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Demand and supply analysis of pepsico pdf

Coca Cola Co fiscal year 2021 annual report.

. Last accessed 25 June 2022COVID-19: see how we’re working to ensure the health & safety of consumers and communities. . Last accessed 01 July 2022COVID-19 response at PepsiCo beverages North America. . Last accessed 03 July 2022Errandonea Ochoa de Zabalegui J (2019) Financial analysis of the financial statements and industry
comparison: the COCA-COLA Company and PEPSICO Google Scholar Jallow D (2021) A strategic case study on PepsiCo. Available at SSRN 3828353 (2021) Google Scholar Mialon M, Pinsky I, Schmidt L (2021) How food and beverage companies leveraged the great recession: lessons for the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Glob Health 6(9):e007146
Google Scholar Pepsi Company history timeline. . Last accessed 01 July 2022PepsiCo and its many acquisition details.
. Last accessed 01 July 2022PepsiCo fiscal year 2019 annual report. . Last accessed 22 June 2022PepsiCo fiscal year 2020 annual report.

Last accessed 01 July 2022COVID-19 response at PepsiCo beverages North America. . Last accessed 03 July 2022Errandonea Ochoa de Zabalegui J (2019) Financial analysis of the financial statements and industry comparison: the COCA-COLA Company and PEPSICO Google Scholar Jallow D (2021) A strategic case study on PepsiCo. Available at
SSRN 3828353 (2021) Google Scholar Mialon M, Pinsky I, Schmidt L (2021) How food and beverage companies leveraged the great recession: lessons for the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Glob Health 6(9):e007146 Google Scholar Pepsi Company history timeline. . Last accessed 01 July 2022PepsiCo and its many acquisition details. . Last accessed 01
July 2022PepsiCo fiscal year 2019 annual report. . Last accessed 22 June 2022PepsiCo fiscal year 2020 annual report. . Last accessed 22 June 2022PepsiCo fiscal year 2021 annual report. . Last accessed 22 June 2022PepsiCo insights platform fuels COVID-19 response. . Last accessed 03 July 2022Pepsico’s acquisition of pioneer foods. . Last accessed
01 July 2022Quan J (2020) The trend of Pepsico by comparing PepsiCo’s financial reports in 2018 to 2019 based on Harvard analytical framework. In: 2020 5th international conference on modern management and education technology (MMET 2020). Atlantis Press, pp 162–166 Google Scholar Torkornoo H, Dzigbede K (2017) Sustainability practices
of multinational enterprises in developing countries: a comparative analysis of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. Full Issue 11(2):19–30 Google Scholar Venkataraman S, Summers M (2017) PepsiCo: the challenge of growth through innovation. Darden Business Publishing Cases Google Scholar 30 Pages Posted: 27 Apr 2021 Date Written: April 17, 2021 The
purpose of this paper is to provide a strategic report analysis and evaluation of PepsiCo in the beverage industry. This includes the methods of analysis of PepsiCo’s external and internal analysis, its marketing strategies, and SWOT analysis from the perspectives of value-chain, resource-based, and 3-circa analysis. The research draws attention to
details on the competition of PepsiCo as a strategic competitor against Coca-Cola in the beverage-cum-snacks industry. Despite being a competitive brand that is being overshadowed by Coca-Cola regarding global marketing shares and growth, Pepsi has become one of the world’s largest selling soft drinks across national boundaries as it is liked and
being patronized by people of all ages, across the globe. Dozens of resources were cited to produce this strategic report. In sum, the paper analyses PepsiCo’s strategic competitiveness against its rival – Coca-Cola in the beverage and smacks industry. The paper concludes with a summary of recommendations for consideration by PepsiCo’s corporate
and business level decision-makers on how well PepsiCo should manage its strategic intent of its marketing and product diversification programs across the boundaries of the global market to reposition itself as a global giant beverage and snack business player. Keywords: PepsiCo, SWOT analysis, External and Internal Analysis, Competitive
advantage and analysis Welcome to Thomas Insights — every day, we publish the latest news and analysis to keep our readers up to date on what’s happening in industry. Sign up here to get the day’s top stories delivered straight to your inbox. As the world’s second-leading beverage and snack food company, PepsiCo’s streamlined supply chain is a
key aspect of the company’s success. To maintain steady growth, PepsiCo has focused heavily on acquisition, the soda giant has become much more than its signature drink; it now owns Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Tropicana, Lipton, and Quaker Foods, to name just a few. And in recent years, as consumers demand healthier, more nutritious snacks, PepsiCo
has made moves to reduce the amount of sugar and saturated fat in its products, without sacrificing taste. The company has also expanded its product line to include juices and coconut water. These noncarbonated products, however, demand more complicated supply chains.
