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Name: Alina Rita Gutiérrez Delgado

Birth Date: May 18 1971
Profession: Hydrograph -Oceanographer
Sex: Feminine
Address 74 #2716% 27 and 29. Havana City
Current employer: Institute of Oceanology
Sector: Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment
cargo current: Second chief of Department Physical and Chemical Oceanography,
Scientific category: auxiliary Investigator
Scientific grade: Master
Working experience: 10 years

Grade studies
Title: Engineer Hydrograph - Oceanographer. Obtained in the Naval Academy
GRANMA, Cuba,1994

I.1 Other Titles

Title: Coastal Traffic Patron. Obtained in the Naval Academy GRANMA, Cuba,1994
Title: Basic Level of English Language. Obtained in the Tamara Bunque School
Havana, Cuba,1998
I title: Master in Coastal Zonal Integral Management. Havana University 2004

Studies of Post Graduate

Concentrated of preparation of new techniques of oceanography,Cuba,1994
Course of train in oceanographic equip “Aanderaa,” Havana, Cuba, 1995.
Course Analysis of the oceanographic processes: Marine Currents. 1996, Havana,
Course of Coastal Marinates Resources: Development and Management 1996 Dr. John
Vandermeulen of the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. Havana, Cuba.
Study of Environmental Impact, 1996. Dr. Carlos Auernheirmer of the University of
Alicante of Spain, Havana, Cuba
Chemical Treatment of the waste waters. IPSJAE
Biological Treatment of the waste waters. IPSJAE
Cycle of Conferences of Marina Biology. 1997, University of the Havana, Cuba.
Course of contamination and Environment 1997, Havana, Cuba.
Environmental Analysis. 1999 , Cuba.
Course “Trophic modelling” 2002 CIP Prof. Dr. Mathias Wolf, ZMT, Bremen, Germany
Course of ECOTURISMO, (University of Saint John.)
Master. in Coastal Zonal Integral Management (2002-2004). Havana. Cuba.
Numeric analysis . INSMET 2005 Cuba

