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Inter Agency Approach
S.Y 2023 - 2024

DIRECTION: Write the letter of your answer in a CAPITAL form. any means of ALTERATIONS and ERASURES are strictly
prohibited and considered WRONG.

1. It is otherwise known as the Intergration of Law 1976.

a. PD 675 c. RA 4864
b. PD 765 d. RA 8511
2. Under this philosophy, the yardstick of police efficiency is the absence of crime.
a. continental theory c. home rule theory
b. old concept d. modern concept
3. These are functions that include such operations such as patrol, criminal investigation, and traffic control as well as
supervision of the personnel performing those operations.
a. Police functions c. auxiliary functions
b. Line functions d. staff functions
4. It is known as the DILG Act of 1990.
a. RA 6579 c. RA 6576
b. RA 6975 d. 6576
5. Under the police Act of 1966, policemen are appointed by the
a. Chief PNP c. regional director
b. NAPOLCOM d. mayor
6. It represents the formal relationship among superiors and subordinates in any given organization. It can be visualized
as ladder with each rung representing a higher or lower level of authority.
a. hierarchy c. span of control
b. Delegation of authority d. unity of command
7. It is the identification and classification of required activities, the grouping of activities necessary to attain objectives.,
and the assignment of its grouping manager with the authority necessary to supervise it.
a. coordinating c. planning
b. Staffing d. organizing
8. It is known as the Police Act of 1966.
a. RA 4864 c. RA 4684
b. RA 4846 d. RA 4648
9. What is the downward transfer of authority from manager to a subordinate
a. Span of control c. chain of command
b. Delegation d. command responsibility
10. It is an unbroken line of authority that links all persons in an organization and defines who reports to whom.
a. Command responsibility c. delegation
b. Span of control d. chain of command
11. It is state that a group of police officers should only be under the control of one superior or ranking police officer.
a. unity of command c. span of control
b. chain of command d. command responsibility
12. It is state that a senior police officer should be provided with men not more than what he can effectively direct.
a. Unity of command c. command responsibility
b. Span of control d. chain of command
13. What is the process of organizing, leading, and controlling the efforts of the organization members utilizing available
resources to achieve organizations goals.
a. Police management c. organizing
b. Management d. leadership
14. What office under the PNP is responsible for its personnel and records management?
b. DPRM d. DPL
15. It is binding spirit that enhances teamwork and cooperation in the PNP.
a. Patriotism c. discipline
b. Camaraderie d. valor
16. What is the manifestation of courtesy in the PNP?
a. Hand shake c. salute
b. A pleasant smile d. goodmorning sir/ maam
17. R.A 8551 is other known as the
a. PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1999
b. DILG Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998
c. PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1999
d. PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998
18. Under RA 8551, what is the educational qualification to become a member PNP?
a. High school graduate
b. Formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of learning
c. 72 college academic units
d. Degree holder
19. When would a PNP personnel be compulsorily retired from the service?
a. Upon reaching the age of 58 c. upon reaching the age of 60
b. 20 years of satisfactory d. upon reaching the age 56
20. What is the quota of women as regards annual recruitment, training and education?
a. 7% c. 10%
b. 5% d. 12%
21. The three stars in the PNP seal symbolizes.
a. Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao c. service, honor, justice
b. Police, fire, and jail services d. serve, protect, prevent
22. What is the salary grade of a patrolman?
a. 31 c. 30
b. 29 d. 28
23. A police officer may file for an early retirement if.
a. He is 56 years old c. he has at least 10 years in the service
b. He is at least 20 years in service d. he is at least 20 years in the governmen t service
24. What is the process of attracting applicants who have the minimum qualifications to be eligible for the selection
a. Recruitment c. selection
b. Appraisal d. appointment
25. It is the largest organic unit within a large department.
a. Division c. unit
b. Bureau d. section
26. Those that perform the administrative functions like personnel, finance, planning and training
a. Service units c. administrative units
b. Operational units d. sections units
27. It was organized in 1712 for the purpose of carrying that regulations of the Department of State.
a. Carabineros c. cuadrillo
b. Guadrilleros d. guardia civil
28. Understood as comprising behavioral regulations, it is imposed either by command or self-restraint to insure supportive
behavior from people composing the organization.
a. Doctrine c. ethical
b. Discipline d. fundamental
29. The top most level in the chain where the overall responsibility and authority over subordinate commands and units is
a. Top hierarchy c. top echelon
b. Top command d. top superior
30. The act of conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk oh his/her life above beyond the call of duty.
a. Heroic deed c. heroic died
b. Heroic action d. heroes
31. It is the framework of the organization showing the hierarchy of offices and positions to effectively manage a police
a. Organizational structure c. police organizational structure
b. Organization chart d. police structure chart
32. It refers to an officer belonging to the lower or inferior rank.
a. Lower echelon c. echelon
b. Patrolman d. subordinate
33. The word ordeal is derived from the medieval latin word judicium dei which means
a. Judgement of court c. judgement of police
b. Judgement of law d. judgement of God
34. It is an process involved in ensuring strict compliance, proper obedience of laws and related statutes that focuses on
the policing process.
a. Police administration c. administrative units
b. Administrative d. administration
35. He was the first Chief of the Police of the Manila Police Department in 1901.
a. Capt. Henry Allen c. PDG. Ceasar P. Nazareno
b. Capt. George Curry d. PDG Cesar P. Nazareno

