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Name Ana

Camila Contreras 10th B
Class _________________ 16/01/2024
Date __________________ Name Ana Camila Contreras
_____________________________ 10th B
Class _________________ 16/01/2024
Date __________________
Exploration and Expansion Exploration and Expansion
Section 4 Section 4

Section Summary the trade. They brought most of their captives to the
West Indies, but also brought many to North America.
Most enslaved Africans worked on plantations, but
Throughout history, slavery has existed in many parts
some worked in mines, in towns, and in the country.
of the world, and the people forced into slavery have 3. Those who knew crafts like metalworking often
come from many walks of life. Slavery in the
continued using those skills. Sometimes women What jobs did slaves do?
Americas started because of a shortage of labor.
worked as servants or cooks. Enslaved people had to _______________________
Plantations, large farming estates, required many
meet their own basic needs at the end of the long
workers. The European planters had first used Native _______________________
work day.
Americans to do the work, but disease and warfare Why didn’t the use of _______________________
indentured servants solve
Because slaveholders lived in fear that the slaves
killed millions of them. In the 1600s, planters brought
the labor problems of would rebel, they used brutal punishment for even
in indentured servants from Europe to work. But they plantations? minor offenses. Slaves had no rights or freedoms
needed even more workers, so they soon turned to
1. enslaved Africans. _______________________ because by law, they were considered property.
Slaveholders controlled the conditions under which
Millions of Africans were taken to the Americas _______________________
slaves lived, and often abused them. The enslaved
before the slave trade ended in the 1800s. Most came
Africans coped in different ways. Some tried to keep
from the coast of West Africa. Some were supplied by
their cultural traditions alive, while others turned to
African rulers in exchange for European goods, while
religion for strength. Some slaves resisted by working
others were kidnapped by Europeans during raids. The
slowly or destroying equipment. At times, some
Africans who were taken became part of the
slaves revolted, attacking the people holding them
triangular trade, the trading network in which
captive. Others ran away, forming their own
European goods went to Africa in exchange for slaves,
communities in remote areas.
slaves were shipped to the Americas, and then
2. American products were brought back to Europe. The
step during which Africans were sent to America is What was the third part of
referred to as the Middle Passage. Some slaves were triangular trade? The Atlantic slave trade continued for 400 years,
taken by slave traders from the Americas and were not devastating West African society. About 20 million
part of the triangular trade. Africans were shipped to the Americas; millions more
_______________________ went to other places around the world. Unknown
The journey to America was terrifying and
miserable for the Africans. They were chained _______________________ numbers of people died while being forced from
together and forced into dark, cramped spaces below Africa’s interior or during the overseas voyage.
the deck. We know of these conditions thanks to Millions lost their freedom, and so did their
Africans such as Olaudah Equiano, who later wrote descendants.
about the experience. The journey usually took three The effects of the slave trade in Africa were severe.
How might the slave trade
to six weeks, and as many as one in four of the Many of the captured were the strongest young have affected the way
Africans did not live through the voyage. When those people—potential future leaders. The slave trade also Africans viewed their
turned Africans against each other, as rulers waged leaders?
who survived finally arrived in America, their 4.
suffering continued. wars to gain captives to sell to the Europeans. The _______________________
forced labor of these Africans helped to build the
American colonies instead of helping Africa.
SLAVERY IN THE COLONIES _______________________
The slave trade led to the African Diaspora, the
Slaves went to many parts of the Americas. Spanish
spread of people of African descent throughout the _______________________
traders took them to the Caribbean to work on sugar
Americas and Western Europe. This helped spread
plantations. The Portuguese brought millions to
African culture—art, music, religion, and food—
Brazil. By the end of the 1600s, England dominated
throughout the Western world.
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Full Survey Chapter 16 195 Interactive Reader and Study Guide Full Survey Chapter 16 196 Interactive Reader and Study Guide

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