answer the extent of contribution of using

AVA medium toward reading teaching of the first grade students of

Islamic Junior High School Sudirman in academic year of 2012/2013. The

results are:

1. From the data of pre-test and post-test, the writer conclude that: the

improving of teaching learning process after using AVA medium can

be seen on getting score in each cycle, starting of the result of cycle 1

is 58, cycle 2 is 65 and cycle 3 is 71. This score showed that AVA

medium can improving reading score.

2. The extent is the contribution of AVA medium to improve reading

comprehension can be showed that the students motivation of reading

is increasing and after using it they are more interest to follow lesson

English especially reading.

B. Suggestions

Based on the result of the research, the researcher would like to offer some

suggestions to be considered to improve reading comprehension of the

students. The suggestions are:

1. To the teacher

a. The English teacher to motivated the students in learning process

of English.

b. The English teacher helps the students who find their difficulties

when they were learning English.

c. The teacher should be more creative in teaching learning process of


d. The English teacher has to try to uses AVA media in teaching

learning process especially in reading lesson as one ways to

improve reading comprehension for the students. AVA media are

interesting and more design that can students are easier in

remembering English words.

2. To the students

a. They should try to understand what the teacher explain and do


b. They should try to remember the content of text to the process of

learning English given by teacher in teaching learning English.

c. They have to use AVA media to improve their reading

comprehension and English words still longer in their mind.

d. They should be active to choose design on AVA media to know

meaning of text.


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