Scientific Technician Reports

Inform: IStudy of the Marine currents and their interrelation with the tide and the wind in
Marina Acua. “Shipyard”: Gutiérrez A. and Pérez I, (February of 1994), Havana, Cuba.
Inform: Marine currents in the entrance channel to Deep Bay (Pinegrove of the River):
Pérez I.; Gutiérrez A. (1996); Havana, Cuba.
Inform: Oceanographic Characterization of Santa Clara's Bay Project UNDP-GEF
Protection of the biodiversity and sustainable development of the ecosystems Savanna -
Camagüey Gutiérrez A. (October 1995-marzo1996)
Inform: Bay of Santa Clara: Characteristic hydrological, hidroquímicas and quality of the
waters. Gutiérrez A., López D., Fernández L., Gómez V. M Blanco and R. Barbeito.
Inform: Environmental Impact. Study . Proyect of having dredged of restitution..
Chapters Régime of tides and currents and Chapter
Line bases of the marine water. Viamontes J. and Gutiérrez A. 1996
Inform: Hydrodynamic characteristic of the north coast of Cuba (September 1996)
Cordero C., Gutiérrez A. GEOCUBA Marine Studies.
Inform: Generalization of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the North coast of Cuba.
Project Currents (September 1996-February 1997): Cordero C., Gutiérrez A.
Inform: Study of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the north coast of Cuba (February
1997) Cordero C., Gutiérrez A. Files of GEOCUBA Marine Studies.
Inform: Study of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the north coast of Cuba (June
1997) Gutiérrez A. Files of GEOCUBA Marine Studies.
Inform: Study of the thermohaline characteristic and dynamic in the waters of the north
coast of Cuba (Sep-Feb) (June-Dec.) 1997. Gutiérrez, Pérez Canet J;Barbeito
Rodríguez ( March 1998). Files of GEOCUBA Marine Studies.
Letters of marine currents in the north coast of Cuba in the prediction of trajectory of
substances or objects to the drift (December 1997). Gutiérrez A.; Rich Jiménez J.;
Barbeito Rodríguez (April 1998). Files of GEOCUBA Marine Studies.
Inform: Contribution to the study of the oxygenate dissolved in the oceanic waters of the
Cuban north coast. Gutiérrez A.; Pérez J; Barbeito et to the one. (April 1998). Files of
GEOCUBA Marine Studies.
Inform: Populations Larvarias of fish of commercial interest in oceanic waters to the N of
Cuba. Pilar Fries; Gutiérrez A. et. to the. (May 1998) (CIP and GEOCUBA Marine
Studies) Files of GEOCUBA Marine Studies.
Inform: Study of the hydrological characteristics and of the circulation of the waters
around Cuba during September of 1998. Gutiérrez A.; Barbeito Rodríguez; Pérez Canet
(December 1998). Files of GEOCUBA Marine Studies.
Inform: Generalization of the hydrological characteristics and of the circulation of the
waters around Cuba (September 1998-May 1999).
Inform: Line Marina Bases for the construction of a vial among the Keys Guillermo and
Santa María, Days I., and López D. and Pérez I. Gutiérrez A. ( September 1999),
Havana, Cuba.
Inform: Study hydrodynamic and hydroquímico, in Coco Key, Pérez I, Gutiérrez A.,
Fernández L., López D., Havana, Cuba.
Inform: Characteristic Thermohaline in the entrance Channel to the Bay of the Havana,
Viamontes J., and Gutiérrez A. (September 2000), Havana, Cuba.
Inform of Risk of Corinthya. Days I.; Jiménez J.; Gutiérrez A. (October 2000), Havana,
Inform: Marine Base Lines for the construction of a vial. Jorge Viamontes Fernández,
Daysi Lopez, Ivan Pérez Iván Reyes, Gutiérrez A
Inform: Study Oceanographic for the construction of a vial from Caibaríen to Santa María
Key Villa Clara. Pérez Santos,. Daisy López, Gutiérrez , Manuel Jiménez
Inform: Study Oceanographic for the location of an Aquarius to the South of Key Santa
María. Villa Clara. Pérez I., Gutiérrez A., (October 2000), Havana, Cuba.
Inform: Behavior of the superficial Temperature of the oceanic waters surround Cuba in
a 34 year-old period. Gutiérrez A.; Viamontes J.; Pérez J.; Jiménez J. (November 2000)
Havana. Cuba.
Study Oceanographic for the construction of a marine. Villa Clara, Iván Pérez, Daysi
López, Gutiérrez, Manuel Jiménez
Study of the characteristic thermohaline and dynamic of the oceanic waters from the
Maisí until Cienfuegos Bay Gutiérrez A., Pérez J. Reyes I and Moreau P. (January
2001). Havana, Cuba.
Study of hydrodynamic characteristics Northeastern region. Jorge Viamontes Gutiérrez
Seasons J. Jiménez
Study the hydrodynamic characteristics to the North of Cuba. (March 2002) Gutiérrez,
Lic Seasons Daysi López.
Inform: ATLAS OCEANOGRAFICO. Study of the Marine Currents around Cuba. Alina
Environmental Impact Study for the construction of aquarium. (December-January 2003)
Iván Reyes and Gutiérrez
Environmental Impact Study, for the oil perforation and exploitation in the Z.E.E of Cuba.
Chapter Marine Waters. SECITMA. April 2003 (collective of authors)
Larvae’s Populations of Fishes in Oceanic Waters of Cuba. Ma. Pilar , Gutiérrez A.
Alfonso Neyda Fernández, Téllez I Ricardo González, and Gustavo Márquez (nov 2003)