36. It explains that responsibility for action cannot be greater than that implied by the authority delegated nor should it be
a. Principle of flexibility b. Principle of parity and responsibility c.principle of balance d.none of these
37. The division of work according to type, place, time and specialization refers to:
a. line and staff principle b. functional principle c.Line principle d.scalar principle
38. Before the manager makes forecast of future manpower, the current man power status has to be analyzed. For this the
following things have to be noted, Except:
A. Types of organization b.types of department c. number of department d. number an quantity of such department
39. The police organization can be structured to attain effective, efficient and economical police service. The following are
the organic units that form part of the components, EXCEPT:
a.Operational unit b. administrative unit c.service unit d. Auxiliary unit
40 . The one regarded as the “ father of modern policing system” for contributing his brilliant concepts in policing which are
still being used today and paying the way for the creation of one of the most efficient police organization in the word was:
a. Henry fielding b. sir Robert Peel c. John Fielding d. Allan Pikerton
41 Police Master Sargent De Leon was not given an assignment for 3 years. After such he was separated in the service.
This situation is example of___.
a. attrition by demotion in rank or position b. attrition by relief c. attrition by non-promotion d. attrition
42.. Police Captain Talan was assigned to a position lower to his rank for 18 months. After such he was separated in the
service. Police Captain Talan is subject for what attrition?
a. attrition by demotion in rank or position b. attrition by relief c. attrition by non-promotion d. attrition
43. Before the manager makes forecast of future manpower, the current man power status has to be analyzed. For this the
following things have to be noted, Except:
A. Types of organization b.types of department c. number of department d. number an quantity of such department
44.The police organization can be structured to attain effective, efficient and economical police service. The following are
the organic units that form part of the components, EXCEPT:
a.Operational unit b. administrative unit c.service unit d. Auxiliary unit
45. Police Corporal Simbolas is part of a police organization. His primary duty is Patrolling . In which function in a police
organization his job belong?
A. Administrative function b. Auxiliary function c. Primary or line Function d. Service units
47. Police Staff Sargent Duhilag is assigned at Patrol Unit. His primary duty is the preservation of the public peace and
security. In which theory of police service P/Staff Sargent Duhilag belong?
a. old b. home rule c. modern d. continental
48. If there is a quota 1500 for the rank of patrolman, how many women should be selected for appointment into the PNP?
A. 75 C. 225
B. 300 D. 150
49.Mr. Baho ilok failed the psychological for psychiatric examination.could he apply again the PNP?
A. No Mr. baho ilok barred from applying into the PNP because he is suffering from mental disorder.
B. Yes, but he must first be healed from the mental disorder that makes him unfit
C. Yes, he allowed to retake the same examination after 6 months
D. Yes, he allowed to retake the same examination after 1year
50. The following are functional units. Except.
A. Buraeu*
B. Section
C. Division
D. Unit3
51. Which of the following are not organizational structure.
A. Line
B. Functional
C. Staff*
D. Line and staff