As PepsiCo continues to grow and evolve, responding to changes in the market and shifting consumer demands, its supply chain has evolved as well. Let's take a closer look at some of its differentiating features. PepsiCo’s Supply Chain Management Strategies PepsiCo’s overall philosophy of cooperation, integration, and innovation helps ensure its
varied and complex supply chain remains stable, resilient, and flexible. As a vast, multinational company, Pepsi must input, analyze, and act on an enormous amount of data to properly manage the flow of its food and beverage products – each with its own specific needs. For instance, some products require cold chain logistics, while others require
ingredients sourced from multiple regions around the world. In addition to coordinating numerous suppliers, manufacturers, shippers, warehousing managers, and retailers, PepsiCo must also plan for potential disruptions due to seasonal sourcing requirements, weather and climate change, and shifts in demand.
To help ensure agility and adaptability, the company has focused on a couple of different areas in recent years. Human Rights PepsiCo has numerous policies and standards in place to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of every supplier.
The Global Code of Conduct, for example, lays out clear guidelines for all of PepsiCo’s suppliers. Touching upon labor practices, environmental management, and anti-corruption practices, among others, the code of conduct is adjusted yearly as appropriate. A 24/7 anonymous hotline is available for every partner worldwide. Pepsi also has a standalone
human rights policy, guided by the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The company is a signatory to the UN Global Compact, demonstrating its commitment to universally accepted standards of fair labor practices and worker rights. Digitization and Technology PepsiCo has been increasingly focused on investing in digital tools
and advanced technologies to create a more efficient, streamlined supply chain. Specifically, the company is zeroing in on data integration to create a clearer picture of the individuals and households buying PepsiCo products. Not only could this help the business meet consumer demand in the short term, but it could also allow for better long-term
strategizing and forecasting. More sophisticated data analytics also help PepsiCo’s distributors and retailers track inventory. By improving ordering algorithms, stores can put in much more accurate orders, accounting for sales histories and purchasing trends. This aids in creating a streamlined, cost-efficient chain. Environment and Sustainability
PepsiCo has implemented several policies over the years to create a more sustainable, environmentally friendly supply chain. In 2017, for example, the company began its Sustainable Farming Program in India. This ambitious initiative is focused on promoting responsible agricultural practices that will lead to better crop yields and improve farmers’
livelihoods—all while protecting the environment and natural resources. By demonstrating next-generation farming practices and technologies, for example, the PepsiCo team in India helps farmers develop the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in an increasingly tech-driven world. Lessons to Learn from the PepsiCo Supply Chain For
companies looking to strengthen and fortify their supply chains, PepsiCo can offer many useful examples. Its focus on new technologies, in particular, has enabled the company to stay ahead of the trends. Along with the aforementioned digital tools and tech, Pepsi has been experimenting with 3D printing – even creating several ridged potato-chip
prototypes to test preferences among consumers.
While this kind of experimentation with production may not be within reach for smaller businesses, paying attention to emerging tech is key for businesses looking to stay ahead of the crowd. Harnessing the power of data, however, is something every company should already be tapping into. Today’s sophisticated data collection and analysis tools
make it easier than ever for businesses to create highly accurate forecasts, prepare for dips and spikes in demand, and pinpoint areas for improvement in the supply chain. Finally, the company’s commitment to social and environmental responsibility is indicative of a shifting tide, as today’s consumers increasingly look to support businesses whose
values align with their own. How COVID-19 Is Affecting the PepsiCo Supply Chain PepsiCo is used to dealing with supply chain disruptions; as a major international corporation, natural disasters are par for the course.