V. - Scientist - Technician. events

V Encounter of Geographers from Latin America and the Caribbean, (31 of Julio-
August 5 1995). Presenting the report (1). Palacio of the Conventions, Havana. Cuba.
I International Convention on Environment and Development participating in the IV
Congress of Sciences of the Sea in author's quality in the works: I Study Hydrodynamic
and hidroquímico of sacred Clara's Bay, Letters of marine currents in the prevention of
the deterioration of the coastal ecosystem for the arrival of objects to the drift and
polluting substances. I study oceanográfico in the construction of the Pedraplén Key
Coconut Key saint María. Joint author of the thematic conferences: Circulation in the
north coast of Cuba and characteristic termohalinas and dynamic in the waters of the
region Noroccidental of Cuba.
Second International Meeting of Fluodinámica and their Applications, (January of
1996). Presenting the Report: Study of the Marine currents and their interelación with the
tide and the wind in Marina Acua “Varadero”: Gutiérrez A. and Pérez I. Matanzas, Cuba.
Encounter of creative Women of City of the Havana, (March of 1997). Report “Study
Oceanographic of Santa Clara's Bay”: Gutiérrez A. and Pérez I. Academy of Sciences of
VII Ibero-American Symposium of Tourism (June of 1997). Presenting the Report
Letters of marine currents in the prevention of the deterioration of the marine ecosystem,
Havana, Cuba.
XII Fórum of Science and Technique (13 November of 1997. Presenting the Report
Generalization of the characteristic termohalinas and dynamic in the waters of the north
coast of Cuba (Sep-Feb) (June-Dec.) 1997., obtaining the condition of Outstanding,
Havana, Cuba.
XII Fórum of Science and Technique at Municipal level in the commission of the
defense: Generalization of the characteristic termohalinas and dynamic in the waters of
the north coast of Cuba (Sep-Feb) (June-Dec.) 1997 and Letters of marine currents in
the north coast of Cuba in the prediction of trajectory of substances or objects to the
XII Forum of the Municipality level (November 22 1997). Presenting the Report:
Generalization of the characteristic termohalinas and dynamic in the waters of the north
coast of Cuba (Sep-Feb) (June-Dec.) 1997, Havana, Cuba.
XII Fórum of Science and Technique at National Level obtaining the condition of
outstanding with the report (Generalization of the characteristic termohalinas and
dynamic in the waters of the north coast of Cuba (Sep-Feb) (June-Dec.) 1997) and the
condition of outstanding with the work (Letters of marine currents in the north coast of
Cuba in the prediction of trajectory of substances or objects to the drift
I National Fórum of the Maritime Branch. Being mention with the report. Letters of
marine currents and software Derives in the presage of trajectories of objects to the drift
and stains of hydrocarbons. ( 1998)
Workshop International Fishing 97 (November 17-21 1997), Hotel Neptune.
Presenting the Report Generalization of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the North
coast of Cuba. Project Currents (September 1996-February 1997), Havana, Cuba.
IV Workshop of Environment. Superior Institute of sciences and Nuclear technologies
Presenting the Report hydrodynamic study and hidroquímico of Santa Clara's Bay.
( June 1998) Havana, Cuba.
Plantología 98. Participation with the report Populations larvarias of species of
commercial interest in the oceanic waters to the north of Cuba.
Provincial encounter of Administration and Technological Innovation EPGIT-98
(May 5 1998), Presenting the Poster “Affectations taken place in the marine acuatorio by
the construction of the Pedraplén Caibarién-Key Santa María, Marries Central of the
FAR, Pérez I., and Morales TO. Gutiérrez A. ( May 1998), Havana, Cuba.
ECOJOVEN 98, Presenting the Report “Affectations taken place in the marine acuatorio
by the construction of the Pedraplén Caibarién-Key Santa María, Pérez I. Gutiérrez TO..
( May 1998), Viñales, Pinegrove of the River, Cuba.
II International Convention on Environment and Development. Symposium
International coastal zone integrated management monitorings in Key Rabihorcado,
Pérez I., Capetillo N., and Morales A. Gutiérrez A. (June 1999) Havana, Cuba.
Conventions, Presenting the Reports: I Study Oceanográfico Integral for the construction
of Vial among the keys Francés and María, Manuel J. Rich Jiménez, Iván E. Pérez
Santos, Gutiérrez , Daisy López García, Alexander Cerveto and Tec. Amaury Dieguez,
Behavior of the superficial Temperature of the oceanic waters around Cuba in a 34 year-
old period. Gutiérrez A.; Viamontes J.; Pérez J.; Jiménez J. Rodolfo Barbeito.
Characteristic thermal of the water in the channel of entrance of the Bay of the Havana.
Viamontes J and Gutiérrez A. . MARCUBA superficial Salinity of the oceanic waters
around Cuba. Pérez Canet, Thin Gutiérrez; Viamontes J. Larvae Populations of fish of
commercial interest in oceanic waters to the N of Cuba. Ma Pilar; Gutiérrez A. Rodolfo
Barbeito, N. Fernández and I. Tellez.
Workshop Gathering in Oceanography. University of Vigo (Spain). Poster Behavior
of the superficial Temperature of the oceanic waters around Cuba in a 34 year-old
CONyMA 2001 II International Shop of Contamination and protection of the
Environment. (April 2001),
II Ibero-American Congress of Physics and Environmental Chemistry. (September,
2001), Cuba. Presenting the Report “Characteristic Physical-chemical of the adjacent
deep waters to the northeastern platform of Cuba.” Havana, Cuba.
Forum Scientist on the Studies of the Global Change. Havana (November 2001).
National Technical Scientist Programs “The Global Changes and the Evolution of the
Cuban Environment.” Presenting the report “Behavior of the superficial temperature of
the sea around Cuba in a 33 year-old period.”
Municipal event BTJ. (Juvenile Technical brigades). (2002). Presenting the Report
“ATLAS OCEANOGRAFICO, Circulation of the oceanic waters around Cuba. “Havana,
VIII Shop of the Class of Environment of the ISCTN. (2002). Presented reports like
author and joint author: current State of the marine environment in the north Cayería of
Villa Clara, Quality of the Oceanic waters to the north of the County of Holguín.
Workshop “Oil Activity of exploration and production.” CITMA. April 2003. The Habana,
IV International Convention on Environment and Development and IV Congress of
Environmental Education, June 2003. Havana, Cuba
IX Workshop of the Class of Environment. Superior Institute of Sciences and Nuclear
Technologies. CITMA. July, 2003 Havana, Cuba
Workshop quality and control of data. (Carlos M. Duarte. Of Spain). Julio 2003, Cuba
Course of PETROBRAS, oil offshore exploitation. (Duarte N. and Franco E. of Brazil)
I Wither 2003, Cuba
X COLACMAR. Sep.2003
MARCUBA December 2003. Presentation of conference
CONyMA 2004: Four conferences related with the integrated management:
Event Forgers of the Future (2004): I Work Outstanding in the one Gone.
XI COLACMAR (2005) Poster Influences of the event ENOS 97-98 over larvae phase of
fishes of commercial interest. Valparaiso Chile
V International Convention on Environment and Development. Congress of
Integrated Management (2005). Conference

