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Anush Sivakoman Stondond 9

Vonshi MonthanUidhuashvam-English
Article oh Indian hogress in the
Field Of Space ex plonatton in the
Contempohanu WOsid'
The Indian SRSPace Reseanch Onganiz
ation (ISRO) ha been Steadiles
buildino its lauchine and explonatton
CapabiTTties ton decades.Uiktham
Ambalal Sanabhcu is known as the
foundina fathe of the Tndian Spoce
Proayom because of his effont te
Stant aspace ogencu fon Lndia
He wa an Lndian phuystcist and
Ostronomch who initiated Space
reseanch and helped aleuelop nuclean
poweh ia Lndia and is Tnten ratiornala
reonokd e fathen of the Indion
Sp&ce PrCoraM
Spacc bhe onivense,the o lan sustch
planetshoue intmected hunan beinas
Strce t i imneymonial. with. eutena
plorotion the_ desixe ard intert to
Knou Mone about cpace ahows
oluina it_os a secton ofeseazch|
ond deelopmen b o aeo level and
ISCYeakina a foot print on the Countiod
in Spaceexplohation ISRO toca
amongst the bo e 6 govRhN MenE
SPOceO0cNciesi0 the ohldFrOm
lavnchinSna rockets o s t 30-7
ka po lcods to conhuina O00
s po loods to outes space,LSROS
Sonne ho been rekreching awdacipos
FYom relesina on othen countrieS fon
Space proaramS to nou
robost lawch vehide ha ina its
MOMentouS vowth proaraM ChSs
uian hannessed
bo LSRO S SPace
ereach centreS-
Uikrom Sanabhaj SpoCe
Applicatons Centve ondentre Space_
(4 mone oE
SUch centves.

To Fonthen enhorce
the field of
SPace ve seanch1SKO and
centyes houe oactive its
academic and proavam S ithn
the coUntre) aAd is nstitotes acroSS
phSonnel ron numNOUStrainina
anoond Ehe olobx CouTbie
* As pe indostva Sources the spact secton
in ndio acbcoonts fo 3 of the
risino 360billion alobal space
hanket. Oue S00 plus Indian supeli-
nS POUideP Conponents and electronics
to TSRO. Tn India. , thme is an
in-hexnt inteest in the domain ef
SPace defense aenonat ies ond
SatehiteS. Tndia prodoces the best
oroinS that havR been Pant of
Ceuenau SPace MISSTOnS e1sewhe
in the won ld.

Eanlie this cean, the govenment

announcrd a policuy to boost phtuat
pan bici pations in Space actuitieS,
Providina an opPontnita fo priUate
Com Panies in Satelites,lawchesy and
Srocebazed sevices This oens r
hew OwenyeS kon pivate poyeS n
not Srace ex plorton but in
sabellfteS,Sob ay>fmbljes electvoniC
CoMPonent>, menla{s_and o the
anbcciated dovmainS Space and
Sakellit_ane the backbones o
Prediction that_help ue in sectonS
ike aaicultune, weathe ,CoMmonicatt ons
Milttan o, defence, lbanting, Montton inat
and Sunvellanct and Ceueru othe
lo sUMMnanizf thee ane three ke t
opects Of poten tial col(abonotion to
ncreae the'moMen Eom ond epe expand
Trodias Shane the alobal space
econoMy. The finst is to estoiblish
pew pantenships with the in dustruy
ond entrepreneun>. Secondl
tuould like to br ina a busthess p latfopm
that he lps EheM Shrink rockebtre dnd
Satellite develoe Ment tir to achieve
ftnsttime - riaht aualit fon successpl
lauh eS. his_bUSinesS plat fonm wll
enable intearatmo diffenent olepanthentsB.
and intonmation hle_proutdtnt a t a
Capabilities to acceleate descan and
arufactuninaincludtno vintuaU.
vadidatiOn Lbt to i h the SpOCe
race with seccesSful satellite lauache
CompanieS MUSE recuek Ehe gop betue
the vintua_aOd ral wonld and brinA
in a tramewOn to Morage c0Mple x
SystenS gtSstem trovah effectUe_
So ba collabsnatioCwith in tn natisna
Space onganizatonthusAchieuin innotdhien
i n proram esecu'fion
(502 Wond

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