. Last accessed 03 July 2022Errandonea Ochoa de Zabalegui J (2019) Financial analysis of the financial statements and industry comparison: the COCA-COLA Company and PEPSICO Google Scholar Jallow D (2021) A strategic case study on PepsiCo. Available at SSRN 3828353 (2021) Google Scholar Mialon M, Pinsky I, Schmidt L (2021) How food
and beverage companies leveraged the great recession: lessons for the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Glob Health 6(9):e007146 Google Scholar Pepsi Company history timeline. . Last accessed 01 July 2022PepsiCo and its many acquisition details. . Last accessed 01 July 2022PepsiCo fiscal year 2019 annual report. . Last accessed 22 June 2022PepsiCo
fiscal year 2020 annual report. . Last accessed 22 June 2022PepsiCo fiscal year 2021 annual report. . Last accessed 22 June 2022PepsiCo insights platform fuels COVID-19 response. . Last accessed 03 July 2022Pepsico’s acquisition of pioneer foods. . Last accessed 01 July 2022Quan J (2020) The trend of Pepsico by comparing PepsiCo’s financial
reports in 2018 to 2019 based on Harvard analytical framework. In: 2020 5th international conference on modern management and education technology (MMET 2020). Atlantis Press, pp 162–166 Google Scholar Torkornoo H, Dzigbede K (2017) Sustainability practices of multinational enterprises in developing countries: a comparative analysis of
Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. Full Issue 11(2):19–30 Google Scholar Venkataraman S, Summers M (2017) PepsiCo: the challenge of growth through innovation. Darden Business Publishing Cases Google Scholar 30 Pages Posted: 27 Apr 2021 Date Written: April 17, 2021 The purpose of this paper is to provide a strategic report analysis and evaluation of
PepsiCo in the beverage industry. This includes the methods of analysis of PepsiCo’s external and internal analysis, its marketing strategies, and SWOT analysis from the perspectives of value-chain, resource-based, and 3-circa analysis. The research draws attention to details on the competition of PepsiCo as a strategic competitor against Coca-Cola in
the beverage-cum-snacks industry. Despite being a competitive brand that is being overshadowed by Coca-Cola regarding global marketing shares and growth, Pepsi has become one of the world’s largest selling soft drinks across national boundaries as it is liked and being patronized by people of all ages, across the globe. Dozens of resources were
cited to produce this strategic report. In sum, the paper analyses PepsiCo’s strategic competitiveness against its rival – Coca-Cola in the beverage and smacks industry.
The paper concludes with a summary of recommendations for consideration by PepsiCo’s corporate and business level decision-makers on how well PepsiCo should manage its strategic intent of its marketing and product diversification programs across the boundaries of the global market to reposition itself as a global giant beverage and snack
business player. Keywords: PepsiCo, SWOT analysis, External and Internal Analysis, Competitive advantage and analysis Welcome to Thomas Insights — every day, we publish the latest news and analysis to keep our readers up to date on what’s happening in industry. Sign up here to get the day’s top stories delivered straight to your inbox. As the
world’s second-leading beverage and snack food company, PepsiCo’s streamlined supply chain is a key aspect of the company’s success. To maintain steady growth, PepsiCo has focused heavily on acquisition, the soda giant has become much more than its signature drink; it now owns Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Tropicana, Lipton, and Quaker Foods, to
name just a few. And in recent years, as consumers demand healthier, more nutritious snacks, PepsiCo has made moves to reduce the amount of sugar and saturated fat in its products, without sacrificing taste. The company has also expanded its product line to include juices and coconut water. These noncarbonated products, however, demand more
