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Timeline of Jose Rizal’s Travel Abroad

In 1882, Jose Rizal took his first trip abroad, which lasted until 1887. He had two main reasons for this
journey: to finish his medical studies in Spain and to secretly prepare for his future role in the Philippines'
fight for freedom. To avoid drawing attention from the Spanish authorities and the clergy, Rizal used the
alias "Jose Mercado." His uncle, Antonio Rivera, played a crucial role in helping him during this journey.
This trip had a profound impact on his later role as a national hero and his efforts to bring change to the

Philippines to Singapore 1882

 Further studies and secret mission preparation.

 Used the alias "Jose Mercado" and received assistance from his uncle, Antonio Rivera.

Singapore May 3-19, 1882

 Continued the journey to Europe.

Singapore to Ceylon May 11-17, 1882

 Gathering references for learning French.

 Brief stop in Point Galle and Colombo.

Ceylon to Italy May 17-June 11, 1882

 Continuing the journey to Europe.

 Passed through Aden, and Suez Canal, and arrived in Naples, Italy.

Italy to France June 11-12, 1882

 Arrival in Barcelona, articles under the pen name "Laong Laan".

 Visited Marseilles, explored Chateau D'if, and wrote for Diariong Tagalog.

First Visit to Paris 1883

 Observations and Masonic lodge participation.

 Noted the high cost of living in Paris, joined Masonic Lodge, Acacia.

France to Germany 1885-1887

 Ophthalmology practice and various activities.

 Practice ophthalmology, meeting Maximo Viola, composing "Alin mang Labi".

Germany to Belgium (Brussels) 1887

 Research and completion of his novel, "Noli Me Tangere".

 Researched in the Library of Brussels and finished "Noli Me Tangere".
Madrid to Biarritz, France 1888

 Escaped Spanish authorities, and continued his writings.

 To evade arrest, traveled to France and continued his literary work.

Biatriz to Ghent, Belgium 1888-1889

 Continued his medical studies and made revisions to his novel.

 Continued studies, revised "Noli Me Tangere," and worked on other writings.

Ghent to Brussels 1889

 Finished his second novel, "El Filibusterismo".

 Completed and published "El Filibusterismo".

Brussels to Paris 1890

 Renewed acquaintances, and wrote articles and poetry.

 Engaged with the Filipino community in Paris, and continued his writings.

Paris to Hong Kong 1890

 Self-imposed exile due to Spanish government pressure.

 Exiled to Hong Kong, further writings, and involvement in the Filipino community.

Hong Kong to Manila Philippines 1892

 Returned to the Philippines.

 Returned with the hope of sparking reforms and peacefully advocating for change.

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