52. This are the spanish period, except.
A. Carabineros
B. Cuadrillo
C. Guardia civil
D. Guardia*
53. Which of the following is NOT a peels principles of law enforcement.
A. The police are the public and the public are the police.
B. The police represent the law.
C. The police represent the country.*is
D. Physical force is used only as a last resort
54. Which of the following is not belong to anglo-saxon period of policing system.
A. Tun policing
B. Tin policing
C. Hue and cry
D. Trial by ordeal
55. The following are not functional units EXCEPT.
A. Bureau*
B. Line
C. Staff
D. Functionalist
56. Which of the following cannot be used as eligibility into the PNP?
A. PRC License
57. What is the educational qualifications to become a member of the PNP?
A. Formal Baccalaureate degree from the a recognize Institution of learning
B. Degree holder from top colleges or universities
C. 72 colleges academic Units
D. High school Graduate
58.The following are the functional unit except one?
A. Buraeu
B. Unit
C. Division
D. Section
59. The following are the chiefs of the Philippine Constabulary, except one?
A.. Brig. Gen.William C. Rivers
B. Brig. Gen James G. Harbord
C. Brig. Gen Rafaell Y. Crame
D. Brig. Gen Lucien R. Sweet
60. The following are the examples of Bureau, except one?
61. The following are the PNP function, except one?
A. Perform such other duties and exercise all other functions as maybe provided by Law (RA 6975)
B. Exercise the general powers to make arrest, search and seizure in accordance with the constitution and pertinent Laws
C. Issue licenses for the possession of firearms and driver’s license in accordance with the law
D. Maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to ensure public safety
62. This echelon is further categorized as follows,
I.Police regional offices/NSU
II. Municipal Police offices numbered Police Stations
III. Provincial city police offices
A. 1, II, III
63. Which of the following are considered as a Crime solved?
A. At least one of the offenders has been identified
B. The offender has been charged in court
C. The offender has been charged based on evidence
D. There is sufficient evidence to charge the offender
64. Mr. Lagat was a Police Corporal, who conducts a daily routine in the area of Cantilan. What line function does he
A. Controlling
B. Budgeting
C. Financing
D. Patrolling
65. Which of the following is the best meaning of Organization?
A. Organizations are normally structured on a superior-subordinate relationship
C. Organization is a form of human association for the attainment of a goal or objective
B. Organization is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed
D. Organization is cooperation towards a common goal is important in an organization
66. Mr. Kiki patrolling in slum areas, what kind of organic units that Mr. Kiki performed?
A. Service Units
B. Division Units
C. Operational Units
D. Auxiliary Units
67. What is the order of the requirements waived?
A. Age, Height, Weight and Education
B. Age, Weight, Height and Education
C. Age, Weight, Education and Height
D. Height, Age, Weight and Education O
68. Which of the following is the meaning of PLEB?
A. Peoples Law Enforcement Bar
B. Peoples Law Enforcement Bureau
C. Peoples Law Enforcement Budget
D. Peoples Law Enforcement Board
69. The following are the commissioned officer, except one
A. Police lieutenant
B. Police Colonel
C. Police Executive Master Sergeant
D. Police Major
70. Mr. Jae died while in duty in Zamboanga siege years ago. What type of PNP philosophy did he possess?
A. Honest
B. Integrity
C. Loyalty
D. Honor

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