complicated supply chains. As PepsiCo continues to grow and evolve, responding to changes in the market and shifting consumer demands, its supply chain has evolved as well. Let's take a closer look at some of its differentiating features. PepsiCo’s Supply Chain Management Strategies PepsiCo’s overall philosophy of cooperation, integration, and
innovation helps ensure its varied and complex supply chain remains stable, resilient, and flexible. As a vast, multinational company, Pepsi must input, analyze, and act on an enormous amount of data to properly manage the flow of its food and beverage products – each with its own specific needs. For instance, some products require cold chain
logistics, while others require ingredients sourced from multiple regions around the world. In addition to coordinating numerous suppliers, manufacturers, shippers, warehousing managers, and retailers, PepsiCo must also plan for potential disruptions due to seasonal sourcing requirements, weather and climate change, and shifts in demand. To help
ensure agility and adaptability, the company has focused on a couple of different areas in recent years. Human Rights PepsiCo has numerous policies and standards in place to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of every supplier. The Global Code of Conduct, for example, lays out clear guidelines for all of PepsiCo’s suppliers. Touching upon
labor practices, environmental management, and anti-corruption practices, among others, the code of conduct is adjusted yearly as appropriate. A 24/7 anonymous hotline is available for every partner worldwide. Pepsi also has a standalone human rights policy, guided by the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Last accessed 01 July 2022PepsiCo fiscal year 2019 annual report. . Last accessed 22 June 2022PepsiCo fiscal year 2020 annual report. . Last accessed 22 June 2022PepsiCo fiscal year 2021 annual report. . Last accessed 22 June 2022PepsiCo insights platform fuels COVID-19 response. . Last accessed 03 July 2022Pepsico’s acquisition of pioneer
foods. . Last accessed 01 July 2022Quan J (2020) The trend of Pepsico by comparing PepsiCo’s financial reports in 2018 to 2019 based on Harvard analytical framework. In: 2020 5th international conference on modern management and education technology (MMET 2020). Atlantis Press, pp 162–166 Google Scholar Torkornoo H, Dzigbede K (2017)
Sustainability practices of multinational enterprises in developing countries: a comparative analysis of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. Full Issue 11(2):19–30 Google Scholar Venkataraman S, Summers M (2017) PepsiCo: the challenge of growth through innovation. Darden Business Publishing Cases Google Scholar 30 Pages Posted: 27 Apr 2021 Date
Written: April 17, 2021 The purpose of this paper is to provide a strategic report analysis and evaluation of PepsiCo in the beverage industry. This includes the methods of analysis of PepsiCo’s external and internal analysis, its marketing strategies, and SWOT analysis from the perspectives of value-chain, resource-based, and 3-circa analysis. The
research draws attention to details on the competition of PepsiCo as a strategic competitor against Coca-Cola in the beverage-cum-snacks industry. Despite being a competitive brand that is being overshadowed by Coca-Cola regarding global marketing shares and growth, Pepsi has become one of the world’s largest selling soft drinks across national
boundaries as it is liked and being patronized by people of all ages, across the globe. Dozens of resources were cited to produce this strategic report. In sum, the paper analyses PepsiCo’s strategic competitiveness against its rival – Coca-Cola in the beverage and smacks industry. The paper concludes with a summary of recommendations for
consideration by PepsiCo’s corporate and business level decision-makers on how well PepsiCo should manage its strategic intent of its marketing and product diversification programs across the boundaries of the global market to reposition itself as a global giant beverage and snack business player. Keywords: PepsiCo, SWOT analysis, External and
Internal Analysis, Competitive advantage and analysis Welcome to Thomas Insights — every day, we publish the latest news and analysis to keep our readers up to date on what’s happening in industry.