VI. - Distiction.
Medal Ignacio Agramonte II Class Investigating exemplary order 2710. January 1998.
Medal Vanguard National of the ANIR. National ANIR (July 1998)
Medal Forgers of the Future, National UJC. April 1999

VII. - Studies of Languages.


read speaks writes

Langua B R M B R M B R M
English * * *

VIII. Recent projects

Technical Scientific Programs: Protection of Environment and Cuban Sustainable Development.
“The oceanographic processes and their relationship with marine species of commercial interest “
Investigation Project: Lobster larvae populations studies in the western region of Cuba
Investigation Project: Study of the drugs saturate in the peninsula of Guanahacabibes.
National of Global Change Programs: The influence of the temperature and the level of the sea
on the coralline ecosystems of the western region of Cuba.
International Project: Reconstruction of the variability ocean/atmosphere in the North
Atlantic using isotopes and elements appearance in the skeletons of massive corals in
Cuba 2005
III stage of the Project DUNP_GEF

Tutorship of thesis
Study of the temperature of the oceanic waters around Cuba and their connection with
the global climatic change. AN Granma.

IX. - Technique dominium

The research has worked with, oceanographic equipment of the AANDERAA conpany,
GPS, tides graphic. ADCP. It also dominates automated systems of prosecution of
oceanographic variable and representation of data.
She has experience in the management of oceanographic cruises, as the ship of
Scientific Investigations “Ulises.”
She has worked in the Project Windward Pass of the University of the Florida
(2003_2004) on board two ships oceanográficos of investigations “Seward Johnson” of
the University of the Florida RSMAS and the ship “Ronald Brown” of the NOAA

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