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Research - It is known as an organized, objective method of obtaining facts.

Abstract - A concise overview of a research study.
Applied research - The research that is conducted to formulate knowledge with the aim of improving a certain
practice or method.
Basic research - The research that examines theories or concepts.
Concepts -The building blocks or important components of theories.
Conceptual Definition - The definition that tells the researcher what a concept means in abstract or theoretical
Constitutive Definition - The basic meaning found in dictionaries.
Control group - The one that does not undergo the treatment in experiments.
Data - Pieces of information; can be in the form of numbers or words; plural of datum.
Deductive Reasoning - The basis for quantitative research and is influenced by premises.
Dependent variable - The concept that the researcher is most interested or concerned about; the quality he/she is
Descriptive study - A research design that illustrates “what is”, e.g., a survey.
Experiment - A research design employed to determine “cause-effect” relationships.
Experimental group - The one that undergoes the treatment in experiments.
External Validity - A type of validity that tells how generalizable the findings are even outside of the study since it
concerns other populations.
Extraneous - A variable that may affect or contaminate the data.
Heterogeneous - A group whose members are very different or varied.
Homogeneous - A group whose members are very similar.
Mean - The arithmetic average.
Median - The middle where half the scores fall above, half below; disregards the presence of outliers.
Mode - The score that occurs the most.
Operational Definition - The definition that tells how a term is used in a certain study.
Principal Investigators - The person who is responsible for the research.
Population - A group of items characterized by its similar interest.
Random - Something that happens by chance.
Qualitative - A research design that uses narrative data.
Technical Research - It deals with the gathering of information which intends to answer questions relative to the
technical or mechanical property or component of a certain tool, equipment, or machinery.
*We cannot measure our stress level by using a weighing scale.
* By writing the procedure on how to use the weighing scale, we give its operational Research.

Formal Definition - It consists of three parts; the term, the part of speech such as a noun or a verb, and all the traits
or characteristics that are specific to that term.

Informal Definition - The writer uses common words to explain unknown terms. These definitions maybe synonyms
or antonyms.

Extended Definition - It generally have components of both informal and formal definitions. However, as the name
suggests, the author uses a number of other techniques to define a word, concept, or phrase, including , memory of
sound, sight, touch, hearing, or smell.

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