Sign up here to get the day’s top stories delivered straight to your inbox. As the world’s second-leading beverage and snack food company, PepsiCo’s streamlined supply chain is a key aspect of the company’s success. To maintain steady growth, PepsiCo has focused heavily on acquisition, the soda giant has become much more than its signature drink;
it now owns Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Tropicana, Lipton, and Quaker Foods, to name just a few. And in recent years, as consumers demand healthier, more nutritious snacks, PepsiCo has made moves to reduce the amount of sugar and saturated fat in its products, without sacrificing taste. The company has also expanded its product line to include juices
and coconut water. These noncarbonated products, however, demand more complicated supply chains. As PepsiCo continues to grow and evolve, responding to changes in the market and shifting consumer demands, its supply chain has evolved as well. Let's take a closer look at some of its differentiating features. PepsiCo’s Supply Chain Management
Strategies PepsiCo’s overall philosophy of cooperation, integration, and innovation helps ensure its varied and complex supply chain remains stable, resilient, and flexible. As a vast, multinational company, Pepsi must input, analyze, and act on an enormous amount of data to properly manage the flow of its food and beverage products – each with its
own specific needs. For instance, some products require cold chain logistics, while others require ingredients sourced from multiple regions around the world. In addition to coordinating numerous suppliers, manufacturers, shippers, warehousing managers, and retailers, PepsiCo must also plan for potential disruptions due to seasonal sourcing
requirements, weather and climate change, and shifts in demand. To help ensure agility and adaptability, the company has focused on a couple of different areas in recent years. Human Rights PepsiCo has numerous policies and standards in place to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of every supplier. The Global Code of Conduct, for example,
lays out clear guidelines for all of PepsiCo’s suppliers. Touching upon labor practices, environmental management, and anti-corruption practices, among others, the code of conduct is adjusted yearly as appropriate. A 24/7 anonymous hotline is available for every partner worldwide. Pepsi also has a standalone human rights policy, guided by the
United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The company is a signatory to the UN Global Compact, demonstrating its commitment to universally accepted standards of fair labor practices and worker rights. Digitization and Technology PepsiCo has been increasingly focused on investing in digital tools and advanced technologies to create
a more efficient, streamlined supply chain. Specifically, the company is zeroing in on data integration to create a clearer picture of the individuals and households buying PepsiCo products. Not only could this help the business meet consumer demand in the short term, but it could also allow for better long-term strategizing and forecasting. More
sophisticated data analytics also help PepsiCo’s distributors and retailers track inventory. By improving ordering algorithms, stores can put in much more accurate orders, accounting for sales histories and purchasing trends. This aids in creating a streamlined, cost-efficient chain. Environment and Sustainability PepsiCo has implemented several
policies over the years to create a more sustainable, environmentally friendly supply chain. In 2017, for example, the company began its Sustainable Farming Program in India. This ambitious initiative is focused on promoting responsible agricultural practices that will lead to better crop yields and improve farmers’ livelihoods—all while protecting the
environment and natural resources. By demonstrating next-generation farming practices and technologies, for example, the PepsiCo team in India helps farmers develop the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in an increasingly tech-driven world. Lessons to Learn from the PepsiCo Supply Chain For companies looking to strengthen and fortify
their supply chains, PepsiCo can offer many useful examples. Its focus on new technologies, in particular, has enabled the company to stay ahead of the trends. Along with the aforementioned digital tools and tech, Pepsi has been experimenting with 3D printing – even creating several ridged potato-chip prototypes to test preferences among
consumers. While this kind of experimentation with production may not be within reach for smaller businesses, paying attention to emerging tech is key for businesses looking to stay ahead of the crowd. Harnessing the power of data, however, is something every company should already be tapping into. Today’s sophisticated data collection and
analysis tools make it easier than ever for businesses to create highly accurate forecasts, prepare for dips and spikes in demand, and pinpoint areas for improvement in the supply chain. Finally, the company’s commitment to social and environmental responsibility is indicative of a shifting tide, as today’s consumers increasingly look to support
businesses whose values align with their own. How COVID-19 Is Affecting the PepsiCo Supply Chain PepsiCo is used to dealing with supply chain disruptions; as a major international corporation, natural disasters are par for the course. But the COVID-19 crisis is something else entirely. For global actors such as PepsiCo, the crisis has presented
unique challenges and opportunities to identify areas for improvement. To ensure a streamlined, efficient supply chain, PepsiCo taps into lean methodologies – but now every link in its supply chain is being tested. Going forward, PepsiCo may choose to keep more inventory on hand, allowing for quicker responses in the event of future disruptions. In
an April interview, PepsiCo CFO Hugh Johnston said that the pandemic may spur manufacturing changes, saying, “many of us have run supply chains and inventory levels more leanly than 5 to 10 years ago.” The surge in demand, he said, resulted in a “scramble to react.” To aid in relief efforts, the snack and soda giant has launched a $7 million
effort to help communities hit hardest by the global pandemic. This will provide support in a range of different areas, including testing, health care services, and family and senior housing. Image Credit: Morning Brew / Unsplash uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. By using our site, you
agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy.

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